Methodological Approach For Performing Human Reliability and Error Analysis in Railway Transportation System

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Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.

3 (5), 2011, 341-353

Methodological Approach for Performing Human Reliability and Error Analysis in Railway Transportation System
Fabio De Felice #1, Antonella Petrillo #2
# Department of Mechanism, Structures and Environment - University of Cassino G. Di Biasio street N 43 03043 Cassino (FR) ITALY 1 2 AbstractToday, billions of dollars are being spent annually world wide to develop, manufacture, and operate transportation system such trains, ships, aircraft, and motor vehicles. Around 70 to 90 percent of transportation crashes are, directly or indirectly, the result of human error. In fact, with the development of technology, system reliability has increased dramatically during the past decades, while human reliability has remained unchanged over the same period. Accordingly, human error is now considered as the most significant source of accidents or incidents in safety-critical systems. The aim of the paper is the proposal of a methodological approach to improve the transportation system reliability and in particular railway transportation system. The methodology presented is based on Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and Human Reliability Analysis (HRA). Keyword-Human Error, Incidents, HRA, FMECA, Railway, Transportation I. INTRODUCTION The safety of staff, customers and of the general public in general viewed as one of the most important requirements in industry and is of particular importance in the railway industry, where passenger rightly expert vary high standards of care. Identifying the errors that frequently result in the occurrence of rail incidents and accidents can lead to the development of appropriate prevention and/or mitigation strategies. There is little doubt that human error contributes to the majority of incidents and accidents which occur within complex systems, including the railway system [1, 2]. To prevent and/or reduce the number of accidents and incidents which occur we must work towards reducing human error or making the system/organisation more error tolerant. Human error and accident management involves the prevention of human errors, the recovery from errors, and the containment of the consequences that result from error occurrence [3]. The first step in this process is error identification. Identifying the errors that frequently result in the occurrence of incidents and accidents may allow appropriate prevention and/or mitigation strategies to be developed. We note that the objective difficulties of governing the human factor and the human error, have made many experts believe that the conduct of preventive and safety were related to intrinsic characteristics of the person, as the traits of personality. Another explanation of the phenomenon credited accident is based, on the contrary, on the search for extrinsic causes, such as research productivity. In other words, the accident can be determined on one side by unsafe behaviour and on the other, by structural conditions and inadequate instrumentation technique. From this point of view several methods have been developed to control the behaviour of safety or methods for safety management based on better behaviour critical to the safety of workers with the aim to drastically reduce accidents For risk analysis have been developed several techniques including: Safety Review, Checklist Analysis, Relative Ranking, What-if Analysis, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Event Tree Analysis (ETA), Cause-Consequence Analysis (CCA). In particular in our work we will analyse: The Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), a recently spread method which focuses its attention on the responsibility of the human factor; The Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), methodology designed to identify potential failure modes for a product or process, to assess the risk associated with those failure modes, to rank the issues in terms of importance and to identify and carry out corrective actions to address the most serious concerns. It is evident that the inherent complexity of the study of human factors requires the implementation of multicriteria approach. The aim of this work is to develop a methodological approach to improve the reliability of transportation system and in particular of railway transportation system starting from identification of possible sources of risk and through the integration of HRA and FMECA [4]. The paper is structured in the following

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

sections: Section II in which we analyse principles of Human Reliability and Human Factors; Section III that describes methods to perform human reliability (we focus our attention on HRA and FMECA); Section IV in which we propose a model for improve accident causation and finally Section V in which we summing up results of our study. II. HUMAN RELIABILITY AND HUMAN FACTORS The filed of human factors exists because humans make errors in using systems or machines. The history of human factors may be traced back to Frederick W. Taylor who in 1898 conducted various studies to determine the most effective design of shovels [5]. In 1924, the national Research Council initiated a study concerned with examining various aspects of human factors at the Hawthorne Plant of Western Electric in the State of Illinois. By 1945, human factors became to be recognized as specialized discipline, and in 1972 the United States Department of Defense released a document on human factors (MIL-H-46855, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment, and Facilities) that contained requirements for manufacturers or contractors engaged in developing equipment to be used by the service. A. Fundamental aspects of human factors The need to include human factors (HF) considerations in the design and safety assessment processes of technological systems is nowadays widely recognised by almost all stakeholders of technology, from end-users to providers and regulators. There are many objectives of human factors. They can be divided into four categories as show in Fig.1.
CATEGORY III Objectives affecting users and operators CATEGORIES CATEGORY III Objectives affecting reliability and maintainability
Fig. 1. Human factors objective categories

