Prof Emordi Cv-1

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1. NAME: (Surname underlined): Prof. EMORDI, Iwebunor Frederick

1. Mrs. Juliet Isioma Duru (née Emordi)
2. Mr. Chukwudi Emmanuel Emordi
3. Master Hope Chukwufumnanya Emordi (Grand-son)


Ubulu-Ukwu in Aniocha South L.G.A.

5. STATE OF ORIGIN: Delta State

6. NATIONALITY: Nigerian
7. CURRENT POSTAL ADDRESS: Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Arts,
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
- Email:
- P.O.BOX 412, Ekpoma, Edo State Nigeria.


- 1950-1955 : St. Charles’ Catholic School, Ubulu-Uku, Delta State.

- 1956-1958 : All Saints Secondary Modern School, Ogwashi-Uku, Delta State.
- 1962 and 1963 : St. Columba’s Teachers’ Training College, Agbor Delta State.
- 1964 and 1965 : St. John Bosco’s Teacher Training College, Ubiaja, Edo State.
- 1964 – 1968 :Wolsey Hall College,Oxford, England by Correspondence for
- 1969/1970: Université Lovanium de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo.
- 1970/71-1975: Université Nationale du Zaϊre,Campus de Lubumbashi, République du zaϊre.
- 1979-1980: Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- 1982/83 – 1985: Université des Langues et Lettres de Grenoble, France.
- Primary Six Leaving School Certificate from St. Charles Catholic School,
Ubulu-Uku (1955).
- Secondary Modern School Leaving Certificate from All Saints Secondary
Modern School, Ogwashi-Uku (1958).
- TC III (Teacher’s Grade Three Certificate) from St Columba’s Teacher Training
College, Agbor (1964).
- TC II (Teacher’s Grade Two Certificate) from St. John Bosco’s Teacher Training
College, Ubiaja, (1966).
- G.C.E. O/L (1965 & 1968 including French) from University of London.
- G.C.E. A/L in English Literature and History (1969) from University of London.

- Certificat de Propédeutique Spéciale pour Etudiants Anglophones (Cours pratique
de langue française (Degré Avancé = GCE O/L Equivalent) from Université
Lovanium de Kinshasa, Democratic Rep. of Congo (1970).
- Certificat de Propédeutique générale, Section “Lettres” Option: Latin (G.C.E. A/L
Equivalent) from Université Lovanium de Kinshasa, Democratic
Rep. of Congo (1971).
- Certificat de Connaissance (Proficiency Certificate) in Italian from
Université Nationale du Zaïre (1973).
- Certificat de Connaissance (Proficiency Certificate) in Spanish from
Université Nationale du Zaïre (1974).
- Certificat de Connaissance (Proficiency Certificate) in German from
Université Nationale du Zaïre (1974).
- B.A.(Hons): (Diplôme de Licencié-ès–Lettres) in French Language & Literature with
specialization in pure French Linguistics,
Université Nationale du Zaïre (July, 1975).
- Dip. Ed. (Diplôme d’Agrégation) in Methodology of teaching French as a foreign Language,
Université Nationale du ZaΪre, (July 1975).
- M.Ed. In Curriculum Studies with specialization in French Curriculum Development,
Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A (August, 1980).
- M. Phil. (D.E.A = Diplôme d’ Etudes Approfondies) in Linguistics & Phonetics with
specialization in French as a foreign language Didactics from Université des Langues
et Lettres de Grenoble, France (October, 1983).
- Ph.D. (Diplôme de Doctorat de Troisième Cycle) in Linguistics & Phonetics with
specialization in French as a foreign language Didactics from Université des Langues
et Lettres de Grenoble, France (October, 1985).
10. Languages:
- Spoken and Written: Igbo, English, French and Pidgin English.
- With Reading Knowledge only: Italian, Spanish, German and Kiswahili.


(i) Scholarship Awards:
- Scholarship Awards for the B.A. (Hons) Degree in French:
- By Université Lovanium de Kinshasa, Rép. Démocratique du Congo
- By Oeuvres St. Justin, Fribourg, Switzerland (1973 – 1975).

- Scholarship Award for M.Ed. in French Curriculum Studies:

- Jointly awarded by Bendel State and Federal Governments and UNESCO at the
Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., (1978 – 1980)

- Scholarship award for the 1978 Summer Course: on Teaching of French as a

Foreign Language at the Université de Grenoble, France by French
- Scholarship Award for M.Phil. & Ph.D. in French by French Government at
the Université de Grenoble, France, (1982/83-1985);

