2020 21 MS - Syllabus
2020 21 MS - Syllabus
2020 21 MS - Syllabus
Session: 2020-21
2021-2022 [Masters 1st Semester , 2nd
Semester & 3rd Semester]
The vision of Pabna University of Science and Technology is to create skilled manpower through quality education
and research to full-fill the future needs of the country for establishment of peaceful and prosperous Bangladesh.
Some of the specific visions for next ten years are as follows:
Mission of PUST
The general mission of Pabna University of Science and Technology is to establish the good academic public
University in Bangladesh and also promote higher education at national as well as international level. However,
some specific missions are:
The Department of Geography and Environment under faculty of Life and Earth Science is one of the well-
established departments at Pabna University of Science and Technology. The department was started functioning
in 2011 as Geography, Environment and Urban Planning (GEUP). With several changes in academic and curriculum,
the department is renamed to Geography and Environment (GE) in September, 2015. The goal of GE Department is
to cultivate highly-motivated and well-trained professionals who will lead the Geography and Environment arena.
The department offers both undergrade and post graduate program. In the Department of Geography and
Environment, students study basic and applied topics related to Geography and Environment as well as advanced
technologies related to map making, image processing, big data mining, modelling, contemporary climatic issues in
national and global scale. To become geographer and Environment expert with basic and applied knowledge, well
skilled and technically advanced related to the geographical and environmental field.
The department has a number of well-constructed laboratories, namely Geo-informatics Laboratory, Cartographic
laboratory, Physical geographic laboratory and Environmental analysis laboratory. Well-equipped computers are
provided for the students, faculty members as well as the researchers. The department has a seminar library.
Students are encouraged for academic excellence by awarding various prizes, medals and certificates in per year
performances. The department also arranges co-curriculum activities among the students such as programming
contests, software exhibitions, cultural events, games competitions, debates etc. in every year.
Email: chairman.ge@pust.ac.bd
Phone: +88 0731 64907
Dr. Md. Rahedul Islam
To become a center of excellence in education and research to produce world class scholars, researchers and technically
skilled graduates that will lead the wider arena of Geography and Environment for building the sustainable development and
4th industrial revolution.
Department of Geography and Environment is working with the following missions in order to accomplish the
M1. To promote the establishment of centers of excellence inappropriate technological areas to enhance the spirit
of innovation and creativity among faculty members and students.
M2. To facilitate adequate quality full trained man power for solving the complex geo-environmental problem.
M3. To offer quality education to investigate, participate in research-oriented activities, pursue higher education
and transfer knowledge in both theoretical and practical aspects in Geography and Environment.
M4. To develop the skills and abilities of students to become productive as local as well as global citizens and
lifelong learners.
The general objectives of Department of Geography and Environment clearly help to achieve the ultimate goals of
this department. Those objectives are:
V1. To ensure advancement of knowledge through education and research, in both Applied Science and
Technology, in Science, Social Science and Humanities.
V2. To develop in each student mastery of fundamentals, versatility of mind, motivation for learning, intellectual
discipline and self-reliance which provide the best foundation for continuing professional achievement.
V3. To excel in all aspects of academic activity and produce a high-quality science-based student.
V4. Correlate technical knowledge with professional ethics.
V5. Train-up students in enlightening their inner abilities for problem solving and critical thinking.
Graduate Attributes
The graduate students should have achieved the graduate attributes (also known as Program Learning Outcomes,
PLO), as well as, the attributes of the Knowledge Profile (K1-K8) as given in the following table:
Knowled Attribute
K4 The fundamental knowledge of environmental science that develops theoretical frameworks and
bodies of knowledge for the acknowledged practice areas in the discipline of Geography and
K5 Technical knowledge and skills which will be supports scientific design in a practical field of
Geography and Environment.
K6 Understanding of scientific practice in the implementation areas in the discipline of Geography
and Environment.
K7 Intellectual capacity of the role of geographer and environment expert in society and recognized
issues: ethics and the professional responsibility to public safety; the impacts of geo-
environmental activity; economic, social, cultural, environmental and sustainability.
K8 Utilization of acquired knowledge in the research literature of Geography and Environment and
related topics.