CATEGORY III Fundamental operational objectives

CATEGORY III Miscellaneous objectives

Human factors is a multidisciplinary field. There are many disciplines that contribute to it. Some of these disciplines are: psychology, engineering, anthropometry, industrial design, environmental medicine, operation research. From this point of view HRA aims to assess and help prevent the negative effects of human factors/error on system performance and safety, and is usually applied in the context of the risk assessment of complex and potentially hazardous systems such as transportation system [6]. As we note past experiences indicate that human behaviour plays a crucial role in the success of an engineering system. Some of the typical behaviours are as follow [7]: Human are often quite reluctant to admit mistake; Humans often overlook or misread instructions labels; Most people fail to recheck specified procedures for mistakes; Humans frequently respond irrationally in emergency situations; Humans normally carry out tasks while thinking about other things; Humans are normally poor estimators of clearance, distance, and speed; A significant proportion of humans become quite complacent after successfully handling hazardous or dangerous items over a long period time; People frequently use their hands first to test or explore; People get easily confused with unfamiliar things; Generally, people regard manufactured items as being safe; Usually humans tend to hurry at one time or another. Other important factor in the reliability of an individual performing is the stress. There are basically the following four types of occupational stressors: occupational change-related stressors; occupational frustrationrelated stressors; workload-related stressors; miscellaneous stressors. The relationship between human performance and stress has been studied by various researcher over the years. They conclude that such relationship can be described by the curve shown in Figure 2:

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

High Maximum

Human performance effectiveness

Low Low Moderate Stress High

Fig. 2. Human performance effectiveness versus stress curve

B. Human Error in Railways Baysari [1] analyzed the distribution of railway incident applying above classification that took place in Australia over the period of 19982006. Three hundred and thirty contributing factors emerged out of the 40 investigation reports, resulting in 360 errors being identified. An equipment failure was identified as the primary cause of 17 incidents (43%). The most common non-organizational influence to contribute to these incidents was that of the physical environment, with high ambient temperature proving to be the most widespread problem. Interestingly, all incidents triggered by an equipment failure were derailments and all were associated with inadequate equipment or equipment in poor condition. In all but four incidents, an organizational oversight was identified, that of inadequate monitoring or checking of equipment/resources. Here below is describe in detail the errors associated with these human failure incidents. Unsafe acts. The most common error types were skill-based errors. Of these skill-based errors, most were the result of an attention failure; Preconditions for unsafe acts. The most common problem was the formation of an incorrect expectation/assumption; Unsafe supervision. The most frequent problem was found to be inadequate supervision, specifically a failure of supervisors to track worker performance; Organisational influences. The most common problem was inadequate equipment design. The global analysis of human failure investigation reports revealed that skill-based errors were the most common errors. From this point of view many models of accident causation have acknowledged the contribution of human error in accident occurrence [8]. The most influential of these is that proposed by Reason [9] that defined two broad categories of error: active and latent failures. Active errors, whose effects are felt almost immediately, are associated with the front-line operators of the system, while latent errors, whose adverse consequences may lie dormant within the system for a long time, only become evident when they combine with other factors to breach the systems defences. Identifying what errors (both active and latent) contribute to accident occurrence can be difficult because there is no well defined start of the causal chain of an accident and exactly the same events can lead to widely different consequences [10]. The type of framework used for error identification in accident analysis or investigation is dependent on the theoretical approach, or perspective, to human error adopted. Common perspectives on human error include cognitive, ergonomic, behavioural, individual, psychosocial, and organisational [11]. A framework capable of accounting for the full range of human errors possible in a complex system would be one that identifies all latent and active failures included in Reasons model of human error. The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) appears to be one such framework because it encompasses the entire range of system errors, from the sharp end (e.g. operator) to the blunt end (e.g. management). It describes four levels of failure, as shown in Table I:

