English Voyage 6
English Voyage 6
English Voyage 6
English Voyage Grade 6
Using grammar
1. Hospital Canteen
1. Everyone was quiet as he walked into the room. (in/
Quick answer
2. There was a display of fireworks above the town. (over/
A. 1. The speaker sits and watches people every day. True
2. The speaker is accompanying a patient. False
3. He ran across the stream and caught the robbers.
3. The speaker is sitting in the hospital canteen. True (across/over)
4. The speaker sees patients, security men and doctors 4. We were waiting at the airport to welcome him. (at/in)
in the canteen. True
5. Is there anyone among all of you who can beat the
B. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b record? (between/ among)
Read to answer 6. He was surprised to find a precious gift in the tacky
1. a. ‘I’ is the narrator who works in the canteen. box. (into/in)
b. He is in a hospital canteen. 7. The puppy sneaked in between the two friends.
c. He looks at people around him. (among/between)
2. a. The man is staring into space because maybe he has 8. A bird was hovering over my head. (over/ across)
lost someone dear or someone is terminally ill.
Listening Skills
b. He looks tired and sad.
c. The man stares into space and looks tired. He has Name of
red eyes. Food item person who frequency
3. a. The speaker is referring to the canteen facilities. eats
b. The speaker is referring to doctors, nurses and other Samosa Meena Twice a week
staff of the hospital.
Rajma Chawal Pritam Once a week
c. The staff comes in the morning or evening.
4. a. The canteen workers clear the tables. Poori Chana Parul Every day
b. The speaker is sitting and observing people because Dosa Munish Fortnightly
he is not serving at that moment.
c. The given lines have been taken from the poem Once in a
Idli Janvi
‘Hospital Canteen’. month
Think to answer Ice Cream Farha Thrice a week
1. By life the poet means the birth of a child and death Four times
Paratha Joseph
of a near one and the sufferings of life all can be a week
witnessed in a hospital canteen.
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
2. The poet thinks the couple who is sitting and laughing
Accept all relevant answers.
is visitor or staff.
3. The person looks worried. It seems he has not slept or Let’s Revise Spelling
has been crying. It is possible that someone close to 1
him is terminally ill or dead. C O M P L A I N
3 E L A T E
Discuss to answer
1. The speaker sees a couple sharing a laugh. There is a
4 F R I E g H T
man who looks sad. A lot of hospital staff are in the
canteen. There is an outpatient and security men. A H
2. The speaker works in the canteen. He is very observant. T B A S I C
He likes observing the at people and tries to understand 6 A M A z E O 7
them. During the time he is not serving customers, he L u B
sits and looks at people who come to the canteen. 8
g R A P E S
Words in use T
1. Accept all relevant answers. R
2. Accept all relevant answers. 9
3. Accept all relevant answers.
Words in use
2. The Dragon of Kinabalu
Word Collective noun
Quick answer
1. crows a. cache
A. 1. Admiral Cheng Ho made several voyages 2. owls b. gaggle
during the 15th century. True
3. paper c. cluck
2. Wee Ping was younger than Wee San.
3. Cheng Ho told Wee Ping about the precious pearl. 4. arms d. pod
4. The road to Mount Kinabalu was a steep climb. True 5. chickens e. murder
5. When the soldiers marched over the final crest 6. baboons f. panel
towards the summit of the mountain, the
dragon drew in a very deep breath. True 7. geese g. parliament
6. Wee San succeeded in getting the precious pearl. 8. notes h. culture
9. peas i. ream
B. 1. The Emperor met all his courtiers to discuss how to
10. bacteria j. wad
obtain the pink pearl.
2. The dragon lived on top of a high mountain, 11. experts k. congress
Kinabalu. Using grammar
3. Wee San looked at the position of the sun because 1. Could you please tell me the directions to the school?
he wanted to see how long the dragon stayed away 2. I shall come home from the office today.
from his lair. 3. ??
4. A leaf that floated past Wee San towards the 4. We should improve the existing smartphone
dragon gave Wee San an idea to get the pearl. technology.
5. The dragon opened its mouth when it saw the 5. May you have a wonderful day!
cannonball as it thought that the soldiers were 6. ??
returning what they had stolen from him. 7. I shall definitely be at the station to receive you.
8. Should we go for a walk?
6. Wee San got the pearl but Wee Ping claimed to his
9. It is very cloudy. It might rain.
father that he had got it.
10. Would you like to come to the party tomorrow?
C. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c
Listening Skills
Read to answer
Mona Tom Sawyer
1. The Chinese impressed the countries around them with Carol Dr Jekyll
their ships laden with gifts.
Nelson Huckleberry Finn
2. Cheng Ho came to know about the pink pearl during
Harjeet Robinson Crusoe
one of his voyages to Borneo.
