원더토플 라스
원더토플 라스
원더토플 라스
(15초/45초) (30초/60초)
Announcement) (20초/60초)
First of all, he argues that…
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more difficult to eat healthy food today than it was
50 years ago. Please include specific details in your explanation.
Agree Disagree
1. Soil and air contaminated 1. farming technique Developed
2. A Busier lifestyle 2. more information available
2. Students at many high schools are required to take art classes like music or painting in addition to academic
courses, while others are not. Which do you think is better and why? Give reasons and examples to support your
Better to make art classes mandatory Better not to make art classes mandatory
1. develop creativity 1. focus on academic courses
2. enhance social skills 2. bring more burden to students
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Video games can actually be beneficial to children.
Please include specific details in your explanation.
Agree disagree
1. improve problem-solving skills 1. cause health problems-eye, obesity
2. develop sensorimotor sills 2. X: improve social skills
4. While attending university, some students only take classes that focus on the specific career path they have
chosen, whereas others prefer to take a wide variety of courses that provide them with broader knowledge. Which
do you think is better and why? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Better to take career-focused curriculum Better to take various courses for broader knowledge
1. Increase a chance to find a job easily 1. Make students versatile
2. Allow students to pinpoint their professional 2. Help students network with ppl in various
path fields
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should gain some experience in a field before
they can complete a degree in it. Please include specific details in your explanation.
o Learn about working environments o Identify one’s own strengths/aptitude/
o Meet new people skills
o Build confidence o Build connections in the industry
6. For academic success, some students like to take courses online. Others prefer to study in traditional courses on
campus. Which do you think is better and why? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
7. Would you rather study in a large class or a small class? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
I’d rather study in a large class I’d rather study in a small class
1. Meet various people-peers to collaborate with o Have immediate feedback on a one-
2. Enrich critical thinking skills to-one basis
3. Be motivated by other students o Be easier to focus
8. Some universities require first-year students to live on campus in dormitories. Other universities allow first-year
students to live off campus. Which do you think is better and why? Give reasons and examples to support your
Better to require freshmen to live on campus Better to allow freshmen to live off campus
1. Have more chances to meet peers o have more freedom-no nag
2. Earn better grades-close to classes, faculty, o Be cheaper
and facilities like a library o Develop a sense of independence
15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, people do not need to memorize historical
events or facts such as dates and places because the Internet provides such information at any time. Please include
specific details in your explanation.
16. If you have a question about an assignment that a professor has given you, would you prefer to speak to the
professor via email or in person? Please include specific details in your explanation.
17. When traveling, many people like to keep a record of their voyage. Others prefer to engage in activities rather
than using their time to document the trip. Which do you prefer and why?
21. 전공외에 다른분야의 수업도 들어야 함
Agree : 1.well-rounded
Working alone
-oo개념:책으로 이해 X→직접 보고 이해
-life lessons from experiences of teaching many ppl
-prejudice X
비교 대조 표현 익히기 선호 동의 표현
스피킹 1 번 유용한 표현들
(21) Triggering competition between students can motivate them to study harder.
학생들 간의 경쟁을 유발함으로써 그들이 더 열심히 공부하도록 동기를 부여할 수 있다.
(22) I received an "A" on the project because I had put a lot of effort into it.
나는 많은 노력을 쏟았기 때문에 그 프로젝트에서 'A'를 받았다.
(23) Exercising for about 30 minutes in the morning is an effective approach to boosting your metabolism.
아침에 약 30 분간 운동하는 것은 신진대사를 촉진하는 데 효과적인 방법이다.
(24) While some students rely on their parents to pay tuition, others have part-time jobs to finance school.
어떤 학생들은 등록금을 내기 위해 부모님께 의존하는 반면, 다른 학생들은 학비를 내기 위해 아르바이트를
(25) With the proper assistance, students who are afraid of writing can enhance their skills and gain confidence.
적절한 도움이 있으면, 작문을 두려워하는 학생들은 실력을 향상시키고 자신감을 얻을 수 있다.
(26) Students often want to know others' grades so that they can keep pace with each other.
학생들은 서로 보조를 맞출 수 있도록 종종 다른 학생들의 점수를 알고 싶어 한다.
(27) Business schools often invite professionals in the field as guest speakers.
경영 대학원은 종종 그 분야의 전문가를 초청 연사로 초대한다.
(28) Paris is a crowded city with tourists from all over the world.
파리는 전 세계에서 온 관광객들로 복잡한 도시이다.
(29) I like to visit small towns in the countryside because of the scenery.
나는 경치때문에 시골의 작은 마을들을 방문하는 것을 좋아한다.
(30) Rural areas are good places for outdoor activities.
시골은 야외 활동을 하기에 좋은 장소이다.
(31) South Korea has many historic places.
한국은 많은 역사적인 장소를 가지고 있다.
(32) Jeonju is famous for bibimbap.
전주는 비빔밥으로 유명하다.
(33) A must-see place in Seoul is Gyeongbok Palace.
서울에서 꼭 가봐야 하는 곳은 경복궁이다.
(34) At my parent’s house, I fill my time with leisure activities, such as reading or watching TV.
부모님 댁에서 나는 독서나 텔레비전 보기와 같은 여가 활동을 하며 시간을 보낸다.
(35) Hanoi is an exotic place that is different from Seoul.
하노이는 서울과는 다른 이국적인 장소이다.
(36) Manhattan is the most cosmopolitan area of New York.
맨하튼은 뉴욕에서 가장 국제적인 지역이다.
(37) Barcelona has a lot of unique architecture designed by Gaudi.
바르셀로나에는 가우디가 디자인한 독특한 건축물이 많다.
(38) Students check out a number of books before the exam.
학생들은 시험 전에 많은 책을 대출한다.
(39) Students should return books on time.
학생들은 제때 책을 반납해야 한다.
(40) The library notifies students of overdue books by e-mail.
도서관은 이메일로 학생들에게 대출 기간이 지난 책에 대해 통보한다.
(41) He agrees that the library charges too many late fees.
그는 도서관이 너무 많은 연체료를 부과한다는 것에 동의한다.
(42) I often go to the library because it's very quiet and comfortable.
나는 종종도서관에 간다/조용하고 편안하기 때문에
(43) I can stay focused for a long time and study more productively.
나는 장시간 집중할수 있고 더욱 생산력있게 공부 할수 있다.
(44) The university will spend more money on campus facilities.
대학은 캠퍼스 시설에 더 많은 돈을 쓸 것이다.
(45) The school will raise funds to expand the building.
학교는 건물을 증축하기 위하여 기금을 조성할 것이다.
(46) The college should cut down on expenses related to the gym.
대학은 체육관과 관련된 경비를 삭감해야 한다.
(47) The university holds a job fair every year.
대학교는 매년 취업 박람회를 개최한다.
(48) My college is going to launch an exchange program.
우리 대학은 교환학생 프로그램을 시작할 것이다.
(49) A lot of students applied for college loans this year.
올해에는 많은 학생들이 학자금 대출을 신청하였다.
(50) The university's new policy will go into effect soon.
대학의 새로운 정책이 곧 시행될 것이다.
(51) Students disagree with the university's plan to raise tuition.
학생들은 등록금을 인상하려는 대학의 계획에 반대한다.
(52) I advised Tom to see his counselor before dropping the course.
나는 Tom 에게 과목을 취소하기 전에 상담 선생님을 만나보라고 충고하였다.
(53) New students can register for classes tomorrow.
새로운 학생들은 내일 수업을 등록할 수 있다.
(54) My father booked a restaurant to celebrate my high school graduation.
나의 아버지는 나의 고등학교 졸업을 축하하기 위하여 식당을 예약하셨다.
(55) All my high school friends got together at the reunion.
모든 나의 고등학교 친구들은 동창회에 모였다.
(56) I dress formally on special occasions.
나는 특별한 행사에 정장 차림을 한다.
(57) My family often goes out to dinner.
나의 가족은 종종 외식을 한다.
(58) I use a calendar to remember every anniversary.
나는 모든 기념일을 기억하기 위하여 달력을 이용한다.
(59) While some people prefer to cook and eat their meals at home, I like to eat out.
어떤 사람들은 집에서 요리해 먹는 것을 선호하는 반면, 나는 외식하는 것을 좋아한다.
(60) It is recommended that you travel with a friend for safety reasons.
안전상의 이유로 친구와 함께 여행하는 것이 권장된다.
(61) I met a variety of people from all over the world while traveling.
나는 여행하는 동안 전 세계에서 온 다양한 사람들을 만났다.
(62) Some people prefer to live in one place throughout their entire lives.
어떤 사람들은 평생 한곳에서 사는 것을 선호한다.
(63) Government officials, like diplomats, tend to move around the world.
외교관 같은 정부 관료들은 세계 여기저기를 돌아다니는 경향이 있다.
(64) The job fair was a pleasant experience.
취업 박람회는 즐거운 경험이었다.
(65) I have many unforgettable memories from the trip.
나는 그 여행에 대한 잊을 수 없는 추억을 많이 가지고 있다.
(66) I quit my job because I wanted to take a break.
나는 휴식을 취하고 싶었기 때문에 그 일을 그만두었다.
(67) I treasure my ring so much.
나는 나의 반지를 아주 소중히 여긴다.
(68) A laptop is the most important item for traveling businessmen.
노트북 컴퓨터는 여행하는 사업가들에게 가장 중요한 물건이다.
(69) A sofa is very useful because it can also be used as a bed.
소파는 또한 침대로도 사용될 수 있기 때문에 실용적이다.
(70) He wears really outdated clothes.
그는 정말 오래된 옷을 입는다.
(71) I inherited my piano from my mother.
나는 내 피아노를 나의 어머니로부터 물려받았다.
(72) With credit cards, it is easy to spend a fortune on unnecessary items.
신용카드가 있으면, 불필요한 물건에 많은 돈을 쓰기 쉽다.
(73) There are many ways to use their hard-earned money wisely.
어렵게 번 돈을 현명하게 쓸 수 있는 방법은 많다.
(74) Comedy is my favorite movie genre because it relieves stress.
코미디는 스트레스를 덜어주기 때문에 내가 좋아하는 영화 장르이다.
(75) The Alchemist is the most impressive book I have ever read.
연금술사는 내가 읽었던 것 중에서 가장 감명 깊은 책이다.
(76) I am going to see a movie my friend recommended.
나는 내 친구가 추천한 영화를 보러 갈 것이다.
(77) I tried not to lose any personal belongings during my travels.
나는 여행하는 동안 개인 소지품을 잃어버리지 않도록 노력했다.
(78) A traditional food in Japan is sushi.
일본의 전통 음식은 스시이다
(79) I went to Science Museum in Chicago with my friends. We had so much fun because we attended several
classes that the museum provided. We learned about the importance and benefits of science.
(80) For example, I played tennis a few months ago. In the game, I met different people and got to know them.
To win the game, we felt like we could do anything that we wanted. It was a really great feeling.
(81) My mentor is my mother.
나의 멘토는 나의 어머니이시다.
(82) Tiger Woods is a role model for many young golfers.
타이거 우즈는 많은 젊은 골프선수들의 역할모델이다.
(83) My father is the most influential person in my life.
나의 아버지는 나의 인생에서 가장 영향력 있는 분이시다.
(84) His great personality made him a memorable teacher.
그분의 좋은 성격은 그를 기억에 남는 선생님으로 만들었다.
(85) Matt is a friend for a lifetime who will always be with me.
Matt 은 내 곁에 항상 있어 줄 평생친구이다.
(86) The person who(m) I admire most is my sixth-grade teacher.
내가 가장 좋아하는 사람은 나의 6 학년 때 선생님이다.
(87) I have a good relationship with my colleagues.
나는 나의 동료들과 좋은 관계에 있다.
(88) To fulfill their roles as mentors, parents should set a good example.
조언자로서의 역할을 다하기 위해서, 부모는 모범을 보여야 한다.
