Spectrum Analysis How To Guide Manual 72E-171284-01
Spectrum Analysis How To Guide Manual 72E-171284-01
Spectrum Analysis How To Guide Manual 72E-171284-01
How-To Guide
MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent &
Trademark Office. © Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2012. All rights reserved.
Spectrum Analysis 3
Document Conventions .................................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Spectrum Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 System Diagram ............................................................................................................... 6
3 Licensing Spectrum Analysis .................................................................................................. 7
4 Spectrum Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Background Spectrum Analysis .................................................................................... 8
4.2 Dedicated Spectrum Analysis ........................................................................................ 9
4.2.1 Performing Spectrum Analysis ..................................................................... 10
5 First-Generation SA ................................................................................................................. 12
5.1 Spectrum Scan Settings ............................................................................................... 13
5.2 Spectrum Scanning Modes .......................................................................................... 14
5.3 Spectogram & Duty Cycle ............................................................................................. 14
5.4 Interference Sources .................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Closing Spectrum View Window ................................................................................. 17
6 Advanced Spectrum Analysis ................................................................................................ 17
6.1 ASA Charts ...................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.1 Spectrogram .................................................................................................... 19
6.1.2 Spectral Density .............................................................................................. 20
6.1.3 Real-Time FFT .................................................................................................. 21
6.1.4 Duty Cycle ........................................................................................................ 22
6.1.5 RF Quality Index .............................................................................................. 23
6.1.6 Interference ..................................................................................................... 24
6.1.7 Device Count ................................................................................................... 25
7 Scheduled Spectrum Analysis .............................................................................................. 27
8 Interpreting Spectrum Analysis Alarms............................................................................... 28
9 Supported Devices/Versions ................................................................................................. 30
4 How-To Guide
Document Conventions
The following graphical alerts are used in this document to indicate notable situations:
CAUTION This symbol indicates that if this information is ignored, the possibility of
data or material damage may occur.
WARNING! This symbol indicates that if this information is ignored the possibility
that serious personal or device injury may occur.
Spectrum Analysis 5
1 Introduction
As 802.11 devices operate in unlicensed 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, managing WLAN networks
bring additional challenges compared to wired networks as these devices experience noise and
interference from other neighboring wireless networks operating in the same channel. In
addition, other wireless devices like cordless telephones, wireless cameras, Bluetooth, weather
radars, microwave ovens, etc. operate in same frequency band in which WLAN networks
As a result, the presence of any of these application devices in the vicinity of 802.11 networks
will have a profound impact on the reliability and throughput performance of these networks.
So, organizations need IT staff with special RF skills and tools to detect interference and
manage RF spectrum in which WLANs operate.
The Spectrum Analysis (SA) module in the AirDefense Service Platform (ADSP) provides
exactly what is needed for organizations to “look-into” the air for potential noise and
interference sources for troubleshooting physical (PHY) layer issues from a centralized remote
2 Spectrum Analysis
802.11 signaling exists only at layer-1(PHY) and layer-2(MAC) of the OSI model. If you only
examine layer-2 frame captures, you will miss important information about the operation of your
devices. 802.11 devices share the same unlicensed medium not only with each other in their
WLAN network, but also with non-802.11 based devices configured to operate in the same
frequency bands. When 802.11 devices conduct their clear channel assessment (CCA) prior to
transmitting a frame and do not hear any 802.11 frame transmissions, they assume that the
wireless medium is idle. If a source of non-802.11 noise exists in the basic service set area,
802.11 devices will not be able to detect the noise as an interference source. So, they assume
that the medium is not busy and start transmitting the frames. As a result, the signal will collide
with the noise and it will not be delivered to the intended receiver. The transmitting station will
not receive an acknowledgement frame and begin the retransmission process. This will directly
impact network performance. Common sources of non-802.11 interference include microwaves,
cordless phones, Bluetooth devices and x.10 cameras as well as many other things.
Spectrum Analysis will enable you to detect and classify the source of interference; thus allowing
you to remove it or work around it. This is a valuable tool in troubleshooting and resolving
performance issues which are prevalent in WLAN networks.
6 How-To Guide
Spectrum Analysis is an add-on module that gives you a tool to perform spectrum scan across
2.4GHz and 5GHz band, and identify interference sources on your wireless network.
The analysis is conducted using radio share enabled APs or Sensors. You must possess a valid
Spectrum Analysis license for each Sensor or radio share enabled APs on which you want to
perform Spectrum Analysis.
AD-SARS-P-1 AirDefense Radio-share Spectrum Analysis license for one (1) AP.
ADB-NARS-P-1 AirDefense Radio-share license, Network Assurance bundle for one (1) AP.
Includes: AP Test, Adv. Forensics, Connectivity Troubleshooting, LiveRF and
Spectrum Analysis.
NOTE Must add a first-year maintenance/service program to this product SKU.
