SHORT NOTE lose much of their activity within seconds due to
carbon deposition on the surfacewhile promoted iron
1.OTP: Optimum temperature progression:-i) We catalysts used in ammonia synthesis have a lifetime of define optimum temp" progression to be that years. For anycatalytic process, the life of catalyst is a progression which minimizes V /FAO ratio.for given major economic factor. conversion of reactant ii) This optimum may be on isothemal or with changing temp.iii) It is important to know this progression beacause it is the ideal which try Define:1.equilibrium conversion: the refers to the to reach/aproach. with real system.iv)It also allows to extent to which reactants are converted into product estimate how for any real system departs from the in a chemical reaction at equilibrium ideal.v) At any composition it will be always at the temp where rate is maximum. Vi)The locus of maximum rate 2. catalyst: a substance that increase the rate of a is found by examining r(T,C) curves shown in chemical reaction without itself undergoing any the figure below.vii) for irrereversible rea" the rate permenant chemical change is called catalyst. always increase with tempr at composition hence highest rate occurs at highest allowabletemp. viii) for 3. Deagree of segrigration: it is define as the ratio of reversible endothermic rean the rise in temp increases variance of ages between fluid point to the variance of both eqm corrversion & rate of reaction.ix) for ages of all molecules in the system . reversible exothermic rea" the situaionis different tempr the when temp 'there is rise in tempr the rate forward reaction increases but maximum attiamable 4. despertion model : it is the measure of extent of temp.decrease .Thus reversible rean starts at high dispertion. It is the ratio of rate of transport by temp which decreases as the conversion rises. dispertion to the rate of transport by convection.
5.thiele modulus: the dimentionless quantity ml is
2.catalyst and its components: solid catalyst consists called thiele modulus. Which is given as MT= ml of mainly three components :1. Catalytic agent2. Support /carrier3. Promoters and InhibitorsCatalytic agent:These are the catalytically active component in 6.hatta modulus: which is the maximum possible the catalyst. These components generatethe active conversion in film compare to maximum transport sites that participate in the chemical reaction. Activity through the film is called hatta modulus. of any catalyst isproportional to the concentration of these active sites.2. Support or carrier Support or carrier provides large surface area for dispersion of small amount ofcatalytically active agent. This is particularly important when expensive metals, such asplatinum, ruthenium, palladium or silver are used as the active agent.3. Promoters :Promoters are generally defined as substances added during preparation of catalysts thatimprove the activity or selectivity or stabilize the catalytic agents. The promoter ispresent in a small amount and by itself has little or no Differential reactor:A differential reactor, also known activity.Promoters are termed as physical or chemical as a distributed parameter reactor, is a type of promoter depending on the manner they improve the chemical reactor where reactant concentrations, catalyst performance.4. inhibitors:Inhibitors act temperature, and other variables change continuously opposite to promoters. When added in small amounts, along the length of the reactor. This contrasts with these can reduce catalyst activity, selectivity or traditional reactors, such as batch or plug flow stability. Inhibitor isparticularly useful for reducing the reactors, where these properties remain relatively activity of a catalyst for undesirable side reactions uniform throughout the reactor. a differential reactor represents a class of chemical reactors characterized by spatial variations in reactant concentrations and 3.catalyst deactivation:Activity of catalysts normally other properties. Understanding and effectively decreases with time. The life of any catalyst generally managing these spatial variations are essential for depends on type of reactions as well as reaction optimizing reactor performance in various chemical conditions. For example, catalysts for catalyticcracking and biological processes. PCM(progressive conversion model): i)The reactant the fluid spends a similar amount of time inside the gas enter and reacts is the through out the particle of reactor. The exit concentration of the reactants is all time. At different rate & different location of generally lower than that of a plug flow reactor due to particle.ii) solid reactant is converted continuously or the longer residence times and better a Plug progressively of the particle.which is explained by Flow Reactor (PFR), the fluid flows through the reactor shown in fig below. iii)The pcm model .the formation without any mixing perpendicular to the direction of of ash is called (non-flaking ash flow. This means that the concentration profiles of the reactants and products change along the length of the SCM(Shrinking core model):i) The reaction occur first reactor. The residence time distribution in a PFR is at outer shrinking of particle.ii)The zone of reaction typically more skewed towards shorter residence move on the solid leaving behind completely converted times compared to an MFR. material.(Flaking ash)&inert gas.iii)The completely Recycle reactor:A recycle reactor is a type of reactor converted material is called flaking ash.iv)This ata any where a portion of the product stream is returned to time there exist unredacted core of inert solid the reactor inlet. This allows for increased conversion material.which shrink is size during the reaction.which and selectivity by continuously reintroducing is shown in fig below unreacted material. Recycle reactors are commonly used in chemical processes to optimize yield and efficiency. They can be configured as either continuous or batch reactors depending on the specific application.