- Study Leave with pay granted by College of Education, Abraka, during my

postgraduate programmes at the Université de Grenoble, France

(ii) Honours
- External Examiner in FRENCH LANGUAGE PAPERS for the B.A. (Hons),
Degree Examinations at the University of Lagos, Nigeria (1989/90 - 1995).
- External Examiner in French (B.A Hons) Degree at the Delta State University,
Abraka, Nigeria (1996/97; 2004/2005 and 2005/2006.
- External Examiner in French (OND & HND) at Auchi Polytechnic, Nigeria
(2002/2003 & 2003/2004).
- External Examiner in French (B.A.Hons) Degree at the University of Port
Harcourt, Nigeria (2000/2001)
- External Examiner in French (B.A. Hons) Degree at the University of Jos
(2001/2002 & 2002/2003).
- External Examiner in French (B.A.Hons) degree at the University of Benin,
Nigeria. (2002/2003; 2003/2004 and 2004/2005).
- External Examiner (Substantive) for the Nigeria French Language, Badagry,
Nigeria (2005/2006 and 2006/2007).
- External Examiner in French: Postgraduate Programme – Three (3) M.A
candidates at the Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria (2006/2007 and
- External Examiner in French/Education: Postgraduate programme – One (1)
M.Ed candidates at the University of Benin, Benin City Nigeria, 2007.
- External Examiner in French: Post-graduate Programme – One (1) Ph.D
candidate at the University of Lagos, Lagos (2009).
- External Examiner in French: Post-graduate Programme – Six (6) M.A
candidates at the Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria (2011).
- External Examiner in French: Postgraduate programme – One (1) Ph.D candidate at the
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria (2013)
-External Examiner in French: Post-graduate programme – One (1) Ph.D candidate
(MRS. MARYAM TAR) at the Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
- External Examiner in French: B.A. (Hons) Degree at the Department of Languages &
Linguistics, Osun State University, Osogbo, Ikire Campus (06/01/2014).
- External Assessor on the Interviewing Panel of the Auchi Polytechnic Selection
Board on June 11, 1997.
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. G. O. Simire to the rank of Senior
Lecturer in French Language at the Nigeria French Language Village,
Badagry, Nigeria (January, 2001).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. Jiff Mokobia to the Rank of Senior
Lecturer in French at the Delta State University, Abraka (2004).
- External Assessor to establish a Prima Facie case for Promotion of Dr. (Mrs.)
Juliana Omoifo-Okoh to the Rank of Professor, Faculty of Humanities,
University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria (August
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. V. O. Okeke to the Rank of Professor of
Linguistics (Applied to French and Igbo Languages), Faculty of
Humanities, Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria (September
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. E. U. C. Ezejideaku to the Rank of Senior
Lecturer in Linguistics (Applied to Igbo Language Studies) at the
University of Benin (2006).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. Raufu Adebiyi Adebisi to the Rank of
Reader/Associate Professor in French at the Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria (2007).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. U. K. Eke to the Rank of Reader
(Associate Professor) of Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts,
University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria (2007).
- External Assessor for appointment of Dr. A. K. Folorunso as Associate Professor
of French at the Dept of Languages and Linguistics, Osun State University,
Osogbo (2007).
- External Assessor to establish a prima facie case for the promotion of Dr. Jiff
Mokobia to the rank of Reader (Associate Professor) at the Delta State
University, Abraka, Nigeria (2007).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. V. E. Obinna to the post of Professor of
French at the Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria (2008).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. D. C. Chima to the rank of Professor in the
Department of French at the Enweren University, Owerri, Nigeria (2010).
- External Assessor for promotion of DR. V. E. Omozuwa to the post of Professor in
the Department of Linguistics and African Languages, University of
Benin, Benin City, Nigeria (2010).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. B. A. Okolo to the post of Associate
Professor in the Department of Linguistics and African Languages,
University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria (2011).
- External Assessor for promotion of Dr. M. K. C Uwaje to the post of Professor in
the Department of Linguistics and African Languages, University of Benin,
Benin City, Nigeria (2012).
- External Assessor to establish a Prima Facie case for promotion of Dr. A.K.
Folorunso to the rank of Professor of French Language/Linguistics, Osun
State University, Ikire Campus(2012).
- External Member of the Ad hoc Accreditation Panel that evaluated the
undergraduate (B.A. Hons French), programme of the Ibrahim Badamosi
Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria. (22nd-24th July, 2012)
- Internal Assessor to establish a Prima Facie Case for promotion of Dr. S. E.
Osazuwa to the Rank of Reader/Associate Professor of African Literature
in French at the Faculty of Arts, AAU, Ekpoma (2002).
- Internal Assessor to establish a Prima Facie Case for promotion of Dr. A. V.
Uhunmwangho to the Rank of Professor of English Language and Applied
Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, AAU, Ekpoma (2005).
- Internal Asssessor for promotion of Dr. (Mrs.) E. E. Omonzejie to the rank of
Senior Lecturer in French at AAU, Ekpoma Nigeria (2007)
- Internal Assessor to establish a Prima Facie Case for promotion of Dr. S.E.
Osazuwa to the rank of Professor of African Literature in French at AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria (2007).

- Internal Assessor to establish a Prima Facie Case for promotion of Dr. (Mrs.) E. E.
Omozejie to the Rank of Reader (Associate Professor) of African
Literature in French at AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria (2010).

- Postgraduate School Representative in the Oral Examination of 2 (two) M.A.

Candidates in the Department of English EDSU, Ekpoma
(November 1996).
- Postgraduate School Representative in the Oral Examination of 1 (one) Ph.D.
Candidate in the Department of Religious Management and Cultural
Studies Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, (May 12, 1999).
- Postgraduate School Representative in the Oral Examination of 1 (one) M.A.
Candidate in the Department of English A.A.U, Ekpoma, (June 21, 1999)
- Postgraduate School Representative in the Oral Examination of 1 (One) M.A.
Candidate in the Department of Religious Management and Cultural
Studies, A.A.U., Ekpoma (June 16, 1999).
- Postgraduate School Representative in the oral Examination of an MPA
candidate in the Department of Public Administration A.A.U, Ekpoma
(October 25, 2001).
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for one (1) M.A. Student in
the Department of English, A.A.U, Ekpoma on 6/9/2004.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for one (1) M.A. Student in
the Department of English, A.A.U, Ekpoma on 27/10/2004.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for one (1) M.A. Student in
the Department of English A.A.U, Ekpoma on 17/02/2005.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for one (1) Ph.D Student in
the Department of English, A.A.U, Ekpoma on 02/02/06.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) M. A. Student in
the Department of Religious Management and Cultural Studies, AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria on 26/11/2007.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) Ph.D student in
the Department of Curriculum and & Instruction, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria
on 27/9/2007.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) M. A. Student in
the Department of English, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma on
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) M. A. Student in
the Department of Modern Languages, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Nigeria on 22/11/2008.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for Two (2) MSc students in
the Department of Agricultural/Economic & Extention, Faculty of
Agriculture, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria on 28/01/2010.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) Ph.D Student in
the Department of English, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 22/12/2010.
- Postgraduate School Representative on the Panel for One (1) M. A. Student in
the Department of Religious Management and Cultural Studies, AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria on 03/5/2011.
- Financial Secretary of NUFTA (Nigeria Universities French Teachers Association)
(1997 - 2002)

- Advisory Editor of Horizon Français Unizik, Dept of Modern European
Languages Faculty of Arts, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra
State, Nigeria (2005 to date).
- Advisory Editor of Abraka Humanities Review, Faculty of Arts, Delta State
University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria (2006).
- Appeared in the Year Book: Annuaire des Etudiants Nigérians en
France since 1993 Published by the Service Culturel, Scientifique et
Coopération, Embassy of France Lagos, Nigeria. P.15
- Appeared in the Book of Ubulu-Uku Who is Who, (ed.) Obi Anene &
Emmanuel Ikem, Enugu Chenglo Ltd, 2005, Pp. 38-39.
- Appeared in the Year Book: Annuaire des Anciens Etudiants Nigerians
en France, Lagos, published by Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie
Franco-Nigériane in collaboration with the Service Coopération de
l’Ambassade de France au Nigéria, Ed. 2002. P. 27
- Appeared in The Nigerian Book of Great People, A PSR Magazine
Publication, Ikeja, Lagos Green Bough Communication Ltd, 2007,
- Merit Award Certificate to me by Ubulu-Uku Youths Development Council
(UYDC) (30th December, 2001).
- Merit Award Certificate of Excellence to me by the Federated Ubulu-Uku
Students Union (FUSU, 29th December 2006).
- Felicitations (Honour) Plaque presented to me as the First Professor of
French in the Department of Modern Languages, AAU, Ekpoma by
members of staff of the Dept. of Modern Languages, A.A.U, Ekpoma, (29th
March, 2007)
- Delivered my Inaugural Lecture entitled “Bonjour le Nigéria! Comment ça va?:
The French Language in Nigeria so far (1859 – 2007)” at the Ambrose
Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria on March 29, 2007.
- Conferment of Honour upon Professors: F.I. Emordi, V.O. Aire, K. O. Echenim,
and R. O. Elaho (as Four Pacesetters and Distinguished
Professors of French in Nigeria) by the University French Teachers
Association of Nigeria (UFTAN) at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-
Ife on 10th March, 2014.


