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Ogrezine 2 Web
President/Editor-in-Chief: Steve Jackson • Chief Executive Officer: Phil Reed • Chief Operating Officer: Susan Bueno
Chief Creative Officer: Sam Mitschke • Ogre Line Editor: Drew Metzger • Graphic design by Richard Meaden
Original Ogre image created by Winchell Chung • Illustrated by Rob Goodwin, Tim Kauffman, and Brandon Moore
Photos by Stephan Beal, Mack Harrison, Steve Jackson, and Cat Reddington-Wilde
Production Artist: Gabby Ruenes • Production Manager: Sabrina Gonzalez • Project Manager: Darryll Silva
Art Director: Shelli Galey • Prepress Checking by Susan Bueno • Operations Manager: Randy Scheunemann
Ogre Theme by Tom Smith • Director of Sales: Ross Jepson
Priority Dispatch���������������������������������������������2 Teaching a Computer to Fight Itself:
Implementing an Artificial Intelligence
The Daimyo and the Dragon Solver for Ogre
by Roland Boshnack����������������������������������������3 by Martin Gallo���������������������������������������������� 32
The Superheavy Controversy The Origins of the Heavy Tank
by Karl K. Gallagher�����������������������������������������4 by Mathieu Moyen����������������������������������������� 35
A Fire in the Distance 2-D Terrain for Miniatures Games
by John David Karnitz��������������������������������������7 by Steve Jackson������������������������������������������� 38
Infantry Magnets Artificial Irreverence
by Cat Reddington-Wilde�������������������������������� 14 by Andrew Mull��������������������������������������������� 40
Overrun Hex Optional Rule: Damaged Armor Units
by Tim Kauffman������������������������������������������ 16 by Drew Metzger�������������������������������������������� 43
Iron Mountain Cruise Missile Fizzles
by J. Richard Jarvinen����������������������������������� 17 by Joshua Megerman������������������������������������� 43
Shuriken Counter Reskin������������������������������� 21 Know Your Force
by Drew Metzger�������������������������������������������� 45
Painting Infantry: Boot Camp
by Stephan Beal�������������������������������������������� 22 Mercy Well Met
by T.A. Gordon����������������������������������������������� 49
by Paul Teti��������������������������������������������������� 25 Building Your Own Monopolis:
It’s a Game, Not a Diorama
Defend the Negev! by Mack Harrison������������������������������������������ 54
by Israel Barker��������������������������������������������� 27
Copyright © 2019 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Ogre, the distinctive likeness of the Ogre, and the pyramid
logo are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
“Opa!” Ioannou chortled before sobering. “So it is settled, then, The leutnant blinked despite himself. Below him and to his
yes? We blow out of here, leave the devil to its fate, and then prepare right, he could feel Lucky Fiedler shift uncomfortably in his cradle.
for tomorrow?” It was a hell of a situation for the poor bastard to be in, but at least
he and his were clear . . .
Walters shifted uncomfortably on the pedestal of his command
chair. Leave the devil to its fate, Ioannou had said from atop “Ah, good copy, Hornet Six,” he replied while his eyes searched
Demogorgon. Walters hated the cybertanks for what they were, for the display on his visor that he unconsciously increased from its
what they represented – a weapon so terrible even their creators typical twenty percent mask of his visor to forty. “I estimate at least
viewed them askance. But he wondered now how he would feel ten mikes before the lead elements of the approaching force will
about himself on other mornings when he thought about it cracked make contact at your vicinity. Recommend you withdraw towards
open and burning as they ran away. my location and we retrograde together. Over.”
Walters shook himself. Doesn’t really matter, he thought, but The troop net remained silent, but he could well-imagine the
Fiedler looked up with a querying eyebrow as if he had spoken. The incredulous rage of his troopers as they listened to the erstwhile
escort commander cleared his throat as a cover and said, “Weps, task force commander and the escort leader make a paradigmatic
plot us a course past Ganderkesse and back to basecamp. Be ready shift in their fortunes. But they were professionals of the Army of
to execute on order in five.” Paneurope, God love them. For better or worse.
