6 GodsModelForManhood
6 GodsModelForManhood
6 GodsModelForManhood
Paul uses two men as examples of the kind of man who will make a difference in the world:
(Epaphroditus) "... hold men like him in highest honor" vs. 29 (Ph)
"He is the only one ... who really cares about you. Everyone else is concerned only with his
own affairs, not about the cause of Christ." vs. 20-21 (GN)
" ... they are all wrapped up in their own affairs ..." (Ph)
" ... Timothy has proved himself ... he has served with me in the work of the gospel."
vs. 22
"The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out."
Prov. 10:9
"I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and
fellow soldier ..." vs. 25a
"So all the men of Israel got together and united as one man against the city." Judges 20:11
(Epaphroditus) "... is your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. ... He was
ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him ... " vs. 25b-27
"Welcome him in the Lord with great joy and honor men like him, because he almost died
for the work of Christ, RISKING his life to make up for the help you could not give me."
vs. 29-30
"So then my brothers, because of God's great mercy to us, ... Offer yourselves as a living
sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him. Don't conform to the
standard of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your
mind." Rom. 12:1-2 (GN)
"Only those who give away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will
ever know what it means to really live." Mark 8:35 (LB)
2 Chronicles 16:9
How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life - Part 6 of 12
Philippians 2:19-30
Rick Warren
I've been reading a book Missing From Action: Vanishing Manhood in America, by Weldon
Hardenbrook. He talks about four different types of false images of males.
First there is the Macho Maniac -- Dirty Harry, Rambo, Charles Bronson. These guys deny
all their feelings; they ignore the law. They never worry, they never complain, they never
apologize. They just sweat. They accomplish the impossible every eight minutes and take
whatever they want and they bully people.
The second is the Great Pretender -- the Archie Bunkers of the world who try to build up
their self esteem by belittling everybody else, particularly his wife and family. He imagines that he
rules his family but really behind his back every is just ridiculing him. He is frightened by the
world so he keeps it at an arm's distance by talking tough and being critical.
The third type is the World Class Whimp. These are the Dagwood Bumstead's of life. They
are so inept that they are constantly outwitted by their children, wives, their dogs. Nobody takes
them serious. Their motto is "Blessed are the passive for they will avoid conflict at all costs."
The fourth image is the Gender Blenders. They are the Michael Jacksons and Boy Georges
that don't even pretend to be masculine. They have a complete reversal of roles and identity.
What is the alternative to this? God's Model for Manhood. Being a male is a matter of your birth
but being a man is a matter of choice. Paul gives us two examples in Timothy and Epaphroditus.
In Phil 2:27 Paul says, "I have no one else like Timothy." Then referring to Epaphroditus he says,
"hold men like him in highest honor".
A man's greatness is not determined by the value of his wealth but by the wealth of his values.
God is looking for men who put people before profits. Over the long haul relationships are more
valuable than things. The Bible says, "If I have not love I am nothing. Now abides these three
things: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." You can be a success in
everything else but if you don't have love in your life you're a failure. God is looking for men of
Compassion is protecting the needs and rights of people. Too often we're just in it for ourselves,
not caring what other people need or want. Timothy is an example of this. (v. 20,21) "He is the
only one who really cares about you. Everyone else is concerned only with his own affairs, not
How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life - Part 6 of 12
about the cause of Christ." Paul says Timothy is the only one he knows that cares not just about
himself but about other people; he's compassionate.
Is it possible to get so wrapped up and committed to your business that you forget your family?
Phillips translates this verse, "They are all wrapped up in their own affairs". The man who is all
wrapped up in himself is not a daddy, he's a mummy.
A good example of the man of compassion is the Samaritan in Luke. He was on a business trip
from Jerusalem to Jericho. Along the road he finds somebody who is mugged, a victim. He stops
and administers first aid, takes him down to the local Holiday Inn, gives them his gold card and
says, "Charge it to my account." Compassion for a total stranger. Would you or I do that for a
stranger? God is looking for men of compassion who put people before profits.
God is looking for men who put character before conformity. There's not afraid to be different
from the culture around and to stand alone. V. 22 "Timothy has proved himself. He has served
with me in the work of the gospel." "Prove" means tested character -- integrity. Timothy's name
means "he honors God." He did not cave in to pressure.
It has been said, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." What are you
willing to stand for in life. We need men of conviction, who cannot be bought at any price. They
are committed to their values, consistent in their beliefs and convictions. I meet a lot of men who
are half committed to everything and that is no commitment at all.
Proverbs 10: "The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found
out." The bottom line for manhood is integrity. A nice personality will make a good first
impression but success over the long haul is built on character, not on image. The man of
integrity will not be afraid of what is going to be found out. Is your private life consistent with
your public image? If it's not you're being a Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde.
Prov. 20:7 "It is a wonderful heritage to have an honest father." Inconsistent men produce
insecure children. The kids don't know where the dad's coming from. An uncommitted or
unconstant husband produces unstable marriages.
God is looking for men who put cooperation before competition. Paul recognized that even he
would get more accomplished if he worked together with other people. v. 25 "I think it is
necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier." He
describes the cooperation in three terms, three relationships -- brother, worker, soldier.
1. It is a family, we're related. 133 times in the New Testament Paul uses the word "brother"
to describe the relationship between Christians.
How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life - Part 6 of 12
2. It is a fellowship. We have the same task, assignment. We have the Great Commission.
We are to serve together and work together not independently.
