Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors: AI Implementation Perspective in Shipping and Shipbuilding

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Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric

Sensors: AI Implementation Perspective in Shipping
and Shipbuilding

Yu. D. Zhukov 1,2 and O. V. Zivenko 2

“C-Job Nikolayev” LLC, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Marine Instrumentation Department, Admiral Makarov National University
of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


The relevance of this chapter lies in the increasingly global impact of AI’s
methods and instruments on accelerating the dual transition of the maritime
industry, including shipping, shipbuilding, and critical maritime infrastructure.
The purpose of the research is a concise and structured review of some
gaps in the development and implementation of the concepts of e-navigation,
Digital Twins, IIOT, etc., and their potential influence on the safety and overall
efficiency of commercial ships and onshore transshipment terminals. In the
process of writing this chapter, several innovative and patented technical
solutions in a general subject area were analyzed and systemized. Using the
method of heuristic design from the perspective of a timely and effective dual
transition of the maritime industry, modified added value chains and separate
concepts and solutions were identified and proposed. Analogies were also used
to develop practical structures of appropriate monitoring and control systems
since using AI instruments to optimize dual transition task solutions is relatively

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

efficiently solved in other industries, namely in communication, automotive,

robotics, healthcare industries, etc. The concept of “multivariate control of
a multifunctional ship fleet” based on the advantages of polymetric sensors
utilization and edge and cloud computing hybridization is described concisely,
somewhat limited by the number of case studies conducted, but in a meaningful
and structured way as a result of the research.

Keywords: Dual transition, multifunctional ships’ fleet, multivariate measur-

ement, supply chain optimization, ship safety, hybrid computing, data analytics,

3.1 Introduction

At the beginning of this millennium, the global challenges to mankind became

more acute, primarily related to man-made climate change, the exhaustion of
natural energy and food resources, and the overpopulation of the planet [1, 2].
The scientific and technical community was among the first to participate in
analyzing the situation and developing appropriate mechanisms to overcome
these problems [3–5].

High-growth technology industries include clean energy, AI, next-generation

communications and advanced manufacturing, as mentioned in [6, 7]. To date,
the relevant international legislation and investment policies of most leading
countries and their associations have changed significantly and focus primarily
on dual (green and digital) transition, including industrial transformation based
on the paradigm of Industry 5.0 [8–10].

Such industries as ICT (including IST and AI), robotics and automotive,
space and aircraft, and metrology are still leading at the digitalization level
[11–14] and have recently paid increasing attention to green transition, where
the energy sector is leading [15]. Ongoing research in the rapidly evolving
field of CPS modeling addresses challenges such as scalability, interoperability,
connectivity, and integration of emerging technologies.

Similar processes are taking place in the shipping and shipbuilding

industries but at a much slower pace. Still, diverse autonomous and electric
vessels and robots, ICT, and mobile applications are reshaping the maritime
economy and rapidly becoming mainstream, user-friendly practices in ships’
navigation and manufacturing. For those who can innovate fast, there is a once-
in-a-century opportunity now to leapfrog the competition, leverage existing
capabilities, and win the race to lead in the new mobility era.

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

The global artificial intelligence (AI) market was valued at approximately

US$87 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$407 billion by the end of 2027,
growing at a CAGR of around 36.2% between 2022 and 2027 [16]. The global
shipbuilding market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% in the 2023–2030
period, starting from US$355.1 billion in 2022 and reaching US$892.7 billion by
the end of 2030 [17].

The primary factors responsible for both markets’ growth are the emergence
of various green fuel implementations, AI-based business models, and the
growth of the already highly competitive costs of waterborne cargo shipping. AI
has been set up as the primary driver of growing technologies, such as robotics,
big data, and IoT. In both the short-term and the long-term, and across back-
and front-office applications, AI can add value to business workflows, augment
employee capabilities and harness the power of man and machine to improve
customer experience.

This research drafts a roadmap for implementing AI instruments in the

maritime domain, focusing on the novel ships and ships’ fleet concepts
designated to solve dual transition challenges via integrating some innovative
solutions from both industries.

3.2 Role of Metrology in AI Implementation in Maritime Industries

The role of metrology and sensors in maritime industries’ supply chains,

including smart ships, smart shipyards, navigation, transshipment, and process
control, is acknowledged [18, 19]. Metrology plays a similar role in the
development and success of industrial intelligence systems, as smart sensors
are the “eyes, ears, and tactile sensors” of AI systems.