- Member of the Editorial Board of Iroro, A Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences (FASS), BENSU, Ekpoma, Nigeria (1887 – 1992)
- Associate Editor of Ekpoma Journal of Languages and Literary Studies (EJOLLS),
A Journal of the Department of Languages and Literature, FASS, BENSU,
Ekpoma (1987 – 1991).
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of The Humanitas, Abraka Journal of
Humanities BENSU, Abraka Campus (1988 to date).
- Editor-in-Chief of Agogo: BENSU Journal of French and Francophone Studies,
Abraka-Ekpoma (1990 to date).
- Member of Inter-Colleges of Education Association of French Teachers
(INTER-CAFT), (1982 – to date);
- Member of Association Nationale des Enseignants de français, Langue Etrangère
(ANEFLE), Paris (1987 to date);

- Member of Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français, (FIPF), Paris
(1987 to date:).
- Editor, Ekpoma Journal of Languages and Literary Studies (EJOLLS(1991 – 1993).

- Member of the Nigerian Universities French Teachers Association (NUFTA),

(1997 – to date).
-Editorial consultant for Fasmen Educational and Research Publications (FERP),
Owerri/Okigwe, Imo State (1998 to date).
- Member, Modern Languages Association of Nigeria (MLAN) (1999 to date)
- Honorary Member of the Research Board of Advisors to the Board of Directors,
Governing Board of Editors and Publication Board of the American
Biographical Institute (2005 to date).
- Advisory Editor of Abraka Humanities Review, Faculty of Arts, Delta State
University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria (2006 to date).
- Member, Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) (since 11th February 2010 to date).


(a)Places with dates:
- 1975/1976 (1 year): French Tutor at the Odu (St. Rose’s) Girls’ Grammar School,
Ogwashi-Uku, Bendel State, Nigeria.
- 1976 (Sept.) – 1985 (Oct.) (9 years): French Lecturer at the College of Education,
Abraka Bendel State, Nigeria.

- 1985 (Nov.) – 1986 (April) (6 months): Lecturer II in French at the Bendel State
University, Abraka Campus, Abraka, Nigeria.
- 1986 (May) – (to date) 2010 (24 years) in Bendel/Edo State University (now)
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria; Lecturer I (1987), Senior
Lecturer (1990), Reader (1995), Professor (1999)
(Total No. of years of work experience (French teaching) 35½ years.)
(b) Details of Teaching Experience with date:
- Lectures:
(1) At N.C.E. level (College of Education, Abraka):

FRENCH 111/112: Grammaire et Compréhension françaises

FRENCH 112/122/131/133 : Vocabulaire et Grammaire
FRENCH 112/232 : Phonétique articulatoire
FRENCH 115 : Littérature africaine d’expression française
FRENCH 213/234 : Etudes de la Philosophie de la Négritude
FRENCH 218 : La Grande Epoque Classique
FRENCH 234 : Etudes Littéraires : Explication de textes
(Poèmes et romans français)
FRENCH 213 : Français écrit : Traduction anglais/français
FRENCH 235/323 : Méthodologie du français, langue étrangère

FRENCH 222/311 : Stage pédagogique
FRENCH 331 : Grammaire et Lexicologie
FRENCH 337 : Introduction à la Linguistique gérérale
Long Essay (Project) Supervision :
1980/81 8 Students
Note: I introduced the Long essay(project) writing in French in that institution.
(2) At University Level (Ekpoma)
- Courses taught (1985 to date):
(i) At the Undergraduate Level:
PDF 001/012: Laboratory Work.
MEL 101: Laboratory Work
MEL 111: French Phonetics
MEL 106/116 Introduction to a 2nd Foreign Language (Italian)
MEL 201: French Grammatical Structures
MEL 211: Introduction to French Phonetics and Phonology
MEL 205/215: Second Foreign Language Studies (Italian)
MEL20/216: Proficiency Course in a 2nd Foreign Language (Italian)
MEL 302/312: Advanced Studies in French Structures
MEL 307/317: Communication Skills in French (Oral and Written)
MEL 309/319: (a): Advanced Studies in a Second Foreign Language (Italian for French
Students) (19876 – 1997)
MEL 309/319 (a): Advanced Studies in a 2nd Foreign Language (Francophone Africa for
English and other non-French Students) (1986 – 1992).
MEL 401/411: Linguistics applied to the teaching of French Language I/II.
MEL 402/412: Advanced Translation I/II
MEL 406/416: Advanced French Language Practice I/II
MEL 409/419: Structure of French I/II
MEL 415: Dissertation in French
GST 101: The Use of English and Study Skills. “The Research Essay” (1986-2001)
ELS 341: English Morphology in English Department (1988/89)
MEL 499: Project/Long Essay (English Students) (1986 – 1992)
(ii) At the Postgraduate Level (2003/2004 to date)
- Courses taught at the M.A Level at present:
First Semester
Core Courses
FRE 701: Research Methods in French
FRE 702: History of the French Language
FRE 706: Applied Linguistics in French (Elective)
FRE 717: Sociolinguistics
- Other courses that I can teach if students select them.
Elective Courses
FRE 703: History of French Language
FRE 704: Phonology of French
FRE705: Morphology and Syntax of French
FRE 707: Translation and Interpretation I
FRE 708: Contrastive Studies in French
FRE 709: Modern French Usage and Stylistics
Second Semester
Core Courses
FRE 710: Research Seminar
FRE 711: Studies in French Semantics
FRE 799: Research Thesis
Elective Courses
FRE 712: French Usage and Registers
FRE 713: Translation and Interpretation II
FRE 714: Aspects of French Stylistics
FRE 715: Issues in French Morpho-Syntax
FRE 716: French Language Today
FRE 717: Sociolinguistics

- Supervision of Long Essays/Dissertations:

(i) Undergraduate Students in French
1986/87 – 5 Students 1997/98 – 29 Students 2008/2009 – 5 Students
1987/88 – 6 Students 1998/99 – 21 Students 2009/2010 – 4 Students
1988/89 – 4 Students 1999/2000 – 15 Students 2010/2011 – 5 Students
1989/90 – 6 Students 2001/2002 – 15 Students 2011/2012 – 5 Students
1990/91 – 14 Students 2002/2003 – 7 Students 2012/2013 – 5 Students
1991/92 - 6 Students 2003/2004 – 8 Students 2013/2014 − 3 Students
1992/93 – 8 Students 2004/2005 – 15 Students
1994/95 – 6 Students 2005/2006 - Nil

1995/96 – 5 Students 2006/2007 – 21 Students
1996/97 – 14 Students 2007/2008 – 15 Students
Total N0. Supervised (1989 – 2014) = 283 students.

