Kester 979 Soldering Flux EN 20sep22 TB
Kester 979 Soldering Flux EN 20sep22 TB
Kester 979 Soldering Flux EN 20sep22 TB
Product Description
Kester 979 Soldering Flux is a VOC-free, no-clean flux formulation for high quality, low-defect
soldering of electronic circuit board assemblies. Its finely tuned activation system offers the best
wetting available in VOC-free liquid flux technology and the shiniest solder joints. 979 also
reduces micro solder balling on glossy laminates and between connector pins. 979 will not
attack properly cured solder masks or FR-4 Epoxy-Glass laminates. 979 leaves a minimal
amount of residue after soldering. All remaining residues are non-corrosive, non-conductive and
do not need to be removed.
Note: Not recommended for use in a soldering process that does not have a preheat cycle
associated with it. For example, this will not work well with a soldering iron.
Performance Characteristics:
Biodegradable at pH of 2.0 or greater
Chemically compatible with most solder masks and board laminates
Does not degrade Surface Insulation Resistance
No offensive odors
Bright, shiny solder connections
Classified as ORL0 per J-STD-004
Compliant to Bellcore GR-78
RoHS Compliance
This product meets the requirements of the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Directive, 2011/65/EU for the stated banned substances.
Physical Properties
Specific Gravity: 1.020 + 0.01
Anton Paar DMA 35 @ 25 °C
Thinner: DI Water
Reliability Properties
Copper Mirror Corrosion: Low
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.32
Flux Application
979 can be applied to circuit boards by a spray or dip process. Flux deposition should be 120 to
240 μgr of solids/cm2 (750 to 1500 μgr of solids/in2). An air knife after the flux tank in the dip
application is recommended to remove excess flux from the circuit board and prevent dripping
on the preheated surface.
Process Considerations
The optimum preheat temperature for most circuit assemblies is 95 to 115 °C (203 to 239 °F) as
measured on the top or component side of the printed circuit board. Dwell time in the wave is
typically 2 to 4 seconds for leaded alloys and 4-8 seconds for lead-free alloys. The wave
soldering speed should be adjusted to accomplish proper preheating and evaporate excess
water, which could cause spattering. For best results, speeds of 1.1 to 1.8 m/min (3.5 to 6
ft/min) are used. The surface tension has been adjusted to help the flux form a thin film on the
board surface allowing rapid water evaporation.
Elimination of Splattering
Since VOC-free fluxes are water-based, splattering can be a problem. Splattering occurs when
water comes in contact with molten solder, so it may be necessary to use forced air to drive off
the water. Manufacturers have reported that blowing hot air at 0.28 to 0.85 m3/hr (10 to 30 ft3/hr)
greatly assists in drying the water off the circuit boards. For this reason, it is suggested that 979
be used in a soldering process that has a preheat cycle associated with the soldering
Flux Control
Acid number is normally the most reliable method to control the flux concentration of low solids,
no-clean fluxes. Evaporative loss is minimal because this flux is water-based. To check
concentration, a simple acid-base titration should be used. PS-22 Test Kit and procedure are
available from Kester. The thinner for this flux is DI water.
979 flux residues are non-conductive, non-corrosive that does not require removal in most
applications. If residue removal is required, plain DI water at 43 to 54 °C (110 to 130 °F) with a
Saponifier is required.
Recycling Services
We provide safe and efficient recycling services to help companies meet their
environmental and legislative requirements and at the same time, maximize
the value of their waste streams.
Our service collects solder dross, solder scrap, and various forms of solder
paste waste. Please contact your local sales representative for recycling
capabilities in your area or link here.
Contact Information
To confirm this document is the most recent version, please contact
Also read carefully warning and safety information on the Safety Data Sheet. This data sheet contains technical information required for safe and economical operation of this product. READ IT THOROUGHLY
PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. Emergency safety directory assistance: US 1 202 464 2554, Europe + 44 1235 239 670, Asia + 65 3158 1074, Brazil 0800 707 7022 and 0800 172 020, Mexico 01800 002 1400 and (55)
5559 1588
DISCLAIMER: All statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. No
statement or recommendation shall constitute a representation unless set forth in an agreement signed by officers of seller and manufacturer. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY IS MADE. The following warranty is made in lieu of such warranties and all other warranties, express, implied, or statutory. Products are warranted to
be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time sold. The sole obligation of seller and manufacturer under this warranty shall be to replace any noncompliant product at the time sold. Under no
circumstances shall manufacturer or seller be liable for any loss, damage or expense, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising out of the inability to use the product. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if
products are supplied in response to a customer request that specifies operating parameters beyond those stated above, or if products are used under conditions exceeding said parameters, the customer by
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exonerate, indemnify, defend and hold harmless MacDermid, Incorporated and its affiliates therefrom. No suggestion for product use nor anything contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to
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