Guidelines For The Management of Pediatric Severe.2

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Patrick M. Kochanek, MD,

Robert C. Tasker, MA, MD,
Nancy Carney, PhD§
Annette M. Totten, PhD§ Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Severe
P. David Adelson, MD¶
Nathan R. Selden, MD, PhD|| Traumatic Brain Injury, Third Edition: Update of the
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Cynthia Davis-O’Reilly, BS§

Erica L. Hart, MST§ Brain Trauma Foundation Guidelines, Executive
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Michael J. Bell, MD#

Susan L. Bratton, MD, MPH∗∗ Summary
Gerald A. Grant, MD‡‡
Niranjan Kissoon, MD, FRCP(C),
MCCM§§ The purpose of this work is to identify and synthesize research produced since the
Karin E. Reuter-Rice, PhD, second edition of these Guidelines was published and incorporate new results into
Monica S. Vavilala, MD|||| revised evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of severe traumatic brain
Mark S. Wainwright, MD, PhD## injury in pediatric patients. This document provides an overview of our process, lists
the new research added, and includes the revised recommendations. Recommenda-

Department of Critical Care Medicine, tions are only provided when there is supporting evidence. This update includes 22
Department of Anesthesiology, Pe-
diatrics, Bioengineering, and Clinical recommendations, 9 are new or revised from previous editions. New recommendations
and Translational Science, Safar on neuroimaging, hyperosmolar therapy, analgesics and sedatives, seizure prophylaxis,
Center for Resuscitation Research, temperature control/hypothermia, and nutrition are provided. None are level I, 3 are
University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, UPMC Children’s Hospital of level II, and 19 are level III. The Clinical Investigators responsible for these Guidelines
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; also created a companion algorithm that supplements the recommendations with expert
(Continued on next page) consensus where evidence is not available and organizes possible interventions into
This executive summary has been
first and second tier utilization. The complete guideline document and supplemental
co-published and appears in Pediatric appendices are available electronically (
Critical Care Medicine and Neurosurgery. The online documents contain summaries and evaluations of all the studies considered,
Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N,
including those from prior editions, and more detailed information on our methodology.
Totten AM, Adelson PD, Selden NR, New level II and level III evidence-based recommendations and an algorithm provide
Davis-O’Reilly C, Hart EL, Bell MJ, Bratton additional guidance for the development of local protocols to treat pediatric patients with
SL, Grant GA, Kissoon N, Reuter-Rice KE,
Vavilala MS, Wainwright MS: Guidelines
severe traumatic brain injury. Our intention is to identify and institute a sustainable process
for the Management of Pediatric Severe to update these Guidelines as new evidence becomes available.
Traumatic Brain Injury, Third Edition:
Update of the Brain Trauma Foundation
KEY WORDS: Critical care, Evidence-based medicine, Head injury, Guidelines, Pediatrics, Systematic review,
Guidelines, Executive Summary. Pediatr Traumatic brain injury
Crit Care Med. 2019;20(3): 280-289; Neurosurgery 84:1169–1178, 2019 DOI:10.1093/neuros/nyz051

Reviewed for evidence-based integrity

and endorsed by the American

he third edition of the Brain Trauma guidelines for prehospital management of all
Association of Neurological Surgeons
and Congress of Neurological Surgeons.
Foundation’s Guidelines for the ages (forthcoming). It represents a substantial
Management of Pediatric Severe effort by a multidisciplinary group of individuals
Correspondence: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)1 updates the assembled to reflect the team approach to the
Patrick M. Kochanek, MD, MCCM, second edition published in 2012.2 This new treatment of these complex, critically ill patients
Safar Center for Resuscitation Research,
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
publication is part of an effort to update a that is essential to optimizing critical care and
John G. Rangos Research Center – 6th suite of 3 Brain Trauma Foundation Guide- improving outcomes.
Floor, lines, including similar acute care guidelines A total of 48 new studies were included in
4401 Penn Avenue, for adults (published in January 2017)3 and this third edition. Although some progress has
Pittsburgh, PA 15224.
been made and should be celebrated, overall
ABBREVIATIONS: ADAPT, Aute Pediatric TBI Trial; the level of evidence informing these Guidelines
Received, January 11, 2019. ACM, advanced cerebral monitoring; CPP, cerebral remains low. High-quality randomized studies
Accepted, February 5, 2019. perfusion pressure; ICP, intracranial pressure; RCT, that could support level I recommendations
Published Online, March 2, 2019. randomized controlled trial; TBI, Traumatic Brain remain absent; the available evidence produced
Injury only 3 level II recommendations, whereas most
Copyright  C 2019 by the Society of

