Eng Module 2 Class 8

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Techno India Group Public School, Ariadaha


ØStory writing
ØThe Last Class (Literature)

§ All the exercises are to be done in the English exercise copy.

§ Exercise numbers should be properly mentioned
§ Answer key will be sent shortly (literature and grammar
§ Stories will be checked once the school reopens

For any further doubts and clarification do mail us on the

official English mail id.

Ok , so let’s get started.

Hey…children !…how have you been..?
It’s time for the next module of English, but before we
proceed further let me ask you, did you enjoy creating
the Facebook STORIES…? Hope the STORIES were not
fake like the page and the logo. With much conviction
you shared whatever you did and how you felt. A big
round of applause for all your beautiful STORIES!!!

So, why not talk about STORIES a bit more, let’s try
and capture some more of your precious moments,
feelings and emotions through writing. what do you

.Then let’s try out the art of SHORT STORY WRITING.

What’s a story then…??any guesses?? How…was your

trip ,dear??

Ok, let’s try and frame an idea..

When you come after a trip, your parents ask..

Don’t you tell them everything with lively details and multitude (a lot) of
So, every time you share something that you did, something that had happened
with you or something that you experienced, you tell a STORY!!!

Thus, a story can-

v be the narration of fictitious/factual events

v convey a message or just create a particular mood.

Let us now read the following short story : The flies and the honeypot

A jar of honey was upset and the sticky

sweetness flowed out on the table. The
sweet smell of the honey soon brought a
large number of flies buzzing around.
They did not wait for an invitation. No,
indeed; they settled right down, feet and
all, to gorge themselves. The flies were
quickly smeared from head to foot with
honey. Their wings stuck together. They could not pull their feet out of the sticky
mass. Just as they were about to die, they exclaimed… “oh foolish creatures that
we are, for the sake of a little pleasure, we have destroyed ourselves.”..And so
they died, giving their lives for the sake of a taste of sweetness.

Be not greedy for a little passing pleasure. It may destroy you.

The above story narrates an event and at the same time teaches us a very vital
lesson, but why are some of the lines underlined??

Read the story again and look for the explicit( stated clearly) and vivid
detailing of the incident which make a reader visualise the event as she/he
reads along.

v Now, to master the art of story writing let us first see what are its chief
So, now let’s discuss about each one of them to have a better understanding.

A. Title

B. Plot

The plot is …..

• A planned series of events where the characters , background, setting etc is
• A short story has generally one plot so that It can be read in one sitting.
• The plot has a structure, just have a look-
Conflict is the most
essential part of a plot,
remember without a conflict
there can be no plot. so, how
can you create the conflict???

look at the picture on your


This structure makes up the beginning, the middle and the end of a story.
C. Setting

Apart from these

settings the ‘mood’ is
also a very important
aspect of the setting of
a story.
§ what feelings
are being created
in the
middle and end
of the story?
(Like- happy,
cheerful, sad,

D. Characters

Characters being the most important part of a story, can be of many types. Thus,
while framing a character, we need to keep in mind that…
Ø Characters should be thinking and feeling individuals.
Ø Readers should be able to relate to them.
Ø Thoughts and actions of the characters should be engaging.

Can you guess how an author reveals a character??

What he/she What others think What she/he does

His/her appearance about her/him
thinks or feels (actions)

Now, look at the chart below to know how a character changes as a story progresses
Exercise 1.
develop some
characters !
Observe the worksheet
carefully, Suppose these
people are the characters of
your story. How will you
describe them?
E. Theme

Every story is based on a theme whether expressed on unexpressed.The theme of the

story is the moral, message or the lesson that you want your readers to learn from
your story, It is often referred to as the HEART of the story. look at the following


Exercise 2
Write a story (180-200 words)based on the theme ‘hope
and faith’… try and use all the elements that you have
learnt so far.
F. Point of view

Following are some of

the examples from great
literary pieces that will
help you understand
this particular element

The Red-Headed League" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The 1st
I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day person
in the autumn of last year and found him in deep point of
conversation with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly
gentleman with fiery red hair. With an apology for my
intrusion, I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me
abruptly into the room and closed the door behind me..
The 2nd
Bright Lights, Big City by Jay Mclnerney person
point of
You have friends who actually Care about you and speak the view
language of inner self. You have avoided them of late….