3. It is a fight. When you became a Christian you became an enemy of the devil. We are to
defend each other and protect each other and support each other. Life is a battle.
Can other Christian men use these terms about you? An article I recently read said, only 10% of
men have real friends. Christian men don't know how to relate to each other. They are afraid to
let anybody get close to them.
There is a tremendous power in unity. Judges 20:11 "So all the men of Israel got together and
united as one man against the city." When the men in this church are unified for one task for the
glory of God, nothing can stop this church.
Christian men end up competing with each other rather than cooperating.
God is looking for men who put the cause of Christ before comfort. Paul says of Epaphroditus,
"He is your messenger, whom you sent to take care of my needs. He was ill, and almost died, But
God had mercy on him."
Paul is in prison in Rome and the people in Philippi took up an offering to help Paul with his
expenses. It was 800 miles and 6 weeks travel over rough terrain. Epaphroditus volunteered to
take it. On the way there he caught a disease or infection and it was deadly. But Epaphroditus is
persistent in spite of his pain.
I meet many men who are great starters. But they never finish. They quit in ministry because it
becomes inconvenient or expensive, uncomfortable or requires effort. Ministry always costs.
God is looking for men who are willing to pay the price.
James 2:17 "Faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." God is looking for people
of action. If you believe, let me see it. "Put your money where your mouth is!"
The number one complaint from wives is passive husbands. They are aggressive at work, taking
the lead, but at home they are the frozen chosen. They hide and abdicate leadership to the wife or
kids or anyone else that will take it. They are even passive in their spiritual life. God uses men of
action who take the initiative. Spiritual awakenings occur when men in a church become
participators, not just spectators.
God is looking for men who will put service before security. Today's value systems says do
everything you can to build a nest egg to provide security for yourself. Your whole goal in life is
to become secure and financially independent. Security becomes the goal of life rather than
service. God is looking for men with courage, who are willing to risk for the kingdom of God,
who are willing to serve God with reckless abandonment.
How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life - Part 6 of 12
v. 29-30 "Welcome him in the Lord with great joy and honor men like him, because he almost
died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give me."
"Risking" in the Greek, literally means "hazarding his life". It is a gambling term that means to
stake everything you've got on a dice roll. Epaphroditus was God's gambler and he gambled
everything for the gospel. He risked his life and almost died for the work of Christ to make up for
the help the Philippians could not give to Paul.
I have been in hundreds of churches that are filled with wimp religion. There are no goals, no
purposes, no challenges. Christianity has lost its teeth. All it is for a lot of churches is a series of
meetings. There is nothing that challenges people to be all that God wants them to be.
My greatest fear for Saddleback is that we become a nice, little discussion group. We come in
and talk about things that are real nice and leave making no difference at all. It is sad that there is
not more godly leadership in Christianity today, men of courage that put service before security.
Romans 12:1-2 "So then my brothers, because of God's great mercy to us, offer yourselves as a
living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him. Don't conform to the
standard of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind."
Don't accept the world's standard for manhood. "Offer yourself" -- that means volunteer. What
have I volunteered for lately for the cause of Christ. Sacrifice -- what are you sacrificing for the
cause of Christ? The problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off the altar. So many
times we, as men and women, come to church and say, "God, I want to give you everything" and
crawl up on the altar -- and on Monday crawl off. On Sunday we sing "Onward Christian
Soldiers" and on Monday we go AWOL.
Paul says "Offer yourself as a living sacrifice". What am I sacrificing for Christ? What are you
sacrificing? I know some guys that don't even have enough guts to tithe. They are so worried
about their security -- "How can I make it on 90%?"
I meet so many bored men, unfulfilled. They don't like their job; it is just a living. Why are there
so many bored and unfulfilled men? They have lost the spirit of adventure they had as young men.
They aren't risking anything anymore. When you stop risking you are dying. They don't have
anything to live for, any challenge, any goals bigger than themselves.
Mark 8:35 "Only those who give away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News
will ever know what it means to really live." If you want to live... go for broke for Jesus Christ!
Give up your life. Give up your reputation!
About 65 years ago, Nicolai Lenin talked to a little group of 12- 14 people and said, "Give me
100 totally committed men and I will change the world." Evidently he got them because today
two- thirds of the world is under Communist domination. That is the power of commitment.
2 Chronicles 16:9 "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth that He may
show Himself strong in the heart of those whose heart is perfect toward Him." God is looking for
people to use. If you will get usable, God will wear you out.
How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life - Part 6 of 12
God is looking for men of compassion, consistency, cooperation, commitment and courage. It is
tragic Paul says of Timothy "I have nobody else like him." Why not? Why aren't there more men
of God out there today?
One of the major conflicts in marriage is passive husbands. I talk to ladies all the time who say, "I
want to grow, but my husband doesn't." Women are more interested in spiritual growth and more
committed to spiritual values than their husbands are. It is sad when a man, rather than being the
spiritual leader of his home, is a detriment. He resents his wife's growth. He's afraid of his wife's
growth and limits it. One of the greatest challenges you will ever face in your life is to live for
Jesus Christ in front of your wife and your family, friends, work associates. Are you man enough
to do it?
Timothy and Epaphroditus are just ordinary guys, not super stars. Yet 2000 years later we're still
talking about them. When I look at my life and work, as a man, how much is it going to count 50
years from now? Or 100 or 1000? Will it make any difference?