How To Get Any Woman To Love Going Down On You

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How To Get Her To:
WANT To Give You A Blow Job

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Teach Her To Love Oral

Do You Like Your Balls Lapped?

Do you like her to drag the wide, flat of her tongue up the shaft of
your cock from the base to the head? How about when she holds the
base of your cock securely while swirling her tongue around your
glans? Do you like to watch your lover take her pleasure on your
cock? Of course you do. So let’s get you some oral action.

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Oral Escalation
This slim little ebook holds the plan for you to help your lover learn to
not only WANT to give you as much oral sex as you’d like... it will
show you how it’s possible for her to use your manhood to give herself
orgasms from giving you head.

No matter what your blow job status is right now, there’s a very good
chance that with these step-by-step techniques, you will be able to
turn your lady into an oral enthusiast.

You Are The Rare Man

First of all, please know that you are the rare man who is willing to
learn techniques to increase your sexual vitality. Most men either
give up and take whatever they can get or believe they are much
better sexually than they actually are. Few men take the time to learn
new sexual skills. The great news is that you are in the special group
of guys who look at sex as an opportunity for lifelong learning and
pleasure. Your efforts are about to pay off big time!

Cock Sucking Is A Natural Desire

If you want your partner to give you more frequent and better oral
pleasuring, there is a process for getting her to the point where she
actually WANTS your cock in her mouth because she truly enjoys the
experience. The first step is in letting go of YOUR shame about your
own desire for oral loving.

If you are ashamed of your desire, it’s time right now to let that go. If
you feel guilty or embarrassed, why would your partner even want to

A man and woman’s bodies are designed for oral sex. Our mouths and
genitals line up perfectly for hours of blissful sucking and licking.

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Oral sex is not dirty or bad in any way. It’s one of the most natural
pleasures in life. Oral sex is a cornerstone of a hot sex life.

The Blow Job Is Misnamed

The poor ‘blow job.’ What a bad name! It sounds like WORK, when in
actual fact it’s so much fun. I suggest you reframe it and begin calling
it a “blow vacation” instead. Why take a job when a vacation is
available? Sounds better already to me. . . And so will it for her.

“Honey, wanna take me on a little blow vacation?”

Why Women Who Like To Suck Cock Enjoy It

Women who are not yet enlightened about the joys of giving head
often mistakenly believe that only porn stars or sluts like cock in
their mouth. From where they are sitting, cock sucking is just what
some women do out of duty.

On the contrary, a woman who thoroughly enjoys going down on a guy

does it not just because she gives her lover pleasure, but because it
gives her orgasmic pleasure too.

Remember that movie, Deep Throat? Linda Lovelace had a clitoris in

her throat. Well, that’s nearly true. Women don’t have a clitoris in
their throat but they do have erectile tissue in their mouth and throat
that feels as good when stroked by a penis as it does when you stroke
her clitoris.

Most people are just not yet aware that this erectile tissue exists. But
it does!

Just as you feel more delicious sensation in your cock when it gets
hard (engorged or filled with blood), she feels that same exquisite

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gratification in her clitoris, up inside her vagina, on her breasts AND
in her mouth and throat when they get hard (engorged).

In addition, your lady will enjoy giving head because she likes the
feeling of power she gets from making you erect. She enjoys the
textural changes of your cock, first soft in her mouth and then
hardening with her creative strokes, laps, licks and suckling.

She appreciates the trust you give her when you make yourself

She likes to see the joy on your face and hear the moans of your
satisfaction as proof of her sexual desirability.

She, like you, wants the closeness and intimacy that’s shared
between lovers during oral sex.

She feels like a beautiful, sexual goddess when she’s mastered the art
of fellatio.

Women who have a lot of experience also enjoy deep throating a

penis. With practice she can get your penis past her epiglottal
sphincter (throat opening) and slip it down into her throat. Because
her body produces a viscous liquid that lubricates the stroking, she
can get enough stimulation to trigger orgasms. These deep throat
orgasms can also make her ejaculate down at her pussy while your
cock is in her mouth. Pay extra attention to the part about “glow
sticks” to learn more.

Depending on your mood, oral sex offers a breadth of experiences

from naughty to erotic.

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A woman who is very well comed* (given her fill of orgasms) will
worship your cock because she views it as a tool for her pleasure.

[*Alternate spelling is, “well cummed.”]

