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Snowflake Certification

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1. The ACCOUNTADMIN role can perform E) All of the above 6. Database designer should consider using D) All of the
the following tasks (select all that Clustering Keys when (check all that apply): above
A) The tables is very large (multi TB)
A) Configuring parameters at the B) Table is large enough to reside on many
account level micro-partitions
B) View and operate on all objects in C) Columns in the table can provide
the account sufficient filtering to select a subset of these
C) Can stop any running SQL micro-partitions
statements D) All of the above
D) Can view and manage Snowflake
7. Data Sharing Consumers will have to: D) All of the
billing and credit data
E) All of the above
A) Incur the cost of Compute (virtual
2. All security information is stored in the C) Service warehouse)
___________ layer in the Snowflake B) Must create a database based on the share
architecture? using the ACCOUNTADMIN role
A) Storage C) Can query shared objects in the same
B) Compute query that they query their own objects
C) Service D) All of the above
D) All of the above
8. Data Sharing Providers will have to: D) All of the
3. All statements are true about Data C) Schemas can above
(Storage) except: be thought of as a A) Incur the cost of the data storage -
physical grouping normal rates apply
A) All data in Snowflake is maintained of database B) May share a data set with an unlimited
in databases objects number of accounts
B) Each database consists of one or C) May set up and manage "Reader
more schemas , and, within these Logical grouping Accounts" for consumers who are not
schemas, one or more tables and/or not physical already Snowflake customers
views grouping D) All of the above
C) Schemas can be thought of as a
9. A defined data set can be shared with Snowflakes's
physical grouping of database objects
customers outside the Snowflake account is? Data
D) Snowflake does not place any hard
limits on the number of databases,
schemas (within a database), or objects 10. A defined data set is a point in time snapshot Snowflake's
(within a schema) you can create and can be updated by customers is? Cloning

4. Choosing separate accounts in D) All of the

Snowflake enables users to have: above

A) Different editions of Snowflake and

different regions
B) Billing at the account level
C) Simpler database object
deployment between environments
D) All of the above
5. The commands for loading data into B) COPY &
Snowflake are: INSERT


D) None of the above
11. Economy Scaling Definition: 14. How many availability zones C) Three - Snowflake
Policy Conserves credits by favoring keeping does Snowflake replicate to automatically does this for
running clusters fully-loaded rather than for disaster recovery and each account. It is built-in and
starting additional clusters, which may high availability? fully managed by Snowflake
result in queries being queued and
taking longer to complete. (default A) Zero
setting) B) One
C) Three
Cluster Starts.... D) As many as the user
Only if the system estimates there's specifies in the
enough query load to keep the cluster configuration
busy for at least 6 minutes.
15. How many cluster keys can B) - only one cluster key can
reside on a Snowflake be created on a table (natural
Cluster Shuts down....
table? key or defined key)
After 5 to 6 consecutive successful
checks (performed at 1 minute intervals),
A) 0
which determine whether the load on
B) 1
the least-loaded cluster could be
C) 3
redistributed to the other clusters
D) 4
without spinning up the cluster again.
E) it depends
12. An enterprise D) All of the above
16. How many resource B) 1
view of data is
monitors can you have at
useful because:
the account level?

A) A data set can

A) 0
be stored once
B) 1
and shared
C) 2
multiple times
D) up to 5
B) Data set
E) unlimited
provisioning is
assigned to the 17. Identify the best practices B, C, & D
owner of the data for ACCOUNTADMIN role
set and permissions (select all
C) Data sets can that apply):
be shared
securely A) This role should be given
D) All of the to any user that need a high
above level of authority
B) There should be at least
13. How can the A&B
two user granted this role
increase the hit
users should have multi-
ratio on the local
factor authentication
data cache (select
all that apply):
D) Objects should not be
created using this role
A) Seed the cache
E) All of the above
with queries
B) Increase the
cluster size
C) Alter the data
cache memory
D) All of the
18. If the Credit Quota of a Resource Monitor is F) All of 23. Non-native values such as dates and C) Both A
reached, suspended warehouses can not be the timestamps are stored as strings when loaded and B are
resumed until one of the conditions is met above into a VARIANT column so which statements true
(select all that apply)? are true:

