Online Placement Management

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Online Placement Management


Computer based information system are designed to improve existing system. Whatever
the information, Placement Management has to pass to the student and he or she can inform
online. Improve accuracy in result. It has user friendly interface having quick authenticated
access to documents. It provides the facility of maintaining the details of the students. It will
reduce the paper work and utilize the maximum capabilities of the Setup and organization as
well as it will save time and money which are spending in making reports and collecting data. It
can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.


This system can be used as an application for college to manage the student information
with regards to placement. Now days, Student joins the college for the placement as well as for
better training for their future. But there is manual training has going on there might be lot of
problem student as well as placement manager has to face. All the transactions are done
manually. Fake entries can be there. System is more error - prone & time consuming. Difficulty
in managing data of students. Large piles of records are to be maintained. Placement
Management have to collect the information of various companies who want to recruit students
and notify students time to time about them. It is a time consuming activity of managing,
updating and informing specific student for specific company requirements. In order to avoid
above existing problem we are design existing system as online Training and Placement system,
so that whatever the information, All the resume sends by the student which can be maintain in
the database. It reduces the paper work and storage area. Save time & work load for TPC Staff
and students. Easy to access. Avoid fake Entry. Only Eligible students get chance. Improve
accuracy in result. It has user friendly interface having quick authenticated access to documents.


2.1 Existing System

Now a day’s campus placement are conducted in all colleges. Various software
and other sector companies are conducting campus selections for selecting the merit candidates.
When campus selections are conducted the students should provide their curriculum vitae to the
concern officer for attending the campus interviews. This routine process is maintained
manually, like maintenance of their resumes in papers. This can be automated by designing
software. The existing system is doing all the processes manually. The personnel should refer all
the records kept for years ago to simply know details. This so tedious and time consuming. This
process is so difficult when the number of users increases.

2.3 Limitation of Existing System

There are a lot of limitations for the existing systems

• Time consuming
• Not accurate
• Error prone
• Large amounts of records are to be kept
• Complicated procedure
• May not complete in time
• Paper work is very tedious
• Report production is very slow
• All the registers are kept for a long period
• Searching for a file or record is very difficult


The system can provide a search engine capable of helping to the student and job
provider to the company. Now a day’s unemployed plays an important role in the world. The
students and all candidate right person. Because no one can knows about the company details or
daily job recruitment details. This project maintains information about the different company as
well as the student. It notifies every student with the availability of the job as per the category in
which the student has registered user's resume. The system also notifies the company with the
information about the persons registered under the category required by the job provider. It also
maintains a specialized search engine which provides instant availability of the jobs as the user's
category. The system maintains information of the users who have registered with the site. After
searching the required job on the site the seekers can directly forward their resume to the
corresponding email address listed in the search

Advantages of proposed system

 Easy way to communicate
 Low cost compare with internet connection
 Unemployment may be reduced.
 User not neglect to view the message



 Front End : PYTHON

 Back End : MYSQL
 Operating System : Windows OS
 System type : 32-bit or 64-bit Operating System
 IDE : visual studio Code


 Processor : Intel processor 3.0 GHz

 RAM : 4 GB
 Hard disk : 1 TB
 Compact Disk : 650 MB
 Keyboard : Standard keyboard
 Mouse : Logitech mouse
 Monitor : 15 inch color monitor



Python is a high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and simple to

implement. It is open source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial applications.
Python can run on Mac, Windows, and Unix systems and has also been ported to Java and .NET
virtual machines. Python is a fairly old language created by Guido Van Rossum. The design
began in the late 1980s and was first released in February 1991.

Python is considered a scripting language, like Ruby or Perl and is often used for creating Web
applications and dynamic Web content. It is also supported by a number of 2D and 3D imaging
programs, enabling users to create custom plug-ins and extensions with Python. Examples of
applications that support a Python API include GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, and Autodesk Maya.

Scripts written in Python (.PY files) can be parsed and run immediately. They can also be saved
as a compiled programs (.PYC files), which are often used as programming modules that can be
referenced by other Python programs.In late 1980s, Guido Van Rossum was working on the
Amoeba distributed operating system group. He wanted to use an interpreted language like ABC
(ABC has simple easy-to-understand syntax) that could access the Amoeba system calls. So, he
decided to create a language that was extensible. This led to a design of new language which was
later named Python.