There is a point at which a woman’s natural sexuality becomes so

strong a part of her nature that she is drawn to want your cock in her
mouth for her own pleasure.

As a man, it’s your role as the sexual leader to get her so comfortable
and tuned in to her sexual desire that oral sex is just one of the
everyday fun parts of making love with you.

Read on to discover the easy, step-by-step approach that will escalate

your lady from timid to tigress.

How To Get Her To WANT To Blow You

In the next few pages you’ll find out why she doesn’t want to blow you
now; how to correct mistakes that reduce her arousal; and the steps
to take to get her to the point where she is offering you oral sex
because she truly enjoys it herself.

You can take her from frosty to frisky if you think about the process
as a series of baby steps. Getting her to worship your cock is an
escalation, a series of small wins, skill-building and confidence-
boosting strategies that are fun for both of you.

The Steps Are:

•Understanding Her Point Of View

•Removing, Working Around And Fixing Obstacles

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•Being Shame-Free and Vulnerable Yourself
•Teaching Her How To Suck Your Cock
•Ramping Her Arousal
•Rewarding and Appreciating Her
•Making Your Dick Always Available To Her

Understanding Her Point Of View

If your lady is willing to give you oral and you just want more or
better head, then all of the following information will be that much
easier for you.

Let’s assume the worst case, which is that she refuses, doesn’t want
to, doesn’t like it and believes oral sex is just something guys think
they should have because they’ve seen it on porn.

For many women, their personal experience informs them that it’s
dirty, good girls don’t suck cock and none of their girlfriends like it or
do it to their husbands, so why should you get it?

They feel perfectly justified turning you down because they think it’s
only done out of servitude or submission. Women who have no
experience to the contrary can’t imagine that a woman would even
enjoy sticking a penis in her mouth.

Mistakes You May Be Making

Let’s start by correcting behaviors you may be doing that could be
working against you right now...

The three biggest mistakes men make are:

1)Assuming you know what she thinks about oral sex

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Trust me. You have made up some crazy stuff in your head about
what your partner believes. You have no idea. You do not know. What
ever you think is only about 10% accurate because she’s not telling
you the truth and you are very likely not even asking her.

So the first thing you have to do is find out what her beliefs are and
where they came from. Because what you are going to do, mostly
through action and reward, is change what she believes. Her limiting
beliefs are holding her back.

2)Trying to accomplish too much too fast.

In general — and yes, this applies to YOU — men try to get women to
do too much before they’ve laid in a foundation for her to feel
successful at giving head.

Do you expect that she should give you oral sex just because you
want it?

Do you expect her to suck you off to ejaculation?

Do you control her mouth and head on your cock in any way that
makes her feel that she’s not in complete control?

In what ways might you have a bigger picture in your mind of the
outcome compared to hers?

Baby steps are the secret to slowly increasing her confidence and
pleasure until she realizes how sensual an experience oral sex can be
for her too, and not just for you.

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Even the simple sensation of wiping the tip of your cock back and
forth against her wet lips can be a big step for her both in getting that
thing near her mouth and realizing it feels good rubbing across her

I’ll get into the step-by-step approach you will take to get her to WANT
to give you oral sex on the next few pages. But before I do, let’s make
sure you understand the negative impact of the third biggest mistake.

3)Not recognizing her tremendous need for security and


Cultural and religious programming makes it extremely difficult for

women to celebrate and feel confident about their sexuality. To help
her overcome her fears of being judged a wanton hussy, you must
provide a constant stream of approval. This will bolster her
confidence and make you her dream lover. I’ll give you specific
examples so you know exactly how to give her approval and reward
her so that she blossoms sexually for you.

Take Me To Your Leader

As the man, you are the sexual leader. No matter if you are equals in
every other facet of your relationship, when it comes to sex, you must
take the lead. It’s not the woman’s role to be the aggressor. Of course,
in role play she might be the “top” for a session. Generally, however,
you want to cultivate polarity — the magnetism of the masculine/
feminine balance.

You are going to be her teacher, her healer, her mentor, her advocate
and her protector in the bedroom. To understand her point of view,

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you must ask her and then listen to what she says so you can help her
understand that the beliefs she holds (which are all she knows right
now) are actually holding her back from enjoying her God-given right
to her sexual pleasure.

