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Volume 6 No. 1 2022 (17-24)


(Case Study of the Physical Works Project and the Expansion of the Marabahan
DistrictCourt Building)

Abnu Azhar1 dan Eliatun2.

Civil Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University
Email :abnuazhar@gmail.com1, eliatun_tarip@ulm.ac.id2


To make a building requires a strong foundation to withstand the load on it. the Physical Work
Project, Renovation and Expansion of the District Court Building requires heavy equipment
management in the form of piles, the piling method used is the Hydraulic Static Pile Driver.
Thepile management is needed to find out the estimated working time on the entire building so that
the implementation goes according to or does not exceed the planned project time. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyze the efficiency of the piling tool. The results of the descriptive analysis in this
study obtained the production value of the Hydraulic Static Pile Driver tool. The highest
production value was 0.23 meters/minute, and the lowest value was 0.21 meters/minute. The time
required to complete the project erection work based on the planning is nine weeks, while the
realization in the field to complete it in seven weeks. The planned implementation cost to complete
the erection work for this project is Rp. 2,073,360,000. Meanwhile, the cost of field realization is
Rp. 2,481,150,000. this means that the implementation costs in the field are greater than the
planning costs of Rp. 407,790,000 this was due to the addition of 828.00 m3 of pile procurement
volume and 828 m3 of piling and handling work, and 138 nos of pile connections.
Keywords: Productivity, Hydraulic Static Pile Driver, Efficient

foundation with the condition of the soil on the

1 INTRODUCTION island of Kalimantan, which will has quite a lot
A building is a physical form of texture properties, will affect the type of
resulting from construction work integrated construction of the building. In the process of
with a place of residence either above, using the piling method on the building's
below the ground, and in the water. foundation., the piling method requires heavy
Buildings are usually connoted with houses, equipment management in the form of piles as
buildings or all facilities, infrastructure or the main tool in the implementing of pile
infrastructure in culture or human life in foundation work. The pile management is
building civilization, such as bridges and needed to find out the estimated working time
their construction and design, roads, on the entire building so that the
telecommunications facilities, and others. implementation goes according to or does not
The Physical Work Project for the exceed the planned project time. Therefore, it
Renovation and Expansion of the Marabahan is necessary to analyze the efficiency of the
District Court Building is a renovation piling tool. The pile management is needed to
project for the Marabahan District Court find out the estimated working time on the
building with a contract value of Rp. entire building so that the implementation goes
6,682,311,660.20, which is located on Jl. according to or does not exceed the planned
Puteri Junjung Buih No. 77 - Barito project time. Therefore, it is necessary to
Kuala(Kab.). This project uses piles as the analyze the efficiency of the piling tool. The
18 CERUCUK,Volume 6 No. 1 2022

pile management is needed to find out the 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

estimated working time on the entire
building so that the implementation goes 3.1 Hydraulic Static Pile Driver Working
according to or does not exceed the planned Method
project time. Therefore, it is necessary to This tool consists of several sub-machines
analyze the efficiency of the piling tool. that each has different work functions. So
that each sub-machine has its working
2 RESEARCH METHODS method which, is then combined into a
unified driving work method. The types of
Methodology This research was conducted work are:
by collecting data obtained from direct 1. Move To The Point
observation to the project/field. This 2. Lifting Pile
research was conducted by explaining the 3. Clamping & Piling
stages ofdriving through the Hydraulic Static 4. Joint Pile (Welding)
Pile Driver tool and processing the data at 5. Cutting Pile.
the stage to determine the productivity of the These types of work have different
Hydraulic Static Pile Driver tool in the durations of work, so it is necessary to
Physical Work Project for the Renovation analyze the method to obtain a duration of
and Expansion of the Marabahan District 1 cycle of 1 pile driving on a project.
Court Building. The framework of the
research method can be seen in Figure 3.1. 3.1.1 Employment data
START Name of Work Package : Physical Works
Project and Expansion of Marabahan District
Court Building. Physical Works Project and
Location Preliminary Expansion of the Marabahan District Court
Data collection Area :4,968 m
Type of work :Construction Works
Work unit :The state court is angry
Activity Manager :PT. Suramadu
Necessary data :
1. Sonder data
Nusantara Engineering
2. Stake Tool Rental Price List and PT. Indonesian
3. Specifications of heavy Energy Defani (KSO)
Contract No. :W15.9/1614/PL01.
Data analysis of hydraulic static pile Contract Price :Rp. 6,685,000,000.00
driver Sources of funding :APBN 2020
1. Stake productivity Implementation time :87 Calendar Days
2. Time required for erection Contract Date :04 OCTOBER 2020
3. Cost of erection work Supervision Consultant: CV. Dayakarsa
Discussion Volume