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Something very painful was going on in Harry's mind. As
The 3rd
Hagrid's story came to a close, he saw again the blinding person
flash of green light, more clearly than he had ever point of
remembered it before — view

Exercise 3 Let’s read the following story now-

The key to heaven

The villagers were delighted. A sage who performed miracles, had come to their
village. Every morning and evening they would gather at the church with specially
prepared delicacies as offerings to the sage.
When David, the village chief, heard of this, he smelt a rat. He went to the church
and sat near the sage who claimed to have travelled all across the world. He claimed
that he had learned many magic spells which could bring dead people back to life.
The sage began reciting magic spells and asked for alms from the people gathered.
Most of the people gave him their valuable articles and to David’s surprise, the sage
from nowhere created nascent voices of the dead.
Although it did not continue for long as David noticed a tape recorder hidden in
the goat skin bag of the sage. David’s distrust was justified. He then leaned forward
and shook the sage’s bag which he had firmly held between his arms. The round
shaped recorder fell on the ground and the sage was exposed. People of the village
grew angry and started throwing stones at the sage. Though he tried to escape with the
gifts and the money he had collected….but alas! David was one step ahead as he had
already informed the police about the fake sage.

Did you notice all the elements in the above story??so now fill up the graphic
organiser based on your understanding of the story. Copy It in your exercise copy
and complete the activity, suggest an alternative title too.
Story starters
An interesting start can lead to an awesome story- don’t you think so?? So, here’s
for you some very interesting starters that will surely help you write some
fascinating stories. Check them out!
Exercise 4 Be a writer

a) Write a story beginning with an interesting fact or a

shocking statement.
b) Write a fractured fairy tale!!! Retell a familiar fairy
tale with a new twist to the plot (Little Red Riding Hood/
Snow White/ Hansel & Gretel)
c) Create a comic strip using three of your classmates as
d) Descriptions are important in a story…we all know
that, now suppose if the following were a part
of your story how would you have described
them? (a garden /park, a wardrobe, an old
house)(within 30- 50 words)

e) Read the following event


Imagine and write a story

from the sweater’s point of
view. How does it feel being
tossed and pushed around,
unwanted and unloved??

Hope, by this time you have already acquired much of the art of short story
writing. Remember, practice makes a man perfect…so you need to practice
hard to really become a master in story writing.
Part 2
What’s next ? Can we not read a story now ? But, which one ?

These days I have been really reminiscing (recalling past experiences )the
wonderful moments of our school, those enriching sessions, the fun of celebrations
….missing all of it. If we would have known of this situation , don’t you think we
could have made our last class really memorable ?

let’s read the story THE LAST CLASS (Page 60, Communicate in Cambridge)by
Alphonse Daudet, and see what our narrator has to say about his LAST CLASS. I
am sure you will be able to relate to the plight of the young protagonist, who too ,
like you Is stuck in an unfamiliar situation amidst an uncertain time. So, here,
the SETTING plays an important role. The time when the event takes place is
witnessing severe political unrest.people are at war. The characters find themselves
in a suffocating era where their identities are not well defined, where freedom is at
stake and where they have nothing left to cling on to.

So, to begin with at first let’s set the tone

Exercise 5.(Watch the following links and answer the questions In your exercise

https://youtu.be/rwN2R5zd0bw (video 1)

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl5OqQVaD9Y (video 2)

i. ‘Suffering in war comes in many different forms’….

After watching the video, do you believe the above statement to be true?
ii. Do you think war has a before and after effect on lives too? How?

Our story The Last Class is actually adapted

from The Last Lesson by the French writer
Alphonse Daudet. The Franco-German War,
had a profound effect on his writing (as can be
judged from his second volume of short stories;
“Monday Tales”), Daudet even had enlisted
himself in the army, but he fled from Paris as
he found the terrors of the war to be unbearable.
All his life he recorded his observations of other
people in little notebooks, which he used as a
reservoir of inspiration. To him a novel, should
be “the history of people who will never have any
It’s the time to read the story now…but !!!

There are some words in the story which you might find difficult
to understand. So let’s look for the words and understand their
meanings first so that we can really get engrossed and enjoy a
fluent reading .