The 3 Most Common Reasons She Doesn’t Want To Suck Your Cock
If limiting beliefs, fears and lack of experience — the 3 most common
reasons — are holding her back from desiring all kinds of sexual
experiences, then removing or fixing what’s causing those issues will
allow her body to naturally desire you in her mouth. Oral pleasure is a
primal desire. Oral sex is intrinsic to humans, but that desire gets
covered up by emotional or physical pain, fear or upset.

If she’s not telling you specifically why she’s not interested in oral
sex, talk more with her about it. You may have to gently help her
access her beliefs and feelings and get clear herself about why oral
sex has not interested her thus far in her life. Especially in light of
how important it is to you.

Couples with a solid sexual relationship have oral sex as frequently as

intercourse. Once you two know how to get off together licking and
suckling each other, you’ll never go back to having sex without oral.

The Steps For Discussing Oral Sex With Your Partner

•State your love for her.
•State your desire to have a great sex life with her.
•Tell her you would love to get to the point in your sex life where she
enjoys giving you oral sex and that it is possible to get there.
•Ask her what her beliefs and fears are about oral sex.
•Ask her to be specific.
•Tell her you promise not to take it personally. (Remember, she’d feel
that way about any lover, it’s not about YOU, it’s about her

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experiences, beliefs and fears.) Demonstrate that you are a man
who can handle anything she has to say without taking it personally
or she won’t trust that she can tell you her truth and you will shut
her down.
•Put your full attention on her and sit with her and touch her while
she’s telling you. Be very patient. Keep asking her, “What else? Is
that all?” “Tell me more about x, y and z.”
•Explain that you want to find a path to having her desire to suckle
you and you will think about all she’s said. This is where it’s very
important to be vulnerable and tell her how it is for you.
•Once you understand her objections, you can educate her, remove
obstacles that block her, find compromises and do whatever would
make her feel comfortable taking a very slow journey together to
experiment with oral sex.
•Begin-as-beginners together and enjoy what ever small progress you
both make.

How To Talk To Her About Your Desire For Oral Sex

I’ve written below a “script” for you to personalize and say to your
wife or girlfriend. You will need to internalize the gist of this and say
it the way you speak to your lady. Please don’t write or email this to
her. You must integrate this into your personal approach and speak
directly from your heart. It’s your willingness to be vulnerable with
her that lowers her guard and makes her inclined to tell you her true

And please, don’t omit the steps outlined below in the script. Don’t
pluck out of this just the parts you want to use. Use this script in toto,
as it’s meant to convey love, acceptance, and openness while still
setting the boundary that oral sex is something important enough to

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you that you are willing to have one or many potentially
uncomfortable conversations to find a winning solution together.

What To Say When You Ask Her About Oral Sex

“My darling, I love to give you pleasure, and I want our sex life to
keep getting better and better as I know it can.

I deeply desire the closeness, intimacy and satisfaction of having you

truly enjoy pleasuring my penis inside your mouth and with your

I want to know all the reasons why giving oral sex doesn’t appeal to
you or why you are not interested.

I can only guess at reasons, and I want to know what is true for you.
Tell me everything. There is nothing you can say that will hurt my
feelings, I will not take it personally because I know it is what is really
true for you and that is what I care about, making you happy and
making us happy together.

Please tell me your beliefs about oral. Did someone tell you it’s bad?
Please tell me your fears about oral. Are you afraid you don’t know
what to do? Are there any personal hygiene issues you need to tell me
about? Do you think you have to do it until I ejaculate and you are
turned off by my pre-cum or semen? What is oral sex in your mind
and what parts of it are not pleasurable about it when you think of it?

I truly want to find a way to bring you such pleasure and make you
feel so good and so relaxed and so turned on that you WANT to put me
in your mouth. What I don’t want to do is pressure you, upset you, or
make you worried or fearful.

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Men and woman around the world for eternity have been enjoying
this kind of sexual union and I would like to see how we can move
toward a path of creating that for ourselves.

I am not in a hurry but I am ready to move forward together on this

issue. I love you. And it’s something that ultimately, I want you to
want to do with me, for me, to me.

I do not want to force you or for you to feel it’s your duty. But I do
want to tell you, with all honesty, that having the experience of
willing oral sex is very important to me and brings me sadness and a
feeling of lack and scarcity because I don’t have it in my life.

Let’s talk through these questions and please feel free to tell me the
whole truth of your thinking. I want to understand where you are on
this and how we can move forward slowly. And I adore you, my sweet

Once You Open The Conversation

It’s natural that when women are uneducated and inexperienced they
are afraid. Conversation, as well as showing her your penis regularly,
in small amounts over time will begin to alleviate her fears. You must
ease into it. The first time you talk to her she may not be in touch with
her feelings. Her answers might be vague and shadowy. She might
just think, “Oral sex is gross.”

