Ethics With Peace Education

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City ETHICS WITH PEACE EDUCATION
1st Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
Department of Social Studies

A dynamic center for the development of competent To provide the citizens of Valenzuela an efficient and
UNIVERSITY and competitive human resource as foundation for UNIVERSITY effective institution of higher learning that will make
VISION growth and advancement of the City of Valenzuela. MISSION them skillful, productive, competent, civic-minded and
STATEMENT STATEMENT God-loving toward a peaceful, healthy and progressive

We commit to promote excellence and social

COLLEGE VISION A center of excellence for teacher education COLLEGE responsibility by engaging in academic and socio-civic
STATEMENT MISSION pursuits that empower the mind and develop a holistic
STATEMENT well-being of students.

COLLEGE 1. Provide a life-long academic foundation in the social sciences particularly in the fields of communication, culture and arts,
OBJECTIVES human development, and public service.
2. Expose the students to various avenues making them independent, critical, creative and responsible thinkers, and involve
them in proactive social engagements.
3. Enliven the sense of nationalism balanced with broader understanding of, and involvement in local, national and global-related
4. Nurture an environment of discipline, integrity, spirituality, and social responsibility for students’ holistic well-being.
5. Train qualified and competent faculty members who will uphold the college’s aspirations through continuous professional
6. Conduct regular curriculum review in adherence to CHED requirements.
7. Enhance existing instructional materials in response to the students’ learning needs and the curriculum requirements.
8. Engage faculty members and students in the culture of research that will cultivate scholarly environment within the university
9. Involve faculty members and students in community-related service programs through proper networks and linkages.
As part of the core subject of the General Education Programs, the course is intended to:
PROGRAM Intellectual Competencies
OUTCOMES 1. Higher levels of comprehension (textual, visual etc.)
(CMO. No. 75, s. 2. Proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technologies)

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2017 Sec. 6.3.5) 3. Understanding of basic concepts across the domains of knowledge
4. Critical, analytical and creative thinking
5. Application of different analytical modes (quantitative and qualitative, artistic and scientific, textual and visual,
experimental, observation, etc.) in tackling problems methodically
Personal and Civic Responsibilities
6. Appreciation of the human condition
7. Capacity to personally interpret the human experience
8. Ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives
9. Self-assuredness in knowing and being Filipino
10.Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical standards
11.Ability to reflect on moral norms / imperatives as they affect individuals and society
12.Ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty
13.Understanding and respect for human rights
14.Ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development
Practical Skills
15.Working effectively in a group
16.Application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate research
17.Ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibly
18.Problem-solving (including real-world problems)
19.Basic work-related skills and knowledge




None 3 units
Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society, and interaction with
the environment and other shared resources (CMO 20 s. 2013)
This course will explain the rudiments of Ethics to the society, the significance of moral actions to daily life and to life’s
ultimate meaning. This course will serve as a guide to students in knowing morality of an action is contingent on the
action's outcome or consequence. Thus, a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome or result, and the
consequences of an action or rule generally outweigh all other considerations (i.e. the ends justify the means).
COURSE At the end of the course, the students will be able to
LEARNING 1. Differentiate between moral and non-moral problems
OUTCOMES 2. Describe what a moral experience is as it happens in different levels of human existence
3. Explain the influence of Filipino culture on the way students look at moral experiences and solve moral dilemmas
4. Describe the elements of moral development and moral experience

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5. Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experiences

6. Make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts and the stakeholders affected
7. Develop sensitivity to the common good
8. Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society,
and in interaction with the environment and other shared resources
9. Cultivate awareness, concern and behaviors that lead to peaceful relationships, conditions and structure
10.Unlearn unpeaceful patterns of thinking and relating and seek changes/ transform people’s mindsets, attitudes
and values as well as behaviors that, in the first place, have either created or exacerbated violent conflicts.