A) A new billing cycle starts A) Operations on these values could be slower

B) Credit quota of the monitor is increased B) These columns would consume more space
C) The credit threshold for the trigger is than when stored in a relational column with
increased the corresponding data type
D) The monitor is no longer assigned to the C) Both A and B are true
warehouse D) Neither A or B are true
E) The monitor is dropped
24. The number of Snowflake credits are A&C
F) All of the above
consumed is determined by (check all that
19. In a multi-cluster environment, what are the B&C apply)
names of the scaling policies that can be
selected (select all that apply)? A) Size of the warehouse
B) Number of Users for that warehouse
A) Normal C) How long (in secs) the warehouse runs
B) Standard D) All of the above
C) Economy
25. The process of co-locates column data with B) Natural
D) Maximize
same values in the same micro-partition, if Clustering
E) All of the above
possible, is called ___________?
20. In order to query a table in Snowflake, the user D) All of
must be granted which privileges at a minimum the A) Re-Clustering
(select all that apply): above B) Natural Clustering
C) Partitioning
A) Grant USAGE on <database> D) None of the above
B) Grant USAGE on <schema>
26. Query statement encryption is supported on C)
C) Grant Select on <table>
___________ accounts? Enterprise
D) All of the above
21. ______________ is used to analyze the execution D) Query A) Standard Sensitive
details of a query? Profile B) Enterprise (ESD)
C) Enterprise for Sensitive (ESD)
A) Statistics D) Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS)
B) Metadata
27. Resource Monitor is a 1st class object has B, C, and
C) Query Plan
elements defined to its class. Select all that E
D) Query Profile
22. Name all of the file/data types that Snowflake Text
support for data loading? Delimited A) Credit terms
(CSV, B) Credit Quota
TAB, etc.) C) Triggers
JSON D) Credit Allocation
XML E) Credit Usage
Avro, F) Credit Remaining
Parquet G) All of the above
28. Select all characteristics of Snowflake's A, C, and D 33. Since Snowflake has several A, B, C, & E
Multi-Cluster environment: advantages over OnPrem data
warehouse databases, which of the
A) Multiple virtual warehouses in a following list are differentiators for
deployment Snowflake:
B) User has to specify which cluster each
query will utilize A) Single place for data, both
C) Individual warehouses automatically structured and semi-structured
scale up and down base on query B) Minimal management
activity C) Instant and live data sharing
D) Multi-cluster warehouses support all D) Pay a set monthly fee for DWaaS
the same properties and actions as and support
single-cluster warehouse E) Instant and unlimited on-demand
E) All of the above scalability in both Storage and
29. Select all layers that are part of B, D, & G
F) All of the above
Snowflake architecture:
34. Snowflake has three types of caching B, D, and F
A) Security to optimize performance. Select the
B) Compute three types of caches from the list:
C) Memory
D) Storage A) Server
E) Query Optimization B) Warehouse
F) Transaction Management C) Client
G) Cloud Services D) Results
H) Metadata Management E) Security
F) Metadata
30. Select the best description of Zero- D) All of the
G) Database
Copy Cloning: above
H) User
A) Metadata-only operation 35. Snowflake has two key features in A&E
B) No replication of data their storage architecture. They are
C) Unmodified data stored once; (select two):
modified data stored as new blocks
D) All of the above A) Time Travel
B) Time Machine
31. Select the two types of modes that a C&D
C) Time Warp
Multi-Cluster Warehouses:
D) Snapshot Cloning
E) Zero-Copy Cloning
A) Statically
F) Replication
B) Dynamically
C) Maximized 36. Snowflake includes administration A) Help control
D) Auto-Scale settings for resource consumption in costs associated
F) None of the above order to: with unexpected
credit usage of
32. Semi-structured data strings are stored D) Variant
A) Help control costs associated with warehouses
in a column with a Snowflake data type Not A) Object -
unexpected credit usage of
of __________________? key pair values
like Hadoop
B) Manage access to data warehouse
A) Object
for specified users
B) Character
C) Maintain availability
C) Varchar
D) Variant
E) None of the above
37. Snowflake includes Role-Based D) All of the above 41. Snowflake's Resource Monitors have the D) All of the
Access Control to enable following capabilities (check all that apply): above
administrators to:
A) impose limits on the number of credits
A) Limit access to data and that a warehouse can consume
privileges B) Trigger actions (i.e. like suspending)
B) Manage secure access to the when the limit is reached
Snowflake account and data C) Can only be created by an
C) Establish role hierarchy and ACCOUNTADMIN
privilege inheritance to align access D) All of the above
D) All of the above
42. Snowflake supports data in VARIANTs up C) 16 MB
38. Snowflake is currently available on A & C - Google is not to a maximum size of: compressed
the following Cloud Providers: support, but is
coming in the future A) 4 MB uncompressed
A) AWS B) 8 MB uncompressed
B) Google C) 16 MB compressed
C) Microsoft's Azure D) 32 MB compressed
G) All of the above E) None of the above
39. A Snowflake mechanism that is C) Pruning 43. The Snowflake UI is divided into for basic A) Query
used to limit the number of micro- areas. Which of the following areas is not Worksheet is
partitions scanned by a query is part of the UI: the name of
called ________? the query
A) Query section
A) Governor B) Databases
B) Regulator C) Warehouse
C) Pruning D) History
D) None of the above
44. Snowflake users with support contracts B) Send email
40. Snowflake provides specific D) Manage 3rd party that have a Severity-1 issue should contact
administration features and applications Snowflake in these ways except:
capabilities to support the following providing data to a
activities except: Snowflake account A) Snowflake Lodge - set appropriate
severity (1-4)
A) Managing databases and B) Send email
warehouses within a Snowflake C) 844-SNOWFLAKE
45. Snowflake utilizes per _______________ billing. B) Second
B) Managing roles and users within
a Snowflake account
A) Millisecond
C) Monitoring Usage and manage
B) Second
resources to control costs in a
C) Minute
Snowflake account
D) Hour
D) Manage 3rd party applications
E) None of the above
providing data to a Snowflake
account 46. SQL functionality can be extended via A, B, and C
(select all of the appropriate answers):