Ahmad Sherlock Holmes
3. The Emperor sent a fleet of ten ships for a pearl
because it was a dangerous quest. Preetie Harry Potter
2. Scott’s coma score was four, the minimum score is 3. His handwriting is so bad. It is illegible.
three and the maximum score being fifteen. 4. Rahul has bourgeois habits.
3. The narrator lived in Ontario when he met Scott. 5. The writer was given the award posthumously.
4. Vegetative state means when a person is not able to 6. He behaves as if omniscient.
converse and obey body commands. 7. Meena has a congenital hole in her heart.
B. 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. c 8. An ambidextrous is a gifted person.
Read to answer Using grammar
1. Scott was not responsible for the accident as he was hit 1. The class (describes, describe) their experience at the
by the speeding police car at the intersection. camp.
2. Scott’s car smashed into his skull, bruising and 2. The whole class (meet, meets) the principal of the
herniating it. This sent him into a coma. school.
3. The narrator runs a lab that studies acute brain injuries 3. The family (takes, take) a long time to dress up.
and neurodegenerative diseases. 4. The cricket club (is working, are working) on new
4. FMRI is functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner. strategies.
It helps doctors detect brain activity associated with 5. The swarm of reporters (surround, surrounds) the
thoughts, feelings and intentions. famous actor all at once.
5. By the ‘grey zone’ the narrator refers to a realm of 6. The audience (were cheering, was cheering) the singer.
consciousness that lies somewhere between life and 7. The orchestra (is playing, are playing) my favourite
death. music.
6. The doctors asked Scott if he was in pain or any part of 8. The troop (disappears, disappear) in different
his body was aching. directions.
9. The team (is, are) putting on their helmets.
Think to answer
10. The stage crew (has, have) done a fabulous job.
1. ‘I’ is the writer who runs a lab that studies acute brain
11. The orchestra (was, were) tuning up one by one.
injuries and neurodegenerative diseases. The report is
12. For weeks, the cast (was, were) rehearsing their lines
written in first person.
with one another.
2. In this report the reporter is using subjective opinion
and first person pronouns whereas in other reports Listening Skills
objective view is presented and personal pronouns like 1. Editors edit the final draft. 4
‘I’ and ‘we’ are not used in usual newspaper reports. 2. Bundles of newspapers are dispatched. 7
3. I think that she saw movement of the hand because 3. Information collected by correspondents is
Scott loved music and the doctors saw him reacting passed on to the office. 2
through FMRI. 4. The news item is arranged according to a
4. The narrator was intelligent and enterprising because design layout. 5
even after the doctors had declared Scott to be 5. Newspapers are printed. 6
vegetative twelve years ago, he used techniques to 6. Writers and illustrators write a news item
prove that Scott’s brain worked. He took permission based on the inputs. 3
from his parents to ask if Scott was in pain. 7. Newspapers are delivered. 8
5. The narrator means that as a scientist he believed 8. Correspondents collect information. 1
that Scott’s family had an illusion that he responded Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
to music but as a human being he accepted their Accept all relevant answers.
Spelling 1
6. “It was a great privilege getting to know Scott these
past few years. His heroic efforts for science will never I
be forgotten, and will be reflected in the lives and M
minds of all of us who knew him, and many more who P
didn’t.” It means that Scott let the scientists experiment T O E 3
on him and his responses would be useful for people S T
4 M E A D O W
who are in a similar state.
Discuss to answer 5 M
1. Accept all relevant answers. R D O u g H
2. Accept all relevant answers. W O E R
S R 9
Words in use 8 E N C R O A C H
1. She is one of the finest actresses in the world. She is
inimitable. 10 T O T A L
2. We are organising a party for grandfather who will be
centenarian tomorrow.
4. Nelson Mandela A. Simile Meaning
1. As alike as peas in a pod a. Very quick
Quick answer
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 2. As clear as mud b. Pale and scared
Read to answer 3. As quick as a wink c. Very easy
1. He says that their daily deeds as ordinary South
4. As cool as cucumber d. Identical, similar
Africans must produce an actual South African
reality that will reinforce humanity’s belief in justice, e. Not at all
strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human 5. As white as a ghost clear (sarcastic
soul and sustain all hopes for a glorious life for all. expression)
2. He makes a comparison with jacaranda trees of 6. As easy as an apple pie f. Cool temperament
Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the Bushveld. B. 1. I was scared when you jumped at me. as white as a
3. South Africa will face challenges of building peace, ghost
prosperity, non-sexism, non-racialism and democracy 2. This pool is so dirty! as clear as mud
after independence. 3. She never gets angry. as cool as cucumber
4. Nelson Mandela expects that the South Africans will 4. The thief vanished quickly. as quick as a wink
build the society in which all South Africans, both 5. These two paintings are so similar. as alike as peas