Critical Care Medicine and the World Neurosurgery Speaks! Audio abstracts available for this recommendations are level III, supported by
Federation of Pediatric Intensive and article at lower quality evidence.
Critical Care Societies.



In addition to the Guidelines, we have authored a companion lines are not intended to cover all topics relevant to the care of
article that presents a “Critical Pathway” algorithm of care for patients with severe TBI. Specifically, topics related to general
both first tier and second tier (refractory intracranial hyper- good care for all patients, or all trauma patients, are not included.
tension) approaches.4 The algorithm reflects both the evidence- Developing protocols that integrate TBI-specific, evidence-
based recommendations from these Guidelines as well as based recommendations with general best practices for trauma
consensus-based expert opinion, vetted by the full committee, patients, and that provide guidance, suggestions, or options in
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where evidence was not available. The algorithm also addresses areas of TBI management where the evidence is insufficient, is
a number of issues that are important but were not previ- outside the scope of these Guidelines. These recommendations
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ously covered in the Guidelines, given the lack of research. are intended to provide the foundation on which protocols can
Specifically, the algorithm addresses issues such as a step-wise be developed that are appropriate to different treatment environ-
approach to elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), differences in ments. The algorithm developed by the clinical investigators is
tempo of therapy in different types of patients, scenarios with a one example of such a protocol, but not the only possible protocol
rapidly escalating need for ICP-directed therapy in the setting that could be developed based on these Guidelines.
of impending herniation, integration of multiple monitoring
targets, and other complex issues such as minimal vs optimal
therapeutic targets and approaches to weaning therapies. METHODS
It is important to acknowledge that these Guidelines were
written as the Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI The methods for developing these Guidelines were organized in 2
Trial (ADAPT),5-7 one of the most important in the field of phases—the systematic review, including the identification, assessment,
and synthesis of the literature; and the use of that foundation for
pediatric TBI, was coming to a close. The ADAPT completed
evidence-based recommendations.
enrollment of 1000 cases of severe pediatric TBI and is one
example of the recent, heightened general interest in TBI as a
disease. This new interest in the importance of TBI has emerged Systematic Evidence Review and Synthesis
in part from the recognition of the high prevalence of TBI across Literature Search and Review
the injury severity spectrum, particularly concussion, and from
Our literature search protocol is described in detail, and the search
the need for new classification systems and new trial design for strategies are in Appendix D of the full online guideline document.1
TBI in both children and adults.8,9 We expect that the results Please note that all appendices mentioned in this executive summary refer
of ADAPT, along with those of other ongoing trials and recently to appendices to the full guidelines document.1
completed research in the field, will help provide new insight and The key criteria for including studies in the review were as follows:
clarity into the acute medical management of infants, children, the population included pediatric patients (age ≤ 18 yr) with severe TBI
and adolescents with severe TBI and support further refinement (defined as Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3-8), and the study assessed an
of the recommendations in these documents. included outcome (mortality, neurologic function, or appropriate inter-
mediate outcomes for the topic). Two reviewers independently identified
studies to include, and differences were resolved via consensus or by a
THE SCOPE OF THE GUIDELINES third reviewer. Detailed inclusion criteria and a list of studies excluded
The Guidelines address monitoring, thresholds for ICP and after full-text review are in the online document in Appendices B and E.1
This edition adds studies published from 2010 to June 2017.
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), and 10 categories of treatments
specific to TBI in infants, children, or adolescents. The Guide-
Quality Assessment and Data Abstraction of Individual Studies
(Continued from previous page) All included studies were assessed for potential for bias, which is a