No. It wasn't named after a dangerous snake. Rossum was fan of a comedy series from late
seventies. The name "Python" was adopted from the same series "Monty Python's Flying

Features of python:

1. A simple language which is easier to learn

Python has a very simple and elegant syntax. It's much easier to read and write Python
programs compared to other languages like: C++, Java, C#. Python makes programming
fun and allows you to focus on the solution rather than syntax.
If you are a newbie, it's a great choice to start your journey with Python.
2. Free and open-source
You can freely use and distribute Python, even for commercial use. Not only can you use
and distribute softwares written in it, you can even make changes to the Python's source
Python has a large community constantly improving it in each iteration.
3. Portability
You can move Python programs from one platform to another, and run it without any
It runs seamlessly on almost all platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
4. Extensible and Embeddable
Suppose an application requires high performance. You can easily combine pieces of
C/C++ or other languages with Python code.
This will give your application high performance as well as scripting capabilities which
other languages may not provide out of the box.
5. A high-level, interpreted language
Unlike C/C++, you don't have to worry about daunting tasks like memory management,
garbage collection and so on.
Likewise, when you run Python code, it automatically converts your code to the language
your computer understands. You don't need to worry about any lower-level operations.
6. Large standard libraries to solve common tasks
Python has a number of standard libraries which makes life of a programmer much easier

since you don't have to write all the code yourself. For example: Need to connect MySQL
database on a Web server? You can use MySQLdb library using import MySQLdb .
Standard libraries in Python are well tested and used by hundreds of people. So you can
be sure that it won't break your application.
7. Object-oriented
Everything in Python is an object. Object oriented programming (OOP) helps you solve a
complex problem intuitively.
With OOP, you are able to divide these complex problems into smaller sets by creating

Python Applications:

You can create scalable Web Apps using frameworks and CMS (Content Management System)
that are built on Python. Some of the popular platforms for creating Web Apps are: Django,
Flask, Pyramid, Plone, Django CMS.

Sites like Mozilla, Reddit, Instagram and PBS are written in Python.

Scientific and Numeric Computing

There are numerous libraries available in Python for scientific and numeric computing. There are
libraries like: SciPy and NumPy that are used in general purpose computing. And, there are
specific libraries like: EarthPy for earth science, AstroPy for Astronomy and so on.

Also, the language is heavily used in machine learning, data mining and deep learning.

Creating software Prototypes

Python is slow compared to compiled languages like C++ and Java. It might not a good choice if
resources are limited and efficiency is a must.

However, Python is a great language for creating prototypes. For example: You can use Pygame
(library for creating games) to create your game's prototype first. If you like the prototype, you
can use language like C++ to create the actual game.

Good Language to Teach Programming

Python is used by many companies to teach programming to kids and newbies.

It is a good language with a lot of features and capabilities. Yet, it's one of the easiest language to
learn because of its simple easy-to-use syntax.

Python is a terrific language. The syntax is simple and code length is short which makes is easy
to understand and write.If you are getting started in programming, Python is an awesome choice.
You will be amazed how much you can do in Python once you know the basics.It's easy to
overlook the fact that Python is a powerful language. Not only is it good for learning
programming, it's also a good language to have in your arsenal. Change your idea into a
prototype or create games or get started with data Science, Python can help you in everything to
get started.


1. Time-wasting matters of style, especially regarding enclosing curly-bracket positioning

blocks, simply go away.
2. Whenever you’re faced with a problem and are figuring out how to do it, there will be
multiple well-documented ways.
3. You can become productive in Python fairly quickly even as a beginner, yet it will serve
you in industry like a champ too!

Now what do I mean by this? The clearest example is the non-use of curly braces—or brackets
of any sort, for that matter—as code block delimiters. One of the most debated matters of
programming style in BCPL-derivative languages such as C and Java is “indent styles”, or how
to arrange those curly-brackets for maximum readability—which happens to make absolutely no
difference in how your program actually runs. Curly braces were a BCPL invention (a precursor
to C) to help compilers—not developers. Programmer time lost on these matters of style can now

be measured in centuries. That curly braces have propagated to like every other “serious”
language is one of the biggest and saddest facts in the world of information technology.

