Original Swedish edition, copyright © 1989 Ulf Ekman. All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New King James
Version of the Bible, copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson Publishers,
Inc. Used by permission
Scripture quotations noted NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version,
copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of
Zondervan Bible Publishers
Scripture quotations noted AMP are taken from The Amplified Bible, copyright ©
1954, 1958 The Lockman Foundation
Scripture quotations noted KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible
3 Righteousness—The Prerequisite.......................................45
Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom
PART I Financial Prosperity in the Old Testament
1 God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
And my God shall supply all your need according
to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).
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God is a Giver
God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
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God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
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God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
your time when I need it.” We must accept this as our part of
the covenant.
This is what it means to have Jesus as Lord. It is walking
in forgiveness for our sins and in the righteousness of God,
which has been provided for us in Christ Jesus. It is realizing
that all God owns has been made available to us, and that
you can take advantage of His abundance when in need of it.
However, it also means that when God needs your hands to
heal, you must be willing to lay them on the sick for Him.
God has truly blessed us. Some say that this applies only
to “spiritual” and not material blessings, but this is only
because they have not understood the true meaning of the
word “spiritual.” The long-term influence of Greek philosophy
Financial Freedom
God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
It is interesting to notice that the name of God that
follows “El Shaddai,” the God of Abundance, is “Jehovah
Jireh,” the Lord my Provider. In other words, this is the
second name God uses to reveal Himself.
Look what happened when the children of Israel were
about to leave Egypt. The first thing God did as He led them
out, was to make sure they took the gold and silver belonging
to the Egyptians. He provided for them. This is one of the
first and most important revelations of God’s character.
While leaving Egypt He also said, I am the Lord who heals
you (Ex 15:26).
Here we can see provision and healing as the primary
revelations of the true nature of God. The devil, probably
more than anything else, has tried desperately to hide these
aspects of God’s character from the Body of Christ. The fact
is, though, that the Lord is our provider. He is the God of
abundance. God is a rich God and He is a cheerful giver.
These truths are revealed to us through God’s names.
Because His name is the God who Heals, He does heal, cure
and restore. Because His name is the Lord your Provider, He
does provide for you, in accordance with His abundance and
glorious riches in Christ Jesus. This is the eternal and
unchanging nature of God.
Financial Freedom
you know God’s Word and are acquainted with His character,
you will always know His will. This knowledge will produce a
boldness and freedom from condemnation in your life.
We need to declare war on the condemnation that
torments the lives of so many Christians. God’s will is that
we walk in His every promise, full of boldness, confidence
and love. By bearing much fruit and receiving His promises,
God is glorified. We need to understand this. It is not
humility to refuse to accept what God has provided for us.
Although it may appear to be an attitude of true humility, it
is nothing more than pride, foolishness and false humility.
What the world calls pride is often what the Bible calls
humility and boldness. Humility is simply submitting one’s
thoughts to God’s way of thinking, while pride refuses to do
so. It is one thing to refuse God’s promises due to ignorance;
but to refuse them even after the truth is revealed, is nothing
but pride, in spite of how “humble” and meek it may appear.
Some of the proudest people can have an appearance of
humility. But what counts is not our appearance, it is our
attitude toward the Word of God. Jesus said, He who has my
commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me (John
14:21). It is not enough just to talk about His
God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
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God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
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God did not warn Adam and Eve about going to this land
or tell them that they would fall into sin because of the gold
and precious stones there. It was God who put these things
in the earth and here, in this scripture, He is actually
describing the site. He even says that the gold there was
Gold is good when used for the right things. It is not
sinful in itself, otherwise God would not have created it.
Heaven is full of gold. The temple in Jerusalem was bulging
with it. It is the greed for gold that is sin—walking on others
to get at it. Gold is not sinful, it is simply a precious metal!
Metals are created by God and deposited in the earth so that
we can discover them and use them to glorify Him.
When God viewed His creation prior to the Fall, He saw
that it was good. By saying this, He meant that it was perfect
and without deficiency. When God created the world and
man, there was no such thing as poverty. Poverty is
completely foreign to the nature of God, who is the God of
abundance. He creates things in accordance with His own
nature: pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Before the thief came poverty did not exist. When
someone steals from you, you always become poorer and
suffer loss. For this reason, Jesus calls the devil a thief. He
steals, kills and destroys.
