Columbus University - Module 6

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YEAR: 2022
Topic I: Phrasal verbs.
¿Qué son los phrasal verbs?

Los phrasal verbs son estructuras verbales compuestas por dos partículas: verbo + adjetivo ,
adverbio o preposición que sirven para definir acciones o estados específicos. Gracias a esto, de
un mismo verbo, por ejemplo, burn, se pueden crear verbos compuestos muy distintos entre sí:
burn out (extinguirse), burn down (quemarse por completo, hasta las cenizas) o burn up (causar
enojo, manejar a alta velocidad). Además, gracias a que su uso entre hablantes nativos de inglés
es muy extendido, se trata de un tema que es indispensable dominar para los estudiantes del

Tipos de phrasal verbs

Parte de la dificultad para aprender el uso de los phrasal verbs proviene de que hay tres tipos:

1. Phrasal verbs intransitivos

La acción no recae en un complemento directo porque afecta solamente al sujeto de la oración.

Por ejemplo.

• My smartphone broke down this week (Mi teléfono se descompuso esta semana).

2. Phrasal verbs transitivos inseparables

Como verbo transitivo, la acción recae en el complemento directo. Se les llama inseparables
porque la suma verbo + adjetivo, adverbio o preposición siempre debe aparecer sin alteraciones
de ningún tipo. Por ejemplo:

• I will look after my grandmother tonight (Voy a cuidar a mi abuela esta noche).

3. Phrasal verbs transitivos separables

De nueva cuenta, al ser transitivos, la acción recae en el objeto directo. Sin embargo, se les llama
separables porque entre el verbo y el adjetivo, adverbio o preposición puede colocarse dicho
objeto directo. Por ejemplo:

• You never let me down (Tú nunca me decepcionarás).

¿Cómo saber si un phrasal verb transitivo es separable o inseparable?

No hay una regla, pero hay tres recomendaciones:

1. Si el objeto directo es complejo, el phrasal verb es inseparable.

Por ejemplo: I want to take on more responsibilities in my work (Quiero hacerme cargo de más
responsabilidades en mi trabajo).

2. Si el objeto directo es un pronombre personal, suele ir entre el verbo y el adjetivo,

adverbio o preposición.

Por ejemplo: I always dreamed of asking you out (Siempre soñé con invitarte a salir).

3. Si el phrasal verb tiene dos preposiciones siempre es separable.

Por ejemplo: She will catch up with their former boss in a restaurant (Ella se pondrá al día con su
exjefa en un restaurante).

Lista de los phrasal verbs más usados en conversaciones diarias

En la siguiente tabla encontrarás 40 de los phrasal verbs principales que podrías usar en casi
cualquier conversación o contexto y que los hablantes de inglés usan frecuentemente:

# Phrasal Significado Ejemplo


1 Break Descomponer My television broke down


2 Bring up Mencionar un tema He brought up other matters in our

3 Back Echarse atrás She never back down

4 Blow up Explotar The TNT blowed up the mine

5 Bump into Encontrarse con I bumped into my uncle in the park


6 Call of Cancelar My boss called up the meeting

7 Come Encontrar He was cleaning his car and came

across across his keys

8 Clean out Limpiar They are cleaning out their room

9 Carry on Continuar Stop it! You can’t carry on that


10 Drop out Abandonar la I am thinking about dropping out my

escuela master

11 Drop by Visitar I will drop by your job tomorrow

12 Find out Encontrar They can’t find out their books

13 Get out Salir You have to get out of that party now!

14 Give away Regalar Can you give me away your sneakers?

15 Get over Recuperarse My grandfather just got over cancer

16 Get along Tener buena I get along with my mother in law


17 Grow up Crecer I didn't imagine how your son has

grown up!

