Chapter 16

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-1

Chapter 16: Coating Types, Failure Modes,

and Inspection Criteria
When this module is complete, you will have knowledge and understanding of:
• Curing mechanisms
• Solvent-evaporation (Non-convertible) Coatings
• Polymerization-cured coatings

16.1 Introduction
Earlier chapters discussed various coatings and their methods of curing. This chapter deals
with the unique problems coating inspectors need to understand. Each cure type has unique
inspection concerns inspectors need to understand to know what to look for and how and
when to test the coating. If the cure type is not on the product data sheet, inspectors should
contact the coating manufacturers’ technical service department.

16.2 Curing Mechanisms

As stated previously, there are two categories of curing, each with several sub categories. The
two major curing mechanism categories are: non-convertible (no chemical change during
the cure cycle) and convertible (some chemical change during the cure cycle).

16.3 Solvent-Evaporation Cure (Non-convertible) Coatings

Solvent-evaporation cured coatings simply harden as the solvent evaporates. In countries
with active clean air programs solvent-evaporation cure materials are in limited supply since
they contain a large amount of solvent that dissolve resins.

16.3.1 Chlorinated Rubber Coatings

These single-package coatings were once commonly used in both the chemical process
industry and the marine industry because of their excellent petro-chemical, water, and UV
resistance. Failure Modes

Inspectors should ensure that existing chlorinated rubber coatings should never be over-
coated with a convertible coating such as an epoxy mastic during maintenance projects.

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16-2 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

Overcoat chlorinated rubber only with chlorinated

rubber, a single package waterborne material, or pos-
sibly a solvent-free chemical cured coating. To deter-
mine if the existing coating is solvent sensitive (as
most evaporative cure coatings are) simply rub the
surface with a solvent soaked rag. If this affects the
existing coating, it is safe to assume that it should not
be overcoated with a convertible coating. If a coating
containing solvent is applied to a hot surface, the
coating will not flow out and will leave an uneven
surface with pinholes and low adhesion. Solvent
entrapment can cause in-service blistering. Figure 16.1 Pinholes Inspection Criteria

DFT, surface temperature, and the overcoat window are all necessary inspection points with
chlorinated rubber coatings. Follow the overcoat window and DFT recommended by the
manufacturer to avoid solvent entrapment. Also monitor the surface temperature during
application to ensure it does not exceed the recommended maximum and cause too-rapid
solvent evaporation.

16.3.2 Vinyl Coatings

Vinyl coatings have the same issues as chlorinated rubber coatings. Vinyl coatings are com-
monly used in water tanks and as interior linings in water pipes. When used as a lining they
are applied in multiple coats with very thin DFTs for each coat. Vinyl coatings can have a
solids content as low as 25%, so safety is major concern when working around them. A big
concern is also the large amount of solvent that moves off into the surrounding atmosphere. Failure Modes

Solvent blistering is a common form of failure in
vinyl coatings. This is usually caused by poor ven-
tilation during application, excessive DFT per
coat, or failure to follow the recommended recoat
window. Inspection Criteria

DFT, surface temperature, and the overcoat win-
dow are all necessary inspection points with vinyl
coatings. Follow the overcoat window and the
DFT recommended by the manufacturer to avoid
solvent entrapment. Also monitor the surface
Figure 16.2 Blistering
temperature during application to ensure it does
not exceed the recommended maximum and
cause a too-rapid solvent evaporation.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-3

16.3.3 Acrylic Coatings

Acrylic resins are commonly blended with other resins because of their excellent resistance
to UV degradation. Additionally, they are used as the main, or singular resin, in water-borne
coatings with very low VOC. Failure Modes

When a single acrylic resin is the only resin in an
acrylic coating, the most common failure modes
are the failure to fully cure, and the failure to
adhere when used as a primer. These failures are
caused by either exceeding the recommended
DFT or applying the material in hot and/or windy
conditions. If the co-solvent evaporates too
quickly from the surface of the coating film, it
traps solvent in the lower layers of the film and
retards or stops the coalescence process. Applying
the primer to a hot surface can prevent it from
flowing out, which reduces adhesion. Figure 16.3 Delamination from Substrate Inspection Criteria

DFT, surface temperature, wind speed, and the overcoat window are all necessary inspection
points with acrylic coatings.