Mother was
There was a merely angry as The rats
great uproar she had gone gnawed away
over plans to wandering in the some of her
pull down the woods after she imported
old library from had warned her furniture.
the city centre. against it.

The punching bag

It is heart-rending swung lightly,
This fatal to see the death cutting through
pandemic has the air like a
toll in India rising
compelled us to pendulum swaying
day after day.
stay indoors. beneath a clock.

To cook the sea

The famous When he heard
trout fillets,
song blared out the bugles’
heat a non-stick
of the speakers call, he caught
frying pan and
and some kids up his gun and
add one
even got right ran towards
spoonful of
up and started the field.
olive oil.

Have you been able to guess the meanings of the words that are put in context here ?
Check your understanding - Exercise 6
I. write a short story (150-180 words)using the newly learnt words listed
above.Try and use as many elements as possible.


The Last Class by Alphonse Daudet is a short war-

fiction story. In 1870-71, France and Prussia were at
war. That time Prussia was consisting of three
nations in one: Germany, Poland and Austria. This
particular story takes place in a village situated in
the town Alsace, which is bordering Germany. France
is almost taken over by Prussia. The situation is of

The story takes us to a village where the

lead character is a school boy named
Frantz. He doesn’t like going to school.
And today he is late and afraid of getting
beaten by his French teacher M. Hamel.
Frantz wants to miss the school and get
lost in the nature amidst the singing birds
and the beautiful sight all around. He is
walking fast, he is afraid of two reasons, first he has not learnt about participles
and second that he is late.

On his way to school, he notices a huge crowd gathering around the notice board.
Franz remembers that all bad news come through this notice board, like war, troop
defeat, commands from higher authorities and so on. As he reaches the school, he
notices the difference in school ambience too.There is something strange about the
air of the school as he sees children sitting
quietly in their respective classrooms. Also as he
goes inside, he notices people like the mayor, the
postman and even people from the neighbouring
village are sitting at the back. Soon it occurs to
him that from the next day onwards there will
not be any French classes, the Berlin high
command has ordered to teach German in
schools instead of French.

I have been transferred…The Germans have taken over the

province and from tomorrow German will be the only language to
be used.

This comes as a shock to Frantz as he never took his classes seriously. Now today
he wants to learn all the lessons and feels a deep respect for his teacher M. Hamel,
who has been teaching in this school for over forty years. Hamel says that it is the
duty of French people to learn their
language as it will serve as a key in the
prison of slavery. Hamel is teaching with
heavy heart today and all present in the
class are listening to him carefully. Today
is his last day in the school. Hamel wants
to say something but a lump of emotions
choke him up, thus he turns to the
blackboard and writes “Vive La France!” It
means long live France. Then he says that
the class is over.
This was a short description of The Last Class. Go through the entire story in your
book (page 60) and watch the following a/v to connect better.


So, what does the story teach you? Are you able to identify the various aspects of
life that it denotes? While reading the book and watching the movie, look for the
following themes that the story speaks about-
ü relates to culture and language .
ü leadership or dominance of the imperial
and colonial power.
ü extreme fondness for ruling the world
influencing culture and identities.
ü language is an asset, more so in times of
ü fear, and agony of losing the freedom of
learning and speaking in one’s own mother
Can you think of any other underlying theme? Keep a note of that we will
discuss in our online session.

Now, let me provide you some clues for the two most important lines in you text.
Don’t forget to copy them in your exercise copy.

1. “I wonder if they are going to compel them to sing in German too..”(page

63 3rd paragraph)

The above lines are said by Frantz when he hears the pigeons cooing
in the school rooftop. He is deeply saddened by the thoughts of
losing the freedom of speaking in his mother tongue. As he believes
that choice of language should be one’s own prerogative (right) and
thus should be free from all social and political bondage (slavery) .
This line also hints at the limits of the imperial power. As it cannot
force nature to follow rules and orders . Thus the birds are free to
sing In their own language. Here Frantz is envious (jealous )of the
free world of nature and is extremely sad thinking about the
helplessness of the humans.
2. “…when people falls into servitude, so long as It clings to its language , it
Is as If it held the key to its prison.” (Page 63, 1st paragraph)

The above quoted lines are said by Monsieur Hamel when he speaks about the
importance of one’s own language . Language links culture and society, which in
turn unite people and eventually set them free from slavery . Mother tongue helps
people of a nation during the time of invasion or war by uniting them via uniform

Exercise 6.
I. Let’s try and answer in detail…

1) Why was Franz surprised when he entered the classroom that day?
2) What was the teacher’s name? Was there any change in his attitude that
day? What was/ were the changes?
3) Who were the “other people” attending the class that day? Why?
4) What made the students and the elders suddenly realise the importance of
their mother tongue? What signs do you see of this realisation in the text?
5) How was the last class different from earlier classes?