Instead of judging her feelings, focus on opening her eyes to the bigger
picture. Oral sex is as intimate as intercourse. This is a big request
you’re making, especially if she’s afraid and inexperienced.

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Being supportive and wide open to what ever is true for her and
meeting her wherever she is will begin to repair any damage created
by things she heard before you became her lover.

Ask her questions like this:

What is holding you back from oral sex?

Is part of your holding back coming from something that happened in

the past?

Is part of your holding back coming from feelings of not knowing what
to do?

Is part of your holding back coming from things you’ve heard

authority figures (spiritual leaders, community, family, friends) say
that has made you afraid?

Is part of your holding back coming from a reaction to my body, to my

penis, to my actions?

Just keep asking her these kinds of questions. It’s likely there are a
number of reasons why she shies away from wanting to touch or
suckle your penis.

When she answers, go deeper to get underneath her answer. For

example, if she says she’s afraid to give you oral sex because her
mother told her it was dirty, ask her if she holds the same views as
her mother about sex and why she hasn’t made her own decisions
about what’s right for her, instead of what she’s been told?

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Every woman born on this planet wants to have a sensual, sexually
charged and positive relationship, even if her mother never had one
with her father.

That’s why beliefs she’s taken for granted are holding her back from
the intimacy she would like to have. Questioning old beliefs is very
beneficial in establishing new beliefs that suit a person as they
mature, instead of holding blindly to beliefs that have been instilled
by others.

Be careful not to put her on the defensive. Remember, you are her

Going further with the example of a limiting belief handed down from
mother to daughter, what does she secretly believe as her true
feelings, if she removes her mother’s opinion?

Deconstruct what she says further to get the best understanding of

her beliefs.

Be Vulnerable Too
Please don’t think you’re immune to limiting beliefs either. Have the
same conversation with her about your own beliefs. I’m sure you can
both kill a few sacred cows.

Remember, your thoughts are just that. They are not true. They are
not real. They are just stuff your brain makes up to keep you safe.
Your brain is only one organ in your body — the one that wants to
keep you locked up in a cage of predicable, safe behavior.

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Overcome your mind, your existing programming, and decide
together what is right for you two now as mature, consenting adults
in a loving, dynamic relationship.

Tell her how you pine for the feeling of her mouth on you. Explain
why it gives you so much happiness. Tell her what’s in your heart. Get
her to understand what it’s like to be you just as you spent time
understanding her perspectives. By making yourself vulnerable
about your natural, manly desires, you will warm her to you. This is
not “her issue,” it’s both your issue together.

Once you are both on the same page with regard to your combined
beliefs, you’ll be able to work around, fix or compromise to support
her needs and yours.

Listen up, dear man. I want to say this one more time for you. All the
techniques in the world won’t do you any good until you know what’s
in her mind. You won’t make any progress guessing. You’ll simply
confuse the situation more.

Time for a heart to heart talk about not only oral sex, but your whole
sex life with her.

You have one life to live together. Make it a transcendent, emotionally

and spiritually uplifting experience of a true love bond for both of

You are the leader. Lead her to more sexual expression of the love you
share. There are so many subliminal message that hold women back
from their pleasure. Don’t ever stop being her hero. Bring her out of
her shell of fear and shame with your love and patience. Learn to love

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every moment of her opening to you. You are firmly on the path to
progress just by opening up this conversation.

Her Resistance Boils Down To 2 Things

All three areas of resistance — limiting beliefs, insecurity and lack of
experience — boil down to a deficient sexual education and a need for
conversation. If beliefs hold her back, give her rational information
to update her limiting beliefs. If she has fears, solve them. And how
could she know what to do, until you show her?

To get to the heart of the matter, you must get to her heart and get
her out of her mind. Then her body’s natural wisdom will take over.
She can’t get out of her mind and into her body until you overcome
her fears and resistance issues.

When your mindset is “puppy training” and full of encouragement

you’ll see her quickly gain new skills and feel excited about her

Removing, Working Around And Fixing Obstacles

After you find out what is mentally holding her back you can begin to
fix any issues she has. You want to create opportunities for her to
have small wins very often. The best way is through a technique
called, “3 Little Licks.”