(89) A face-to-face conversation with a professor is more effective than corresponding by e-mail.
교수님과 대면하여 대화하는 것이 이메일을 주고받는 것보다 효과적이다.
(90) Living in different cities or countries can often disrupt relationships.
다른 도시나 나라에 사는 것은 종종 관계를 분열시킬 수 있다.
(91) Students who hang out with friends often get together in coffee shops.
친구들과 어울리는 학생들은 종종 커피숍에서 모인다.
(92) Trading ideas in a study group is a good way to prepare for tests.
스터디 그룹에서 의견을 나누는 것은 시험에 대비하기 위한 좋은 방법이다.
(93) A person's choice of college can affect the rest of his or her life.
한 사람의 대학 선택은 그 사람의 여생에 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
(94) It is polite to show your appreciation for a gift with a thank-you card.
감사 카드로 선물에 대한 고마움을 표현하는 것은 예의 바른 일이다.
(95) The elderly and young people usually hold different positions on what "good music" is.
나이 든 사람들과 젊은 사람들은 보통 무엇이 "좋은 음악"인지에 대해 다른 입장을 취한다.
(96) Parents should be more involved in their children's education.
부모들은 자녀들의 교육에 더 많이 관여해야 한다.
(97) Students who feel nervous tend to make careless mistakes during examinations.
긴장한 학생들은 시험을 치르는 동안 부주의한 실수를 하는 경향이 있다.
(98) It's easy to come down with the flu in wintertime.
겨울철에는 독감에 걸리기 쉽다.
(99) I try not to take part in activities that are a waste of time, like chatting online.
나는 온라인 채팅같이 시간 낭비인 활동에는 참여하지 않으려고 한다.
(100) Doing volunteer work gives you a real sense of accomplishment.
자원봉사를 하는 것은 진정한 성취감을 느끼게 해준다.
(101) People who share a house should do chores equally.
한집에 같이 사는 사람들은 집안일을 공평하게 해야 한다.
(102) When it comes to college life, learning self-control is very important.
대학 생활에서는 자기 관리를 배우는 것이 매우 중요하다.
(103) There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a house.
집을 구입할 때는 고려해야 할 요소가 많다.
(104) Reading a good book in a comfortable cafe is an enjoyable way to relieve stress.
편안한 카페에서 좋은 책을 읽는 것은 스트레스를 푸는 즐거운 방법이다.
(105) Writing a book is an outstanding achievement.
책을 쓰는 것은 놀라운 업적이다.
(106) I like Oprah Winfrey because of her great personality.
나는 오프라 윈프리의 멋진 성격 때문에 그녀를 좋아한다.
(107) Most successful people have a positive outlook.
대부분의 성공한 사람들은 긍정적인 시각을 가지고 있다.
(108) People who are under a lot of pressure often make hasty decisions.
많은 압박감을 받는 사람들은 종종 성급한 결정을 내린다.
(109) He suggests borrowing a classmate's textbook.
그는 반 친구의 교과서를 빌리는 것을 제안한다.
(110) She suggests that he go to the doctor.
그녀는 그에게 의사에게 가보라고 제안한다.
(111) His tutor advises him to take a writing course.
그의 개인교사는 그에게 작문 수업을 들으라고 조언한다.
(112) Her first(second) suggestion is to drink hot tea.
그녀의 첫번째(두번째) 제안은 따뜻한 차를 마시라는 것이다.
(113) My problem is that I freeze up when I speak in front of large audiences.
내 문제점은 많은 청중들 앞에서 말할 때면 몸이 얼어붙는다는 거야.
(114) I don’t think that I will get all my reading done on time.
제시간에 독서를 다 하지 못할 것 같아.
(115) It’s hard for me to concentrate in my dorm.
난 기숙사에선 집중하기가 힘들어.
(116) I’m concerned that I might not be able to get to my finance lecture on time.
재정학 강의에 시간 맞춰 갈 수 없을지도 몰라서 걱정이야.
(117) The student has a problem registering for classes.
그학생은 수업에 등록하는데 문제가 있다.
(118) The man is in trouble because he failed his midterm exam.
그는 중간고가에서 낙제한 것 때문에 곤란하다.
(119) I have a hard time concentrating in noisy cafes.
나는 시끄러운 카페에서 집중하는 데 어려움이 있다.
(120) She wants to go on a trip, but she has to work.
그녀는 여행을 가고 싶어하지만, 일해야만 한다.
(121) Switzerland is nice because it has many ski resorts.
스키 리조트가 많기 때문에 스위스는 멋지다.
(122) Since the class is too hard, he should switch.
그 수업이 너무 어려우므로, 그는 바꾸어야 한다.
(123) There are several reasons why I prefer studying alone.
내가 혼자 공부하는 것을 선호하는 데에 몇가지 이유가 있다.
(124) The woman is tired. That's because she studied until late last night.
그 여자는 지쳤다. 그것은 그녀가 어젯밤에 늦게까지 공부를 했기 때문이다.
(125) The reason is that he can teach her math.
그 이유는 그가 그녀에게 수학을 가르쳐 줄 수 있기 때문이다.
(126) the woman first says that the man should get a tutor.
여자는 첫째로 남자가 지도 교사를 구해야 한다고 말한다.
(127) He also says that he will have to work on weekends.
그는 또한 그가 주말에 일을 해야만 한다고 말한다.
(128) Smoking is harmful to your health. To be specific, it makes you more likely to get lung cancer.
흡연은 건강에 해롭다. 구체적으로, 흡연은 폐암에 걸릴 확률을 더 높인다.
(129) I prefer yoga to weight-lifting because it is more relaxing. On top of that, it doesn't require any equipment.
나는 역기 운동보다 요가를 더 좋아하는데 그것이 마음을 더 느긋하게 해 주기 때문이다. 그에 더하여, 요가는
어떠한 장비도 필요 없다.
(130) Traveling alone forces you to do your own research. In this sense, it can be valuable for learning.
혼자 여행을 하면 스스로 조사를 할 수밖에 없다. 이러한 점에서, 그것은 학습에 매우 유익할 수 있다.
(131) The university gets a lot of funding from alumni donations.
대학은 동창회 기부금으로 많은 자금을 받아.
(132) I prefer a laptop to a desktop.
나는 데스크톱 컴퓨터보다 노트북을 선호한다.
(133) He prefers to take the bus rather than to drive.
그는 운전하는 것보다 버스타는 것을 선호한다.
(134) It is better to eat out than to prepare your own meals.
자신의 음식을 준비하는 것보다 외식하는 것이 낫다.
(135) Living in a big city is better than living in a small town.
대도시에 사는 것이 작은 마을에 사는 것보다 낫다.
(136) Some people don't like living in dorms. In my case, however, it was the best year of my life.
어떤 사람들은 기숙사에 사는 것을 좋아하지 않는다. 하지만 내 경우에는, 그때가 내 생애 최고의 해였다.
(137) From my experience, it's hard to live with a roommate who has a different schedule from mine.
내 경험으로 보면, 나와 시간표가 다른 룸메이트와 함께 사는 것은 힘들다.
(138) I personally learned a lot from working at the library.
도서관에서 일을 하면서 개인적으로 많은 것을 배웠다.
(139) For me, watching American movies is a good way to study English.
나로서는, 미국 영화를 보는 것이 영어를 공부하는 좋은 방법이다.
(140) I’m all for the library’s new policy on renewing books.
난 대출 기한 연장에 대한 도서관의 새로운 정책에 전적으로 동의해.
(141) This policy is definitely not the way to go.
이 정책은 절대 좋은 방법이 아니야.
(142) He’s got some good reasons for asking for a ban.
그가 금지를 요청하는 데에는 타당한 이유가 있어.
(143) I’m not so sure that the decision makes sense.
난 그 결정이 이치에 맞는지 잘 모르겠어.
(144) I’m not convinced that this will really benefit students.
이게 학생들에게 정말 이로울지 확신이 안 서.
(145) I’m totally against putting photographs on display in the dining halls.
난 사진을 식당에 전시하는 것에 전적으로 반대야.
(146) The senior who got close last year gave me good advice about next-level courses.
작년에 친해진 선배가 공부에 대한 조언을 해주었다
(147) Living in a new place gives me a chance to interact with more diverse people
새로운 장소에 사는 것은 더 다양한 사람들과 상호작용할 수 있는 기회를 나에게 준다.
(148) The most successful artists had good communication skills with people
대부분의 성공적인 예술가들은 사람들과 훌륭한 의사소통을 가졌다.
(149) Sometimes, my roommate uses the restroom so dirty, but she never cleans up there, so I really stressed
때때로, 내룸메이트는 화장실을 너무 더럽게 쓰고, 청소도 안해서 내가 너무 스트레스 받았다
(150) I can get some advice about work experience and personal relationship
나는 일경험과 대인관계에 대한 조언을 얻을수 있다.
(151) I could learn how to handle a situation I have never faced in school
학교에서는 직면해 본적이 없는 상황을 대처하는 법을 나는 배울수 있었다.
(152) Living with my parents enabled me to learn about how to build personal relationships and keep manners in
front of others.
부모님과 함께 산 것은 내가 인간관계를 형성하는 법과 다른사람들 앞에서 예의 바른 행동을 하는 방법을
배울수 있게 했다.
(153) The cozy atmosphere helped me concentrate on reading books and studying.
조용히 공부하고 책 읽는 분위기는 집중력을 높이고 편안한 장소가 됨
(154) People tend to think that buying advertised goods could give them happiness.
사람들은 광고하는 물건을 사면 행복함을 얻을것이라 생각함
(155) The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive
그 광고들은 흡연을 멋지고 매력적인 것으로 그린다
(156) Children who watch a lot of TV tend to strain on their neck and eyes
TV 를 오래 시청한 아이는 목과 눈에 무리가 가는 경향이 있다
(157) One of the reasons people go to the library is to get stimulated from hard-working students
사람들이 도서관을 가는 이유중 하나는 열심히 공부하는 사람들로부터 자극을 받기 위해서이다.
(158) Inappropriate contents on TV or movies can affect children's emotion development negatively.
티비나 영화에 나오는 부적절한 내용은 아이들의 정서 발전에 부정적으로 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
(159) A novel can express deeper and wider world through readers’ imagination.
소설은 독자들의 상상을 통해서 더 깊고 더 넓은 세상을 표현할수 있다.
4. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
It is well known that fossil fuels will not power the world for much longer. In fact, hydrogen fuel will most likely
replace fossil fuels as the main source of global energy in a very short period of time. There are many reasons why
hydrogen fuel will replace fossil fuels.
First of all, hydrogen is not only more abundant than fossil fuels, but also renewable. One day, the world will use
up fossil fuel reserves and be forced to use alternative energy sources. Hydrogen is one of the most abundant
elements in the universe and is therefore much more readily available than fossil fuels. This means hydrogen can
be used as a potential source of energy and the world will never run out of hydrogen.
Another point is the problem of pollution. When we burn faster fuels to generate energy, carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas, builds up in the atmosphere. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the air increases, global
temperatures rise. However, the only by-product of hydrogen fuel engines is water. This in no way harms the
environment and seems to be the most logical choice for the world's next energy supply.
Finally, as the cost of acquiring and maintaining hydrogen fuel cell engines decreases, consumers will have no
reason not to use them. Already, hydrogen fuel cell engines cost less to maintain than combustion engines since
hydrogen fuel engines malfunction much less often. As the engines operated by hydrogen become cheaper to buy,
they will turn out to be the best replacement for combustion engines.
5. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Many people think that increasing energy prices is the most effective way to save limited sources of energy. They
believe that if gasoline prices increase because of raising gas taxes, gasoline can be conserved. However, the
policy of increasing gas taxes cannot be a solution to saving energy, especially gasoline. There are several reasons
why this policy is inefficient and problematic.