Lucky gave him a thumbs-up and started working his attack/ And, Hell, they were all volunteers to be crewing the skirts,
plotting board. When he was finished, he would upload it to the rest weren’t they?
of the detachment without needing to be asked. It wouldn’t take “Negative, Four-Four,” the distant cybertank breathed after a
long, but it gave Walters a moment to think. moment, a microsecond of consideration that might well have been
As he did so, he saw the first of what promised to be a wave of interminable deliberation for a colloid mind. “I ascertain a probable
red beginning to build on his sensor readout. Just a few icons, and likelihood of success against the plausible approaching force of
unspecific due to the range. But thanks to a complicated mixture of less than eight percent. A withdrawal in my present condition will
sat-recon, signals intelligence, data-linked but hitherto unknown increase that in the short term, but not eliminate the chances of
friendly elements, and the task force’s own sensors, they were failure to a broadly acceptable degree.”
visible. At present, it was just a handful approaching from the The infernal machine paused long enough that Walters
northwest, moving slowly but methodically towards the cybertank’s wondered if it was for human benefit or because the blasted things
location. was actually considering what the import of its next words would
He couldn’t tell why the Fencer had sent them away when the be. “Prepare to execute your orders, Four-Four. Over.”
ambush popped instead of keeping them around as a foil for the The leutnant’s mind whirled, and Mitzi Trager’s voice broke in
attackers sure to follow up their initial advantage. Hell, it was their on the troop net. “Dammit, Walters, if the damn thing wants to
job to screen the monster, even if they were cold meat in a surprise die so much, let it have its chance!” she said, her usual dispassion
knife-fight. broken by the heat of the moment.
But sent them away to safety it had – From the attack console, Lucky Fiedler cleared his throat.
“Hornet elements, this is Hornet Six,” the commo virtually “Bandits coming on hard, now, sir. Whatever we do, stick or move,
exploded in his ears. “Come in, any station this net. Over.” we gotta do it quick.”
“Bloody Hell,” someone mumbled over the troop net before “What are we waiting for?” Jankowski wondered incredulously.
professionalism reasserted itself. In the distance, Walters could see “It’s time to make dust!”
Mitzi slam a fist down on her hatch coaming and then stab her left Ioannou remained characteristically silent while he and his WSO
hand to the east imperiously. awaited a chance to kill, whether it be now or twenty-four hours
“Hornet Six, this is Delta Four-Four, over,” Walters responded from now. On Walter’s visor, the icons were beginning to coalesce
by rote but his mind was whirling amidst a kaleidoscope of images as they neared the quiescent cybertank and their identities could
of nebulous red icons, eye-searing nuclear bursts, and thin glowing be more accurately assessed. The pair of mobile howitzers in the
paths home – and hope. enemy force would be in range in minutes at worst.
“Delta Four-Four, Hornet Six. Situation is untenable. Large Walters slammed both his hands on the edge of his hatch
enemy force building to the southwest and headed to present coaming in frustration and the sudden unyielding rage of a veteran
location. What is your present status? Over.” who knew in his bones there was always a new fight to be had if only
one was alive to face it. “Hornet Six, a slight chance is better than no
“Six, we have four victors. Have received orders to exfil,” Walters chance at all!” he roared back at the machine that was had ceased
responded, almost breathlessly. “Will you, ah, be able to rendezvous being only an inanimate object, as well as his nominal superior. “If
at our location? Over.” you start moving now, we can cover you back to friendly lines, Lord
“Four-Four, negative,” the monster said; the voice it now used take you!”
had a different timbre and inflexion than previously; it was out of When the machine spoke anew, its voice was softer than before,
sight to the east but the leutnant could feel its vast presence. “I have “Four-Four, one of your fundamental texts inveighs that greater
“But he’s not supposed to report for another half-hour. And Hanson sat down, wiping his hand over his mouth, a habit most
besides, wouldn’t he call if there were trouble?” people recognized in him as a sign of extreme anxiety. His driver,
Sergeant Wiles, looked at him speculatively. “Well, do you think we
“Yes, he would. If he could.” Captain Hanson had reason to can outrun it?”
worry. He was solely responsible for delivering ten truckloads
of sodium nitrate to Launch Site B, high on Iron Mountain. Four Hanson paused before responding. “I don’t know. I hope to hell
armored vehicles, three GEVs and five squads of powered infantry we can. Catch up with the trucks. I’ve got some figuring to do,”
ought to be adequate protection, but. . . As the jeep started off, Hanson reached into a compartment and
grabbed a map and pocket calculator. He began to figure.