Metrology refers to the science of measurement and, in the context of AI, it

involves ensuring the accuracy, precision, and reliability of the data collected
by sensors. Sensors provide AI systems with the necessary input to interact
with the physical world. Accurate and reliable sensor data is essential for AI
systems to make informed decisions, learn from their environment, and develop
new solutions. Metrology plays a significant role in calibrating and validating
these sensors, ensuring that the data they collect is trustworthy and can be used
effectively by AI algorithms. By combining metrology and sensor technology,
AI systems can develop and implement new promising solutions across various
industries and applications.

The remarkable convergence of digitalization and manufacturing is

evidently reshaping industrial landscapes, including shipbuilding and other

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

services in maritime infrastructure sectors, in an era known as Industry

5.0 [19]. Nevertheless, current technologies used on ships and onshore
stations to avoid wrecks, collisions, and contact between ships are not
enough to prevent the number of maritime accidents with high yearly
economic costs, significant environmental impact, and, unfortunately, the loss of
lives [20].

Before the marine industry, there are other inevitable challenges – the
need for an accelerated decrease in harmful emissions in the environment,
the transition to clean green fuels and renewable energy sources, a sharp
decrease in OPEX, CAPEX of seagoing ships and fleets with minimization of
downtime and long transitions in ballast (without useful cargo), purification
of ocean and sea waters from plastic and synthetic garbage and many others.
Such a situation stimulates intensive innovations, providing a competitive
basis for comparing and promoting AI integration, ICT, and CPS optimization
capabilities for joint supply chains of all sectors and stakeholders of the marine

3.3 Prospects of AI Implementation in Maritime Industries

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape of the maritime industry, the

convergence of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and machine
intelligence, encompassing artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML),
represents an extremely dynamic and transformative nexus [21].

The digitalization and connectivity of all its appropriate links in the

shipbuilding supply chain are recognized as critical for companies operating
in engineering-to-order industries striving to increase the competitiveness and
profitability of their fleets [22]. Over the years, several innovative methods
have optimized supply chains and decision-making in uncertain conditions. An
innovative method of prioritizing supply chain optimization strategies based on
associated general cost, overall effectiveness, and manageability of appropriate
supply processes was proposed in [23]. A simulation study was used within a
theoretically grounded framework of Bayesian belief networks. A framework for
selecting sustainable suppliers using an integrated compensatory fuzzy AHP-
TOPSIS multi-criteria approach was proposed in [24] and further developed
in [25]. An intelligent decision support scheme for ship navigation in narrow
channels in uncertain conditions and a method based on optical color-logic gates
were presented in [26, 27].

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

3.3.1 The Ocean’s Plastic Pollution Challenge

One of humanity’s most demanding challenges remains the long-lasting and

drastically progressing pollution of rivers and the world’s oceans by plastic
debris [28, 29]. More than five trillion plastic particles are floating in the
ocean’s five largest convergence zones, and about 300 million tons of plastic are
produced yearly, accelerating ocean pollution [30, 31]. It was recognized as one
of the most urgent problems and a natural rock on the way to a cleaner future
for the planet [32].

The fight against water pollution has a long and successful history, and some
significant results have been achieved with active financial support through
grants and international funds. However, according to the classification of
plastic debris cleaning tasks and their KPI assessment [33], it is evident that
not all are solved at an equal pace. A summary of definitions for classifying
each solution consists of four functions (prevention, monitoring, cleaning and
multiuse of the three previous), litter size (macro, micro and nano) and the set of
application areas, namely inland waters (rivers, lakes, canals, WWT), coastline
(ports, coastal waters, outlet/inlets, fjords, estuaries, and beaches), seas, open
oceans, and vertical domain (water surface, including subsurface, water column,
and sea/river bottom).

In spite of intensive attention from society, governments, and philanthropists

to the above challenges, relatively few litter-cleaning systems have been
developed and used [33]. The experts from different domains have rather
skeptical forecasts concerning the time, cost, and efficiency of existing practical
solutions to the problem without nontrivial ones proposed by naval architects
and mechanical engineers [34–37].