Before I get to this powerful lick trick, let’s deal with your
“manscaping.” Manscaping is personal grooming, "down there." She is
not going to want to put her mouth in your fur patch. If you haven't
yet shaved your testicles and cut back your pubic hair close to your
body, it's time. You'll give yourself a "visual inch" when you groom
yourself and your lady will be much more inclined to play with your

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These are the two trimmers I recommend and you can use them to
shave her pubic hair for her as well.

Shaver 1 trims the long hair close to your body without cutting you or
causing bumps. Cut a one inch circle all around the base of your shaft
so that she can get you all the way in her mouth without your pubic
hair scratching around her lips. Use the Femini to trim back all your
pubes and ball hair.

The Femini beaver shaver.

Shaver 2 is used after you shorten all the hair down. Shaver 2 trims
your hair right to the skin line, but doesn't lift and cut like a razor. It
does not cause ingrown hairs or bumps. Use the Cleancut after the
Femini to make yourself smooth for her.

The Cleancut razor.

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Get Her Used To Touching Your Cock
When you are groomed and freshly showered make the effort to show
her your cock. You are sensitizing her and making her feel more
comfortable with your penis. Educate her about your anatomy. Show
her your glans, your frenulum, your shaft, your testes, your
perineum. Get her familiar with your manhood and she’ll become
more comfortable with the whole idea of taking you in her mouth.

Every time you shave your cock and balls, show them to her. “Look
honey, I’m smooth and clean in case you want to play.” And then leave
it at that. You want her to come to you out of desire, confidence and
interest instead of guilt or service. She’ll come around. You’ll see.

A Quick And True Story

Tanya told me the five top reasons she doesn’t like giving Dan head.

•It takes too long for Dan to climax.

•She’s not really sure exactly what strokes to do.
•Her neck and jaw gets tired.

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•Sometimes it gags her.
•And his pubes are prickly and scratch her lips.

Dan would do an Irish Jig in Times Square buck naked to get more
“love” down there.

Honestly, he’d be happy if she just TOUCHED IT.

But thinking to himself, “Touch my dick.” “Touch my dick.”

“Pleeeeeeeease, touch my dick…”

Well, that wasn’t really working for him...

You were smart to seek out this step-by-step process that is designed
to do what it takes to make her appreciate and enjoy fondling, licking,
sucking and playing with your member.

Knock Down The Issues One At A Time

Once you’ve removed the grooming issue as an obstacle, tackle some
of her other fears.

If she doesn’t want to taste your semen, don’t come. Just enjoy the
licks and sucks and hold back your ejaculate. One day in the future
she will be ready for you to explode down her throat.

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If your pre-cum is
yucky to her at first,
make sure she has a
towel so when it begins
to appear, she can just
wipe it off.

And if she’s afraid that

she’ll be down there
sucking away forever
waiting for you to get
off, just have her give you “3 Little Licks.”

3 Little Licks Trick

This brilliant little “Lick Trick” will make her more inclined to try
oral sex with you. It’s a “baby steps” strategy.

Many women feel just like Tanya, overwhelmed by the whole cock
sucking scenario.

She may feel that if she gives you a lick she’s obligated to get you all
the way off.

You need to reverse that fear in her!

3 Little Licks is the first step to get her to wrap her lips around your
member for a brief moment.

Ask her if she is willing to give you “just three little licks.” Perhaps
she’ll take three sucks. Maybe she’ll just stroke your shaft and lap at
the head of your cock thrice.

No matter what she does, you must reward her progress with an
avalanche of appreciation. I’ll explain more shortly about the best

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ways to show appreciation so you get the maximum forward

How can she turn down just 3 little licks? She really can’t. Unless you
screw up the trick by making this one huge mistake...

If she gives you three licks and then you whine or act dissatisfied and
want more, you will blow up any progress you made.

You must keep your word. You asked for 3 little licks. Be satisfied with
that and don’t push for more.

If you appreciate that she is stretching herself and moving into a

situation that is uncomfortable for her, but she’s (at this point) doing
it for you, and then you are not appreciative, she will feel like she
failed. Worse, she’ll resent that you didn’t keep your promise to be
satisfied with those three little licks.

Whenever you are showered and your cock is well groomed, show it to
her and ask for 3 Little Licks. Then thank her profusely and put your
cock away. Keep reading and I’ll tell you exactly what to say for
maximum appreciation.