Poverty was non-existent before the Fall, but after the
Fall came spiritual and physical death, sickness, shortage,
loneliness, hatred, murder, poverty and so on. These entered
God’s Character—Riches and Abundance
the world as a direct result of sin. Poverty did not come from
God. There was no poverty in the Garden of Eden, otherwise
God would have called it poverty, deficiency and
malnutrition. Instead, He put man in a garden of abundance,
riches and delight.
Remember also, that there will be no deficiency in the
new heavens and the new earth. God is the God of abundance
in all that He does.
Financial Freedom
2 The Blessing of Abraham
There is abundance in heaven. Jesus prayed, Your will be
done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:10). Poverty is a
curse on this earth that came because of mankind’s fall into
sin. This curse over the ground made it necessary for man to
toil in the sweat of his brow, before it would produce. The
earth no longer produced of itself.
After some time under these conditions, God chose a man
named Abram (whose name God later changed to Abraham)
and made a covenant with him:
Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your
country, from your family and from your father’s
house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you
a great nation; I will bless you and make your name
great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those
who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you;
and in you all the families of the earth shall be
blessed.” So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken
to him (Gen 12:1-4).
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and all that he had, and Lot with him, to the South.
Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver and in
gold.... Lot also, who went with Abram, had flocks and
herds and tents (Gen 13:1-2,5).
The Blessing of Abraham
Financial Freedom
Abraham and his men defeated the enemy army and rescued
Lot and all his family and possessions. Think what a victory
this was. 318 men were able to put the enemy to flight.
Abraham had more than just 318 servants. These men
were hand-picked from seven or eight hundred others. You
may have imagined Abraham as an old man who wandered
around alone in the desert, followed by his wife, Sarah,
thinking they, pitched their little two-man tent and squeezed
in together. But it was not at all like this. Abraham lived in a
tent, but have you ever stopped to think what his tent looked
A nomad is often forced to move because of his large
herds of cattle and livestock. A brick house is, therefore, not
the most practical kind of dwelling for this mobile lifestyle.
By understanding the culture of the nomadic people in this
part of the world, we know that they lead their herds to oases
and other places where pasture can be found. They cannot
build palaces for themselves.
However, if you visit a bedouin tent even today, you will
find thick layers of carpets that are worth thousands of
dollars each. The tents are full of gold and treasure chests,
but from the outside all you see are the gray colored goat
skins, which offer protection from the heat of the sun.
The Blessing of Abraham
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The Blessing of Abraham
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The Blessing of Abraham
wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt
me. If he said thus: “The speckled shall be your
wages,” then all the flocks bore speckled. And if he
said thus: “The streaked shall be your wages,” then
all the flocks bore streaked. So God has taken away
the livestock of your father and given them to me.
Financial Freedom
one away, in an attempt to bribe Esau and win his favor. But
because Esau was already favorably disposed toward Jacob,
he wanted no gifts. His possessions had prospered as well.
Perfection is not a requirement for the blessings of God.
What really matters is the person’s heart attitude. If the
heart is right, the blessings of God will immediately begin to
The blessing received by Abraham was passed to his son
Isaac, then to Jacob and eventually, to the whole nation of
Israel. This was the blessing of Abraham. We know about the
misery that Israel later experienced in Egypt; but we also
know that God delivered them. He also brought them out with
silver and. gold, and there was none feeble among his tribes (Ps
The word “feeble” means infirm or sick. Infirmity and
sickness are the same thing. No one was sick among the
tribes of Israel when they came out of Egypt. God had healed
every one of them who had eaten of the Passover lamb. This
was a pattern of Jesus Christ, the spotless lamb of God, who
died and took on Himself our sickness and disease; ...by
whose stripes you were healed.
However, healing and the forgiveness of sins are not the
only promises included in redemption. We read that God
brought His people out of Egypt with silver and gold. The
Egyptians finally gave the Israelites their silver and gold,
just to get them to leave the country and put an end to the
plagues. Egypt was under an extreme curse for a short period
of its history. The Egyptians clearly saw the difference
between who was blessed and who was not. By giving their
gold to Israel, they exemplified the fact that the wealth of the
sinners is stored up for the righteous (Prov 13:22).
This gold was later used to build the tabernacle in the
desert, through the freewill offerings of the people.
