Yi 2018
Yi 2018
Yi 2018
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Journal of
Materials Chemistry B
Materials for biology and medicine
Accepted Manuscript
This article can be cited before page numbers have been issued, to do this please use: B. Yi, H. Zhang, Z.
Yu, H. Yuan, X. Wang and Y. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8TB00535D.
Volume 4 Number 1 7 January 2016 Pages 1–178 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the
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DOI: 10.1039/C8TB00535D
Regenerated silk fibroin (SF) from Bombyx mori silkworm cocoon is a highly regarded natural protein-biomaterial suitable
for engineering a variety of biological tissues. Electrospinning offers a unique approach to fiber formation that can readily
produce micro- and nano-scale fibers recapitulating the ultrastructure of the native extracellular matrix. However, SF
fibers from conventional electrospinning suffer from the problem of poor mechanical properties for load-bearing relevant
tissue regeneration applications. In this study, highly aligned high-strength SF fibers were fabricated by a recently emerged
stable jet electrospinning (SJES) approach, with the aid of high molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) acting as a
fiber-forming ingredient to increase control over the jetting instability during electrospinning. Results showed that 90% of
the collected SF/PEO (mass ratio 88:12) fiber assembly via SJES oriented unidirectionally with an angle variation < 1°, and
displayed obvious anisotropic wettability. Mechanically, the as-electrospun highly aligned SF/PEO fibers exhibited a 22.0-
fold increase in ultimate tensile strength (50.85 ± 1.13 MPa) and a 49.3-fold increase in Young’s modulus (1185.99 ±
164.56 MPa) compared with the randomly oriented SF fibers. A subsequent methanol treatment further boosted up
remarkably the tensile strength to 73.91 ± 5.15 MPa and Young's modulus to 2426.13 ± 86.67 MPa. Mechanical
performance of the SF fibers via SJES was also impressive even tested in wet state. The substantial improvement in
mechanical properties of the electrospun SF fibers is attributed to the SJES-enabled higher molecular orientation and
contents of secondary structure (α-helix and β-pleated sheet), as well as the high degree of fiber alignment. Moreover,
biological tests verified that these SF-based fibrous scaffolds supported the induced pluripotent stem cell derived
mesenchymal stem cells to adhere, migrate and grow in a manner of orienting along the fiber axis. We speculate these
high-performance biomimicking SF fibers might give rise to improved efficacy while being utilized to regenerate
architecturally anisotropic load-bearing tissues (e.g., tendon, ligament, and blood vessel).
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
remarkable mechanical strength and toughness, demonstrated under stirring for 5-8 h at 72 °C, yielding a 10 wt% solution.
biocompatibility, and controllable degradation rates [13]. Many The solution was then dialyzed with dialysis cassettes
experiments have solidly corroborated that the regenerated SF (molecular weight cut-off, 14,000 Da) against distilled water
can be successfully converted to nanoscaled fibers by for 4 days to remove the salt ions. Lastly, the resultant solution
mechanical strength tends to preclude their use as principal w/w) dissolved in formic acid at the concentration of 20% (w/v).
components or deteriorate efficiency in the construction of Viscosity and conductivity of the solutions were measured with
more organized tissue structures (i.e., anisotropic tissues). a LVDV-1viscometer (Shanghai Fangrui, Shanghai, China) and
While post-electrospinning treatment with methanol [18-20] a DDSJ-308A conductivity meter (Shanghai Jingke, Shanghai,
and/or stretching [21-23] and co-electrospinning with China), respectively. Then, the spinning dope was transferred to
reinforcing nanocomponents such as carbon nanotubes [21, 24], 5 mL syringe with 18 G blunt needle for stable jet
nanohydroxyapatite [25-27] and graphene [28] have been electrospinning [30] (Figure S1) at ambient conditions (20-
demonstrated to potentiate the mechanical properties 25 °C, 25-30% humidity). Solution feeding rate, applied
effectively, some know-hows to substantially improve the voltage and roller (10 cm in diameter) speed were varied to
orientation uniformity on both the fiber and molecular levels optimize the process. For the purpose of comparison, randomly
could afford fundamental solutions to the noted problem from arrayed SF/PEO (98:2, w/w) fibers, denoted as ‘SF (random)’,
the viewpoint of processing-structure-property relationships of were also prepared through conventional electrospinning [18].
the fiber formation. All the electrospun fibrous mats were dried in vacuo at room
Generation of anisotropy in nanofibrous SF scaffolds with temperature for 3 days.
