Complications and Satisfaction in Transwomen Receiving Breast Augmentation: Short and Long Term Outcomes
Complications and Satisfaction in Transwomen Receiving Breast Augmentation: Short and Long Term Outcomes
Complications and Satisfaction in Transwomen Receiving Breast Augmentation: Short and Long Term Outcomes
Received: 22 February 2022 / Accepted: 27 April 2022 / Published online: 21 May 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Background To achieve long-term improvement in health care of transgender women, it is necessary to analyze all aspects
of gender-confirming surgery, especially the relation of risks and benefits occurring in these procedures. While there are
many studies presenting data on the urologic part of the surgery, there are just few data about complications and satisfaction
with breast augmentation.
Methods This is a retrospective study using parts of the BREAST-Q Augmentation Questionnaire and additional questions
for symptoms of capsular contracture and re-operations and analyzing archived patient records of all transwomen which
were operated at University Hospital Essen from 2007 to 2020.
Results 99 of these 159 patients (62%) completed the questionnaire after a median time of 4 years after surgery. Breast
augmentation led to re-operations due to complications in 5%. The rate of capsular contracture (Baker Grad III–IV) in this
population was 3%. Most patients (75%) rated high scores of satisfaction with outcome (more than 70 points) and denied
to have restrictions due to their implants in their everyday life. All patients reported an improvement in their quality of life
owing to breast augmentation.
Conclusion Breast augmentation by inserting silicon implants is a safe surgical procedure which takes an important part in
reducing gender dysphoria.
1518 Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2022) 305:1517–1524
for genetic women, and a PROM developed specifically for symptoms for capsular contracture. This questionnaire was
the needs of transgender individuals does not exist to date sent to all 159 transwomen who had received surgical breast
[18, 19] As GAS increases worldwide, in 2018, a working augmentation using silicone implants at University Hospital
group from Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands Essen from 2007 to 2020. Of these 159 patients, 99 agreed
began a Phase I study and development of a GENDER-Q to participate in this study (62%). In addition, the archived
questionnaire [20], which is currently in the validation phase patient records of these 99 patients were reviewed and age,
and is expected to be available in 2022 [16]. BMI, pre-existing conditions, and surgical complications
The available literature measures satisfaction with surgi- were recorded.
cal breast augmentation either using the BREAST-Q [9] or Data were collected and analyzed using Microsoft Excel
with help of specifically designed PROMs [4, 18]. Kanhai 365 (Microsoft Corporation, version 2102, Redmont WA,
et al. and Weigert et al. demonstrated a high level of satisfac- USA) and IBM SPSS Statistics (IBM Corporation, 2020.
tion with the outcome of augmentation, but did not record IBM Statistics for Windows, version 27.0. Armonk, NY,
any surgical complications [4, 9]. Balakrishnan et al. con- USA). BREAST-Q was converted to the corresponding
ducted a study in which they asked a total of 42 transwomen Rasch sum score.
about their subjective satisfaction in a retrospective study To compare satisfaction scores by age, the Shapiro–Wilk
from 2007 to 2017 and then compared this with objectively test searching for normal distribution was first performed.
recorded parameters of cosmetic outcome. They showed a Since there was no normal distribution, the Mann–Whitney
significant correlation of the cosmetic outcome with the sur- U test was used. The significance level was set at p < 0.05.
veyed parameters [5], but this must be critically questioned,
as patients with psychiatric pre-existing conditions, nicotine
or drug use and other comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, Results
vasculitis) were excluded from the study. Nauta et al. com-
pared 82 trans-women to 188 genetic women in America and The median age of the patients at the time of surgery was
were able to show differences in comorbidities and anatomi- 45 years (20–64 years, SD 11.63). Using a graphical repre-
cal conditions [10]. No study has yet succeeded in identify- sentation of the age distribution, two peaks can be identi-
ing risk factors for the occurrence of specific complications, fied, between 25 and 34 years and between 45 and 54 years
such as capsular contracture, in the context of surgical breast (Fig. 1).
augmentation for transwomen. At the time of the study, surgery had been performed a
median of 4 years ago (0–13 years, SD 3.22). The median
Aim of this study BMI of the patients was 24.9 kg/m2 (18.0–42.4 kg/m2, SD
4.74). 68.7% of patients reported not smoking, 30.3% were
The aim of this study was to interview all transwomen smokers, and 1% were unknown. 3% of patients suffered
who underwent breast augmentation at University Hospital from diabetes. 56.6% of the patients suffered from one
Essen between 2007 and 2020 using parts of the BREAST- or more pre-existing condition, the most frequently men-
Q Augmentation Questionnaire, which was supplemented tioned being hypertension (20.2%), asthma (9.1%), hypo-
by questions asking for re-operations and high-grade cap- thyroidism (8.1%), depression (7.1%), previous myocar-
sular contracture. In addition, the archived patient records dial infarction (5.1%), sleep apnea (3%), COPD (3%), and
were searched for comorbidities and surgical complications.