Something was built with the gold God brought to His
The Blessing of Abraham
Financial Freedom
The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for
forty years, because of their rebellion. In spite of this, the
Lord was still their provider. He provided them with food
from heaven, led them to springs and prevented their clothes
from wearing out. However, his perfect will for them was
that they live an abundant life in the promised land where
there would be a continuously rich harvest from whatever
they sowed. This is a picture of abundant life.
When you have eaten and are full, and have built
beautiful houses and dwell in them; and when your
herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and
your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is
multiplied; when your heart is lifted up, and you
forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the
land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; who led
you through that great and terrible wilderness, in
which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty
land where there was no water; who brought water
for you out of the rock of flint; who fed you in the
wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not
know, that he might humble you and that he might
test you, to do you good in the end—then you say in
your heart, “My power and the might of my hand
have gained me this wealth.” And you shall
remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives
you power to get wealth, that he may establish His
covenant which he swore to your fathers, as it is this
day (Deut 8:12-18).
The Blessing of Abraham
Financial Freedom
We know that we have been blessed with the blessing of
Abraham because, according to Galatians 3:13-14 Jesus
Christ has become a curse for us so that this blessing could
come to the Gentiles, and so we could receive the promise of
the Spirit. We receive the Spirit in order to receive abundant
life. Through the Holy Spirit, the Body of Christ is able to
partake in the blessings of the New Covenant, which also
includes the blessing of Abraham.
We read about this blessing of Abraham in further detail
in Deuteronomy 28. If you follow God and walk in obedience,
if you are committed to Him and love Him above all else,
then all of the blessings mentioned in this chapter will come
to you, as long as you do not refuse to accept them. Of course,
you will not receive them if you do not believe that they are
there for you.
But, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord
your God, to observe carefully all His
commandments...the Lord your God will set you high
above all the nations of the earth. And all these
blessings shall come upon you and overtake you
(Deut 28:1-2).
The Blessing of Abraham
Financial Freedom
swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord will open to you His
good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its
season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to
many nations, but you shall not borrow. Although you may not
yet be at this point, this is your ultimate goal.
We have just seen that the blessings of God apply to
every area of your life—your family, your finances and your
health. Every aspect of your life will be blessed if you hear
the voice of the Lord your God. However, if you fail to hear
His voice, you will come under a curse. The Lord knows that
the curse, which is in the world will come over us, if we
choose to disobey, by following our own ways and the ways of
the world. Therefore, we are continually encouraged and
commanded to walk in obedience to Him.
In Deuteronomy 28, beside the list of blessings we may
enjoy, there is also a long list of the various types of curses
that disobedience brings. We will name just a few of them.
Verse 29 mentions that there will be plundering. Verse 30
says, “you shall plant a vineyard, but shall not gather
its grapes.” This is what it means to be in lack.
We find in verse 33 that, “A nation whom you have not
known shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce
of your labor.” To work hard without achieving results is
a curse.
Verse 38 goes on to say, “You shall carry much seed
out to the field and gather but little in.” This means that
you will have nothing left over to put in storage.
In verse 42 we read, “Locusts shall consume all your
trees and the produce of your land.”
Previous roles are reversed as verse 44 states that “the
alien shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him.”
The Blessing of Abraham
Be Thankful!
God’s will is that you live in prosperity and serve Him
with joy and gladness of heart. The first tendency toward sin
is ungratefulness. For this reason you should be sure to
thank God for all that He has given you, without complaining
or grumbling. It is important that you praise the Lord for
what He gives you, because it was through ingratitude that
man fell into sin.
If you maintain joy, gratitude and a right attitude—in
spite of how the circumstances may look—God will bless you
in increasing measure.
You will even be able to enjoy these blessings without
becoming materialistic. They will be a blessing to you and to
others, and God will be able to use you effectively when it
comes to sharing with those in need and in financing the
Gospel. You will be a blessing and through this, God will be
3 Righteousness—The Prerequisite
According to the Word of God, if you have received Jesus
Christ as your Savior, then you have been made righteous.
Wherever the Word of God refers to the righteous, it is
referring to you. Never forget that you have been made
righteous and that every promise given to those who are
righteous, has been given to you through Christ Jesus.
The righteous are not those who behave well, they are
those who have had their sins forgiven.