The Program Educational Objective (PEOs) of the Department of Geography and Environment cater to the
requirements of the stakeholders such as students, employers, alumni, faculty etc. The program educational
objectives are as follows:
PEO-1: Acquire an educational foundation that prepares the graduate for professional careers and higher studies
in the field of Geography and Environment
PEO-2: Provide graduates with a strong foundation in analytical, scientific, and engineering fundamentals required
to research and develop geo-environment related problems and find a way of solving real-world problems.
PEO-3: Express the spirit of excellence, critical conception and creativity self-motivated lifelong learning in Geo-
environmental and related field.
PEO-4: Possess leadership, creative qualities and be effective communicators to work efficiently with diverse
teams, complex problems, promote appropriate ethical and societal practices.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) represent the knowledge, skills and attitudes the students should have at the
end of the program. Geography and Environment department of Pabna University of Science and Technology
(PUST) has formulated 12 (twelve) PLOs in designing curriculum. After successfully completing one-year master’s
degree following the four-years Bachelor degree in GE a graduate optimistically will demonstrate:
PLO-1: Scientific knowledge: Exploit basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics, science and geo-environment to
solve complex scientific and real-life problems in the field of Geography and Environment.
PLO-4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Utilize analytical knowledge, research-based knowledge
and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to finalize valid conclusions.
PLO-5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, modern technologies and
geo-environmental tools providing support and services including prediction and modeling to complex scientific
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO-6: The geographer and society: Apply the acquired knowledge to promote environmental quality,
sustainable development, 4th industrial revolution as well as issues and welfare as a geo-environmentalist in
society by using professional scientific strategy.
POL-7: Environment and sustainability: Understand and properly interpret the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in global, societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of a need for
sustainable development.
PLO-8: Ethics: Realize ethics of life and professions also committed to professional ethics, responsibilities and
norms in practicing as a professional expert.
PLO-9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual also articulate teamwork principle, work
with a multi-disciplinary team, and appreciate the role of a leader, leadership principles, and attitudes conducive to
effective professional practice of Geography and Environment.
PLO-10: Communication: Communicate effectively in both oral and written regarding the issues of Geography
and Environment activities with the geo-environmental community and with society. Being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations.
PLO-11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Geography and
Environment finance and management principles as a member and leader in a team to manage projects in multi-
disciplinary environments.
PLO-12: Life-long learning: Identify the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological changes, limitations and legal consequences of
scientific solutions.
Mission of University
Mission-01 Mission-02 Mission-03 Mission-04 Mission-05
Curriculum Plan
M.S. (Non-Thesis) Semester wise courses and distribution of marks and credits are as
Year Semester Theoretical Practical Project Viva-voce Total Total
Marks Credits
Masters 1st M-400 C-16.0 M-100 C-3.0 - - 500 19.00
2 nd M-300 C-12.0 M-100 C-3.0 M-100 C-3.0 M-100 C-2.0 500 17.00
Total 1000 36
M.S. (Thesis) Semester wise courses and distribution of marks and credits are as follows:
Examinations of the theoretical courses will be 3 hours duration and the duration of each practical examination
will be 4 to 6 i.e., 4 hours as per the decision of the Academic Committee of the Department.
Details Course Objectives, Contents and Outcome Plan for Masters 1st Semester
Course No: GE 5101 Credits: 4.00 Year: Masters Semester: First
Title: Advanced Research Methodology Course status: Theory (Mandatory thesis group)
Course Description: This course is developed to introduce advanced research topics in Geography and
Environment incorporating their theoretical background and application in geographical and environmental realm.
The main focus is on collection and analysis of data, design of research, data presentation, and publishing papers.
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are:
01. To acquaint the students with the research tools and techniques.
02. To elucidate the requirement of avoiding plagiarism to ensure the ethical considerations.
03. To comprehend the significance of hypothesis testing.
04. To become knowledgeable about proposal and thesis writing.
05. To familiarize with the reputed journals in Geography and Environment.
Course content:
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C L O 5
Suggested Readings:
01. Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques. New Age International Publishers, 2006,
pp. 401. (1986).
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
CLO 1. Define river system and flood.
Suggested Readings:
01. Abdul Wazed (1991). “Bangladesher Nadimala (Rivers of Bangladesh, in Bangla)”. Dhaka. FH Khan (1991).
“Geology of Bangladesh” University Press Limited, Dhaka.