high degree of fiber alignment and adequate mechanical 2.3 Post-spinning treatments
performance is a basic step to confer orientation on cells for To enable water insolubility of the SF per se, the electrospun
regenerating those load-bearing anisotropic tissues. Herein we aligned SF/PEO fibrous mats were treated by a methanol/water
investigated the fabrication of high performance SF fibers via (90/10, v/v) solution for 10 min, from which an amorphous silk
employing a recently emerged approach termed stable jet to β-sheet conformational transition can be achieved (denoted
electrospinning (SJES) [29-31] for generating highly aligned as ‘M-SF/PEO’) [18]. For the purpose of comparison, randomly
ultrafine SF fibers for potential uses in engineering anisotropic arrayed SF/PEO (98:2, w/w) fibers were also treated by the
tissues. In this study, jet whipping motion in conventional same protocol and denoted as ‘M-SF (random)’ after the
electrospinning was eliminated by formulating the SF spinning treatment. To remove the water-soluble component of PEO, the
dope with a high molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) M-SF/PEO mats were immersed in distilled water with water-
to enable facile collection of highly aligned SF fiber arrays. We changing every 2 h at room temperature. The PEO-extracted
characterized the processing parameters-dependent fiber fibrous mats were denoted as ‘W-M-SF/PEO’.
orientation, conformational transition upon different post-
spinning treatments, and physical and mechanical properties of 2.4 Characterization
thus produced fiber structures. Lastly, murine induced 2.4.1 Fiber morphology. Fiber morphology was observed by
pluripotent stem cells-derived mesenchymal stem cells (iPS- either a Hitachi TM-1000 scanning electron microscope (SEM)
MSCs) were selected to evaluate the capacity of SJES-enabled or a Hitachi S-4800 field emission scanning electron
high alignment of SF fibers in supporting cellular recruitment, microscope (FESEM) at an acceleration voltage of 8-10 kV. All
growth and orientation. the fibrous mats were sputter-coated for 40 s with gold to
increase conductivity prior to SEM imaging. Fiber diameters
were analyzed using Image J software (NIH, Bethesda,
2. Materials and methods Maryland, USA), and fiber alignment degree |A| was evaluated
2.1 Preparation of regenerated silk fibroin from the equation |A| = |Ar - Aa|, where Ar is the real intersection
Regenerated SF was prepared as follows. Firstly, 20 g of angle between the vertical axis of an SEM image and an
domestic Bombyx mori silkworm cocoons (Anguo Yuyanfang individual filament, and Aa is the average intersection angle
Chinese Medicine, Hebei, China) were degummed with 1 L of measured from the filament population (n > 50) in an SEM
aqueous Na2CO3 solution (0.5 wt%) at 100 °C for 30 min and image.
then rinsed thoroughly with distilled water. To degum 2.4.2 Molecular structure. Polarized Fourier transform
thoroughly this process was repeated three times. Subsequently, infrared (PFTIR) spectroscopy was employed to detect the
the degummed SF after air-drying was dissolved in a ternary molecular orientation in different electrospun SF fibers [32].
solvent system of CaCl2/CH3CH2OH/H2O (1:2:8 in mole ratio) Dichroic ratio (R) of a particular characteristic peak was
2 | J. Name., 2018, 00, 1-10 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
calculated by using the formula R = A///A⊥, where A// and A⊥ grow around the fibrous scaffolds for 12, 24 and 48 h and
are the absorbances measured with incident beam polarized unattached cells were removed by rinsing with PBS. After
parallel and perpendicular to the fiber-array axis, respectively. adding fresh medium, the cells growing on tissue culture plate
To confirm the conformational transition of SF after the (TCP) around specimen was observed with an inverted
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2018, 00, 1-10 | 3
length of stable jet (up to 23 cm long), beyond which jet- noted in previous studies [40, 41, 47]. High degree of molecular
whipping occurs, can be determined for each SF/PEO orientation in the SJES is therefore associated with the better
formulation (Figure 2C). However, as the stable jet lengths macroscopic orientation of fibers.
