Slice Columbus Protocol
Slice Columbus Protocol
Slice Columbus Protocol
Protocol for
The purpose of the “Columbus Family Academy Slice” is to look at student work across classrooms and
grade levels in order to gain new insights and perspectives on teaching and learning. A representative
sample of student work is collected over a specific period of time and examined by staff looking for
evidence related to specific guiding questions.
This protocol was originally written in the 1990s/2000s. We encourage you to purchase an NSRF membership to access newer materials and to enroll in
CFG Coaches' Training to access all of the updated materials and to develop a more thorough, experiential understanding. Protocols are most powerful
and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community such as a Critical Friends Group® and facilitated by a skilled coach. To learn
more about professional learning communities and seminars for new or experienced coaches, please visit the National School Reform Faculty website at
2. Looking At The Big Picture (20 minutes)
Participants go to explore the work of students from every age group. The purpose is to answer the
school wide questions and to look at student work across classrooms and grade levels to find patterns
and differences in the experiences and work across the whole school. Participants are asked to write
down evidence they find across classrooms and grade levels related to the guiding questions and be
prepared to share within their small group.
This protocol was originally written in the 1990s/2000s. We encourage you to purchase an NSRF membership to access newer materials and to enroll in
CFG Coaches' Training to access all of the updated materials and to develop a more thorough, experiential understanding. Protocols are most powerful
and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community such as a Critical Friends Group® and facilitated by a skilled coach. To learn
more about professional learning communities and seminars for new or experienced coaches, please visit the National School Reform Faculty website at