II. Let’s try and answer In brief / do as directed

1) Frantz was not willing to go to school because ________________________________

(complete the following)
2) The teacher’s ruler was ‘terrible’….why?
3) Why did Frantz suddenly feel sorry for Monsieur Hamel?
4) Old Hauser was carrying an old spelling book because _______________________
(complete the following)
5) Why was M.Hamel reproachful towards himself ?

III. Think and Answer (H.O.T.S)

a. What does the story suggest about how the students can be motivated to
b. History is full of instances in which victorious nations had tried to suppress
the language of the conquered people. Why do you think language can seem
so important? How would you feel if you were forced to give up your own
c. The Last Lesson, highlights the human tendency to procrastinate (delay or
postpone action)and put away things for tomorrow….Do you agree ? Quote
lines from the text to support you’re answer.

Exercise 7 let’s connect..

21st February, we all

celebrate as “International
Mother Language “day.
But do you know why?
What happened on this
particular day ?Why was
It necessary? Find out the
story behind this famous
Movement of 1952.

Part 3
So…what more do you need to write a perfect story?? The plot is set, the
characters are ready, the setting is finalised, but…. what if the sentences are
not structured properly, what if they fail to convey the real emotions, what If your
story is unable to bring out the real time when you actually intended your
characters to have acted or reacted? If so, then do you think there is any point
trying out such a story??

Don’t worry…in this segment we will focus on

one of the most important factors…..the
about it in reference to constructing sentences
we first need to think of the various types of
TENSES which are actually the different
TIMEs that keep the events rolling . And to
have the maximum impact we need to be really
careful with the changes in the verb forms
that eventually make our stories meaningful.
Look at the following examples and observe the changes.

Story 1 (Diary of a wimpy kid)

So, by looking at the highlighted

words and going through the
diary page you must have guessed
that the writer is not talking
about any past event or sharing
any of the future plans, but Is
talking about a present day

Let’s look into another


Story 2. (Charlotte’s web, E.B White)

What do you think of this one?

Does this particular story too speak of
some incident taking place right at
this moment?

No, the verbs here denote actions

happened long back in the past.
Let’s go through the 3rd story now-

story 3. Katie’s Birthday

The underlined sections (will/going to)must have

made you realise that Katie’s birthday is yet to
happen. So the story is speaking of an event that is
going to take place in future !

Did you notice how these changes in the verb forms help In bringing out the real
picture? How sentences if construed correctly can help the readers establish the
connection between the time and action… ?

So, tense refers to this time of action, and the basic time frame as you all
know, is:-

In the upcoming steps of this segment too, our hero is the STORY, so
we will try and revise tenses through application of its various types
in different contexts. So, let’s begin with the simple forms first..,
Exercise 8
Read the story! Complete the given activity.

Lost and found

Part one – “The Present”
Sam is a happy, furry dog, with big brown eyes. His best friend is Rodger, another
happy dog, but less furry, and with big green eyes.
Together they walk the streets of the Upper West
Side. All the city’s dogs know them as the two best
friends. Together they share stories, jokes and they
both laugh. They are almost always like this….
Until one day, Rodger says something mean to
Sam. So, he bites Rodger on the nose, but doesn’t
say, “Sorry.” Rodger is badly hurt but he says
nothing ,he just runs away.
Now Sam is alone. He feels sad. He has no one to
walk by his side on the streets of the Upper West side. He walks alone.
Eight weeks go by…..
Sam is still alone. His friend Is lost. He sits by the window and thinks of the
happy moments at the Rockaway beach.