First, one reason why this policy is inefficient is that people will not stop consuming gasoline even if gasoline
prices increase. For example, even though the government raised the price of a cigarette from $2 to $4, a 100%
increase, smokers who could not find a substitute for cigarettes did not reduce their consumption of cigarettes by
100%. Likewise, no matter how much gasoline prices increase, people will not give up using it.
Secondly, increasing gas taxes can put a financial burden on people. In particular, this increase may burden poor
families that live on the outskirts of the city because of high housing prices. The families have to commute to
work by car, so they would have to spend too much money on buying gasoline if the prices of gasoline increased
Thirdly, there are much better ways to conserve gasoline like making cars more fuel efficient. Governments should
make car manufacturers develop cars that use less gasoline, such as hybrid gas-electric vehicles that can be
operated partially by electricity. Without raising the prices of gasoline, governments can easily achieve their goal
of conserving gasoline.
6. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Due to the lack of written history documenting England during the dark ages, debate has arisen as to the true
origins of the English people who now inhabit the country. Some content that they are descended from the tribes
who lived there long before the Roman occupation, known as the Celts. Others claim that most people are
descended from the people who invaded soon after, referred to as Anglo-Saxons. However, the majority of the
evidence suggests that the latter is true.
Firstly, the arrival of Anglo-Saxons into the British was not the result of exploration or trade. It was actually a mass
migration from what is now North Central Europe. Constant pressure and invasions from the East forced the majority
of Angles and the Saxons to flee their homeland. When they arrived in England, they quickly displaced the Celtic
population, forcing them into the farthest corners of the land. The Anglo-Saxons rapidly became the dominant
Secondly, the language of England is directly derived from the Anglo-Saxons. Modern English can be clearly traced
back to their Germanic languages and not those of the Celts. Indeed, apart from a few terms that were adopted by
the invaders, there is no evidence of Celtic languages in England. Rather, Celtic tongues survive in Wales, Ireland
and Scotland, clearly supporting the theory that the people of modern day England are Anglo-Saxons.
Thirdly, a recent genetic study of the DNA of people living in the Eastern portion of England has provided
compelling proof. The mapping of human genetic code has made it much easier and more accurate to determine
people’s background. The DNA profiles of the people sampled were virtually identical to the profiles of people living
in modern day Germany and Denmark, which is the area from which the Anglo-Saxons came.
7. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The Everglades is a large area of wetlands in Southern Florida that contain abundant plant and animal life.
However, recent environmental issues have threatened the unique ecology of the region. If these issues are not
addressed, the Everglades may disappear.
One serious issue for the Everglades is invasive species, which are plants and animals that have been introduced
from other parts of the world. One such species is the paperbark tree from Australia. The tree’s native habitat is
very similar to the Everglades, which allows it to spread rapidly. Paperbark trees take over the sawgrass marshes
that comprise most of the Everglades, turning them into swamps.
An even more serious problem for the reason is water pollution. The two main pollutants are chemical fertilizers
used in farming and mercury released from power plants burning fossil fuels. The fertilizers change the chemical
composition of the soil, killing marsh grasses and encouraging other plants like cotton tails to grow. Mercury
builds up in animals’ bodies as they feed on each other. This eventually kills many animals and makes fish unsafe
to eat.
The most serious threat to the Everglades is its decreased water supply. Wetlands need a large supply of slow
moving water to exist. Dams and canals were built to prevent flooding and divert water for farming and
residential areas. This led to insufficient water flow to the area. So, large sections of Everglades are simply drying
up, removing the habitat from the plants and animals that depend upon it.
8. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Sometimes, the introduction of new species can result in several negative consequences, so the government is
considering a law to restrict importing, buying, and selling of non-native species of animals. However, this law
should not be implemented for the following reasons.
First of all, the law might be used to force pet owners to give up ownership of their pets. This law could have an
immediate effect on pet owners who currently have non-native species animals since they have to worry about
their pets being taken away. Most of these animals are kept inside the owner's homes, so they rarely come into
contact with native species. Since they are not much of a threat, their owners should be allowed to keep them.
Second, implementing the law is expensive because conducting studies to find out whether non-native species
cause damage when they are released into the wild requires a lot of money. A variety of new animals, ranging from
marine species, such as zebra mussel, to pets, have been introduced or transported to the US intentionally or
accidentally, and it costs a lot to investigate the consequences of their release to the wild.
Another reason to oppose this law is that this law is not reasonable because it applies a single standard to the
entire country. For example, South American rabbits cannot survive long in northern parts of the US simply because
the regions are too cold for them to survive. Therefore, it is unreasonable to apply the law to the entire US.
9. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Scattered across the Atlantic coast of the United States, there are shallow, round depressions in the land. They
are called Carolina bays, and the bay part of their name comes from a type of tree that is commonly found in
them and not the fact that they often hold water. The origin of the bays remains undetermined, but many
scientists think that they may have been created by large meteors that exploded above the ground for the
following reasons.
First, the depressions that form the bays are shaped in a way that is consistent with impact craters created by
fragments of meteors that exploded above the ground. When that happens, most of the fragments strike the
ground at an angle, which makes an oval crater with one side deeper than the other. The deeper side will have
fine, crushed material piled high on its edge. The bays are ovals that lie in a northwest-to-southeast direction,
their southeastern rim is higher, and is usually made of white sand. This suggests that they were likely formed in
this way.
Second, the sand contained in the bays is different from the sand found in the Atlantic coastal region. The
normal sand has a coating of iron compounds, but the sand in the bays lacks this coating. The absence of iron
can be explained by the intense heat that would result from a meteor impact. This heat would have melted the
iron, causing it to vaporize and be blown away. So, as the meteor fragments created the bays, they could have
left behind sand that does not have the usual iron coating.
Third, scientists have found buckyballs in some of the bays, which may point to an object from space striking the
Earth. Buckyballs are unique carbon structures that are composed of 60 tightly interconnected carbon atoms.
They're made when carbon is exposed to intense heat and pressure. These conditions can be created during a
meteor strike. So, the meteor fragments that made the bays could have also created the buckyballs that were
found in them.
10 Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the
quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading
passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
In the densely populated Northeastern United States, many cities have been linked by express trains for decades,
and high-speed rail service has been operating since 2000 linking Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, and Washington DC.
This type of transportation system has many advantages, and for those reasons, the next area to receive this kind
of service should be California, between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Firstly, railroad tracks are cheaper and easier to maintain than roads. Asphalt roads must frequently be repaired
due to damage from the vehicles that use them and the weather, so they are a constant drain on the economy.
This is extremely expensive and uses up a large portion of the government’s budget for infrastructure. By
comparison, railways are much easier to maintain and need to be repaired far less often. Since the tracks are
made from steel and they are attached to concrete, they are much more durable than asphalt.
Secondly, creating a high-speed rail system will help to relieve traffic congestion. The streets and highways in the
Los Angeles area have some of the worst traffic congestion in the whole country, and it is only getting worse. If
they were provided with an alternative way to travel, many people would prefer to use that. A high-speed rail
system would provide them with such an alternative. So, if people can ride trains, there will be fewer cars on the
road, which would mean less congestion on the road.
Thirdly, a high-speed rail system is an environmentally friendly form of transportation. High-speed trains use far
less energy to transport people than cars. Since cars travel much more slowly than high-speed trains, they must
use a lot more energy to cover the same distance. This means that they only produce more emissions than high-
speed trains do. So, high-speed trains are more energy-efficient, and they produce far less pollution than a
highway full of cars
1. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The top priority for any company is to increase its profits. In order to do so, companies must regularly assess
their performance in the market and find new strategies suitable for rapidly changing economic circumstances.
Such strategies often involve releasing new products onto the market, and this can be done in three ways.
One strategy for increasing a company's sales is to develop an entirely new product by using the company's
image. For example, if a renowned car company develops a motorcycle, the company can use its popularity to
sell the product. Consumers who intend to buy a motorcycle will probably choose this particular motorcycle
because of the company's image. Consumers will naturally think that the motorcycles will be just as good as the
cars the company produces, so they will buy its motorcycles without any doubt.
The Second strategy for raising a company's sales is to make a new version of an existing product. For example, if
a soft drink company that is famous for its cola creates a version with an added fruit flavor, the company can
easily increase sales. Consumers who love the original cola drink will be inclined to try this variation of the
original product. The new cola benefits from the familiarity that customers have with the old version and their
curiosity about the newer one.
The final strategy is to make a partnership with another company. For example, if a company that makes
chocolate forms a partnership with an ice cream company, the two companies can easily produce chocolate ice
cream products together. In this case, both companies can increase their sales in a short period of time because
they both receive a percentage of the new sales of the new chocolate ice cream. The brand images of both
companies contribute to those sales.
2. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Intentionally setting a forest fire, called prescribed fire or controlled burning, is widely used in national parks
across America. Prescribed fire is widely used because of the benefits that it brings to all of the organisms that
live in the forest. However, there are disadvantages far outweigh the benefits of burning forests.
First, in the process of burning forests on a regular basis, many animals are killed. Some argue that animals can
escape from the fire. However, what about the young animals that cannot get away from these fires? For
example, young birds are not able to fly and therefore will be trapped and die. and even adult animals can
become trapped as forest fires spread very rapidly.
Second, like all fires, prescribed fire releases harmful greenhouse gases into the air. The carbon dioxide that is
emitted when trees burn is one of the gases that contributes to global warming. As we all know, global warming
has a detrimental impact on the planet. For example, global warming makes many areas arid and this harms the
Third, prescribed fire is a waste of time and resources. That is because naturally occurring fire happens in areas
where prescribed fire has already been carried out. This happens because of occasional lightning strikes, camping
accidents, or just senseless acts of arson. Either way, firefighters and residents must work to put out these fires
again, which means that prescribed fire is a waste of time and resources.
3. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the
quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading
passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Recycling is useful in that it reuses materials in the creation of new products without the need to gather as many
new raw materials. Single-stream recycling is a process that allows recyclable materials to be thrown away in one
bag without any sorting. Sorting is done at a single-stream cycling center by a machine that automatically
separates the collected materials. However, this method has been shown to have many disadvantages.
First, single-stream recycling is dangerous. The sorting machine at a single-stream recycling center is responsible
for separating paper, glass, and plastic. Though the sorting machine at the recycling plant sorts materials
automatically, it frequently breaks glass bottles. Employees at the plant have to manually remove these broken
pieces of glass and are at risk of causing serious injury to their hands.
Second, this method also leads to a waste of valuable resources. This method of sorting various materials in one
bag is far from perfect. Sometimes, broken glass will get mixed in with collected paper. This may contaminate
paper so that it cannot be used for its intended purpose. In this case, high-quality paper has to be used for
making cheap boxes instead. This clearly shows precious materials can be wasted.
A third problem is that single-stream recycling is too expensive. The cost of building a single-stream recycling
center is up to three times higher than the cost of building a traditional recycling plant. Many cities have very
limited budgets to use for such facilities. For cities that already have a working recycling system, it is
unreasonable to switch to a single-stream recycling solution.
4. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Hydroelectric games change the power of falling water into electricity, and they are the most realistic means of
generating power. A hydroelectric dam extracts energy from a reusable source of energy, water, which is stored
in a large reservoir behind a dam. Compared to other methods of power generation, hydroelectric games are the
most efficient.
The cost of operating a hydroelectric dam is very low compared to the cost of operating traditional power plants
that burn fossil fuels. The reason for this is the dams do not require much money to generate the power. If there
are enough rainfall and water flow, the amount of energy produced by hydroelectric dams can be tremendous.
Because of these relatively low operation costs, hydroelectric energy is seen as a low-cost renewable energy
Another advantage of hydroelectric dams is environmental friendliness. Hydroelectric terms do not harm the
environment. Since hydroelectric dams do not burn fossil fuels, the dams do not emit carbon dioxide, which
means that the dams do not release greenhouse gasses that directly devastate the environment.
