Jaspers On Delusions
Jaspers On Delusions
Jaspers On Delusions
state, the_ ~ind'.s eye and th~ sati~fact~on derived from the meaning of the apparition-
he was ridmg m the opposite direction back to Sesenheim-he will return.
2. A schizop?renic patient of Menninger-Lerchenthal complained that 'she sees
herself from behmd, .naked; she has the feeling that she is not dressed and sees her-
self naked a?d feels ~old t_oo; it is her mind's eye that sees'.
3. A schizophrenic patient ~Stau?enmaier) said: 'During the night while I walked
up and down m the gar~en I imagined as vividly as possible that there were three
other people present besides me. Gradually the corresponding visual hallucination
took shape. ~here app~ared before me three identically clothed Staudenmaiers who
walked along m step with me; they stopped when I did and stretched out their hands
when I stretched out mine.'
4. A patient of Poetzl with a hemiplegia and diminished self-perception felt the
hemiplegic side did not belong to him. While looking at his paralysed left hand he
explained it by saying that it probably belonged to the patient in the next bed; during
nocturnal delirium he affirmed that another person lay on his left side in the same bed
and wanted to push him out.
We can see that we are dealing with phenomena that are really not the
same although they are superficially similar. They may occur in organic brain
lesions, in deliria, in schizophrenia and in dream-like states, never at least
without a mild alteration in consciousness; day-dreaming, intoxication, dream-
sleep or delirium. The similarity consists in the fact that the body-schema gains
an actuality of its own out in external space.
Since time immemorial delusion has been taken .as the basic characteristic
of madness. To be mad was to be deluded and indeed what constitutes a
delusion is one of the basic problems of psychopathology. To say simply that
a delusion is a mistaken idea which is firmly held by the patient and which
cannot be corrected gives only a superficial and incorrect answer to the problem.
Definition will not dispose of the matter. Delusion is a primary phenomenon
and the first thing we have to do is to get it into a proper focus. The experience
within which defusion takes place is that of experiencing and thinking that
something is real.
Awareness of reality-logical and psychological comment. Things that are for the
moment most self-evident are also the most enigmatic. Thus it is with Time, the Self
and Reality. If we have to say what we think reality is we find ourselves answering
something like this: it means things in themselves as compared with how they appear
to us; it means what is objective in the sense of something generally valid as opposed to
subjective error; it means underlying essence as distinct from masking effects. Or we
may call reality that which is in time and space, if we want to differentiate it from the
theoretically valid objectivity of ideal Being-that for instance of mathematics.
These are the answers of our reason and through them we define to ourselves a
concept of reality. But we need somethi~g more than this pur~ly logi~al conc~p~ of
reality; there is also the reality we experience. Conceptual reality carnes conviction
Sandberg, Alig. Z. Psychiatr., vol. 52·
. f . of meani-~'ul connections, it is motivated, dynamic content
pomt o view ''t5J• . l d k ; and ·
osolo,gical-biographica stu y we may as whether we are t in the
firamework of n •l' • I o co
. break in the normal lue-curve or s1mp y as a part of the co . lllpre,
hend 1t as a nt1nuurn
personality development. of
however, it is certainly possible to wonder whether the patients have found
any content adequate for their actual experience. We will try therefore to
explore the original experience further, with its feelings and sensations rather
than the content itself, though it is true our exploration can only be a limited
one. The content in these cases is perhaps accidental; it is certainly not meant
literally and is quite differently experienced from similar content in the case
of a person whom we can fully understand.