A) SQL User Functions (UDF)

B) Javascript UDFs
C) Session Variables
D) Only SQL and Javascript UDFs
E) None of
47. Standard Definition: 50. To help control the usage of credits in B)
Scaling Prevents/minimizes queuing by favoring starting Auto-scale mode, Snowflake provides a Scaling_Policy
Policy additional clusters over conserving credits. property, _________________, that determines
the scaling policy to use when
Cluster Starts.... automatically starting or shutting down
Immediately when either a query is queued or additional clusters. Select the property:
the system detects that there's one more query
than the currently-running clusters can execute. A) Auto_Scale
B) Scaling_policy
Cluster Shuts down.... C) Maximum_number_of_server_clusters
After 2 to 3 consecutive successful checks D) Minimum_number of server clusters
(performed at 1 minute intervals), which E) None of the above
determine whether the load on the least-loaded
51. To load data into Snowflake, what needs A, B, C, and D
cluster could be redistributed to the other
to be in place (check all that apply)?
clusters without spinning up the cluster again.
48. This type C) Metadata A) Virtual Warehouse
of cache B) Predefined target table
lives on C) Staging location with data staged
the Cloud D) File Format
52. True or False: A best practice of load and False - the
store Semi-structured data in Snowflake is data should
to parse the semi-structure string into be loaded and
A) Server
structured columns on source data load? stored in a
B) Results
D) 53. True or False: ACCOUNTADMINs are the True
Warehouse only users that receive resource monitor
49. This type D) Warehouse cache
of cache 54. True or False: A customer needs to have a False - not a
lives on preexisting account with AWS or MicroSoft requirement
the Azure in order to have a Snowflake
Compute account or to use Snowflake?
instance? 55. True or False: Al interactions with data are True
initialized through the services layer?
A) Server
56. True or False: All virtual warehouses have True
B) Results
access to all data?
Metadata 57. True or False: A materialize view in True - a
D) Snowflake will add more storage cost to material view
Warehouse the customer bill creates a copy
of the data
based on the
view definition
58. True or False: An account level Resource False - It
Monitor can override a Resource Monitor cannot
assignment for individual warehouse? override the
Monitor that is
assigned to
59. True or False: A query plan False - it can be used for both 69. True or False: Both a user defined False - Snowflake data is
can only be used for in-progress and completed Clustering Key and a Natural divided into and stored
completed queries? queries Clustering Key can be establish in micro-partitions. Only
for table? one clustering key can
60. True or False: As a general True
be used for that process.
rule, Snowflake
recommends ordering the 70. True or False: B-tree type False
keys from lowest indexes are supported by
cardinality to highest Snowflake's performance
cardinality for a clustering optimizing query methods?
71. True or False: Caching techniques True
61. True or False: A share can't True are supported by Snowflake's
be cloned by a consumer performance optimizing query
account, but the share data methods?
CAN be copied into a
72. True or False: Can a query run True
against Result Cache with no
62. True or False: A Snowflake True Virtual Warehouse running and
Role is the only thing that retrieve results (assuming the
connects Storage query is cached)?
(Database) to Compute
73. True or False: Cluster keys should False - low cardinality
(Virtual Warehouse)?
be defined with high cardinality columns should be used
63. True or False: A suspend False: Suspend Immediately columns
trigger on a resource cancels all transactions and
74. True or False: Compute resources False
monitor cancels all in-flight brings down the warehouse
used by Snowflake for data
transactions and bring (i.e Kill -9). Whereas Suspend,
loading jobs can by provide by
down the warehouse once lets all in-flight transactions
hardware provisioned by user
the quota is reached? complete normally.
directly from cloud providers?
64. True or False: A table that True
75. True or False: Compute resources True
consists of a single micro-
used by Snowflake for data
partition or no micro-
loading jobs can by provide by
partitions (i.e. an empty
Snowflake managed service?
table) always has a
clustering depth of 0? 76. True or False: Compute resources True
used by Snowflake for data
65. True or False: A user cannot True
loading jobs can by provide by
view the result set from a
user managed virtual warehouse?