Righteousness is a position that you have received, based
on the work of Jesus Christ. It is completely independent of
your feelings. You cannot become more or less righteous. You
have been made righteous once and for all.
You are a child of God even when you happen to be
disobedient, although, until you ask for forgiveness,
disobedience will prevent righteousness from reigning in
your life. David said, “Blessed is he whose transgression
is forgiven” (Ps 32:1). Righteousness is a legal position—not
an emotional feeling.
“Blessed is the man”, the Bible declares, “who fears
the Lord, Who delights greatly in His commandments”
(Ps 112:1). This obedience comes through faith, and involves
listening intently to what God has to say and then, being
willing to do it. The devil does all he can to stop you from
entering into this obedience.
But the Bible clearly shows us that obedience to the Word
of God releases blessing in our lives.
Second Corinthians 10:5 speaks of strongholds that raise
Financial Freedom
Righteousness—The Prerequisite
Financial Freedom
4 Riches in the Book of Proverbs
The book of Proverbs can be likened to a gold mine in
which you can find valuable truths, especially in the area of
financial prosperity.
Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your
possessions.” The prerequisite for all financial blessing is
serving God. You never need to seek riches, for when you
seek God, they will find you. The Bible tells us to seek first
the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to us
(Matt 6:33).
Proverbs 3:12-13, describing the correction and the
wisdom of the Lord, declares, “Happy is the man who
finds wisdom.” Wisdom is supreme and it is this that God
wants you to seek. The Bible never says, “Seek after gold and
diamonds!” Instead it says, “If you seek her (wisdom) as
silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures...”
(Prov 2:4). And again, “For her proceeds are better than
the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold” (Prov
What is this wisdom? It is Jesus Christ who has been
made wisdom and understanding to us (see 1 Cor 1:30). Seek
Jesus and His wisdom and understanding and when you
have found Him you will be blessed and happy. You will
profit more by wisdom, or the Word of God, than you will
from silver and gold.
What are your priorities? How highly do you value the
Word of God? If you secretly believe that the Bible is good but
that a different set of criteria apply out in the real world, you
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Riches in the Book of Proverbs
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adds no sorrow with it” (Prov 10:22). You must work, but
it will not result in blessing if you are completely reliant on
your own strength. Even in your work you must rely on the
Proverbs 11:18 says, “The wicked man earns
deceptive wages” (NIV). Though people may make their
way in this world and achieve success for a time, without the
blessing of the Lord they will not endure. However, “he who
sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.” This is a good
verse for preachers: when you sow righteousness, by
preaching the Word of God, you will receive a sure reward.
As a preacher, it is important that you put your trust in
God alone and do not put pressure on other ministers or their
treasurers. When you sow righteousness you will receive a
sure reward. You should not be dependent on other people’s
money. This is extremely important.
You do not need to beg or threaten, you only need to
believe God. He is the source of your provision and, even if
the church happens to be stingy, He has other channels. The
key is that you obey what God says and continue to sow
righteousness. In this way you honor God with your
Riches in the Book of Proverbs
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Riches in the Book of Proverbs
Financial Freedom
Riches in the Book of Proverbs
Financial Freedom
Riches in the Book of Proverbs
5 Start Right Where You Are!
Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But
you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes
and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you
have robbed Me, Even this whole nation. Bring all the
tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in
My house, and try Me now in this,” says the Lord of
hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of
heaven and pour out for you such blessing That there
will not be room enough to receive it” (Mal. 3:8-10).
This is the only verse in the Bible that gives you the right
to put God to the test. When you give, you have put yourself
in a position to test Him by praying:
Financial Freedom
Start Right Where You Are!
Financial Freedom
PART II Financial Prosperity in the New Testament
6 Jesus—Example and Substitute
Let’s look now at what the New Testament has to say
about money. We will begin by looking at Jesus Himself.
Many people have an extremely peculiar picture of Him.
They say, “We must not speak about money. Remember how
Jesus walked around barefoot in Galilee. We should be just
like Him.” We should indeed be just like Jesus. He should be
our example and our life should be patterned after His.
However, Jesus did some things specifically so that we
would not have to do them. We need to keep in mind two
areas when we consider the life of Jesus: first, His walk on
earth and second, His work on the cross. In the first case He
is our example and in the second case He is our substitute.