“Lieutenant!” snapped Captain Hanson. “I
want you to inform all drivers that they are to When they reached the rear of the convoy,
proceed at maximum possible speed. Now!” Lieutenant Bourcher was waiting in his own
The lieutenant hesitated, as if to say
something, but apparently thought better “Did you find out what it was?”
of his impulse. “Yes, sir,” he said, and ran Hanson frowned at his question. “It’s an
quickly down the caravan to issue the order. Ogre, lieutenant, and it’s coming straight
Hanson raised his glasses again and peered at us.” The lieutenant paled, while Hanson
over the windscreen of his jeep, studying the continued. “Here’s what I want you to do.
unexpected and unidentified vehicle. The Up ahead there’s a large turnout. I want all
roar of the giant diesels reverberated through the lead tanks and GEVs to pull over and let
the air as the 4-ton trucks began their arduous the main convoy pass. Then they are to pull
climb up the mountain road. in after the last truck and be ready for action
Five minutes later, Hanson was still from the rear. And Lieutenant, I want this
standing in his jeep when one of his GEVs information radioed. Now!” The lieutenant
drew up close and shut down its power, falling jumped up, barked a “yessir,” and ran off.
to the earth with a cry of tearing metal, rather “OK, sergeant, let’s go. I want to be at the
than settling slowly as air-cushioned vehicles front of this convoy ASAP.” Sergeant Wiles
normally stop. The door literally flew open and put the jeep into gear, jammed down the
Corporal Jeffrey Jacobs stumbled out, his left pedal and they raced off, gravel and rubber
arm hanging bloody and useless at his side. scattering behind them. Captain Hanson
“Sir,” he panted, “an Ogre! It almost got us! Blew our radio out looked at his watch and then went back to work on his calculator.
on the first shot. It was all we could do to get away. Simpson’s dead, The lieutenant had now joined Captain Hanson in his jeep as it
Meyer’s hurt, but not badly . . .” raced along in, front of the convoy. Anxiously he looked up.
“Easy, son,” the captain interrupted. “Just tell me what I want to “Do you think we can outrun it?” he asked.
know. How far back is it and what direction is it headed?” “No, lieutenant, I do not.”
The corporal paused to catch his breath. When he did speak, it The lieutenant bit his lip. “Then, I guess we’ll . . .” his voice
was in gasps and he kept wiping his brow with his good arm. “We cracked slightly as he spoke, “we’ll have to fight it.”
spotted it about 40 klicks back, just before it saw us. We exchanged
a couple of shots and then we took off. It must still be following us, “Yes, we will. But I’ll tell you what we’re going to do, just in
but our radar went out with our radio.” Jacobs eyed the remains case we suddenly have a new commander.” Hanson looked hard
of the antenna that had flown proudly atop his vehicle. He turned at the lieutenant, who returned his gaze with determination, if
back, half smiling. “I think we got a couple of hits on its treads.” not with confidence, fully aware of who was second in command.
“Now, here’s a map of the roads leading up Iron Mountain.” Hanson
“Good work, corporal. Did you recognize the type?” sketched briefly on a small pad.
“No, sir, not exactly, but from the size, it must have been a Mark “The numbers are the distances in kilometers from one
III. It was kinda hard to judge at our distance and we ran pretty intersection to the next. We’re at point X and are trying to reach B,
fast.” the secondary launch site. The small, curvy line is the old post road.
Launch Site A
10 Launch Site B
The refugee camp cannot be placed on or near
any CP hex or any other military target. Ideally, it
should be placed on an edge of the map farthest
from the conflict zone. Placing it on or next to a
road would work best. The camp should be placed
after the other players have set up as per their
scenario rules.