query that another user
executed. 77. True or False: COPY statement False - INSERT
allows insert on SELECT against command allows the
66. True or False: A user with False - only the user who
a staged file, and a WHERE Where clause, not the
the ACCOUNTADMIN role executed a query can access
clause can be used? COPY command
can view the results for a the query results.
query run by another user. 78. True or False: Create Role can be True
granted within a Snowflake
67. True or False: A virtual False - a virtual warehouse
account by the administrator?
warehouse can only be can be resized at any time.
resized after being stopped 79. True or False: Create User True
or suspended? permission can be granted within
a Snowflake account by the
68. True or False: A warehouse False - warehouses can be
can be assigned to one or assigned to only one resource
more Resource monitors? monitor. 80. True or False: Customer has False - COMPUTE
COMPUTE choices when it comes clusters are predefined
to cluster definition? by Azure and AWS
81. True or False: Data can be shared False 95. True or False: In general, you should True
READ ONLY across accounts, and try to match the size of the
can be cloned accounts? warehouse to the expected size and
complexity of the queries to be
82. True or False: Data can be shared False
processed by the warehouse?
Read-Only across Snowflake
accounts and can also be cloned? 96. True or False: It is a best practice to True
have the majority of objects owned
83. True or False: Data Sharing is True - No update,
metadata only? no time travel, same
region 97. True or False: Metadata cache is used True
to optimize queries and improve
84. True or False: Data Sharing is only True
query compile time?
supported between accounts in the
same Snowflake region? 98. True or False: MFA (Multi-factor True
Authentication) can be used for
85. True or False: Data Storage is True
connecting to Snowflake via the
independent from compute?
Snowflake JDBC driver?
86. True or False: Different editions of True
99. True or False: MFA (Multi-factor True
Snowflake instances require separate
Authentication) is an integrated
feature powered by Duo Security
87. True or False: Drop Role can be True service?
granted within a Snowflake account
100. True or False: MFA (Multi-factor True
by the administrator?
Authentication) is automatically
88. True or False: Drop User permission True enabled for your account and
can be granted within a Snowflake available for all users to self-enroll?
account by the administrator?
101. True or False: MFA (Multi-factor False
89. True or False: Each server in a cluster True Authentication) login is desired only
has a position. Servers are always for connecting to Snowflake through
removed from the warehouse in the web interface?
reverse order of when they were
102. True or False: Micro-partitions are True - subsequent
added (aka LIFO, "Last In, First Out")
immutable? changes of any
90. True or False: Each worksheet in the True type to the data will
UI can have its on role and be set be written to
independently? additional micro-
91. True or False: Federated True partitions
authentication in Snowflake is 103. True or False: Multi-Cluster True
complaint with SAML 2.0? Warehouses support high
92. True or False: For most tables, it is a True concurrency?
best practice to allow Snowflake's 104. True or False: Multi-region accounts False - Each
automated micro-partitioning process are supported by Snowflake? Snowflake accounts
to fully manage the table's micro- is located in a
partitions? single region
93. True or False: Grant Privilege True 105. True or False: One benefit of client- True
permission can be granted within a side encryption is that it provides a
Snowflake account by the secure system for managing data in
administrator? cloud storage?
94. True or False: If you want to use a True - 106. True or False: One benefit of client- False
column with very high cardinality as a instead of side encryption is that queries can
clustering key, we recommend c_timestamp, use be encrypted on the client side?
defining the key as an expression on to_date(c_timestamp)
the column, rather than on the
column directly, to reduce the
number of distinct values.
107. True or False: One benefit of False 116. True or False: False - The primary keys and foreign keys
client-side encryption is that Since enable members of your project team to
the data is encrypted before integrity orient themselves to the schema design and
loading into storage layer? constraints familiarize themselves with how the tables
are not relate with one another. And most business
108. True or False: One benefit of True
