OMMS NG 2K Block Builder Ver 4.0
OMMS NG 2K Block Builder Ver 4.0
OMMS NG 2K Block Builder Ver 4.0
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for developing Effective Work Candidates (2K)
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Ident Priority 1. Mandatory Pull Down Menu ”PRI 2 due to impact on STRIKE mission –
2. Essential Requires explanation in “Recommended CASREP #232014 applies”
3. Highly Desirable Solution” block (why higher than 4?)
4. Desirable Include CASREP information if applicable
All Work Candidates start as Priority 4 and
are upgraded during review by the COC.
Ident Serial Number Auto Populated from Ship’s Usually found on the actual equipment 4372119
Equipment File Should also match the serial number in
Number associated with equipment
nameplate data
Ident HSC/FGC 0. General Hierarchical Structure Code (HSC) is a GROUP CODE - NOMENCLATURE
1. Hull discrete identifier for the equipment in 261 - Fuel Service System
2. Propulsion question. Found in Configuration Data 2612 - Pumps, Fuel Service
3. Electric Manager Database (Open Architecture) 26121 - 1A Fuel Service Pump
4. Command/Surveillance (CDMD-OA) 261211 – 1A Fuel Service Pump Motor
5. Auxiliary Additional information can be found on
6. Outfitting and furnishing the “Configuration Data Builder” annex
7. Armament Auto Populates from Equipment
8. Engineering services Configuration File
9. Support services
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Ident AEL/APL Fill in appropriate Allowance Auto populated from the selected
Equipment or Part List Number configuration item. This is critical to ensuring
that you are writing the 2K on the correct
equipment and/or ordering the correct parts.
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Ident Problem JFMM requires: See “Problem Description/Recommended “Problem Description: During performance
Description (a) Concisely describe the failure Solution Attribute Sheet ” for full explanation. of MRC 2300 Q-1, S/F discovered that
or malfunction and what caused it. Number 2 Fire Pump has a pinhole leak in the
Include how and when the Bottom Line: Supply as much technical detail discharge pipe, which has damaged lagging
casualty was discovered. Provide as you can find to allow the planner to best and caused corrosion on the pipe. Leak rate
description of the casualty to understand the actual issue with your is approximately 1 gal/hr. when operating.
include information on operating equipment. Pump is located against forward bulkhead of
configuration, symptoms and #1 Pump Room, 4-45-4-E. No interferences
indications. and no rigging required. 2L attached. Digital
(b) Concisely describe the actions photo sent to Port Engineer. Attempted
taken by Ship’s Force and outside braze repair at joint but leak continues – soft
activities to troubleshoot and patch in place (DFS 001-14 applies)”
correct the failure or malfunction.
Include initial follow-up and
troubleshooting, Ship’s Force
repair efforts or technical
assistance received.
(c) Include any test results from
(d) Include the reason for deferral
to off ship maintenance activity.
Ident System Status NA Not Required
Ident Recommended Specify what you want done and Port Engineer may be an excellent Recommended Solution: Request IMA
Solution who you want to do it. resource for filling in this block. remove 2 foot section of 6” copper pipe at
Include Type Activity (Depot, IMA, SF) brazed joints, replace, hydro to 500 PSI IAW
desired to perform work – must agree NSTM 500 sect 2.4, and replace 2 feet of 0.5
with entry on “Defer” tab inch cold black foam lagging on repaired pipe.
Ident System Failure NA Not Required
Defer First Contact Maintenance Man Person who knows the most about the job “MM3 Brad Jones” – phone and e-mail will
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Defer Second Contact LCPO Supervisor who understands the impact of “MMCS John Smith” – phone and e-mail will
the job to ship’s mission and schedule auto-populate
Defer Deferral (1) Ship’s Force Work Pull Down Menu
Reason (2) Lack of material This entry will help off-ship personnel
(3) No formal training decide how best to assign repairs
(4) Formal training inadequate May identify gaps or shortfalls in manning,
(5) Practical Training Inadequate equipment or training that need to be
(6) Lack of facilities/Capabilities addressed
(7) Not Authorized For Ship’s Must agree with entries in “Problem
Force Description/Recommended Solution”
(8) For Ship’s Overhaul or blocks.
(9) Lack of Technical
(0) Other/Not Applicable
Defer *Deadline Date Date the work needs to be If deadline date is tied to a specific event, list
completed, including the event in the “Problem
OMMS-NG 2K Block Builder
Explanation and Examples for Each Block – to be used when building an Effective Work Candidate (2K)
Defer SF Man-Hours Total SF hours expended to date Include at least 1 man-hr for writing 2K, any
Expended on this job troubleshooting and/or repairs to date
Defer Administrative NA Not Required
Man-Hrs Expended
Defer SF Man-Hours Estimate of SF hours remaining to Make best estimate of remaining man-hours,
Remaining complete the work to include support for off-ship personnel
Spcl Special Choose from pull down menu any These will help call out any additional time or Test, HAZMAT, Gas Free, etc.
Req Requirements that apply resources required to complete the work
Available/ Selected
Spcl *Block 10 Enter “C” for Corrosion jobs These entries allow for correlation of
Req Enter “E” for Environmental jobs specific types of jobs for tracking.
Corrosion Jobs should include anything
documented as a result of completing
6300/S-1 MRC
Environmental Jobs include systems that
process waste – CHT, OWS, Plastic, etc.