Part two – “The Past”

Sam first met Rodger at Rockaway beach. It was a beautiful sunny day. All the
dogs of the city were there. The poodles swam in the water. The golden retrievers
wanted to exercise, so they rollerbladed on the
sidewalks. It was such a beautiful day that even
the biggest Rottweilers played soccer in the sand
with the smallest chihuahuas.
“What a beautiful day,” said Sam. He licked his
mango flavoured ice cream. He had two scoops
that day, instead of just one like he always used
to have. But alas! Sam was not that lucky, as he
was about to go for a big bite the top scoop fell
and quickly melted away. Sam barked looking at the ground and started to cry.
“Excuse me,” said a voice.With tears filled In his brown eyes, Sam looked up and
in front of him stood green eyed Rodger , to offer help. He said that he was sorry
about his ice cream and wanted to buy him another one. Sam happily extended his
hand for a quick shake and came to know that his name was “Rodger,”. Then they
both started to chat.They walked along the beach, licked their ice creams, and
watched the poodles and the golden retrievers have fun. That was how Sam and
Rodger first met. They became best friends after that, and continued to be best
friends until, of course, this incident….
Part three– “The Future”

What do you think will happen next? Will the two friends ever meet
again? Write only in the SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE.

So, these are the SIMPLE forms of tenses. Following are some stories,
complete them to understand the form and its usage better.

Exercise 9 1. Let’s complete Lucy’s story. Who is Lucy?

2. Let’scomplete Beth’s story now using another simple form
of tenses. (PAST)
Last week, Beth__________ ( bake) a cake for Lilly's birthday
party. Lilly___________ (want) a strawberry cake with pink
frosting. Beth was happy to bake the cake.
First, Beth_________( mix) the ingredients in a big bowl. Next,
she __________ ( pour) the cake batter into four round baking
pans. She put the pans in the oven. Finally, she __________ (
bake) the cakes for 20 minutes. Then, Beth __________
(write)Lilly's name on top with white frosting. She __________
(put) seven candles in the cake.
On Sunday, Beth _______________ (surprise) Lilly with the strawberry cake. Lilly
____________ (love) her cake! Lilly had many gifts for her birthday. But Lilly said
her cake was the best gift of them all!

3. Lookat the following sheet. It’s time to think about your

future.Answer the questions to get an idea about your future!
Let’s go deeper….now it’s time to explore the other forms of changes. Look at the
following questions:-

What are you doing right now?

What were you doing before this?
What will you be doing next?

The above questions denote actions in the progressive or continuous forms, in the
past, present and future tense. Check the anchor chart to have a thorough

Let’s begin with the present form first.Look at the story below.
Present continuous or present progressive tense : WHAT IS GEORGIA

Georgia is sitting in class. Her professor is standing in

front of the room. He is talking. He is talking a lot. Georgia
is finding the class a bit boring.

In Georgia’s mind, she is doing something else. In Georgia’s

imagination, she is not sitting in class. She is dancing on
a stage in front of hundreds of people. She is wearing a beautiful costume. She is
tapping. She is twirling. She is spinning on one leg.

The stage lights are shining in her eyes. She is closing her eyes and concentrating
on the music. She is having so much fun! Her heart is beating fast. …

Observe the highlighted portions In the story. The verbs here

denote actions that are taking place right at the moment of

But, don’t get confused…

Watch the video link to understand the difference between the simple present
form and the present continuous form.

Now, let’s practise some exercises to have better idea regarding this.
Exercise 10.
This is Ben’s family. He is the youngest
in the family. Today is Sunday and all
are at home. Describe what is happening
at this moment
in Ben’s house?

Past continuous or past progressive tense:- Why was Ann not playing
outside yesterday ?

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann

was playing inside the house. She wanted to be outside.
She wasn't playing outside because it was raining. She
was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house.
Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was
reading her book until the electricity went out. Then, she
decided to practice her sewing. She was practising sewing
until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and
watched the rain.
While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say
she was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice
cream and played the game.
While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was
having such a good time with her mom!
So…the above story clearly explains that the past
continuous is used to
describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past.
Exercise 11

Yesterday was
Lucy’s birthday.
There was a big party
at her place. Look at
the picture and write
down what the
children were doing
at the party .

Exercise 12
You all love spooky

What do you think will be the

simple present form of the

Now read the story

carefully and do as

Write the same story in the

past progressive form.
Future continuous or future progressive tense

I am just wondering….after completing the above worksheet

what will you be doing ?