We must properly appreciate both of these aspects of Jesus’
Now it came to pass, afterwards, that He went
through every city and village, preaching and
bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And
the twelve were with Him, and certain women who
had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities—Mary
called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven
demons, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s
steward, and Susanna, and many others who
provided for Him from their substance (Luke 8:1-3).
Financial Freedom
Jesus—Example and Substitute
Two Sides
You must understand the two sides of Jesus’ life,
otherwise you will be denying something that Jesus intended
to bring blessing and freedom to your life.
Second Corinthians 8:2, describes the church in
Macedonia, and says that, “Out of the most severe trial,
their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled
up in rich generosity” (NIV). Paul is saying here that they
gave generously in spite of their circumstances and poverty
which, in the natural, should have prevented them from
doing so.
In this context, Paul uses two or three chapters of Second
Corinthians to take up an offering for the saints in
Jerusalem. He is exhorting the believers in Corinth to be a
part of it. “I speak not by commandment,” he tells them,
“but I am testing the sincerity of your love by the
diligence of others” (2 Cor 8 8). To further emphasize the
need to give, he uses Christ Jesus as an example.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He
became poor, that you through His poverty might
become rich (2 Cor 8:9).
Financial Freedom
on the cross. It was there our death was exchanged for His
life and our sickness was substituted for His healing.
Here we see that He became poor for our sakes so that
through His poverty, that is, His work on the cross, we might
become rich. This poverty is not referring to Jesus’ walk on
earth or suggesting that He had no food or clothing while He
was here. That would have been of no benefit to us at all.
Instead, it refers to the work of the cross, through which the
resources of heaven, have now been made available to us.
Jesus hung on the cross naked, completely destitute and
stripped of everything. He had surrendered everything there
was to surrender. He gave all that He had in body, soul and
spirit. What little clothing He had remaining was taken. He
became truly poor on all levels; spiritually, mentally,
physically and materially. As Paul says, “He became poor
for our sakes that through His poverty we might
become rich.”
Notice that Paul did not hesitate to use the cross and the
reconciliatory death of Jesus as an example of why the
Corinthians should give money.
Jesus had all that He needed during His earthly walk. It
was on the cross that He became poor. Your picture of Jesus
needs to be correct, so that you can understand what He did
for you and walk in it today.
7 The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He
We read about the story of the rich young ruler in Mark
10. We need to consider the entire context, since there are
verses here that have often been used out of context. Jesus’
words to the rich young ruler have been used by many, to
claim that it is wrong for Christians to have many
possessions. Some have made it a commandment for every
Christian to follow: sell all that you own and then you can
follow Jesus. But what is Jesus really saying here?
Let’s start with verse 17,
Now as He was going out on the road, one came
running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good
Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal
Financial Freedom
Don’t Generalize!
A fundamental guideline in reading the Bible is to first
understand the context of the scripture. Here Jesus is
speaking to a rich young ruler. He is dealing with the specific
problem of this young man. You do not necessarily have the
same problem. Biblical situations are described primarily to
illustrate or clarify a particular issue rather than a number
of different issues. It can, however, be applied to various
circumstances in your life.
What Jesus is telling this young man is not a general
command. If it were, it would be included in the Sermon on
the Mount or in the Great Commission, when Jesus was
addressing a large number of people all at once.
Without this realization, it is easy to make a common
mistake and draw the conclusion that you cannot follow
Jesus unless you sell all you own and give it to the poor. This
would imply that you are not following Jesus if you own
material possessions!
The Bible tells us to let everything be confirmed by the
mouth of two or three witnesses. Let scripture interpret
itself. Let’s look closely to see if Jesus really is saying that
ownership in general is wrong. If so, Jesus is the first to fail
the test, since we know that He had material possessions.
Sometimes problems can arise from personal testimonies
in this area. People tend to make a law out of things they
The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He Refuse?
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The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He Refuse?
Financial Freedom
The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He Refuse?
Financial Freedom
The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He Refuse?
A Hundredfold Return!
When we relinquish something in obedience to God—no
matter what it may be—Jesus has promised that we will
receive a hundredfold now, in this time. This is true whether
it is brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands or houses,
including, of course, the contents of the house. This promise
clearly applies to your worldly possessions. It also applies
right in the middle of persecutions.
