VtM5e EN CharacterSheet Mike
VtM5e EN CharacterSheet Mike
VtM5e EN CharacterSheet Mike
Physical Social Mental
●●● Charisma
●● Intelligence
●●● Manipulation
●● Wits
●●● Composure
●● Resolve
● Animal Ken Academics
●●● Etiquette Awareness
●● Leadership Medicine
Larceny Performance Occult
Melee Persuasion
●● Politics
● Streetwise
●● Science
Survival Subterfuge
●● Technology
●● Fortitude
● Presence
Compel Resilience Awe
Chronicle Tenets Convictions Touchstones
Uphold the Masquerade: Mike is careful to Justice Above All: Mike believes in a personal Emily Scott (Sister): His younger sister who he
conceal his true nature, especially from those in code of justice, even if it conflicts with Kindred feels protective over, representing his last tie to
his former life. laws. his humanity.
Protect the Innocent: Despite his predatory Loyalty is Earned: He values loyalty and believes Tom Davies (Mentor in Security): A former
nature, Mike strives to protect those he it must be earned, not demanded. mentor who guided him after he left the police
considers innocent. force, unaware of his transformation.
Authority Through Respect: Mike believes in
gaining respect through strength and fairness,
rather than fear alone.
●● Power Bonus none Feeding Penalty
Iron Gullet
● Mend Amount 1 superficial
Clan Bane page? V5 102 Clan Compulsion Arrogance
Rare Taste. Until a non-supernatural order has been obeyed,
-- Ventrue have a strict feeding preference. you suffer a 2 dice penalty on all roll except
Might require a roll on Resolve + Awareness
(min. Difficulty 4) or expenditure of Willpower.
Description & Features Sire: Richard “Rick” Carlisle
Mike was a dedicated police officer in London, known for his
FLAWS: tough approach and commitment to justice. However,
disillusionment set in due to corruption and bureaucracy
within the force, leading him to leave and take up work as a
Enemy (Corrupt Ex-Colleague)
●● private security guard. His new career put him in contact Age:
with Richard Carlisle, who saw potential in Mike's tenacity
Prey Exclusion (Innocents)
●● and tactical mind, deciding to Embrace him into the Ventrue Embraced:
Addiction (Nicotine)
● Apparent Age:
Notes Concept
Mike struggles with his new existence, feeling a mix of Concept: Disillusioned ex-cop turned
resentment and ambition. He is determined to use his new vampire enforcer.
powers to carve out a place of respect and authority within
the Ventrue clan, while grappling with the moral Ambition: To rise within the ranks of
complexities of his predatory nature. the Ventrue clan and reclaim a sense
of authority and respect.
EXPERIENCE Richard Carlisle (Sire): A mentor who sees Mike as a useful
tool, a wealthy and influential Ventrue elder with a taste for
Desire: To prove his worth to his sire
and make a name for himself in
molding potential into power. Kindred society.
Rank Karen Hughes (Former Partner on the Force): A connection
to his mortal past, suspicious of his sudden departure and
changed behavior.
John "Johnny" Walters (Corrupt Ex-Colleague): An enemy
who poses a threat to Mike’s new life and ambitions.