(ii) Post-graduate students

1990/91 – 1994: Co-supervised One (1) Ph.D. candidate (Dr. A.V. Uhunmwangho in
Language/Linguistics, Department of Languages & Literatures,
EDSU, Ekpoma. (Defended January, 1995).

2003/2004 - 2009: Supervised One (1) Ph.D. Candidate (Dr. M. I. Agbogun) in French
Translation Studies at the Dept. of Modern Languages, AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria. (Defended June, 2010).

2003/2004 – 2009: Supervised One (1) Ph.D. Candidate (Dr Mrs. M. E. Aziegbe) in
French Language/Linguistics at the Dept. Modern Languages AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria (Defended July, 2010).

2003/2004 - 2010: Supervised One (1) Ph.D. candidate (Dr (Mrs.) Rita O. Mebitaghan)
in French Translation Studies at the Department of Modern
Languages, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria. (Defended October 2010).

2005/2006 – 2011: Supervised One(1) M.A. candidate (Mrs. P.O. Balogun) in Applied
French Linguistics at the Dept. of Modern Languages, AAU, Ekpoma,
Nigeria (Defended October, 2011).

2003/2004 – 2012: Co-supervised One(1) Ph.D candidate (Dr. A.A. Aizebioze) in African
Literature at the Dept. of Mod. Language, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria
(Defended August, 2012).

2004/2005 – 2012: Supervised One(1) M.A. candidate (Mr. G.G.O Efeovbokhan) in

French Language Studies at the Dept. of Mod. Language, AAU,
Ekpoma, Nigeria (Defended August, 2012).

2005/2006 – 2012: Supervised One(1) Ph.D candidate (Dr (Mrs.) E.O. Abu) in French
Translation Studies at the Dept. of Modern Language, AAU, Ekpoma,
Nigeria (Defended November, 2012).
2012 On-going Supervision: Currently Supervising 5 M.A. and 7 Ph.D. candidates.

(c) Faculty/Department/University Administrative Responsibilities:

(a) Administrative Responsibilities To The Department:
- Co-ordinator, French Unit, Abraka Campus (1985/86)
- Organised the Practical Teaching Orientation Course for French Unit Students, Abraka
Campus (1985/86)
- Co-ordinator, French Unit, Ekpoma Campus (1986 – 1995)
- Prepared the Proposal for the Reinstatement of the B.A. (Hons) French Degree
Programme in Ekpoma Campus (1988- 1995):
- Member of the Departmental Admission Committee (1986 – 1991)
- Chairman, Admissions Committee (1989/90 - 1991)
- Member of the Committee on Postgraduate Students (1989/90)
- Editor-in-chief of Agogo: BENSU Journal of French and Francophone Studies, Abraka-
Ekpoma, (1990 to date).
- Associate Editor of EJOLLS, Departmental Journal (1987 – 1991)
- Acting Head, Department of Languages and Literatures (1991/92 –1993)
- Editor of EJOLLS (1991/92 – 1993)
- Prepared Proposal for the Establishment of Pre-Degree French Programme (1991/92)
- Prepared Proposal for the establishment of the Department Modern Languages
- Acting Head, Department of Modern Languages EDSU (1995/96 – Jan. 1998)
- Acting Head, Department of Modern Languages EDSU (1998 Nov. to 1999/2000
- Head, Department of Modern Languages, AAU, Ekpoma (2001 – 2004)
- Prepared the Proposals for the Establishment of M.A. & Ph.D. French programmes
- Attracted a lot of teaching facilities from French Government through the French
Embassy, Lagos/Abuja (1986-2004)
- Head, Department of Modern Languages, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (2008-

(b) Administrative Responsibilities To The Faculty:

- Member of Ad-Hoc Committee on Abraka Campus Security
(2nd – 16th January 1986)
- Chairman, Sub-Committee on grading of access road to Emaudo- Ekpoma
Campus (1987).
- Member of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Committee of Thoughts on
Integrated Faculty Week (1988).
- Member of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Room Allocation Committee
(1988 – 1992).
- Faculty of Arts of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Representative in the A. & PC, Junior
Staff (1989 to 2000).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Iroro (1887 – 1992)
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Arts, EDSU, Ekpoma (1998 Feb. – Nov.)
- FASS Representative in Faculty of Law Board of Studies (1996 – 1998).
- Member, Committee of Deans (1998) and (2004 – 2008)
- Acted officially on behalf of the Dean (FA) on various occasions:
15th June to 3rd July, 1999; 9th August to 11th August 1999;

25th August to 27th August 1999; 9th September, 1999;
27th September to 5th October, 1999.
- Chairman, Faculty of Arts Curriculum Committee (1998/99 Session)
- Faculty of Arts Representative in Senate Curriculum Committee (1998 – 2000)
- Faculty of Arts Representative in the Faculty of Engineering Board of Studies
(1999/2000 - 2008)
- Faculty of Arts Representative in Appointment & Promotions Committee (Academic
Staff) (2000 - 2004)
- Senate Representative in Appointment and & Promotions Committee
(Academic Staff) (2000 – 2004)
- Dean, Faculty of Arts (16/9/2004 - 2008)
- Chairman, Faculty of Arts Appointment and Promotions Committee (Academic & Non-
Academic Staff) (2004 - 2008).
- Organised the First-ever Faculty of Arts International Conference (15th-18th November,
2005) – Theme: The Arts, Man and Globalisation.
- Member, Faculty of Arts Review, Appraisals & Promotions Committee for all Academic
and Non-Academic Staff since November 1999 to date.

(c) Administrative Responsibilities to the University:

- Inspected and wrote Report on the French programme of BENSU Staff Primary and
Secondary Schools, Ekpoma, (July – August, 1986)
- Member of the Sub-committee on Protocol of the BENSU Fund Raising
Committee (1986)
- Represented the Vice-Chancellor at the Meeting of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors
on the teaching of Modern Languages in all Nigerian Universities at University of
Ibadan. (January 30 – 31, 1987).
- Attended the Meeting of Heads of Department of French at the French Embassy, Lagos
(19th September, 1987)
- Member of ASUU Committee on BENSU A & PC (1987)
- Assistant Hall Warden, Jereton Mariere Hall (1989 – 1992)
- Chairman, Investigation Committee on Personnel Problems in the Security Division of
the Vice-Chancellors’ Office (January 4th – 20th February, 1990)
- Member of the committee that Investigated the Allegation on Leakage of First Semester
Examination Question in Abraka Campus (June 19th August, 1990).
- Chairman/Member of the Sole-Man Committee set up by the Vice-Chancellor to
investigate the 1988/98 Pre-degree French Examination Problems in
Abraka Campus (December 27, 1989 – April 20, 1990)
- Member of the Sub-committee on the 1990 convocation play.