black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any in a pod
fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right
to human dignity–a rainbow nation at peace with Using grammar
itself and the world. A. 1. He will be (be)in Delhi tomorrow. (simple future
Think to answer
2. The rain has stopped (stop). (present perfect tense)
1. Nelson Mandela is delivering the speech on the
3. They went (go) to their grandmother’s house.
independence of South Africa. He begins the speech by
(simple past tense)
using the words ‘new-born liberty’. The following line
in the speech also tells us: 4. garima is making (make) a new house. (present
We understand it still that there is no easy road to 5. They had been looking (look) after us till the time
freedom. we were their neighbours. (past perfect continuous)
6. The car shines (shine) in the sun. (simple present
2. Nelson Mandela feels a sense of personal renewal on
touching the soil of his nation.
7. He was sleeping (sleep) when I knocked at the door.
3. Accept all relevant answers. (past continuous tense)
4. He conveys the pain and anguish of the South Africans 8. He has been trying (try) to get through the
as they were torn apart in a terrible conflict, and as competitive exam for five years.
they saw their country spurned, outlawed and isolated 9. Hurry! The guests have arrived (arrive). (present
by the people of the world, precisely because it has perfect)
become the universal base of the pernicious ideology 10. Birds will be chirping (chirp) early in the morning
and practice of racism and racial oppression. when you go to a forest. (future continuous tense)
5. The ‘rare privilege’ that the South Africans been given B. My dear friend, Jayant, has always been fat, but things
is to be host to the nations of the world. He considers got (get) so bad that he decided (decide) to go on a
it so because for years the country was drawn into a diet. He started (start) his diet a week ago. First of all,
conflict and spurned by others. he wrote (write) a long list of all the foods, which are
6. These three words refer to the struggle for not to be consumed. The list included (include) mostly
independence and a commitment to take their country the foods he loved (love). yesterday, I visited (visit) him.
forward and for peace. I rang (ring) the bell. Jayant lead (lead) me to his room
and hurriedly hid (hide) a large packet under his desk.
Discuss to answer He was very embarrassed. When I asked (ask) him what
1. ‘Let there be’ are the words that he repeats. This he was doing (do) he smiled (smile) and then took (take)
shows that he wishes for something and wants his out the packet. He showed (show) me the contents
countrymen to fulfil it. of the parcel. It contained contain) three large bars of
2. Accept all relevant answers. chocolate and two packets of sweets.
Words in use
Listening Skills Discuss to answer
1. b. Said something bad about someone the 1. It suggests that the narrator is telling a story.
speaker loves 2. Accept all relevant answers.
2. b. She was restless 3. Accept all relevant answers.
3. a. She thought of talking to her friend. Words in use
4. b. Do nothing. Just forgive.
5. a. It brings peace. The erstwhile president is battling cancer. often
6. a. yes Who summons me hither? your
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It How oft have I cried for you! former
Accept all relevant answers.
Thine has been the best piece of art. said
Dictionary work
This morning he was up betimes. here
1. Toast /təʊst/ 2. Hollow /ˈhɒləʊ/
3. Aloe /ˈaləʊ/ 4. Although /ɒlˈðəʊ/ I need thy assistance. kill
5. Swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ 6. Soap /səʊp/ “Wow” quoth he, “this is what I expected.” early
7. Globe /ɡləʊb/ 8. Ago /əˈɡəʊ/ Slay the dragon to win the princess! yours
9. Groan /ɡrəʊn/ 10. Doe /dəʊ/
B. Accept all relevant answers.
5. The Raven Using grammar
On a cold winter day, Akbar and Birbal took a walk along
Quick answer the lake. A thought came to Birbal that a man would do
A. 1. The speaker in the poem was asleep when there anything for money. He expressed his feelings to Akbar.
was knocking on the door. Akbar then put his finger into the lake and immediately
2. The knocking was hard and violent. removed it because he shivered with cold. Akbar said, “I
3. The name of the speaker’s beloved was Lenore. don’t think a man would spend an entire night in the cold
4. Lenore had died in December. water of this lake for money.” Birbal replied, “I am sure I
can find such a person.” Akbar then challenged Birbal into
B. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. a
finding such a person and said that he would reward the
Read to answer person with a thousand gold coins.
1. It was a cold December night. Birbal searched far and wide until he found a poor man
2. They scared him. who was desperate enough to accept the challenge. The
3. He saw darkness. poor man entered the lake and Akbar had guards posted
near him to make sure that he really did as promised. The
4. We can say so because of the following line in the
next morning, the guards took the poor man to Akbar.