A record sheet should be made for each Truck
with four checkboxes to represent the civilian
rescue workers (see below).
The refugee player always moves last per turn
(i.e., after the primary scenario players move.)
SPECIAL RULES workers moves into the hex and stops. On the following turn, two
of the second Truck’s civilian rescue workers transfer to the first
Refugees in Towns. Each town hex has 0-50 refugees; roll one Truck, and then both Trucks are capable of moving that turn.
die and subtract 1, then multiply by 10 to determine the number
within the hex when a Truck first enters the town hex. Note: the
nearest town hex (or hexes, if a multi-hex town) to the camp
contains no refugees; they have all evacuated to the camp already.
Once a town hex has been evacuated, no more refugees are present
in that hex.
If Cruise Missiles are used in the scenario, roll as normal on the
Cruise Missile Effect of Explosion Table (see Section 10.04 in the
rulebook) for a D0 unit, and add the above damage rules to any “D”
result. Once a crater is formed by a Cruise Missile, Trucks may not
drive through any adjacent hexes; there is too much radiation for
an unshielded vehicle.
Radiation Variant: Once a hex is attacked by any weapon other
than antipersonnel weapons, a Truck can no longer drive through
that specific hex because of radiation; place a radiation marker on
that hex. (Note: the board may get cluttered quickly!)
Refugee Trucks. Refugee Trucks normally have a four-person Trucks can be detained or commandeered by either belligerent
civilian rescue team: one driver, one navigator, and two EMTs. All via moving into the hex as an overrun. Trucks may not move if there
are capable of driving the vehicle. Each Truck can hold 20 refugees is a combat unit in the hex. Intentionally firing upon a Refugee
for a total of 24 souls. If the Truck does not have a full complement Truck is a war crime. Ogres will not fire upon Trucks.
of rescue workers, it may carry additional refugees, up to a capacity
of 24 total occupants. Trucks start out at the camp with only the
crew on board. ENDGAME
A Truck may not move on the turn it loads or unloads refugees. The refugee player’s sub-scenario ends whenever the primary
It will take one full turn to load refugees onto a truck and one full scenario ends or the refugee player cannot rescue any more
turn to unload. refugees.
With refugees on board, subtract one hex from the Truck’s Victory Points and Levels. The refugee player gets one point
movement allowance. It may only move into a clear hex by rolling (VP) per refugee that reaches the refugee camp. Refugees in Trucks
a 1-3 on a single die prior to moving. If it fails that roll, it may not that have not reached the camp do not count towards the player’s
move that turn. Trucks with refugees transitioning on to, or off of, a point total.
road must stop before transitioning in the same manner as GEVs and To determine the victory level, first calculate the total number of
Light Tracked units at a stream. Empty Trucks move as normal for a victory point. Count the number of Town hexes that could contain
Truck. Trucks cannot drive in woods, swamp, or rubble. refugees. Multiples of this number determines the victory levels:
A Truck is automatically destroyed (loss of all life) if it is ►► Total VP equal or greater than 20x the number of Town hexes:
targeted. It suffers spillover fire if it is in the same hex of another Complete success.
targeted unit (see Section 7.12 in the rulebook) and automatically
loses lives. Roll a die and multiple the result by four to determine ►► VP equal or greater than 10x the number of Town hexes, up to
the number of lives lost; 1 = four lives lost, 2 = eight lives lost, 20x the hexes: Limited success.
etc. Additionally, one civilian rescue worker is part of the total lives ►► Fewer VP than 10x the number of Town hexes: Failure.
lost per multiple above a roll of 2; mark them off the Truck’s record
sheet. If the number of lives lost as per the roll are more than those If the Radiation Variant is used, award two VP per refugee
in the Truck, all are killed. If a Truck is in a hex adjacent to an attack rescued.