enforced, intelligence (BI) and visualization tools
client-side encryption is the
the import the foreign key definitions with the
storage service layer only
developers tables and build the proper join conditions.
contains encrypted version of
should not This approach saves you time and is
the data?
the creation potentially less prone to error than someone
109. True or False: Pipe are unique True of primary later having to guess how to join the tables
database objects in Snowflake? and foreign and then manually configuring the tool.
110. True or False: Reclustering a True keys.
small table typically doesn't 117. True or False: True
improve query performance Snowflake
significantly? automatically
111. True or False: Referential False - Referential partitions the
integrity constraints in integrity constraints in data so that
Snowflake are enforced? Snowflake are the user
informational are not does not
enforced. need to
112. True or False: Resource Monitor False - Resource Monitor
notification are automatically notifications are disabled
assigned to ACCOUNTADMIN by default.
role? 118. True or False: False - Snowflake only deploys within it own
Snowflake VPC.
113. True or False: Retrieving results True
deploys into
of previous query from cache is
a customer
supported by Snowflake's
VPC or
performance optimizing query
119. True or False: False - Snowflake only enforces NOT NULL
114. True or False: Semi-structured True
Snowflake constraint
data can be queried using SQL
enforces all
while incorporating JSON path
120. True or False: True
115. True or False: Setting the Auto- False - the warehouse
Suspend value to "Never" will will never go into
instances in
produce efficient credit suspend mode (i.e. it will
consumption? always be running and
consuming credits)
121. True or False: False - Storage and Cloud Services layers
Snowflake are replicated
layer to the
zones within
a region?
122. True or False: Snowflake optimizes the True 133. True or False: Snowflake's security and True
storage for semi-structured data based authentication includes Multi-Factor
on the repeating elements within the authentication?
semi-structured strings?
134. True or False: Snowflake's security and True
123. True or False: Snowflake provides False - multi- authentication includes object-level
embedded multi-factor authentication factor access?
across some of its editions? authentication is
135. True or False: Snowflake's security and False
embedded in all
authentication includes Snowflake
Failures alerts?
124. True or False: Snowflake provides True - As new
136. True or False: Snowflake storage cost False - Database
"Future grants" that allow defining an objects are
are based only on a daily average of data and data
initial set of privileges to grant on new created, the
all database compressed data storage? stored for Time
(i.e. future) objects of a certain type defined privileges
Travel retention
(e.g. tables or views) in a schema. are automatically
and failsafe.
granted to a
specified role. 137. True or False: Snowflake store structure False - they use
and semi-structure data in different the same
125. True or False: Snowflake recommends True
proprietary file formats? proprietary file
using a role other than
ACCOUNTADMIN for automated
scripts. 138. True or False: Snowflake Support False
Services addresses customer issues
126. True or False: Snowflake's architecture True
covering 3rd party application
includes advance capabilities in the
configuration support?
cloud services layer that delivers
metadata service? 139. True or False: Snowflake Support True
Services addresses customer issues
127. True or False: Snowflake's architecture True
covering individual query syntax
includes advance capabilities in the
cloud services layer that delivers
query optimization? 140. True or False: Snowflake Support True
Services addresses customer issues
128. True or False: Snowflake's architecture True
covering product usage questions?
includes advance capabilities in the
cloud services layer that delivers 141. True or False: Snowflake Support True
security and authentication control? Services addresses customer issues
covering troubleshooting failed
129. True or False: Snowflake's architecture True
includes advance capabilities in the
cloud services layer that delivers 142. True or False: Snowflake supports False
transaction management for landing data into bring your own
consistent operations on the same device?
data at the same time? 143. True or False: Snowflake supports True
130. True or False: Snowflake security True landing data into external stage on the
supports user-based access control? cloud storage platform?