Department of Neurology, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain
systematic approach to assessing the internal validity or quality of studies.
Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; The quality criteria used in the second edition were maintained and
Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center, Department of Medical Informatics applied to the newly identified studies of monitoring and treatments.
and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon; The criteria for threshold studies were revised to be specific to the quality

Deptartment of Pediatric Neurosurgery, BARROW Neurological Institute at Phoenix of threshold studies. (See appendix F in the online document1 for a
Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona; || Department of Neurological Surgery, Oregon complete list of the quality criteria used for individual studies.) Key data
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon; # Department Critical Care Medicine,
Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia; ∗∗ Department
elements were then extracted from each study and placed into tables.
of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; ‡‡ Department of Neurosurgery, The tables were provided to the clinical investigators and summarized
Stanford University, Stanford, California; §§ Department of Pediatrics, British Columbia’s by topic in the guideline document (see summaries by topic in the
Children’s Hospital, Child and Family Research Institute, University of British Columbia, full report online).1 Class 1 is the highest class and is limited to good-
Vancouver, Canada; ¶¶ School of Nursing/School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, quality randomized trials. Class 2 includes moderate-quality randomized
Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina;
controlled trials (RCTs) and good-quality cohort or case-control studies.
Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center (HIPRC), University of Washington,
Class 3 is the lowest class and is given to low-quality RCTs, moderate to
Seattle, Washington; ## Division of Pediatric Neurology, University of Washington, low-quality cohort or case-control studies, and treatment series and other
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington noncomparative designs.

