Emtech Reviewer
Emtech Reviewer
Emtech Reviewer
Long Tail – services are offered on demand
ICT: a.) Information is facts or ideas rather than on a one-time purchase
collected from a legible source
Software as a Service – User will only
b.) Communication is the imparting of subscribe to a service when necessary;
information which involves sender and cheaper option if you do not always use a
receiver software
c.) Technology are tools/ devices Mass Participation - diverse information
made of scientific knowledge shared to universal access
Philippines is the ICT Hub of Asia WEB 3.0 (SEMANTIC WEB):
Makati City is the Selfiest City in the movement led by the World Wide
world an Cebu is rank 9 according to Web Consortium. Provides a
Time Magazine framework that allows data to be
WWW: World Wide Web shared and reuse to deliver web
content specifically targeting the
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium user.
Is the information space created by PROBLEMS OF WEB 3.0
Tim Berners-Lee
WEB 1.0 (Static Web): Static (also •Compatibility-HTML files and current web
known as flat page or stationary browsers could not support Web 3.0.
page) in the same that the page “as •Security – The user’s security is also
is” and cannot be manipulated by question since the machine is saving his or
the user her preferences.
WEB 2.0 (Dynamic Web): allows
the user to interact with the page; •Vastness-The World Wide Web already
instead of just reading a page, the contains billions of web pages.
user may be able to comment or •Vagueness – Certain words are
create a user account. Dynamic imprecise. The words “old” and “small”
page refers to the web pages that would depend to the user.
are affected by user input or
preference. • Logic- since machines use logic, there are
certain limitations for a computer to be able
KEY FEATURES OF WEB 2.0 to predict what the user is referring to at a
Folksonomy: allows users to categorize given time
and classify/arrange information. Popular TRENDS IN I.C.T
social networking sites such as Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, etc. use tags that 1.) Convergence– is the synergy of
start with a pound sign (#) or hashtag. technological advancements to work
on a similar goal or task.
Rich User Interface – content is dynamic 2.) Social Media– is a website,
and is responsive to user’s input. application, or online channel that
User Participation– the owner of website is enables web users to create, co-
not the only one who is able to put content.
create, discuss, modify, and Windows Phone OS – a closed source
exchange user generated content. and proprietary operating system developed
by Microsoft.
Symbian– the original smartphone OS;
Social Networks – These are sites that
used by Nokia devices.
allows you to connect with other people with
the same interests or background Example : WebOS– originally used in smartphones;
Facebook and Google+ now used in smartTVs from LG
Bookmarking Sites– These are sites that Windows Mobile – developed by
allow you to store and manage links to Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs.
various website and resources. Most of
these sites allow you to create a tag allows Assistive Media – is a nonprofit service
you to and others easily share them. Ex. : designed to help people who have visual
StumbleUpon/Pinterest and reading impairments.
Social News– These are sites that allow ONLINE SYSTEM: Is a system connected
users to post their own news items or links to the internet. An offline system is
to other news sources Ex.: Reddit and Digg disconnected from the internet
Media Sharing – These are sites that allow How to find out if the website is secured:
you to upload and share media content like
It has https at the start of the URL or a lock
images, music and video. Example: Flickr,
Youtube and Instagram.
ONLINE FUNCTIONS: Email functions from
Microblogging– These are sites that focus
the server, updating of web blacklists or
on short updates from the user. Ex: Twitter
undesirable websites, list of file sharing
and Plurk
programs, remote access to child.
Blogs and Forums– These websites allow
ONLINE PLATFORMS: Online marketplace
user to post their content. Blogger,
that places one party in touch with another,
WordPress and Tumblr
like buyers and sellers.
3.) Mobile Technologies – The
-Categories: Social media, search
popularities of smartphones and
engines, communication service, payment
tablets has taken a major rise over
system, advertising platforms, creative
the years.
content outlets
INTERNET: Information superhighway
where anyone can place and grab
iOS– use in apple devices such as information.