Akbar asked the poor man if he had indeed spent the
Presently my soul grew stronger; night in the lake. The poor man replied that he had. Akbar
hesitating then no longer, then asked the poor man how he managed to spend the
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, night in the lake.
truly your forgiveness I implore; The poor man replied, that there was a street lamp nearby
Think to answer and he kept his attention affixed on the lamp and away
1. a. The speaker is feeling weak and tired. from the cold. Akbar then said that there would be no
b. The poet here is referring to the stories he is reward as the poor man had survived the night in the lake
reading at the time. by the warmth of the street lamp. The poor man went to
Birbal for help.
c. Edgar Allan Poe is the poet of the given lines.
The next day, Birbal did not come to court. The king
2. a. He has opened the door and looking out to see
wondering where he was, sent a messenger to his home.
who was knocking.
The messenger came back, saying that Birbal would come
b. He builds an atmosphere full of suspense. once his Khichri(Rice) was cooked. The king waited hours
c. Lenore but Birbal did not come. Finally, the king decided to go to
3. a. The raven was grand old and disrespectful. Birbal’s house and see what he was up to.
b. He stayed there not even for a minute. He found Birbal sitting on the floor near some burning
c. The given lines have been taken from the poem twigs and a bowl filled with Khichri(Rice) hanging five feet
‘The Raven’. above the fire. The king and his attendants couldn’t help
but laugh.
Akbar then said to Birbal, “How can the Khichri(Rice) be removed from the body is reduced to a gaseous form,
cooked if it so far away from the fire?” and was left in the air.
Birbal answered, “The same way the poor man received 3. When Kirby pressed the first button, everything
heat from a street lamp that was more than a furlong seemed to shoot into nothingness. He felt a tingling
away.” sensation and an electric flash through his body.
The King understood his mistake and gave the poor man Think to answer
his reward. 1. Accept all relevant answers.
Listening Skills 2. When the buttons are pressed the machine starts
1. c. They are well camouflaged. working and everything seems to diminish almost to
2. a. They are considered ugly. nothing.
3. b. 1/8 inches to 22 inches 3. The strange looking paraphernalia that the professor
4. a. pink, yellow, black, beige and green gave Kirby was a queer looking suit. It was used to
keep the immense cold out and prevented inner heat
5. b. slowly
from escaping.
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It 4. The helmet had globes within the globes that created
Accept all relevant answers. vacuum and prevented the escape of heat.
Spelling 5. Kirby pressed the middle button in panic.
1 6. Kirby said so because he found everything like a
R nightmare. He was homesick and wanted to be with
u 2 Discuss to answer
D B 1. Kirby was a brave boy who was not scared of
3 experiments. He was curious but he also felt scared at
4 5 6 7 u 2. Accept all relevant answers.
S C C u B E 3. Accept all relevant answers.
4. Accept all relevant answers.
8 9
5. The author makes the readers realise that Kirby was on
g R O u P B L O O M Earth when Kirby says that he touched water.
E I O 6. Accept all relevant answers.
10 Words in use
E N American British
1. color colour
2. humor humour
6. The Man from the Atom
3. analyze analyse
Quick answer
4. neighbor neighbour
1. The principle behind the invention was an object may
be divided in half forever. 5. traveled travelled
2. The machine was connected to the body with the help 6. leukemia leukaemia
of six wires.
3. The machine worked on atomic energy. 7. pediatric paediatric
4. The experiment could be conducted at a secluded spot. 8. plow plough
Read to answer 9. gray grey
1. The professor used the principle that an object may
10. favorite favourite
be divided in half forever, without being entirely
exhausted. It is this principle of shrinking that he used 11. theater theatre
for the new invention.
12. catalog catalogue
2. The machine not only divided every atom, every
molecule, every electron of the body into two exactly 13. jewelery jewellery
equal parts, but it accomplished the same feat in itself,
14. estrogen oestrogen
thus keeping pace with its manipulator. The matter it
Using grammar deviate his mind by directing his mind to the ingots the
1. Raman was singing classical songs and also doing Chinaman had spoken of.
Kathak side by side. S 3. The ‘native implement’ was L-shaped, and the
2. Janet has a pet dog but she wants a hamster as well. Co transverse piece was armed with polished stone.
3. Ruhi loves her brother. S Think to answer
4. We missed the Air India flight as we reached late. C 1. He means that the sea could be really stormy.
5. geetu’s mother works for the Indian railways. S 2. They were looking at a map because they did not know
6. She stopped when she saw the old man. Co the route to the treasure.
7. Can you please help her and take her to 3. Their lips were hard and dry because it was very hot.
the hospital? C 4. Pigeon-English is English in Chinese dialect. The
8. She was reading while all her friends were speakers were using it because they were Chinese.
busy gossiping. C 5. Chang-hi, a year before had found the ingots and had
9. Mehak has been blessed with triplets. S reburied them.
10. She kept waiting until we arrived. S 6. The trees formed a canopy and it was cool whereas the
sea was blazing hot.
