Kaphaja Kasa
Kaphaja Kasa
Kaphaja Kasa
ISSN: 2582-7634
Volume 3, Issue - 7
International Journal of
Indian Medicine
The respiratory ailment that affects everyone at some point in their lives is a cough. The incidence of
respiratory system-related incidents has significantly increased in recent years. The fifth most typical
symptom for which a patient seeks medical attention is kasa. In the Ayurvedic classics, Kasa is
considered as an independent disease. It may also occur as Lakshana (symptom) or Upadarava
(complication) in other diseases. It is an example of Pranavaha Srotas Dushti. According to Acharya
Charaka, the Moola of Pranavaha Srotas are Hridya (Brain, Heart) and Mahasrotas. Acharyas have
described definition, etiological factors, prodromal symptoms, symptoms, types of Kasa along with all
Pathya (wholesome) and Apathya (unwholesome) and therapeutic measures. Kasa is manifested with
the vitiation of Vata and Kapha. Understanding and differentiating Kasa is important for its effective
treatment. The study of Kasa is necessary as it can be associated with many complications if left
Key-words – Kaphajakasa, chronic bronchitis, cough, Pranvahastrotas, Kasa.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Sundarsingh K Danga
Associate Professor, Department of Kumarbhrutya,
Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur.
Email id: sunder147@gmail.com
How to cite this article : Danga SK, Kadu V. Conceptual review of Kasa with reference to Kaphaj Kasa
according to Ayurveda. Int J Ind Med 2022;3(7):14-24 http://doi.org/10.55552/IJIM.2022.3703
system, takes over the respiratory system's rigidity of the eyes, back, and sides of the
udana vayu function, and lodges in the neck chest, which causes coughing that may be dry
and chest. This fills up all of the channels in or with phlegm, thus the name Kasa (cough)
the brain and causes the eyes, mouth, sides of (the ailment is called as Kasa because it
the neck (sterno-mastoid muscle), and involves the movement of vayu and because
Abhanjan and Aksipan of the body to bend. it afflicts chest,etc).
This vayu then results in the constriction and
body), Trishna (thirst) and Vaman ✓ Kulathadi Ghrita - Ghee cooked with
(vomiting). the kulatha qwath and the paste of
❖ Treatment of Kaphaja Kasa 14,15 Panchakol is useful in, hiccups,
✓ If the patient is suffering from kaphaja asthma and, Kaphaja Kasa.
kasa is strong then he should be given ✓ He should then be administered
Vaman, barley and such other kapha upward purgation (Emesis therapy),
alleviating ingriedient as are downward purgatives (Purgation
pungent,unctuous and hot in therapy) and for the head Nasya
potencty to eat. (Nasal medication) appropriately. A
✓ The patient should take light food strong person may be administered
with the soup of kulatha mixed with strong purgatives.
the powder of pippali and alkalies. ✓ Warm decoction of Dashamoola,
✓ Pushkarmool root of Aragwadh and warm water, vines or honey water
patol should be kept in water for the processed with roots of Pushkara,
whole night next morning the water Shamyak, Patol kept overnight and
should be stained out and added with mixed with honey should be used the
honey they should be taken before next for drinking during all the three
during and after meals. times of meals.
✓ Devdaru Shati Leha (Linctuses) prepared from drugs
Rasna,Karkatshringi,Duralabha( enumerated in the following seven half
should be made to powders ) mixed verses, used along with honey cures Kaphaj
with honey and oil. Intake of this kasa .
linctus cures Kaphaja Kasa associated • Pippali, Pippali mool, Shrungavera,
wih aggrevated Vata. and Bibhitak
Pippali ,Nagara, Musta ,Pathya ,Dhatri, • Ash of feathers of peacock and cock
And Sitopala ( should be made to and Kshar prepared from Yava.
powders ) mixed with honey and oil. • Vishala, Pippali mool and Trivrit.
Intake of this linctus cures Kaphaja Powder of marich should be licked with
Kasa associated wih aggrevated Vata. honey or jongala with honey or juice of any
one out of Vyaghri, Bhringa, Vartaka, Avleha and Smoking therapy has also been
Kasaghna, Horse dung and asita Surasa told.
(Krishna Tulsi) According to Sushrut Samhita16-18
Gudadi yog Kasa refers to a sound that sounds like
Gudakshara (Yavakshar), ushna, kana and kansya-dhatu cracking (Indian bell Metal ).
dadim in the proportion of two pala, half According to where it originated, this illness is
aksha(karsha), one karsha, half karsha and split into five categories. As it was brought on
one pala irrespectively licked with honey by the body's dysfunctional Vayu, Pitta, or
cures dyspnoea and cough. Kapha, or because the organism had an ulcer
Dadimadi Yog (Kshata), or it was through a wasting process
Two pala of dadima, eight pala of (Kshayaj). Physicians who practise recognise
Guda(jaggery) and three pala of Vyosha licked these five forms of kasa, which, when fully
with honey improves taste, kindles digestion, established (i.e., if neglected), tend to cause
improves voice and cures nasal catarrh, yakshma (Phthisis).