1170 | VOLUME 84 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2019


Synthesis 2) Level II recommendations were based on a moderate-quality body of

The final phase of the evidence review is the synthesis of individual evidence.
studies into information that the clinical investigators and the methods 3) Level III recommendations were based on a low-quality body of
team use to develop recommendations. This synthesis is described for evidence.
each topic in the online document in the sections titled evaluation of the
evidence, following the recommendations and preceding the evidence In addition to the quality of evidence, we also considered applica-
bility. Currently, there is a lack of standards and developed methods to
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assess applicability. For this reason, applicability alone was not used to
Quality of the Body of Evidence downgrade a recommendation; however, we did include and document
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in the full guideline any applicability issues that were identified and
Assessing the quality of the body of evidence involves four domains:
discussed by the authors.
the aggregate quality of the studies, the consistency of the results, whether
“Insufficient” was used in cases where the body of evidence was insuf-
the evidence provided is direct or indirect, and the precision of the effect
ficient to support a recommendation either because there were no studies
estimates. The criteria and ratings are outlined in the Methods section of
identified or because the body of evidence had major quality limitations.
the online document and more detailed definitions are in Appendix G.1
If the evidence was rated insufficient, no recommendation was made.
In addition, the number of studies and number of included subjects are
considered. Based on these, an overall assessment is made as to whether
the quality of the body of evidence is high, moderate, low, or insufficient. REVISED RECOMMENDATIONS
The assessment of the body of evidence for each subtopic is included in
a table in each topic section in the full guideline document. Summary of Changes to Recommendations
This update includes 22 evidence-based recommendations; 9
Applicability are new or revised significantly from the previous edition. There
Applicability is the extent to which research findings are useful are no level I recommendations, 3 recommendations are level II,
for informing recommendations for a broader population (usually the and the remaining 19 are level III.
population that is the target of the recommendations). In this edition, Tables 1, 2, and 3 provide the recommendations for
we considered the applicability of individual studies in the quality of
monitoring, thresholds, and treatments, respectively. Each recom-
the body of evidence and applicability section immediately following the
recommendations in the full guideline document.
mendation is numbered with a roman numeral for the level
followed by a period and a number counting the recommen-
Recommendations dations in each topic (So III.1 is the first Level III recommen-
Development of Recommendations dation and III.2 is the second level III recommendation). In these
tables, the recommendations in bold are new or have been signif-
Classes 1, 2, and 3 studies constitute the evidence on which the recom-
icantly revised, whereas those in regular text have not changed or
mendations are based. Once evidence was identified, whether or not it
could be used to inform recommendations was based on the quality of the only have changes in wording. The online guideline document
body of evidence and consideration of applicability. Under our current includes a section on each topic consisting of an Introduction,
methods, identification of evidence is necessary but not sufficient for the Recommendations, Evaluation of the Evidence, and Summary of
development of evidence-based recommendations. If no evidence was the Evidence (including evidence tables and a narrative overview).
identified, no recommendations were made. If the identified evidence
was extremely limited (eg, inconsistent results, imprecise), it could be Monitoring Recommendations
considered insufficient to support a recommendation. Monitoring does not affect outcomes directly; rather the
Given this approach, there were cases in which evidence was identified, information from monitoring can be used to direct treatment
but the quality was low and applicability concerns restricted the ability to decisions. Treatment informed by data from monitoring may
translate the evidence into recommendations. Even if a recommendation
result in better outcomes than treatment informed solely by
was not made, the studies contributing evidence were included in the
full Guideline to acknowledge their place in the body of evidence and data from clinical assessment. Monitoring recommendations are
make the evidence accessible for future consideration. As new studies are related to the influence on patient outcomes of three types
generated and added to the evidence base, we expect to see changes in of monitoring: ICP monitoring, advanced cerebral monitoring
the assessment of the quality of the body of evidence. (ACM), and neuroimaging. The recommendations for ICP and
ACM did not change; however, two notes were added to the ACM
Level of Recommendations recommendation. For neuroimaging, one new recommendation
Recommendations in this edition are designated as level I, level II, or suggesting that CT examinations not be used to rule out the possi-
level III. The level of recommendation is determined by the assessment bility of elevated ICP was added to the existing recommendation.
of the quality of the body of evidence, which includes, but is not limited
to, the class of the included studies. Threshold Recommendations
The levels were primarily based on the quality of the body of evidence These recommendations are related to threshold values for
as follows:
variables that are monitored during the in-hospital management
1) Level I recommendations were based on a high-quality body of of patients with severe TBI. This includes thresholds for ICP
evidence. and CPP. There are no changes to the recommendations from



TABLE 1. Updated Recommendations: Monitoring

Topics Recommendations

Intracranial pressure Level III

monitoring To improve overall outcomes
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III.1. Use of ICP monitoring is suggested.

Advanced Level III
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neuromonitoring To improve overall outcomes

III.1. If PbrO2 monitoring is used, maintaining a level >10 mm Hg is suggested.
Note 1. There was insufficient evidence to support a recommendation for the use of a monitor of Po2 in brain interstitium
(PbrO2 ) to improve outcomes.
Note 2. Use of advanced neuromonitoring (brain oxygenation) should only be for patients with no contraindications to
invasive neuromonitoring, such as coagulopathy, and for patients who do not have a diagnosis of brain death.
Neuroimaging Level III
To improve overall outcomes
III.1. Excluding the possibility of elevated ICP on the basis of a normal initial (0-6 h after injury) CT examination of
the brain is not suggested in comatose pediatric patients.
III.2. Routinely obtaining a repeat CT scan >24 hours after the admission and initial follow-up is not suggested for
decisions about neurosurgical intervention, unless there is either evidence of neurologic deterioration or increasing ICP.
ICP = intracranial pressure, PbrO2 = brain tissue oxygen.
Bold indicates new or revised recommendations.