Another purpose was to investigate the occurrence of higher-
grade capsular contracture and try to identify risk factors.
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2022) 305:1517–1524 1519
1520 Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2022) 305:1517–1524
Table 2 Calculated values from n Mean Median SD Min max 1. Quartil 3. Quartil
Psychosocial wellbeing 98 81.2 86 17,587 39 100 68 100
Sexual well being 87 70.33 67 22,333 0 100 58 91
Satisfaction with breasts 99 73.72 74 15,402 36 100 64 85
Physical wellbeing: chest 99 92.49 100 10,756 34 100 91 100
Satisfaction with implants 98 7.66 8 1025 2 100 8 8
Satisfaction with outcome 99 83.51 89 18,442 26 8 69 100
maximum self-growth of the breast prior to surgery [25], also used to a large extent in our cohort, and furthermore the
yet the implants can only be large enough to still be cov- comparison period of 10 and 13 years is similar, these data
ered by skin, adipose tissue, and muscle if necessary. Thus, were considered to be the most meaningful and were used
initially, it is not always possible to meet patients' desires as basis. It should be noted, that Coroneos et al. [26] do not
for a very large breast. Fakin et al. [8] also reported 9.4% break down the described complication rates according to
patients (13 of 138) who underwent a second surgery due smooth or textured surface, whereas only textured implants
to the desire for a larger breast. 1% of our patients experi- are used at our clinic.
enced postoperative bleeding, 1% experienced late hema- A significantly higher rate of complications is described
toma, 1% experienced unilateral dislocation, 1% experienced by DeBlok et al. [7] in their study conducted on a Dutch
seroma after hospital discharge, and 1% developed capsular collective. There, 33% (102 of 308 patients) reported suf-
contracture, which also required reoperation. This results fering from health complaints associated with their implants
in a reoperation rate of 5% due to complications, which is [7]. Unfortunately, this statement is difficult to verify as the
slightly lower than the 8% non-elective surgery rate reported authors of the study do not provide a more detailed break-
by Fakin et al. [8]. Comparing these data to those collected down of what exactly constitutes health complaints and,
by Cuccolo et al. [6], who conducted the largest retrospec- although the study was conducted on a large collective (3074
tive data analysis comparing breast surgery in transwomen transwomen) and over a long period of time (1972–2018),
and genetic women, reveals a higher rate of complications. the response rate is only 25.14% with 773 completed ques-
Cuccolo et al. [6] report a rate of 1.4% re-operations in trans- tionnaires. Furthermore, it is likely that even worse implants
women (four cases in a total of 280 patients), accounted for were used in the 1970s and 1980s than is the case today, pos-
by hematoma (1.1%) and abscess (0.4%). However, when sibly leading to a falsely high complication rate. To derive a
looking at these data, it is important to note, that this is a correlation between the complications that occurred (post-
large database analysis in the U.S., and while it draws on a operative bleeding, late hematoma, seroma as well as unilat-
large number of cases, it only captures complications within eral dislocation) and risk factors, such as smoking, diabetes,
the first 30 days after surgery and does not capture any long- pre-existing diseases or long-term medication, too few cases
term complications. occurred within the scope of our study, to be able to derive
In comparison, the data collected by Miller et al. [18] a conclusion here.
show a higher complication rate of 17.6% (6 of 34 cases) 3% of patients reported receiving a diagnosis of capsu-
in which reoperation was necessary in 5.9% (2 of 34 cases). lar contracture, of which 1% had already had their implants
However, the significance of this should also be questioned, removed. Taking this 3% as the rate of symptomatic capsular
as only 34 cases were retrospectively examined in this study. contracture on average 5 years after surgery and compar-
The largest data analysis for genetic women is provided ing it, using the binomial test, with the 7.2% symptomatic
by Coroneos et al. [26], who were required to provide ret- capsular contracture at 7 years described by Coroneos et al.
rospective data collection for FDA approval of Mentor [26] yields a value of p = 0.071, showing a tendency toward
and Allergan breast implants and studied a total of 99,993 a lower rate of capsular contracture in transwomen. Similar
patients from 2007–2017, 56% of whom had received sili- findings are also provided by Fakin et al. [8], who reported
cone implants as part of a purely cosmetic procedure [26]. a capsular contracture rate of 2.9%. To further support this
Here, an overall reoperation rate of 11.7% at 7 years was theory, more studies on this topic should be conducted in
reported, which is higher than the 5% in transwomen col- future.
lected in this study. Coroneos et al. [26] also report a Baker Estrogen exposure seems to be the first possible reason
III-IV capsular contracture rate of 7.2% at 7 years for cos- for a lower rate of capsular contracture. This assumption
metic augmentations in genetic women. Since these data is supported by data presented by Dancey et al. [27], who
refer exclusively to implants from the Mentor and Allergan showed that in a cohort of 1400 genetic women who under-
companies and implants from these two companies were went cosmetic augmentation, those who became pregnant
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2022) 305:1517–1524 1521
had an increased risk of developing capsular contracture The median satisfaction with the breast was 74 points,
(43.6% vs 23.9% capsular contracture, p = 0.008) [27]. Since which means that the patients in this study were significantly
there is also greater exposure to estrogen during pregnancy, more satisfied than those surveyed by Weigert et al. [9].