Conclusion 3.1.2 Tool Profile

Tool's name : Hydraulic Static Pile
FINISH Producer :Tianwei Engineering
Figure 3.1 Research Method Manufacturing Co.Ltd.
Flowchart China
Work Analysis … Abnu Azhar 19

Year 2012 Pile Jobs

Serial Number 201208320386
Type :ZYJ 15/120 In this project, the lifting pile process takes
Transport Capacity :120,000 Kg 480 seconds per pile until the tip of the pile is
Piling Speed : Fast :9.40 m/min inserted into the clamping tool, the pile that is
Moving Distance lifted is a pile with a length of 10 meters. This
Front back :2.00 – 2.40 m data was obtained from interviews with the
Left right :0.55 project contractor supervisor.
mMoving Speed Known :
Front back : Lifting duration: 8 minutes = 480 seconds
Left right : Pole Length : 10 m = 1000 cm
Max Square Pile :300x300
mmMax Circle Pile :300mm Volume Aktivitas (sat. vol)
Durasi Pekerjaan = vol
Lifting Weight :5 Ton Produktivitas kerja (sat. )
Lifting Pile Lengh :9 m 1000cm
Rise Stroke :1.10 480 detik
m =2,08 cm/second
Total Weight :134 = 125 cm/minute
Ton LT = 8 minutes

3.1.3 Pile Profile

a. Pile :
Bottom Segment 600mm x 250mm x 3.1.6 Welding Work Productivity
250mm Calculation.
Middle Segment 1000mm x 250mm x
250mm This work is carried out by one person with the
Middle Segment 1000mm x 250mm x time needed for 23.5 minutes the piles used are
250mm dimensions of 25x25 cm.
Upper Segment 1000mm x 250mm x Known :
b. Concrete Quality :K500 Table 3.1. Welding Job Data
The number Time required Pile
3.1.4 Land Data of workers Dimension
one person 23.5 minutes 25x25cm
In the technical justification report by CV.
DAYAKARSA MADYA Consultant (see Find welding length =
attachment E.1.). It is said that based on the Pile circumference x number of welding layers
drilling test and SPT test, initially, the results = (0.25m x 4) x 2 layers
of the field inspection carried out with the = 2 + 20% safe number (assumption)
PPK and the Executing Contractor at a depth = 2 + 0.4
of 30 meters (P 7 Mpa / 44,821 Kg) the = 2.4m
bearing capacity of the soil has not been able From this calculation, the welding length is
to bear and withstand the design load, so a 240cm, so the welding productivity is
"test pile" was held. and was found at a calculated as follows.
depth of 36 meters (P 20 Mpa / 128.060 Kg) Known:
which is considered capable of carrying the Welding Duration : 23,5 minutes = 1410
existing design load, so in this case, there seconds
was an additional depth of 6 meters Number of Builders :1 person
Welding Length :240 cm
Volume Æktivitas (sat.vol)
3.1.5 Calculation of Productivity of Durasi Pekerjaan = vol
Produktivitas kerja (sat. )
20 CERUCUK,Volume 6 No. 1 2022

Work productivity = = 0,17 cm/ detik connection and it is cut if there is any
240 remaining pile that does not go into the ground.
=10.2 cm/minute
After getting the productivity of The time for moving to the point is added
welding work, then the productivity value is when the total construction time of the pile has
entered in the formula: been calculated.
WL 240
WT = = = 24 Table 3.2. Per-cycle Sampling Duration
menitQL 10,2
3.1.7 Calculation of Productivity of Pile lifting pailing Welding cutting
CuttingPile Jobs length pile (LT) (PT) (WT) Pile
(m) (minutes) (minutes) (minutes) (Cpt)
The duration required for cutting / slapping (minutes)
concrete piles with dimensions of 25x25 cm 10 8 2,836 24 10
with a hammer and carried out by two
people is 15 minutes. This data was obtained
The driving duration formula using a hydraulic
from interviews with field supervisors.
static pile driver is
Known :
CTP = LT + PT + WT + CPT
Dimension Length : 25cm x 4 = 100cm
= 8 + 2.836.+ 24 + 10 = 47.84 min
Number of Builders : 1 person
Duration : 10 minutes
Durasi Pekerjaan ∶ jumlah orang =
Volume Aktivitas (sat. vol) 3.1.10 Calculation of Production Capacity of
vol Hydraulic Static Pile Driver Tool Pile
Produktivitas kerja (sat.
vol 100 cm
Produktivitas kerja (sat. )=
waktu (10 menit ∶ 1 orang) In accordance with what is known that the
Produktivitas kerja = 10 cm/min
general productivity formula is Work
After getting the productivity of the cutting
productivity = volume
pile work, the productivity value is entered jumlah jam kerja
in the formula: Known :
Cpl 100
CPT = 10 (minutes) = = Pile Length: 10 meters
(Qcp) 10 Sampling Cycle Results: 47.84 minutes
3.1.8 Pailing Duration Calculation Q = CTP
= 0,21 m/min m/min, so the
Pailing machine speed itself is 9.40
productivity value is 0.21 meter/minute
with a pile length of 6m and 10m with the
condition of the pile being in the Good
Table 3.3. Production Capacity of Hydraulic
category 0.75
Static Pile Driver Tool Piling
Known :
Machine Speed = 9.40 pile productivity
pile cycle yield
m/minPile length = 10 meters no length (Q)
type(m) (CPT)
Tool condition = (m) (minutes)
(Good) 10m x
2s 1 25m x 10 47.84 0.21
PT = 25m
2.10 = 2.836 min 6m x
= 25mm
2 6 26.96 0.23
3.1.9 Calculation of Per-Cycle 25mm
As we have seen, 1 driving cycle on the hydraulic static
DrivingDuration pile driver tool is when the tool lifts the pile and then
Work Analysis … Abnu Azhar 21