The above licenses can be applied on an ADSP appliance running ADSP version 9.x from
Configuration > Appliance Platform > Appliance Licensing in the ADSP User Interface (UI).
NOTE If the selected Sensor is not licensed for Spectrum Analysis, you get the following error.
Threshold (dBm)—This is the master level control for ASA scanning. During scanning, any
signal levels below this threshold will be dropped. Only those signal levels greater than this
threshold will be admitted for further processing.
Duty Cycle (dBm)—The duty cycle is a measure of % utilization for each frequency. 100% duty
cycle for a channel or frequency indicates that the channel is busy all the time. On the other
hand, 0% duty cycle indicates that the channel is not used. The Duty Cycle controls the
threshold level for duty cycle measurement. Only signal levels greater than the Duty Cycle
threshold are counted in the duty cycle measurement.
There are four settings: two for 2.4 GHz band and two for 5GHz band. The user is not expected
to change the default settings for normal use.
WARNING! When you run dedicated Spectrum Analysis, the Sensor stops its
current operation (for example, WIPS) and performs only Spectrum
10 How-To Guide
4.2.1 Performing Spectrum Analysis
To initiate Spectrum Analysis, go to Network tab in the ADSP GUI, and select Network
Devices in the Show list box for any desired scope in the network hierarchy. This lists all
Sensors and APs in that scope.
Select the target Sensor or radio share enabled AP which you want to use for spectrum scan.
Right click on the device, and choose the Spectrum Analysis option as shown below to open
the Spectrum View window.
Depending on the Sensor capabilities, you will see Spectrum View window with either first-
generation Spectrum Analysis or Advanced Spectrum Analysis options. Refer to the following
sections for more details on the dedicated Spectrum Analysis settings and spectrum charts.
NOTE The Spectrum View window can only be accessed if the selected Sensor is licensed
and it supports Spectrum Analysis. If the Sensor does not support Spectrum Analysis,
the following error popup is displayed.
WARNING! If you attempt to run Spectrum Analysis on an AP configured for client access
(device configured as AP and Sensor), the following error popup may display.
This usually happens if you only have one radio turned on. If you continue, your
wireless application may be disrupted but Spectrum Analysis will run.
5 First-Generation SA
First-generation Spectrum Analysis is supported on the following devices:
• AP510/AP520
• AP7131/AP7161/AP7181
• AP650/AP6532.
Unlike Advanced Spectrum Analysis, the Spectrum Analysis on these devices supports only
Spectrogram and Duty Cycle charts, and detection of limited Interference Sources.
Dedicated Spectrum Analysis can be performed at anytime on a Sensor or a radio share AP as
mentioned in Section 4.2.1. The dedicated spectrum scan starts automatically when the
Spectrum View window is opened, as shown below.
NOTE The default scanning time is 10 minutes and a timeout occurs if you leave the spectrum
scan running for more time, as shown below. Scanning time can be adjusted by
selecting Menu > Appliance Manager > System > Settings > Spectrum Scan
Timeout in the ADSP GUI.
There are two fields that define the pulse: Threshold and Width. You can adjust the pulse
threshold (in dBm) and the pulse width (in microseconds) by typing new values.
14 How-To Guide
Click OK to set the new values and close the window.
• Full Scan
• Interference Scan.
Full Scan scans the entire 2.4GHz spectrum in 5MHz steps and 5GHz spectrum in 20MHz
steps with a short dwell time of around 50 ms. Full Scan supports limited classification of
interference sources, as it spends less time on each channel.
Interference Scan scans only three channels in the 2.4GHz band and three channels in the
5GHz band with a longer dwell time of around 500 ms in each channel. Interference Scan
supports classification for all interference sources.
By default, Interference Scan is enabled. But, you can change the scanning mode by selecting
the Full scan radio button or by going to the Scan menu in the Spectrum View window.
This chart displays spectral power observed across 2.4 and 5GHz channels. It indicates
whether the spectrum is busy or not based on the transmit power seen from both 802.11 and
non-802.11 sources.
The duty cycle chart displays how busy a particular frequency is in real-time. X-axis represents
duty cycle, while Y-axis represents frequency. A 100% duty cycle for a frequency indicates it is
continuously occupied, and 0% indicates that the frequency is quiet.
Spectrum Analysis 15
When a scan starts, data starts displaying in the right side of the Spectrogram. As new data is
scanned, the older data moves to the left. Once the graph is full, a horizontal scrollbar
becomes visible, as show in above picture.
You can adjust the size of the Spectrogram and Duty Cycle chart by clicking and dragging the
divider (left or right) between them
Click on the Data Point Details button on the Spectrum View window. It displays, frequency,
duty cycle, and average, minimum, and maximum power level, as shown in the next figure.
16 How-To Guide
• Microwave Oven
• Frequency Hopping
• Continuous Wave
• Bluetooth.
When the system detects any of these interference sources, it highlights them in the
Interference Sources window.
Each time a scan is started; the interference source table is cleared and gets updated as the
system detects these interference sources.