Course Outcomes Summative Assessment Details
1. Differentiate between moral and non- 1. Written Output The summative tasks are graded requirements. They
moral problems  Quiz translate the outcomes of the course into what students
2. Describe what a moral experience is  Reflective Essay are able to do given the breadth and depth of content
as it happens in different levels of  Critical Review knowledge.
human existence Essay
3. Explain the influence of Filipino culture  Position Paper
on the way students look at moral  Individual
experiences and solve moral dilemmas Situational
4. Describe the elements of moral Analysis
development and moral experience  Individual/ Group
5. Use ethical frameworks or principles to Case Analysis
analyze moral experiences Newspaper Article
6. Make sound ethical judgments based Review
on principles, facts and the 2. Non-Written Output
stakeholders affected  Oral Recitation
7. Develop sensitivity to the common  Group Case
good Analysis
8. Understand and internalize the  Poster-Making
principles of ethical behavior in  Group Presentation
modern society at the level of the 3. Midterm / Final
person, society, and in interaction with Examination
the environment and other shared

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9. Cultivate awareness, concern and
behaviors that lead to peaceful
relationships, conditions and structure
10.Unlearn unpeaceful patterns of
thinking and relating and seek
changes/ transform people’s mindsets,
attitudes and values as well as
behaviors that, in the first place, have
either created or exacerbated violent



1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Differentiate between moral and non-moral problems
2. Describe what a moral experience is as it happens in different levels of
human existence
3. Explain the influence of Filipino culture on the way students look at moral
experiences and solve moral dilemmas
4. Describe the elements of moral development and moral experience
5. Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experiences
6. Make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts and the stakeholders
7. Develop sensitivity to the common good
8. Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in modern
society at the level of the person, society, and in interaction with the
environment and other shared resources
9. Cultivate awareness, concern and behaviors that lead to peaceful
relationships, conditions and structure
10. Unlearn unpeaceful patterns of thinking and relating and seek changes/
transform people’s mindsets, attitudes and values as well as behaviors that,
in the first place, have either created or exacerbated violent conflicts.
L = Facilitates learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P = Allows student to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
O = Opportunity for development (no input for evaluation but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)

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Week 1 Introduction to Introduce self to  Lecture / Course Syllabus
3 hours Course classmates and Discussion
Grading System teachers Classroom sharing
Requirements (Introductions)
Relevance of List expectations
the Course for the course
Week 2-3 Ethics: An What is Ethics and Explain the  Discussion Quiz Rachel, James. “What is
6 hours Introduction how significant is significance of  Lecture / Morality?” Chapter 1 in The
 The Art of its study? studying ethics Discussion Oral Recitation Elements of Moral
Correct Living Philosophy. Pp. 1-15 4th ed.
 Ethical What are moral Explore and Activities: Situational Long New York. McGraw-Hill
Approaches standards and identify different  One Minute Quiz College. (2004)
 Ethical Norms how do they differ concepts and Paper on:
and Law from other rules of approaches What is Ethics Reflective Essay: Palma-Angeles, Antonette
 General and lives? related to Ethics and concepts When do you say it and Rowena Azada-
Special Ethics related to the is a moral Palacios. Medicine Prices,
What is a moral Differentiate study of Ethics experience? Price Controls and the
Foundations of dilemma and how between moral  Oral Recitation Philipine Pharmaceutical
Morality can we cope-up and non-moral  Concept Critical Paper Industry. Makati: Ateneo
with it? standards Mapping about the videoclip Graduate School of
Moral Standards  Lecture / about the Business (2011)
 Difference What is the Recognize the Discussion: implications of
between Moral advantage of importance of - Meaning of unlimited freedom Videoclip: A Clockwork
and Non-Moral owning moral moral act Morality and absence of Orange. Directed by Stanley
Standards standards freedom, zeroing Kubrick Burbank. CA,
(morality and Recognize and - Moral in on why freedom Warner Bros. 1971
Moral Dilemma ethics) over recall a moral Dilemma is crucial to the
merely abiding by
experience  Think-Pair- ethical experience
moral standards?
Freedom as a Share on cases
Foundation for Detect a moral of students’
Moral Acts/ dilemma moral dilemma
Ethics  Group Work :
Case Study

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Medical and
Medicines in
the Philippines
 Newspaper
Article Review
about existing
problems in
the country –
which among
these are
dilemma and
how can they
categorize it
 Situational
Exercises /
situations of
moral dilemma
 Videoclips –
implications of
absence of