iPhone and iPad. Created by Apple Inc. TYPES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION
Android – an open source OS developed AT RISK: Parent’s & sibling’s name, first,
by Google. Being open source means middle and last name, birthday, address,
mobile phone companies use this OS for school, phone number
free. (Latest version Pie 9.0) TIPS TO STAY SAFE ONLINE
Blackberry OS– use in Blackberry Be mindful of what you share online
Do not just accept terms and 2. Admire to the same standard of
conditions, read it behavior online that you’d follow
Do not share your password with in real life
anyone 3. Know where you are in
Do not talk to stranger online or cyberspace
face-to-face 4. Respect other people’s time and
Never post anything about future bandwidth
vacations 5. Make yourself look good
Only add friends you know in real life 6. Share expert knowledge
Do not click or reply to links from 7. Help keep flame wars under
suspicious emails control
Avoid using untrusted websites 8. Respect other people’s privacy
9. Don’t abuse power
10. Be forgiving of other’s mistakes
Malware: Malicious software
a.) VIRUS: A malicious software
designed to replicate itself and -Process of interactively searching and
transfer from one computer to retrieving requested information via a
another (CDS, internet, local computer from database
Search engine: Software system designed
b.) WORM: transfers from one
to search for wide web. The search results
computer to another by any
are presented in a line.
types of means like the
ILOVEYOU or love bug that Google: #1 online search engine
attacked millions of people after
May 5, 2000. It originated in Google Filter: You can filter and customize
Pandacan, Manila search results
c.) TROJAN: Disguises as a useful Google Advance search: gives you the
program but when you download ability to narrow searches by a series of
it, it leaves your computer different filters
unprotected and allows hackers
to get your information Refine Web Search: Uses operation that
SPYWARE: Runs in the background include symbols or words in your search
without you knowing. It monitors
what you are doing & typing through
keylogging + : include terms usually ignored
ADWARE: Advertisement ware. A
program designed to send you ads “ ” : finds exact words in a phrase
as pop-ups ( ): finds webpages that contain group of
RANSOMWARE: type of malicious words
software from cryptovirology that
threatens to publish the victim’s data & or and: includes another topic searched
or perpetually block access unless for
ransom is given.
NOT or - : exclude a term
OR or | : to search for either two of the
1. Remember the human terms
$ : For specific price of object 4. Template: Contains specific
formatting for a certain document
. . . : range of numbers
@: searches a profile name 5. Thesaurus: Provides synonym for
a word in a document
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: 6. Tables: Information can be
https://scholar.google.com organized into rows and columns
Allows students and educators to search 7. Mail Merge: Allows you to create a
across a wide range of academic literature. document and merge it with another
one for mass sending of letters or
Author, Date, Source) 8. Text Wrap: Adjusts the image
behavior around other objects or
Domain: examples are .com, .org, .net,
.edu, .gov, .ph, .mil
Shortcut Keys in MS Word
Author: Information on the internet with a
listed author is one credible site Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + B Bold text
Date: By including a date, the website
Ctrl + C Copy text
allows you to make decisions about whether
Ctrl + D Show font dialogue box
that information is recent enough for the
Ctrl + E Align text to center
Ctrl + F Display find dialogue box
Sources: Credible websites, like books and Ctrl + G Display go to dialogue box
scholarly articles, should site the source of Ctrl + H Display replace dialogue box
information presented. Ctrl + I Italicize text
Ctrl + J Justify text
WORD PROCESSOR: Is an electronic Ctrl + K Create a hyperlink
device or a computer software app that Ctrl + L Align text to left
performs the task of composing, formatting Ctrl + M Indent paragraph to left
and printing of documents. Ctrl + N Create new document
Ctrl + O Open a document
Microsoft Word: Is a word processor
Ctrl + P Display print dialogue box
developed by Microsoft. It was first released Ctrl + R Align text to right
on October 25, 1983. The shortcut to open Ctrl + S Save document
this is to Click windows button + R + Ctrl + U Underline text
winword and enter Ctrl + V Paste text
FUNCTIONS OF MS WORD Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + Y Undo the last undone action
1. Autocorrect: Corrects common Ctrl + Z Redo the last action
spelling errors as well as
capitalization mistakes
2. AutoFormat: Applies formatting to
text Home Tab: Allows you to change/modify
3. Grammar Checker: Proofreads document settings such as the font
documents for grammar, writing, properties, adding bullets, adjusting styles
style, sentence structure. reading etc.
Text Alignment: Left, Center, Right, Presentation software: Application/software
Justified that allows users to create visual aids for
presentations to communicate ideas, and
Page Layout Tab: Arrangement of text,
other info.
images and other objects like margin,
orientation columns, size MS PowerPoint: Created by Robert Gaskins
and Dennis Austin at a software company
Page orientation: landscape,
named Forethought Inc. released son on
April 20, 1987 for Macintosh Computers
Page sizes: only. Microsoft bought this software for a
total of $14 million.
