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MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

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Internal Assignment

M.C.A. 1st Year

प्रिय छात्र,

आपको MCA 1st Year के पाठ्यक्रम के विभिन्न प्रश्न पत्रों के सत्रीय कार्य दिए जा रहे है।आपको प्रत्येक
प्रश्न पत्र के दिए गए सत्रीय कार्य करने हैं। इन्हें पूरा करके आप निर्धारित अंतिम तिथि से पूर्व अपने क्षेत्रीय केंद्र
/अध्ययन केंद्र (जहाँ पर आपने प्रवेश लिया है) पर स्वयं अथवा पंजीकृत डाक से आवश्यक रूप से भिजवा
दें। प्रत्येक सत्रीय कार्य 20 अंकों का हैं। इन प्राप्तांको को आपकी सत्रांत परीक्षा के अंकों में जोड़ा जायेगा।
सत्रीय कार्य स्वयं की हस्तलिपि में करें। सत्रीय कार्यो का पुनर्मूल्यांकन नहीं होता है और न ही इन्हें सुधारने
हेतु दबु ारा स्वीकार किया जाता हैं। अतः आप एक बार में ही सही उत्तर लिखें। आप संलग्न निर्धारित प्रपत्र पर
वांछित सूचना भरकर सत्रीय कार्य के साथ संलग्न करें। सत्रीय गृह कार्य सादे अथवा रेखायुक्त A-4 आकार
के पृष्ठों पर किया जा सकता है प्रत्येक पाठ्यक्रम जैसे MCA-102 के सत्रीय गृह कार्य करने के उपरान्त
उसमें मुख पृष्ठ जोड़े जिस पर पाठ्यक्रम कोड ,पाठ्यक्रम नाम , स्कॉलर संख्या ,छात्र का नाम ,क्षेत्रीय केन्द्र
का नाम इत्यादि विवरण अंकित करे व सत्रीयकार्य को स्टेपल (पिन) कर संयक्त
ु करे । इसके उपरान्त इस
पर A-4 आकार के प्लास्टिक पारदर्शी स्ट्रिप कवर का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। इसी तरह QCA,
MCA-103, MCA-104, MCA-105 एवं MCA-E-I के पृथक पृथक सत्रीय गृह कार्य करे ।
विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा निर्धारित अंतिम तिथि तक सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रीय केन्द्र पर सत्रीय गृह कार्य जमा करवाने का
श्रम करे ।


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

MCA 1st Year July 2022 - January 2023

Internal Assignment
1. पाठ्यक्रम कोड (Course Code)......................................................
M C A -

2. पाठ्यक्रम का नाम ..........................................................................

3. स्कॉलर संख्या (Scholar No.)...........................................................

4. छात्र का नाम ..........................................................................

Name of Student (in capital letters)

5. पिता का नाम ..............................................................................

Name of Father (in capital letters)

6. पत्र व्यवहार का पता .....................................................................

Address for Corresponding

7. अध्ययन केंद्र का नाम .......................................................................

Name of Study Centre

8. क्षेत्रीय केंद्र (Regional Centre)...............................................................

Ajmer Bikaner Jaipur Jodhpur Kota Udaipur Bharatpur

जमा करवाने का दिनांक (Date of Submission) .........................................


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment-July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – MCA-102 (Application Software & Web Designing)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q. A.1Give the? correct formula for average in MS-Excel. Give an example.

Q. A.2 Write the syntax of SELECT query. Also, give example.?
Q. A.3 What do you mean by slide show in MS-Powerpoint?
Q. A.4 What is data Dictionary?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q. B.1 Describe the logical and physical data indepences?

Q. B.2 Explain hierarchical database model with example ?
Q. B.3 Describe the way to create a presentation using design template?
Q. B.4 Write short note on computer virus?
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 What do you mean by join? Explain different types of joins in SQL.
Q.C.2 What are the most common types of viruses and host types? Also explain the
replication strategies of the virus?


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment - July 2022- January 2023

Paper Code – MCA-103 (OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1 Explain various access specifier used in C + +?