TABLE 2. Updated Recommendations: Thresholds

Topics Recommendations

Threshold for treatment of Level III

intracranial hypertension To improve overall outcomes
III.1. Treatment of intracranial pressure targeting a threshold of < 20 mm Hg is suggested.
Thresholds for cerebral Level III
perfusion pressure To improve overall outcomes
III.1 Treatment to maintain CPP at a minimum of 40 mm Hg is suggested.
III.2. A CPP target between 40 and 50 mm Hg is suggested to ensure that the minimum value of 40 mm Hg is not
breached. There may be age-specific thresholds with infants at the lower end and adolescents at or above the upper
end of this range.

CPP = cerebral perfusion pressure.

the prior edition. Additional studies that supported the existing DISCUSSION
recommendations were added to the evidence tables in the full
guideline document and are listed in Table 4. New Evidence
Table 4 lists the 35 new studies10-46 added to the evidence
Treatment Recommendations base that was used to support new or existing recommendations.
Table 3 contains the recommendations for 10 treatments This table presents the studies by topic, provides the citation,
included in the Guidelines. These topics are included because they and includes the study design, the number of patients included
are specific to the in-hospital management of TBI or are related (n), and data class. An additional 13 new studies were added to
to risks experienced by pediatric TBI patients. The topics that the guideline document that addressed topics without sufficient
are included reflect current practice but are expected to change evidence to support a recommendation.47-59 More details, such as
as new treatments are developed that may replace or complement the outcomes and results for all new studies, are included in the
existing treatments. These topics include 15 recommendations; of evidence tables and narrative in the full online guideline.
these 7 are new or revised. These 7 include 2 recommendations in
hyperosmolar therapy; 1 in analgesics, sedatives, and neuromus- Ongoing and Future Research
cular blockade; 1 in seizure prophylaxis; 2 in temperature control; Evidence-based guidelines rarely (if ever) contain enough data
and 1 in nutrition. to fully populate a clinical protocol. This is certainly the case

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TABLE 3. Updated Recommendations: Treatments

Topics Recommendations

Hyperosmolar therapy Level II

For ICP control
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II.1. Bolus hypertonic saline (3%) is recommended in patients with intracranial hypertension. Recommended
effective doses for acute use range between 2 and 5 mL/kg over 10-20 min.
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Level III
For ICP control
III.1. Continuous infusion hypertonic saline is suggested in patients with intracranial hypertension. Suggested effective
doses as a continuous infusion of 3% saline range from between 0.1 and 1.0 mL/kg of body weight per hour, administered
on a sliding scale. The minimum dose needed to maintain intracranial pressure ICP < 20 mm Hg is suggested.
III.2. Bolus of 23.4% hypertonic saline is suggested for refractory ICP. The suggested dose is 0.5 mL/kg with a
maximum of 30 mL.
Safety recommendation (applies to all recommendations for this topic). In the context of multiple ICP related therapies,
avoiding sustained (>72 h) serum sodium >170 mEq/L is suggested to avoid complications of thrombocytopenia and
anemia, whereas avoiding a sustained serum sodium >160 mEq/L is suggested to avoid the complication of deep vein
Note. Although mannitol is commonly used in the management of raised ICP in pediatric traumatic brain injury, no
studies meeting inclusion criteria were identified for use as evidence for this topic.
Analgesics, sedatives, Level III
and neuromuscular For ICP control
blockade III.1. With use of multiple ICP-related therapies, as well as appropriate use of analgesia and sedation in routine ICU
care, avoiding bolus administration of midazolam and/or fentanyl during ICP crises is suggested due to risks of
cerebral hypoperfusion.
Note 1. In the absence of outcome data, the specific indications, choice, and dosing of analgesics, sedatives, and
neuromuscular blocking agents should be left to the treating physician.
Note 2. Based on guidance from the US Food and Drug Administration, prolonged continuous infusion of propofol for
either sedation or the management of refractory intracranial hypertension is not recommended.
Cerebrospinal fluid Level III
drainage For ICP control
III.1. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage through an external ventricular drain is suggested to manage increased ICP.
Seizure prophylaxis Level III
For seizure prevention (clinical and subclinical)
III.1. Prophylactic treatment is suggested to reduce the incidence of early (within 7 d) PTS.
Note. At the present time there is insufficient evidence to recommend levetiracetam over phenytoin based on either
efficacy in preventing early PTS or toxicity.
Ventilation therapies Level III
To improve overall outcomes
III.1. Prophylactic severe hyperventilation to a PaCO2 < 30 mm Hg in the initial 48 h after injury is not suggested.
III.2. If hyperventilation is used in the management of refractory intracranial hypertension, advanced neuromonitoring for
evaluation of cerebral ischemia is suggested.
Temperature control/ Level II
hypothermia∗ To improve overall outcomes
II.1. Prophylactic moderate (32◦ C to 33◦ C) hypothermia is not recommended over normothermia to improve
overall outcomes.
Level III
For ICP control
III.1. Moderate (32◦ C to 33◦ C) hypothermia is suggested for ICP control.
Safety recommendation 1. If hypothermia is used and rewarming is initiated, it should be carried out at a rate of 0.5◦ C to
1.0◦ C every 12-24 h or slower to avoid complications.
Safety recommendation 2. If phenytoin is used during hypothermia, monitoring and dosing adjusted to minimize
toxicity, especially during the rewarming period, is suggested.