02. H. Brammer (1990). “Floods in Bangladesh: Geographical Background to the 1987 and 1988 Floods”. The
Geographical Journal. 156 (1): 12–22. doi:10.2307/635431. JSTOR 635431.
03. Haroun er Rashid (1991). “Geography of Bangladesh”. University Press Limited, Dhaka.
04. Mohd Shamsul Alam (2012), “Sea Level”, in Sirajul Islam; Ahmed A. Jamal (eds.), Banglapedia: National
Encyclopedia of Bangladesh (Second ed.), Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
05. Nishanthi Priyangika (1999), Hundreds of thousands hit by Bangladesh floods, wsws.org, retrieved 27
August 2015 Uddin, Kabir; Matin, Mir A.;
06. Meyer, Franz J. (2019-07-03). “Operational Flood Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A
Case Study from Bangladesh”. Remote Sensing. 11 (13): 1581. Bibcode:2019RemS...11.1581U.
Suggested Readings:
01. Abbas. B.M., The Ganges Water Dispute
02. Ahmad. M. (ed.) (1989), Flood in Bangladesh
03. Ahmed. Q.K. et al (eds.) (1994), Converting Water into Wealth BANCID, (1995)., Non-structural Aspects of
Flood Management in Bangladesh DOB, (1992), Training Manual of Environmental Management in
04. Elahi, K.M. and Rogge J.R. (1990), Riverbank Erosion Flood and Population Displacement in Bangladesh
05. Haggart K. (ed.) (1994)., Rivers of Life Huq S. et al (eds) (1990), Environmental Aspects of Agricultural
Development in Bangladesh ICID (1994),
06. Miah M.Z. (1990), Floods in Bangladesh MPO (1991), National Water Plan Phases I and II
07. Nishat, A. et al (1993), Freshwater Wetlands in Bangladesh: Issues and Approaches for Management
08. Ohisson, L. (199)., Hydropolitics Bangladesh Flood Policy Study
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Course Objectives-
01. To conceptualize development definition for geography students.
02. To analyze the meaning of development for people, culture and urban and rural communities.
03. To evaluate the past and contemporary theories of development.
04. To explain globalization impacts on underdeveloped and developing countries.
Course content
Course No: GEL 5106 Credits: 4.00 Year: Masters Semester: First
Title: Regional Planning Course status: Theory
Course Description: This course examines regional planning in advanced economies and the relationship between
regional planning and more conventional land use planning. The course considers the origin and development of
regional planning as a discipline, as well as its contemporary applications. Regional planning has a long history
within advanced economies and over recent decades has been advanced as a key strategy for ensuring the
economic competitiveness of major urban centers. The need for regional planning has also been boosted by the
increasing connectedness of regions, both locally and across territorial borders. This course will also examine
Sustainable regional planning, regional regeneration processes, Transport systems, Regional planning and global
connectivity, The processes of regional planning, Consultation processes, Regional planning tools.
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are-
01.To teach regional planning in advanced economies and the relationship between regional planning and more
conventional land use planning.
02. To clarify the origin and development of regional planning as a discipline, as well as its contemporary
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1. Concept of Energy and Power: Sources of energy; Geographical distribution of energy sources; past, present
and future trends of energy use; Global status of energy use; Energy use efficiency and conservation measures.
Environmental impacts of non-renewable energy sources.
2. Introduction to Energy Management: Components of energy management; Major Issues and challenges,
Generation, Distribution, System loss, Demand management and regulation. Process of Energy Management,
Green Buildings, Green House Gas Emissions Management.
3. Future Energy Use Options: Renewable Energy Sources (Solar PV systems, Wind power, modern biomass,
Hydropower etc.), Non-renewable options, Promotion Measures of New Renewable (Tax incentive, feed-in-
tarif, net metering etc.) Examples of Best practices.
4. Energy Use and Sustainable Environmental Management: Strategy on Sustainable Development, Analysis
of energy use: Energy and Material balance & energy loss/waste analysis, Costs benefit analysis, energy audit
5. Energy security: Current status, Energy demand, Sources of energy and environmental impacts.
6. State of Energy and Power in Bangladesh: Overview on energy and power supply, Major issues and
challenges, National Energy Policy, Renewable Energy Policy, Future Power supply options.