it is reasonable to suspect a central role in the etio-pathology When looking at the questions individually, many patients,
of capsular contracture. This is also consistent with data when asked how satisfied they were with the way their bras
collected by Persichetti et al. [28], according to which down- fit, expressed a certain dissatisfaction and stated, that it was
regulation of ER α leads to decreased contractility of myofi- very difficult to find bras at all, due to the larger breast cir-
broblasts. They also showed a negative correlation between cumference. While this is not a medical problem, it is cer-
ER β and the thickness of the capsule studied, suggesting tainly an industrial market gap.
that ER β has a more antiproliferative role [28]. Moreover, Furthermore, 30% of the patients were dissatisfied with
this study also showed a time-dependent correlation, which the fact that the breasts were not as close together without a
was also supported by Joseph et al. [29] in a study performed bra. This is a peculiarity of the anatomically male developed
in rats. Accordingly, the concentration of pro-proliferative upper body, which has a narrower, more oval and laterally
factors is significantly higher 30 days after implantation, seated nipple–areola complex (NAC) and more developed
than 90 or 180 days after implantation [29]. A perioperative pectoralis muscles than the female. In addition, the ster-
pause of CSHT in transwomen may decrease the develop- num is much wider and the distance between the nipple and
ment of capsular contracture. Maybe the administration (oral inframammary fold is much shorter [1]. Unfortunately, the
vs transdermal) or the active ingredient composition of the insertion of silicone implants cannot remedy this situation.
preparation also affects the development of capsular con- The high scores in relation to physical well-being indi-
tracture in transwomen. cate, that the patients have few impairments overall, such as
Prospective randomized studies should be performed on limitations in sports, lifting heavy objects or sleeping, due to
these influences in future, recording the exact estrogen prep- the implants or complications of surgery. This results clearly
aration, the duration of intake and the perioperative pause, differ from data collected by Weigert et al. [9], in which their
to investigate these influences in more detail and thus pos- patients gave a median score of only 76 points.
sibly provide further insights into the development and the In terms of satisfaction with the implants, patients gave
prevention of capsular contracture. a median of full 8 points, which underlines the satisfaction
In addition, studies should be performed to break down with implant surgery itself.
the rate of capsular contracture in transwomen after insertion Satisfaction with outcome was very high, with a median
of smooth or textured implants. Due to the rare occurrence score of 89 points, and 25% of patients awarded the maxi-
of BIA-ALCL after insertion of textured implants [30], some mum of 100 points. Particularly noteworthy is the question
authors generally do recommend not to use this implants any about the improvement in quality of life, to which 89% of the
more [31]. To date, only four cases of BIA-ACLC have been patients agreed completely. A further 11% stated that they
reported in transwomen worldwide [12], so the incidence agreed to some extent, and no patient stated that she did not
here is certainly more in the per thousand range, whereas the agree. Even though this question alone certainly does not
risk of high-grade capsular contracture with possible defini- do justice to a multi-layered construct as quality of life, but
tive implant removal and breast firming surgery is at least together with the other values collected, it very clearly shows
in the single-digit percentage range and is thus significantly the high value that breast augmentation has for transwomen.
greater. However, since a surgical breast augmentation for Furthermore, it was shown here that older transwomen
transwomen is not a purely cosmetic procedure, all risks seem to be even more satisfied with the results. The reasons
should be carefully weighed. for this may be, that older patients have not spent a larger
This becomes even clearer with a look at the level of proportion of their lifetime in the desired sex and therefore
satisfaction. The median psychosocial well-being of the have an overly positive view of the effect of breast augmen-
patients studied here was 86 of 100 points. This observation tation. It is also possible, that with increasing physiologi-
is consistent with the results of Weigert et al. [9], who con- cal aging of the body, the demand for perfection becomes
ducted the only study using the BREAST-Q in transwoman lower and older patients are therefore less critical with the
and who found the patients' psychosocial well-being to be cosmetic result.
median 85 points 4 months after surgery. 95% of the patients stated, that they did not regret the
Another important aspect of breast surgery is sexual well- operation, only 3% would not undergo the operation again.
being, although many patients stated that this was also very This is possibly due to complications suffered and associated
significantly dependent on the genital surgical outcome, discomfort, as Cash et al. [32] were able to survey in a study
which leads to a certain outcome bias. Although a median of non-transgender women after surgical breast reconstruc-
score of 67 was given, 25% of patients declared a satisfaction tion and as also mentioned by the transwomen interviewed
score of 91 or more. by DeBlok et al. [32, 33].
1522 Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2022) 305:1517–1524
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