That is why many companies started making products from recycled

materials to bring their environmentally friendly practices based on the latest
patent to the forefront [38, 39]. For example, several technical solutions for
recycling solid plastic waste on ships into recycled plastic granules [40, 41], into
liquid hydrocarbon fuel [42–45] or into hydrogen as fuel [46] were patented and

Naval architects joined in solving the problem of collecting plastic garbage

from the oceans’ waters. Recently, many new patented solutions have appeared
to create vessels that collect plastic waste. For example, vessels that collect
waste on the water surface [42–47], lost synthetic fishing nets [48], and plastic
debris at some depth under the water surface [49], etc.

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

3.3.2 Further Development of the OPUSS Project

The idea of the OPUSS Project (Ocean Plastics Utilization Ship System) [37]
was to develop a fleet of ships and floating structures for the processing of
plastics at sites of litter localization. Such a fleet will clean up the ocean of
plastic waste with optimal results regarding integrated logistical efficiency,
optimization of the nomenclature of fleet vessels and their projects, and the
minimal operating costs of the overall recycling process.

The next step in the development of the OPUSS system is to bring all
production facilities and equipment to the requirements of dual transition by
minimizing air emissions, maximum use of autonomous vessels and floating
installations with clean power plants or hybrid power units based on solar
panels, wind turbines, hydrogen batteries, green fuels such as ammonia, natural
gas, hydrogen, etc. Obviously, such modernization is impossible without the
complex application of modern smart sensors, digitalization, and automation
of most processes using artificial intelligence tools.

The fleet of vessels of various types proposed in the article [37] is intended
for the disposal of plastic garbage polluting the waters of the oceans, consists
of several vessels equipped with specialized equipment for collecting plastic
garbage and at least one central floating module equipped with specialized
equipment for the processing of plastic garbage to the products ready for reuse.

The general structure of the multifunctional ocean cleaning fleet (OCF)

is based on the initial OPUSS concept and is shown in Figure 3.1 [50, 51].
It refers to a fleet of vehicles and assets that can perform multiple tasks or
functions. Instead of having separate fleets for different purposes, such as ocean
plastic garbage fishing, sorting and transportation, delivery to places of plastic
recycling plants, maintenance of ships, or other services, a multifunctional fleet
combines all these functions into a single fleet.

In Figure 3.1, the following designations are taken: 1 – multifunctional ocean

cleaning fleet; 2 – ocean plastic recycling ship; 3 – recycled plastic transocean
shuttles; 4 – plastic local transport shuttles; 5 – ocean plastic garbage patches;
6 – ocean garbage fishing ships; 7 – garbage storage and sorting facilities; 8 –
garbage to granules recycling plant; 9 – garbage to diesel recycling plant.

The general management of the OCF can optimize its resources and increase
operational efficiency by installing an MVC on its ships and implementing
most of the available ICT and AI instruments in the near future. But even
changing the initial ocean cleanup logistic scheme only (Figure 3.2) to one
of the proposed concepts of a multifunctional ocean cleanup fleet provides a

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

Figure 3.1: The general structure of the multifunctional ocean cleaning fleet concept.

Figure 3.2: Initial ocean cleanup logistic scheme [36, 37].

tangible, positive outcome by radically changing the reverse logistic model to

the localized circular scenario to ensure the reduced time of ocean cleanup
refinancing, optimized operational cost, and reduced ecological risks.

According to the concept of the OCF, being a multifunctional ships fleet

(MSF) includes a set of required vehicles and production shops that are versatile
and equipped with the necessary tools, sensors, and equipment to perform
different prescribed functions that meet mobile connectivity requirements
[20, 56].

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

The vehicles’ specialized features and designs allow them to operate under
a joint final objective – effectively collecting and recycling plastic and synthetic
litter from ocean waters into products ready for reuse. The concept of the ocean
plastic and synthetic litter recycling ship is presented in Figure 3.3 [52].

Figure 3.3: Ocean plastic and synthetic litter recycling ship concept scheme [52].

Additionally, OCF operating teams must have precisely measured informat-

ion prerequisites for proper scheduling and coordination of fleet processes to
ensure adaptive and optimal utilization of all participating ships in a timely and
efficient manner.

To provide these features, the concept of multivariate control (MVC) of

the multifunctional ship fleet (MSF) based on the advantages of smart sensors
and hybrid (edge plus cloud) computing is proposed for detailed development,
introduction, engineering, testing, and implementation.