puts it on the pile, after that time is added if project. For work volume data obtained from
there is a pile. the initial RAB Planning. As in the table
From the recapitulation, the lowest below, Weekly report is a report that contains
production value is 0.21 meters per minute reports on progress or work weights
and the highest production value is 0.23 (realization of work) on a weekly basis.
meters per minute. Due to considering the
factors that affect work delays, the Table 3.4. Realization Weekly Report
production value used is the longest
production, which is 0.23 meters per minute. M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7
No. Nama Pekerjaan
The production value is used to calculate the 1 Pengadaan Tiang Pancang 30/30 dan transpotasinya
Volume Bobot Volume Bobot Volume Bobot Volume Bobot Volume Bobot Volume Bobot
124 1,73 994 13,82 2.169 30,15 1.093 15,2 589 8,19
2 Pemancangan dan Handling 1.143 6,22 1.521 8,28 913 4,97 1.391 7,57
SCHED ULL E 3 Sambungan Tiang Pancang 222 0,67 76 0,23 116 0,35
BOBOT JUMLAH 4 Pemecahan dan potong kepala tiang pancang 13 0,09 17 0,12 28 0,19 80 0,55
MINGGU M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
No. Uraian Pekerjaan Keterangan
06-Okt-20 13-Okt-20 21-Okt-20 28-Okt-20 05-Nop-20 12-Nop-20 19-Nop-20 26-Nop-20 03-Des-20
5 Pengujian Tiang Pancang (PDA Test) 3 1,69
s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d.
12-Okt-20 20-Okt-20 27-Okt-20 04-Nop-20 11-Nop-20 18-Nop-20 25-Nop-20 02-Des-20 09-Des-20 Total Bobot Mingguan 1,73 20,03 39,19 20,51 16,29 2,24


1 Pengadaan Tiang Pancang 30/30 dan transpotasinya 69,079 7 Minggu 9,868 9,868 9,868 9,868 9,868 9,868 9,868

In the table above table 3.4. the volume and weight
2 Pemancangan dan Handling
3 Sambungan Tiang Pancang
4 Pemecahan dan potong kepala tiang pancang
7 Minggu
7 Minggu
7 Minggu

obtained where the weight results are entered into the
5 Pengujian Tiang Pancang (PDA Test) 0,846 0,846
1,693 2 Minggu

time schedule which can be seen in Figure 3.1.
(A) Jumlah Harga Pekerjaan ( termasuk Biaya Umum dan Keuntungan )
(B) Pajak Pertambahan Nilai ( PPN ) = 10% x (A)
Figure 3.1. Time Schadule
overall driving duration for both the 6-meter
and 10-meter pile profiles. In the time schedule picture, you can see the difference
in work progress between the realization and the plan,
3.2 . Time difference analysis where the realization
Table 3.5. Plan Budget Plan
no. nama pekerjaan satuan volume harga satuan total harga
3.2.1. Time Schedule 1 Pengadaan Tiang Pancang 30/30 dan transpotasinya m' 4.140 345.000,00 1.428.300.000,00
2 Pemancangan dan Handling m' 4.140 135.000,00 558.900.000,00
3 Sambungan Tiang Pancang nos 276 75.000,00 20.700.000,00
4 Pemecahan dan potong kepala tiang pancang nos 138 170.000,00 23.460.000,00
The work network in which each 5 Pengujian Tiang Pancang (PDA Test) nos 3 14.000.000,00 42.000.000,00
Total 2.073.360.000,00
component of the activity has been given
a period is then analyzed and calculated as Example of calculation to get the total plan
a whole and the project completion period price
is calculatedso that the master schedule and Job name : Procurement of 25/25 Pile and
schedule for the implementation of work in its Transportation
the field can be known. Volume : 4,140 m
Unit price : Rp. 345,000
3.2.2. Weekly report Total price per job
s curve is shown in red and the plan = Volume x Unit price
s curve is shown in blue. For the = 4,140 x 345,000.00
time difference, it can be seen that = 1,428,300,000.00
the realization is faster because the Total Price = total price of pile procurement +
realization is completed in the 7th total cost of Piling and Hamdling + total pile
week while the plan is completed in connection + total price of breaking and cutting
the 9th week. So the difference in the pile head + testing of piles
realization time is 2 weeks faster = 1,428,300,000 + 558,900,000
than the plan. +20,700,000.00 + 23,460,000.00 =
3.3 Analysis of the Budget Plan (RAB) Table 3.6.Field Realization Budget Plan

