Tax Finals
Tax Finals
Tax Finals
Final Examination
Multiple Choice
Instruction: Shade the letter of the best answer on your scantron sheet.
Which is true?
a. A only c. A and B
b. B only d. Neither A nor B
Which is false?
a.A only c. A and B
b. B only d. Neither A nor B
23. In order to phase-out a huge deficit, the President of the Philippines passed a law offering all
taxpayers with previous tax delinquency to pay a minimum tax in exchange of relief from tax
assessment in the period of delinquency. Is this a valid exercise of taxation power?
a.Yes, because the measure adopted if of necessity
b. Yes, because the President is merely exercising its presidential discretion
c. No, because the power of taxation is non-delegated
d. No, because only the Department of Finance can issue such ruling
24. With the country under incessant shortage of sugar, the Philippine Congress enacted a law
providing tax exemptions and incentives to cane farmers without at the same time granting tax
exemptions to rice farmers which is the staple food of the Philippines. Is the new law valid?
a. Yes, since there is a valid classification of the taxpayer who would be exempted from tax
b.Yes, since sugar is more important than rice
c. No, since the grant of exemption is construed in favor of taxpayers
d. No, because there is no uniformity in the grant of tax exemption
25. Congress passed a law subjecting government owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs)
to income tax. Is this law valid?
a. Yes because all government agencies and instrumentalities are subject to tax
b. Yes, because the GOCCs are essentially commercial by operation
c. No, because the government agencies are exempt. This would pose violation of the equality
clause in the constitution
d.NO because GOCCs are constitutionally exempted from paying taxes
27. The Japanese government invested P100M in a Philippine local bank and earned P10M
interest. Which is correct?
a.The income is exempt on grounds of territoriality
b. The income is exempt due to international comity
c.The income is subject to tax on the basis of sovereignty
d. The income is subject to tax because the income is earned within the Philippines
28. Which is mandatorily observed in implementing the police power?
a.Public interest c. Public use
b. Just compensation d. all of these
29. Which is considered in the exercise of eminent domain?
a.Public use c. Both a and b
b. Just Compensation d. Neither a nor b
30. Select the correct statement
a.Eminent domain refers to the power to take public property for private use after paying just
b.Police power being the most superior power of the State is not subject to any limitation
c.Taxation power shall be exercised by Congress even without an express Constitutional
d.Taxes may be collected even without a law since obligation arising from law is always
31. Select the correct statement
a.The benefit received theory explains that the government is obliged to serve the people since
it is benefiting from the tax collection from its subjects
b.the lifeblood theory underscores that taxation is the most superior power of the State
c.The police power of the State is superior to the non-impairment clause of the Constitution
d. The power of taxation is superior to the non-impairment clause
34. When a legislative body taxes persons and property, rights and privileges under the same
taxable category at the same rate, this is referred to as compliance with the constitutional
limitation of
a.Equity c. due process
b.Uniformity d. equal protection clause
35. Taxation power can be used to destroy
a. as an implement of police power a revenue measure
c. even if the tax is invalid
d. When the State is in dire need of funds
39. The tax imposed upon the performance of an act, the enjoyment of a privilege or the
engagement in a profession is known as
a.Income tax c. Excise tax
b. License d. Transfer tax
43. Mr. A has tax obligation to the government amounting to P80,000. Since he is leaving the
country, he entered into a contract with Mr. B, wherein the latter shall pay the P80,000 tax in
his behalf. On due date, Mr. B failed to pay the tax. The BIR send a letter of demand to Mr. A
which he refused to pay.
Which of the following statement is correct?
a.The government cannot enforce collection charges against Mr. A since he has validly
transferred his obligations to B under the contract
b.The government can no longer run after Mr. A because he is already outside the Philippine
c.The government should wait until Mr. B becomes solvent again
d.The government should force Mr. A to pay because taxes are non-assignable
48. Taxes that cannot be shifted by the statutory taxpayer are referred to as
a. Direct taxes c. business taxes
b. Indirect taxes d. personal taxes
50. Agreement among nation to lessen tax burden of their respective subject is called
a.Reciprocity c. territoriality comity d. tax minimization