16.3.4 Bituminous Coatings

Both hot-melt and cold-applied bituminous
coatings are used in the pipe coating industry,
and at times, for other industries around the
world. These coatings are normally shop
applied. Failure Modes

Long periods of sunlight exposure cause embrit-
tlement of bituminous coatings and cracking
and delamination. Holidays are the most com-
Figure 16.4 Cracking (Coating shown is not
mon problem when they are shop-applied.
bituminous) Inspection Criteria

The coating inspector needs to follow the inspection criteria for the particular product and
the facility applying it. A close inspection for holidays is necessary, paying careful attention
to the bottom side and the areas where the application equipment has difficulty reaching.

16.4 Polymerization-Cured Coatings

Temperature affects all coatings that cure through a chemical reaction. This is a positive
attribute for heat-cured materials but is generally a negative for most other polymerization-

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16-4 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

cured coatings. There are a few single-package materials in this group, such as alkyds and
moisture cures, however most polymerization-cured coatings come in two or more contain-
ers that cannot be mixed until just prior to use. These two facts are also the leading cause of
failure for polymerization-cured coatings.

16.4.1 Oxygen-Induced Polymerization Coatings Alkyds
Alkyds absorb oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere and uses the 02 molecule to react
with the alkyd molecule in a process called oxidation. Failure Modes

The most common problem with alkyds is wrinkling and/or a soft film caused from apply-
ing the coating too thickly. The top surface cures and seals the lower levels of the film from
the oxygen they need to cure. The other common issue is putting the coating into service
before it has time to fully cure. Inspection Criteria

Ensure WFT readings are taken frequently by the applicator. Generally, any WFT over 75 or
100 µm (3 to 4 mils) in a single coat is too thick. The inspector should also confirm the
applied material is cured before another coat is applied. Since oxygen-induced polymeriza-
tion coatings normally have a long cure time before they are ready for service, inspectors
should make sure owners know not to package or use alkyd-coated assemblies until the coat-
ing has reached its cure-to-handle stage.

16.4.2 Chemically Induced Polymerization Coatings

When two compounds are mixed together to form another compound, it is called chemi-
cally-induced polymerization. Most of the industrial and marine coatings in use today are
chemically-induced polymerization coatings. Epoxy Two-Component (Co-Reactive) Coatings

Epoxy coatings are the most widely used industrial/marine coatings. They come in a variety
of types, however the most common failure modes are similar across all types.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-5 Failure Modes

The following failure modes and their causes are
usually apparent:
• Failure to cure – caused by improper mixing
including a too short induction time, or tem-
peratures above or below the recommended
maximum and minimum
• Cracking – caused by applying too thickly
• Pinholes – caused by applying too thinly
• Sagging – caused by applying too thickly,
over-thinning, or a too long pot life Figure 16.5 Chalking

• Delamination from previous coat – caused from exceeding the overcoat widow, coat-
ing on a dirty surface, or applying over amine blush (,)
• Chalking – caused by UV (sunlight) exposure or other radiation

Figure 16.6 Amine Blush Figure 16.7 Amine blush in removal process Inspection Criteria

Inspectors need to keep a careful watch on the person mixing; this job is sometimes per-
formed by the newest person on the team. It is too easy to leave the cure component out of
one can by mistake, particularly if the mixer is inexperienced. Ensure mixing is done cor-
rectly, using the correct equipment, for sufficient time for the type of coating, and for the
size of the unit. Ensure the entire cure is poured from its container into the base. The cure
component is frequently a thick material and may not pour easily.
In a fast-paced production job the mixer may not allow the necessary induction time. Note
the time the material is mixed, and mark each can with the time the mixer came out of it.
Use this to calculate the necessary induction time based on the material’s temperature. Mark
the container with the time it can be used.
Inspectors need to also watch the environmental conditions, especially the dew point in the
early hours of the day. For most epoxy coatings, moisture on the surface is a potential cause
of delamination. Cooler temperatures in the evenings retard an epoxy’s cure time. Check the