3.3.1. Budget plan no. nama pekerjaan

satuan volume harga satuan total harga
1 Pengadaan Tiang Pancang 30/30 dan transpotasinya m' 4.968 345.000,00 1.713.960.000,00
Calculation of the amount of costs 2 Pemancangan dan Handling m' 4.968 135.000,00 670.680.000,00
3 Sambungan Tiang Pancang nos 414 75.000,00 31.050.000,00
required for materials, tools and 4
Pemecahan dan potong kepala tiang pancang
Pengujian Tiang Pancang (PDA Test)
wages, as well as other costs related Total 2.481.150.000,00

to the implementation of the work or

22 CERUCUK,Volume 6 No. 1 2022

Example of Calculation of Total Realized the productivity of the erection work on

Price the physical work project and the
Job name : Procurement of 25/25 Pile expansion of the Marabahan state court
and its Transportation building, the highest production value
Volume : 4,968 m of the Hydraulic Static Pile Driver was
Unit price : Rp. 0.23 meters/minute or the equivalent of
345,000Total price per job 14 meters/hour and the lowest value
= Volume x Unit price was 0.21 meters/minute. minutes or the
= 4,968 x 345,000.00 equivalent of 12 meters/hour
= 1,713,9600,000.00 4.2 The time required to complete the
Total Price = total price of pile procurement erection work of the physical work
+total cost of Piling and Hamdling + total project and the expansion of the
pileconnection + total price of breaking Marabahan court building based on the
andcutting the pile head + testing of piles planning is 9 weeks, while based on the
1,713,960,000 + 670,680,000 + 31,050,000 realization in the field to complete it is
+ 7 weeks. Which means the
23,460,000 + 42,000,000 = 2,481,150,000,0 implementation time in the field is 2
weeks faster than planned.
3.3.2. Difference between Planned Budget 4.3 The planned implementation cost to
Plan and Field Realization complete the erection work of the
physical work project and the expansion
The difference in the budget plan can be of the Marabahan state court building,
seenin the table below the budgeted cost is Rp. 2,073,360,000.
Meanwhile, the cost of work in
Table 3.7. Difference between accordance with the realization in the
PlannedBudget and Actual field is Rp. 2,481,150,000. Which
Rencana Realisasi selisih
no. nama pekerjaan Keterangan
satuan volume harga satuan total harga volume harga satuan total harga Volume Biaya
Pengadaan Tiang Pancang 30/30 dan transpotasinya
Pemancangan dan Handling
Sambungan Tiang Pancang
345.000,00 1.428.300.000,00 4.968
135.000,00 558.900.000,00 4.968
75.000,00 20.700.000,00 414
345.000,00 1.713.960.000,00 828,00 285.660.000,00 tambah
670.680.000,00 828,00 111.780.000,00 tambah
31.050.000,00 138,00 10.350.000,00 tambah
means that the implementation costs in
4 Pemecahan dan potong kepala tiang pancang 170.000,00 23.460.000,00 138 170.000,00 23.460.000,00 - tetap
5 Pengujian Tiang Pancang (PDA Test)
nos 3 14.000.000,00 42.000.000,00
3 14.000.000,00 42.000.000,00
the field are greater than the planning
From the table above we can see the total costs of Rp. 407,790,000 this was due
difference in the cost of work is Rp. to the addition of 828.00 m3 of pile
407,790,000 due to the additional volume in procurement volume and 828 m3 of
the piling work as much as 828.00 m3 and in piling and handling work and 138 nos
the piling and handling work at 828 m3 and of pile connections.
the pile connection as much as 138 nos.
The addition of the pile volume is due to the REFERENCES
piling work being planned at a depth of 30
meters, while the results of field inspections Dewi Eva Puspita. (2020). Comparative Study
carried out with PPK and the Implementing of Work Efficiency of Diesel Hammer And
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4 CONCLUSION Hakim AR – Akbar A. (2018) Analysis of the
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24 CERUCUK,Volume 6 No. 1 2022

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