Listening Skills
Discuss to answer
Author Famous for
1. Accept all relevant answers.
1. Jules Verne a. A Space Odyssey 2. Both of them died due to the prick of a poisonous
2. H g Wells b. galactic Empire Series thorn.
3. Accept all relevant answers.
3. Arthur C Clarke c. Cyberspace
4. Accept all relevant answers.
4. Issac Asimov d. The Time Machine
Words in use
5. William gibson e. Ender’s game series 1. They fought like cats and dogs.
6. Orson Scott Card f. Father of Science Fiction 2. I slept like a log.
3. you are as brave as a lion.
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
4. Truth was like a bad taste on the tongue.
Accept all relevant answers.
5. She hung her head like a dying flower.
Dictionary work 6. Her hair was as soft as spider web.
1. Igloo /ˈɪɡluː/ 2. Huge /hjuːdʒ/ 7. Stars looked like shining lamps in the sky.
3. Loose /luːs/ 4. Plume /pluːm/ 8. The children jumped like ripples in a stream.
5. Proof /pruːf/ 6. Recruit /rɪˈkruː/
Using grammar
7. Blew /bluː/ 8. Stool /stuːl/
1. He said that yumna could do that.
9. Glue /ɡluː/ 10. Dune /djuːn/
2. They said that they would meet him.
7. The Treasure in the Forest 3. Harry said that the car in the basement
belonged to him.
Quick answer 4. Menna said that Peter was ridng his bike.
A. 1. The men were at the lagoon when the story 5. geeta said that she had seen the movie.
begins. F 6. She said that she might attend the meeting.
2. The speaker had seen the ingots a year before. F 7. Heena said that she had spoken to Rahul the
previous day.
3. The riverbank had unusual plants. T
8. He said that he was a fool.
4. A poisonous snake had killed the Chinaman. F
9. Lalit said that he had been teaching English
5. Hooker wanted to bury the Chinaman because
for more than ten years.
he felt scared. T
10. She said that she had been waiting for me.
B. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c
Listening Skills
Read to answer
1. The basic aim of community projects is to work in a
1. Accept all relevant answers.
short time.
2. The men weren’t excited as they neared the treasure
2. Community art projects involve use of
because the excitement of the struggle and the long
many mediums.
night voyage had drained them. The speaker tried to
3. Community projects enhance self-esteem.
4. Many community projects develop under 1. The poem is set in the wintry evening.
the guidance of professional artists. 2. A pre-jogging requirement, a daily annoying crisis.
5. Community art projects are successful only 3. He sees various kinds of scenes. Some old and boring,
with children. some new, traffic and accidents, conflicts, people with
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It dogs, children playing in happiness, teens with their
partners and old people laughing and chatting.
Accept all relevant answers.
4. The poet says that the body is ‘depressed’ because he
Spelling is tired.
5. Dane and Bernard are common species for the poet as
B 2 they can be found easily and anywhere.
3 Discuss to answer
S q u E A K H
4 1. Accept all relevant answers.
E 5 E M P T y
2. Accept all relevant answers.
z R M 7
E M E R g E N C y Words in use
L O 1. He is basically a farmer by profession.
8 2. She gladly accepted the challenge.
A M E M O R y
3. This goal is easily achievable for you.
x M
9 4. Move slowly and carefully.
5. Luckily they did not recognise me.
6. I am terribly sorry.
10 7. Make use of the resources efficiently.
E Using grammar
A. 1. The car that is the smallest is his.
2. My parents help me in everything that I do.
8. Jogging all the Way 3. That ice cream is mine but I will share with you.
4. Is that house yours? Mine is the one across the road.
Quick answer 5. He was trying to help me when his foot slipped
A. 1. The speaker does not like warm up exercises. and he got hurt.
2. The speaker in the poem goes for jogging every 6. Neither Meena nor her friend is tired of planting
day. new trees.
3. The speaker jogs only at the seashore. 7. your food is in the fridge. Please heat it before
4. The speaker is a fitness freak. you eat it.
B. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 8. It is his birthday today and he has invited us.
9. Do you like my cooking? I have used the recipes
Read to answer
that are yours.
1. a. The speaker was listening to music while jogging.
10. Its colour is looking dull.
b. Sweat was forming because the speaker was
B. 1. The dress’s hem needs to be redone.
c. The given lines have been taken from the poem 2. you must know your x’s and y’s.
‘Jogging All the way’. 3. Do not boast of your MA’s and BA’s.
2. a. He means that they are old. 4. This is not a girl’s but a guy’s party.
b. They are laughing and talking.