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16-6 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

temperatures during cure at least every 4 hours. Some situations may require using a data
logger to track temperatures every few minutes during the cure cycle. Only count the hours
of cure when the surface is at the curing temperature. For most epoxy paints this tempera-
ture is above 4.5C (40F).
Because epoxies and epoxy blends work well on a broad range of applications, inspectors
need to know the exact surface preparation required for each project. When white metal is
specified, the inspector must ensure the requirement is met. Specification requirements vary
widely; sometimes a lower level of cleaning is required, or sometimes the specification
requires epoxy to be applied over damp, oil contaminated surfaces, or underwater.
All epoxy coatings can be applied too thinly, and many can be applied too thickly without
sagging. Inspectors must ensure the applicator uses a WFT gauge and follows the DFT read-
ing standard specified, as well as check DFT in hard to reach areas.
When using epoxies, each case is different, so the inspector’s most difficult task is ensuring
the specified epoxy is used and applied following all the required steps and conditions for
the material and the project. Zinc-Rich Epoxy

This epoxy coating has powdered zinc added to it. It is supplied as either a two-component
material with the zinc already in the base, or as a three-component material with the zinc to
be added by the applicator at the time of mixing. Failure Modes

Failure modes are the same as with a standard epoxy. Use this material only as a primer. If it
is applied over another coating, it will not provide the advertised protection to the surface. Inspection Criteria

Due to the high load of zinc, zinc-rich epoxies are more difficult to mix. Because of this dif-
ficulty, inspectors must know the proper mix ratio and ensure all of the zinc supplied in the
kit is used. They must also verify that the pump is constantly agitated to keep the zinc in sus-
As always, ensure all mixing and application criteria in the specification are followed. Polyester/Vinyl Ester Coatings

Polyester and vinyl ester coatings are used in special situations when a chemical or abrasion-
resistant coating is required. A high degree of surface preparation is commonly specified. Failure Modes

Failure to cure is one of the most common problems. Hardness testing may be required to
determine if the proper cure is achieved before returning the surface to service.
Ensure the surface is totally oil and contaminant free, or blisters can form.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-7

Because many of these products have glass

fiber included with the resin (either mixed in
or added during application), wicking can be
a problem. Each glass fiber must be com-
pletely wetted out to prevent moisture wicking
into the film and the substrate. Wicking
causes underfilm corrosion, blistering and/or
delamination. Inspection Criteria

Perform all of the standard tests for these
products, and possibly a hardness test if Figure 16.8 Blistering
required. Moisture-Cured Urethane

These materials are used in areas of high humidity where other materials generally cannot
be used. They are frequently single package materials but must be applied in strict accor-
dance with the owners’ and manufacturers’ requirements. Failure Modes

Moisture-cured urethane is prone to failure to cure if used in areas of low humidity. This
coating must be able to absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere. Do not permit
flooding with water. With a low humidity environment, the only proper treatment is to
increase the local humidity by misting the area.
Moisture-cured urethane will blister and delaminate if applied to surfaces not cleaned in
accordance with the specification. Inspection Criteria

This standard inspection technique requires an extra careful watch on the humidity during
the cure cycle. Two-Component Thin Film Urethane Coatings

These products are most commonly used as top-
coats over epoxies due to their good-to-excellent
UV resistance and their wide availability in differ-
ent colors.. Failure Modes

Common failure modes include:
Delamination, often due to application after the
overcoat window.
Color and gloss differences. These occur in fin-
ished film and are caused by using two or more Figure 16.9 Cracking

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16-8 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

different batches of material, or from using two or more application techniques in adjoining
areas. Changes in appearances are also seen if the DFT is uneven across the surface.
Blushing. This can be caused by moisture on the surface during the cure.
Failure to cure. This can happen if thinner added during application contains any moisture.
Please note that bulk thinners purchased at low cost may contain some level of water. Inspection Criteria

Use the required standard inspection techniques and closely watch the DFT. Ensure that if
any thinner is used, the coating supplier approves in writing. Thick Film Polyurethane, Polyureas and Their Hybrids

These products are applied by heated plural airless spray. They have a very short pot life,
sometimes as short as 9 seconds. Although grouped as a single family of materials, the indi-
vidual products often have very different use and application characteristics. Inspectors
must understand how the specialized spray equipment works and understand the unique
mixing at the tip of the gun. Failure Modes

