Set - A Mathematics
Set - A Mathematics
Set - A Mathematics
First PreliminaryExamination
Std : XII MATHEMATICS Max. Marks : 80
Date : 28/12/23 Set – A Time : 3 Hrs.
General Instructions :
The question paper is divided into four sections :
(1) Section A : Q. No. 1 contains eight multiple choice type questions carrying two
marks each.
Q. No. 2 contains four very short answer type questions carrying one mark each.
(2) Section B : Q. No. 3 to 14 contains twelve short answer type questions carrying
two marks each (Attempt any eight)
(3) Section C : Q. No. 15 to 26 contains twelve short answer type questions carrying
three marks each (Attempt any eight)
(4) Section D : Q. No. 27 to 34 contains eight long answer type questions carrying
four marks each (Attempt any five)
(5) Use of log table is allowed. Use of a calculator is not allowed.
(6) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(7) Use of graph paper is not necessary. Only rough sketch of graph is expected.
(8) For each multiple choice type questions, it is mandatory to write the correct
answer along with its alphabet, e.g., (a)…/(b)…/(c)…/(d)… . No mark(s) shall be
given if only the correct answer or the alphabet of the correct answer is written.
Only the first attempt will be considered for evaluation.
(9) Start answer to each section on a new page.
Section – A
Q.1 Select and write the correct answers for the following multiple ch
oice questions : 16M
(i) The general solution of = ex is
Q.22 Find the approximate value of log10 (1016), given that log10e = 0.4343.
Q.23 Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y = 4 – x2 and the X-axis.
Q.24 Find k,, if the following function represents p.d.f. of r.v. X :
f(x) = kx (1 – x), for 0 <x<
< 1 and = 0, otherwise.
Also, find P <𝑥< and P 𝑥 < 2 .
Q.25 Let the p.m.f. of r.v. X be p((x) = , x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Find E(X) and
Q.26 Evaluate : ∫ dx.
Section – D
Attempt any fivequestions
questions of the following : 20M
Q.27 Obtain the simple logical expression of the following statement pattern. Draw the
corresponding switching circuit :
(~ pq) (~ p ~ q) (p ~ qq).
2 −3 3
Q.28 Find the inverse of the matrix 3 2 3 by using elementary row transformations.
3 −2 2
Q.29 Prove that three non-zero
zero vectors 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐̅ are coplanar if and only if there exist scalars x, y, z,
not all zero simultaneously such that x𝑎 + y𝑏 + z𝑐̅ = 0.
Q.30 Maximize z = 10x + 25y,, subject to 0 x 3, 0 y 3, x + y 5.
Also, find the maximum value of z.
Q.31 Find , if y = (sin x)tan x – xlog x.
Q.32 A box with a square base is to have an open top. The surface area of the box is 192 sq cm.
What should be its dimensions in order that the volume is largest?
Q.33 Evaluate : ∫ tan dx.
1 − 𝑥2
Q.34 Solve the following differential equation :
y log y = (log y2 – x) .