- Representative of the Congregation in the Vehicle Loan Committee (6th February, 1990
– 1995).
- Member of Edo State University Senate (1991/92 to 1998).
- Member of Sub-committee to the Ceremonial Committee on 1994 Convocation.
- Vice-Chancellor’s nominee for the 1994 Review and Appraisal panel for Junior Staff of
the University Guest Houses.
- Chairman, 1997, Review and Appraisal Panel for the University Halls of Residence (1997
– 1999)
- Sole Administrator’s nominee for the 1997 Review and Appraisal Panel for Junior Staff,
Registry Department.
- Vice-Chancellor’s nominee on the 1998, 1999 and 2009 Review & Appraisal Panel for
Academic Staff (Lecturer I and below) in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- Vice-Chancellor’s nominee on the 1998 and 1999 Review and appraisal Panel for
Librarian I and below.
- Permanent member of Ambrose Alli University Senate (from Oct., 1 1999 to date)
- Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee on the Faculty of Engineering Review and Appraisal Panel
(Lecturer I and below (2004 – 2008).
- Vice Chancellor’s Nominee on the Review and Appraisal Panels for Non-Academic
Junior Staff and Senior Staff in the Bursary Department, AAU, Ekpoma
(2004 - 2008).
- Senate Representative in Appointment & promotion Committee (2001- 2003)
- Member, Ambrose Alli University Admissions Board (UAB)(2004 - 2008)
- Member, A & PC, AAU, Ekpoma (2004 - 2008)
- Member of the Panel for the Interview of Principal Assistant Registrar for the position
of Deputy Registrar on 15/12/2004
- Chairman, Review and Appraisal Panel for Senior and Junior staff in the University Hall
of Residence (2007).
- Member of Panel to interview Applicants for academic positions in the University (5th
Dec, 2006).
- Vice-Chancellor’s nominee on the 2007 Review Appraisal Exercise for academic staff
(Senior lecturer and above) in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
- Organised the 17th Convocation Lecture of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma which
was delivered by Prof. Olusegun Oladipo (Professor of Philosophy),
University of Ibadan on May 8, 2008.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee on the 2008 and 2009 Promotions Appraisal Panel for
Academic Staff (Junior & Senior Lecturer and above) in the Faculty of
Environmental Studies.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee on the 2008 Review & Appraisal Panel for the University
Farm (Senior Non-Academic Staff) in the Faculty of Agriculture.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee on the 2009 Review and Appraisal Panel for Academic Staff
(Senior Lecturer and above) in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of
Medicine, AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
- Vice-Chancellor’s Nominee on the 2012 Review and Appraisal Panel for Academic
Staff (Lecture I and below) in the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Present Employer, Status and Salary
- Employer: Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.
- Status: Professor of French Language/Linguistics and HOD, Department of
Modern Languages, AAU, Ekpoma.
- Salary: CONUASS 6 Step 11. (On contract Appointment).


- Gardening & Photography

A. Dissertation and Thesis

(1) EMORDI, I. F. “L’Aspect sémantique des Faux Amis français-anglais’’, Mémoire de

Licence (B.A. (Hons). Dissertation, Université Nationale du ZaÏre,
Lubumbashi, 1975.

(2) EMORDI, I. F. “The French Department, College of Education Abraka; its Growth
and Contribution to the Teaching of French in the Secondary Schools of
Bendel State of Nigeria (1970) – 1979)”, M.Ed. Major project, Temple
University, Philadelphia, 1980.

(3) EMORDI, I.F. “Problèmes d’apprentissage du français par des étudiants nigérians’’,
Université de Grenoble, France, Mémoire de D.E.A (M. Phil. Thesis) 1983.

(4) EMORDI, I. F. L’Enseignement du français au Nigéria: Contribution à une

réflextion sur les finalités et les objectifs, Université de Grenoble, Ph.D.
Thesis defended publicly in 1985 and published in microforms ISSN :0294-
1767 by Atelier National de Reproduction de Thèses Université de Lille III,

B. Articles Published in Learned Journals

(5) EMORDI, I. F. “The significance of French in the Nigerian educational system” in
Ekpoma Journal of Languages and Literary Studies (EJOLLS), A
Publication of the Department of Languages and Literature, BENSU,
Ekpoma, Vol. 1. 1, No. April, 1988, pp 84-113.

(6) EMORDI, I. F. “L’Enseignement du français au Nigéria: Etat actuel et Perspectives

d’avenir ’’ (summarized version) in Le Trèfle. Revue de l’Association
Nationale des Enseignants de Français Langue Entrangère, Lyon (France).
Août 1988, Pp.3-5.

(7) EMORDI, I. F. “Teaching of French in Nigeria today: The Right Qualifications” in

Education Today, A Quarterly Journal of the Federal Ministry of Education,
Lagos Vol. 2, No. 2, March 1989, Pp 49-55.

(8) EMORDI, I. F. “La situation Linguistique actuelle au Nigéria: La place et le statut
de la langue française” in Cahiers de I’ Institut de Linguistique de Louvain,
Université de Louvain, Belgium, CILL., 16. 2-4. 1990, Pp. 59-79.

(9) EMORDI, I. F. “Rédaction de mémoire de Licence en langue française: Conseils

sur notions de style aux étudiants de français anglophones” in EJOLLS,
BENSU, Ekpoma, Vol. 3. April, 1990 Pp. 86-95.

(10)EMORDI, I. F., ‘‘Analyse systématique des erreurs et du système intermédiaire

des étudiants nigérians (anglophones) apprenant le français au Nigéria” in
EJOLLS, BENSU, Ekpoma, Vol. 4. April, 1991, Pp. 97-118.

(11) EMORDI, I. F., ‘‘Rédaction de mémoire de licence en langue française: Conseils

pratiques sur notions de structure générale aux étuidants anlgophones
de français in Agogo-Bensu Journal of French Studies, A publication of the
French Units, Ekpoma and Abraka Campuses of Bendel State University,
Vol. 1 Nos. 1&2, 1991. Pp 31-40.