Spectrum Analysis 17
5.5 Closing Spectrum View Window
Select File > Close to exit the Spectrum View window.
You will be prompted to save the spectrum scan data to an ADSA file. This file can be opened
in Live View or in AirDefense Mobile by navigating to File > Open > Open Spectrum Data.
Note that, ASA will only run on devices with the MB92 or newer chipsets. Currently, the
following Motorola products support this advanced Spectrum Analysis:
• AP6511
• AP621
• AP6521
• AP622
• AP8132.
The on-demand Advanced Spectrum Analysis can be invoked in a similar way to that of
Spectrum Analysis, as mentioned in Section 4.2.1. But, if the chosen AP/Sensor supports
ASA, you see the window shown in the next figure.
18 How-To Guide
Press this button to configure Threshold and Duty Cycle values for both 2.4
and 5GHz bands for on-demand ASA. See section 4.1 for more details on
the definition of these fields.
Scan Type By default, Scan Type for the on-demand ASA is set to Dedicated. You can
set the ASA to run in background mode by changing the Scan Type to In-
Line in above window.
Spectrum Analysis 19
View Allows you to display appropriate Spectrum Charts based on the following
Utilization—This is the default view option, which displays spectrum
utilization charts i.e. Device Count, RF Quality Index, and Duty Cycle.
Physical Layer—Displays spectrum charts related to PHY layer, i.e.,
Spectrogram and Duty Cycle.
Interference—Displays Interference and Spectral Density charts.
Spectrum Detail—Displays Spectrogram, Real-time FFT, and Spectral
Density charts.
Highlight By default, this is enabled. The ASA charts highlight spectrum data only on
channels with those channels in which the system detects presence of sanctioned BSSs.
sanctioned You can disable this option to highlight the spectrum data on all the channels
BSSs in the displayed charts.
6.1.1 Spectrogram
Spectrogram is a time sweep plot of the spectrum that shows how the RF power of the selected
channels varies with time. This chart displays spectral power observed across 2.4 and 5GHz
channels for which Advanced Spectrum Analysis is configured. It indicates whether the
spectrum is busy or not based on the transmit power seen from both 802.11 and non-802.11
sources. This is a color coded chart.
Select the Spectrogram option from the Chart dropdown menu on the right side of the window
to display the chart. The legend for different power levels is also shown in the chart. Adjust the
sliders on 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands to view Spectrogram on desired channels in these bands,
20 How-To Guide
as shown below. You can place the cursor at any place in the window to see the channel and
power level at any given time during the spectrum scan.
Select Real Time FFT option from the Chart dropdown menu on the right side of the window to
display this chart. It plots the following power values, and you can enable or disable any of
these power levels if you do not want to see it on the FFT plot:
Average Power—Average RF power of the collected samples during the scan period
Max-Hold—Maximum RF power of all the collected samples since the ASA was started
Maximum Power—This is similar to average RF Power, but it displays the maximum RF
power of the collected samples instead of averaging
Min-Hold—Minimum RF power of the collected samples since the ASA was started
22 How-To Guide
Minimum Power—This is similar to average RF Power but it displays the minimum RF
power of the collected samples instead of averaging.
• Channel utilization
• Number of retries and Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) errors observed in the
• Channel noise
• Total number of transmitted frames in the channel
Select RF Quality Index option from the Chart dropdown menu on the right side of the
window to display this chart. The legend for Average and Current power levels are shown in
the chart.
24 How-To Guide
Adjust the sliders on 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands to view RF Quality Index plot on desired
channels in these bands, as shown below.
6.1.6 Interference
This chart plots all interference sources observed across all channels during a spectrum scan.
During the interference scan, the system detects and classifies various interference sources
commonly found in the shared 2.4 and 5GHz ISM bands. The following interference sources
are supported by ASA:
• Microwave
• Wireless Camera
• 802.11 OFDM Activity
• 802.11 CCK Activity
• Bluetooth low data rate—Single slot Bluetooth
• Bluetooth high data rate—Multi Slot Bluetooth
• Cordless Phone
• Jammer—CW Source over more than 100MHz contiguous frequency range
• Continuous Transmitter—CW Source less than 100MHz contagious frequency range.
Spectrum Analysis 25
Select Interference option from the Chart dropdown menu on the right side of the window to
display this chart. Adjust the sliders on 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands to scan and detect
interferences on desired channels in these bands. You will see a red ball on the Status column
against an Interference source when the system detects that particular interference category
during an on-demand spectrum scan.
You can select the red, green, or gray color on any of the channels to display the number of
Unsanctioned, Sanctioned and Neighboring devices respectively. For example, the above
picture shows total unsanctioned BSSs discovered in channel 1.
Spectrum Analysis 27
9 Supported Devices/Versions
The following table lists the firmware support for Sensor and radio share based Spectrum
Analysis for various models:
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© 2012 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
72E-171284-01 Rev A
December 2012