Definition: seizure is a sudden change in movement or awareness due to a
change in the electrical function of the brain. Sudden bursts of electrical energy
may affect movement, sensation and consciousness.
Seizures are changes in the brain’s electrical activity. These changes can cause
dramatic, noticeable symptoms, subtle or mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all.
The symptoms of a severe seizure include repetitive jerking and stiffening and a
loss of control. Because some seizures can lead to injury or be a sign of an
underlying medical condition, it’s important to seek treatment if you experience
➢ alcohol withdrawal
➢ a brain infection, such as meningitis
➢ a brain injury during childbirth
➢ a brain irregularity present at birth
➢ choking
➢ substance use
➢ substance withdrawal
➢ an electrolyte imbalance
➢ electric shock
➢ epilepsy
➢ extremely high blood pressure
➢ fever
➢ head trauma
➢ kidney or liver failure
➢ low blood glucose levels
➢ a stroke
➢ a brain tumor
➢ vascular abnormality in the brain
Types of seizures:
The threeTrusted Source major types are focal onset seizures, generalized onset
seizures, and unknown onset seizures.
Focal onset seizures start in small areas of the brain, such as a single lobe, but can
affect large areas.
focal onset seizures into two types: focal aware seizures and focal awareness-
impaired seizures.
Treatment options:
Antiepileptic drugs are often the first treatment option for people experiencing
multiple seizures. They target the signaling activities in specific brain cells and can
effectively control seizures in approximately 70% of cases.
Brain surgery
resective surgery
corpus callosotomy
Brain surgery for epilepsy can improve quality of life but does carry a risk of