dyspnoea and cough. ❖ Etiology with Samprapti
Other treatment : The reasons of high cough and asthma
Patha, Shunthi, Shati, murva, gavakshi, attacks are the same ones that induce
pippali and Ghana are all masserated in hot coughing, and they are outlined below. The
water mixed with hingu and saindhava and entry of smoke or dust particles (into the
taken as a drink. Similarly, musta, shati, nostrils and larynx), over exhaustion, physical
shunthi, nagar, ativisha, abhaya can also be exercise, excessive use of any dry or parched
used or the drugs coming with pathya food, any food going the wrong way,
described in the treatment of fever may be voluntary suppression of sneezing or of any
used along with bhringa acts as a digestive or natural propulsion of the body are just a few
dipyaka, trivrit, vishala, Ghana, pushkar, kana of the factors that can derange the vital Vayu
are boiled in cow’s urine or water and taken of the body, also known as Pranavayu, along
as a drink by the patient of kaphaj kasa.Kaas with other doshas (pitta and kapha). This
Nashak ghrita KantaKari Ghrita, Kantakari causes it to be quickly forced upward and
released through the mouth, where it joins
with the disorganised Udana vayu (located in with the kalka of patha vit-salt,
the trachea) and produces an odd sound that vyosha, vidanga, saindhava,
sounds like a broken Indian bell. trikantaka (gokshur) Rasna ,Chitraka,
❖ Pre-monitoring Symptoms Vata, shringi, vacha, musta and sunthi,
Itching in the throat, a sense of obstruction process curative in asthama ,dullness
while eating (Difficulty in deglutination), a of digestion, hoarseness in voice as
sticky feeling in throat and in the palate, well as the violent attacks of the
changed voice, aversion and dullness of the different types of cough.
digestive fire are the symptoms which usher ✓ Inhalation of dhuma - The patient is
in attack of all the five kasa. made to inhale the smoke of a varti
❖ Specific Symptoms (medicinal stick) composed of
A person affected with the kasa of the kaphaja bharangi, vacha and hinga ,pounded
type complains of the sticky sense in the together and mixed with clarified
mouth, a sense of physical lassitude, butter or with the scrapings of
headache, aversion of food, a sense bamboo, ela and lavana mixed with
heaviness in the body, itching, frequent bouts clarified butter.
of cough and thick mucous expectoration are ✓ Similarly a patient suffering from an
the features with which distinguishes it. attack of cough due to vaat and kapha
should inhale the smoke of a varti
❖ Treatment of Kaphaja kasa: 19,20
✓ Well boiled mudga should be taken the diagnosis of any disease. Kaphaprakopa
with powdered kantakari ,Nagara ,and is caused by the etiological element’s guru,
pippali mixed with honey. snigdha, utkedi, vijjalaahara, and
✓ Utkarika prepared with clarified diwaswapna. These Nidhana exacerbate
butter mula and truti (ela) leaves of Kapha in the uras, which prevents Vata from
vadara and a copious quantity of moving lower in the pranavashastrotas. As a
powdered nagara should be used. result, vata experiences pratilomagati, which
✓ A thin peya prepared with preceeding emerges as Kasa with Kapha Shteevana.
drugs may be taken cold in Avasthika samprati and veg kalensamprathi
combination with honey. are two categories of Kaphaja Kasa's
❖ Samprapti ghataka`s of Kaphaja samprati. Both vata and kapha have a
kasa tendency to become vitiated by the causes.
• Dosha - Kapha, Vata The early stages of samprati are
• Dushya - Rasa udanavatadusti and kaphadusti. Kapha will
• Agni - Jatharagnimandya interfere with udanavata's ability to execute
• Ama - Jatharagnimandyajanyaama its job, and these doshas will take up
• Strotas – Pranavaha and Rasavaha residence in Uraha, Kantha, and Shiras. The
Kasa (cough) can manifest as either At various phases of the therapy for
making its diagnosis difficult. The are required. The majority of the time, a
(pathogenesis), and Samprapti is crucial for Kasa must avoid things that might provoke it,
such as smoking and breathing in dust. To kaphajakasa may be connected. First and
prevent these Nidana, a person occasionally foremost, according to our acharyas, raja and
has to change his line of work. Examples dhuma are to blame for the manifestation of
include using a mask and avoiding air Kasa since they start the pathological process
conditioning. When travelling to cold in pranavahasamprati, and chronic
climates and throughout the winter, patients bronchitis can also appear in those who
should exercise greater caution. smoke regularly or are constantly exposed to
Kastoushadhi and Rashushadhi are two dust at work. In order to cure the
single medications that are recommended for Kaphajakasa, Nidana Parivarjana, various
Kaphaja Kasa. These have Kasagnaguna, Shamnoushdhis, and other Shodhana
Katu, Ushna, Tikshna, Sukshma, Chedana, techniques would be helpful. These Shamana
and Kaphanissaraka. In Kaphaja Kasa, medications most likely include expectorant,
Trikatu, Pippali, Kantakari Avaleha, and mucolytic, and cough suppressant
Agastya Haritaki Avaleha are all useful. properties.
Rasayana in kaphajakasa can be utilised with REFERENCES:
Pippali and AgasthyaHaritaki Yoga. Vamana is
1. Bramhananda Tripathi, Ashtang
the first line of Shodhana in the KaphajaKasa.
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Vamana will drive out Dushita Kapha and
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Source of Support : None declared
Conflict of interest : Nil © 2022 IJIM (International Journal of Indian Medicine) | An Official Publication
of Ayurveda Research & Career Academy.(ARCA) www.ijim.co.in Email: ijimjournal1@gmail.com