5. I need a three days’ leave.
c. The old folks are at the beach.
6. The Beatles’ songs are my favourite.
3. a. The speaker took a reverse because he was
exhausted. 7. The companies’ policies need to be reviewed.
b. The speaker was not jogging because he was 8. The workers’ wages have been revised.
9. Mother’s donuts are delicious.
c. He had pain in the legs, he was exhausted.
10. The buses’ brakes need repair.
Think to answer
Listening Skillls 3. Accept all relevant answers.
shortness of breath 4. Laxman thinks that You Said It was a nuisance. He
1. started it to try something different, which was not
exercise political.
Increase in pulse rate 5. Laxman feels that everyone laughs and has a sense of
humour. Perhaps a sense of humour needs cultivation,
2. like a taste for music.
Increase Oxygen in Oxygenated
heart beat lungs blood Discuss to answer
1. Accept all relevant answers.
First three to 2. He was witty and simple. He did not believe in religion.
four weeks Tiredness He was willing to experiment. He had different kinds of
of exercise hobbies. He had the knack of conveying a message in a
funny way.
Words in use
4. After three to Less tiredness 1. you’re being illogical. (you’re, your)
four weeks of 2. He has succeeded in the most adverse situations.
exercise Muscles make better (averse, adverse)
use of oxygen 3. All the eminent people of the city will be present at the
meeting. (eminent, imminent)
5. Benefits of Refreshes mind 4. His car hit a stationary truck. (stationary, stationery)
exercise to 5. Why is your morale so low these days? (morale, moral)
mental health 6. I know you will always advise me when I am in a tough
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It Makes you alert
situation. (advice, advise)
Accept all relevant answers.
7. Don’t lose this precious gift. (loose, lose)
Dictionary work 8. I looked at the wide expanse of green cover in awe.
1. Between /bɪˈtwiːn/ 2. Reason /ˈriːz(ə)n/ (expanse, expense)
3. These /ðiːz/ 4. Happy /ˈhapiː/ Using grammar
5. Ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ 6. Fourteen /ˈfɔːtiːn/ 1. girls carry water to their village. T
7. Recess /ˈriːses/ 8. Peach /piːtʃ/ 2. She was crying all the day. IT
9. Receive /rɪˈsiːv/ 10. Preach /priːtʃ/ 3. My father doesn’t drink tea. T
4. Riya conveyed the message. T
9. Prisoner of the Common Man 5. A light was shining in the room. IT
Spelling 1 c. The speaker says so because he is confused.
A Discuss to answer
S 2 1. Accept all relevant answers.
4 S C 2. Accept all relevant answers.
D B I R 5 Words in use
I R g O P 1. Do you wanna dance? want to
D E S I g N C I 2. I gonna buy this dress. am going to
R g O L 3. y’all are invited for the party. you all/All of you
y H 8 D O 4. I ain’t going with you. am not
T W I L I g H T 5. Oh please buzz off! go away
T L Using grammar
W I D E E 1. “I was thinking . . .” Lalit said. B
M 2. We ate . . . and ate. . . and ate. A
3. When asked about the robbery, he said, “yes, I was
present at the scene . . . but I didn’t see anything.” B
10. Mother’s Day 4. Summer came . . . and then autumn . . . and still
I kept waiting. A
Quick answer
5. “I remember it all,” Jim said. “I just . . . remember.” C
A. 1. Mrs Pearson thought that her family loved and 6. The entire town . . . was flooded with water. A
cared for her. 7. Lincoln . . . was very accomplished in many ways. B
2. Mrs Fitzgerald was a symbol of feminism. 8. The sun shone . . . we saw brightness at last. A
3. Mrs Pearson’s family presented themselves as an 9. “I was under the impression that . . . didn’t you
ideal family. graduate last year?” C
4. To an extent, Mrs Pearson herself was responsible 10. “I’m selfish, impatient and … as hell don’t deserve me
for her condition. at my best,” says Marilyn Monroe. C
5. Doris and Cyril understand that their mother works Listening Skills
hard. 1. Ajit Arora : Scientist, works crazily day and night.
B. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 2. Lolita : Chef, experiments with food and makes
Read to answer new recipes.
1. Though Mrs Pearson worked day and night to keep 3. Sara : Fond of playing cricket.
her family happy, she was upset by the way the family 4. Tarun : Loves reading books.
treated her. 5. Harsh Arora : CA, loves gardening.
2. Mrs Fitzgerald insists Mrs Pearson to be more
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
dominating to get respect and make herself happy.
Accept all relevant answers.