(12) EMORDI, I. F., “L’Enseignement du français au Nigéria: Etat actuel et

perspectives d’avenir” (Full Publication) in Le français au Nigéria. A
Journal of the Nigerian Association of French Teachers. Benin City, Vol. 15,
1992, Pp. 73-36.

(13) EMORDI, I. F., “Rédaction de mémoire de licence en langue française: Conseils

pratiques sur notions de documentation aux étudiants (anglophones)
de français (Partie Linguistique)” in ONA, Abraka Journal of
Researches in Languages and Literature. Vol. 1 No. 1, Dec., 1992, Pp. 105-

(14) EMORDI, I. F., “Rédaction de mémoire de licence en langue française: Conseils

pratiques sur notions de documentation aux étudiants (anglophones)
de français (Partie Littéraire)” in Agogo: Bensu Journal of French
Studies, Abraka-Ekpoma Vols. 2 & 3, Jan-Dec. 1996 Pp. 114-126.

(15) EMORDI, I. F., “Proposition pour l’élaboration d’un manuel scolaire officiel
d’enseignement du français au Nigéria,” in G.O. Simire (ed) Modern
Languages Association of Nigeria” (MLAN): (Proceedings of the 9th
Biannual Conference), Benin City, 10th-13th Feb. 1999, Pp. 319-344.

(16) EMORDI, I. F., “Guide pratique pour l’élaboration d’un programme officiel
d’enseignement du français au Nigéria.” in Victor O. Aire (ed.). The French
Language and Literary Expression, Jos, Nigeria University French
Teachers Association (NUFTA), October 1999, Pp. 161-176.

(17) EMORDI, I. F., “Le devenir du français en Afrique anglophone: Le cas de

l’enseignement du français au Nigéria”. in Ibadan Journal of European
Studies (A Journal of the Department of European Studies). University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, No. 1, April 2000. Pp. 117-131.

(18) EMORDI, I. F. & AZIEGBE, M.E., “L’ attribution du genre des noms en français:
Implications chez l’apprenant esan de français” in Revue de l’Association
Nigériane des Enseignants Universitaires de français (RANEUF), UFTAN,
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2005 Pp. 122-135.

(19) EMORDI, I. F. & AZIEGBE, M. E. ‘‘Une étude comparée des déterminants en

français et en esan’’ in La Revue d’études françaises d’Ilorin, publication du
Département de français, University of Ilorin (Nigeria), Tim-Sal (Nig)
Enterprises, Vol. 1, No. 1 Dec. 2007, Pp. 21-38.

(20) EMORDI, I. F. & MEBITAGHAN, R. O., ‘‘Traduire le Proverbe african : Les

proverbes dans Anthills of the Savannah de Chinua Achebe’’, in Revue
Internationale de Littérature et de Linguistique Appliquée (RILLA), Porto-
Novo(Republic of Bénin), CUREF et IESSAF-UNIVERSITE, vol.1, No. 1,
May 2010, Pp 112-130.

(21) EMORDI, I. F. & AZIEGBE, M. E., « L’importance de la lecture précise dans la

communication orale en langue française » in EUREKA UNILAG, A Journal
of Humanistic Studies, Lagos, Department of European Languages,
University of Lagos, Vol. 2, No 3, December, 2012, Pp. 192-205.

(22) EMORDI, I. F. & AGBOGUN, I. M., ‘‘Problématique de sens dans la traduction

de la pièce de Théâtre: Le Lion et la perle de Wole Soyinka’’ in Revue
d’Etudes françaises appliquées (REFRA), Porto-Novo (Bénin)
(Forthcoming) 2008

(23) EMORDI, I. F. & MEBITAGHAN, R. O., ‘‘Etude ethnographique dans la

traduction littéraire : L’exemple de de Anthills of the Savannah de Chinua
Achebe’’, accepted for publicaiton in La Revue Internationale de
Traduction et d’Interprétation(RITRI), Port-Novo (Republic of Bénin,
Since, 11th June, 2010.

(24) EMORDI, I. F., « The Teaching of French in Nigeria : The journey so far »in
RANEUF, une publication de l’Association Nigériane des Enseignants
Universitaires de français (ANEUF), No.11, Novembre 2013, Pp. 1-47

C. Books and/or Chapters in Books

(25) EMORDI, I. F., L’Enseignement du français au Nigéria: Contribution à une
réflextion sur les finalités et les objectifs, Université de Grenoble, Ph.D.
Thesis defended publicly in 1985 and published in microforms: ISSN: 0294-
1767 by Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses,
Université de Lille III, 1986.

(26) EMORDI, I. F., OZIMEDE, M.A. & UHUNMWANGHO, A. Aspect of English

Usage (...) Ibadan, Sam Bookman 1995.

(27) EMORDI, I. F. Introduction to French as a Second Foreign Language in

Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. (...) 1st edition, Ibadan, Sam, Bookman,

(28) EMORDI, F. I. & E. O. IMASUEN, Topics in Applied Linguistics Benin City,
Aisien Publishers Ltd, 1996.

(29) EMORDI, I. F. Introduction to French as a Second Foreign Language in

Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. (...) 2nd (Revised) edition, Lagos. Ilupeju
Press Ltd. 1998; 3rd (Revised) edition by Imprint Services, Benin City, 2011

(30) EMORDI, I. F., Bonjour le Nigéria! Comment ça va?: The French Language in
Nigeria so far (1859 – 2007), A.A.U. Ekpoma Inaugural Lecture Series 28,
AAU Publishing House, 2007.


(31) EMORDI, I. F. “The Research Essay: “Definition of Terms” (Chapter Five) in B.C.
Onochie et al. (eds) Reading in General Studies, AAU, Ekpoma, AAU
Publishing House, 2000, Pp61-74.

(32) EMORDI, I. F. “The Research Essay: Referencing, Treatment of quotations.

Footnotes and Bibliographical forms” (Chapter Six) in B.C. Onochie et al.
(eds) Reading in General Studies, AAU, Ekpoma, AAU Publishing House,
2000, Pp75-80.

(33) EMORDI, I. F., “The Arts, Man and Globalisation: The Nigerian experience” in
Diane Stinton (ed), The Arts, Man and Globalisation: Trends, Issues and
Problems, Accra North (Ghana), Deocraft Communications, 2006, Pp.63-75.

(34) EMORDI, I. F. & AZIEGBE M. E., “Solving the problem of poor performance in
French by Students in Nigerian Universities through follow-up practical
exercises and some other indispensable methods” in Diane Stinton (ed),
The Arts, Man and Globalisation: Trends, Issues and Problems, Accra
North (Ghana), Deocraft communications, 2006, Pp.110 – 119.