Film Viewing:
a. Pay it Forward

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directed by
Mimi Leder
b. Magnifico by
Maryo J. Delos
Weeks 4-5 Culture and How does culture Articulate what  Lecture / Reflective Essay: Rachel, James. “The
6 hours Moral Behavior affect and shape culture means Discussion: When do you say it Challenge of Cultural
moral behavior? is a moral Relativism?” Chapter 2 in
Cultural Attribute facets of Activities: experience? The Elements of Moral
Relativism What is cultural personal behavior  Group Work: Philosophy. Pp. 1-15 4th ed.
relativism? Why is to culture Comparative Oral Recitation New York. McGraw-Hill
Analysis –
not tenable to College. (2004)
Differences in Group Work:
ethics? Recognize
cultural Comparative
differences in practice Analysis –
Why should moral behavior of  Situational Differences in
culture not be the different cultures Exercises / cultural practice
ultimate Worksheet
determinant of about cultural
values? practice
Week 6 The Filipino How is Filipino Analyze crucial  Lecture/  Oral
3 hours Way: Culture culture and value qualities of the Discussion Recitation
and Value system affect or Filipino moral
System influence our identity in their Activities:  Reflective
moral behavior? own moral  Group Work – Essay: Narrate
Description of experiences Role Playing a personal
highlights of Is there a Filipino  Poster- Making experience,
Filipino Culture understanding of Evaluate elements – about analyze how
Filipino Value right and wrong? that need to be Strengths of problems
System What are its changed Filipino Value were rooted in
influences? System Filipino
Strengths and qualities and
Weaknesses of the Are there an Asian from hindsight
Filipino Moral or Filipino recommended
Character understanding of how would
moral behavior? have done
What are its things
strengths and differently.
Week 7-8 Moral Character How is moral Recall defining  Lecture/  Oral Kohlberg, Lawrence, Essays

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6 hours and Moral character moments in their Discussion Recitation in Moral Development. Vol.1
Development developed? moral formation of The Philosophy of Moral
Suggested Group Development: Moral Stages
Moral Character Explain the Activities: Presentation– and the Idea of Justice. San
as disposition relationship  One Minute Three (3) stories Francisco, CA: Harper and
between Paper – How is featuring moral Row, 1981.
Six Stages of individual acts moral agents at different
Moral and character character stages. Groups
Development developed? identify the stages
Identify and  Graphic of agents in each
How do we get articulate each Organizer of the three cases
the highest stage of moral Making- and justify their
level, the development Circularity of answer
conscience- relationship of
based moral Check personal individual acts
decisions? growth against and moral
the stages of character
development  Character
Mandela and
Adolf Hitler
 Round Table
Discussion –
sharing of

Week 9
3 hours
Week 10-11 Reason and What is the Recall immediate  Lecture /  Position Paper: Rae, Scott B. and Kenman
6 hours Impartiality as relationship responses to Discussion: based on the L. Wong. “ A Model for
Requirements between feelings moral dilemmas role playing, Moral Decision-Making.”
for Ethics and moral Activities: given the Chapter 16 in Beyond
decision-making? Differentiate  Newspaper situation, what Integrity: A Judeo-Christian
Feelings and responses based Article – is the most Approach to Business
How can we make on reason and illustrate effective
Reasons Ethics. Grand Rapids. MI:
reasoned and those based on feelings as decision they
Zondervan, 1996
impartial moral feelings instinctive can make
Ethical decisions? Capture and considering the

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Requirement of analyze their response – following: Que, Nemesio s. S.J., “Notes

Reason and Why is reason not feelings in emotional and a. Reason on Moral Deliberation.”
Impartiality enough not personal moral reasonable b. Feelings Introduction to course notes
enough in carrying experiences responses c. Reasonable or for PH104: Foundations of
7- Step Moral out decisions?  Group Work : emotional Moral Value. Ateneo de
Reasoning Compare Situational responses Manila University
Model What is the reasonable and Analysis and d. 7-Step Moral
difference emotional Role Playing – Reasoning
Werhane, Patricia H.,Moral
Reason and Will between reason responses Students are Model Imagination and
and will and how given 3 How is will should Management Decision
do they influence situations- be shown in the Making. NY: Oxford
decision-making? Differentiate from (medical situation? University Press, 1999.
between knowing ethics), end-of-
and actually life involving a
executing good dying parent;
moral decision- payment of
making facilitation fee
to a customs
Judge their own officer by a
moral behavior in finance
terms of planning employee; and
and execution in from (ethics in
important moral government),
experiences the use of an
official car to
bring one’s
daughter to
everyday –
they are asked
to role-play.
Consider the
a. Highlightin
g in one
case an
b. On the
other, a