Finally, hydroelectric dams do not harm wildlife either, especially liver wildlife. Hydroelectric dams use fish ladders,
which are structures designed to allow fish to pass dams. For example, salmon can reach their spawning grounds
by swimming across dams safely through these fish ladders.
5. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The Internet seems to benefit society as a whole. Further, through the Internet, users share information on a
global scale. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Internet offers us waves of opportunities. There is no doubt
that the Internet brings several benefits.
First, the information that the Internet provides is useful and valuable. If you enter any topic on a search engine,
a huge amount of useful information related to it would instantly come up. This is much faster and easier than
going to a library, where it could take hours to find the information that you need. Thanks to the Internet, you do
not need to look up the information in the library anymore.
Second, the Internet allows ordinary people to access a lot of information that they could not in the past. Before
the Internet, a few groups monopolized information. If someone wanted to obtain specific information, he or she
had to pay for it. However, today, even poor people who cannot afford to attend college can get specific
information or knowledge easily on the Internet.
Finally, the Internet increases the rate at which information or ideas are shared. Many Internet users are willing
to share what they know. For example, if someone knows how to travel around Europe in economical ways, they
will post the information on their website so that many people can obtain the information.
6. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Menhaden are small but important fish that have been disappearing from the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. The
government has recommended the fishing industry drastically limit the amount of Menhaden that is harvested
from the bay in order to protect the fishing industry and the species. There are some reasons why this is not the
best solution.
First, it is better to remove a predator to prevent the decrease in a fish population because they are not careful
about which fish they catch. Fishermen do not take very young fish so that the population can continue to grow.
Some scientists say this striped bass plays a major role in reducing the number of menhaden. This means a main
cause of the extinction of this fish is the bass, so removing the bass would be more effective.
Second, the government proposal would have a negative effect on agriculture. Menhaden are used as an
important source of protein for animal feed that is given to livestock and poultry. If the government limits the
amount of menhaden caught, the agriculture industry will suffer greatly. Their animals will not consume enough
protein, which will slow down their growth.
Third, reducing the amount of menhaden caught would cause many people to lose their jobs in the fishing
industry. The government's proposal would affect the fishing industry directly, but it would also affect the whole
economy in the end. For example, if many people became unemployed because of the government’s proposal,
consumer spending in the local area would drop significantly. This would make the local economy become
7. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Since the first pterosaur fossils were discovered, there has been much debate as to whether or not these
creatures were capable of powered flight like birds and bats are today. As flying reptiles, their body shape does
bear similarities to modern bird species, and their wing structure is a similar to that of bats. However, there are
many factors that indicate that they couldn't actually have flown under their own power, but may have glided
Firstly, pterosaurs would have had too low of a metabolism for flight. They were an order of reptiles, and as such
they would have been cold-blooded. Reptiles depend on their environment for warmth, so they are only capable
of short bursts of energy. Considerable energy is required for taking off from the ground and flapping winds to
maintain altitude and increase speed. However, this energy expenditure would have been impossible for
organisms with such a slow metabolism.
Secondly, the body structure of pterosaurs would have made them far too heavy for flight. When compared to
modern bats and birds, they had uniformly heavier bone structures. In addition, some species of pterosaurs were
truly massive, with estimated wingspans of over 10 meters. Such huge bodies would have made them extremely
heavy. So heavy that their wings could not have generated enough downward thrust to take off.
Thirdly, the feeble hinder legs of pterosaurs would not have been capable of launching their bodies into the air.
For an animal to begin flying under its own power, it must be able to leap off of the ground high enough to flap
its wings. However, pterosaurs had short legs that were not muscular enough to propel them into the air. Their
wings would have collided with the ground, thwarting any attempt at powered flight.
8. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
White nose syndrome is an infection caused by a fungus that grows on the snouts and wings of bats. This
infection causes the bats to wake up frequently when they're hibernating during the winter. This increases their
metabolism when they cannot feed to replenish their fat stores, slowly starving them to death. Since it is a
serious threat to the bat population of North America, scientists have proposed several possible ways to combat
the fungus.
Some scientists have suggested the fungus is being spread by humans, so people should be prevented from
entering caves with large bat populations. First detected in a cave in New York, the fungus spread to 25 States
and 5 Canadian provinces in just 8 years. Since the fungus can survive on clothing, human visitors would appear
to explain its rapid spread. Therefore, people, and tourists in particular, should be barred from entering infected
Another way to help the afflicted bats is to study European bat populations that seem to be resistant to the
fungus. It is believed that the fungus was most likely introduced to North America from Europe. According to the
scientists, while the fungus is already widespread in Europe, most of the infected European bats are healthy. If the
reason behind their resistance can be determined, perhaps it could be utilized to save their North American
Yet another way of addressing this issue lies in a limitation of the fungus. The organism is psychrophilic, which
means that it prefers cooler conditions to grow in. In fact, it is exposed to temperatures over 20 ゚ C, it cannot
survive. So if the air temperature in infected caves could be raised slightly, that would cause it to die off. This
solution would not be simple to implement, but it could have a dramatic effect on the spread of the syndrome.
9. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality
of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
According to various ancient records, there once existed a a fabulously wealthy kingdom called Ophir that traded
with the Eastern Mediterranean. They supplied huge amounts of luxury goods including sandalwood, gems, gold
and ivory. However, the documents provide little information regarding its vocation. For the following reasons,
many scholars think that the kingdom of Ophir was located somewhere in South Asia.
Firstly, South Asia seems to have been a likely location for Ophir when looking at the goods that were imported
to the Eastern Mediterranean. Gold and gems could be imported from anywhere, but sandalwood trees are native
to India and Pakistan in South Asia, and they were the only suppliers of the trees until fairly recently. In addition,
Asian elephants have been a source of ivory for thousands of years. Therefore, Ophir is likely to have been
located in South Asia because most of its goods originated from South Asia.
Secondly, the kingdom of Ophir was located quite far from its trading partners in the Eastern Mediterranean. The
records say that the merchant ships of Eastern Mediterranean returned from Ophir every three years full of trade
goods. Some scientists suggest that Ophir was located in the Middle East or Africa, but those areas are far too
close. It must have been much farther away for the voyage to take three years to return to the Eastern
Thirdly, according to the records, the terms that were used for the trade goods from Ophir are the same as or
very similar to the names of names they had in South Asia. Some of the imported goods were quite exotic, so no
local terms existed for them in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is still common practice today to borrow words for
new things from the culture that introduced them. A prime example of this is the many words that English has
adopted from other languages for new things or ideas.
10. Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the
quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading
passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The Glen Canyon Dam was constructed on the Colorado River in northern Arizona to regulate water flow. By
building it, a manmade reservoir called Lake Powell was created. Although the dam has performed its task quite
well, many people have demanded that it be removed, which would drain Lake Powell. However, there are many
important reasons to continue using the dam.
First, Lake Powell is a major vacation spot that attracts an average of 2 million people per year. These people
come to enjoy the lake and its rugged surroundings, which are made more beautiful by the plants that grow
along its shores. This lake makes tourism the main industry of the region, generating the majority of the area's
revenue. Therefore, the entire local economy would be crippled if the dam were removed.
Second, it would be extremely difficult to satisfy the demand for water if the dam were removed. This is because
regulating the flow of water from the upper to the lower Colorado River Basin was the original purpose of
constructing the dam. The dam provides a reliable source of water to the surrounding area and the communities
downriver, which would be parched deserts without it. This is the most efficient way to provide water to the
people and agriculture that depend upon the Colorado River.
Third, draining the lake and removing the dam would have a negative effect on the surrounding ecosystem. The
Colorado River descends from the Rocky Mountains full of sediment, and the dam prevents some of that
sediment from continuing downstream. This makes the water cleaner and keeps the river channel deeper.
Therefore, the dam creates a pleasant environment for wildlife downstream by removing that settlement, which is
beneficial for the ecosystem.
Diagnostic Test
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Many scientists advocate substituting species to support ecosystems where an important contributor to the
ecology has disappeared or gone extinct. They argue that the balance must be maintained or the entire
ecosystem could collapse. However, there are many flaws with this line of thinking.
Firstly, the loss of species from an ecosystem is not necessarily a disaster. In many cases, other species have
altered their feeding habits to exploit that vacancy and thereby become stronger. This is referred to as species
succession, and it occurs naturally, so if we intervene, we are preventing nature from taking its course. We should
study the ecosystem to see if any species are filling in the gap. If none are, then maybe we should start to
consider substituting another species, but we must do so carefully.
The most serious outcome of introducing a new species is that it may become invasive. Many species that have
been introduced to new ecosystems have wreaked havoc upon their new homes. Some of these species
introductions were accidental like the zebra mussel, which outcompetes similar shellfish and causes industrial
problems. Others were intentional like the cane toad, which was introduced to Australia to control insect
populations. Cane toads have no natural predators there, so their population has exploded as they devour many
species other than the intended insects.
Species substitution could also disrupt the entire ecosystem. Some experts believe the problems of invasive
species can be solved by introducing animals from different populations of the same species. This sounds ideal,
but since they are from a different population, they may behave differently and could have a negative effect on
the ecosystem as well. For instance, in their native habitat, they may have more competition than in the new area.
With less competition, they may overburden the local food chain and cause irreversible damage.
Test 1
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
It is well established the fact that many plants either fold up their leaves or closes up their flowers after night
falls. This behavior is called nyctinasty, and while scientists fully understand the physical process responsible for
this ability, the reasons behind this behavior remain a mystery. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain
this behavior, and these are three of the most popular ones.
The first is that the plants are trying to protect themselves from the cold. Even in tropical climates, temperatures
are typically lower at night than they are during the day. When the leaves are unfolded, their surface area is
increased, which is ideal for gathering sunlight to perform photosynthesis. However, at night, increased surface
area means that more heat will be lost in the cool air. The internal parts of flowers are also delicate, so closing
can protect them from the effects of the cold.
The second is that leaves and flowers close so that they will collect less dew. When they are open, they will
collect more moisture, which can be used by fungi and other parasite to grow on them. For flowers, moisture is
even more of a problem. If they are filled with water, insects will not visit them, and moisture will affect how their
pollen works. They need their pollens to stick to insects temporarily, so they will transport it, but water will
cement it to the insects, keeping them from depositing it on another flower.
The third is that plants can limit their exposure to light by closing at night. Like animals, plants have daily and
yearly cycles that determine their activity levels called circadian rhythms. This cycle is particularly important for
reproduction, so they have to use the length of the day to track the seasons. So, by closing their leaves at night,
they can avoid unusually bright nighttime conditions that could throw off their circadian rhythms.
Test 2
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
There are approximately 5,880 species of mammals currently living on our planet. Nearly all of these animals are
contained within two categories: marsupial and placental mammals. Marsupial mammals give birth after only a
few weeks, and their young finish developing in an outer pouch of skin. In contrast, placental mammals are
pregnant for much longer and their offspring are much better adapted for survival when born. This means that
marsupial mammals are inherently inferior to placental mammals.
Firstly, when a marsupial is born, it is at a very early stage of development compared to placental mammals. It
must climb inside its mother's pouch unaided, or it will die. Once inside the pouch, a marsupial has access to its
mother’s nipples, but if she cannot find enough food, she will not be able to produce milk for the baby. So, even
in the pouch, the infant is still vulnerable to environmental influences. Conversely, many placental mammals are
much more developed when born and can move around independently just a few hours after birth.
Secondly, the internal body temperature of marsupials varies widely, which shows that they are more primitive
than placental mammals. An infant marsupial cannot control its body temperature, so it must stay in its mother's
pouch. However, even as an adult, a marsupial’s body temperature is heavily influenced by its environment, which
makes them more likely cold-blooded animals. Such variation makes them vulnerable to extreme temperatures,
unlike placental mammals that maintain a high internal temperature regardless of environmental conditions.