(35) EMORDI, I. F., ‘‘Bridging the gap between Language and Literature’’: A keynote
address delivered at the Symposium in Honour of Prof. B. O. Okiwelu at the
Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria on 26th June, 2008, Pp. 1-9

(36) EMORDI, I. F. & AGBOGUN, I.M., ‘‘Problématique du rapprochement de l’anglais

et du français dans la traduction de la pièce de thèâtre: Le Lion et la perle
de Wole Soyinka’’ being a Paper presented at the Symposium in Honour of
Prof. B. O. Okiwelu at the Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria on 26th
June 2008, Pp. 1-16.

(37) EMORDI, I. F., ‘‘General Introduction: The need for French in Nigeria’’ in Emordi, I.
F. & Mokobia, J. (eds) Reading in General Studies: Communication in
French, Published by General Studies Directorate, Delta State University,
Abraka, Vol. VI, 2008, Pp. 1-7.

(38) EMORDI, I. F. & AZIEGBE M. E., ‘‘Un essai de description de la morphologie

nominale de la langue ésàn’’ in Jude Aigbe Aigbe Agho & Anthony Irenosen
Okoduwa (eds) The Humanities and the Dilemma of Contemporary
Realities in Africa: (Book of Proceedings of the Ambrose Alli University

2010 Faculty of Arts’ National Conference), Ekpoma, November 24th – 26th,
2010, Pp. 131 -140.


(i) Monographs:

(39) EMORDI, I. F., “Le Pidgin-English nigérian” in RELS MONOGRAPHS, Ibadan,

Sam Bookman. No. 17. Pp. 1-23, 1995.

(ii) Technical Reports:

(40) EMORDI, I. F. “Compte Rendu: Voyage d’Etudes au Nigéria du 27/03/84 au
11/05/84:” (Pour une Thèse de Doctorat de 3e Cycle), U. E. R. Lettres:
Section Linguistique et Phonétique, Université de Grenoble III (France)

(41) EMORDI, I. F. “Report on my Ph.D Programme Study Leave (1982/83 – 1985)” at

the Université de Grenoble III (France), BENSU, Abraka Campus, 1985.

(42) EMORDI, I. F. “Problems and reasoned solution to the scarcity of French student in
Bendel State University, Abraka Campus, Bendel State, Nigeria”, Paper
prepared at the request of the Dean’s Office and Presented to the Faculty of
Education Board of Studies, BENSU, Abraka Campus 17/2/86.

(43) EMORDI, I. F. “Report on the French Programme Inspection of the BENSU

Primary and Secondary Schools Ekpoma, in Report on BENSU Staff
Schools (primary and Secondary), Abraka-Ekpoma, August, 1986, Pp. 32-
35; 41-44.

(44) EMORDI, I. F., “Report on the French Programme Inspection of the Bendel State
University Staff Schools (Primary and Secondary) in Ekpoma and Abraka
Campuses (24th June – 12th July, 1991).

E. Other forms of publication

(i) Books/Journals Edited:

(45) EMORDI, I. F. (ed), Ekpoma Journal of Languages and Literary Studies (EJOLLS) A
publication of the Department of Languages and Literature, BENSU,
Ekpoma, Vol. 4, April 1991.

(46) EMORDI, I. F. (ed), Agogo (Bendel State University Journal of French Studies), A
publication of the French units, Ekpoma and Abraka Campuses, of BENSU,
Ekpoma, Maiden Edition Vol. I, Nos. 1 & 2, Jan - Dec. 1991.

(47) EMORDI, I. F. (ed), Ekpoma Journal of Languages and Literary Studies (EJOLLS)
A publication of the Department of Languages and Literature, BENSU,
Ekpoma, Volume 5 & 6, April 1992 & April 1993.

(48) EMORDI, I. F. (ed), Agogo (Bendel State University Journal of French Studies), A
publication of the French Units, Ekpoma and Abraka Campuses, of BENSU,
Ekpoma, Volumes 2 & 3, Jan. – Dec. 1996.

(49) EMORDI, I. F., OYANNA, G.K., AGHAYERE, V.O., (eds) Readings in General
Studies, Ekpoma, A.A.U. Publishing House, Vol. 2, Jan. 2000.

(50) EMORDI, I. F., (ed), Manuel de Phonétique et de Phonologie françaises by E.V.

Omozuwa & A.S Moye (for publication), Benin City, Uniben Press, 2010.

(ii) Books/Journals Foreworded or Prefaced

(51) EMORDI, I. F., “Foreword” to Basic Study France and the French Language (For
non-French Students) by E. E. Ogini, GIN Publishers, Ekpoma, 1998.

(52) EMORDI, I. F.,“Preface” to An Introduction to French Culture, Civilisation and to

Conversion in French language by Eunice E.Omonzejie, Sylva
Publishing Inc. Ltd, Akure, 2004, 2004.

(53) EMORDI, I. F., “Preface” to Iroro: A Journal of Arts (A publication of Faculty of

Arts, AAU, Ekpoma, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 & 2, June 2005.

(54) EMORDI, I. F. ‘‘Foreword’’ to Iroro, A Journal of Arts (A publication of the

Faculty of Arts, AAU, Ekpoma), Vol. 11 Nos. 1&2 June 2006.

(55) EMORDI, I. F. ‘‘Foreword’’ to Iroro, A Journal of Arts (A publication of the

Faculty of Arts, AAU, Ekpoma), Vol. 12 Nos. 1&2 June 2007.

(iii) Distinct Public Academic Lectures

(56) EMORDI, I. F., “L’avenir des étudients de français au Nigéria”, A Distinct public
academic lecture to the Students of French in Ambrose Alli University,
Ekpoma, Nigeria during their Francophone Day Ceremony on November 24,
2005, Pp. 1-5.
(57) EMORDI, I. F., “The Making of a Great Youth: the Nigerian experience” A Distinct
public academic Lecture to the Federated Ubulu-Ukwu Students Union
(FUSU) of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma Chapter, at Ubulu-Ukwu,
Delta State, Nigeria during their Annual Unity and Award Night Ceremony
on December 30, 2005, Pp 1-5.

F. Major Conferences attended:

(i) Stage de formation et de recyclage des Professeurs de français, langue étrangère

(Training and Refresher courses for Teachers of French as a foreign language) at
Université des Langues et Lettres de Grenoble, France, 3rd – 23rd August, 1978.

(ii) Seminar on Comparative Education held at College of Education Abraka: Paper

presented:“The Educational System of the Republic of Zaϊre”(10th February 1981).

(iii) Seminar on Comparative Education held at College of Education Abraka (30th

January, 1986). Paper Presented. “The Educational System of France.”

(iv) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Seminar, Bendel State University, Ekpoma
Held on 19th May, 1987. Paper presented: “The Significance of French in the
Nigerian Educational System.”