Let us now try to imagine what the psychological significance is of this
delusional experience of reality in which the environment offers a world o{new
meanings. All thinking is a thinking about meanings. If the meaning is perceived
directly with the senses, if it is directly present in imagination and memory,
the meaning has the character of reality. Perceptions are never mechanical
responses to sense-stimuli; there is always at the same time a perception of
meaning. A house is there for people to inhabit; people in the streets are
following their own pursuits. If 1 see a knife, I see a tool for cutting. If I look
at an unfamiliar tool from another culture, I may not see its precise meaning
but I can appreciate it as a meaningfully shaped object. We may not be ex-
plicitly conscious of the interpretations we make when we perceive but never-
theless they are always present. Now, the experiences ofprimary delusion are
analogous to this seeing of meaning, but the awareness of meaning undergoes
a radical transformation. There is an immediate, intrusive knowledge of the
meaning and it is this which is itself the delusional experience. If we distin-
guish the different sense-data in which meaning of this sort can be experienced,
we can speak of delusional perception, delusional ideas, delusional memories,
delusional awarenesses etc. In fact there is no kind of experience with a known
object which we could not link with the word 'delusion' provided that at the
level of meaning, awareness of meaning has become this experience of primary
delusion (Kurt Schneider, G. Schmidt). 1
We will now look more closely at delusional perceptions, delusional ideas,
and delusional awarenesses:
(aa) Delusional perceptions. These may range from an experience of some
vague meaning to clear, delusional observation and express delusions of
Suddenly things seem to mean something quite different. The patient sees people
in uniform in the street; they are Spanish soldiers. There are other uniforms; they are
Turkish soldiers. Soldiers of all kinds are being concentrated here. There is a world
war (this was before 1914). Then a man in a brown jacket is seen a few steps away.
He is the dead Archduke who has resurrected. Two people in raincoats are Schiller
and Goethe. There are scaffoldings up on some houses; the whole town is going to
be demolished. Another patient sees a man in the street; she knows at once he is an
old lover of hers; he looks quite different it is true; he has disguised himself with a
Kurt Schneider, 'Eine Schwierigkeit im Wahnproblem', Nervenar{t., vol. 11 (1938), p. 46 2 •
He recognises only delusional perception as a two-stage phenomenon and spceifically distinguishes
this from other sources of delusion, the 'delusional notions'.
·g nd there are other changes. It is all a bit queer. A male patient says of h
w1 a d . h f . sue
experiences-'everything is so dea certain t at no amount o seeing to the contrary
will make it doubtful'.
The patients arrive at defining the meaning more clearly when there are
delusions ofreference. Here the objects and events perceived are experienced as
having some obvious relation to the patient himself:
Gestures, ambiguous words provide 'tacit intimations'. All sorts of things are
being conveyed to the patient. People imply quite different things in such harmless
remarks as 'the carnations are lovely' or 'the blouse fits all right' and understand these
meanings very well among themselves. People look at the patient as if they had some•
thing special to say to him.-'lt was as if everything was being done to spite me;
everything that happened in Mannheim happened in order to take it out of m:.'
People in the street are obviously discussing the patient. Odd words picked up 10
passing refer to him. In the papers, books, everywhere there are things which are
specially meant for the patient, concern his own personal life and carry warnings or
insults. Patients resist any attempt to explain these things as coincidence. These
'devilish incidents' are most certainly not coincidences. Collisions in the street are
obviou~ly int~ntional. The fact that the soap is now on the table and was not there
before 1s obviously an insult.
went on working, while finding throughout the day all sorts of imaginary
connections among otherwise quite real perceptions:
'I was hardly out of the house when somebody prowled round me, stared at me
and tried to put a cyclist in the way. A few steps on, a schoolgirl smiled at me en-
couragingly.' He then arrived at his office and noticed leg-pulling and ragging by his
colleagues ••. 'at I 2 o'clock there were further insults, the time when the girls came
from school; I tried hard to confine myself to just looking at them; I simply wanted to
see a bevy of girls, not to make any gesture •.• but the lads wanted to make out I
was after something immoral and they wanted to distort the facts against me but
nothing could be further from my mind than to be a nuisance staring and frightening
•.. in the middle of the street they imitated me and laughed straight in my face and
in a hateful way they pushed humorous drawings my way. I was supposed to read
likenesses to third persons from the faces •.• the lads talked about me afterwards
at the police station ... they fraternised with the workers .•. the nuisance of being
stared at and pointed at went on during meals .•. before I entered my flat somebody
always had to annoy me with some meaningless glance but the names of the police
and the private people involved I did not know .. .' The patient objected to 'eye-
language' used even by the judge who examined him. In the street 'the police tried to
stalk me several times but I drove them away by my looks .•. they became a kind of
hostile militia ... all I could do was to stay on the defensive and never take the
offensive with anybody.'