If you give up a house, then according to the Word of God
—I am only reading what it says—you can expect a hundred
in return. Perhaps you think I am being egotistical. The
truth is, it is selfish not to want a hundred houses. There are
people all over the world who could live in them. There are
homeless children in India. Why not keep one for yourself
and start children’s homes in ninety-nine different countries
with the others!
This is the point Jesus is trying to make: stop thinking
only about yourself. Then you will see these principles come
into operation on a continual basis.
Ecclesiastes 11:1 says, “Cast your bread upon the
waters, for you will find it after many days.” You will
always receive more than you have given and it will come to
you in just about every possible means and from every
possible direction. And it will be accompanied by
The teaching of Jesus on relinquishment of material
goods can, of course, be applied to other areas as well. For
Financial Freedom
The Rich Young Ruler—What Did He Refuse?
from God you are to praise Him for it, without feeling guilty
or ashamed.
After studying the story of the rich young ruler we
understand that Jesus spoke directly into a particular
situation. What He said, though, applies to those who are in
the same situation even today. If this rich young ruler had
given up all that he owned for the sake of Jesus and the
Gospel, he would have become a hundred times richer.
This is, exactly what Jesus says afterwards. There is no
one, not even the rich young ruler, with whom He has just
finished speaking, who will not receive a hundredfold now, in
this time.
Had the rich young ruler done what Jesus said, he would
have received a hundredfold of all that he relinquished. He
missed this opportunity because he did not understand the
covenant. He failed to realize that Jesus was making him an
offer that was far beyond any business proposal he had ever
heard. There it was, right before his very eyes, but because of
his greed he missed it completely. He held on to what he had,
unaware of what he could have received.
Many people do precisely the same thing today. They say,
“Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” However,
this is a ridiculous attitude based purely on fear. The Bible
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for My sake and the
gospel’s will save it (Mark 8:35).
Financial Freedom
8 Allow God to Bless You!
We are all very different. When God wants to teach you
how to walk in faith, He will begin in the area of your life
where you are the most teachable. Your life is made up of
several different “fields.” God begins to work in those fields
that are most fertile. However, His ultimate aim is to be able
to work in every area of your life.
It is possible to walk in faith and be blessed in one field,
while operating just like the world in another. For example, I
may love Jesus and yet be extremely stingy. This is because I
have not yet received teaching or revelation from the Word of
God in this area. I have failed to realize that the same
principle I use successfully in one area, can also be applied to
the others.
“The just shall live by faith” (Rom 1:17). This is a
principle that applies to every area of our lives, although it
might take some time to see it in operation. This is because
we have been brought up with the mentality of the world,
poverty, greed and fear.
Of course, we should not be careless or wasteful. While
we are to be wise stewards, we need also to be aware of the
tendency to be governed by a spirit of poverty and bondage,
which holds people captive. Many who want to save their
finances for the Lord, do so out of unbelief and actually
prevent the Lord from blessing them.
You need to make room for God in every area of your life.
You glorify God by letting Him bless you. You may be a
cheerful giver, but a poor receiver. God wants you to be able
Financial Freedom
Allow God to Bless You!
blessings that God has for you, because along with the
blessings will come persecutions. Following close behind the
hundredfold blessings are the hundredfold envy and
suspicion. But if you are secure in the fact that your attitude
is right, you can praise God, regardless. There is nothing
better than knowing that your conscience is clean.
When people begin to speculate and calculate how much
money you earn and where it all comes from, it is important
that your conscience is clean. It would be damaging to the
Kingdom of God, not to mention embarrassing, if their
accusations and suspicions turned out to be true after all.
God will bless you financially in the years to come. There
is no limit to how much He will give you when you look after
your affairs carefully and avoid being greedy or employing
fleshly methods. The riches of this world belong to those with
pure hands and the ability to manage these resources
God’s desire is to entrust you with a great deal of money
in the days ahead and to enable you to do what He has
commanded. God blesses you for two primary reasons: partly
because you are a steward and partly because you are His
If you then, being evil, know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more will your
Father who is in heaven give good things to those
who ask Him! (Matt 7:11).
9 Paul’s View of Money
In a previous chapter we dealt with what Jesus said
about riches and ownership in the case of the rich young
ruler. We understand that what He stated was to a
particular person in a unique situation.