The logistic scheme presented in Figure 3.4 provides tangible commercial

(cost reduction), ecological (no transfer of exotic flora to other regions), and
time-saving effects (nearly ten times shorter ROI period) that support the
overall feasibility of the ocean cleaning mission in a generally observed period
of time [37].

Another example of the potential use of the MVC concept is the fleet of
autonomous unmanned underwater dredgers (AUMD) [53–55] in combination
with uncrewed surface vessels (USV), designed for autonomous inspection,

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

Figure 3.4: Alternative ocean cleanup logistic scheme.

logistic and surveillance operations, including mapping the current depth and
three-dimensional topography of bottoms of seas and lakes, rivers, and canals
(Figure 3.5) [56].

The abovementioned AI instruments should be effectively implemented

based on the multifunctional ship fleet paradigm in both cases. Later, it can
be done in similar cases. However, it will succeed only when followed by the
application of comprehensive sets of different smart sensors. New and more
intelligent tools are needed to anticipate the dynamic shipping events at open
seas and other water areas.

Figure 3.5: General view and cross-section of an AUMD.

These new tools should be smart enough to identify dangerous and

operational situations before they happen. Ships with this technology were
called “smart ships” in [20]. Simply put, we are talking about the prospects of
transition to the options of using a “smart fleet of smart ships” (SFSS) to solve
the considered and similar problems of dual transition of the maritime industry.

The efficiency of the recycled plastic transocean shuttles requires separate

consideration, which, unlike the plastic local transport shuttles, delivers cargo
in the form of recycled and ready-for-reuse plastic and synthetic debris to
various remote ports from the location of the fleet. In other words, they
communicate operationally with the “outside world.” This requires appropriate
coordination with port authorities, including oil terminal operators. However, it

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

should be noted that the maritime infrastructure sector also has some features
related to the secrecy of commercial information.

Most transshipment terminals are equipped with modern systems of

accounting and control of the flow of oil products and gases in their tanks [62–
66]. This allows them, both retrospectively and prospectively, to keep track of
their ability to receive goods on a flexible schedule, which is essential for the
OCF fleet. The systems described in the [64–66] work according to a common
standard on both shore and ship systems using information coding, making
them prospective for use in the multivariate control of multifunctional ships
fleet paradigm. In addition, these polymeric systems differ in that they use
a single transducer to measure several parameters of liquid media and gases
(level, section of unbreakable media, temperature, composition, and pressure of
gas mixtures). This structure fully meets the requirements of digital and green

3.3.3 Metrological Aspects of Multivariate Control Concept Development

Metrological aspects of MVC concept development require the considerations

and techniques used to measure and analyze multiple variables to develop
effective control of multiple ships of various types as members of one of SFSS,
in our example, OCF or AUMD+USV. In this context, metrology is responsible
for measuring and assessing the quality and accuracy of the data collected from
embedded sensors and onboard instruments to provide successful solutions to
the MVC system.

The dual transition to smart sensors and other instruments in the maritime
industry requires specific requirements to be met. Firstly, there is a need for
advanced technology and infrastructure to support the integration of smart
sensors and instruments. This includes reliable, high-speed communication
networks, data storage and processing capabilities, and compatible hardware
and software systems.

Secondly, all sensors must have standardized protocols and interfaces to

ensure seamless communication and interoperability between different sensors
and instruments. This would allow robust exchange of data and information in a
unified and efficient manner. Additionally, the SFSS and each ship’s personnel
must be trained to operate and maintain these smart sensors and instruments
effectively. Training and education programs should be in place in advance
to equip maritime professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to
utilize these technologies. This task is a real challenge to college and universitiy
faculties, one of the most conservative industries along with shipbuilding. Also,

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

all subsystems must ensure the safe and responsible use of smart sensors and
instruments in the maritime industry, safely addressing data privacy issues,
cybersecurity, and compliance with international standards and regulations.
Only by meeting these requirements can the dual transition to smart
sensors and other smart instruments, as described in [60–66], be successfully
implemented in the maritime industry, improving safety, efficiency, and

3.3.4 Discussion of AI-based Multivariate Control Concept Prospects

Ensuring that the measurements are reliable and consistent is crucial

to accurately and timely represent any MSF activities and all functional
processed data. Multivariate control concept development involves analyzing
measured data, relationships, and interactions between different variables
to identify patterns, correlations, and dependencies. This allows resilient
development of control strategies that consider the complex dynamics and
interdependencies of the system, leading to more efficient and effective control