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 Checklist of
good moral
decisions done
for the past
Week 12-13 Frameworks and What are the Explain the roles  Lecture/  Long Quiz Aristotle. Books I-II in the
6 hours Principles overarching of mental frames Discussion: Nicomachean Ethics.
Behind our frameworks that in moral  Case Analysis Translated by Martin
Moral dictate the way experience Activities: Informed Oswald. Indianapolis:
Disposition we make our  Concept Consent – Bobbs- Merrill Educational
Frameworks individual moral Articulate what Mapping Rights of the Publishing, 1983
 Virtue Ethics – decisions? virtue ethics, (Virtue Ethics, Dying and
Aristotle and rights theory and Natural Law Rights of the Aquinas, Thomas. On law,
St. Thomas How is Aristotle’s, utilitarianism and Rights Family (Rights eternal law and natural law.
Aquinas Aquinas’ and Theory) Theory) Summa Theologiae. Vol. 28,
 Kant and Kants’ frameworks Differentiate  One Minute Gay Marriage edited by Thomas Gilby, 5-
Rights on moral Aristotle’s, Paper -How (Virtue Ethics) 97. Cambridge:Blackfriars,
Theorists disposition differ? Aquinas’ and can a person Allowing in conjunction to McGraw-
 Utilitarianism Kant’s Moral practice abortion for Hill Book Company. NY,
 Justice and What is my Theories justice and rape victims 1966
Fairness framework in fairness in his (Natural Law)
making decisions? Critique virtue actions Kant, Immanuel.
ethics, natural law  Group Work :  Individual “Categorical Imperative.” In
How can we utilize right theory and Debate on a Case Analysis Groundwork of the
justice and utilitarianism selected issue (Utilitarianism Metaphysics of Morals,
fairness – applying the translated by H.J.Paton 162-
effectively? Make use of frameworks of 176. NY. Harper and Row
The Marcopper
justice and Aristotle, Publishers Inc., 1964
Who should carry fairness and the Boac River
Aquinas and
the burden of effectively Case Rawls, John. “A Theory of
taxation? Justice’ In Reason at Work;
 Introductory Readings in
Who should Philosophy. Ed. Steven M.
benefit from Cahn and George Sher. 262-
taxes? 276. Fort Worth. TX:
Harcourt Brace College
Publishers, 1996
Week 14 Holistic What does peace Determine the  Lecture-  Acrostic Poem Navarro Castro, Loreta and
3 hours Concepts of mean? ideas and Discussion on the team Nario- Galace, Jasmin.
Peace Education concepts relevant  Concept- PEACE Peace Education: A
Does it applicable to the term peace. Mapping about  Quiz Pathwayto a Culture of
to all? the term  Critical Analysis Peace. 2010. Center for

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Explain the peace Paper Peace Education. Miriam

Do we really have importance of  Picture College, Quezon City.
peace? peace in oneself, analysis
others,  Situation
community, analysis
nation and world.  Video clip
Analyze the
current situations
of the world in
terms of the idea
of peace
Week 15-16 Key Themes of What could be the Determine the  Lecture -  Quiz Navarro Castro, Loreta and
3 hours Peace Education role of key themes different themes Discussion  Critical Analysis Nario- Galace, Jasmin.
of peace of peace  Documentary Peace Education: A
education in education. Analysis Pathwayto a Culture of
preserving the Peace. 2010. Center for
entity of peace to Analyze certain Peace Education. Miriam
the world? scenarios or College, Quezon City.
situations relevant
to the different
themes of peace

Appreciate one’s
own actions in
preserving the
entity of peace.
Week 17 The Challenges What are the Identify the moral  Lecture / Critical Essay - Friedman, Thomas. The
6 hours of Pluralism and ethical challenges challenges of Discussion Individual Case Lexus and the Olive Tree:
Fundamenta- of globalization, globalization Activities: Analysis: Understanding
lism: The Search millennials and  Round Table How do I respond Globalization. 1st ed. NY.
for Universal filinnials? Compare Discussion to the challenges Anchor Books 2000
values responses to a. What are of globalization
Globalization What is the role of shared moral issues that and the Reyes, Ramon Castillo.
and its Ethical religion in ethics? dilemmas of baby cause moral differences of “Relation Between Ethics
Challenges boomers and friction mindsets caused and Religious Belief.” In The
How does ethics millennials between by differing Moral Dimension: Essays in
Millennials and be relevant in millennials generational Honor of Ramon Castillo
Filinnials : preserving peace? Construct a plan and filinnials relations to Reyes, edited by Nemesio
Ethical for coping with and their technology and S. Que, S.J., Oscar Bulaong
Challenges and the challenges of parents? social media? Jr. and Michael Ner E.