Check the story to find the connection: What will be happening this
Brad likes to fish. He fishes whenever he can. This
weekend, he will be fishing at the lake. It is his
favourite place to fish.
Mark is Brad's friend. Mark likes to fish too. He also
fishes whenever he can. This weekend he will be fishing
at the lake with Brad. They will be camping at the lake
all weekend.
Mark will be picking up Brad at 8 o'clock Friday
night. Brad will be ready when Mark arrives. They will
be driving all night before they get to the lake.
They are excited about the weekend. Brad and Mark
both love to fish. They love to fish together. They will be
fishing together for many years!

Now, go through the a/v to understand better https://youtu.be/O7Jg2oYAwyQ

So, we can say that

Exercise 13 Let’s see what will be going on at 3o’clock today

Sir Thomas ______________ (arrive) at 3 o'clock today. When

Sir Thomas arrives, the servants __________ (wait). Young
Charlie ____________ (also wait) at the door.

When Sir Thomas walks into the house, most of the servants
____________ (bow). One servant _______________ ( park) the
car. Others are ______________ (prepare) dinner. Charlie ______________ (carry) Sir
Thomas's suitcase into the house.
Now it’s time to look into some perfect stories

Observe the anchor chart

carefully . Note how the verb
changes with time.

We will begin with the present

prefect form.
Check the following a/v and then
go through the story for better
understanding of the concept.


( examples)

Present perfect tense: -What has happened in Maria’s town?

Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. In the last week,

it has snowed three times. Maria has always loved the
snow. She has played in the snow many times before.
Maria's dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This
is Sparky's first snow. He has not felt the cold yet.
Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She
puts on her warm clothes and snow boots and pulls the
sled up the hill. Sparky has followed Maria up the hill.
Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill.
Sparky runs beside the sled. They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has
followed Maria all the way down the hill. Sparky has decided to be with Maria
check your understanding .
Exercise 14 Try and complete Linda’s story with the ideas you have just gathered.

Linda _________ (just walk) outside with Grandmother.

She wears an apron. So far, she __________ (finish)
cleaning and washing. She __________(also gather) seeds
and crumbs.
Now Linda and Grandmother are outside. Linda
_________(just drop) some seeds on
the ground to feed the birds. The
birds _____________(not come) yet.
Grandmother _____________ (already
sit) down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She
____________ (just finish) cooking. Recently, Grandmother
___________(move) in with Linda's family. She now enjoys
living with them.

But….be careful….don’t get confused !!!

Now, meet Jimmy ,Linda’s friend. He has come to meet her, but what has he
been doing lately ?? Read the following story to find the answer.
Jimmy sings with the boys' choir at his church. Jimmy has a good
singing voice. He has been singing since he was very young. He
has been singing with the boys' choir for the past 3 years. He likes
to sing with the choir.

Lately, the choir has been practising many new songs. They have
been learning songs for their Christmas performance. They have
been practising 2 hours every day for the last 2 weeks. They have been working
very hard.

So, did you notice the difference ? (Linda’s story and Jimmy’s story)How the verbs
have changed their forms In two different contexts? The type of tense used in
Jimmy’s story is commonly known as;

It indicates

Exercise 15. Read the following conversation now and try to fill in the gaps with
proper verb forms to understand the scenario.

Robin: I think the waiter __________ (forget) us.

We____________ (wait) here for over half an hour
and nobody___________ (take) our order yet.

Michele: I think you're right. He___________ (walk)

by us at least twenty times. He probably thinks
we_____________ (order, already) .

Robin: Look at that couple over there, they ____________(be, only) here
for five or ten minutes and they already have their food.

Michele: He must realize we____________ (order, not) yet!

We___________ (sit) here for over half an hour staring at him.

Robin: I don't know if he ___________(notice, even) us. He___________

(run) from table to table taking orders and serving food.
Michele: That's true, and he______________ (look, not) in our direction.
Past perfect tense: - Who had owned it?

The Smith family had never owned a car until they bought their first
automobile in 1906. Before they bought it, they had only used horses and a
buggy for transportation. They had never owned anything so expensive before
they bought the car.