131. True or False: Snowflake's metadata True 144. True or False: Snowflake supports True
repository stores references to all of landing data into internal stage on the
the micro-partitions files for each cloud storage platform?
table, as well as tracking of all 145. True or False: Snowflake tables are True
versions of the table data within the logical structures of collections of
data retention window? columns and rows of data physically
132. True or False: Snowflake's security and False stored in Snowflake's FDN files (micro-
authentication includes data partitions)
encryption using Snowflake-managed 146. True or False: Snowpipe is a continuous True
keys? data ingestion service that detects and
loads streaming data?
147. True or False: Some DDL True - deleting all rows in a 157. True or False: The PUT and False - These commands
operations are metadata table is a metadata only GET commands can be can only be executed using
only operations? executed via the Snowflake SNOWSQL client. They are
UI? not supported by ODBC
148. True or False: Stages are True
unique database objects in
Snowflake? 158. True or False: There are cases True
where separate accounts are
149. True or False: Standard False - Multi-Cluster
required such as different
warehouses can scale out to warehouse can scale out
editions or regions?
meet concurrency needs?
159. True or False: There is a False - There is no
150. True or False: Table are False
technical difference difference. The difference is
unique database objects in
between an object access in how they are used
role and a business function logically to assemble and
151. True or False: the False - The custom role role in Snowflake. assign sets of privileges to
ACCOUNTADMIN role can must be granted to the groups of users.
modify or drop objects ACCOUNTADMIN role
160. True or False: The size of the False - size of the cache is
created by a custom role? directly or, preferably, to
cache is determined by the determined by the number
another role in a hierarchy
number of servers in the all of servers in a warehouse.
with the SYSADMIN role as
of warehouses for an
the parent. The SYSADMIN
role is managed by the
ACCOUNTADMIN role. 161. True or False: The Snowflake True
Lodge is a community site
152. True or False: The closer the True
that contains the most up to
ratio of scanned micro-
date security alerts and
partitions and columnar data
product release information?
is to the ratio of actual data
selected, the more efficient 162. True or False: The Snowflake False
is the pruning performed on Lodge is a community site
the table? that does not allow members
to post questions?
153. True or False: The clustering False - Ultimately, query
depth for a table is an performance is the best 163. True or False: The Snowflake False
absolute or precise measure indicator of how well- Lodge is a community site
of whether the table is well- clustered a table is. that has technical
clustered. information for Support
Customers only?
154. True or False: The COPY Trie
command is more performant 164. True or False: The Snowflake True
than the INSERT statement? Lodge is a community site
that is the recommend place
155. True or False: The key to True
to submit support cases?
sizing a warehouse is the
experiment with different 165. True or False: The use case True
types of queries and and audience drives the
different warehouse sizes to selection of the proven data
determine the best modeling techniques?
combinations that best meet
166. True or False: The user can False - table clustering
your specific query
execute a table re-clustering happens automatically by a
requirements and workload.
to reduce micro-partition Snowflake service.
156. True or False: The number of False - it cannot exceed - overlap and speed up
COPY operations that run in there are no files to copy performance?
parallel can exceed the
167. True or False: To recluster a False - Reclustering is done
number of data files to be
table, an admin would automatically. Manual
execute the RECLUSTER reclustering has been
command? deprecated.
168. True or False: Tri-secret requires True 180. True or False: When a Resource False - credit usage of
that customers manage their own Monitor has multiple warehouses one warehouse can
keys? assigned to it, the credit quota is impact other
allocated evenly across the warehouses.
169. True or False: User can query a True
STAGE object?
181. True or False: When cloning a False - Any privileges
170. True or False: User can view and True - But the
database, schema or table granted on the source
modify Resource Monitors? ACCOUNTADMIN has
creates a copy of the source object do not transfer
to enable the user first
object along with any privileges? to the cloned object.
(by granting
permissions) 182. True or False: When defining False - Snowflake
columns to contain dates or stores DATE and
171. True or False: Users can have False - only one active
timestamps, Snowflake TIMESTAMP data more
access to many roles and they are role per session
recommend choosing a date or efficiently than
active in every session?
timestamp data type rather than a VARCHAR, resulting in
172. True or False: users control the file False - Snowflake character data type? better query
split and size of data being load determines how the performance.
and the how the data is divided data is divided into
183. True or False: Zero-Copy cloning True
into micro-partitions? micro-partitions. Users
allow a customer to provision
cannot create or
real, Production data for
configure these
development and test
environments without physically