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

TABLE I The HFACS framework (Wiegmann and Shappell, 2003)

I Level Organisational Influences

Unsafe Supervision

The HFACS framework II Level Resource management Organisational Climate Organisational Process Inadequate Supervision Planned Inappropriate Operations Failed to Correct a Problem Supervisory Violations Environmental Factors Condition of Operators

III Level

Precondition for Unsafe Acts Personnel Factors Errors Unsafe Acts Violations

Physical Environment Technological Environment Adverse Mental States Adverse Psychological States Physical/mental Limitations Crew/Resource Management Personal Readiness Decision Errors Skill-bases Errors Perceptual Errors Routine Exceptional

III. METHODS TO PERFORM HUMAN RELIABILITY Over the years, many new methods and techniques have been developed in this area. Here below we analyse fundamental principles of HRA and FMECA, A. Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) The term human reliability is usually defined as the probability that a person will correctly performs some system-required activity during a given time period (if time is a limiting factor) without performing any extraneous activity that can degrade the system. The historical background for the development of the set of methods that are commonly referred to as Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) was the need to describe incorrect human actions in the context of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) or Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) [12]. The practice of HRA goes back to the early 1960s, but the majority of HRA methods were developed in the middle of the 1980s mainly as a consequence of the concern caused by the accident in 1979 at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island. Partly due to the conditions under which it was developed, HRA methods from the beginning used procedures similar to those employed in conventional reliability analysis. The main difference was that human task activities were substituted for equipment failures and that modifications were made to account for the greater variability and interdependence of human performance as compared with that of equipment. The traditional approach is first to determine the human error probability (HEP), either by using established tables, human reliability models, or expert judgement. The characterisation of human failure modes is usually very simple, for instance in terms of error of omission and errors of commission. Since human actions clearly do not take place in a vacuum, a second step is to account for the influence of possible In the search for a way of describing and understanding the failure of human actions, several classes of models have been used. In brief, HRA methods seem to include one of the following types of operator model. Behavioural, or human factors, models that focus on simple manifestations (error modes). The error modes are usually described in terms of omissions, commissions, and extraneous actions, and the methods aim at deriving the probability that a specific manifestation will occur. Since causal models are either very simple or non-existent, the theoretical basis for predicting performance failures is inadequate. Behavioural models are therefore also weak in accounting for the influence of context. Information processing models that focus on internal mechanisms for, e.g., decision making or reasoning. The methods aim at explaining the flow of causes and effects through the models. Causal models are therefore often complex, but with limited predictive power, and little concern for quantification. Error types typically refer to the cause as much as the manifestation (e.g., slips, lapses, mistakes, violations), or to the malfunctioning of a hypothetical information processing function. Context is not considered explicitly, at most in terms of the input to the operator, and information processing models are better suited for retrospective analysis than for predictions.

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

Cognitive models that focus on the relation between error modes and causes, where the latter refer to the socio-technical environment as a whole. Unlike information processing models, cognitive models are simple and context is explicitly represented. Cognition is the reason why performance is efficient - and why it is sometimes limited - and the operator is seen as not only responding to events but also as acting in anticipation of future developments. Cognitive models are well suited for both predictions and retrospective analyses. There are, however, only a few HRA approaches that pay more than lip service to this type of model. The purpose of human reliability analyses is to estimate the likelihood of particular human actions (that may prevent hazardous events) not being taken when needed, or other human actions that may cause hazardous events (by themselves or in combination with other conditions) occurring. Failures to take action to prevent hazardous events, and actions that cause hazardous events, are commonly called human errors in HRA. This term does not imply that people are necessarily personally responsible or culpable in some way, just that an action was omitted (or taken) that adversely influenced safety. Figure 3 shows a top-level representation of human performance, how human errors can create weaknesses in safety, and how those human errors are conditioned by the environment in which people work.