Ruby, Visual Basic and most non-C derivative languages instead of curly brackets use
“keywords” such as Ruby’s “def” and “end” for code blocks, instead of using curly-brackets.
Python takes it one step further and only uses a keyword only at the beginning. The rest of the
code block is contained merely by virtue of line indenting. That white space matters is perhaps
the most controversial (contrary to most other languages) and pragmatic thing about Python—
and drives plenty of people crazy who want to dis’ Python on that basis—a position that fills
with glee those of us who’ve traded in the pain of curly brackets for the clarity of whitespace
long ago. However, the price of Python’s innovation is the required use of a colon at the end of a
function or class—the leaving-off-of-which is probably among the largest of Python newbie

Benefits of Python

Python is an dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be compared with Java
and Microsoft's .NET-based languages as a general-purpose substrate for many kinds of software
development. It offers strong support for integrating with other technologies, higher programmer
productivity throughout the development life cycle, and is particularly well suited for large or
complex projects with changing requirements.

Python is the most rapidly growing open source programming language. According to InfoWorld
its user base nearly doubled in 2004, and currently includes about 14% of all programmers.

Python is being used in mission critical applications in the world's largest stock exchange, forms
the basis for high end newspaper websites, runs on millions of cell phones, and is used in
industries as diverse as ship building, feature length movie animation, and air traffic control.

Python is available for most operating systems, including Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS

Key Strengths

Python's clean object-oriented design and extensive support libraries offer two to ten fold
the programmer productivity seen with languages like C, C++, C#, Java, VB, and Perl.

Integration Of all types, including Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). Python makes
it easy to develop Web services, can invoke COM or CORBA components, calls directly to
and from C, C++, or Java code (via Jython), provides powerful process control capabilities,
implements all common internet protocols and data formats, processes XML and other
markup languages, can be embedded as a scripting language, and runs from the same byte
code on all modern operating systems.

Network intensive applications And complex multi-protocol network applications can be

built on Twisted, a development framework well suited to running large numbers of
concurrent network, database, and inter-process communication links within the same

Web development from simple CGI scripting to high-end web application development
with mega-frameworks such as Django and Turbogears, the Zope application server, Plone
content management system, Quixote web application framework, or a even a home-grown
solution based on Python's extensive and easy to use standard libraries. Python provides
interfaces to most databases, powerful text processing and document processing facilities,
and plays well with other web technologies.

Numeric and scientific applications make use of the Python Imaging Library, VTK and
MayaVi 3D Visualization Toolkits, Numeric Python, Scientific Python and many other
tools available for numeric and scientific applications. Many of these are supported by the
Enthought Python Distribution.

Application scripting is a snap with Python's tight integration with C/C++ and Java.
Python was designed from the ground up to be embeddable and serves as an excellent
choice as a scripting language for customization or extension of larger applications.

Software Testing benefits from Python's strong integration and text processing capabilities,
and Python comes with its own unit testing framework.

Desktop development using wxPython, PyQt, or PyGtk for high-quality GUI applications.
Protect your investment by basing on open technologies, with deployment to most
operating systems. Support for other GUI frameworks, such as MFC, Carbon, Delphi, X11,
Motif, and Tk, is also available.


Python is quick and easy, and often results in development of the final system in Python. The
agile nature of the language, and the ease of refactoring code makes for rapid development
directly from the initial prototype.

The Open Source Advantage

Because it has been developed as open source by thousands of contributors from around the
world, Python is very well designed, fast, robust, portable, and scalable. With an uncluttered,
easy-to-learn syntax and well-developed advanced language features, Python often exceeds the
capabilities of comparable commercially available solutions.

The open source license for Python allows unrestricted use, modification, and redistribution of
the language or anything that is based on it, commercially or otherwise. Full source is available
and there are no license costs. Support is available for free, from a rich set of internet-based
resources, and from organizations in the business of providing paid support to Python users.