Thirdly, some evidence shows that marsupials are unable to compete with placental mammals. Most marsupials
flourish in Australia, whereas placental mammals live everywhere. However, since marsupials exist in the fossil
records on all continents, this means that marsupials used to live in places other than Australia, but most of them
died out due to placental mammals. This is further proven by the fact that placental mammals have recently been
introduced to Australia, and now marsupials are being outcompeted even there.
4. 해커스 P 81 (sociology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Despite the fact that the US has one of the most advanced medical systems in the world, many citizens do not
benefit from it. In fact, most experts agree that the US does not have enough doctors to meet its current
healthcare needs. This is a serious problem that is unlikely to be resolved.
The doctor shortage can be partially attributed to a lack of medical residency positions, which severely restricts
the quantity of newly licensed doctors each year. To earn a medical license, would-be doctors must complete a
residency program that involves working under the supervision of licensed physicians. However, funding for these
positions has not kept up with demand, and as a result, the number of doctors entering the healthcare system is
In addition, more Americans are seeking medical services now than ever before, resulting in greater numbers of
patients per doctor. New legislation has provided 14 million Americans with access to free or inexpensive health
insurance. This has made health care more affordable, increasing demand for medical services and worsening the
doctor shortage.
Lastly, many physicians are leaving the medical profession because they have become dissatisfied with their jobs.
Currently, U S doctors are forced to see a certain number of patients each day, and this puts a lot of pressure on
doctors because they do not have enough time to attend to each patient. Consequently, a large number of them
have left the medical profession, making the doctor shortage more severe.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 25
5. 해커스 P 82 (Business)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Because many of today’s students value the flexibility and convenience of distance learning, more and more of
them are getting their degrees online. Despite this trend, most employers still prefer to hire graduates of regular
university programs, and they have several good reasons for doing so.
One basis for this preference is that employers feel that students who enroll in traditional university programs are
more motivated to achieve their academic goals. While attending an onsite university program, students are
required to physically go to classes, show up on time, and participate in workshops and seminars. This willingness
to commit more time and effort toward obtaining an education demonstrates that these students have a higher
level of motivation.
Additionally, employers prefer candidates with the kind of hands-on learning experience that traditional courses
provide. This is particularly true for careers requiring specific types o training that cannot be offered to students
over the Internet. Chemists, for instance, need to conduct experiments in a laboratory setting to fully understand
the subject matter. This practical experience is very difficult to simulate in a virtual classroom environment.
Finally, many of the institutions that provide online degrees lack credibility with employers. The internet is full of
fraudulent institutions that sell undergraduate and even graduate degrees to anyone willing to pay for them.
These organizations do not have proper certification from educational authorities. Because employers often do
not know if an online degree was received from a legitimate establishment, they tend to choose graduates of
traditional university programs.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 26
6. 해커스 P83(history)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
In the second century BC, Greek soldiers supposedly used a combination of mirrors to burn Roman naval ships
that were attacking the city of Syracuse. However, this story is just a myth.
First of all, the discovery that a parabolic mirror could be used to focus reflected light on a target has not been
made when these events occurred. To create beams of reflected sunlight with sufficient intensity, curved mirrors
must be used. However, this type of mirror was not mentioned in any of the works written by scientists from this
period. In fact, the earliest known reference to parabolic mirrors is in a document written several decades after
the Roman attack took place.
Second, targeting a single with multiple mirrors is nearly impossible to coordinate. Each mirror should be aimed at
the exact same spot on a ship to produce a fire. However, the people holding the mirrors would be unable to aim
simultaneously because each individual could not determine which of the many reflected lights around the target
was his. Aiming the mirrors one by one to avoid confusion was not an option, as the ship would have moved by
the time the last mirror was correctly positioned.
Third, the fires produced using mirrors were not big enough to burn the ships. The small size of the fires means
that the sailors could have easily extinguished them with seawater. This was demonstrated in a recent experiment.
Using a large mirror to reflect sunlight onto a wooden boat, researchers were only able to create a very small fire
that quickly burnt itself out.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. track 27
1.해커스 P 90 (Architecture)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the
quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the
reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Scattered throughout Scotland are the remains of approximately 70 Iron Age forts built with stones that are vitrified,
which means that they have somehow melted into a glass-like material and fused together. A few attempts have
been made to explain the origin of these forts with their distinctive stonework.
It is possible that vitrification was caused by signal fires. Fires were lit along the walls of the forts as a means of
communicating with other communities. The continual heat from these fires would have melted the rock over time,
resulting in vitrified surfaces. This theory is supported by the fact that the vitrified stones are most common on the
upper parts of the walls, which is the logical location for signal fires.
Lightning is another plausible explanation for how the stones at these sites were vitrified. The intense heat generated
by a single lightning strike is sufficient to instantly transform rock into a glass-like substance, and repeated strikes
would have led to large sections of these structures being vitrified. In addition, lightning accounts for the uneven
appearance of the walls -the force generated by a strike is powerful enough to crack rocks and break off large
Finally, some researchers have suggested that forts were built using volcanic rock, meaning that the vitrification
process occurred prior to construction. According to this theory, lava from volcanic eruptions flowed over the rocks
on the surface of the ground, and it caused them to . melt and fuse together. The ancient residents of Scotland
used these aggregates of stone to build their fortresses.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 28
2. 해커스P92 ( Sociology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Genetically modified(GM) crops are agricultural plants that have been altered through genetic engineering. First
introduced in the early 1980s, GM crops benefit humans greatly.
One advantage is that GM crops can help solve the problem of world hunger. It is estimated that there are more
than a billion people on the planet who do not have enough to eat. However, genetic modification of crops can
alleviate the issue by increasing crop yields. As a case in point, scientists are currently modifying the DNA in rice
so that it uses sunlight more efficiently. They estimate that the resulting GM rice will produce 50 percent more rice
than the regular varieties.
Another benefit of GM crops is that they reduce the price of food. This is because plants can be genetically modified
to be more resistant to environmental problems. For instance, potatoes were altered to make them more tolerant
of freezing temperatures, and corn was modified to become more resilient to drought. This means that fewer crops
are lost to unfavorable growing conditions, stabilizing the food supply and thus lowering food prices.
GM crops can also produce vaccines that can be made more widely available than earlier ones. The temperature of
a conventional vaccine needs to be carefully controlled during storage and transportation to avoid loss of potency.
This is often difficult to accomplish in poor, developing countries, which reduces the availability of vaccines in those
places. In response to the problem, researchers recently developed edible vaccines by genetically modifying fruit
plants. These products are relatively easy to store and ship.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 29
3. 해커스 P94 (Environment)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Global warming is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including carbon
dioxide(CO2). Therefore, scientists are developing methods to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels in order to slow the
warming trend. One interesting approach is called carbon sequestration, which involves storing CO2 in the ground
or oceans, and this can be accomplished in a number of ways.
Many scientists argue that we should increase the amount of phytoplankton by adding iron to the oceans.
Phytoplankton are microscopic marine organisms that absorb CO2 into their bodies during the process of
photosynthesis. When phytoplankton die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean, taking the CO2 with them. Since
these organisms feed on iron, adding iron-rich dust to the oceans will encourage more of them to grow, increasing
the amount of CO2 stored in the oceans.
Creating artificial wetlands is another excellent way to sequester CO2. In ecosystems such as forests, bacteria use
the abundant oxygen in the soil to decompose organic matter quickly, releasing a lot of CO2 into the air. However,
the ground in wetland areas is almost completely covered by water, which prevents significant quantities of oxygen
from entering the soil. Therefore, decomposition occurs very slowly in wetlands, and the amount of CO2 that enters
the atmosphere is greatly reduced.
Lastly, CO2 can be stored in abandoned coal mines. To prevent CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere, it
can be captured from fossil-fuel power plants using special filters installed in smokestacks. The CO2 is then
transported by truck or pipeline and pumped into old coal mines. When CO2 molecules come into contact with
coal, they attach themselves to the surfaces and should remain in the coal mine for hundreds of years.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 30
4. 해커스 P96 (Biology):
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The sad discovery of whales lying helplessly on the beach is an all-too-common occurrence in many parts of the
world. These are a few probable reasons for why these strandings happen.
Whales may become stranded because of wind patterns. In the Southern Ocean, winds from the south and west
push cold water from Antarctica northeast toward Australia. Because food sources, such as fish and plankton, are
carried by the flow of the water, whales follow this ocean stream to feed. As the whales swim closer and closer to
Australia, they enter shallow water near shore and are stranded when the tide goes out.
It is also possible that whales are coming ashore due to illness. Some experts believe that whales become weak
and are unable to swim well as a result of being sick. When this happens, the vulnerable whales are gradually
pushed closer to shore by currents and waves until they are stranded. Moreover, marine biologists have noticed
that many whales have already died of disease when they wash up on the beach. This has led them to conclude
that similar illnesses are affecting live whales that strand.
Furthermore, the geological features of certain coastlines may cause whales to become disoriented. Whales navigate
their environment by emitting clicking noises and listening for echoes. This means that they can easily detect
geological formations with steep angles such as underwater cliffs. However, the ocean floor adjacent to some
beaches has a very gentle slope that may not properly reflect the sonar beams used by whales. If whales are unable
to detect the coastline near beaches, they are much more likely to swim too close to shore and become stranded.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 31
해커스 P102
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
At its peak during the eighth and ninth centuries, the Maya Empire consisted of approximately sixty cities and was
home to over four million people. However, by AD 1100, most of these urban centers had been abandoned and
the population had declined significantly. Several plausible theories have been advanced to explain why the Maya
Empire collapsed.
The first is that social turmoil in the form of a peasant revolt led to a breakdown of Maya society. This is supported
by the fact that peasants were forced to perform physically demanding work to construct the massive stone
monuments and buildings found in May cities. There is also evidence that some temples and thrones were destroyed
around the time that the Maya decline began, suggesting that a violent uprising against religious and political
authorities occurred.
Another explanation is that many of the Maya cities were abandoned because of a sudden change to the trade
routes of the region. Proponents of this theory point to the destruction of Teotihuacan, which acted as a trade hub
for large sections of Maya-controlled territory. Following its destruction, the economies of the urban centers that
were dependent on it for trade were devastated. Residents were unable to purchase many basic goods and
foodstuffs, leading them to relocate to other areas.
Some experts have even theorized that the Maya collapse was a result of an epidemic. The tropical climate of the
area in which the Maya lived was ideal for the development of parasites that cause disease. As the Maya urban
centers were densely populated, diseases such as yellow fever and malaria spread very quickly following an initial
outbreak and caused many deaths.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 32
1. 해커스 P108 (Anthropology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The Etruscan civilization thrived in northern Italy between 700 and 300 BC. Although a few different regions have
been identified as the original homeland of this people, there is a growing consensus that the Etruscans migrated
from Turkey.
Most importantly, DNA evidence shows that the Etruscans have Turkish roots. In 2004, Italian researchers analyzed
dozens of remains found in Etruscan gravesites. The scientists ran tests on a specific type of DNA from the remains
and found genetic markets linking the Etruscans to the ancient Turks.
The language used by the Etruscans also indicates that they came from Turkey. By studying Etruscan inscriptions
and bilingual tests, linguists found some similarities between Etruscan and Turkish, and concluded that the Etruscan
is very different from the Indo-European languages that were spoken nearby, like Greek or Latin.
A final link between the Turks and the Etruscans is found in shared funerary practices. The Etruscans cremated their
dead and stored the ashes in elaborate urns, which is a characteristic that they shared with the Turks. However, no
other groups living in northern Italy at the time are known to have practiced cremation.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 33
2. 해커스 P 112(Astronomy)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
For hundreds of years, astronomers observing the planet Venus have detected a faint, intermittent glow. The origin
of this glow, known as the ashen light of Venus, has attracted much scientific interest since its discovery, and many
possible sources have been identified.
The ashen light could be the result of a chemical process in Venus’s atmosphere. According to this hypothesis, as
atmospheric carbon dioxide is heated by solar radiation, it splits into carbon monoxide and oxygen. These are then
transported by wind to the dark side of the planet, where they cool and recombine to form carbon dioxide. Light
is produced when this recombination takes place.