Individual/Team Actions

Individual/Team Actions

Organizational conditions
Fig. 3. Relationship of Safety, Human Errors, and Their Influences

Definitely the purpose of the HRA task to estimate the probabilities of human errors that can potentially fail the safety. However, this estimation needs to take into account the work environment and task conditions under which the work is done, since these can provide an important influence on the likelihood of error. An important aspect of the human reliability analysis process is to identify the contributing factors that may cause an unsafe action to be made. Contributing factors can be external (to the person) conditions like poor radio equipment or signals, or a train that is difficult to control, or internal (to the person) conditions like fatigue or boredom, which we know lead to paying reduced attention to the track ahead. B. Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) The identification and choice of a suitable risk assessment model has been considered as a crucial issue for decades. So far, models used in the practice were developed for different applications and adapted for health and safety at work (Hazards and Operability Study HAZOP, Failure Methods and Critical Analysis- FMECA, Fault tree analysis, Events tree, etc.) [13]. In our work we focused attention on the FMECA technique. FMECA has been widely standardized, as MILSTD-1629A, MIL-HDBK-217 in the USA and as BS 5760 in the UK. Industrial users have reported significant benefits from these design tools. Successful users have achieved a 1545% improvement in quality, and reduction in cost and time to market [14]. FMECA is a systematic analysis of the potential failure modes of a component of a system [15]. It includes the identification of possible failure modes, determination of the potential causes and consequences and an analysis of the associated risk. It also includes a record of corrective actions or controls implemented resulting in a detailed control plan. Typically, a FMECA is performed at the component level, starting with potential failures and then tracing their effects up to the ultimate consequences. The FMECA allows the identification of the most critical components and the likely failure mechanisms, thus leading to the specification of system parameters to be monitored.

ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

This technique is a well known assessment tool used to identify the components of an equipment most likely to cause failures, and to enhance the reliability of a system through the development of the appropriate corrective actions [16, 17]. FMECA is important for directing maintenance tasks and identifying more efficient operational methods and for allocating the recommended actions at those points with higher damage potentials. The main problem faced in the utilization of this technique is the necessity to help management to consider different parameters simultaneously. Thus, it is useful to adopt multi criteria techniques. From this point of view in a recent article, Kjellen pointed out the importance of risk of accidents as a criterion in decision making [18]. Amongst many factors, maintenance practice will also affect the occurrence of accidents. IV. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH: HUMAN FACTORS PROCESS FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS The railroad industry is developing a new generation of processor-based signal and train control systems to improve safety and enhance operations. From this point of view, as we said, humans play a very important role in ensuring safety. So, it is necessary to develop a methodological approach to evaluating the reliability of human actions that are modeled in a probabilistic risk assessment of train control operations. The aim of the paper is the proposal of a methodological approach to improve the reliability of transportation system and in particular of railway transportation system. The methodology presented is based on Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and Human Reliability Analysis (HRA). In fact the most important and well known standard for the system design of railway technical components EN 50126-1 (CENELEC, 1999) [19] requires integration of human factors. Figure 4 shows that human factors particularly appear in the design and construction, operation and maintenance phases.
Railway System