Admin Recruiters Student Details

Company Profiles
Post New Vacant Enrollment

Send Vacancy Applied Apply to Job

Information Candidates Details

View applications View result


5.2 Data Flow Diagram


Campus and placement cell

Admin Student



Admin Student details Registration

Send message Allocate the job

Data base


Registration Login


Upload job details

Data base



 Company Profiles
 Send Vacancy Information
 Update Result
 Post New Vacant
 Applied Candidates Details
 Post Result
 Enrollment
 Apply to Job
 View result

6.2 Modules Description

Company Profiles

This module will show the company profiles, companies will give their basic info while do
registration those details will show to placement cell team by this page.

Send Vacancy Information

All vacancy Information which is sent by company will be showed to this page placement cell
will send these details to students in this module.

Update Result

By this module placement cell send the intimation to students about interview status like waitlist,
rejected or selected

Post New Vacant

In this module company will post the new vacancy details with the eligibility criteria

Applied candidate details

By this module recruiters can see the students who are applied for the interview and they can
cross verify whether they are meeting the required eligibility or not.


In this page students will Enter to this system by entering the valid username and password, they
will get these details while doing registration

Apply to Job

Students will receive the job openings details from placement cell and they can apply if they
really willing to try this vacant

View candidates

Placement cell will forward the result status to the students which is already sent by recruiters so
by this page students can know about the result of their interview rounds.



Testing is an activity to verify that a correct system is being built and is performed with
the intent of finding faults in the system. However testing is not restricted to being performed
after the development phase is complete. But this is too carried out in parallel with all stages of
system development, starting with requirements specification. Testing results, once gathered and
evaluated, provide a qualitative indication of software quality and reliability and serve as a basis
for design modification if require a project is said to be incomplete without proper testing.

Test Case
File level deduplication will save a relatively large memory space. In general, file level
deduplication view multiple copies of same file. It stores first file and then it links other
references to the first file. Only one copy will be stored. In testing, even though file names are
same, the system can able to detect deduplication. If we upload the same file by using different
names, it will view only the content and not names. Thus redundant data is avoided.
In registration phase, the user may not registered before and type their information. So if
the user is new user, the alert message will display that the user is not registered before.

Fig 7.2 System Testing.

Unit Testing
It is the testing of an individual unit or group of related units. It is done by programmer to
test that the implementation is producing expected output against given input and it falls under
white box testing. Unit testing is done in order to check registration whether the user properly
registered into the cloud. It is done in order to check whether a file is properly uploaded into the
cloud. And an encryption and decryption is checked with unit testing if it is converted properly.
Then deduplication is checked with unit testing.
Integration Testing
All the modules should be integrated into a single module and it should be checked that it
is still working still by integration testing.
System Testing
It is done to ensure that by putting the software in different environments and check that
it still works. System Testing is done by uploading same file in this cloud checking whether any
duplicate file exists.
Software Testing
It is the process of evaluating a software item to detect differences between given input
and expected output. Also to assess the feature of a software item. Testing assess the quality of
the product. It is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words
software testing is a verification and validation process.

There are two types of software testing.
1. Black box testing
2. White box testing
Verification is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions imposed at
the start of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product behaves the way we
want it to.
Validation is the process to make sure the product satisfies the specified requirements at
the end of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product is built as per
customer requirements.


It is concluded that the application works well and satisfy the company. The site is
simultaneously accessed from more than one system. Simultaneous login from more than one
place is tested. This project is aimed at developing a Campus Recruitment Process System for the
HR Group for a company. Its maintaining over all Interview process through online. The site
works according to the restrictions provided in their respective browsers. Further enhancements
can be made to the application, so that the web site functions very interactive and useful to
existing application .The application satisfies both the company and students by eliminating
more input. The speed of the transactions become more enough now.



Following books and eBooks are used to complete this project reports.

 Advanced PYTHON Remoting 2nd Edition (Ingo Rammer and Mario Szpuszta,
Apress, March 2005)
 PYTHON to PYTHON Migration Handbook (Christian Nagel et al, Wrox,
January 2003)
 OF PYTHON (Christian Nagel et al, Wrox, September 2001)
 Data-Centric PYTHON Programming (Christian Nagel et al, Wrox, December
 Professional PYTHON Network Programming 2nd Edition (Christian Nagel et
al, Wrox, September 2004)
 Professional PYTHON (Christian Nagel et al, Wrox, March 2002)
 Professional PYTHON Web Services (Christian Nagel et al, Wrox, December


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