Delamination. Delamination is caused by an improper specification. Polyureas are normally
applied over an epoxy primer when used on steel, but this is not required when applied over
concrete. Polyurethanes and some polyurea hybrids are commonly applied directly to steel,
but they sometimes require an epoxy primer on concrete.
Failure to cure. Generally caused by the failure of the equipment to heat or pump proper
amounts of each material to the gun, or caused by the gun failing to spray both sides in the
proper ratio. Inspection Criteria

Follow standard inspection techniques. Siloxanes
These can come as single-package or two-component materials and are normally blended
with other resins such as acrylic, epoxy or polyurethane. Failure Modes

Delamination. One coat may delaminate from the previous coat; this is caused by applica-
tion over a non-compatible product.
Cracking. This is usually caused by an improper formula, and delamination.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-9

Figure 16.10 Delamination

Figure 16.11 Cracking Inspection Criteria

Follow standard inspection procedures. In addition, pay close attention to the film thick-
nesses. Confirm that each product in the system is applied in its proper order. Also, ensure
that the products in the system are compatible and meet the specified requirements. Silicone Coatings

These high-temperature materials are applied over IOZ or applied directly to steel. These
materials require a two-step cure process. At first, they react like any solvent-evaporation
material — they harden within a very short time. However, they do not reach a fully cured
state or adhere properly until heated. In many cases, the heating is done in service and
increases incrementally over a set period of time. Failure Modes

Delamination. Generally due to an improper
heat cure cycle. Inspection Criteria

Carefully read the specification and the prod-
uct data sheet. Pay close attention to require-
ments to slowly and incrementally raise the
heat the first time these materials are placed in

16.4.3 Solvent-Borne Inorganic Zinc

Figure 16.12 Delamination Coatings
These coatings cure both by solvent evaporation, and a chemical reaction from absorbing
moisture from the surrounding atmosphere. This may take several days to happen, although
it appears to cure within minutes or seconds of application. These can be used as precon-
struction primers, but must be applied at only19 µm (.75 mils).

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16-10 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria Failure Mode

Failure to cure. Caused by overcoating too soon.
Mud cracking. Caused by an excessively thick application — typically over 125 µm (5 mils). Inspection Criteria

Pay careful attention to the curing cycle of these materials. The inspector must ensure they
are fully cured prior to overcoating or packaging.

16.4.4 Water-Borne Inorganic Zinc Coatings

These coatings cure by water evaporation and absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmo-
sphere. The cure may take days, but the coating appears to cure within minutes of applica-
tion. This has use as a pre-construction primer if applied at 19 µm (.75 mils). Failure Modes

Failure to cure. Caused by overcoating too soon.
Mud cracking. This is caused by applying an excessively thick coating, typically over 125 µm
(5 mils). Inspection Criteria

Pay careful attention to the curing cycle of these materials. The inspector must ensure they
are fully cured prior to overcoating or packaging.

16.4.5 Water-Borne Coatings

Many coatings use water as a thinner or diluent. The major concern is preventing freezing
during shipping and storage. Failure Modes

Failure to cure is caused by the water evaporating too rapidly due to excessive heat on the
surface, or excessive air flow over the surface. Inspection Criteria

Use standard inspection criteria, paying particular attention to surface temperatures if high
heat is expected, particularly to the tops of structures in full sunlight.

16.5 Case Study C

The exterior of a 20-year-old carbon steel ground storage petroleum tank located in an arid
desert climate was being blasted and coated with a three-coat single package water-borne
acrylic coating system. After airless spray application of the primer and intermediate coating
on the top and 50% of the sides, the application contractor called the coating manufacturer
and told them the material was not curing, ever after several days at 38C (100F) plus tem-

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-11

16.6 Details
The specification called for:
• Abrasive blast in accordance with NACE 3/SSPC SP10 Near White Blasting Cleaning
• Application of a water-borne acrylic primer at 75 to 125 µm (3 to 5 mils)
• Application of a water-borne acrylic intermediate coat at 100 to 150 µm (4 to 6 mils)
• Application of a water-borne acrylic finish coat at 50 to 75 µm (2 to 3 mils)
No inspection requirements were included in the specification except the statement that the
coating manufacturers recommends procedures be followed and that the contractor follow
industry standard inspection procedures.
Application and cure times between coats and final cure were the same for all three products
and were listed on their data sheets as:

16.6.1 Application Conditions

Review Table 1 for application conditions.