Over time, those three licks will turn into 3 minutes of licking. 3 Little
Licks is the bridge to her confidence. Just get her to try it, touch it,
and become familiar with it and she’ll be emboldened to try more.

Then add fuel to the fire by rewarding her for her efforts. The more
verbal appreciation you give her, the more cock appreciation you’ll

The Blow Job Karma Bank

Wouldn’t it be great if you could earn blow jobs just by being nice and
doing sweet things? You might be able to bargain for blow jobs. . . BUT
it’s self-defeating because then you know she doesn’t WANT you out of
pure, selfish lust. If the path you’ve been using is, “I’ll eat you if you

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blow me,” you’re going about this all wrong. That strategy quickly
wears thin.

The long-lasting, super-foundation to getting great oral sex is not

through giving it and praying she reciprocates. That’s a short term

The long-term way to start having off-the-hook oral with your partner
is through training each other. When you start to teach her what you
like... When you are happy with just a few little licks to start...
When your mindset is “puppy training”
and full of encouragement... When you
share your favorite moments with her
afterward and express your
appreciation... All of these behaviors
will enable her to gain the confidence
that will fuel her true love and desire
for pleasuring herself with your

What Gets Her To WANT Your Cock?

So far everything you’ve been
doing is to gain her trust,
overcome her fears, educate her
about your cock and desensitize
her so she gets comfortable with
your member. When she’s
confident she can give you
pleasure and it won’t be icky for
her, she’ll actually start enjoying

But where is that switch that flips her motivation from sucking your
cock out of duty or payback to actually being so turned on that she
craves cock in her mouth?

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The switch is located at the top of her orgasmic fuel tank. Once you
begin to fill her up with orgasms — actually meet her multi-orgasmic
potential — her body will naturally begin to enjoy the erotic
stimulation of your penis in her mouth. It will turn her on to enjoy
you. She will not be able to deny her desire.

There Are Many Paths To Orgasmic Fulfillment

There is a point at which a woman begins to feel like a sexual goddess.
Her sexual experiences begin to give her more confidence. She
becomes more orgasmic. She’s in the mood more often. She’s willing
to try new positions in new places. She enjoys sex more like a man
does. She casts off the societal programming and just begins to enjoy

To get her on this virtuous cycle of good sex generating even better
sex you must slowly escalate her desire. The escalation goes from
romance to sensuality to seduction to advanced sexual mastery.

If she can only come once; if she can only come by using a vibrator, if
she has never experienced orgasms during intercourse or G-Area
orgasms... You have a wonderful opportunity to lead her to her sexual

Our online program, Revive Her Drive shows you exactly how to
move her up this curve.

As you build her confidence in pleasuring you — by giving her very

detailed instructions about what makes you feel good and rewarding
her with appreciation — she will bloom like a petal pink rose.

But it’s not until she starts becoming multi-orgasmic and feeling good
about her own body that she will reach for your cock reflexively.

And I know that’s what you want. You want her to WANT you. You
want her to take her pleasure on you. You want to know there is not
duty or reciprocal guilt involved.

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And that’s why it’s up to you to lead her to the point where she’s so
turned on she’s taking her pleasure with you.

The single best path to orgasmically filling her up to the point where
her motivation switch flips to WANT instead of should is through an
Expanded Orgasm practice.

Expanded Orgasm is a clitoral stroke technique you do with your

fingers that allows a woman to come over and over again without her
clitoris getting fatigued.

Couples who have an Expanded Orgasm practice together typically

have a date 2-3 times a week to enjoy this together. It’s the fastest and
most direct way to fill her up orgasmically so her switch can flip to
WANTING your cock.

The beauty of the Expanded Orgasm technique is five-fold:

•It helps anorgasmic women achieve climax
•It helps orgasmic women become multi-orgasmic
•It engorges her vulva so that even intercourse triggers orgasm
•It is a fingering technique which means it works better than the
blunt instrument of your dick so she feels more pleasurable
•If you have any erectile issues Expanded Orgasm relieves them

If she prefers to have orgasms from you giving her oral or from
intercourse and she can come multiple times from those modalities,
then keep doing that, of course. Or add in an Expanded Orgasm
practice to keep your sex life full of variety and erotic adventure.
That’s what keeps women excited - novelty combined with a bit of the
danger of something new.

Get Her Glow Stick Shining

You know those glow-in-the-dark sticks? Think of her mouth as one
end and her genitals as the other. Imagine that you are trying to light
up her whole body like a glow stick, right down the center, from her
womanly parts right up through her throat, tongue and lips.