18 Give up Rendirse The wrestler gave up in the last minute

19 Go out Tener una cita My best friend ask me to go out


20 Go on Seguir She has to go on if she wants to be


21 Hang out Pasar el tiempo We are so bored, how can we hang out
inside the house?
22 Hurry up Apresurar Hurry up, mom! The airplane is about
to leave

23 Look back Recordar When I am old, I will look back this


24 Made up Mentir My son made that up to avoid his


25 Mess up Arruinar What? You just messed me up the

final of the movie!

26 Set up Establecer The new government will set up next


27 Sit down Sentarse I will sit down at first row in the


28 Show up Llegar My brother never showed up in my


29 Pass out Desmayar My grandmother passed out yesterday

30 Pick up Recoger My mom picked me up after school

31 Piss off Enojar That TV show pissed me off always

32 Point out Destacar / Señalar The victim pointed out the criminal

33 Put off Posponer My son want to put off his party

34 Put on Vestir Will you put on the shirt that I gave


35 Run into Reunirse I need to run into my friends

36 Take off Desvestir Take off your hat

37 Turn Bajarle a la música Please, could you turn down your

down music?

38 Work out Ejercitarse Next year I will work out everyday, I


39 Watch out Estar alerta You better watch out your little sister

40 Wake up Despertarse I just waked up

Practice #1 Phrasal verbs.

1: GO ON = happen

• What's going on?

• There's a class going on at the moment.
• What went on last night?

2: PICK UP = get something or someone from a place

• I picked up my brother from the airport.

• Please pick up some bread.
• Would you come and pick me up from work tonight?

3: COME BACK = return to a place (the speaker is in that place)

• She came back around 10pm last night.

• When will you come back from France?
• Please come back! It's boring here without you.

4: COME UP WITH = produce an idea

• Julie came up with a great idea.

• He came up with an answer to the question very quickly.
• Can you come up with a better solution?

5: GO BACK = return to a place (the speaker isn't in that place)

• He finished his work and went back to his flat.

• When is she planning to go back to Japan?
• I'll go back to the library later.

6: FIND OUT = get information

• Can you find out what time the restaurant opens?

• I found out that we need to submit our essays next Tuesday.
• I don't know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow, but I'll find out.

7: COME OUT = appear from a place

• She came out of the kitchen.

• He went to the cafe and came out with a coffee.
• Please come out of the bedroom.

8: GO OUT = go to an event / restaurant / pub / party

• Let's go out for dinner.
• You're going out a lot these days.
• We should go out more.

9: POINT OUT = show / mention

• She pointed out the beautiful paintings on the walls.

• Please point out to the students that they must attend all the lectures.
• 'We'll miss the bus if we don't hurry', he pointed out.

10: GROW UP = become an adult

• I grew up in Scotland.
• My children are growing up too fast!
• When will he grow up?

11: SET UP = create / arrange

• I need to set up a new bank account.

• She's decided to set up her own company.
• I set up some language classes at the school.

12: TURN OUT = in the end we discover

• The maid turned out to have stolen the money.

• He turned out to be a friend of Alex's.
• The party turned out to be a big success.

13: GET OUT = leave a room / building / car

• I need to get out of the house!

• She got out of the car and went into the shop.
• Get out! There's a fire in the kitchen!

14: COME IN / INTO = enter (the speaker is in that place)

• Please come in! It's great to see you.

• She came into the living room and sat down.
• Don't come in! I'm not ready yet!

15: TAKE ON = to be responsible for

• He's going to take on the new project.

• She isn't taking on any new students at the moment.
• Could you take on some extra work?
Phrasal Verbs 1
Put in the correct phrasal verb (choose from the Phrasal Verbs 1 list)

1) Can _________________ (think of an idea) a better idea?

2) She _________________ (showed / mentioned) that the shops would be closed.

3) I wish I hadn't _________________ (become responsible for) so much work!

4) I _________________ (went to an event) for dinner with my husband last night.

5) He _________________ (entered a place where the speaker is) the kitchen and made some

6) Where did you _________________ (become an adult)?

7) I'd love to _________________ (arrange / create) my own business.

8) I really want to _________________ (leave a building) of this office and go for a walk.