System conditions

Operationg condiions

Maintenance conditions

Technical characteristics

Human factors/Human actions

Environmental conditions

Maintenance procedures

Internal disturbances

External disturbances

Human factors/Human actions

Human factors/Human actions

Systematic failure

Random failure



Fig. 4. Human factors in the railway system safety life cycle

Steps of methodological approach are: STEP 1 Analysis of the system and Evaluation of failure. This activity mainly consists of the identify failure that could characterize the system. STEP 2 - Evaluation of Human Factors. This task requires study of operating rules, procedures, available data, as well direct observation of the work environment and interviews of individuals involved in the work. The goal is to identify the major sources of human risk and reliability with and without the new system as well as to understand the factors in the current environment that enable errors to be caught and recovered. This step requires following phases: 1. Qualitative Human Factors Analysis; 2. Quantitative Analysis; 3. Human Failure Events to be Estimated. STEP 3 - Identification of failure modes FMECA. This activity mainly consists of the identify failure modes: the aim is to integrate information coming from operational fields with global level effects.

ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

STEP 4 - Identification of FTA. A fault tree structure is proposed to analyze undesired events with different levels of operation quality. STEP 5 - Make recommendations for reducing error. To permit review and later understanding of the details of the quantification, all results and processes must be well documented, providing the bases for all estimates.

Figure 5 shows methodological steps.

Risk Estimation
Improve the reliability of transportation system


Analysis of the system and Evaluation of failure

1. Qualitative Human Factors Analysis; 2. Quantitative Analysis; 3. Human Failure Events to be Estimated.


Evaluation of Human Factors


Identification of failure modes FMECA


Identification of FTA

1. 2. 3. 4.

Unsafe acts Preconditions for unsafe acts Unsafe supervision Organisational influences


Make recommendations for reducing error Determination of critical parameters Implementation of the model

Fig. 5. Methodological steps

A. Case Study: Radio Block Center (RBC) The approach has been validated in a real case study concerning the European Train Control System E.T.C.S.. We focused our attention on a particular component that is the Radio Block Center (RBC). STEP 1 Analysis of the system and Evaluation of failure. RBC is a vital part of a ERTMS System (European Rail Traffic Management System) that is responsible for sending ETCS equipped trains the information they need to perform speed and distance supervision, according to the physical characteristics of the line (such as gradients and line speed limits), the conditions of the traffic (train spacing) and of others subsystems (Interlocking, adjacent RBC, Control Traffic Centre ). The main functions of the RBC are: Handle the radio communication with trains; Handle the protocol for data exchange with the Interlocking and the neighbouring RBCs; Handle the train spacing logic in accordance with ERTMS/ETCS. The RBC system is composed of two cabinets and a desk PC: nd The NS2G (2 Generation Safety Nucleus) Cabinet. Safety Nucleus of the RBC; it manages the RBC functions in their entirety while at the same time guaranteeing availability and safety; nd The ART2G (2 Generation Remote Control and Recording Alarm Subsystem) Cabinet dedicated to the management of alarms, recording of events. It is also used for the interface with CTC and interface with the D&M (Diagnostic & Maintenance) PC; The Diagnosis and Maintenance desk. Main RBC functionalities are: managing radio communication with the trains; managing the protocol and the respective connections for data exchange with the adjacent RBC and the IXLs used for line logic control; managing the Block/Distancing Logic.

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

RBC system shall comply with the EN 50126:1999 Railway applications standards. Figure 6 shows Central Vital Processing Unit (NS2G) Front Panel and ART2G Front Panel.

Fig. 6. Central Vital Processing Unit (NS2G) Front Panel and ART2G Front Panel

STEP 2 - Evaluation of Human Factors. 1. Qualitative Human Factors Analysis. The first step was to perform a qualitative human factors analysis. This involved two aspects: (1) An analysis of the current work environment to understand the types of errors that can arise and the factors that contribute to those errors; (2) An examination of the system, its user interface, and proposed human-system interaction, to assess its potential impact on human performance and human reliability. Site visits were conducted in support of the qualitative analysis. The focus of the interviews and observations addressed the following questions: What are the most likely forms of unsafe actions? What are the factors that are most likely to contribute to those actions? What recovery mechanisms do humans provide that contributes to a robust, high-reliability system? What impact would RBC likely have on human reliability and overall safety? 2. Quantitative Analysis. The primary tasks in the quantitative analysis of the HRA were: Identification of relevant data sources; Identification their limitations and gaps; Application of the expert elicitation process to compensate for these limitations and gaps.

ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

Overall process is shown in Figure 7.


Unsafe Action

Over unsafe actions

Scope of analysis Database


e t a m i t s E


Fig. 6. Overall Analytical Process

3. Human Failure Events to be Estimated. Errors happen every day at work and whilst most are harmless, some can result in fatalities, injury or plant damage. Errors can occur in operations, maintenance or emergency tasks. The requirements of this study were to analyse the probabilities of specific unsafe actions representing potential contributors to the risks. We identified these critical errors through: probabilistic safety assessment (PSA); by brainstorming and by behavioural safety observation [20]. Summary of Data Associated with Each Human Failure Event is shows in table II.
TABLE II Example of Human Failure Event


Train fails to stop at boundary of authority

Unsafe actions Train crew fails to stop at block boundary at end of authority: - block sign present - block sign missing Train crew mishears dispatcher as to limit of authority (location, train ID) Dispatcher mishears train crew request for authority (location, train ID) Train crew exceeds speed restriction - permanent speed zone - sign present - sign missing - temporary speed zone - sign present - sign missing

Unsafe action data Employee disciplinary actions database

Estimates (e.g., estimates obtained from train crews or dispatchers) Estimates (e.g., estimates obtained from train crews or dispatchers) Employee disciplinary actions database

Train exceeds speed restriction

Train runs over wrongly positioned switch

Previous train crew leaves switch in wrong (reverse) position without agreement from dispatcher Train crew does not recognize switch in wrong position and stop target not OK

Employee disciplinary actions database Employee disciplinary actions database

STEP 3 - Identification of failure modes FMECA. A FMECA analysis is carried out for each LRU/sub-system, in order to determine, by implementing a bottom-up approach, the effects of every single fault on the systems functional character. The FMECA analysis is carried out according to IEC 60812 standard - Analysis techniques for system reliability Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis. The analysis helps to identify, for each LRU, the effects of its failure on the sub-system and on the train service, identifying the criticality level:

ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

Severity level I (Significant failure): A failure that prevents the system from maintaining normal conditions for all traffic on more than one Station area. A failure on a line that only affects traffic conditions on the line and not the adjacent stations, is not regarded as a significant failure; Severity level II (Major failure): A failure that prevents the system from maintaining normal conditions for traffic within one Station area. A failure on a line that only affects traffic conditions on the line and not the adjacent stations, is regarded as a major failure; Severity level III (Minor failure): A failure that is neither significant nor major, i.e. a failure that doesnt affect traffic conditions neither on the line nor on the adjacent stations.

In appendix (Table III) we show an example of FMECA. STEP 4 - Identification of FTA. For modeling fault we used the technique FTA (Fault Tree Analysis), deemed appropriate to highlight the dependencies between logical and functional components of the subsystem that can lead to abnormality determination of exercise (Top Event) and to quantify the probability of occurrence. FTA analysis assumes that the subsystem at the beginning of the mission is fully efficient, that every component is in good working condition and that all redundancies planned are active. A realistic analysis must consider: FR that is failure rate. FR is based on the field measured data; MTBF that is Mean Time Between Failures (see Equation 1). MTBF shall be Significant failures (50 years); Major failures (0,2 years); Minor failures (0,05 years); MTBF = (Total up time) / (number of brekdowns)


MTTR that is Mean Time To Repair (see Equation 2). MTTR shall be less than 0.5 hour for centralized equipments. MTTR = (Total down time) / (number of breakdowns) Examples of Failure Rate are show in Table III.
TABLE III Example of Failure Rate


Description Vital CPU card Non vital CPU/Carrier card Module IP36 ISC2 card COM4 card COS4 card Exclusion logic backplane Exclusion logic unit DC/DC converter Power supply boards backplane ..