16.6.2 Curing Schedule

These times are based on a 50-75 µm (2.0-3.0 mils) DFT. Higher film thickness, insufficient
ventilation, high humidity, or cooler temperatures will require longer cure times.
Table 1: Application Conditions

Condition Material Surface Humidity

Normal 16-32°C (60- 18-29°C 18-32°C 10-80%

90°F) (65-85°F) (65-90°F)

Minimum 10°C 50°F 10°C 0%

(50°F) (10°C) (50°F)

Maximum 40°C 54°C (130°F) 43°C 85%

(105°F) (110°F)

Table 2: Curing Schedule

Surface Temp Dry to Dry to

and 50% RH Handle Topcoat

10°C (50°F) 3 hours 3 hours

24°C (75°F) 2 hours 2 hours
32°C (90°F) 1 hour 1 hour

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16-12 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

A note on the data sheets stated: “Dry Film Thickness 50-75 µm (2.0-3.0 mils); do not
exceed 75 µm (3.0 mils) in a single coat.”

16.7 Pertinent Notes

When the manufacturer’s technical service person arrived on site, he first reviewed the con-
tractor’s and inspector’s notes of the project.

16.7.1 Contractor’s Notes

• The start of the project coincided with the beginning of the summer season.
• The owner did not have a coating inspector on the project and relied on the contractor
who provided a part time non-certified coating inspector.
• This was a single shift job and all work took place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day.
• Environmental conditions, including: ambient and surface temperature, dew point
and % RH, were taken and recorded at the beginning of the day about 8 a.m., around
noon, and at the end of the workday about 5 p.m. On some days, the noon and end of
shift readings were not recorded.
• On some days no environmental readings were recorded.
• Wind speed was not recorded and the inspector did not have a wind velocity meter.
• The material temperature was not taken or recorded.
• There was a verbal comment from the inspector to the manufacturer’s technical ser-
vice person that since this was the desert, every day was just the same as the previous
day as far as the weather went. He also proudly commented that they had to stop
painting and hold off until the next morning on several occasions, since the wind was
blowing so hard in the afternoon that the man-lifts they worked out of started to swing
too much.
• The abrasive blasting was performed with silica sand and was accepted by the coating
inspector as being compliant with the specification. There were no photographs or any
recorded test results such as the ISO 8503-3 Dust Tape test to verify his claim. When
asked if he had a copy of SSPC Vis-1 he said he did not.
• No testing for soluble contaminants was required by the specification or performed by
the contractor.
• Blasting was performed from the beginning of the shift until about 3 p.m. when the
blasted area was blown down and coated with the primer.
• There were no records of WFT being taken. When questioned about it the painting
supervisor said that all of his painters checked WFT constantly while applying the
coating, but they did not record.
• The material was thinned with clean water, but no record of the amount of thinner was
kept. The painting supervisor claimed they followed the manufacturer’s data sheet
exactly. There was no evidence of any liquid measuring devices at the job site.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-13

16.7.2 Inspector’s Daily Log

The project had been in progress for 7 days when the coating manufacturer’s technical ser-
vice person showed up. The daily notes recorded by the contractor’s inspector were as fol-
lows: Day One and Two

Moved on job, brought in equipment, paint, and grit, and covered with tarp.
Bright sun, no rain in forecast.
Ambient temperature was 32°C (90°F) in the morning, and 43°C (110°F) at 5 p.m. when
leaving the job site. Did not have tool to measure RH but was really hot and dry feeling; must
have been pretty low humidity. Sure a lot of sand blowing around in the afternoon! Day Three

Set up and started to blast on roof of tank, three blasters on roof starting in the middle and
working out.
Ambient temperature was 32°C (90°F) at 8 a.m., clear and sunny.
Ambient temperature was 36°C (97°F) at 12 noon, still clear and sunny, wind starting to pick
Ambient temperature was 43°C (110°F) at 4 p.m., sunny but with a dust cloud from the
wind, too windy to paint. Day Four