9) As I arrived, he _________________ (appeared from a place) of the door.

10) She _________________ (got something from a place) some dinner on the way home.

11) Could you _________________ (get information) what time we need to arrive?

12) I thought the conference was going to be boring, but it _________________ (in the end
we discovered) to be quite useful.

13) What time did you _________________ (return to a place where the speaker is) last

14) She _________________ (appeared from a place) of the cafe and put on her gloves.
15) A performance _________________ (is happening) at the moment.

16) He _________________ (left a car) of the car.

17) He _________________ (went to an event) a lot at the weekend, so he's tired today.

18) Can we _________________ (arrange / create) a meeting next week?

19) Would anybody like to _________________ (become responsible for) this new client?

20) He _________________ (returned to a place where the speaker is) before I left.

21) It's lovely watching my children _________________ (become adults).

22) She _________________ (returned to a place where the speaker is not) to school.

23) He _________________ (showed / mentioned) the stars to the children.

24) He _________________ (returned to a place where the speaker is not) to Poland last year.

25) He _________________ (thought of an idea) a solution.

26) Please _________________ (enter a place where the speaker is).

27) At the end of the film it _________________ (in the end we discovered) that John was a
good guy.

28) Could you _________________ (get someone from a place) Lucy later?

29) We need to _________________ (get information) how much it costs.

30) What _________________ ('s happening)?

Topic: Present Perfect coninuous.

El present perfect continuous o presente perfecto continuo puede ser uno de los tiempos verbales
más difíciles para los estudiantes de inglés principiantes. Sin embargo, su buen uso permite
expresar acciones de rangos de tiempo diferentes a otros tipos de presente, por lo que es muy útil
en conversaciones sobre actividades que están en progreso.

Con el fin de facilitarte el aprendizaje de este tiempo, aquí podrás encontrar sus usos principales,
estructuras en formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa y varios ejemplos que te ayudarán a
conocer sus posibilidades. Como extra, también se incluye una lista de verbos cuyo significado
no es compatible con el present perfect progressive, como también se le conoce.

¿Cuándo utilizar el present perfect continuous?

Existen dos escenarios principales en los que se puede utilizar este tiempo verbal:

1. Acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente

Ejemplo: I have been looking for a job for three months now (He estado buscando trabajo desde
hace tres meses).

2. Acciones que empezaron y terminaron en el pasado pero cuyos resultados

continúan en el presente

Ejemplo: Have you had a haircut? (¿Te cortaste el cabello?)

Gracias a estas dos funciones, se utiliza este tiempo para resaltar:

• El tiempo que llevó una acción:

Ejemplo: You have been making that sandwich all morning! (¡Has estado preparando ese
sándwich toda la mañana!).

• La acción sobre el resultado:

Ejemplo: The neighbours have been making a lot of noise since yesterday! (¡Los vecinos han
estado haciendo mucho ruido desde ayer!).
For y since

Como te habrás dado cuenta en los ejemplos anteriores, hay dos elementos que ayudan a formar
los complementos de este tiempo verbal: for (preposición) y since (adverbio). Aquí podrás ver
cómo funcionan para establecer parámetros de tiempo.

• For (por): Ayuda a referirse a un periodo de tiempo, por ejemplo, años o días.

Ejemplo: I have been waiting for that delivery for six months! (¡He estado esperando esa entrega
por seis meses!)

• Since (desde): Permite determinar la fecha exacta del inicio de la acción.

Ejemplo: The Rolling Stones have been making music together since 1962 (The Rolling Stones
han estado haciendo música juntos desde 1962.)