Unit FR 5.50E-06 5.84E-06 2.46E-06 2.12E-06 1.38E-06 1.19E-06 1.00E-07 4.02E-06 8.03E-06 1.00E-07 ..


Unit MTBF [h] 168550 163237 364000 465050 655676 619224 10000000 222718 112048 10000000 .

MTTR [h] 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.75 .

The mission time was assumed to be 24 hours, or equal to the time of daily use of the subsystem. Here below (Figure 8) is an example of FTA.

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October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353

Fig. 8. FTA example for loss of feed for RBC

STEP 5 - Make recommendations for reducing error. The errors included in the previous analysis were judged by the analysis team. In fact, on our opinion, one of the important elements to the success of a human factors quantification project is to assemble an interdisciplinary team to conduct the quantification that jointly possess experience and expertise in: Human Reliability Analysis; Probabilistic Risk Assessment; FMECA Analysis. Summing up the following error forms were identified: Fails to recognize location due to weather and lack of experience; Misunderstands authority (Distracted while receiving authority, Expected to get greater number of blocks than actually issued, Boundary relocated, Mishears authority); Distraction or over-reliance by one crew member on the other; Unconscious (Highly fatigued, Environment (e.g., chemical release), Drug and alcohol). V. CONCLUSION Historically, the evaluation of train control systems has been design-based. That is, components of a train control system were evaluated based on engineering performance criteria taking into account operability, reliability, and maintainability criteria. With the advent of recent changes in electronic technology the railroad industry felt that new and better train control systems might be adopted more quickly using a performance-based approach, assuming that safety could still be assured. The complexity of these technologies (communication and information technology) requires additional safety considerations that current safety evaluation methods do not address. This study focused on: The development of an approach to assess the human failures in train control systems; The use of that approach to estimate probabilities of human failures; Estimation of likely human failure probabilities under a new and different type of system; and The purpose of human reliability analyses is to estimate the likelihood of particular human actions (that may prevent hazardous events) not being taken when needed, or other human actions that may cause hazardous events (by themselves or in combination with other conditions) occurring. Advantages of human reliability analysis are: Provides a logical comprehensive analysis of factors influencing human performance; Leads to recommendations for improvement; Supports the safety case: forces attention on safety critical tasks. Further developments could be oriented in applying the approach in several fields (automotive, aeronautic, etc.). REFERENCES
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ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


Fabio De Felice et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (5), 2011, 341-353
Rev: 00 Filled by: X Effects Cause and Failure Mode Local No connection between processing sections and optic interface sections Exclusion of the failed processing section Sub-system Service Date: July 2011

FMECA Analysis for RBC2G Generic Product for Ester Project

ID Subsystem Equip. LRU
Line Replaceable Unit



Compensation Means



Safety Nucleus


Hosting processing Failure of sections and optic BTMR-VME interface sections

NS is out of service with consequent loss of RBC functionality

Traffic conditions affected on more than one Station Area

Alarm on D&M Desk

Immediate substitution of failed component


Safety Nucleus

MVME 6100-NS

Performing logic Out of service of and diagnostic vital MVME6100 functions of the NS CPU

NS works in a 2/2 processing logic


NS Internal diagnostic tests and communication to ART and D&M NS Internal diagnostic tests and communication to ART and D&M NS Internal diagnostic tests and communication to ART and D&M

Substitution of failed card to enable the 2/3 working logic of the NS



Safety Nucleus

TVME 8240 A

Performing Fast LAN interface with Communication Out of service of Computers and TVME8240 A hosting the 4 IP modules Managing the serial communication interfaces for internal and external links

Exclusion of the failed processing section

NS works in a 2/2 processing logic


Substitution of failed card to enable the 2/3 working logic of the NS



Safety Nucleus


Out of service of IP36

Exclusion of the failed processing section

NS works in a 2/2 processing logic


Substitution of failed card to enable the 2/3 working logic of the NS



ISSN : 0975-4024

October - November 2011


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