Another possibility is that the glow is sunlight reflected off clouds. Venus is completely covered by a dense layer of
clouds containing droplets of liquid sulfuric acid that are highly reflective. Accordingly, the ashen light could simply
be sunlight that is reflected back into space by the clouds of Venus.
The last theory holds that the glow is aurorae, which are natural light displays that occur when plasma from the
Sun enters a planet’s atmosphere. Plasma contains particles that collide with atoms in the atmosphere. The energy
produced by these collisions takes the form of visible light, so they may be the cause of the ashen light observed
on Venus.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 34
3. 해커스 P116(Environment)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The Everglades is an extensive area of subtropical wetlands located in southern Florida. Its rivers, marshes, and lakes
are home to an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna. However, this unique ecosystem and its wild inhabitants
are being destroyed permanently due to environmental problems.
The first problem is water pollution from nearby agricultural facilities, particularly the numerous sugarcane farms in
the region. Chemicals from fertilizers seep into the water, resulting in the growth of algae. This causes the amount
of oxygen in the water to decline, and low oxygen levels destroy wetland ecosystems and the organisms they
Soil is also being lost at an alarming rate. The US government drained vast areas of the Everglades in the 19th
century, exposing the rich, organic soil to the air. This made the soil dry and left it vulnerable to wind erosion.
Geographers estimated that approximately six feet of topsoil has blown away since 1900; they predict that all of
the fertile soil in the region could vanish within the next 25 years. This would leave nothing but bare, exposed rock,
making it impossible for plants to grow.
Human development in the Everglades is another problem as it threatens wildlife. Construction of farms and houses
during the last century has reduced the region to half of its original size, and it had deprived several animal species
of their habitats. The most obvious example is the Florida panther. Fewer than 100 panthers remain in the Everglades,
and the species is expected to disappear completely in the near future.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 35
4. 해커스 P 120(Biology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Lambeosaurus was an herbivorous duck-billed dinosaur that had an axe-shaped crest on the top of its head. Recent
research has shed some light on the roles that this distinctive physical feature may have played.
The crests may have been used to attract mates. Many of the fossils showed that the crests grew and changed
according to sex and age, so they would have been an ideal means for the dinosaurs to be noticed by potential
mates. In particular, the crests could have helped male dinosaurs attract females, as females may have preferred
mates with large crests.
Another explanation is that the crests were used for combat. The large protrusions may have served as protective
helmets that helped Lambeosaurus defend itself from large predators. Furthermore, many dinosaurs fought head-
to head. Lambeosaurus may have also used its crest as a weapon to strike other members of its species, similar to
the way Triceratops used its horns to spar with each other.
A third possible use of the crests was to supply air while Lambeosaurus held its head underwater to eat. It is
believed that Lambeosaurus may have spent a significant amount of time with its head submerged in order to eat
aquatic plants. Since the crests were hollow and contained passages that connected to the airways and lungs, they
could have been used to store air and provide it when necessary. This would have allowed the creatures to keep
their heads underwater for lengthy periods of time.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 36
5. 해커스 P 124 (sociology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The government levies a special tax on tobacco products sold in the country. Some people believe that this tax is
already too high, but there are actually several advantages to increasing it.
Raising the tax on cigarettes makes it less likely that young people will start smoking. A recent study found that a
10 percent increase in cigarette prices will result in a 6 percent decline in the number of people aged 12 to 24 who
start smoking. This is because youth typically have less spending money than adults, so they will be unable to
afford the higher price of cigarettes.
Next, increasing the tax will make it possible to repair damage inflicted on the environment by the cultivation of
tobacco. In order to grow tobacco, thousands of acres of forests are destroyed and converted into farmland each
year. What’s more, tobacco crops are routinely sprayed with dangerous chemicals, which leach into the soil and
pollute water systems. A higher tax will provide more money to combat these environmental problems by planting
new forests and removing harmful chemicals from the ground. This will help reverse the environmental harm caused
by tobacco farms.
Lastly, the revenue raised by a higher cigarette tax can be used to reduce poverty. Increasing the tax on cigarettes
will result in higher revenue for the government. This means that it will have enough funds to support social welfare
programs, which can help poor people by providing them with financial assistance such as unemployment and
welfare benefits.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 37
6. 해커스 P128 (Earth Science)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Lasting from the early 1300s until the late 1800s, the Little Ice Age was a period of decreased global temperatures.
The Little Ice Age has been a topic of great interest for climatologists, and they have suggested a few credible
theories regarding its cause.
Some scientists argue that the Little Ice Age was triggered by diminished solar radiation reaching the planet. The
Little Ice Age was marked by a decrease in the number of observable sunspots, which are dark shapes that
sometimes appear on the surface of the Sun. The prevalence of sunspots is dependent on the amount of energy
being emitted by the Sun. Therefore, the dearth of spots during the Little Ice Age indicated a reduced level of solar
activity, meaning that less solar radiation was reaching the Earth. As a result, the Earth became cooler.
Others contend that a massive volcanic eruption brought about the Little Ice Age. Historical records indicate that
Mount Rinjani, an Indonesian volcano, erupted in the late 13 th century. It is believed to be the largest volcanic
eruption in recorded history, and it would have sent a thick plume of dust and ash into the atmosphere. This, in
turn, reduced the amount of solar radiation that reached the planet, lowering temperatures.
And finally, researchers have suggested that the global cooling may have occurred due to an increase in the Earth’s
reflectivity. Several particularly cold winters in the early 14 th century increased the amount of glaciers and snow
cover on the planet’s surface. Since ice and snow reflect up to 90 percent of sunlight it receives, less energy from
the Sun was retained and temperatures dropped, resulting in the Little Ice Age.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 38
해커스 P 132(Science)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
The use of conventional polygraphs to determine whether a person is lying is controversial because of doubts about
their effectiveness. Recent research suggests that a brain scan lie detector, a new form of polygraph that measures
neural activity in the brain, is more accurate.
When a brain scan lie detector is used, true statements are not misidentified as lies. Conventional polygraph tests
are based on the premise that a person becomes anxious when telling a lie. Therefore, the stress of being
interrogated is often misinterpreted as dishonesty. In contrast, a brain scan detects increased activity in the parts
of the brain known to be used when a person lies. This type of indicator is not affected by a subject’s level of
Another factor is that results are interpreted in an objective manner. When a traditional polygraph test is conducted,
an expert must use his or her judgement to analyze the responses, a process that often results in mistakes. However,
a brain scan produces actual images of the specific parts of the brain that are associated with lying, so there is no
need for a subjective analysis.
Brain scans also make it much more difficult for a subject to intentionally trick the test. Meditation techniques or
sedative drugs can be used during a conventional polygraph test to disguise the physical response to lying, such
as increased heart and breathing rates. However, these countermeasures do not affect a person’s brain activity, so
they are ineffective during a brain scan polygraph test.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 39
2. 해커스 P 136
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Prior to European colonization in the 1600s and 1700s, more than 30 million people lived in South America. Some
historians speculate that many of them inhabited the Amazon rainforest and formed a huge, highly developed
society there. However, the available evidence shows that it is extremely doubtful that the Amazon has ever
supported a large, advanced civilization.
First of all, the dense jungle of the Amazon rainforest prevented the formation of a vast civilization. Because of the
high concentration of vegetation, it was too difficult for people to move around in the rainforest. As a result,
communication between population groups was limited, so the cooperative effort that is required to build a large
organized society was impossible.
Furthermore, the artifacts that have been discovered in the Amazon lack sophistication. Archaeologists have
uncovered few ancient tools in the region, and those that have been found are very simple items, such as axes,
knives, and arrowheads. These basic implements did not require a high level of technology to produce but instead
were made simply by striking one stone with another to achieve the desired shape. The primitive state of their
toolmaking indicates that ancient inhabitants of the Amazon did not constitute an advanced society.
As well, European expeditions into the Amazon rainforest proved that no large civilization existed there. The
European explorers searched diligently for an advanced society, but after thorough searches, they found nothing
more than scattered tribes in rudimentary settlements. This small size of these communities made it clear that they
were not part of a large civilization.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 40
3. 해커스 P 140(Environment Science)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Coal is the most plentiful and easily accessible form of fossil fuel on the planet. It has been an important source of
energy for hundreds of years, and it will continue to be used in the future because of its merits.
Perhaps the most important benefit of coal is that it is easy to mine. It is commonly located close to the earth’s
surface, so miners do not need to dig tunnels to reach a deposit-instead, they simply remove the layers of soil and
rock that cover the coals. This method of extraction, known as strip mining, enables a mining company to save
both time and effort because it allows for up to 90 percent of coal in a deposit to be extracted without the need
for specialized equipment to burrow deep into the earth.
Another reason to continue using coal is that it is cheap to transport. Other types of fuels, such as oil, natural gas,
and hydrogen, are transported by means of dangerous, high-pressure pipelines. Therefore, the constant danger of
explosions or leaks is existent, and it means that a lot of money must be spent on safety measures to reduce the
risk of accidents. However, coal is commonly shipped in its solid form, with little chance of mishap. Thus, the cost
of ensuring safe transportation of coal is very low when compared to other fuels.
Lastly, the coal industry is a major employer that creates more jobs for workers. Mining operations in the US employ
thousands of workers in the extraction and processing of coal, as well as related jobs such as the maintenance of
coal facilities. Given that the country’s energy requirements will continue to increase, the coal industry will expand
and hire even more workers in the future.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 41
4. 해커스 P 144(Biology)
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Antlers are large, horn-like bone growths that extend from the heads of most male deer once they reach maturity.
In recent years, the functions of this appendage have been determined.
Antlers play a major role in attracting mates. During the annual mating season, male deer use their antlers to
establish dominance in competition for mates. Rival deer run at each other and lock antlers, and after a struggle
usually lasting only a few minutes, the weaker deer retreats. The winner of the physical confrontation is much more
likely to attract a female. Also, studies have shown that even when these fights do not occur, female deer have a
clear preference for males with large antlers.
Next, deer use their antlers to mark the territory that they control. They have often been observed rubbing their
antlers against small trees, peeling away the bark and creating scrape marks. This may be done in habitats with
abundant food, such as wooded areas near farmland, as well as in locations where the deer sleep. The markings
could serve as visual warnings to other males, which would discourage a deer from intruding upon another’s
Antlers also allow deer to defend themselves against predators. Deer are in constant danger of being attacked and
killed by large predators, such as wolves. When a predator approaches, deer sweep their antlers back and forth in
order to drive off the attacker. Furthermore, deer ae known to lower tier heads when attacked, as this positions the
antlers to effectively protect the deer’s head and neck.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 42
해커스 P 148
Directions You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of
your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and the relationship to the reading passage.
Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Since the early 20th century, the US government has made special payments to farmers based on the amount of
food crops they produce, with greater output resulting in higher payments. Because these disbursements, referred
to as agricultural subsidies, offer several benefits, the government should continue to provide them to farmers.
An important thing is that they stabilize the food supply. Agriculture is heavily dependent on the weather, as floods
and droughts can greatly reduce crop yields. Agricultural subsidies address this problem by encouraging farmers
nationwide to grow additional crops to make up for any reigional losses. This ensures that the country will have a
steady and sufficient supply of food regardless of weather conditions.
Economic assistance for farmers also significantly lowers the price of food. Since much of the costs associated with
farming are offset by the subsidies, agriculturists are able to sell their harvests at a lower price while still remaining
profitable. Without this system in place, food prices in general would rise, forcing consumers to spend a higher
portion of their incomes on groceries. Providing agricultural subsidies to farmers makes food products remain
Finally, subsidies promote economic health in rural communities. Poverty is a major problem in these areas because
there are very few jobs available to residents. The subsidies reduce poverty because they encourage farmers to
increase the amount of land under cultivation, which necessitates the hiring of many more workers. The greater
number of employment opportunities means that more rural residents will be able to find jobs, alleviating their
financial hardship and spurring the economic growth of the region.