Cómo formar el present perfect continuous en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e


La estructura para las oraciones afirmativas es la siguiente:

Estructura afirmativa

Sujeto Auxiliar + been Verbo en gerundio (-ing) Complemento

I have been swimming all day


She/He/It has been

We have been



En cuanto a la estructura para oraciones negativas, es esta:

Estructura negativa

Sujeto Auxiliar + not + been Verbo en gerundio (-ing) Complemento

I have not been making noise


He/She/It has not been

We have not been


Por último, las oraciones interrogativas del presente perfecto continuo en inglés se estructuran

Estructura interrogativa

Auxiliar Sujeto Been + verbo en gerundio (-ing) Complemento

Have I been eating junk food?


Has it/she/he

Have we



Verbos que no pueden ser progresivos, por lo tanto no se recomiendan

¿Por qué no todos los verbos se pueden utilizar con el present perfect continuous? La respuesta
es simple, hay verbos que indican acciones que pueden continuar por cierto periodo de tiempo,
mientras que hay otros, los verbos de estado, que no pueden expresarse así. Por ejemplo:
• Correcto: I like you (Me gustas)

• Incorrecto: I am liking you (Me estás gustando)

Por esto, los verbos del cuadro de a continuación no se pueden usar en el presente perfecto
continuo, pero sí son compatibles con el presente simple.

Verbos no compatibles con el presente perfecto continuo

Verbos de Verbos de Verbos Verbos de Verbos de

emoción posesión relacionados con pensamiento medida
los sentidos

Astonish Belong Appear Agree Consist

Dislike Have Be Believe Contain

Hate Include Hear Disagree Fit

Impress Involve Look Know Lack

Like Need See Realise Measure

Love Owe Seem Recognise Weigh

Mind Own Smell Remember

Please Possess Sound Think

Prefer Want Taste Understand

Surprise Wish
Present perfect continuous: ejemplos para practicar

Revisa aquí algunos ejemplos de oraciones con su respectiva traducción al español para tener una
mejor comprensión sobre cómo usar este tiempo verbal.

1. I have been studying piano since I was child (He estado estudiando piano desde
que era niña).

2. She has not been talking to me for the last year (Ella no me ha hablado en el último

3. Has he been selling his paintings to pay his mortgage? (¿Él ha estado vendiendo
sus pinturas para pagar su hipoteca?)

4. They have been running a lot this morning (Ellos han estado corriendo mucho esta

5. He has not been making progress in his lessons since his dog 's death (Él no ha
progresado en sus lecciones desde la muerte de su perro).

6. Has she been doing her homework all weekend? (¿Ella ha estado haciendo su tarea
todo el fin de semana?)

7. We have been feeling tired doing this every year (Nosotros nos hemos estado
sintiendo cansados de hacer esto cada año).

8. You have not been doing your chores since I gave you the video game console (Tú
no has estado haciendo tus quehaceres desde que te regale la consola de

9. Have they been reading horror stories to their little brother all the night? (¿Ellos le
han estado leyendo historias de terror a su hermanito toda la noche?)

10. We have been exercising lately to improve our health (Nosotros nos hemos estado
ejercitando últimamente para mejorar nuestra salud).
Practice #2: Present perfect.

1) She _______________ (work) here for five years.

2) I _______________ (study) all day.

3) You _______________ (eat) a lot recently.

4) We _______________ (live) in London for six months.

5) He _______________ (play) football, so he's tired.

6) They _______________ (learn) English for two years.

7) I _______________ (cook) so I'm really hot.

8) She _______________ (go) to the cinema every weekend for years.

9) It _______________ (rain) the pavement is wet.

10) You _______________ (sleep) for twelve hours.

11) I _______________ (not/work) today.

12) You _______________ (not/eat) well recently.

13) We _______________ (not/exercise) enough.

14) She _______________ (not/study).

15) They _______________ (not/live) here for very long.

16) It _______________ (not/snow).

17) He _______________ (not/play) football for five years.

18) We _______________ (not/drink) enough water - that's why we feel tired.

19) I _______________ (not/sleep) I was reading.

20) They _______________ (not/watch) TV much recently.

Videos on youtube An Introduction to
Phrasal Verbs | Learn English | EasyTeaching Present Perfect

Continuous - Lección básica de gramática inglesa

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