Checked blasting from previous day, still looked good, will complete blasting and prime the
roof today.
Ambient temperature was 32°C (90°F) at 7:30 a.m., clear and sunny.
Noon: Blasting on roof completed, looks good, painters setting up. Air temp 37°C (99°F),
RH 15%, tank surface on roof 40°C (105°F).
1 p.m. — wind picked up too much to paint, tarps blowing off stored materials.
2 p.m. — put away materials and left job site. Day Five

Inspector not available due to a different project today. Supervisor reported that everything
went well, all temperatures were good to go and the roof was painted with the primer, and
two drops were made on the side by the blasters. Day Six

9 a.m. arrived at job site, blasting on sides.
Ambient temperature was 32°C (90°F) at 9 a.m., clear and sunny, RH 12%.

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16-14 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

Ambient temperature was 36°C (97°F) at 12 noon, still clear and sunny, RH 12%.
Ambient temperature was 43°C (110°F) at 4 p.m., clear and sunny.
Checked DFT of primer on roof and sides, took 25 or 30 readings on roof and another 10 or
15 on the sides, average was 100 µm (4 mils).
Primer on roof still a little soft, but not sticky. Gave approval to apply intermediate coat
based on the fact the primer had been on for two days and must be cured by now. Told
painters to wear booties so they would not get the primer dirty. They used the blast hoses to
blow down the roof before spraying on the next coat.
3 p.m. — Blasting on sides completed with all areas blown down, looks like a good near
white blast, only a very few spots of paint visible on the surface, really clean looking.
3:30 p.m. — Intermediate coat being applied to roof and portion of the sides. Primer being
applied to bare steel portion of the sides and the ladder.
5 p.m. — One of the painters had to come down off the roof since he burned his hand when
he touched the steel with his bare hand. It did not seem bad enough to send him to the hos-
pital so we had him soak it in cold water. I guess I should check that temperature up there,
but access is limited.
6 p.m. — today’s painting completed, looks good! Day Seven

Ambient temperature was 32°C (90°F) at 9 a.m., clear and sunny, RH 12%.
Ambient temperature was 36°C (97°F) at 12 noon, still clear and sunny, RH 12%.
Ambient temperature was 43°C (110°F) at 4 p.m., clear and sunny.
7 a.m. — Material on roof still soft to the touch, but not sticky. Soft on the sides also, except
on the north side of the tank where it has gotten hard like I think it should be. Checked the
batch numbers on the paint and there were several different numbers for each product. Must
be we got some bad paint!
Stopped the job and called the coating manufacturer’s technical service department; they
said they would send someone out that afternoon.

16.8 Coating Manufactures Results

The manufacturer’s representative confirmed that the coating was still fingernail soft. He
measured several places for DFT and found a film thickness (used plastic shim to measure
through and subtracted shim DFT) ranging from 50 to 200 µm (2 to 8 mils) of primer and
where the primer had been overcoated the DFT was 75 to 400 µm (3 to 16 mils). The surface
temperature of the roof was 60°C (140°F) at 3 p.m. and the wind speed was 24 knots.

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Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria 16-15

16.8.1 Questions
Your team represents the coating manufacturer. Answer the following questions:
1. List three things the inspector did wrong or neglected to do that should been have done.
2. List three things the owner’s specification writer could have done to improve the specifi-
3. What could the application contractor have done to improve the quality of the job?
4. Why does your team think the coating was still soft to the touch on most of the tank and
hard on the north-facing wall of the tank? What do you think can be done to fix it?

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16-16 Coating Types, Failure Modes, and Inspection Criteria

Study Guide
1. What are the two categories of curing and their definitions?
• ____________________________________________________________________
• ____________________________________________________________________

2. List some examples of non-convertible coatings.

• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________

3. What is a polymerization-cured coating?


4. List some examples of convertible-cured coatings.

• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________
• ____________________________

5. What is the cause of chalking in an epoxy coating?


6. When using a solvent-borne inorganic zinc, what would be one common reasons for a
failure to cure?

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