Permission Thing
Permission Thing
Permission Thing
** If you happen to also normally reside in one of UP's Residences, please note that this
authorisation to access the UP Campus DOES NOT IMPLY that you also have
authorisation to return to your UP Residence. There is a separate process underway to
manage which students may return to their Residences and when.
In addition to sending you this student PERMIT, a process has been initiated that instructs
UP's Access Control system to activate your Student Card for use at UP Access Card
controlled entrances in accordance with your Permit's authorised dates.
In order to access a UP Campus between the abovementioned dates, you MUST bring with
you your student card for use at the UP Access Controlled entrance, and you must have the
abovementioned student PERMIT available to present.
Students will NOT be allowed onto campus if either:
• They were granted authorisation to access a UP Campus - but then failed to bring
their student card or permit to campus,
• They were granted authorisation to access a UP Campus - but they are attempting to
access the campus outside of the permit's authorised dates, or
• They have not yet been given authorisation by their Faculty to access the UP
Note too that your student PERMIT that is attached to this email has also been loaded onto
your Student Self-Service function as one of the UP "Communications" sent to you – and
consequently you can access it there in future should the need arise.
Validity of Permit:
1. The issuing of this permit and its validity are subject to the prevailing lockdown regulations as
determined by the Government. In light of this, this permit may be revoked by UP at any time - for
example, in the event that the Government instructs the country or province to revert to a stricter level
of lockdown. In the event of your permit being revoked, you will be advised accordingly.
2. Your permit specifies a permit end date. However, subject to the prevailing circumstances at the
time, student permits will be reviewed prior to the expiry date reflected on their permits, and where
appropriate, new permits will be issued to students extending their authorisation to come onto the UP
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Permit issued in terms of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation's
Directions on the criteria to return to public University and private Higher Education
Institution campuses as part of a risk-adjusted strategy for a phased-in return from
level 1, issued in terms of the Disaster Management Act, 57 of 2002.
I, being the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sc, with below mentioned details:
Surname Erasmus
Full names Barend Frederik Nel
UP Staff Number 93239531
Contact details Cell nr Tel nr (W) Tel nr (H)
N/A 0124204235 N/A
Email address
Physical Address of University of Pretoria, Lynwood Rd
Institution Hatfield, Pretoria
Physical Address of University of Pretoria
Campus where
student will resume
Hereby approve the return to the University Campus of the below mentioned student to
resume their studies in terms of the level 1 lockdown regulations and in accordance with the
University of Pretoria's Master Plan for phased return of staff and students to the University
Surname Vilakazi
Full names Victor Siyabonga
Enrolled for BSc Mathematical Statistics
Student number 21792802
Permit Validity 2021/03/31 to 2021/04/30
Authorised by the Registrar of the University of Pretoria - signed at Pretoria on this the 26 th
day of March 2021
____________________ ______________
Prof Caroline Nicholson (Registrar)
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10 June 2020
Dear Student,
In accordance with The Disaster Management Act of 2002, the Regulations in terms of that
Act and the relaxation of the lockdown restrictions in accordance with a move from level 4 to
level 3 of the lockdown, you are herewith permitted to resume your studies in terms of the
level 3 lockdown regulations and in accordance with the University of Pretoria's Master Plan
for phased return of staff and students to the University campuses. To this end, you will be
issued with a permit authorising you to travel to the University and to study during the period
of lockdown from a date specified in the permit until the end of the lockdown period or a
resumption of level 4 or 5 of the lockdown restrictions.
You are requested to please keep the permit safe and to carry it with you at all times when
travelling to or from the campus. If you are stopped on your way to or from the campus, you
may be asked to produce this authorisation and your proof of identification. It is thus
imperative that only you use the document.
The permit may not be duplicated or given to any other person for their use. It may also not
be used for any purpose other than that specified in the permit. Kindly note that your use of
the permit is governed by the applicable Code of Conduct for students.
The University knows that it can depend upon you to safeguard the permit appropriately
throughout this difficult time.
Your health and safety is important to us and we again stress the importance of you taking
all possible steps to remain safe as you go about your responsibilities.
We have put in place a number of measures to ensure that we comply with national
requirements for hygiene, sanitisation and social distancing. All of the facilities and spaces
on campus which are going to be used have been assessed and are being cleaned before
opening. Everyone who uses these spaces will be informed about the Safe Operating
Procedures we have developed and will be expected to comply with them
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In order to protect yourself and those around you, the Higher Health division in the
Department of Science and Innovation has launched the HealthCheck self-monitoring app,
and everyone is required by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) to
open the app every day and respond to the questions asked, before coming to campus.
You can access the HealthCheck app by using one of the following three options:
1. Go to
2. Dial *134*832*2#
3. Add to your WhatsApp Contacts: 0600 11 00 00 (
test=hi )
When you use the app, you will be asked to respond to a set of questions. Once you have
answered, the app will send you a confirmation that you are at Low Risk of having COVID-
19, and that you are cleared to enter the campus, or it will notify you that you are at Some
Risk, in which case it will indicate what you should do instead.
Please note, if the UP Security or screening staff ask to see your HealthCheck and it shows
that you are at risk, you will be asked not to enter the campus, but to go home or back to
your residence and to seek advice from your health practitioner.
We are counting on everyone to comply with the requirement for daily use of the
HealthCheck app, to look after themselves and others around them.
Kind regards
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