173. True or False: Users own database False - roles own copying the data?
objects? database objects
184. Upon startup or auto-resume of a A) One minute
174. True or False: Virtual Warehouse False - Auto-Resume Virtual Warehouse, how much After the one minute -
can be configured to auto- restarts the virtual time is automatically billing to the accounts are billed by
suspend after a specific period of warehouse as soon as account: the second
inactivity, or auto-resume as soon a user requests an
as the administrator cancels the operation that requires A) One minute
auto-suspend? Compute resources. B) Two minutes
175. True or False: Virtual Warehouse in False - Virtual C) Five minutes
Snowflake is where the data is Warehouses is the D) Accounts are always billed by
stored? Compute operation the second
E) None of the above
176. True or False: Warehouse cache True
may be reset or invalidated if the 185. What are the steps Snowflake B & D - and they are
Virtual Warehouse is suspended pruning? performed in that order
and resumed?
A) Eliminate cluster key entries
177. True or False: Warehouses can be True
from any query filters
dynamically expanded to adjust to
B) Eliminate micro-partitions that
are not needed for the query
178. True or False: Warehousing cache False - Results Cache C) Eliminate columns by sorting
stores the results of the queries within the micro-partition
that have been executed for 24 D) Eliminate by column within the
hours unless the underlying data remaining micro-partitions
changes, at which point the entry E) All of the above
is invalidated?
179. True or False: What is data skew is True
when partitions in database
become disproportionately-sized?
186. What are the types of tables B, C, and E 190. What is the largest size of a C) 16 MB compressed
in Snowflake (select all that micro-partition?
A) 8 MB uncompressed
A) Regular B) 8 MB compressed
B) Transient C) 16 MB compressed
C) Permanent D) 32 MB compressed
D) Clones
191. What is the recommend size of ...
E) Temporary
files to be loaded via
F) Persistent
Snowflake's Snowpipe?
187. What are they general ...
indicators that can help A) 1 - 10MB compressed
determine whether to define B) 25 - 50MB compressed
a clustering key for a very
192. What should be done to D) Do not make
large table:
prevent account administrators ACCOUNTADMIN the
from inadvertently using the default role for any users
A) Queries on the table are
ACCOUNTADMIN role to in the system
running slower than
create objects:
expected or have noticeably
degraded over time
B) The clustering ratio for the
only one person in the
table is very low and the
organization that is not a
clustering depth is very large
188. What is the best practice for C) Create a Snowflake view B) Nothing, because
handling semi-structured that parse the semi- ACCOUNTADMIN cannot
data with 3rd party BI tools? structured column into create objects
structure columns for the BI C) Revoke object creation
A) Use the BI tool to create a tool to retrieve authorities from the
metadata object to view the ACCOUNTADMIN role
column D) Do not make
B) ETL the column with other ACCOUNTADMIN the default
columns that are part of the role for any users in the
query into a structured table system
C) Create a Snowflake view
193. When dealing with a large B) Scale up the cluster -
that parse the semi-
complex query, the user must: moving up a T-shirt size
structured column into
gives the query more
structure columns for the BI
A) Rewrite the query resources (increase the
tool to retrieve
B) Scale up the cluster size of the pipe)
D) All of the above
C) Scale out the cluster
189. What is the frequency for B) Weekly D) All of the above
Snowflake to apply software
194. When dealing with query C) Scale out the cluster to
patches to the code base?
throughput, the user must: allow for more
concurrency (increase the
A) Daily
A) Rewrite the query number of pipes)
B) Weekly
B) Scale up the cluster
C) Monthly
C) Scale out the cluster
D) Semi-annually
D) All of the above
E) As soon as they are ready
195. When might you might B) The order in which the 199. Which approach would result in D) All of the
consider specifying a data is loaded does not improved performance through linear above
clustering key and match the dimension by scaling of data ingestion workload:
reclustering the table? which it is most commonly
queried A) Resize virtual warehouse
A) When a small is get out of B) Consider the practice of organizing
sequence with the clustering data by granular path
key C) Consider the practice of splitting
B) The order in which the input file batch within the recommended
data is loaded does not range of 10MB and 100MB?
match the dimension by D) All of the above
which it is most commonly
200. Which command can be grant to roles A&D
outside of the ACCOUNTADMIN role to
C) To reorder a table to
accessing resource monitors?
match another clustering key
in another table that the
users perform frequent joins
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
196. When scaling up a Snowflake A) 2 E) CREATE
warehouse, what is the
201. Which feature does not come with the C) Hints for
scaling factor when moving
Query Profile? improving the
between T-shirt sizes?
A) Graphical representation of the main performance
A) 2
components of the processing plan for
B) 4
the query
C) 8
B) Details and statistics for the overall
D) User specified
197. When selecting a clustering E) All of the above C) Hints for improving the query
key, which of the following performance
should the developer D) Statistics for each component of the
consider (select all that query

