Week Ten (4 Nov): Dance Theatre (II)—Pina Bausch & Helen Lai
Reading: Ciane Fernandes: Pina Bausch and the Wuppertal Dance Theater: The
Aesthetics of Repetition and Transformation” (selected)
Case Study 9: Helen Lai (黎海寧) & City Contemporary Dance Company (HK)
Readings: 陳雅萍:〈香港作為方法:黎海寧舞作中的敘事、身體與主體探求〉
Screening: Episode of 黎海寧:《春之祭》(2019)
(R) 文潔華編《香港當代舞蹈歷史、美學及身分探求》
Make-Up Class
Week Fourteen (2 Dec) : Politics & Aesthetics in the Age of Protest
Reading: -Jacques Rancière: Dissensus: On Politics & Aesthetics (selected)
Textbooks (required)
(T)林懷民:《跟雲門去流浪》,台北:大塊文化出版,2007 年。
Suggested Readings (optional)
-Richard Schechner: Performance Studies: An Introduction
-Marvin Carlson: Performance: A Critical Introduction
-Michael Huxley & Noel Witts eds. The Twentieth-Century Performance Reader
-Simon Murray & John Keefe: Physical Theatres: A Critical Introduction
-John Keefe & Simon Murray eds. Physical Theatre: A Critical Reader
-Lizbeth Goodman ed. The Routledge Reader in Politics & Performance
4. Students who are absent from classes should be responsible for the make-up of
class activities at their own discretion.
Mid-Term Paper: 40%
Final Paper: 60%
Total: 100%
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Outcomes
Trans-disciplinary approach
Integration of theories and practices
Historical, sociological & psychoanalytical studies, including comparison and contrast
Cross cultural contexts, including local, Asian, and European traditions
Specialized and professional knowledge in performing arts
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