Q.A.2Write a recursive function to find the factorial of positive number.?
Q.A.3 Why java does not support pointers?
Q.A.4 What is the difference while and do……. White Loop?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1write a program in C + + to print frist 20 odd natural numbers. ?

Q.B.2 Explain the concept of friend function with suitable examples?
Q.B.3 Describe built- in and user- difined exceptions using suitable example in Java.
Q.B.4 Explain the steps involved in reading and writing a file in C + +: Explain with
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 Explain various features of oop language with suitable examples?

Q.C.2 What is inheritance? What are the various types of inheritance in java? Explain with
suitable examples.


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment - July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – MCA-104 (Programming in VB and Dot Net)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1 What is an multi - threading?

Q.A.2 What do you mean bys shadowing asp.
Q.A.3 What do you mean by OLE?.
Q.A.4 Non different data types of VB. NET?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1 Describe Dot Net framework with neat diagram ?

Q.B.2 Explain (a) just in time (b) events .
Q.B.3 Explain various dialog boxes with properties & methods.?
Q.B.4 how exception handling is done in VB. Net ?
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C. Write a program to save, delete & search record in database take an suitable example?
Q.C.2 What do you mean by data validation ? Distinguisn between field level validation and
form level validation.


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment-July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – MCA-105 (Computer Networking and Internet)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1Explain why SSL is needed? Explain in vbrief.

Q.A.2 What do you mean by protocols? Why they are needed?
Q.A.3 What is the significance of firewall?
Q.A.4 What is search Engine?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1 Describe session and cookies methods in ASP with suitable example?
Q.B.2 What is e-commerce? Describe its advantages.
Q.B.3 Describe OSI model .Describe with suitable examples.
Q.B.4 What is WWW? Explain its structure.
Section - C
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 What is java Script? Write all the conditional statements in java script with an
Q.C.2 Write short note on:-
(i) Proxy server (ii) Web server


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment- July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – Elective – I: MCA-301 (Computer Graphics)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1 What is aspect ratio?

Q.A.2 What is Morphing?
Q.A.3 Define Shadow Masking?
Q.A.4 Define Grid in Graphical User technique?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1 What is the difference between interpolation splines and approximation splines.
Q.B.2 Explain Cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm with region code details.
Q.B.3 What are the two spaces in which hidden surface algorithm works. How does sorting
and coherence speed up calculation in such algorithm.
Q.B.4. Write a short note on flood fill and boundary fill algorithm.Q.1.
Section - C
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 How can polygons be clipped. Explain Sutherlanl-Hodgeman polygon clipping

Q.C.2 Explain depth buffer algorithm for visible surface detection.


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment- July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – Elective – I: MCA-304 (Advanced Web Technology)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1 Define DOM.

Q.A.2 Write a short note on HTML Frames.
Q.A.3 What is MySQL?
Q.A.4 .What is the full form of MVC?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1 Explain the HTML5 Client Side Storage in detail.

Q.B.2 What are the benefits of XML.
Q.B.3 What is server side scripting languages.
Q.B.4 Why PHP also known as Loosely typed language?

Section - C
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 Define search engines. How does it work?

Q.C.2 How various SQL Queries are executed using PHP.


MCA (1st year) Assignment July 2022-January 2023

Internal Assignment- July 2022 - January 2023

Paper Code – Elective – I: MCA-305 (Linux System Administration)
Max Marks: 20
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the
given instruction.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your
answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question
carries one mark.

Q.A.1 What is GNU and GPL ?

Q.A.2 Define the kernel.
Q.A.3 What is a shell?
Q.A.4 Which command is used to create a new user in Linux?
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each question carries four marks.

Q.B.1 Explain the architecture of Linux OS. Explain its different Layers.
Q.B.2 What is boot block, super block and data block.
Q.B.3 Explain File permissions in Details.
Q.B.4. How dfspace is better as compared to df command.
Section - C
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any one question. You have to delimit your each answer
maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries eight marks.

Q.C.1 What are the basic features of the Linux Operating system? Explain in detail.
Q.C.2 What do you mean by Proxy Server.What are the advantages and disadvantages of
proxy servers


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