Short (letter) 8.5 x 11
Long (legal) 8.5 x 14, only available Slide: A single page in a presentation
in US and available as Folio in the
Slide deck: Collection of slides in the left
Philippines which comes in the size
side where you can scroll up & down to
of 8.5 x 13
select a specific slide
A4: 8.27 x 11.69
Design Template: Pre-designed graphic
Image Placement: Default setting for
styles that you can apply to your slides.
images that are inserted
Slideshow: Collection of pages arranged in
Square: Image can be placed
a sequence that contains text and images
anywhere within the paragraph with
for presenting to audience
the text
Tight: Almost the same as the To present your slideshow, click F5.
Animation: Effects applied to text or images
Through: Text will flow even tighter,
in a slide
and image can be placed anywhere
Top & Bottom: text will appear Transition: motion effects applicable to slide
vertically on top and bottom of the when in slideshow
Behind text: Image can be placed Hyperlink: Allows you to jump to another
anywhere with text floating in front location like video, another slideshow or
Infront of text: Allows image to be URL
the foreground Normal View: Simplified layout of the page
MAIL MERGE AND LABEL GENERATION where you can quickly edit and format text
-Powerful tool for writing and Note Page View: Displays your slides on top
sending a personalized letter or e-mail to portion of the page, with the speaker’s notes
many different recipients. for each slide in the note pane on the
Outline View: Displays all of the text in a
Powerpoint presentation: serves as visual powerpoint slideshow in outline form without
aids the images, objects or animations
Shortcut for opening MS Powerpoint: Click File insertion: Images, illustrations, links,
windows button + R +powerpnt text, media
2 kinds of hyperlink: Link and Action
Link: hyperlink for URL or website Cell reference: Cell address of the cell
which is usually combined letters and
Action: hyperlink for media or another
Merge: Combining or joining 2 or more cells
that can be magnet or needle.
Formula Bar: displays the content of a cell
1. Minimize: keep slide counts to
minimum to maintain a clear Functions: Predefined formulas already
message available
2. Clarity: Avoid being fancy by adding
font style which is not easy to read
3. Simplicity: Use bullets on short =SUM(x,y) or =SUM(range) for
sentences addition
4. Visuals: Do not use too many =PRODUCT(x,y) multiplies value of
graphics cells
5. Consistency: Use uniform design =QUOTIENT(x,y) divides value of
6. Contrast: When the background is cells
dark, use light font and vice versa =x-y subtracts values of cells
=ABS(x) Absolute value of x
=AVERAGE(x,y) average of x and y
to organize data in rows and columns and
=CONCATENATE(x,y) joins x and y
perform calculations. These rows and
as 1
columns collectively are called worksheets.
=IF(Conidition, x,y)
MS Excel: Spreadsheet developed by =ISEVEN(x,y) selects even number
Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android. It =ISODD(x,y) selects odd number
features calculations, graphing tools, pivot =COUNT(range) counts the number
tables and a macro programming language of cell containing a number within
called visual basic for applications. the range
=COUNTIF(range, criteria) counts
Shortcut to open: windows + R + excel and
the number of cell that fits the
criteria within the range
KEY TERMS IN EXCEL =ISNUMBER(x) true if x is a number
=ISTEXT (x) true if x is a letter
Row: Horizontal line of entries in a table =LEN (x)
labeled by numbers =proper (x)
Column: Vertical line of entries labeled by =LEFT (x)
letters =RIGHT (x)
=PI (X)
Cell: Place where info is held in a =MIN (x,y) smallest number
spreadsheet between x and y
=MAX (x,y) largest number between
Active cell: Present or highlighted cell
x and y
Column heading: Box at each column’s top =MIN (range) smallest number
within the range
Row heading: The row number =MAX (range) largest number within
the range
=POWER (x,y) value of x raised to
the power of y
=ROUND (x,y) rounds of x to a
specified number of digits(y)
=COLUMN(X) returns column
number of x
=ROW(X) row number of x
=SQRT(X) square root of x
=TRIM(X) removes extra spaces in
x in
=UPPER(X) x in all capital form
=LOWER(X) x in non capital form
=TODAY( ) returns the current date
=NOW returns the current date and