TABLE 3. Continued

Topics Recommendations

Barbiturates Level III

For ICP control
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III.1. High-dose barbiturate therapy is suggested in hemodynamically stable patients with refractory intracranial
hypertension despite maximal medical and surgical management.
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Safety recommendation. When high-dose barbiturate therapy is used to treat refractory intracranial hypertension,
continuous arterial blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular support to maintain adequate cerebral perfusion
pressure are required because cardiorespiratory instability is common among patients treated with barbiturate coma.
Decompressive Level III
craniectomy For ICP control
III.1. Decompressive craniectomy is suggested to treat neurologic deterioration, herniation, or intracranial hypertension refractory to
medical management.
Nutrition Level II
To improve overall outcomes
II.1. Use of an immune-modulating diet is not recommended.
Level III
To improve overall outcomes
III.1. Initiation of early enteral nutritional support (within 72 h from injury) is suggested to decrease mortality and improve
Corticosteroids Level III
To improve overall outcomes
III.1. The use of corticosteroids is not suggested to improve outcome or reduce ICP.
Note. Recommendation III.1 is not intended to circumvent use of replacement corticosteroids for patients needing chronic steroid
replacement therapy, those with adrenal suppression, and those with injury to the hypothalamic-pituitary steroid axis.

Bold: New or revised recommendations.

ICP = intracranial Pressure, PTS = posttraumatic seizures.

The first recommendation indicates that prophylactic hypothermia does not improve overall outcomes for pediatric patients with severe TBI. The second recommendation indicates
that hypothermia is effective in control of ICP. Although this may appear to be somewhat antithetical, the 2 endpoints of overall outcomes and ICP control are clearly distinct. Please
see the full Guideline for additional detail.