What Paul writes about money, however, is directed
toward everyone. His writings are exhortations to the Church
and are therefore intended for every believer. If the words of
Jesus to the rich young ruler had been a general law or
principle, Paul would have written the same thing in his
letters, by revelation from God. But nowhere in his writings
do we find a general command to all believers to give away
all they own.
What does Paul say to those who are rich? His directions
and exhortations are the Word of God, our yardstick and
Command those who are rich in this present age
not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches
but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to
enjoy (1 Tim 6:17).
Financial Freedom
Paul’s View of Money
Financial Freedom
you in case you say that I have plundered you and have
taken your money. There are others who will support me.”
When Paul planned to go to Rome he expected them to
supply him for the rest of his journey. But such was not the
case in Corinth. It was a church full of problems and he was
forced to descend to their level.
The more you are used by the Lord, the wiser you need to
be. Some people become wise by human standards and they
compromise. We cannot allow ourselves to compromise in
this area by showing regard for what others think. In
delicate situations you must demonstrate wisdom and be led
by the Holy Spirit.
If your conscience is clear it will not be easy for people to
pin something on you. However, it will be quickly noticed if
you are acting deceitfully with money. No one else may know
about it, but it is noticeable in the spirit. You will experience
diminished success and God will be dishonored.
Silencing Critics
As soon as we began the construction of our present
facilities here at Word of Life, the real attacks started. Some
journalists once asked me, “How much money do you make
from your tapes?”
“Nothing,” I answered.
Sudden silence followed. I have decided not to make any
profit from the sale of cassette tapes. The money made from
the many tapes we do sell is put toward the Gospel. We do
not distribute tapes to make a profit, we do it to bless the
people who are in need of our teaching. However, money is
required to distribute cassette tapes. We have employees and
equipment and increased expenses as a result of our new
Paul’s View of Money
Financial Freedom
Paul’s View of Money
Financial Freedom
Paul does not say that money itself is the root of all evil.
There are certain ideologies that make this claim but the
Bible is diametrically opposed to such a view. The Word of
God is clear on this: there is nothing wrong with money or
possessions. It is the love of money that is a root of all kinds
of evil. Those who are driven by the desire and lust for money
and possessions will be led astray from the faith and will
Paul’s View of Money
Financial Freedom
your taxes.
Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let
him labor, working with his hands what is good, that
he may have something to give him who has need
(Eph 4:28).
10 God Is Your Provider
God is the God of abundance. He is a rich God and He
meets your needs according to His riches in glory, in Christ
Jesus. All that God gives, comes to us in and through Jesus
Christ. The blessings mentioned in this book are yours
dependent on the fact that you are under the New Covenant
and because of what Jesus has done for you.
Let’s continue now to study what Paul had to say about
God’s provision for His children and the attitude He desires
us to have in the financial area. In Philippians 4:10-19 Paul
But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last
your care for me has flourished again; though you
surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Not that
I speak in regard to need, for I have leaned in
whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be
abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and
in all things I have learned both to be full and to be
hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in
my distress. Now you Philippians know also that in
the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from
Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning
giving and receiving but you only. For even in
Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my
necessities. Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the
fruit that abounds to your account. Indeed I have all
and abound. I am full, having received from
Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, a
sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well
Financial Freedom
God Is Your Provider
Financial Freedom
God Is Your Provider
God with His needs and asked Him to send someone to help
him, allowing God to decide how and by whom it would be
Financial Freedom
God Is Your Provider
Financial Freedom
God Is Your Provider
11 Sowing And Reaping
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also
reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also
reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes
in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God
loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all
grace abound toward you, that you, always having all
sufficiency in all things, have an abundance for every
good work. As it is written, “He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor; His righteousness remains
forever.” Now may He who supplies seed to the
sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the
seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your
righteousness, while you are enriched in everything
for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through
us to God (2 Cor 9:6-11).
Financial Freedom
Sowing And Reaping
Dare to Give
There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be
made rich, And he who waters will also be watered
himself. The people will curse him who withholds
grain, But blessing will be on the head of him who
sells it (Prov 11:24-26).
This law works. If you dare to test it, God will give you
more blessings than you have room to contain.
Make a quality decision to always do what God tells you
to do. Every time you wonder if you can afford it, you are
asking your checkbook for permission. If God says yes and
your checkbook says no, do it anyway. On the other hand,
you should not do something if God says no, even if your
checkbook says yes. Be led by the Holy Spirit and not your
bank balance!