A) Time dimensions
B) Join keys
C) Low cardinality columns
D) Predicates on tables
E) All of above
198. When sizing a Snowflake A) Number of Users - if
warehouse, which of the users are not querying the
following factors should not database, then they don't
be considered: take any resources

A) Number of users
B) Number of concurrent
C) Number of tables being
D) Data size and composition
E) All of the above
202. Which is not a B) Recover data with the cost of 208. Which of the following are security best D) All of the
characteristic of Time running backups practices for Snowflake (select all that above
Travel? apply)?
There is no cost in Snowflake for
A) Protection from running backups, purchasing A) All objects owned by SYSADMIN
accidental data additional hardware, incurring B) All roles and users are own by
operations downtime and overhead of SECURITYADMIN
B) Recover data with the additional administration C) Grant all of your roles back to
cost of running backups SYSADMIN
C) Previous versions of D) All of the above
data automatically
209. Which of the following conditions can A, B, and D
restart a suspended Resource monitor
D) Retention period
(select all that apply)?
selected by customers
(up to 90 days for
A) The credit threshold for the monitor
Enterprise edition)
trigger is increased
203. Which layer contains the Database Storage B) The monitor is no longer assigned to
data in compressed, the warehouse
columnar format? C) Increase in customer quota
D) A new time interval cycle has starts
204. Which layer contains Query Processing
E) All of the above
virtual warehouses for
data access? 210. Which of the following is not a best E) All of the
practice for loading data? above
205. Which layer does C) Cloud Services - the
Snowflake store the metadata is stored in this layer
A) Splitting large files into a greater
various statistics for
number of smaller files distributes the
databases, tables,
load among the servers in an active
columns, and files?
warehouse, thereby increasing
A) Storage
B) Split files by line to avoid records
B) Compute
that span chunks
C) Cloud Services
C) Setting all of the load files to the
D) Snowflake does not
optimal size of 10 to 100 MB in
store statistics
compressed size
206. Which layer provides Cloud Services D) The number of data files that are
centralized services for processed in parallel is determined by
the data warehouse? the number and capacity of servers in a
207. Which of the following A, C, and D warehouse
are actions that can be E) All of the above
take from a Resource 211. Which of the following is not a A) New
Monitor trigger (select characteristic of "automatic micro- partitions are
all that apply)? partitions" in Snowflake? created on
A) Suspend A) New partitions are created on properties
B) Shutdown logical properties
C) Suspend immediately B) Avoids skews between partitions Snowflake uses
D) Notify C) Partitioning is automatically physical
E) All of the above completed on the natural ingestion properties. The
order of the data partitions can
D) The natural ingestion order maintains overlap in
correlations between columns which ranges.
could be useful for pruning
212. Which of the following is not a D) Snowpipe loads data 216. Which services are multi-tenant? A & C - Compute is
feature of Snowpipe: after it is stage and the customer based
user executes the A) Global Services
A) The service can load data LOADDATA command B) Virtual Warehouse - Compute
from any internal or external C) Storage
stage No LOADDATA command D) All of the above
B) Snowpipe has a server-less - and the data is E) None of the above
compute model automatically loaded
217. Which Snowflake cache does the B) Metadata cache
C) The service provides REST within minutes after the
user/administrator have control
endpoints and uses Snowflake files are added to the
provided compute resources to stage
load the data and retrieve
A) Results cache
history reports
B) Metadata cache
D) Snowpipe loads data after it
C) Data cache
is stage and the user executes
D) None of the above
the LOADDATA command
218. Why is the following SQL There will be very
213. Which proven data modeling E) All of the above
statement not efficient in little (if any) horizontal
techniques does Snowflake
Snowflake? pruning because the
support (check all that apply)?
query is selecting all
"SELECT * FROM TABLE" of the columns.
A) 3rd Normal Form
B) Data Vault 219. With an IdP (identity provider) True
C) Star Schema configured for your account,
D) Snowflake Schema Snowflake supports using SSO to
E) All of the above connect and authenticate with
JDBC Driver?
214. Which roles does Snowflake A, B, & C
suggest to enable MFA (select 220. With an IdP (identity provider) True
all that apply? configured for your account,
Snowflake supports using SSO to
A) SECURITYADMIN connect and authenticate with
C) ACCOUNTADMIN 221. With an IdP (identity provider) True
D) User defined role configured for your account,
E) PUBLIC Snowflake supports using SSO to
F) All of the above connect and authenticate with
215. Which security features are A, C, and F Python Connector?
provided as part of Enterprise 222. With an IdP (identity provider) ...
editions (select all that apply)? configured for your account,
Snowflake supports using SSO to
A) Snowflake data encrypted connect and authenticate with
using AES 256 SnowSQL?
B) Support for encrypting data
using customer-managed keys
C) Periodic rekeying of
encrypted data
D) Support for HIPAA
D) Support for PCI DSS
F) Support for user SSO
through federated

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