(regardless of whether the attack was successful or not), a roll of 1,
2, or 3 on a single die results in lives lost; a 4 or higher delivers no VARIANTS
In addition to the Radiation Variant described above, feel free to
A Truck with no civilian rescue workers may not move. A second try these alternatives:
Truck may transfer one or more civilian rescue workers to an
unmanned Truck if they both start the turn in the same hex. Both Multiple Camps. On large maps, consider one or more additional
Trucks may move that turn. If A Truck returns to camp without a refugee camps. Trucks can bring refugees to any camp. Reduce the
full complement of rescue workers, additional workers join the crew VP awarded per refugee rescued to 0.5.
bringing it up to the full complement of four when it leaves. Limited Civilian Rescue Workers. The camps do not have
Example: A full Refugee Truck is next to a hex that had an additional workers. The four rescue workers per Truck are all that
attacked unit in it. This Truck has been subject to damage previously are available during the game. This makes the subscenario harder.
and only has two civilian rescue workers within it (in addition to 22 Hovertruck Variant. Replace one or more Trucks with a
refugees). The refugee player initially rolls a 2, resulting in damage Hovertruck. Hovertrucks carry only two rescue workers and have a
to the refugees. The second roll is a 4, meaning that 16 lives are lost, total capacity of 18 (so, 16 refugees with the two workers when full).
including the two remaining civilian rescue workers, leaving eight Multiply the damage roll by three instead of four to determine lives
living refugees in the Truck. The Truck may not move that turn. lost, and one or both workers are lost on a roll of 3 or 5, respectively.
However, during the turn a second Truck with four civilian rescue
by Israel Barker
“Gimel-304, what’s your status?” “Copy Segen Uri. Tzevet, Yalla 304, boys and girls!”
“B’Seder, Segen Uri, nothing moving out here but rabbits.” Judit This wasn’t a flash order but Judit gunned her GEV southwards full
bat Rachel was Rasal of the Negev Rangers, 3rd Section, GEVs. She throttle until she was in visual of the coastline. “No, this isn’t right,”
kept her pilots in line as far as any low-grade NCO was able. Duty in she mumbled to herself, “it couldn’t be.” What was an antique like
the Negev was cake compared to assignments in the North, so she that doing here?
could tolerate a bit of slacking. “Segen, send us all you got. You aren’t going to believe this, but
“Gimel-304, long-range is showing something odd down by the we’ve got a Mark II coming out of the ocean down here!”
water. It might be a blip but swing by and check it out anyway.”
distances between two hexes is difficult.
C2 2086
Design: Jackson, S., BGD
Miller, K., se
Chung, w., ra
60 independent tread drives,
powered by central fusion
plant with 3,040 hp each.
symbol from a finite alphabet. In the
case of biological DNA, that alphabet is
main battery
BAY very small; just four letters A, C, G, and
(2) 175 mm satnuc cannon T. The actual symbols used in a genetic
secondary battery
(6) 135 mm satnuc cannon
algorithm do not matter as long as they
are used consistently. We could use the
(6) Rattler semi-intelligent
tactical nuclear missiles LOGIC
first seven symbols of the English alphabet
antipersonnel warning CENTERS
RATTLER MISSILE to represent each of the seven defensive
(12) 30 mm heat railgun
Ogre, the likeness of the Ogre cybertank, and the all-seeing unauthorized possession and/or
units in Table 1, but I1, I2, I3, Gv, Hv, Hz,
pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games
Incorporated. Copyright © 1987, 2000, 2013 by
Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
distribution of this document
carries the maximum penalty.
BATTERIES Mt are more descriptive than A, B, C, D, E,
F, G.
w/vfa - 050711 CENTER FANS
The Chasseur Main Battle Tank was an entirely new vehicle, the
The Leopard 3 used composite armor and active defense systems
first tank which was not designed to meet Cold War objectives left
designed to fight an expected Russian invasion of Western Europe.
over from previous eras. Though not a “heavy” tank in the modern
Lighter and faster than previous battle tanks, its primary mission
sense, its shape and design presaged more advanced Paneuropean
was neutralized by the absorption of Russia into Paneurope in
weapons, and it had many of the elements later found in standard
2015, but this allowed the integration of components from the
tanks of the Last War. Armored with second-generation biphase
T-series Russian tanks into the design. The resulting tank was
carbide plate, equipped with an atomic thermocouple powering a
mass-produced, and it was this tank which was to establish the
hypervelocity railgun as its main weapon, and with hardened, EMP-
conventional weapons superiority of the Paneruopean Federation
resistant integrated electronics, the Chasseur’s main flaw was that
for the next twenty years. In a period when transatlantic relations
it was difficult and expensive to produce in large numbers, which
were already souring, this superiority became a major part of
hampered its wider exploitation.