below 20 cm, corresponding to the formulations of SF/PEO Moreover, characteristic absorption bands relating to random
coils at about 1645 (amide I, C-O stretching) and 1537 cm-1
3.1.2 Effects of SJES parameters on fibers morphology. β-sheet content up to 95.43% was observed due to the
Based on the SF/PEO 88:12 formulation, typical methanol-induced rearrangement of SF chains and the
electrospinning variables, including feed rate, applied voltage formation of distinct hydrogen bonds [14]. Interestingly, it was
and collecting speed, were varied to investigate their influences also noted that there appears absorption peaks at 1514 cm-1 with
on diameter and orientation of the fibers collected at the critical the SJES-produced SF fibers only, indicating a portion of β-
stable jet length. As showed in Figure 3A, the formation of sheet conformation (about 11.38%) formed when compared to
aligned fibers without fiber-fiber bonding requires a feed rate of the SF (random) fibers, mainly consisted of α-helix
less than 0.4 mL/h. Increasing feed rate from 0.2 mL/h to 0.6 conformation (63.68%) [49]. The unidirectional pulling force
mL/h resulted in formation of thick fibers with diameters during the SJES process is believed to play a part in promoting
ranging from 1.2 to 2.2 µm, but higher degree of the fiber the β-sheet conversion of SF [50].
orientation (the |A| value is reduced nearly half from 0.830° to Water treatment of the M-SF/PEO fibers to leach out PEO,
0.417°). While increasing the fiber collecting speed from 200 to which is a water soluble and biocompatible component but
1000 rpm, the diameter of the as-received aligned fibers were unfavourable for protein adsorption and cell attachment [18],
attenuated (from 2.4 to 1.5 µm); and only at 600 rpm was a demonstrated that soaking the M-SF/PEO fibers in water for 48
better fiber orientation formed (Figure 3B). Applying higher h (in good accordance with that reported previously [18]) is
voltages benefited for generating finer fibers; however, a adequate to remove almost all the PEO (11.57%, slightly lower
remarkable effect on fiber orientation was observed as the jet than the theoretical value of 12%, see Figure S2A-B) out of the
stability is vulnerable to the voltage applied (Figure 3C) [39]. aligned M-SF/PEO fibers. Worthy of note, there is a slight
Taken together, the optimal parameters for electrospinning morphological alteration on the treated fiber surfaces by
highly aligned ultrafine SF/PEO fibers are: SF/PEO mass ratio exhibiting shallow grooves along the fiber axis as a result of the
of 88:12, feed rate of 0.2 mL/h, applied voltage of 8 kV, PEO extraction (Figure S2C). Such kind of groove-like traces
collecting speed of 600 rpm and the gap distance of 22 cm. further affirms the advantage of the SJES method in
introducing molecular orientation. Furthermore, water
3.2 Structural characterization treatment of the M-SF/PEO fibers to extract PEO also entailed
As the mechanical performance of fibers is well-known to be slightly more β-sheet conversion (Figure 4B).
closely connected with the molecular orientation, orientation Electrospinning of the SF/PEO blend system has been well-
characteristics of the as-electrospun SF/PEO fibers at molecular studied previously [11, 47, 51-53]. As a compatible hybrid
level were therefore examined by PFTIR (Figure 4A). When system, it was demonstrated that the PEO phase in the SF/PEO
the electric vector of the incident IR coincides with the blend was dispersed as small, elongated islands within the silk
transition moment vector of a particular bond vibration, fibroin matrix and oriented along the fiber direction [47], which
characteristic peaks of the bi-component SF/PEO fibers, i.e., is partially consistent with our above observation. To verify
amide II at 1514 cm-1 and amide III at 1234 cm-1 for SF as well whether the PEO component of our M-SF/PEO fibers might
as C-O-C symmetric stretch for PEO at 1101 cm-1, all show localize on surfaces of fibers more than cores of fibers and as a
higher intensities than that in SF (random) fibers. It thereby complementary evidence to Wang’s work concerning the PEO
implies the presence of molecular orientation in the as- distribution [47], shell-core structured composite fibers (i.e.,
electrospun highly-aligned fibers of SF/PEO. The molecular PEO (shell)/SF (core) fibers) were prepared via the SJES for
orientation within fiber matrix depends on the stretching forces- soaking treatment as well in distilled water for varied periods of
resulted jet elongation during electrospinning. This has been time. This further study (Fig. S3) showed that within the first 6
well-documented in previous studies [40-44]. In our case, as the h of immersion, PEO leaching from the M-SF/PEO fibrous
charged fluid jet in SJES always keeps the extensional forces mats was reached to 88.77%. And after 24 h of leaching
stretching polymer chains along one uniaxial direction, it may treatment almost all of the PEO was extracted out of the fibers.
