Callista Ray
Callista Ray
Callista Ray
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mary Pat Harnegie on 02 November 2015.
To cite this article: Mary Pat Harnegie (2015) Generating Middle Range Theory: From Evidence
to Practice by Sister Callista Roy with the Roy Adaptation Association, Journal of Hospital
Librarianship, 15:3, 342-343, DOI: 10.1080/15323269.2015.1049073
Download by: [South Pointe Hospital] Date: 02 November 2015, At: 04:33
342 Reviews
Religions, Dos and Don’ts of Providing Culturally Competent Care, Tips for
Working with Interpreters, and Summary of Case Studies. They provide syn-
opses of examples of cases, lists, and broad cultural profiles. There are also
an extensive bibliography and an index.
Caring for Patients from Different Cultures covers a wide range of topics
and provides sound alternatives for providing the best possible care to health
care professionals practicing in multicultural communities. This fifth edition
is a must-read and should be in every hospital library.
Carole M. Gilbert
Editor, Journal of Hospital Librarianship
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
Sister Callista Roy, PhD, RN, FAAN, has been a primary voice in the world of
nursing education and research, especially nursing theory, since 1974 with
the publication of Conceptual Models for Nursing Practice. She is best known
for a nursing theory named after her called the Roy Adaptation Model, which
had its 3rd edition published in 2008. She is often featured in Who’s Who
in Nursing Theorists textbooks. Incorporated in 1991, The Roy Adaptation
Association (RAA) is a society of nursing scholars who seek to advance
nursing practice by developing basic and clinical nursing knowledge based
on the Roy Adaptation Model.
Reviews 343
this book stems from significant trends established in nursing, yet it may
be the first of its kind . . . the approach offered is generating middle
range theories from 172 studies based upon the Roy adaptation model
. . . to provide evidence for practice.