3. Doris and Cyril were disrespectful towards their mother
and made fun of her. Dictionary work
4. The souls of Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Pearson got 1. Crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ 2. Final /ˈfaɪn(ə)l/
exchanged immediately after the magic spell. Mrs 3. Grime /ɡraɪm/ 4. High /haɪ/
Pearson started behaving like Mrs Fitzgerald and 5. Resign /rɪˈzaɪn/ 6. Align /əˈlaɪn/
started behaving like Mrs Fitzgerald.
7. Why /waɪ/ 8. Lie /laɪ/
Think to answer 9. Prime /praɪm/ 10. Fight /faɪt/
1. a. Mrs Pearson (actually Mrs Fitzgerald)
b. Cyril 11. Sea Fever
c. She has joined the movement to do what she feels
like doing. Quick answer
2. a. Mrs Pearson (actually Mrs Fitzgerald) 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b
b. She means that she has already heard the jokes and Read to answer
doesn’t find them funny anymore.
1. a. The given lines have been taken from the poem ‘Sea
c. Doris was tearful after hearing this comment Fever’.
because she didn’t expect it from her mother.
b. Sailors find their way and directions by looking at the
3. a. george stars.
b. Mrs Pearson
c. He wishes for a tall ship and a star to guide him. Spelling
2. a. The sea is calling the speaker. 1
b. The speaker describes the call of the tide as wild. P u R S E
c. The speaker wants a windy day and white clouds. q
3. a. The speaker wants a merry yarn from his fellow rover.
b. He desires a good sleep and sweet dreams after the
long voyage. g I R L 4
c. John Masefield
Think to answer 5
1. It means the craze to go to the sea. 7
2. This is not the first time that the speaker is going to A T S H I R T
the sea because he says, “I must go down to the seas B u R N T I
again”. 9
3. Wind’s song, grey mist and grey dawn breaking are the M B E T T E R
pleasures of sailing according to the poet.
4. ‘I must go down to the seas again’ has been repeated
in the poem because the poet wants to stress on his
strong desire. 12. Ellora and Ajanta Caves
5. He asks for a peaceful sleep and sweet dreams.
Quick answer
Discuss to answer A.
1. Accept all relevant answers.
Ellora and Ajanta Caves
2. Accept all relevant answers.
Aurangabad-Chalisgaon road
Words in use 30 km northwest of Aurangabad
1. Lightning danced across the sky Vernacular name Verul Leni
2. Justice is blind and deaf.
Built by Satavahanas
3. The brown grass was begging for water.
4. The candle flame danced before it went out. Built in 200 BC to approximately 650 AD
5. Look at my car! Isn’t she a beauty queen? Discovered by A shooting party
6. Flowers danced in the breeze.
Art fresco
7. The trees wore a white shroud.
Famous for architecture, sculpture and painting
8. This city never sleeps.
Number of caves 100
Using grammar
1. He has washed all utensils. Largest cave Cave 16
2. He washed utensils were stacked in racks. Maintained by Archaeological Survey of India
3. Meena is looking for a rolling stone.
B. 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a
4. Meena is rolling a stone.
5. A storm is approaching us. Read to answer
1. The Ellora caves are one of the largest rock-hewn
6. The approaching storm made us sit indoors. monastic-temple complexes in the entire world. Ellora
7. He was dissatisfied by your performance. is also world famous for the largest single monolithic
8. The dissatisfied boss fired many employees. excavation in the world, the great Kailasa (Cave16).
2. The best time to visit the caves is during the monsoon.
Listening Skills 3. The volcanic basaltic formation of Maharastra is known
1 Bow 2 Keel 4 Sails 3 Stern as Deccan Trap.
Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It 4. The technique employed in the frescoes was to spread
Accept all relevant answers. on the rough surface of the rock a layer of clay mixed
with cow- dung and rice-husks. Sometimes pounded
brick mixed with fibre was added. Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
5. Accept all relevant answers. Accept all relevant answers.
6. Hinayana and Mahayana are phases. Hinyana is simpler Dictionary work
than Mahayan that has much more decorative and 1. Bird /b¨ːd/ 2. Circus /ˈs¨ːkəs/
characterised images of the Buddha.
3. Confirm /kənˈf¨ːm/ 4. Person /ˈp¨ːsən/
7. The Kalidasa temple is considered to be a magnificent
5. Her /h¨ː/ 6. Furlong /ˈf¨ːlɒŋ/
achievement of the ancient Hindus, and represents
Shiva’s celestial abode, Mt. Kailasa. It is one of the 7. Surplus /ˈs¨ːplús/ 8. Kernel /ˈk¨ːnəl/
grandest monolithic excavations in the world. The 9. Fern /f¨ːn/ 10. Nurse /n¨ːs/
architects worked from above downwards, until they
struck one gigantic solid rock, which they shaped into 13. The Whirling Seas
a temple. The hillside was cut down to the level of the
base of the hill and it has been estimated that 3 million Quick answer
cubic feet of rock were chiselled out. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c
Think to answer Read to answer
1. Accept all relevant answers. A. 1. Cyclones occur throughout the world. False
2. Accept all relevant answers. 2. Cool water decreases the strength of a cyclone. True
Discuss to answer 3. Cyclones are accompanied by strong winds,
1. Accept all relevant answers. rain and storm surge. True
2. Accept all relevant answers. 4. Cyclones occur when the air in the cloud starts
spinning vertically. False
Words in use 5. Paths of cyclones are unpredictable. True
Word with prefix and suffix Root word B. 1. Tropical cyclones occur near the tropics whereas
1. undignified dignify polar cyclones occur near the poles.