A fine example of delusional reference is provided by a 17-year-old patient
reported by G. Schmidt.1 She was suffering from a schizophrenic psychosis
and rec·overed after a few months. There is a mass of detailed self-reference:
'My illness first showed itself in loss of appetite and a disgust for "serum". My
periods stopped and there came a kind of sullenness. I didn't speak freely any more; I
had lost interest; I felt sad, distraught and was startled when anyone spoke to me.
My father, who owned a restaurant, said to me the cookery examination (which
was to take place next day) was only a trifle; he laughed in such an odd tone that I.
felt he was laughing at me. The customers were looking oddly at me too as if they
had guessed something of my suicidal thoughts. I was sitting next to the cash desk,
the customers were looking at me and then I thought perhaps I had taken something.
For the last five weeks I had had the feeling that I had done something wrong; my
mother had been looking at me sometimes in a funny, piercing way.
It was about 9.30 in the evening (she had seen people whom she feared would
take her away). I got undressed after all. I lay in bed rigidly and made no move so
they wouldn't hear me; I was listening hard for the least noise; I believed the three
would get together again and tie me up.
In the morning I ran away; as I went across the square the clock was suddenly
u_psid_e down; it had stopped upside down. I thought it was working on the other
side; Just then I thought the world was going to end; on the last day everything stops;
then I saw a lot of soldiers on the street; when I came close, one always moved away;
ah, I thought, they are going to make a report; they know when you are a 'wanted'
person; they kept looking at me; I really thought the world was turning round me.
In the afternoon the sun did not seem to be shining when my thoughts were bad
Gerhard Schmidt, Z. Neur., vol. 171 (1941), p. 570.
but came back when they were good. Then I thought cars were going the wro
when a car passed me I did not hear it. I thought there must be rubber undng Way;
• • J J •
7i erneath•
large lornes did not ratt e a on~ a_ny mo~ej as so~n a car approached, I seemed t~
send out something that broug tdi~dto a a t k. • • re err~df ehverything to myself as if
it were made for ~el .. 1· pekop1e i not 1oo at me, as i t ey wanted to say I Was
' I
significance is repeated, though in other contexts. The trail is blazed and the
preparedness for the significant experience then permeates almost all perceived
contents. The now dominant delusion motivates the apperceptive schema for
all future percepts (G. Schmidt).
(i.e. 'what one believes') and in this case the incorrigibility cannot be distin- i, i
guished psychologically from the unwavering force of a true insight, asserting
itself against a whole worl<!: Delusion proper is incorrigible because of an
alteration in the personality, the nature of which we are so far unable to describe,
let alone formulate into a concept, though we are driven to make some such
presupposition. The decisive criterion seems to be not the 'intensity' of the
direct evidence, but the maintaining of what is evident to the patient in the
face of subsequent reflection and external criticism. Delusion cannot be grasped
as a change in one of the thought processes nor as an alteration in any one of
our activities, nor as mere confusion, nor is it the same as the normal fanaticism i
of dogmatic people. One need try only to suppose an ideal case of a paranoic
with a high level of critical insight-a born scientist, perhaps-who shows \
incorrigibility as a pure phenomenon in the midst of his general scepticism- II
well, he would no longer be a paranoic! Patients are in a state of clear con- I
sciousness and have continual possibilities for testing their ideas but correction
of their delusion does not come. We cannot say the patient's whole world has
changed, because to a very large extent he can conduct himself like a healthy
person in thinking and behaving. But his world has changed to the extent that
a changed knowledge of reality so rules and pervades it that any correction
would mean a collapse of Being itself, in so far as it is for him his actual
awareness of existence. Man cannot believe something that negates his existence.