You may find yourself in a situation where you have
nothing. God does not condemn you or complain about you.
He looks at your will. If your will is engaged and you give
according to your present ability, you will end up “giving”
yourself out of famine and into prosperity.
Some people, however, stop giving as soon as they receive
some money. Their resources dry up and suddenly, that
money has disappeared—all because they tried to retain it.
What you attempt to hold on to will always disappear.
Do not delay if God exhorts you to sow into a particular
project. When the Holy Spirit speaks, you should be prepared
to sow within a second’s notice. This will bring you out of
financial bondage and into freedom, where God wants every
one of us. If you lack money at the moment, God will provide
it for you. There is no greater satisfaction than to give to the
work of God. It involves being independent of the world and
Financial Freedom
having the freedom to act and do what God has told us to do.
Always sow your seed into good soil and never sow under
pressure. God will speak to you, thus enabling you to give
with joy. However, do not give an arbitrary sum. Ask God
how much you are to give.
The devil does not want believers to give. If they do, he
wants them to contribute to the wrong things. If you sow into
something that is not approved by God, the devil has
channeled your money down a blind alley and prevented it
from bearing fruit. You should do nothing out of routine or
Sowing And Reaping
Financial Freedom
12 Prosperity in Every Area of Life
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John
Financial Freedom
Think Right!
Prosperity involves every aspect of your life. God wants
you to have an abundance of peace, joy, power and love. He
has deposited these within you. However, the spirit and the
flesh are continually at war within you, and there is a
struggle against the devil, who is out to steal your strength,
your peace, your health and even your possessions.
Just as God wants you to prosper, the devil wants you to
fail. He often uses fear, coupled with the power of
association, to achieve this. You see the unrighteous and
their riches and conclude that having what they have, would
automatically make you unrighteous.
God is your defense. When you are blessed materially,
those who are spiritual will listen to what the Holy Spirit has
to say about it. Such people will never cause you problems.
On the other hand, fleshly people, who respond to what the
carnal mind says, will always cause you trouble.
You need to maintain an attitude of humility and a
willingness to adjust to every situation. But be sure to let
God be the one who adjusts you, not the devil. Satan would
like to make you look truly “spiritual” by getting you to
“forsake” everything.
In certain situations Jesus tells us to be prepared to
forsake everything. He once said to His disciples, “Whoever
desires to come after me, let him deny himself.” He is
referring to an attitude of heart. We cannot follow Jesus if
Prosperity in Every Area of Life
Think Further!
You must choose to follow the Word of God. If you have
received revelation from God’s Word regarding financial
prosperity, He wants you to obey His Word, by walking in
that revelation.
If God has said, “I have determined to bless you,” and you
respond by saying that you do not want to be blessed, you are
in disobedience.
If you think that prosperity is unimportant and that it is
Financial Freedom
Prosperity in Every Area of Life
Other Books by Ulf Ekman
A Life of Victory
The guidance, help and inspiration you need to put God’s
Word first. Fifty-four chapters, each dealing with a particular
area of the believer’s life. 288 pages
The Authority in the Name of Jesus
When you receive a revelation of what the name of Jesus
really means, you will have boldness like never before.
Booklet, 32 pages
Destroy the Works of the Devil
Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. His
death on the cross struck Satan a death blow. Jesus
triumphed over him and won the victory for YOU. Booklet,
32 pages
Faith that Overcomes the World
Explains how faith arises, how it becomes operational, and
what makes it grow. 144 pages
God, the State and the Individual
God not only deals with individuals, but with nations and
governments. You can change the destiny of your nation! 112
God Wants to Heal Everyone
Discover the wonderful fact that God’s will is to heal
everyone—including you. Booklet, 32 pages
Power in the New Creation
A new dimension of victorious living awaits you. The Lord is
with you, Mighty Warrior! Booklet, 32 pages
The Jews—People of the Future
Clarifies basic truths about the people and the land.
Historical facts and Biblical prophecies combine to reveal the
fulfillment of God’s End-time Plan. 160 pages
The Prophetic Ministry
“Provides essential guideposts for the operation of the prophetic
ministry today.” From the Foreword by Demos Shakarian. 224
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