Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Article 6.1 Objectives
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Article 6.1 Objectives
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Article 6.1 Objectives
Article 6.1
(d) recognize the health status of plants and animals of the Parties and
apply the principle of compartmentalization; and
Article 6.2
Scope and Coverage
This Chapter applies to all SPS measures that may, directly or indirectly,
affect trade between the Parties.
Article 6.3
Article 6.4
Affirmation of the SPS Agreement
The Parties reaffirm their existing rights and obligations with respect to each
other under the SPS Agreement.
Article 6.5
International Standards and Harmonization
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Parties may adopt SPS measures that offer
a level of protection higher than that which would be achieved by measures based
on an international standard, guideline or recommendation, if there is scientific
justification. Provided that, in the event a Party adopts a level of protection different
from that which would be achieved by measures based on an international standard,
guideline or recommendation, it shall, when requested provide the other Party within
thirty working days of such request and explanation of its scientific justification,
except confidential data for the reasons for such higher standards.
Article 6.6
2. Both Parties agree that an initial list of products or sectors in respect of which
each Party would take a decision on equivalence is attached as Annex 6-1 (List of
Products for Request for Equivalence). Consultations shall commence within three
months from the entry into force of this Agreement and shall be carried out in
accordance with the principles and procedures as set out in paragraphs 4 and 5.
3. For other products or sectors not listed in Annex 6-1 (List of Products for
Request for Equivalence), either Party may request for equivalence in respect of
such products or sectors. Consultations shall commence within three months from
the receipt of such request from the other Party and shall be carried out in
accordance with the principles and procedures as set out in paragraphs 4 and 5.
(c) the exporting Party shall objectively demonstrate to the importing Party
that its measures achieve the importing Party’s appropriate level of
SPS protection. Objective demonstration and assessment in this
context shall be based on international standards, guidelines or
recommendations; and
5. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the importing Party shall, within one
hundred and eighty working days from the date of receipt of complete application 1 of
the exporting Party’s demonstration of equivalence, finalise the assessment of
equivalence, except for seasonal crops when it is justifiable to delay the assessment
to permit verification of phytosanitary measures during a suitable period of growth of
a crop.
(a) the exporting Party shall inform the importing Party of any proposal for
amendment of its measures for which equivalence of measures is
recognised and the likely effect of the proposed measures on the
equivalence which has been recognised. Within sixty working days of
receipt of this information, the importing Party shall inform the exporting
Party whether or not equivalence would continue to be recognized on
basis of the proposed measures;
(b) the importing Party shall inform the exporting Party of any proposal for
amendment of its measures on which recognition of equivalence has
been based and the likely effect of the proposed measures on the
equivalence which has been recognized; and
Article 6.7
If application from the exporting Party is incomplete, the importing Party shall request for the balance
information within ninety working days of the submission of the application by the exporting Party.
areas are, and are likely to remain, pest- or disease-free areas or areas of low pest
or disease prevalence, respectively.
Article 6.8
1. The Parties shall ensure compliance with Annex C of the SPS Agreement, as
well as the following principles and criteria in relation to certification procedures:
(b) both importing and exporting Parties shall introduce such checks and
have such control measures taken as are necessary to prevent the
issuing of false or misleading certification and the fraudulent production
or use of certificates;
Article 6.9
(b) verifications shall be designed for the purpose of checking the auditee’s
regulatory control system;
(c) the auditor should prepare a plan that covers the following points:
(ii) the date and place of the verification, along with a timetable up
to and including the issue of the final report;
(e) the Party carrying out the verification may share the results and
conclusions of its verification with non-Parties only with the prior written
consent of the other Party.
Article 6.10
Import Checks
1. The Parties shall ensure that their control, inspection and approval
procedures are in accordance with Annex C of the SPS Agreement.
2. The import checks applied to imported animals, animal products, plants and
plant products traded between the Parties shall be based on the risk associated with
such importations. They shall be carried out in a manner that is least trade-restrictive
and without undue delay, and shall be based on the following principles:
(a) in carrying out the checks for plant health purposes, the importing Party
shall ensure that the plants, plant products and other goods and their
packaging are inspected, either in their entirety or by representative
(b) in the event that the checks reveal non-conformity with the relevant
standards or requirements, the importing Party shall take measures
appropriate to the risk involved;
(d) at the request of the exporting Party, the importing Party shall to the
maximum extent ensure that officials of the exporting Party or their
representatives are given the opportunity to contribute any relevant
information to assist the importing Party in taking a final decision; and
(e) unless there is a clearly identified risk in holding that consignment, the
consignments shall not be destroyed without affording an opportunity to
the exporter or his representative to take back the consignment.
Article 6.11
Goods in Transit
The Parties reaffirm Article V of GATT 1994 and agree that there shall be
freedom of transit for goods in transit. The inspection of goods may be carried out in
the event of identifiable SPS risks.
Article 6.12
1. Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, the importing Party, upon
request, shall inform the exporting Party of its SPS import requirements. This
information shall include, as appropriate, the models for the official certificates or
attestations, as prescribed by the importing Party.
2. Each Party shall ensure translation of all measures, certificates, reports of any
control checks or inspection procedures, or import checks or verification, or any
records or other document relevant for the implementation of this Chapter, in
Article 6.13
Article 6.14
Technical Consultations
2. Where a Party has requested technical consultations on any SPS issues, the
Parties may mutually agree to establish a technical working group with a view to
identify a workable and practical solution. The Parties may, subject to mutual
agreement, establish any mechanisms as deemed necessary to resolve any such
Article 6.15
1. Consistent with the objectives of this Chapter, the Parties shall explore
opportunities for further cooperation, collaboration and information exchange of SPS
measures of mutual interest. This may include:
(c) carry out joint research and share the results of such research in
important areas, such as animal and plant disease surveillance, animal
and plant pest and disease prevention and control, detection methods
for pathogenic micro-organisms in food, surveillance and control of
harmful substances and agri-chemical and veterinary medicine
residues and other food safety issues, and any other food safety,
phytosanitary and zoosanitary issues of mutual interest.
Article 6.16
Exchange of Information and Consultations
1. Each Party shall give prompt and positive consideration to any request from
the other Party for consultations on issues relating to the implementation of this
3. Each Party shall respond to any requests for information from the other Party
regarding any SPS measures within thirty days of request for such information.