with the treatment of severe pediatric TBI. Rather the goal is likely to also provide information on other topics and questions
to contribute to a transparent, ongoing process that leads to from post hoc analyses.5 ADAPT is an important example of the
better research and more evidence in the future. These Guide- value of a guideline in highlighting what cannot be said due to
lines provide recommendations based on the available evidence lack of evidence; those gaps provide opportunities for innovation
and at the same time identify gaps that can inform the future and direction for research.
research agenda. These gaps can be filled by creating clinical In addition to ADAPT, the pediatric TBI community needs
protocols using consensus where evidence is lacking. Together the to promote and support innovate ways to generate higher quality
gaps and protocols provide structure and identify patient samples class 1 and class 2 studies that can inform stronger (ie, level I
for the generation of new research. The new research populates and level II) recommendations. These other needs include the
the evidence base which can then be used to further develop following:
the Guidelines, creating a recursive cycle designed to grow the
evidence base and increase the number of evidence-based recom-
mendations in the future. 1) Research that examines the integration of individual treat-
Although the number of studies has increased in this update ments in the context of goal-directed therapy. No treatment or
of the Guidelines, most recommendations are based on a small management approach exists independent of other treatments
number of studies that are mostly class 3. We hope this will change and approaches or independent of the ecology of the treatment
as the impact of evidence-based practice is documented and new setting. The design of meaningful and effective future research
studies undertaken. We are optimistic that the next update will must be consistent with this clinical reality.
have a stronger evidence base because an important study of 2) Ongoing identification of new topics for investigation. As our
pediatric TBI, designed and executed by a guidelines clinical understanding of TBI and trauma improves, it is likely new
investigator and coauthor, is concluding. This study, ADAPT, topics will need to be added to the Guidelines. The literature
was designed to address 12 a priori hypotheses across five Guide- and ongoing trials need to be scanned regularly. It is important
lines topics (advanced neuromonitoring, hyperosmolar therapy, that the Guidelines reliably include what evidence is available
cerebrospinal fluid drainage, ventilation, and nutrition) and is for new, emerging topics and treatments.

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TABLE 4. New Studies Added Since Last Edition to Evidence Supporting Revisions to Recommendations

Topic Reference Study design and sample size (n) Data class

Intracranial pressure monitoring Bennett et al10 Retrospective, n = 3084 3
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Alkoury et al11 Retrospective, n = 3107 3

Bennett et al12 Retrospective, n = 4667 3
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Advanced neuromonitoring Stippler et al13 Treatment series, n = 46 3

Figaji et al14 Treatment series, n = 28 3
Neuroimaging Bailey et al15 Treatment series, n = 9 3
Bata, 2014 et al16 Retrospective, n = 71 3
Thresholds for treatment of Miller Ferguson et al17 Retrospective, n = 85 3
intracranial hypertension
Mehta et al18 Retrospective, n = 22 3
Thresholds for cerebral perfusion Allen et al19 Retrospective, n = 317 2
Miller Ferguson et al17 Retrospective, n = 85 3
Vavilala et al20 Retrospective, n = 236 3
Hyperosmolar therapy Shein et al21 Prospective. n = 16 2
Piper et al22 Treatment series, n = 32 3
Webster et al23 Retrospective, n = 58 3
Gonda et al24 Retrospective, n = 48 traumatic brain 3
Analgesics, sedatives, and Welch et al25 Treatment series, n = 31 3
neuromuscular blockade
Shein et al21 Prospective, n = 16 3
Cerebrospinal fluid drainage Andrade et al26 Treatment series, n = 58, n = 11 3
(younger than 17)
Seizure prophylaxis Liesemer et al27 Retrospective, n = 54 moderate, n = 221 3
Ventilation therapies No New Studies
Temperature control/hypothermia Tasker et al28 Meta-analysis, n = 470 Fair quality
Crompton et al29-31 Meta-analysis, n = 454 Poor quality
Adelson et al32 RCT, n = 77 1
Beca et al33 RCT, n = 50 2
Hutchinson et al34 Retrospective (secondary analysis of 2
2008 RCT), n = 225
Empey et al35 RCT, n = 19 3
Barbiturates Vavilala et al20 Retrospective, n = 236 3
Mellion et al36 Treatment series, n = 36 3
Decompressive craniectomy Pechmann et al37 Treatment series, n = 12 3
Prasad et al38 Treatment series, n = 71 3
Desgranges et al39 Treatment series, n = 12 3
Khan et al40 Treatment series, n = 25, 21 severe 3
Csokay et al41 Treatment series, n = 8 3
Suarez et al42 Treatment series, n = 14 3
Adamo et al43 Treatment series, n = 7 3
Figaji et al44 Treatment series, n = 12 3
Messing-Junger et al45 Treatment series, n = 7 3
Nutrition Taha et al46 Retrospective, n = 90 3
Corticosteroids No New Studies

RCT = randomized controlled trial.