(v) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Seminar, BENSU Ekpoma, held on 19th May,
1987. Paper presented: “Teaching of French in Nigeria Today: The Right

(vi) Journée Francophone (Francophone Day) of the French Department, BENSU,

Abraka Campus, Saturday, 30/6/90. Paper presented: “The Future of French
Language in the present Nigerian 6-3-3-4 system of Education.”

(vii) Edo State University First Seminar/Workshop for Academic Staff on

“Evaluation of students achievement in the University system”, hled on 17th
May 1995 at the Edo State University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.

(viii) 25th Anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of the Department and Inauguration of the
Modern Languages Library, Delta State University, Abraka on June 30, 1995.
Paper Presented “Foreign Languages in Nigeria: Yesterday, Today and

(ix) Conférence des professeurs de français des universities d’ Afrique Anglophone

(CAPFUA) held form 11th to 15th August, 1996 at The French Language Village,
Badagry. Paper Presented : “Le devenir du français en Afrique Anglophone: Le
cas de l’enseignement du français an Nigéria”

(x) Maiden conference and A.G.M of the Nigerian French Teachers Association
(NUFTA) held at the University of Jos, Jos. Nigeria from 4th to 8th November,
1998. Paper Presented: “Guide pratique pour l’élaboration d’un programme
official d’enseignement du français au Nigéria.”
(xi) Ninth (9th) National Conference and A.G.M. of the Modern Languages
Association of Nigeria (MLAN) held at the University of Benin, Benin City from
10th February, 1999. Paper Presented: “ Propositions pour l’élaboration d’un
manuel scolaire official d’enseignement du français au Nigéria Quelques
principes de base”
(xii) Second (2nd) Annual Conference and A.G.M. of NUFTA from 8th to 11th
November,2000 at Language Centre, Abia State University, Uturu.
(xiii) Fourth (4th) Annual Conference and A.G.M. of NUFTA from 3rd to 6th February,
2002 at ABU, Zaria.
(xiv) Eleventh (11th) Biennial Conference of Modern Languages Association of Nigeria
(MLAN) held at the Nigeria French Language Village, Badagry from 20th – 24th
April 2004. Paper Presented: “Une étude comparative des déterminants du
français et de l’esan.”
(xv) Seventh (7th) Annual Conference and A.G.M of NUFTA at Badagry from 7th to
11th November 2004. Paper presented: ‘‘L’attribution du genre des noms en
français : Implications chez l’apprenant esan de français.’’

(xvi) First (1st) International Conference of the Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli
University, Ekpoma, Nigeria at AAU, Ekpoma (15th-18th November, 2005)
Papers presented:

(a) « The Arts, Man and Globalization: The Nigerian experience. »

(b) « Solving the problem of poor performance in Nigerian Universities

through follow-up practical exercises and some other indispensable
methods »

(xvii) Workshop on ‘‘Manangement and Leadership Development for Good

Governance of Nigerian Universities’’ (July 17 – 21, 2006) at AAU, Ekpoma.

(xviii) Workshop on the «"Enhancement of quality of Departmental Headship", held

on 24th January, 2007 at AAU, Ekpoma, Nigeria.

(xix) Annual Conference and 10th Anniversary of the University French Teachers
Association of Nigeria (UFTAN) at the University of Benin (5th-7th Nov. 2007).

(xx) The 38th Annual Conference & Scientific meeting of the Nutrition Society of
Nigeria (NSN) at AAU, Ekpoma (22nd Nov. 2007)

(xxi) The 2010 Nigerian Academy of Letters Annual Lecture at the Ambrose Alli
University, Ekpoma, Nigeria (11th February 2010).

(xxii) Ambrose Alli University 2010 Faculty of Arts National Conference at AAU,
Ekpoma (November 24th-26th), 2010.

(a) ‘‘Un essai de decription de la morphologie nominale de la langue ésàn’’.

(b) ‘‘L’importance de la lecture précise dans la communication orale en langue

(xxiii) ‘‘IT Training programme for Lecturers in Higher Institutions’’ organised by National
Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) at AAU, Ekpoma
(8th-10th February 2011).

(xxiv) Fifteenth (15th) Annual Conference and AGM of the University French Teachers’
Association of Nigeria at the Delta State University, Abraka. Paper presented: “The
Teaching of French in Nigeria: The Journey so Far” (A Keynote Address).
(5th -9th November, 2012).

(xxv) “ Health awareness seminar” organised by Faculty of Arts, AAU, Ekpoma. (10th April,
(xxvi) “Sixteenth (16th) Annual Conference and AGM of the University French Teachers’
Association of Nigeria at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. For the launching of a
festschrift in honour of UFTAN Pacesetters and Distinguished Professors French in
Nigeria (Professors: Aire, Emordi, Elahor, Echenim). (9th -14th March, 2014).
(xxvii) “Second (2nd) Faculty of Arts International Conference, Ambrose Alli University,
Ekpoma. (March 11th – 14th, 2014).

G. On-Going Research:

(i) ‘‘Introduction à la Phonétique et à la Phonologie françaises à l’intention des étudiants

anglophones de français.’’ (A Course Book).

(ii) Le choix de l’utilisation des matérials didactiques du français »


-Co-ordinator, French Unit, Dept. of Languages & Literature Bensu, Ekpoma (1986-1991 or 5
-Ag. HOD, Languages & Lit., BENSU, Ekpoma: (1991/92-1992/93 or 2 years)
-Ag. HOD, Modern Languages, EDSU Ekpoma (1995/96 –1996/97 or 2 years)
-Ag. HOD, Modern Languages, EDSU, Ekpoma (Sept. 1, 1997 – Jan 31, 1998 or 5 months)
-Ag. Dean, Faculty of Arts, EDSU, Ekpoma (Feb. 1st Nov. 14, 1998 or months)
-Ag. HOD, Modern Languages EDSU, Ekpoma (1998/99 – 1999/2000 or 2 years)
-HOD, Modern Languages, A.A.U. Ekpoma (2001 – 2004 or 3 years)
-Dean, Faculty of Arts, A.A.U., Ekpoma. (2004 – 2008 or 4 years)
- HOD, Modern Languages A.A.U., Ekpoma (2008 – 2011 or 3years)


1. Rev. Fr. (Prof.) C. E. Ukhun (Dean)

Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University,
Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.

2. Prof. S. E. Osazuwa (Head)

Department of Modern Languages
Faculty of Arts
Ambrose Alli University,
Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.

3. Mr. Charles O. Ugbechie

College of Education, Agbor,
Delta State, Nigeria.

Prof. Fred. I. Emordi

(Professor of French Language/Linguistics),
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Arts,
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State)


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