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Uffile Upload No Title31080
Uffile Upload No Title31080
Website: https://jst-haui.vn Vol. 59 - No. 2A (March 2023) ● Journal of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 199
KHOA HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ P-ISSN 1859-3585 E-ISSN 2615-9619
shift [6]. The delay oscillator is dispersed in the ring oscillator with two inputs, one as the oscillator signal and the other as
(RO). The ring oscillator has two basic topologies: single- duty cycle control voltage VDT. Following the transformation,
ended and different. The power dissipation of a single-ended another inverter is applied to purify the signal.
topology is computed on a transition basis and has lower
phase noise for a given power dissipation. The phase noise
differential between these two topologies is higher as the
number of steps increases. As a result, the single-ended
topology is commonly used. Figure 1 shows the type of
single-ended RO.
CT.VSW/ISS. Using definition (1), the oscillation frequency is
given by Figure 4. The circuit and equivalent small-signal RC model of transmission
ISS gate
fosc (2) The transmission gate (TG), which includes a NMOS and
2.N.VSW .C T
a PMOS transistors connected parallel, is describled in
Figure 2 depicts the fundamental circuit blocks used in Figure 4. The TG is controlled by an external control voltage
this work. In this work, the VCO is made up of three parts: the VCT, hence, the TG operates as a variable resistance. The TG
digital current control circuit, the oscillate circuit, and the is intended to function as a voltage-controlled switch.
circuit duty cycle control. Using transmission gates, the When VCT is high, NMOS and PMOS are both biased towards
current circuit regulates the input current in the three-stage the conduction zone, and the switch closes. The
VCO. VCT is used to control the frequency change. Using a transmission gate's resistance is now quite low. If VCT is low,
duty cycle circuit consists of two inverters linked in parallel both MOSFETs are in the cut off area and the switch
200 Tạp chí KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ ● Tập 59 - Số 2A (3/2023) Website: https://jst-haui.vn
P-ISSN 1859-3585 E-ISSN 2615-9619 SCIENCE - TECHNOLOGY
operates as an open circuit. In such a circumstance, the Figure 7. Suppose all transistors operate in a saturate
resistance must fluctuate substantially depending on the region, the voltage VBUFF can be calculated as (6) where r is
gate voltage. ON resistance of MOS transistor.
The circuit scheme is shown in Figure 5. Here a variable r6 || r8
resistor RTG is added at the output terminal of each inverter. r5 || r7 r6 || r8
The delay of each stage tDL can be calculated from the
formula (4). Since the MOS transistors in each inverter can VBUFF is determined by the ON resistances of M7 and M8,
be assumed as switches, it can be replaced by a resistance which are regulated by VDT. Therefore, the duty cycle
1/GM in that GM = gm0+gm1. Therefore, the delay of each control voltage VDT can change the duty cycle of the output
inverter stage tDL and the oscillation frequency are signal by moving the reverse point of the inverter formed
calculated through the formula (5). by M5 and M6 [2].
C T .(1 GM .R TG )
t DL (3)
1 M9
fosc (4)
1 2.N.C T .(1 GM .R TG ) VDD
2.N.( R TG ).C T
GM M6 M10
M3 M8
M1 CT Figure 7. Duty cycle circuit
Website: https://jst-haui.vn Vol. 59 - No. 2A (March 2023) ● Journal of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 201
KHOA HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ P-ISSN 1859-3585 E-ISSN 2615-9619
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Table 1. Summary results of the proposed VCO
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350nm 180nm 180nm 90nm
3.3 3.3 1.5 1.8
supply (V)
Max. 260MHz vs 368.9MHz vs 1.4GHz vs 1.77 GHz vs
Nguyễn Văn Tuấn1, Nguyễn Minh Tân1, Bồ Quốc Bảo1,
frequency VCT=3.3V VCT=3.3V VCT=1.5V VCT=1.8V
Vũ Trung Kiên1, Phạm Thanh Sơn2, Phạm Xuân Thành1
Min. 17.1Hz vs 16MHz vs 300Hz vs 100Hz vs 1
Khoa Điện tử, Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội
frequency VCT=0V VCT=1V VCT=0V VCT=0V 2
Viện Khoa học vật liệu, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
Kvco 105.27MHz/V 153.43MHz/V 1.38GHz/V 1.41GHz/V
A new design of ring oscillator based VCO is proposed.
The proposed design allows implementation of a voltage-
controlled ring oscillator with wide tuning range and fast
voltage swing. The simulation results using CMOS 90nm
technology show that the frequency can be tuned up to
1.77GHz and the duty cycle can be adjusted in wide range
20 - 80% independently from the oscillating frequency.
Furthermore, the maximum oscillation frequency of the
proposed circuit depends on the device sizes. The
proposed circuit is applicable for a lower supply voltage
because of its simple structure.
202 Tạp chí KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ ● Tập 59 - Số 2A (3/2023) Website: https://jst-haui.vn