3) Consistency in data collection across studies. Future research pediatric critical care. Drs Carney and Totten’s, Ms Davis-O’Reilly’s, and Ms Hart’s
should emphasize consistency in data collection across institutions received funding from Stanford University. Dr Selden disclosed that
research projects, such as utilization of the common data he has stock options (current $0 value) in Cerebrotech for scientific advisory board
service (this device is not clinically available and is not referenced in the work). Dr
elements of the National Institutes of Health.60-63 Reuter-Rice received funding from textbook royalties and curriculum content, and
It is important that the pediatric TBI research community she received support for article research from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
funding 2013–2016. Dr Wainwright received funding from Sage Therapeutics.
systematically address these questions by creating a priori-
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The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential conflicts
tized research agenda and advocating for additional high-quality of interest.
research that can populate the evidence base for future guidelines.
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1. Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Carney N, et al. Guidelines for the management
The increase in the number of studies as well as the number of of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury, third edition: update of the brain
class 2 studies and level II recommendations is encouraging. The trauma foundation guidelines. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019;20(Suppl 1):
growth in the evidence base strengthens the utility of the evidence- 2. Kochanek PM, Carney N, Adelson PD, et al. Guidelines for the acute
based recommendations as a basis for local protocols, which medical management of severe traumatic brain injury in infants, children,
can incorporate consensus where evidence is still not available. and adolescents—second edition. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012;13(Suppl 1):
However, this update also underscores that much work remains
3. Carney N, Totten AM, O’Reilly C, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe
to be done if our goal is evidence-based treatment designed to traumatic brain injury, fourth edition. Neurosurgery. 2017;80(1):6-15.
improve outcomes for children who sustain severe TBI. 4. Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Bell MJ, et al. Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury: 2019 Consensus and Guidelines-Based Algorithm for First and Second Tier
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5. Bell MJ, Adelson PD, Hutchison JS, et al. Differences in medical therapy goals
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in for children with severe traumatic brain injury-an international study. Pediatr Crit
this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views Care Med. 2013;14(8):811-818.
of the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Natick 6. Bell MJ, Adelson PD, Wisniewski SR. Challenges and opportunities for pediatric
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sites participating in a comparative effectiveness study. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
engaged in rendering professional medical services and assume no responsibility
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59. Thomale U-W, Graetz D, Vajkoczy P, Sarrafzadeh AS. Severe traumatic brain Acknowledgments
injury in children–a single center experience regarding therapy and long-term
outcome. Childs Nerv Syst. 2010;26(11):1563-1573. We would like to thank the following people at the Pacific Northwest Evidence-
60. Adelson PD, Pineda J, Bell MJ, et al. Common data elements for pediatric based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University for their invaluable
traumatic brain injury: recommendations from the working group on assistance in producing this document: Roger Chou, MD, Elaine Graham, MLS,
demographics and clinical assessment. J Neurotrauma. 2012;29(4):639-653. Andrew Hamilton, MS, MLS, Hyon Hildebrant, BA, Shaun Ramirez, MPH, Leah
61. Berger RP, Beers SR, Papa L, Bell M. Common data elements for pediatric Williams, BS. We also thank Jamshid Ghajar, MD, PhD, from the Brain Trauma
traumatic brain injury: recommendations from the biospecimens and biomarkers
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Foundation and Stanford University.

workgroup. J Neurotrauma. 2012;29(4):672-677.
62. Duhaime AC, Holshouser B, Hunter JV, Tong K. Common data elements for
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neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury: pediatric considerations. J Neurotrauma.

63. McCauley SR, Wilde EA, Anderson VA, et al. Recommendations for the use of Neurosurgery Speaks! Audio abstracts available for this article at www.neurosurgery-
common outcome measures in pediatric traumatic brain injury research. J Neuro-
trauma. 2012;29(4):678-705.

1178 | VOLUME 84 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2019

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