consequently promote molecular chain orientation by Therefore, although we are not able to determine whether PEO
preventing the occurrence of molecule relaxation, in favour of was uniformly distributed within the SF fiber matrix or more
enhancing crystallization [45]; whereas the conventional localization on the fiber surfaces, evidences support the
electrospinning is inflicted by the intrinsic jet bending situation where some portions of the PEO were presented on
instability [46], leading to poor molecular orientation as also the SF/PEO fiber surface (as demonstrated in Fig. S2C, by
4 | J. Name., 2018, 00, 1-10 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
showing grooved surface) and some portions of the PEO were functioned as a plasticizer in the process of molecular
embedded within the SF matrix. stretching. And despite of the remarkable decreases in tensile
In combination with the SJES-enabled macroscopic high strength and modulus, the measured data suggest its mechanical
alignment of fiber assemblies (Figure 3), otherwise results in adequateness of the W-M-SF/PEO in engineering some
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2018, 00, 1-10 | 5
suppressed effects were alleviated to some extent by having the Conflicts of interest
biocompatible PEO component leached out completely with
There are no conflicts of interest to declare.
medium changing. This is consistent with the previous
observation reported elsewhere [18].
engineering different types of tissues or as a cell model for and 31771050), and the Key Basic Research Foundation of
evaluating cell-scaffold interactions. In our current study, to Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology
simulate a situation of in situ tissue regeneration with the SJES- (14JC1490100).
produced fibrous scaffolds, cellular affinity was firstly
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culturing for 12, 24 and 48 h. Large numbers of the spindle-
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8 | J. Name., 2018, 00, 1-10 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figure 2 (A) Schematic diagram of the SJES process for fabricating highly-aligned ultrafine
fibers. (B, C) Effects of PEO contents on viscosity and conductivity of the SF/PEO solutions, as
well as critical stable jet lengths in SJES. (D) Morphologies of the aligned SF/PEO fibers
collected at varied critical stable jet lengths. The electrospinning parameters used are as follows:
8.5 kV, 0.2 mL/h and 700 rpm.
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Figure 3 Effects of (A) feed rates (0.2-0.6 mL/h, other parameters: 8 kV, 22 cm and 600 rpm), (B)
collecting speeds (200-1000 rpm, other parameters: 7 kV, 22 cm and 0.2 mL/h) and (C) applied
voltages (6-10 kV, other parameters: 600 rpm, 22 cm and 0.2 mL/h) on the orientation and
fineness of the electrospun SF/PEO (88/12, w/w) fibers via SJES. Scale bar = 3 µm.
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Figure 4 (A) Polarized FTIR spectra and dichroic ratio of the electrospun fibrous mats of the
aligned SF/PEO and random SF fibers. (B) FTIR spectra of SF-based fibers and quantification on
the contents of their secondary structure, including random coil, α-helix and β-sheet. (C)
Schematic of the multi-level orderliness of SF fibers by SJES, dotted downward arrows indicate
the direction of electric field.
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Figure 5 (A-B) Contact angle of deionized water as a function of time for M-SF/PEO and
W-M-SF/PEO fibers. (C-D) Mechanical properties of the SF/PEO, M-SF/PEO, W-M-SF/PEO and
random SF fibers with the stretching direction along with fibers.
Figure 6 Cellular affinity test by seeding the iPS-MSCs around the fiber scaffolds of M-SF/PEO
and W-M-SF/PEO for 12, 24 and 48 h. (A) Cell morphology observed with an inverted
microscope (the dark area refers to the fiber scaffolds). Scale bars represent 100 µm. (B) The
quantified cell number around the fiber scaffolds (n = 6). (C) The measured area of cells around
the fiber scaffolds (n = 6). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.
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Figure 7 (A) Fluorescence microscopy images of the iPS-MSCs cultured on TCP and SF-based
substrates for 1, 4 and 7 days. The F-actin (red) and nuclei of cells (blue) were stained by
phalloidin and DAPI, respectively. Blue arrows indicate the direction of fibers and yellow dotted
arrows show the infiltration of cells into the scaffolds. Scale bar is 100 µm. (B) Cellular spreading
area (n = 6). (C) Proliferation of the iPS-MSCs (n = 8 each). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.
Table1 Tensile properties of different fibrous mats tested at dry and/or wet conditions
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Table of contents entry:
The high performance SF fibers are attributed to the high fiber alignment,
molecular orientation and contents of β-pleated sheet.