Paneuropean military and geopolitical strategy.
The T974 was notable as the first Chinese tank to carry biphase
carbide armor, but was recognized, even at the time, as being a The standard Paneuropean tank of the 2050s, the Jaeger 1 was
transitional model at best. Its conventional hypervelocity cannon, introduced at the very end of the Sino-European War to counter
though capable of penetrating the earlier BPC armors of the time, the massed-formation tactics used by the Chinese Hegemony.
was effectively already obsolete by the time the tank was introduced, The Jaeger 1 was, in the end, most notable for the speed with
and required a number of special ammunition upgrades to keep it which it could be produced and the quantities available on the
functional as railgun technology improved rapidly throughout battlefield. By 2055, Paneuropean ground forces enjoyed a nearly
the 2030s. The T974 saw extensive duty in Southeast Asia during 2:1 conventional superiority over the Combine, whose aging Mattis
the confused fighting surrounding the formation of the Chinese tanks had performed only marginally in the Central American wars
Hegemony, but, although plentiful, T974 was rapidly outclassed by where they saw service. The Jaeger 1, on the other hand, did
newer Paneuropean tank designs. remarkably well in the latter stages of the Sino-European War; its
flaws were mainly covered by its deployment in large numbers.
Miniatures painted by Ben Williams A sturdier material is cardboard. It’s still easy to cut to shape,
and you can paint your terrain onto it. If you are not a master
A hill represented by layers, providing painter and want a more professional look, you can also glue paper
a stable base for the howitzer. or cloth to your cardboard. Lots of hobby glues will work to stick
things to cardboard, including good old Elmer’s.
Flat terrain is also light and compact, easy to carry around.
And it’s quick to set up. On the whole, it’s a good solution for most Downsides of cardboard: The edges are usually light-colored
games. Any club, or any hobby shop with a play area, can use a box and ought to be painted, which takes a few more moments. Some
full of flat terrain of one kind or another. kinds of cardboard dent easily, though others are very tough. And
a cardboard terrain piece, once accidentally creased or folded, will
never be the same.
MATERIALS Various kinds of flat foam are also available. Light open-cell
Paper is the quickest and cheapest solution. Find some terrain foam in a variety of thicknesses will fall into your hands every time
patterns that you like (and we have some online at http://ogre. you open a package. (Well, now that you are looking for it, you’ll get
sjgames.com/miniatures) and a color photocopier. Bang. It’s bubble wrap instead, but the principle is sound.) Open-cell foam,
all over but the cutting. Paper terrain isn’t durable, but it’s easily when painted, has an organic appearance that some people like
replaced – so easily that you will be comfortable writing or drawing very much. It survives folding and squishing, and it doesn’t usually
on it to make notes during the battle, because at the end of the move around on its own. It may dent a bit when you put a heavy
game you can throw it away. The biggest problem with paper is that figure on it, but the dents will go away when the figure moves.
it’s so light that it moves on its own. Spray the back with spray-glue, Or, for a small investment, you can buy pink builder’s foam
or tack it to cardboard, to get it to stay still. insulation at the hardware store. You’ll need a knife to cut it, but
Cloth is a traditional material for flat terrain. I found some good it’s very durable, and can be covered with cloth or paper, or painted,
forest, plains, and water patterns on the shelf at JoAnn. Cloth is as you see fit. It’s thicker than most other materials; you may find
cheap, soft, flexible, and easy to cut into any desired shape. And that either a plus or a minus, but the edges really have to be painted
it’s just as fast as making terrain from paper. unless you want pink stripes all across your battlefield.