2. Tropical cyclones cause more damage as they occur
2. disrespectful respect
in more populated areas than the polar cyclones.
3. immaculately maculate 3. A mesocyclone is when part of a thunderstorm
4. illogical logic cloud starts to spin, which may eventually lead to a
tornado. ‘Meso’ means ‘middle’, so it is the mid-
5. imperfection perfect point between one type of storm and the other.
6. unimpressively impress 4. The destructive and powerful winds pick up
anything that comes in their path and flings it with
7. disqualification qualify force. Thus, they can turn into lethal missiles.
Using grammar 5. Storm surge is a raised dome of water about 60 to
1. I love my parents. 2. Birds fly. 80 km across and typically about 2 to 5 m higher
than the normal tide level.
3. Kareem flies kites. 4. He saw a movie.
6. The following factors affect damage caused by a
5. you are always late. 6. I will play the match.
7. geeta is cooking food. 8. Sabadraws beautifully.
• How exposed the location is;
Listening Skills • Building standards;
Big Ben • Vegetation type; and
Actual name Clock in the north of the • Resultant flooding.
Palace of Westminster, Think to answer
London. 1. Accept all relevant answers.
Location London 2. The author personifies cyclones by using arms and eye
Official name Elizabeth Tower for them.
year of incorporation 2012 3. The author feels that storm surges causes extensive
of official name damage because it falls on land.
year of completion 1859 Discuss to answer
Beginning of four-year 21 August 2017 1. Accept all relevant answers.
period of renovation 2. Accept all relevant answers.
3. Accept all relevant answers. The project had been completed by him.
Words in use 6. He wrote a novel last year.
A novel was written by him last year.
1. This is best (good) dress that I have. (superlative)
2. Rahul is more intelligent (intelligent) than Priya. 7. I am learning my lessons.
(comparative) My lessons are being learnt by me.
3. This is a boring (boring) movie. (positive) 8. you will write a letter today.
4. Karan is more affectionate (affectionate) than you. A letter will be written by him today.
(comparative) 9. The detective will solve this problem.
5. This cat is fiercest (fierce) in our colony. (superlative) This problem will be solved by the detective.
6. This car is costlier (costly) than the other one. Listening Skills
(comparative) 1. a. Current increase in the temperature of earth’s
7. Riya is a tall (tall) girl. (positive) surface of water.
8. I will take you to the biggest (big) park in our city. b. Current increase in the temperature of earth’s
(superlative) surface of land.
9. Denver is farthest (far) from my house. (superlative) c. Current increase in the temperature of earth’s
10. This lane is brighter (bright) than the previous one. surface of water and land.
(comparative) 2. a. 0.75 °C
Using grammar b. 1.75 °C
A. 1. Cakes are made by me. c. 0.70 °C
2. Cricket is being played by him. 3. a. Accumulation of green house gases due to human
3. Clara refused to eat. activities
4. She was seen crying by us. b. Natural causes
5. They work hard. c. Melting of snow
6. The manager has been spoken to by him. 4. a. Desertification, melting of snow and cyclones
7. The bus was missed by them. b. Desertification, sea level rise and cyclones
8. you will have to focus. c. Desertification, melting of snow, sea level rise and
9. Her favourite book was being read by her. cyclones.
10. A movie will be watched by Karen tomorrow. Writing/Speaking/Let’s Do It
B. 1. I can recognise her. Accept all relevant answers.
She can be recognised by me.
Dictionary work
2. The baby is missing the mother.
1. heat /hiːt/ 2. mercy /ˈm¨ːsi/
The mother is being missed by the baby.
3. shirk /ʃ¨ːk/ 4. turn /t¨ːn/
3. He has committed the crime.
Crime has been committed by him. 5. beach /biːtʃ/ 6. cite /saɪt/
4. The cat was drinking milk. 7. suit /suːt/ 8. fry /fraɪ/
Milk was drunk by the cat. 9. highland /ˈhaɪlənd/ 10. breeze /briːz/
5. He had completed the project. 11. school /skuːl/ 12. fade /feɪd/