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Responses globalization b. How do we  Mariano. 107-112. Quezon

solve City PH.,Office of Research
The Role of Appreciate the friction? and Publications, Ateneo de
Religion in role of religion in Who is Manila University, 2003
Ethics the globalized right?
world  Concept Videoclip – “Filipino
The Role of Mapping - Role American Millenials”
Ethics to Peace of Religion in Makilala TV. October 4,
Education Ethics 2014.
 Videoclip – https://youtube/H2rvFsl64k
“Filipino 8
Makilala TV

Suggested Activity:
 Panel
-with resource
Week 18
3 hours

READING 1. Aquinas, Thomas. On law, eternal law and natural law. Summa Theologiae. Vol. 28, edited by Thomas Gilby, 5-97.
REFERENCES Cambridge:Blackfriars, in conjunction to McGraw-Hill Book Company. NY, 1966
2. Aristotle. Books I-II in the Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by Martin Oswald. Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill Educational
Publishing, 1983
3. Friedman, Thomas. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization. 1st ed. NY. Anchor Books 2000
4. Kant, Immanuel. “Categorical Imperative.” In Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by H.J.Paton 162-176. NY.
Harper and Row Publishers Inc., 1964
5. Kohlberg, Lawrence, Essays in Moral Development. Vol.1 of The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea
of Justice. San Francisco, CA: Harper and Row, 1981.
6. Palma-Angeles, Antonette and Rowena Azada-Palacios. Medicine Prices, Price Controls and the Philippine Pharmaceutical
Industry. Makati: Ateneo Graduate School of Business (2011)
7. Que, Nemesio s. S.J., “Notes on Moral Deliberation.” Introduction to course notes for PH104: Foundations of Moral Value.
Ateneo de Manila University
8. Rachel, James. “What is Morality?” Chapter 1 in The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Pp. 1-15 4th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill
College. (2004)

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9. “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism?” Chapter 2 in The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Pp. 1-15 4th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill
College. (2004)
10. Rae, Scott B. and Kenman L. Wong. “ A Model for Moral Decision-Making.” Chapter 16 in Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian
Approach to Business Ethics. Grand Rapids. MI: Zondervan, 1996
11. Rawls, John. “A Theory of Justice’ In Reason at Work; Introductory Readings in Philosophy. Ed. Steven M. Cahn and George
Sher. 262- 276. Fort Worth. TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1996
12. Reyes, Ramon Castillo. “Relation Between Ethics and Religious Belief.” In The Moral Dimension: Essays in Honor of Ramon
Castillo Reyes, edited by Nemesio S. Que, S.J., Oscar Bulaong Jr. and Michael Ner E. Mariano. 107-112. Quezon City PH.,Office
of Research and Publications, Ateneo de Manila University, 2003
13. Werhane, Patricia H.,Moral Imagination and Management Decision Making. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999.
14. Navarro Castro, Loreta and Nario- Galace, Jasmin. Peace Education: A Pathwayto a Culture of Peace. 2010. Center for Peace
Education. Miriam College, Quezon City.
1. A Clockwork Orange. Directed by Stanley Kubrick Burbank. CA, Warner Bros. 1971
FILM SOURCES 2. “Filipino American Millenials” Makilala TV. October 4, 2014. https://youtube/H2rvFsl64k8


Number System Grading
Midterm / Final Examination 1.00 = 97-100
40% 1.25 = 94-96
Quizzes /Thought Papers/ 1.50 = 91-93
Seatworks / Assignment 1.75 = 88-90
2.00 = 85-87
Midterm grade 2.25 = 82-84
Class Participation / Oral
+ Final term grade 2.50 = 79-81
Presentation 2.75 = 76-78
GRADING SYSTEM 10% 3.00 = 75
Project 5.00 = Failed
= Final grade
Attitude / Attendance

 Attendance is required.
 Participation is expected.
POLICIES  All assigned works must be submitted on the assigned due date.
(as agreed by the class)  Be respectful.
 Please turn off all cellphones

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Name & Signature Consultation Schedule Email Address

Mr. Angelo P. Porciuncula


Mr. Nino Angelo S. Austria


Date Last Revised: Endorsed by:

Mr. Nino Angelo S. Austria

Chairperson, Department of Social Studies

Revision Date: Recommending Approval:

Ms. Jannet Mangabang Penuliar

In-Charge, Curriculum Committee

Approved by:

Dr. Nelda Gene C. Mariano

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dean, College of Education

Dr. Nedeña C. Torralba

University President

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