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When you activate this central channel of arousal in her body, she
will want stimulation as much in her mouth as she does her clitoris.
As you make love to her, consciously activate this glow stick running
through her by making love to her whole body from her head to her

The reason you want to

connect the top and bottom
(mouth and pussy) is
because they are a single
tube that has a series of
sphincter muscles that
open and close together.

If the top is open, the

bottom is open. If her pussy
is turned on, her clitoral
system and G-area are
fluffy and engorged and
you’re also french kissing her, you’ll be moving her toward wanting
your penis in her mouth.

If she’s having tons of orgasms from your finger strokes, tongue and
cock and you’re kissing her and letting her play with your cock as
much or little as she wants, this also will make her more orally

Stimulating both “ends” of her glow stick will naturally stimulate her
oral responses.

Kiss her while you stroke her pussy with your hands.

Orally pleasure her while she’s doing the same to you.

Slide your fingers in her mouth to suckle as your face is buried in her

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Get creative!

Find ways to rouse her mouth and genitals at the same time and you
will turn her into a woman who LOVES to give oral.

Think about your job as awakening all that tissue equally in her lips,
tongue and mouth as you do her clitoris and vagina. Add her breasts
into your stimulation strategy and you’ll really get her body turned

Rewarding And Appreciating Her

Women are biologically driven to want to feel adored and sexually
irresistible. Don’t confuse these two feelings as the same thing. Adore
AND sexually irresistible are expressed uniquely in a woman’s mind.

First of all, if you want her to be your naughty girl behind closed
doors, you have to approve of her behavior in the bedroom. If you
make her feel weird, dumb or embarrassed about anything, she’ll
snap shut and no more clam for you.

Verbal feedback is the easiest way to make her know that you
approve of her sexy ways and meet both of her biological needs.

Say things that make her feel adored:

“I adore you so much. You are my special girl.”

“I cherish every moment I spend with you.”

“You are more dear to me every moment we spend together.”

And say things that let her know you find her irresistibly sexy:

“I just cannot resist that luscious ass of yours.”

“You have the most beautiful pussy of any women I’ve ever been

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“You turn me on more than any woman I’ve ever met.”

“I can’t get enough of you, baby. I’m addicted to you.”

Give her non-verbal feedback too. Meet her gaze. Stroke her cheek.
Grab her ass. Moan, growl, sigh and say, “Yes, baby. Oh, that feels so
good.” “I love the way you touch me.” “You are my darling.”

All of this verbal approval increases her feeling that it’s safe to let go
and surrender to her natural sexual urges with you. And one of the
most primal urges is to suckle your cock.

The Most Important Moment For Feedback

There she is (finally!) with your cock in her mouth. From her
perspective, it’s the most indelicate of moments. To a woman, a cheek
full of dick is not one bit flattering. Her mouth is weirdly stretched
out... This is not the time for her to look in the mirror. Yet this is THE
MOMENT when you absolutely must tell her what you find most
attractive about her.

“You look so sexy to me right this minute, baby.”

“I love you so much for being such an erotic goddess.”

“You have no idea how much I love watching you pleasure me in this
deeply intimate way.”

“I’m the luckiest man in the world right now to see your beautiful face
loving my cock.”

“No other woman could pleasure me so deeply.”

It may take repeated, positive affirmations for her to actually believe

you find her sexy in this position. Stay with it, the effort is worth the
reward. Think about empowering her sexuality with your words. You
can affect her self-confidence as a woman in this moment more than
almost any other.

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She Wants To Please You
And when she makes any small progress with regard to oral sex,
notice it and tell her she’s getting so good, she’s such a good girl, or
whatever feels natural to you.

The more you offer your approval and appreciation the more she’ll
feel good about pleasing you. Just like filling her up with orgasms,
your masculine leadership —letting her know she’s doing a good job —
will flip her motivation switch to WANT you.

A woman wants to please a man who lets her know she’s sexually
irresistible, adored and good at sucking cock. It’s human nature.
You’ll be her best lover ever through patience, orgasmic fulfillment
and appreciation.

Teaching Her Techniques

Assume that she has no idea what feels good to you. Every man likes
different strokes and speeds. One guy might like his balls lightly
tickled from the bottom up as she sucks his whole shaft from base to
tip. Another guy might go crazy when she sucks the head of his cock
in and out fast while firmly grasping his shaft. Another might go
crazy when she laps his balls. Still another man might think it’s weird
to have his cock way down her throat.