7. New clear energy in Bangladesh: Benefits and Environmental threats.
Suggested Readings:
01. Ahmad, Q.K. Azim, M.A. and Mintoo, A.A. (ed.). 2005. Energy Security in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Academic
Press and Publisher Library.
02. Energy and Power, a Fortnightly Magazine
03. Eusuf, M. (edited). Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Bangladesh: Experiences and opportunities, University
Press Limited, Dhaka.
04. Kabir, M.H. and Endlicher, W. 2012. Exploitation of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh. AH Development
Publishing House, Dhaka.
05. BCAS, 1998. Wind. Wind Energy Study (WEST) Project, Final Report, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced
Studies, p. 99.
06. GWEC, 2007. Global Wind 2007 Report, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Brussels.
07. GWEC, 2008. Global Wind 2008 Report, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), p.& Brussels.
08. Hussain, M. 1986. Progress Report: Renewable Energy Research Centre, University of Dhaka, Dhaka.
09. IDCOL (recently published. Annual Report, Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL),
10. REN21 (yearly updates), Renewables Global Status Report: Update (Paris: Renewable Energy Network
for 21st Century Secretariat).
Course No: GEL 5109 Credits: 3.00 Year: Masters Semester: First
Title: Techniques in Physical Geography (Lab) Course status: Lab. (Mandatory for Non-thesis)
Course Description: This course provides an advanced understanding of modern paleo environment as a
multidisciplinary subject spanning the interface between geology and environment. It focuses on the importance of
Course Content:
Study of Microclimate: Definition, Factors & Examples. Microclimatic Elements Study of Micro Morphology
Study of Macro Fossil: PROXY Indicator, Vegetation Proxy indicators, Pollen, Plant Macrofossils, Tree Rings –
Study of Micro Fossil: study of Foraminifera, diatom, plant and animal microfossils. Study of Artifacts Course
Learning Outcomes: After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
CLO1. Practical experience of microfossil identification to species level.
CLO2. Elaborate the techniques of studying microclimate and evaluate microclimate of a region.
CLO3. Measure the components, features and fabrics of soils at a microscopic level.
CLO4. Analyze and evaluate soil in terms of diatom analysis.
CLO5. Interpret of bio stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental information.
CLO6. Draw basic stratigraphic conclusions about microfossil and macrofossils assemblages.
CLO7. Identify popular cultural objects from the past and see how they can be used as clues to interpret the culture
of their time period.
Mapping of CLOs with PLOs
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C L O 7 X X
Recommended Books:
01. Techniques in Physical Geography – Gouide A, Routledge, London (1990).
02. Micofossil- Braiser, MD., Chapman and Hall, London (1979).
03. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (2nd Edition)- Elias, S.A, Elsevier (2013).
04. Paleoecology Past, Present and Future- Bottjer, D.J. (2016).
Course No: GEL 5110 Credits: 2.00 Year: Masters Semester: First
Title: Graduate Research Part-1 Course status: Thesis (Mandatory for Thesis)
Course Description: This research-based thesis course designed for the students of this MS program, offers
students the opportunity to work on a comprehensive, individual project that demonstrates mastery of interaction
between man and environment in relation to time and space. The student will conduct research on a self-chosen
subject in the field of Geo-Environment but they will always be encouraged to choose such a research topic in
consultation with the supervisor(s) that is significant for Bangladesh and compliable within the given duration.
Course Content:
The students will choose a particular topic in Geography and Environment related filed discussed with the
responsible supervisor. The department will arrange seminar on different research aspects/ faculty members will
delivered lectures on their respective research filed. The student will give a seminar/presentation on his/her
chosen research title and submit a research proposal. The research proposal will be evaluate based on the
academic committee decision.
Details Course Objectives, Contents and Outcome Plan for Masters 2nd Semester
Course Content:
01. Modern trend in GIS: Local to Global concept in GIS, Integration of GIS and Multimedia, 3D GIS and Web
GIS, Real time GIS, Mobile GIS, Collaborative GIS, concept and application of GPS and GNSS Field Survey and
Data Import Techniques: GPS Survey and Excel in GIS.