Such formulations,however,are only trying to make us understand what in its
essence cannot be understood-i.e. the specific schizophrenic incorrigibility.
We can only hold on to the fact that it is found where formal thinking is
maintained, the capacity for thought undamaged and where there is not the
slightest clouding of consciousness. ,I
On the other hand we should look at what it is that is actually incorrigible. '
The patient's behaviour will show this more readily than any conversation
with him. Reality for him does not always carry the same meaning as that of \
normal reality. With these patients persecution does not always appear quite
like the experience of people who are in fact being persecuted; nor does their
jealousy seem like that of some justifiably jealous person, although there is
often some similarity of behaviour. Hence the attitude of the patient to the
content of his delusion is peculiarly inconsequent at times. The content of the
delusion strikes one as a symbol for something quite different; sometimes
content changes constantly though the delusional meaning remains the same.
Belief in reality can range through all degrees, from a mere play with possi-
bilities via a double reality-the empirical and the delusional-- --to unequivocal
attitudes in which the delu~i~~~I content ~eig~1~ as the sole and absolute reality.
During the play of poss1b1ht1es, each md1v1dual content may perhaps be
corrected but not the attitude as a whole and once the delusional reality has
become absolute, incorrigibility is also absolute.
Once we are clear that the criteria for delusion proper lie in the primary
experience of delusion and in the change of the personality, we can see that a de-
lusion may be correct in content without ceasing to be a delusion, for instance
-that there is a world-war. Such correctness is accidental and uncommon-
mostly it appears in delusions of jealousy. A correct thought ordinarily arises
from normal experience and is therefore valid for others. Delusion however
arises from a primary experience not accessible to others and it cannot be
substantiated. We can recognise it only by the way in which the patient
subsequently tries to give it ground. A delusion of jealousy, for instance, may
be recognised by its typical characteristics without our needing to know
whether the person has genuine ground for his jealousy or not. The delusion
does not cease to be a delusion although the spouse of the patient is in fact
unfaithful-sometimes only as the result of the delusion.
psychic events and which can be traced back psychologically to certain affects,
drives, desires and fears. We have no need here to invoke some personality
change but on the contrary can fully understand the phenomenon on the basis
of the permanent constitution of the personality (Anlage) or of some transient
emotional state. Among these delusion-like ideas we put the transient de-
ceptions due to false perception, etc.; the 'delusions' of mania and depression
('delusions' of sin, destitution, nihilistic 'delusion', etc.) 1 and over-valued ideas.
Over-valued ideas are what we term those convictions that are strongly
toned by affect which is understandable in terms of the personality and its
history. Because of this strong affect the personality identifies itself with ideas
which are then wrongly taken to be true. Psychologically there is no difference
between scientific adherence to truth, passionate political or ethical con-
viction and the retention of over-valued ideas. The contrast between these
phenomena lies in the falsity of the over-valued idea. This latter occurs in
psychopathic and even in healthy people; it may also appear as so-called
'delusion'-'delusions' of invention, jealousy, or of querulant behaviour etc.
Such over-valued ideas must be clearly differentiated from delusion proper.
They are isolated notions that develop comprehensibly out of a given person-
ality and situation. Delusions proper are the vague crystallisations of blurred
delusional experiences and diffuse, perplexing self-references which cannot be
sufficiently understood in terms of the personality or the situation; they are
much more the symptoms of a disease process that can be identified by the
presence of other symptoms as well.
Superstition we might say is the 'delusion' of n_o~mal p~ople. Only f~ith, transcending
in the world can by virtue of its own uncond1uoned ltvrng and actrng be sure of the
Being which all our existence symbol~ses. Only faith can hover above both without
fear of falling into bottomless confusion.