►► Detonation Failure. If a cruise missile fails to detonate, the Fizzle Example. A cruise missile is fired from an onboard
result is the same as if it were shot down normally. No damage missile crawler and passes in range of 2 GEV, 5 squads of INF, 1 MSL,
occurs. and 1 HWZ before reaching its detonation point 9 hexes from the
launch hex. The GEVs need to roll a 12 to intercept the missile, and
►► Second-Stage Ignition Failure. If the second-stage fails to everyone else needs to roll an 11+. The GEVs roll a 10 and an 11;
ignite, the cruise missile acts as a strength 6 attack against the since the latter only misses by 1, the fizzle roll is increased to 4. The
detonation hex. The hex itself takes a full-strength attack per INF roll 9, 10, 5, 3, and 10; two of those miss only by 1 so the fizzle
13.01, and all units in the hex takes damage from spillover fire roll is increased to 6. The MSL rolls an 8, and the HWZ rolls a 4, both
per 7.12. This does not cause fratricide (10.02.1), and it cannot missing.
be combined with any other attack.
When the cruise missile detonates, a 6 is rolled on 3d6,
►► Reduced Cruise Missile Explosion. If a cruise missile explodes indicating that a fizzle has occurred. Since the fizzle roll was 6, the
with reduced yield, use the standard cruise missile damage fizzle modifier is 1 (6/5 = 1.2, round down to 1). Rolling 2d6 results
rules from 10.04 with the following modifications: in a 9, and subtracting 1 gives an 8 as the final result for a reduced
►► All units outside the detonation hex are treated as though they cruise missile explosion. The hex becomes a small crater as a result
were double the distance from the explosion (before terrain of the explosion.
Swamp: As with the forest, I cut the bases from art board,
this time a light blue color. Since swamps can’t be damaged or
destroyed in the Ogre rules, there’s no need to ever replace a swamp
with rubble. Therefore, unlike with the other Monopolis terrain, I
created a couple of multi-hex swamp pieces. However, I was frugal
with the flocking and static grass. I only used a thin layer sprinkled
over the spray glue, so that you could still see most of the blue board
beneath it. After the grass and flock was in place, I sparely applied
the lichen, using it to delineate spaces on the multi-hex pieces. City: Putting together the various city tiles was the most
entertaining part of this project. In addition to the traditional
houses and hotels from the original version of the board game,
Monopoly, I had different shaped dwellings from variant editions,
and even skyscrapers from Monopoly City Edition. There were also
buildings from the Toobs line of toys, random plastic bits, and some
1/1200 die cast structures I found at a flea market. The various
styles of buildings allowed me to create distinct neighborhoods on
a single coaster and bring Monopolis to life. However, this portion
of the build required a little more setup.
First, I sprayed the coasters a nice, concrete-looking shade of
gray. When they were done, I took all the brightly colored game
pieces and separated the various buildings, hotels, and houses to
see how many pieces I had of each style. Then I separated each style
into a number of sized groups equal to the spray paints I wanted to
use: mostly gray, white, tan, and brown. I threw in the smaller bits
as well. Getting these pieces painted is tricky; the blast from those
rattle cans will blow them around if they’re not secured. To remedy
that, I sprayed glue on some aluminum foil-covered cardboard.
After giving it a few minutes to lose some stickiness, I pushed the
building tokens onto the foil, and the adhesive kept the pieces
in place. I then applied the different paint colors to the groups of
buildings. Once the paint was dry, it was easy to pull the models off
the foil.
Ogre, and its sequel G.E.V., have spawned a number of
expansions, including The Ogre Book, and ultimately, Ogre
Designer’s Edition, as well as other games in the Ogre universe
including GURPS Ogre, Ogre Miniatures, and Ogre: Objective
218. Currently, Ogre Sixth Edition and Ogre Reinforcements
carry on the proud tradition of the Ogre line.
Ogre continues to grow, and we will be happy to let you
know what’s new. The Ogre home page is ogre.sjgames.com.
Please visit it for scenarios, history, and other info on the Ogre
universe. You can subscribe to an “Ogre News” mailing list by
going here (https://groups.google.com/a/sjgames.com/
forum/#!forum/ogrenews) and clicking on “Join Group.”