Now, listen to the lecture on the topic you just read about. Track 43
에세이 핵 필수 표현
1. 스트레스를 줄이다
relieve, reduce, get rid of, alleviate, relieve, release stress
2. 가장 효율적인 방법이다.
be the most effective(useful/efficient/useful) way
3. 개인 관심사를 공유하다 share our personal interests.
4. 나의 이야기가 있다 Here is my anecdote.
5. 나의 경제적인 부담을 덜어주다 lighten my financial burden.
6. 동의/결론에 도달하다 Reach(arrive at/ get to) an agreement/conclusion
7. ~하는데 많은 시간을 보내다 spend a lot of time Ving
8. ~하느라 바쁘다 be busy Ving
9. ~에 (긍정적인, 부정적인)영향을 미치다
have an (positive, negative) effect/influence/impact on .
affect ~positively/negatively
10. 목표를 달성하다 achieve(accomplish/fulfill/discharge/perform/execute) a goal
11. 재능에 자양분이 된다 nourish(cultivate/be conducive/enrich) our talent
become personal nourishment to our talent
12. 다양한분야에서 사람들의 network 를 넓힌다
Broaden(build) a (strong/helpful/ broad)network of people in various fields.
13. 이 사실은 강력한 장점이 될 수 있다 This fact can be a powerful merit.
14. 대부분의 성공적인 ceo 들은 그들의 넓은 우정을 그들의 성공에 대한 도움이 되는 요인으로 뽑앗다.
Most successful CEOs picked their broad friendship as a conclusive(decisive) factor to their success.
15. 다양한 책을 읽은 것으로부터 내가 얻었던 축적된 지식을 사용하다
Use accumulated knowledge I gained from reading a variety of books.
16. 코로나 바이러스 한가운데 Amid covid-19 pandemic situation
17. 의사소통은 우리가 불필요한 갈등을 피하도록 해준다
Communication enables us to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
18. 부정직함이 때때로 의사들이 의학치료의 효과를 향상시키도록 한다
Being dishonest sometimes enables doctors to enhance the effect of medical treatment.
19. 지구는 인간들이 살기에 점점 나빠지고 있다
Our planet is getting worse for humans to live in
20. 시간이 지나면서
As time went by
21. 이산화탄소를 포함한 독성가스들이 지구를 덮어서 마침내 인간의 폐에 해를 준다
Toxic gases that include carbon dioxide cover the earth and finally harm our lung conditions.
22. 벌목은 지구 온난화을 일으켜서 결국 극심한 날씨 상태의 결과로 이끈다
Deforestation causes global warming, and eventually it leads to extreme weather conditions.
23. 만약 우리가 나무를 잘라내면, 오존층이 파괴가 된다.
If we cut off trees, the ozone layer gets destroyed
24. 인간의 활동이 우리의 삶을 황폐하게 한다.
Human activities are devastating our lives.
25. 원자력 같은 전기를 발생시키는 많은 새로운 방법들이 지구를 더 깨끗하게 만든다.
Many new ways of generating electricity such as nuclear power plants make the earth clearer.
26. 내가 어렸을 때, 나는 밖에서 마스크를 쓰지 않고 친구들과 놀았었다.
when I was a child, I used to hang out with my friends outside without wearing a mask.
27. 한시간만 밖에 있는 것이 내 목을 아프게 했다.
Just being outside for an hour made my throat itchy and sore.
28. 우리 모두 체느로빌 원자력 발전소의 재난이 환경에 얼마나 파괴적이었는지 안다.
We all know how devastating the disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant was to the environment.
29. 티비를 보는 것은 우리가 티비가 제공하는 내용을 단지 듣기만 하기 때문에 우리의 말하기 능력을 방해한다
Watching television disrupts our speaking ability because we only listen to the contents TV provides us
30. 티비를 보는 것은 일방적인 소통이기 때문에, 우리는 사람들에게 말하지 않는것에 익숙해 질수 있다.
Watching television programs is one-way communication, and we can be used to not talking to people.
[One-way communication is when a message flows from sender to receiver only, thus providing no
31. 친구들간의 경쟁은 우리가 원하는 것을 달성하도록 더 많은 노력을 하도록 동기를 준다.
Competition with friends can motivate us to make more efforts to achieve what we want.
32. 우리는 친구와 경쟁 하는 동안에 같은 목표를 달성하도록 노력한다.
We try to achieve the same goal while competing with friends.
33. 나는 친구간의 경쟁의 장점이 단점보다 더 중요하다라고 확신한다.
I am confident that the advantage of competition between friends outweighs its disadvantage.
34. 영화나 티비 같은 방송 미디어는 우리의 삶에 상당히 영향을 미친다
Such broadcast media as movies and television affects our lifestyles significantly.
[Broadcast media such as movies and television affects~]
35. 아이들은 특히 티비에서 그들이 본 것을 모방하는 경향이 있다.
Children tend to imitate/mimic/duplicate/copy what they see especially on TV
36. 에펠 타워 효과라고 불리는 심리효과가 있는데, 그것은 관찰자들이 처음에 역겹게 보이던 사람이나 물건에
반복적으로 노출될 때, 그 관찰자들이 그것에 대해 긍정적인 태도를 가지게 될것이라는 것을 의미한다.
There is a psychological effect, called the Eiffel Tower effect, which means that when an observer is
repeatedly exposed to a thing or person that first looks disgusting, he or she is more likely to form a
positive attitude about it.
37. 그것이 왜 많은 회사들이 PPL 과 광고를 통해 그들의 상품이나 서비스를 끊임없이 홍보하려고 노력하는
That is why many companies continuously try to promote their products or services through PPL and
38. 부모님들은 그들이 아이들이 부적절한 내용을 보는 것을 막아야 한다.
Parents should prevent their children from watching inappropriate content.
39. 아이들이 보는 비디오 내용과 그들의 지적인 발전 간에 상호관계가 있다.
There is a correlation between the type of video contents children see and their intellectual
40. 폭력적인 만화를 자주 보는 아이들은 낮은 지능을 가질 경향이 있다.
Children who frequently watch aggressive cartoons tend to have low intelligence.
41. 인터넷의 발전은 사람들이 다양한 사람들과 의사소통하는 것과 많은 새로운 방법으로 교육받는 것을
가능하게 한다.
The development of the internet enables people to communicate with a variety of people and be
educated in many novel ways.
42. 새롭게 개발된 교육 시스템은 젊은 사람들이 더 좋은 삶을 성취할 기회를 가지도록 허가한다.
A newly developed education system allows young people to have an opportunity to achieve better lives.
43. 주로 유명인들의 호화스러운 삶을 보여주는 매스미디어에 노출된 사람들은 쉽게 그들을 부러워하며 그들의
삶의 방식을 모방할거 같다.
People who are often exposed to mass media which usually shows the luxurious lifestyles of celebrities
are easily likely to envy them and imitate their lifestyles.
44. 연구에 따르면, 만약 영화가 폭력적이거나 마약에 중독된 등장인물을 매력적으로 묘사하면, 어린 학생들은
폭력과 마약이 심각한 문제가 아니라고 생각하는 경향이 있다
According to the research, if the movies depict characters who are violent or addicted to drugs as
attractive, young students tend to think that violence and drugs are not serious matters.
45. 부모님들은 친절함과 관대함으로 가득 찬 사회에서 살았다.
Parents lived in a society full of kindness and generosity.
46. 개인주의가 요즈음 매우 심각하다는 것은 명백하다.
It is evident that individualism is very severe nowadays.
47. 우리는 고도로 경쟁이 심한 사회에서 살아 남기 위해서 항상 매분마다 경쟁해야 한다, 그래서 이것은 우리가
사람들 간에 신뢰와 친밀함을 잃도록 만든다.
We always have to compete every single minute to survive in a highly competitive society, so this makes
us lose the trust and intimacy among people.
48. 대중교통이 더 빈번하게 운영하면 할수록, 우리는 더 자주 그것을 사용할 것 같다.
The more frequently public transportation runs, the more often we are likely to use it.
49. 우리는 이렇게 빠르게 변하는 사회에 적응하기 위해서 보완기술을 배워야 한다.
We should learn complementary skills to adapt to this fast-changing society.
50. 만약 시간의 관점에서 버스를 타는 것과 개인차를 운전하는 것 사이에 상당한 차이가 없다면, 사람들은
대중교통을 더 자주 이용할 것 같다.
If there is no significant difference between taking a bus and driving a private car in terms of time taken,
people are likely to use public transportation more often.
51. 고용인에게 보상해주는 것은 그들이 그들의 역량을 사용하도록 동기를 준다.
Rewarding workers motivates them to use their full capacity.
52. 우리는 동의 한다/사람들이 그들의 노력이 인정될 때 더 많은 노력을 하는 경향이 있다는 것을
We agree that people tend to make more efforts to do something when their efforts are appreciated.
53. 보상을 해주는 것은 높은 생산력을 이끈다.
Giving some rewards leads to high productivity.
54. 매니저가 직원들을 평가하는 식당에서 아르바이트로 서빙 하는 일을 했다.
I used to work as a part-time waitress at a restaurant where the manager evaluated its staff based on my
55. 보상 시스템은 우리가 얼마나 잘하고 있는지에 대한 지표가 될 수 있다/우리가 무엇을 달성했는지 확인하는
것을 가능하게 해주기 때문에
The rewarding system can be an indicator of how well we are doing since it makes us check what we
have achieved so far.
56. 필요한 정보를 찾기 위해 책을 사용하는 것은 자기주도학습을 최대화 할 우리의 기술을 향상시키도록
돕는다/ 어느 책을 참조할지 결정하고 우리의 선택을 평가하는 기본적인 의무를 우리가 가지기 때문에
Using books to look up necessary information helps us improve our skills to maximize self-directed learning
because we have to take primary charge of choosing which book to refer to and evaluating our choice.
57. 인터넷에 있는 다양한 웹사이트들은 항상 매일의 뉴스와 최신정보로 로드된다.
Various website on the internet is always loaded with daily news and the latest information on websites.
58. 기술의 발전 덕택에, 우리는 심지어 다른 나라에서 몇분 전에 발생한 것에 대한 기사도 볼수 있다.
Thanks to the development of technology, we can even read an article about out what happened a few
minutes ago in other countries.
59. 몇몇사람들은 장치에 대한 제한을 두는 것은 불필요 하다라고 말한다/왜냐하면 학생들은 매일의
사용으로부터 미디어 정보 해독력을 배울수 있기때문에
Some people say that putting restrictions on their devices is unnecessary/ since students can learn media
literacy from everyday usage.
60. 나는 어린 학생들이 평일동안 그들의 스크린사용시간(screen time)에 제한을 가져야 한다고 믿는다/왜냐하면
학생들은 기술에 의존하는 것에 쉽게 중독 될수도 있기 때문이다.
I believe that young students must have limits on their screen time during the school days because they
can be easily addicted to being dependent on technology.
61. 학생들은 매우 중독에 취약하다/왜냐하면 그들은 게임이나 소셜미디어로부터 자기자신을 조절하기에는 너무
어리기 때문이다.
Students are very vulnerable to addiction because they are too young to control themselves from the
temptation of mobile games and social media.
62. 부분의 학생들은 온라인상에서 게임을 그만두는 것을 고군분투했다 라고 대답했다 /왜냐하면 그들은 이미
그것에 집착하고 있기 때문에
Most students replied that they struggled to quit playing games online since they were already obsessed
with it.
63. 그들은 인터넷에서 정보를 찾는 것에 너무 익숙해질지도 모른다/ 왜냐하면 한번의 클릭으로 모든 정보가
발견 되어 질 수 있기때문에
They might get too accustomed to finding information on the Internet since every piece of information
can be found with a single click.