Accordingly, specialized ML models should be designed and used to

improve, for example, OCF performance efficiency by exposing them to
more data concerning litter-catching and recycling processes from ships’
sensory monitoring systems [63, 64]. The iterative learning process of the
OCF ML application enables it to continuously refine its predictions and
recommendations on fleets’ logistics and overall supply chain management [65–
66]. For instance, transportation forecasting models can adapt to changing ships’
behavior, while logistics optimization algorithms can adjust to cargo handling
and delivery fluctuations.

It is a logical next step to engage AIS technology to provide overall

informational connectivity of individual ships via onboard MVC systems. It
allows the provision of sharing the data from mobile applications, similar
to MobileAIS and SmartAIS [20], to the private cloud of MVC and to other
ships’ embedded control systems and improves the quality of predictions
and operations optimization proposals using big data analytics, cognitive and
predictive maintenance tools, etc.

Ongoing research in the rapidly evolving field of AI methods and instrument

applications based on cyber-physical systems modeling concerning specifics of
maritime innovative sensor complexes addresses challenges such as scalability,
interoperability, and integrating emerging disruptive technologies.

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

The future of edge, cloud, and hybrid platforms will combine increased
connectivity, improved data processing capabilities, and enhanced collaboration
between devices and hybrid systems, including blockchain technology. Edge
computing, which involves processing data closer to the source rather than
sending it to the cloud, is anticipated to become more prevalent as the
number of connected devices grows. This will enable faster response times,
reduced network traffic, and improved reliability for real-time data analysis
applications. On the other hand, cloud computing will continue to play a crucial
role in storing and processing large volumes of data, providing scalability and
flexibility to businesses.

Hybrid platforms, which integrate both edge and cloud computing, may
become more common in maritime industry applications as its stakeholders
and managers seek to optimize their infrastructure and take advantage of
the benefits offered by both approaches. The proposed hybrid model of
the multivariate control concept will allow for efficient data processing
and storage, ensuring the best resource utilization while meeting different
application requirements. Overall, the future of edge, cloud, and hybrid
platforms holds excellent potential for enabling advanced technologies such
as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and autonomous systems,
fostering innovation and driving digital transformation across industries.

3.4 Conclusions

Some gaps were analyzed in implementing AI concepts, methods, and

instruments in maritime industries based on examples of current dual transition
challenges and their potential influence on the safety and overall efficiency
of commercial ships and onshore transshipment terminals. In the process of
writing this paper, a number of innovative and patented technical solutions
in a general subject area were analyzed and systemized. Using the method of
heuristic design from the perspective of a timely and effective dual transition
of the maritime industry, modified added value chains and separate concepts
and solutions were identified and proposed.

The research also delved into the implications of these concepts on business
models, workforce dynamics, and the overall future landscape of shipping
and shipbuilding. It is a valuable resource for professionals and researchers
seeking to understand and implement the principles of “multifunctional ships
fleet” and “polymetric measurement” in their multivariate digital monitoring,
decision-making support, and control systems development projects.

Multivariate Information Systems and Polymetric Sensors

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Authors’ Short CV

Yuriy Zhukov graduated from Mykolaiv Shipbuilding

Institute in 1974 with a Naval Architect degree.
Candidate of Sciences in Ship Design and
Engineering from 1981. Associated Professor and
Chief of the NSI academic research department from
1982 to 1990. Chief of Maritime Instrumentation
Chair at the Admiral Makarov National University
of Shipbuilding from 1993. Doctor of Sciences
(Tech.), Professor. Lauriat of State Award of Ukraine
in Science and Technology. Honored Inventor
of Ukraine. Author of the axiomatic theory of
polymetric measurements.

Oleksii Zivenko obtained his Bachelor’s and master’s

degrees in Precision Instrumentation at Admiral
Makarov National University of Shipbuilding in
2007 and 2009. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer
Systems and Components from Petro Mohyla Black
Sea University in 2013. Assistant Professor of
Marine Instrumentation Department at Admiral
Makarov National University. Research focuses on
sensory systems for simultaneous measurements
of various physical quantities, optimizing high-
precision experiments, automating data analysis, and
reducing uncertainties.


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