HVFAC Lecture Overview Definition of HVFAC Why Class F Fly Ash? The Properties of Fresh HVFAC The Properties of Hardened HVFAC HVFAC Project Application Target Goals Results
Why Class F Fly Ash? Most of the research on high-volume fly ash
concrete has been done using Class F fly ash.
Table 1: Typical mix proportions for different strength levels Strength level (MPa) 28 Days 90 Days to 1 Year Mix Proportions (kg/m^3) Water Cement, ASTM TypeI/II Fly ash, ASTM Class F w/cm Fly Ash Replacement Low 20 40 120-130 120-130 125-150 0.4-0.45 55% Moderate 30 50 115-125 115-125 180-200 High 40 60 100-120 100-120 200-225
* Moderate and high-strength concretes need a superplasticizer to obtain a low water/cement ratio
(Mehta, 2004)
A Massive 3.5 ft x 129 ft x178 ft Unreinforced HVFAC Foundation-(65% Fly Ash Replacement) Shree Swaminarayan Mandir and Cultural Complex Lilburn, Georgia
(Garas, Kurtis, Lopez, Mehta, 2005)
(Mehta, 2004)
(Ramachandran, 1996)
Fig. 1: Typical autogenous temperature rise of HVFAC compared to that of conventional concrete with similar 28-day compressive strength
Strength Properties
HVFAC requires lower w/cm ratios to obtain comparable early age compressive strengths as conventional concrete. Adequate curing of HVFAC is critical to strength development. A minimum of 7 days of moist curing of HVFAC required for optimum strength and durability (for continued pozzolanic reactions). (Bilodeau and Malhotra, 2000) The early compressive strength is a function of the coarseness of the fly ash used and the amount of cement replaced with fly ash.
(Chindaprasirt, 2004)
(Malhotra, 1994)
The long term permeability of HVFAC is very low when the concrete has been adequately cured (at least 7 days). Using the Rapid Chloride Permeability Test, typical ranges for HVFAC are 500 to 2000 coulombs at 28 days, and from 200 to 700 coulombs at 91 days.
(Bilodeau and Malhotra, 2000)
ASTM C1202-Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (Figure: CII and CANMET, 2005)
Durability (contd)
The freezing and thawing resistance of HVFAC is adequate as long sufficient air voids are incorporated. De-icing salt scaling has been shown to be a problem for HVFAC in the lab. HVFAC is not recommended for applications where there will exposure to de-icing salts. The causes of severe deicing scaling of HVFAC has not been determined, further research is needed.
(Bilodeau and Malhotra 2000)
Durability (contd)
(ACI, 2005)
Durability (contd) Carbonation of HVFAC can be an issue. There is a reduction in the calcium hydroxide
content in the concrete due to the inclusion of fly ash.
Water to cementitious materials ratio was 0.35. Target strength for the foundation was 31MPa
at 56 days.
Laboratory Specimens
60 9000 8000 50 Strength (MPa) 56 Days 7000
Strength (psi)
6000 5000
4000 4x8-in Specimens 4x8-in Cores 3000 2000 1000 0 1 10 Age (days) 100 1000
10 6x12-in Specimens 0
Location 1 (Top)
7000 40 6000 5000 4000 20 3000 2000 10
Strength (MPa)
56 Days
1000 0
Laboratory Experiment
Laboratory Results
50 45 40 T em p era tu re ( o C ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Age (days) 122
92 82 72 62 52 42 32
Foundation Results
50 45 40
114 104
Temperature (oC)
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
84 74 64 54 44 34 18 20 22 24 14
Temperature (oF)
T em p era tu re ( o F )
112 102
Laboratory Results
9000 Charge Passed (coulombs) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1
Moderate Low Very Low High
2 3 Specimen number
Project Results The HVFAC used for the foundation did not
exhibit any thermal induced cracking.
HVFAC has proven to be effective in controlling
thermal gradients in mass concrete applications, and sufficient research exists for HVFAC to be applied judiciously in other structural applications as well.
Do not use HVFAC when there is the potential for deicing salt exposure.