64. 그래서, 그들은 스스로 새 지식을 획득할 노력을 하는데 어려움을 가지게 되며, 이것은 자기주도학습에
부정적 영향을 끼친다.
Therefore, they have a difficulty putting effort to acquire new knowledge by themselves, which has a
negative influence on their self-directed learning.
65. 나는 인터넷이 매우 도움이 되는 도구라고 믿는다/우리가 그것을 효율적으로 그리고 사회적 방법으로
사용할수 있다 라는 점에서
I believe that the internet is a very conducive tool in that we can use it in an efficient and social way.
66. 우리는 실시간으로 소셜미디어를 통해서 지구의 반대쪽에 연락할 수 있다
We can reach out to the other side of the globe through social media in real-time.
67. 나는 소셜미디어로 영국에 사는 친구들 이랑 화상통화를 할 수 있고 그들이 어떻게 지내는지 확인 할 수
I can video-chat with friends who live in England and check out how they have been doing on social media.
68. 이것은 내가 훨씬 더 강한 유대관계를 만드는 것을 도왔다
This helped me create a much stronger bond.
69. 인터넷은 우리가 인터넷이 없다면 만날 수 없는 많은 사람들과 연결되는 것을 돕는다는 것은 명백하다.
It is evident that the internet helps us to be connected with lots of people we cannot meet without the
2. Positive peer pressure can be applied in study groups/ to help students motivate each other.
3. Personality development in kindergarten is geared/ towards teaching children how to interact as part of a
4. Club meetings allow students to join each other for social activities/ outside of the classroom.
5. Participating in extracurricular activities is a good way/ for students to widen their social network.
6. Thousands of websites are available/ to help students prepare for their college entrance exams.
7. It is a good idea to experience at least a year of off-campus life /before moving out into the real world.
8. Adapting to a new workplace is a learning process /that begins with an understanding of the company
9. Neighbors in small communities are more likely to work in teams/ to overcome local challenges.
10. In previous generations, growing into adulthood meant getting a job, getting married and having kids.
이전의 세대에서는, 성인이 된다는 것은 직업을 가지고, 결혼을 하고, 자녀를 가진다는 것을 의미했다.
11. Young people who are assigned household chores(tasks) learn how to organize their time.
집안일을 맡은 젊은 사람들은 그들의 시간을 관리하는 법을 배운다.
12. Social customs determine /how each country’s citizens greet each other and say goodbye.
13. A good manager should be a role model to his employees/ by conducting himself in a professional manner.
14. The natural habitats of endangered wildlife must be protected with strict regulations.
15. Popular sentiment in favor of smoke-free zones is one reason /why lighting up should be banned in public
places. (=general voice, popular belief, public opinion)
16. Advertisers encourage average consumers to feel like privileged people/ by buying expensive brand name
17. A person with poor social skills will have a hard time fitting in a company’s culture. (=interpersonal skills)
18. In a developing country, the gap between the rich and the poor is often quite large.
19. In most advanced countries, the internet infrastructure has been equipped for high-speed transmissions.
20. Attending college outside one’s native country allows for educational, cultural, and linguistic stimulation.
자신의 모국이 아닌 해외에서 대학을 다니는 것은 교육적, 문화적, 그리고 언어적인 자극을 허용한다.
21. For the first meeting with a new client, it is better to dress up in a nice suit.
22. People who move a number of times tend to build up trust quickly in new relationships.
23. Promising youth from disadvantaged backgrounds should receive college scholarships.
25. Building a strong character is more important than achieving any academic or financial success.
인성을 함양하는 것은 어떤 문학적, 재정적 성공을 성취하는 것보다 더 중요하다
26. Global warming is an international crisis that must be addressed by all governments.
27. Most people do not have the skills and leadership abilities/ necessary for managerial positions.
1. If a person gets a pet, he should be prepared to take care of it over its entire lifespan.
2. Life expectancy is influenced by a number of factors/, such as family history and personal lifestyle.
(life expectancy: an estimate or an average number of years a person can expect to live)
4. Vaccinating children /against deadly diseases/ has lowered mortality rates in advanced countries.
5. Regular exercise strengthens the immune system and therefore, helps prevent sickness.
6. It is difficult to stay in shape /when sitting at a desk all day and then sitting on a couch all night.
7. People who have a sedentary lifestyle spend most of their time sitting and lying down with very little to
no exercise.
9. Growing up in a rural area allows for a close connection with nature, which is impossible in a crowded
urban area.
시골에서 자라는 것은 자연과 밀접한 관계를 허용한다/이것은 복잡한 도시지역에서는 불가능하다
10. A food shortage is predicted this winter /after a severe drought last summer.
11. The mass destruction of local wildlife to build a shopping mall is ridiculous and irresponsible.
12. Personal safety on campus at night is ensured /with 24-hour security teams on regular patrol.
13. Environmental concerns over global warming reached new levels/ during last summer’s heat wave.
14. If you want a fast diagnosis to a sickness you come down with/, you can find it online within minutes.
15. In each generation, the standard of living improves with new technological innovations.
16. Modern food preparation is no longer a time-consuming activity as many ready-to-eat meals are available.
17. For young people today, the top priority is not necessarily a lifetime job.
18. While the intrinsic quality of classical music is difficult to define, the sounds themselves are certainly
19. Meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques can lead us to a stress-free life.
20. Roommates should respect the privacy of others by knocking before entering.
21. An effective way to break a bad habit such as smoking is to substitute it with a new behavior, such as
chewing gum.
22. Parents need to be dedicated to meeting their children’s educational needs/ if they genuinely want their
children to succeed.
부모들은 그들의 아이들의 교육적인 필요성을 충족시키는데 헌신할 필요가 있다/만약 그들이 진심으로
그들의 아이들이 성공하기를 원한다면(=be devoted to N)
23. You don’t need to be stressed out about things you cannot change.
25. Extracurricular activities can play an important role in a student’s social life.
27. People should try to use public transportation and cut back on their automobile usage.
29. A level-headed person does not say or do things that he will regret.
30. The best solution to dealing with a person who is a pain in the neck is to ignore him.
32. One should not avoid uninviting tasks but welcome them/ as a way to improve one’s good character.
33. People who make a big fuss over small matters have a difficulty working with others.
1. Simple activities like banking and shopping are difficult for illiterate people.
2. With an internet connection, people can begin a remote learning course at their home.
인터넷 연결이 있으면, 사람들은 자신의 집에서 원격학습 과정을 시작할 수 있다.
3. The rich cultural heritage of Asia is evident in its myriad temples and shrines.
4. Because French is not her mother tongue, she makes some minor grammatical mistakes in her speech.
프랑스어가 그녀의 모국어가 아니기 때문에, 그녀는 연설에서 사소한 문법 실수를 한다.
6. We can look up a lot of up-to-date information on any news topic/ with just a few mouse clicks.
7. Mobile technology is a double-edged sword/ because it has people not only make optimal use of time
but also take a risk of burning themselves out.
모바일 기술은 양날의 칼이다/사람들이 최적의 시간을 사용할 수있도록 도와줄 뿐만 아니라 그들을 피
로하게 할 위험성도 있기 때문에
8. A tailor can make adjustments to your suit if it does not fit properly.
★다음 문장을 순서대로 다시 써보자
Building, important, a, strong, character, more, is, academic, achieving, financial, any, than, or, success.
Global warming, is, an, crisis, that, be, governments, must, addressed, by, all, international.
Most, do, not, leadership, have, the, skills, people, and, abilities/ for, necessary, positions, managerial.
If a, should, person, raises, he, a, pet, be, to, take, it, prepared, care, of, over, lifespan, entire, its.(lifespan:
the maximum of years an individual can live)
Life, is, number, influenced, by, a, expectancy, factors, of/, family, such as, and, history, lifestyle, personal.
(life expectancy: an estimate or an average number of years a person can expect to live)
Improvements, directly, health(medical), care, in, are, advancements, to, in, science, medical, related
Vaccinating, lowered, against, children, diseases, deadly, advanced, has, rates, in, countries, mortality
Regular, immune, strengthens, and, exercise, the, helps, system, sickness, prevent, therefore.
It, stay, is, difficult, shape, to, in, /when, at, a, desk, couch, sitting, sitting, all day, and, then on, a, all night.
13. 주로 앉아서 지내는 삶의 방식을 가진 사람들은 대부분의 시간을 앉거나 누워서 보낸다/거의 또는 아예
운동을 하지 않으면서
People, sedentary, who, a, lifestyle, have, spend, time, most, of, their, sitting and lying down/ exercise, with,
little, no, or, very.
15. 시골에서 자라는 것은 자연과 밀접한 관계를 허용한다/이것은 복잡한 도시지역에서는 불가능하다
Growing, close, connection, a, up, in, area, nature, allows, for, a, rural, with,/ impossible, which, is, urban, a,
area, crowded, in.
A, shortage, predicted, is, food, this winter / severe, after, a, drought, last summer.
The, of, to, mass, local, destruction, a, shopping, irresponsible, ridiculous, mall, wildlife, build, is, and
Personal, ensured, safety, night, on, at, campus, is / 24-hour security teams, with, regular, on, patrol.
Environmental, over, global warming, levels, concerns, new, reached / heat wave, during, last summer’s.
If, you, you, want, come, a, diagnosis, to, fast, a, sickness, down with/, you, can, find, online, minutes, it,
each, In, generation, the, improves, of, standard, living, new, with, innovations, technological.
Modern, preparation, is, no, food, longer, activity, a, time-consuming / many, as, ready-to-eat meals,
available, are
For, people, young, today, the, priority, necessarily, is, not, top, lifetime, a, job.
While, the, of, difficult, quality, intrinsic, classical, music, define, is, to/, the, sounds, certainly, pleasant, are,
25. 명상, 요가, 안정화 기술은 우리를 스트레스 없는 삶으로 이끌수 있다.
Meditation, and, yoga, lead, techniques, relaxation, can, us, a, stress-free, to, life.
3. Building a strong character is more important than achieving any academic or financial success.
5. Most people do not have the skills and leadership abilities/ necessary for managerial positions.
7. If a person raises a pet, he should be prepared to take care of it over its entire lifespan.
8. Life expectancy is influenced by a number of factors / such as family history and personal lifestyle.
10. Vaccinating children against deadly diseases has lowered mortality rates in advanced countries.
11. Regular exercise strengthens the immune system and therefore helps prevent sickness.
12. It is difficult to stay in shape /when sitting at a desk all day and then sitting on a couch all night.
13. People who have a sedentary lifestyle spend most of their time sitting and lying down/ with no or very
little exercise.
15. Growing up close in a rural area allows for a connection with nature/ which is impossible in a crowded
urban area.
16. A food shortage is predicted this winter / after a severe drought last summer.
17. The mass destruction of local wildlife is ridiculous and irresponsible to build a shopping mall.
18. Personal safety is ensured on campus at night / with 24-hour security teams on regular patrol.
19. Environmental concerns over global warming reached new levels / during last summer’s heat wave.
20. If you want a fast diagnosis to a sickness you come down with,/ you can find it within minutes online.
21. In each generation, the standard of living improves with new technological innovations.
22. Modern food preparation is no longer a time-consuming activity /as many ready-to-eat meals are available.
23. For young people today, the top priority is not necessarily a lifetime job.
24. While to define the intrinsic quality of classical music is difficult,/the sounds themselves are certainly
25. Meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques can lead us to a stress-free life.
스피킹 및 라이팅을 위한 기본구조 익히기
1. 다음동사뒤에는 전+명사(부사) 와요
1. be;remain;stay:keep :prove
2. become ;get=grow=go=turn
3. 지각동사
4. 다음 동사 뒤에는 사람+ 사물 와요
1. make
2. consider
3. call name
4. elect
5. entitle
1. make
2. consider
3. find
4. keep leave
5. 다음 동사뒤에는 명사가 오고 동원이 와요
1. make 5. look at
2. have 6. hear
3. let 7. listen to
4. see 8. feel