Lesson 5 - Gideon
Lesson 5 - Gideon
Lesson 5 - Gideon
Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s
command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except
their own God.- Daniel 3:28
IV. . https://youtu.be/U68cIMZSgvQ?si=l8K0lEotU9z5aXDs
V. Small Groups
1. Have you ever felt scared or unsure about doing something new?
Sometimes, like Gideon, we might feel afraid or unsure about trying new things.
2. Can you think of a time when you needed help with something?
Just like Gideon asked God for help, we can ask God and others for help when we
need it.
3. Do you know what it means to trust someone?
Trusting someone means believing they will help us and take care of us, just like
Gideon trusted God.
4. Have you ever had to be patient and wait for something?
Gideon had to wait for God to help him. Sometimes, we have to be patient and wait
for help too.
5. Do you think it's important to listen to what God says? Why?
Yes, it's important to listen to God because He loves us and knows what's best for us.
6. What are some ways we can show that we trust God?
We can show we trust God by praying, obeying His rules, and being brave even when
things seem scary.
7. Have you ever had to do something with only a few friends or by yourself?
Just like Gideon had only a few friends to help him, sometimes we have to do things
with only a few friends or by ourselves.
8. What are some ways we can help our friends when they're scared or unsure?
We can help our friends by encouraging them, listening to them, and praying for
9. Can you think of a time when you did something good and helped someone else?
Gideon helped his people by listening to God and leading them. We can help others
too, just like Gideon did.
10. What do you think Gideon learned from his experience?
Gideon learned that even when things seem hard, God is always with us and helps
us when we trust Him.
The story of Gideon teaches us that even when we feel afraid or unsure, we can trust in
God's strength and guidance. Like Gideon, we can overcome challenges and do great things
when we have faith and obedience. It's a reminder that God is always with us, helping us to
be brave and make a positive difference in the world.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. – Isaiah