It’s imperative that you give her a lot of instruction and verbal
feedback, especially at first. Most women think they need to do long,
deep sucking strokes over and over and over because they’re oriented
toward the “goal” of making him come. But that gets boring and
besides, few women actually enjoy the ejaculate.

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Training her to try a lot of variety will make it more fun for both of
you. She’ll build a repertoire of moves faster if you give her lots of
encouragement to “freestyle.”

The best part about nurturing her so that she tries all kinds of moves
is that you are getting her out of a “prescribe” plan and into a more
creative state. When she’s rewarded for trying all kinds of licks, laps,
sucks, blows, slurps and tonguing moves, she’ll actually start to enjoy

When you’ll filled her up with orgasms AND she’s feeling confident
about giving you a variety of sensations the oral sex stops being a
“performance” and starts becoming EROTIC for her.

That’s when she WANTS you.

Step-By-Step Recap
Let’s put it all together. What are you going to do to get her to WANT
to give you head?

First you will let her know how important it is for you to have the
pleasure of oral sex in your life as you begin to understand what her
limiting beliefs are.

You will next begin to help her reframe her limiting beliefs, work
around them, fix any roadblocks and find compromises that work for
you both.

You will keep your cock and balls groomed.

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You will take many opportunities to show her your manhood so
she gets to see your penis frequently.

You will french kiss her frequently and play with her breasts in
addition to getting her clitoris and vulva fully engorged so that she’s
turned on from top to bottom.

You’ll ask for 3 Little Licks and reward her for it.

You will give her verbal appreciations that make her feel both
adored and sexually irresistible.

You will teach her different techniques that bring you pleasure so
she knows she’s doing a good job.

You will fill her up orgasmically and consider starting an

Expanded Orgasm practice.

You will enable her confidence to the point where she’s very
turned on and begins to enjoy your cock for her own pleasure.

You will be one of the few men in the world who get the kind of
fellatio that fantasies are made of because you took the time to unlock
her natural, erotic desires.


Personal Life Media 35

Additional Resources
According to Michael Webb, the author of Stroke By Stroke, 82% of
men would prefer an amazing hand job over a good (not amazing)
blow job.

Grab a copy of the ridiculously cheap, thoroughly well-written, easy to

read book,

“Stroke by Stroke”
The Ultimate Hand Job Resource Guide

Stroke By Stroke is brand new and will help you teach her how to give
you a hand job. It’s written for women and gives you a good
perspective about how to teach her.

Training her to confidently give you a hand job is an excellent way to

get her used to your cock before you escalate her into putting your
manhood in her mouth.

Personal Life Media 36

This will transform you from Mr. Cranky into Mr. Happy Honey Do
which will make her more inclined to fondle you in general.

Pick yourself up a copy of this Hand Job Guide.

(It’s MORE THAN a handbook for guys to guide their wives.)

Positions, anatomy, stroke techniques, dirty talk…

“I love watching you erupt.”

Discover how to create “mental

fantasies” that contribute to one of the
most thrilling experiences she can give

Stroke By Stroke just launched and is

not available in bookstores.

Expand Her Orgasm Tonight: 21 Day

Program for Partners

Dr. Patti Taylor helps you begin an

Expanded Orgasm practice with your
lady by having erotic play dates with

This stroking technique allows you to put your woman into an

orgasmic state for as long as 30 minutes.

She will climax over and over and the orgasms will feel better and

Personal Life Media 37

The Expanded Orgasm stroke patterns prevent clitoral fatigue so she
can be multi-orgasmic. This practice gets better year over year and
increases the pleasure she gets from intercourse too.

Sign up here to get three free Special Reports:

What Is Expanded Orgasm?

The Power Of Peaking
Touch For Rapture

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Susan Bratton
Follow Susan for more free romance
and sensuality advice for men in Dr. Patti Taylor
relationship who want more and
Get more free Expanded Orgasm,
better sex with the woman you have Tantra and seduction skills advice
now. Revive Her Drive. for couples at Expand Her Orgasm
Tonight or Seduction Trilogy.

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Sloane Fox
If you dare, get Sloane’s sexy Tallulah Sulis
adventures and sensual musings Get more free advice on multiple
by email. orgasm and female ejaculatory
orgasms (squirting) and on sexual
healing at Female Liquid Orgasm.

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