The Smith family was very excited about their automobile. The children had never
ridden in an automobile before their parents purchased the
car. They had only seen a few automobiles when they went
to town for supplies. But nobody they knew had ever owned
an automobile before that day. They felt very lucky.


So, after reading the story and going through the link we can understand that,

Exercise 15

1. Based on your understanding of the concept of past perfect tense, write down
any five sentences in this particular tense form.

2. Solve the worksheet

3. Complete the following story with the type of tense discussed

Last night, Dane and Emily danced in a competition.

They danced a salsa dance. They _____________(practise)
for 6 months before they danced in the competition. They
were very good.
Dane and Emily's friends were in the audience. Before that
night, they ___________ (never see)Dane and Emily dance.
In fact, Dane and Emily _______________ (never dance) in
front of anyone before the competition.
After everyone ______________ (dance), the judges
announced the winners. Dane and Emily won! They were
the best dancers in the competition. Emily said she ________________ (never
practise)so hard before! She was glad they had practiced a lot.

Meet Patrick…Do you know he was also there in the

competition with Dane and Emily last night ? Now let’s find
out what did he do? What had he been doing?

Patrick had been playing the banjo for about 15 years. Many
years ago, his grandfather played the banjo in a band. He
taught Patrick how to play the banjo when Patrick was just 10
years old. Patrick had been practising the banjo ever since. He
had been playing for his friends and family for many years.
Last night, Patrick played his banjo in the competition . He had been hoping to be
on this show since he saw its first season on television 5 years ago. He played in
front of a live studio audience. The audience cheered and clapped for Patrick.
Patrick knew he was good because he had been playing the banjo for a long time.
Now everyone knew that Patrick was a good banjo player.

The type of verb discussed above is the Past perfect continuous. So…
Exercise 16 Go through the following worksheet. Do as directed.
Future perfect tense: -What will he have done?
Mr. Jones is a farmer. He owns a big farm. He plants crops in his fields in the
spring. By the time he finishes planting this
spring, he will have planted 10 acres of crops. He
is going to have planted many crops.

Mr. Jones must finish planting before it starts to

rain. He is working hard. At this rate, he will
have finished planting before it rains. Mr. Jones
and his horse will have worked many long hours
by the time they finish tonight.


So, we can
conclude that,

Exercise 16

1. complete the story given below.

John works in an automobile factory. He works on
the assembly line assembling cars. He works many
hours every day. By the time he finishes working
today, he __________________ (work)10 hours. He
_______________ (assemble) over 50 cars.

Chris also works on the assembly line in the

automobile factory. In December, he
______________(work) there for 5 years. By the time he finishes working today, he
__________________(work) over 8 hours. He ________________(assemble) about 40 cars
2. Let’s now solve the worksheet .

Who is he?
He is Pete, Mr. Jones’ brother.
What will he have been doing?Ok, now let’s read Pete’s

Pete is a window washer. Today, he is going to be washing

windows on the 13th floor of a downtown office building. He will
have been washing windows for almost 10 hours when he finishes
all of the windows on the 13th floor. He will be very tired tonight because he will
have been working so hard.Although the work is difficult, Pete enjoys his job. In
August, he will have been working as a window washer for 5 years. He will have
been washing windows in this city for the past 5 years.
So, the highlighted portions denote actions that will
continue up until
some time in the future , this type is known as the Future Perfect

They will have been walking for 2 hours by the time they get

So, did you understand how the future perfect continuous…

Exercise 17

1. Complete the worksheet in future perfect continuous form.

2. Read about Berry now and then do as directed.
Berry is a magician. Berry has been a magician for
many years. This December, he will have been doing
magic professionally for 25 years. He will have been
entertaining audiences for 25 years.

Currently, Berry is a magician in a show in India. In

October, ………..(complete Berry’s story. Write three more
sentences about him In the future continuous form.)

So, that’s it. All the tenses have been revised and now it’s time for some mixed bags.
Go through the exercises and write the answers in your exercise copy.

Exercise 18 Complete
the exercise. Write the
answers only.
Exercise 19 Have you ever experienced anything
like this???

Mention the chapter number and write only the answers. Give
commas in between two dashes.
Exercise 20 Look at the pictures below. What do you think this worksheet is trying to
explain? Which tense form do you think is best suited to explain this worksheet ? Use it
and write whatever you feel about Moody Mick.

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