02. File Management System: Geodatabase, Database Feature Management, and Geoprocessing Tools. Export
Data from Google Earth / Earth Pro.
03. Data Infrastructure: Spatial Data Infrastructure: NSDI.
04. Fundamental Analysis Techniques: Geostatistical Analysis, Geospatial Analysis, Zonal Statistics, Overlay
Analysis, Site suitability assessment, Hotspot Analysis, Simulation, and Export data from Raster Images.
Course Learning Outcomes: With the completion of the course, students will be able to
CLO1. Collect data from different data sources
CLO2. Able to understand the mechanism of different remote sensing data
CLO3. Enhance image using different techniques
CLO4. Classify images
CLO5. Interpret data
CLO6. Apply remote sensing as state-of –art technology in different sectors
CLO7. Apply advanced RS techniques for big data handling.
Mapping of CLOs with PLOs
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Course Content:
1. Physiography: Origin, characteristics and classification
2. Climate: South Asian monsoon and its characteristics; role of jet stream on South Asian monsoon;
distribution of rainfall and rainfall zones in Bangladesh; climatic regions and their characteristics;
identification of drought and flood prone areas in Bangladesh.
3. Forest: Forest types forest products and problems of forestry in Bangladesh.
4. Agriculture: Agricultural characteristics; agricultural development programs in Bangladesh; major agro-
climatic regions of Bangladesh.
5. Industry: Industrial development in Bangladesh: historical development and development during the plan
periods; industrial zones; industrial problems.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
CLO1. Understand the impact of monsoon on the regional climate of Bangladesh.
CLO2. Identify the different rainfall zones, flood prone and drought prone areas and interpret their physical
CLO3. Clarify the spatial extent of forest, forest resources and the causes of deforestation.
CLO4. Delineate the areas of climatic influence over agricultural distribution pattern in Bangladesh.
CLO4. Interpret the development pattern of agriculture in Bangladesh.
CLO5. Explain the distribution pattern and causes of developing industrial zones in Bangladesh.
Mapping of PLOs/CLOs:
Course No: GE 5203 Credits: 4.00 Year: Masters Semester: Second
Title: Bio-diversity and Conservation Course status: Theory
Course Description: Biodiversity and its conservation is a postgraduate course that provides students with
essential knowledge, skills and experience in conservation biology and in the management and sustainable use
of natural resources. It provides a cutting-edge practical approach to the ecological principles and
methodologies that are fundamental to biodiversity management and the conservation of species and habitats.
It will provide in-depth knowledge for those looking to further their career in various aspects of biodiversity
and its conservation. It would produce who can communicate and address the problems related to
conservation projects. This course is suitable to make the professional aware of the social, political and
economic issues relevant to achieving the goal.
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are:
01. To introduce the broad concept of biodiversity with its importance and values.
02. To explain the global biodiversity with its richness, measures, management priorities for conservation and
sustainable use.
03. To explain the global biodiversity with its richness, measures, management priorities for conservation and
sustainable use.
04. To make them able to understand how protecting and restoring ecosystems and building capacity for
biodiversity management,
05. To discuss techniques and methods of biodiversity conservation.
06. To provide the ideas about wildlife resources of Bangladesh and their conservation
07. To concern about threats and extinction of biodiversity and the importance with the necessary steps to
their sustainable conservation of it.
Content of the Course
1. Biodiversity: Concept and definition, Scope and Constraints of Biodiversity Science, Composition and
Scales of Biodiversity: Genetic Diversity, Species/Organismal Diversity, Ecological/Ecosystem Diversity,
Landscape/Pattern Diversity, Agro biodiversity, Bicultural Diversity and Urban Biodiversity.
2. Values of Biodiversity: Instrumental/Utilitarian value and their categories, Direct use value; Indirect/
Non-consumptive use value, Introduction to Ecological Economics; Monetizing the value of
Biodiversity; Intrinsic Value; Ethical and aesthetic values, Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism, Egocentrism
and Religions; Intellectual Value; Deep Ecology.