Fluid fluid reaction:A fluid-fluid reaction refers to a
chemical reaction that occurs between two or more fluid-phase reactants. These reactions typically take place in a homogeneous mixture where the reactants are uniformly dispersed throughout the fluid medium. Examples include reactions in liquid-liquid systems or gas-liquid systems. Fluid-fluid reactions are common in various industrial processes, such as chemical synthesis, petroleum refining, and environmental remediation. The kinetics and thermodynamics of these reactions are often influenced by factors such as segregation model:A segregation model typically temperature, pressure, and mixing conditions within refers to a computational model used to simulate the fluid medium. Efficient mixing and control of patterns of segregation in residential areas. These reaction parameters are crucial for optimizing product models are often based on agent-based modeling yield and quality in fluid-fluid reactions. techniques, where individuals (agents) are placed on a grid representing a geographical area. Agents have slurry Bed Reactor:Trickle Bed Reactor preferences for the composition of their neighborhood, and they move based on these 1)Solid catalyst particles suspended in a liquid phase. preferences and the composition of their current 1)Solid catalyst particles fixed in a bed. neighborhood. Over time, patterns of segregation 2)Turbulent flow of reactants and catalyst particles. emerge as agents move to neighborhoods where they 2)Laminar flow of liquid reactants over catalyst bed. are surrounded by similar individuals. These models 3)Catalyst particles are in constant motion. are used to study the dynamics of segregation and the 3)Catalyst particles are stationary. effectiveness of different policies aimed at 4)Excellent heat and mass transfer due to fluidization. promoting integration 4)Limited heat and mass transfer compared to slurry. 5)Offers relatively uniform temperature and conditions. RTD in MFR and PFR:In a Mixed Flow Reactor (MFR), 5)May have temperature and concentration also known as a (CSTR), the fluid is well mixed, meaning gradients. that there is uniform composition throughout the 6)Generally lower pressure drop compared to trickle reactor. In this type of reactor, the residence time bed. distribution is relatively narrow, meaning that most of 6)Higher pressure drop due to packed catalyst bed. Stable operating condition inCSTR: 2)Fluidization of catalyst particles creates a dynamic, 1)Energy Balance line T1A represent the situation fluid-like behavior within the reactor. where insufficient heat is liberated by reaction to raise 3)Higher heat and mass transfer rates due to excellent the temperatuure to high level for sustaining the mixing and contact between reactants and catalyst. reaction. 4)Lower pressure drop due to fluidization of catalyst 2)At the other extreme if more than enough heat is particles, leading to reduced flow resistance. liberated fluid will be hot and reaches to the complete 5)Residence time distribution is more uniform due to conversion given by line T1B. the fluid-like behavior of catalyst particles. 3)Line T1c indicated an intermediate situation which 6)Catalyst replacement or regeneration is relatively has 3 solutions to the material and the energy balance easier due to the fluidized nature of the bed. equations given by points M', M", M"’. 4)Point M" is an unstable state because with small rise Moments of RTD : in temperature the heat produced (MBL)is greater than heat consumed (EBL)by the reacting system. Mean residence time : The average time required for 5) the excess heat produced will make the temperature distibution of molecules within the reacter is called rise until M''’ is reached. mean residence time.It signifies the average time taken 6)for reversible exothermic reaction the same 3 case. up by the tracer cotton the system it is given as. ocurr shown in fig B. Spread of distribution:i)The magnitude of this moment is a indication of spread of distribution. It is also called as square of standard deviation.
ii)It signifies how much molecules of tracer spread
itself within the system.
Skewness :(s3)1) It is the third moment of RTD.
2)The magnitude of this moment measures the extent
distribution in one or another direction.
3) It is given as.
Peakedness / kurtosis. (KY)"
1)It is the fourth moment of RTD
2) It signifies the peakedness fortre extend of distribu
on of molecules of tracer within the system.
Write down the step involved in catalysed reactions
Adsorption: The reactant molecules are adsorbed onto the surface of the catalyst. Fixed bed reactor: Activation: Once adsorbed, the bonds in the reactant 1)Solid catalyst particles packed in a fixed bed. molecules are weakened, making them more 2)Reactant flows through the bed, with limited susceptible to reaction. movement of catalyst particles. Reaction: The weakened reactant molecules undergo 3)Relatively lower heat and mass transfer rates due to a reaction to form products. limited contact between reactants and catalyst. Desorption: The products are desorbed from the 4)Generally higher pressure drop due to flow catalyst surface, releasing the catalyst for further resistance through the fixed bed. reactions. 5)Residence time distribution may be less uniform Regeneration: In some cases, the catalyst may due to channeling or preferential flow paths. undergo changes during the reaction and needs to be 6)Catalyst replacement or regeneration may be more regenerated to restore its activity. challenging due to the fixed nature of the bed.
Fluidized Bed Reactor:
1)Solid catalyst particles suspended and fluidized in a fluid medium. Significance: It quantifies the degree of dispersion or spread of the residence time distribution. Equation: Standard Deviation = √Variance.
Factors considering selection of reactor
Type of Reaction: Different reactors are suitable for different types of reactions (e.g., batch, continuous, catalytic). Reaction Conditions: Reactor choice depends on factors like temperature, pressure, and reactant concentrations. Safety: Safety features and considerations are crucial, especially for reactions involving hazardous materials. Scale: Reactor scale impacts efficiency, cost, and feasibility of the process. Cost: Initial investment, operating costs, and maintenance expenses are significant considerations. Product Purity: Some reactors are better suited for achieving high product purity. Reaction Kinetics: Understanding the kinetics of the reaction aids in selecting an appropriate reactor design. Catalyst Requirements: If a reaction requires a catalyst, the reactor must accommodate its use effectively. Space and Layout: Available space and plant layout influence reactor selection. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to regulatory standards and requirements is essential in reactor selection.
Elaborated the different moments of RTD with
its significance and equation ? RTD stands for Residence Time Distribution, which is a measure of how much time a fluid element spends inside a system. It's particularly important in chemical engineering processes like reactors and chromatography columns. Here's an elaboration on its different moments along with their significance and equations: Mean Residence Time (MRT): Significance: It indicates the average time a fluid element spends in the system. Equation: MRT = ∫(t * E(t)) dt, where E(t) is the normalized distribution function. Variance of Residence Time: Significance: It measures the spread or dispersion of residence times within the system. A higher variance indicates a wider range of residence times. Equation: Variance = ∫((t - MRT)^2 * E(t)) dt. Standard Deviation of Residence Time: