Snowflake SnowPro Set3 222
Snowflake SnowPro Set3 222
Snowflake SnowPro Set3 222
1. The ACCOUNTADMIN role can perform E) All of the above 6. Database designer should consider using D) All of the
the following tasks (select all that Clustering Keys when (check all that apply): above
A) The tables is very large (multi TB)
A) Configuring parameters at the B) Table is large enough to reside on many
account level micro-partitions
B) View and operate on all objects in C) Columns in the table can provide
the account sufficient filtering to select a subset of these
C) Can stop any running SQL micro-partitions
statements D) All of the above
D) Can view and manage Snowflake
7. Data Sharing Consumers will have to: D) All of the
billing and credit data
E) All of the above
A) Incur the cost of Compute (virtual
2. All security information is stored in the C) Service warehouse)
___________ layer in the Snowflake B) Must create a database based on the share
architecture? using the ACCOUNTADMIN role
A) Storage C) Can query shared objects in the same
B) Compute query that they query their own objects
C) Service D) All of the above
D) All of the above
8. Data Sharing Providers will have to: D) All of the
3. All statements are true about Data C) Schemas can above
(Storage) except: be thought of as a A) Incur the cost of the data storage -
physical grouping normal rates apply
A) All data in Snowflake is maintained of database B) May share a data set with an unlimited
in databases objects number of accounts
B) Each database consists of one or C) May set up and manage "Reader
more schemas , and, within these Logical grouping Accounts" for consumers who are not
schemas, one or more tables and/or not physical already Snowflake customers
views grouping D) All of the above
C) Schemas can be thought of as a
9. A defined data set can be shared with Snowflakes's
physical grouping of database objects
customers outside the Snowflake account is? Data
D) Snowflake does not place any hard
limits on the number of databases,
schemas (within a database), or objects 10. A defined data set is a point in time snapshot Snowflake's
(within a schema) you can create and can be updated by customers is? Cloning
131. True or False: Snowflake's metadata True 144. True or False: Snowflake supports True
repository stores references to all of landing data into internal stage on the
the micro-partitions files for each cloud storage platform?
table, as well as tracking of all 145. True or False: Snowflake tables are True
versions of the table data within the logical structures of collections of
data retention window? columns and rows of data physically
132. True or False: Snowflake's security and False stored in Snowflake's FDN files (micro-
authentication includes data partitions)
encryption using Snowflake-managed 146. True or False: Snowpipe is a continuous True
keys? data ingestion service that detects and
loads streaming data?
147. True or False: Some DDL True - deleting all rows in a 157. True or False: The PUT and False - These commands
operations are metadata table is a metadata only GET commands can be can only be executed using
only operations? executed via the Snowflake SNOWSQL client. They are
UI? not supported by ODBC
148. True or False: Stages are True
unique database objects in
Snowflake? 158. True or False: There are cases True
where separate accounts are
149. True or False: Standard False - Multi-Cluster
required such as different
warehouses can scale out to warehouse can scale out
editions or regions?
meet concurrency needs?
159. True or False: There is a False - There is no
150. True or False: Table are False
technical difference difference. The difference is
unique database objects in
between an object access in how they are used
role and a business function logically to assemble and
151. True or False: the False - The custom role role in Snowflake. assign sets of privileges to
ACCOUNTADMIN role can must be granted to the groups of users.
modify or drop objects ACCOUNTADMIN role
160. True or False: The size of the False - size of the cache is
created by a custom role? directly or, preferably, to
cache is determined by the determined by the number
another role in a hierarchy
number of servers in the all of servers in a warehouse.
with the SYSADMIN role as
of warehouses for an
the parent. The SYSADMIN
role is managed by the
ACCOUNTADMIN role. 161. True or False: The Snowflake True
Lodge is a community site
152. True or False: The closer the True
that contains the most up to
ratio of scanned micro-
date security alerts and
partitions and columnar data
product release information?
is to the ratio of actual data
selected, the more efficient 162. True or False: The Snowflake False
is the pruning performed on Lodge is a community site
the table? that does not allow members
to post questions?
153. True or False: The clustering False - Ultimately, query
depth for a table is an performance is the best 163. True or False: The Snowflake False
absolute or precise measure indicator of how well- Lodge is a community site
of whether the table is well- clustered a table is. that has technical
clustered. information for Support
Customers only?
154. True or False: The COPY Trie
command is more performant 164. True or False: The Snowflake True
than the INSERT statement? Lodge is a community site
that is the recommend place
155. True or False: The key to True
to submit support cases?
sizing a warehouse is the
experiment with different 165. True or False: The use case True
types of queries and and audience drives the
different warehouse sizes to selection of the proven data
determine the best modeling techniques?
combinations that best meet
166. True or False: The user can False - table clustering
your specific query
execute a table re-clustering happens automatically by a
requirements and workload.
to reduce micro-partition Snowflake service.
156. True or False: The number of False - it cannot exceed - overlap and speed up
COPY operations that run in there are no files to copy performance?
parallel can exceed the
167. True or False: To recluster a False - Reclustering is done
number of data files to be
table, an admin would automatically. Manual
execute the RECLUSTER reclustering has been
command? deprecated.
168. True or False: Tri-secret requires True 180. True or False: When a Resource False - credit usage of
that customers manage their own Monitor has multiple warehouses one warehouse can
keys? assigned to it, the credit quota is impact other
allocated evenly across the warehouses.
169. True or False: User can query a True
STAGE object?
181. True or False: When cloning a False - Any privileges
170. True or False: User can view and True - But the
database, schema or table granted on the source
modify Resource Monitors? ACCOUNTADMIN has
creates a copy of the source object do not transfer
to enable the user first
object along with any privileges? to the cloned object.
(by granting
permissions) 182. True or False: When defining False - Snowflake
columns to contain dates or stores DATE and
171. True or False: Users can have False - only one active
timestamps, Snowflake TIMESTAMP data more
access to many roles and they are role per session
recommend choosing a date or efficiently than
active in every session?
timestamp data type rather than a VARCHAR, resulting in
172. True or False: users control the file False - Snowflake character data type? better query
split and size of data being load determines how the performance.
and the how the data is divided data is divided into
183. True or False: Zero-Copy cloning True
into micro-partitions? micro-partitions. Users
allow a customer to provision
cannot create or
real, Production data for
configure these
development and test
environments without physically
173. True or False: Users own database False - roles own copying the data?
objects? database objects
184. Upon startup or auto-resume of a A) One minute
174. True or False: Virtual Warehouse False - Auto-Resume Virtual Warehouse, how much After the one minute -
can be configured to auto- restarts the virtual time is automatically billing to the accounts are billed by
suspend after a specific period of warehouse as soon as account: the second
inactivity, or auto-resume as soon a user requests an
as the administrator cancels the operation that requires A) One minute
auto-suspend? Compute resources. B) Two minutes
175. True or False: Virtual Warehouse in False - Virtual C) Five minutes
Snowflake is where the data is Warehouses is the D) Accounts are always billed by
stored? Compute operation the second
E) None of the above
176. True or False: Warehouse cache True
may be reset or invalidated if the 185. What are the steps Snowflake B & D - and they are
Virtual Warehouse is suspended pruning? performed in that order
and resumed?
A) Eliminate cluster key entries
177. True or False: Warehouses can be True
from any query filters
dynamically expanded to adjust to
B) Eliminate micro-partitions that
are not needed for the query
178. True or False: Warehousing cache False - Results Cache C) Eliminate columns by sorting
stores the results of the queries within the micro-partition
that have been executed for 24 D) Eliminate by column within the
hours unless the underlying data remaining micro-partitions
changes, at which point the entry E) All of the above
is invalidated?
179. True or False: What is data skew is True
when partitions in database
become disproportionately-sized?
186. What are the types of tables B, C, and E 190. What is the largest size of a C) 16 MB compressed
in Snowflake (select all that micro-partition?
A) 8 MB uncompressed
A) Regular B) 8 MB compressed
B) Transient C) 16 MB compressed
C) Permanent D) 32 MB compressed
D) Clones
191. What is the recommend size of ...
E) Temporary
files to be loaded via
F) Persistent
Snowflake's Snowpipe?
187. What are they general ...
indicators that can help A) 1 - 10MB compressed
determine whether to define B) 25 - 50MB compressed
a clustering key for a very
192. What should be done to D) Do not make
large table:
prevent account administrators ACCOUNTADMIN the
from inadvertently using the default role for any users
A) Queries on the table are
ACCOUNTADMIN role to in the system
running slower than
create objects:
expected or have noticeably
degraded over time
B) The clustering ratio for the
only one person in the
table is very low and the
organization that is not a
clustering depth is very large
188. What is the best practice for C) Create a Snowflake view B) Nothing, because
handling semi-structured that parse the semi- ACCOUNTADMIN cannot
data with 3rd party BI tools? structured column into create objects
structure columns for the BI C) Revoke object creation
A) Use the BI tool to create a tool to retrieve authorities from the
metadata object to view the ACCOUNTADMIN role
column D) Do not make
B) ETL the column with other ACCOUNTADMIN the default
columns that are part of the role for any users in the
query into a structured table system
C) Create a Snowflake view
193. When dealing with a large B) Scale up the cluster -
that parse the semi-
complex query, the user must: moving up a T-shirt size
structured column into
gives the query more
structure columns for the BI
A) Rewrite the query resources (increase the
tool to retrieve
B) Scale up the cluster size of the pipe)
D) All of the above
C) Scale out the cluster
189. What is the frequency for B) Weekly D) All of the above
Snowflake to apply software
194. When dealing with query C) Scale out the cluster to
patches to the code base?
throughput, the user must: allow for more
concurrency (increase the
A) Daily
A) Rewrite the query number of pipes)
B) Weekly
B) Scale up the cluster
C) Monthly
C) Scale out the cluster
D) Semi-annually
D) All of the above
E) As soon as they are ready
195. When might you might B) The order in which the 199. Which approach would result in D) All of the
consider specifying a data is loaded does not improved performance through linear above
clustering key and match the dimension by scaling of data ingestion workload:
reclustering the table? which it is most commonly
queried A) Resize virtual warehouse
A) When a small is get out of B) Consider the practice of organizing
sequence with the clustering data by granular path
key C) Consider the practice of splitting
B) The order in which the input file batch within the recommended
data is loaded does not range of 10MB and 100MB?
match the dimension by D) All of the above
which it is most commonly
200. Which command can be grant to roles A&D
outside of the ACCOUNTADMIN role to
C) To reorder a table to
accessing resource monitors?
match another clustering key
in another table that the
users perform frequent joins
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
196. When scaling up a Snowflake A) 2 E) CREATE
warehouse, what is the
201. Which feature does not come with the C) Hints for
scaling factor when moving
Query Profile? improving the
between T-shirt sizes?
A) Graphical representation of the main performance
A) 2
components of the processing plan for
B) 4
the query
C) 8
B) Details and statistics for the overall
D) User specified
197. When selecting a clustering E) All of the above C) Hints for improving the query
key, which of the following performance
should the developer D) Statistics for each component of the
consider (select all that query
A) Time dimensions
B) Join keys
C) Low cardinality columns
D) Predicates on tables
E) All of above
198. When sizing a Snowflake A) Number of Users - if
warehouse, which of the users are not querying the
following factors should not database, then they don't
be considered: take any resources
A) Number of users
B) Number of concurrent
C) Number of tables being
D) Data size and composition
E) All of the above
202. Which is not a B) Recover data with the cost of 208. Which of the following are security best D) All of the
characteristic of Time running backups practices for Snowflake (select all that above
Travel? apply)?
There is no cost in Snowflake for
A) Protection from running backups, purchasing A) All objects owned by SYSADMIN
accidental data additional hardware, incurring B) All roles and users are own by
operations downtime and overhead of SECURITYADMIN
B) Recover data with the additional administration C) Grant all of your roles back to
cost of running backups SYSADMIN
C) Previous versions of D) All of the above
data automatically
209. Which of the following conditions can A, B, and D
restart a suspended Resource monitor
D) Retention period
(select all that apply)?
selected by customers
(up to 90 days for
A) The credit threshold for the monitor
Enterprise edition)
trigger is increased
203. Which layer contains the Database Storage B) The monitor is no longer assigned to
data in compressed, the warehouse
columnar format? C) Increase in customer quota
D) A new time interval cycle has starts
204. Which layer contains Query Processing
E) All of the above
virtual warehouses for
data access? 210. Which of the following is not a best E) All of the
practice for loading data? above
205. Which layer does C) Cloud Services - the
Snowflake store the metadata is stored in this layer
A) Splitting large files into a greater
various statistics for
number of smaller files distributes the
databases, tables,
load among the servers in an active
columns, and files?
warehouse, thereby increasing
A) Storage
B) Split files by line to avoid records
B) Compute
that span chunks
C) Cloud Services
C) Setting all of the load files to the
D) Snowflake does not
optimal size of 10 to 100 MB in
store statistics
compressed size
206. Which layer provides Cloud Services D) The number of data files that are
centralized services for processed in parallel is determined by
the data warehouse? the number and capacity of servers in a
207. Which of the following A, C, and D warehouse
are actions that can be E) All of the above
take from a Resource 211. Which of the following is not a A) New
Monitor trigger (select characteristic of "automatic micro- partitions are
all that apply)? partitions" in Snowflake? created on
A) Suspend A) New partitions are created on properties
B) Shutdown logical properties
C) Suspend immediately B) Avoids skews between partitions Snowflake uses
D) Notify C) Partitioning is automatically physical
E) All of the above completed on the natural ingestion properties. The
order of the data partitions can
D) The natural ingestion order maintains overlap in
correlations between columns which ranges.
could be useful for pruning
212. Which of the following is not a D) Snowpipe loads data 216. Which services are multi-tenant? A & C - Compute is
feature of Snowpipe: after it is stage and the customer based
user executes the A) Global Services
A) The service can load data LOADDATA command B) Virtual Warehouse - Compute
from any internal or external C) Storage
stage No LOADDATA command D) All of the above
B) Snowpipe has a server-less - and the data is E) None of the above
compute model automatically loaded
217. Which Snowflake cache does the B) Metadata cache
C) The service provides REST within minutes after the
user/administrator have control
endpoints and uses Snowflake files are added to the
provided compute resources to stage
load the data and retrieve
A) Results cache
history reports
B) Metadata cache
D) Snowpipe loads data after it
C) Data cache
is stage and the user executes
D) None of the above
the LOADDATA command
218. Why is the following SQL There will be very
213. Which proven data modeling E) All of the above
statement not efficient in little (if any) horizontal
techniques does Snowflake
Snowflake? pruning because the
support (check all that apply)?
query is selecting all
"SELECT * FROM TABLE" of the columns.
A) 3rd Normal Form
B) Data Vault 219. With an IdP (identity provider) True
C) Star Schema configured for your account,
D) Snowflake Schema Snowflake supports using SSO to
E) All of the above connect and authenticate with
JDBC Driver?
214. Which roles does Snowflake A, B, & C
suggest to enable MFA (select 220. With an IdP (identity provider) True
all that apply? configured for your account,
Snowflake supports using SSO to
A) SECURITYADMIN connect and authenticate with
C) ACCOUNTADMIN 221. With an IdP (identity provider) True
D) User defined role configured for your account,
E) PUBLIC Snowflake supports using SSO to
F) All of the above connect and authenticate with
215. Which security features are A, C, and F Python Connector?
provided as part of Enterprise 222. With an IdP (identity provider) ...
editions (select all that apply)? configured for your account,
Snowflake supports using SSO to
A) Snowflake data encrypted connect and authenticate with
using AES 256 SnowSQL?
B) Support for encrypting data
using customer-managed keys
C) Periodic rekeying of
encrypted data
D) Support for HIPAA
D) Support for PCI DSS
F) Support for user SSO
through federated