3. Global Biodiversity: Components of biodiversity; Richness of life on the earth; Measures of diversity; A
framework for managing biodiversity; Defining priorities for conservation and sustainable use;
Protecting and restoring ecosystems, species, populations and genetic diversity; Legal measures for
sustainable use and protection of biodiversity; Building capacity for biodiversity management,
Biodiversity prospecting.
4. Techniques and methods of biodiversity conservation: management categories for conservation:
Protected areas of Bangladesh. Germplasm conservation and seed banks: Uses of genetic information in
conservation, Ex situ and In situ conservation, Species Diversity and Conservation, Genetic Biodiversity
and Conservation, Ecosystem Diversity and Conservation. Forest and wildlife resources of Bangladesh:
as resource base and their conservation.
5. Wildlife resources of Bangladesh and their conservation: (a) Wildlife management in Bangladesh
(b) Wildlife management principles: Ecological basis, hunting refuges, predator control, artificial
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Suggested Readings:
01. Zoogeography: the geographical distribution of animals- DARLINGTON, J.Jr.(1957)
02. Bio-Geography: An Ecological Perspective – P. Denseveau, Roland Press.
03. Plant and Animal Geography – M.I. Newbigin, Mehtuen& amp
04. Biogeography – H. Robinson, Macdonald and Evans, London and Playmouth.
05. Animal Geography – George.
Course Content:
01. Introduction to Urban Environment: Definition and concepts of urban environment, urban
environmental systems and risks in the urbanizing world, Factors affecting the urban environment.
02. Interaction between urban development and the urban environment: Disproportionate impacts of
urban environmental problems, Fighting poverty and environmental injustice in cities. Contrasting
Brown, Grey and Green priorities.
03. Introduction to Urban Environmental Management: Definition and concepts of environmental
management, the complexity of urban environmental management. Comparison with other theoretical
approaches, such as political ecology, ecological modernization, ecological footprint, urban governance,
environmental governance, sustainable development and urban environmental transition.
04. Approaches and Tools in Urban Environmental Management: The institutional setting for urban
environmental management, Constraints and opportunities of urban environmental management in the
world, The concept of sustainable city, the good city, the inclusive city, the unruly cities, neoliberal
environment, and urban agriculture.
05. Urban Environmental Management in the context of Third World: Assessing urban environmental
issues and options, providing environmental services and housing, Reducing natural disaster risk in
cities, global initiatives of urban environmental management.
06. Peri urban: Concepts, characteristics, development, urban, rural and peri-urban fringes.
07. Urban livelihood index: Urban environmental qualities index, livelihood index, smart city
08. Urban environment problems in Bangladesh: Guiding principles of urban environmental
management: Ecological, economic, social and management.
Course Learning Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to –
CLO1. Understand basic concept urban environment, environmental systems, and factors affecting the
urban environment.
CLO2. Explain the interaction between urban development and the urban environment with its problems
and environmental injustice in cities.
CLO3. Discuss urban environmental management including the complexity of it as well as some theoretical
approaches of it.
CLO4. Understand the concept of sustainable city, the good city, the inclusive city, the unruly cities,
neoliberal environment, and urban agriculture.
CLO5. Apply urban environmental management in the context of third world and global initiatives of urban
environmental management.
CLO6. Solve environmental problems in Bangladesh.
Mapping of CLOs with PLOs
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C L O 6 X X
Suggested Readings:
1. Barrow, C. J. (2006), Urban Environmental Management, London: Rutledge.
2. Hardoy, J, Mitlin, D, and Satterthwaite, D. (2001), Environmental Problems in an Urbanizing World,
London: Earthscan.
3. Zhang, X. Q. (2016), The trends, promises and challenges of urbanization in the world, Habitat
International, Vol. 54(3):241-252.
4. Rakodi, C. 2004. Representation and responsiveness – urban politics and the poor in ten cities in
the South. Community Development Journal, 39(3):252–265.
5. Drakakis-Smith, D. 1995. Third world cities: sustainable urban development. Urban Studies, 32(4–
5): 659–677.
6. Keivani, R. (2010), A review of the main challenges to urban sustainability, International Journal of
Urban Sustainable Development, Vol. 1(1-2):5-16.
7. Savage, V. R. (2006), Ecology matters: sustainable development in Southeast Asia, Sustainability
Science, Vol. 1(1):37-63.
8. Robinson, D, Herrih, and Harris, J. (eds), (2000), Managing Development: Understanding Inter-
organizational Relationships: London: Sage Publications and Open University.
9. Leitmann, J. (1999), Sustaining Cities: Environmental Planning and Management in Urban Design,
New York: McGraw-Hill.
10. Kapoor, I. (2001), Towards Participatory Environmental Management? Journal of Environmental
Management, Vol.63(3):269-279.
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Suggested Readings:
01. Climate Change in Asia: Bangladesh Country Report. Manila. Philippines. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
02. Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development, and People (2004), Bankoff G., Frerks G.&Hilhorst D.
Earthscan. UK.
03. The Development of Atmospheric General Circulation Models: Complexity, Synthesis and Computation
(2011). Donner L., Schubert W.& Somerville R. Cambridge University Press. UK.
04. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific (1996). Erda L., Bolhofer W.C., et al.
Springer. Netherlands.
05. Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis. Farmer G.T. & Cook J. (2013) Volume -1. Springer.
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Suggested Readings:
01. Pyle, G.F. 1979. Applied Medical Geography, New York, John Wiely and Sons.
02. McGh. Sten, N.D. (ed.), 1972. Medical Geography: Techniques and Field Studies, London: Methuen Co.
03. Meade, M.S. John W. Floria and Wilbert and Wilbert and Wilbert M Gester, Medical Geography, New
York: The Gaiford Press.
04. Dubos, R. Man Adapting New Haven, Yale. Liliundfeld, Abrahan M. 1988. Foundation of Epidemiology,
New York, U.S.A.
05. MacMahon, Brain, Pugh, T.F. and lpen, J. 1960. Epidemiological Methods, U.S.A.
06. Akhter, R. et. al. 2013. Resurgence of Cholera in South Asia, Springer, New York.
Course No: GEL 5207 Credits: 3.0 Year: Masters Semester: Second
Title: Micro Regional Survey Course status: Lab. (Mandatory for the Non-Thesis)
Application of SPSS/ STATA spreadsheet in the interpretation of real-world data at local to global level. Introducing
with Nvivo, LAT, WARP, MOOD, DOMO. Exercise to be conducted on the following areas. Population, Environment,
Urban and rural planning, Livelihood index, Development index, Environmental index.
Course No: GEL 5208 Credits: 2.0 Year: Masters Semester: Second
Title: Viva-Voce Course status: Oral (Mandatory for the Non-
Couse Description: The student will face a viva voce with the examination committee based on their theoretical
and project courses in Masters 1st and 2nd semesters.
Course No: GET 5210 Credits: 2.00 Year: Masters Semester: Second
Title: Graduate Research Part-2 Course status: Thesis (Mandatory for
Course Description: This research-based thesis course designed for the students of this MS program, offers
students the opportunity to work on a comprehensive, individual project that demonstrates mastery of interaction
between man and environment in relation to time and space. The student will conduct research on a self-chosen
subject in the field of Geo-Environment but they will always be encouraged to choose such a research topic in
consultation with the supervisor(s) that is significant for Bangladesh and compliable within the given duration.
Course Content:
The students will choose a particular topic in Geography and Environment related filed discussed with the
responsible supervisor. The department will arrange seminar on different research aspects/ faculty members will
delivered lectures on their respective research filed. The student will give a seminar/presentation on his/her
chosen research title and submit a research proposal. The research proposal will be evaluate based on the
academic committee decision.
Details Course Objectives, Contents and Outcome Plan for Masters 3rd Semester
Course No: GET 5301 Credits: 8.00 Year: Masters Semester: Third
Title: Graduate Research Part-3 Course status: Thesis (Mandatory for
Course Description: This research-based thesis course designed for the students of this MS program, offers
students the opportunity to work on a comprehensive, individual project that demonstrates mastery of interaction
between man and environment in relation to time and space. The student will conduct research on a self-chosen
subject in the field of Geo-Environment but they will always be encouraged to choose such a research topic in
consultation with the supervisor(s) that is significant for Bangladesh and compliable within the given duration.
C L O 1 X X X
C L O 2 X X X X
C L O 3 X X X X X X
C L O 4 X X X X X
C L O 5 X X X X X
C L O 6 X X X X