Ucsp 1st Quarter
Ucsp 1st Quarter
Ucsp 1st Quarter
Key word: Change Eg., government, church, schools and other social
--------------------------------------------------------------- institutions
2. Religious-Oriented
Max Weber • Augustine's Conception of Peace. Both
Augustine's political world view and his
• Rationalization refers essentially to the
approach to war incorporate his conception of
disenchantment of the world.
peace. According to Augustine, God designed
• As science began to replace religion, people also all humans to live together in the “bond of
adopted a scientific or rational attitude of the peace.” However, fallen man lives in society as
world, people refuses to believe in myths and according to the divine will or as opposing it.
superstitious beliefs.
Niccolò Machiavelli
• According to the bureaucratic theory of Max
• The prince, originally a treatise, was written at a
Weber, bureaucracy is the basis for the
time of political instability since Italy was
systematic formation of any organization and is
experiencing internal division during that time
designed to ensure efficiency and economic
and this resulted in threats from opportunist
effectiveness. It is an ideal model for
neighbors, and consequently, Machiavelli saw a
management and its administration to bring an
need to advise rulers in the art of successful
organization's power structure into focus.
leadership (Gilbert, 1939: 453).
• Machiavelli has also pointed out that human
Lesson 4: Political Science appetites are insatiable, short-sighted and naive.
With this nature of man, it became the basis of
The Scope of anthropology, Sociology and Political Machiavelli in establishing his proposition of the
Science kind of governance a state must undergo for its
future development or, in Machiavelli’s
Political Science ‘destructive purification’ (Holler, 2007).
Deals with the study of politics, power and a) A leader must be ready to take advantage of
governance, according to Aristotle it is the study the existing state of things;
of state including its form of government, b) strong enough to sin boldly for his country’s
political system, political behavior and political welfare;
ideology. c) shrewd enough to understand human nature;
d) overcome evil with evil;
Political Science has a complex history. e) play with passions and impulses of men and
use them for his advantage;
1. Ancient Greek political philosophy
f) he must be decisive;
• In Plato's Republic, Socrates is highly critical of g) able to foresee problems and take action in
democracy and proposes an aristocracy ruled by advance. Where he is strong, he should be
philosopher-kings. resolute, where weak he should exercise
• Plato is known as the 'father of political h) he must defend upon himself and his own
philosophy' because he was the 1st person to forces;
describe 'what constitutes an ideal state. i) he must be dispassionate and unsentimental
• The aim of the Politics, Aristotle says, is to and
investigate, on the basis of the constitutions j) he should resort to any means to save his
collected, what makes for good government and fatherland, even at the cost of his soul
what makes for bad government and to identify
the factors favorable or unfavorable to the Thomas Hobbes
preservation of a constitution. Aristotle asserts
For Hobbes, the solution is a social contract in required in the mass media tend to produce
which society comes to a collective slogans rather than interpretations.
understanding — a social contract — that it is in
everyone's interest to enforce rules that ensure
In the 20th Century, political Science has moved from
safety and security for everyone, even the
behavioral approach that emphasizes scientific method
towards doing research on more pressing social
problems. Today, political science is composed of
John Locke diverse paradigms and interpretations.
Walter Lippmann
Agents of Socialization
These refers to the various social groups or
SOCIALIZATION social institutions that play a significant role in
Socialization is a continuing process whereby introducing and integrating the individual as an
an individual acquires a personal identity and accepted and functioning member of society
learns norms, values, behavior, and social skills (Banaag, 2019 p.138)
appropriate to his and her social position.
continues to be important part of human INDIVIDUAL
development. It is an instrument on how an Mass Media
individual will adapt to his existence to survive. Family
The process of socialization enables the School
individual to grow and function socially Peer group
(Medina, 1991 p. 47). Hence, the change in Church
man’s social reality modifies his culture . The Work place
culture becomes internalized that the individual
According to Peter Worsely, values are general
“imbibe” it. This influences his/her conduct.
conceptions of “the good”, ideas about the kind of ends
that people should pursue throughout their lives and their
SOCIALIZATION can be described from two points activities they engage.
of view: objectively & subjectively
Objective Socialization
Major Value Orientation according to Robin
• - refers to the society acting upon the child. Williams
Subjective Socialization Achievement and Success
• - The process by which society transmits its Activity and Work
culture from one generation to the next and
Moral Orientation
adapts the individual to the accepted and
approved ways of organized social life. Humanitarianism
This perspective on socialization helps identity Effiency And Practically
formation of individuals which is essential in
establishing her/his social skills. Its functions are: In study about Filipino values, Jaime Bulatao, SJ,
discovered the following values held highly by the
Personality Development - It is through the Filipinos.
process of socialization that we develop our
sense of identity and belongingness. Emotional Closeness and Security in the Family
Skills Development and Training - Social Authority Value
skills like communication, interpersonal and
occupational are developed. Economic and Social Betterment
Values Formation - Individuals are influenced
Patience, Suffering and Endurance
by the prevailing values of social groups and
Social Integration and Adjustment -The
socialization process allows us to fit-in an Socialization serves as an avenue for developing
organized way of life by self-concept which is essential in role
being accustomed including cultural setting. identification. The
Social Control and Stability -Integration to self responds to categories called social statuses (Clark
society binds individual to the control and Robboy, 1986 p.65). The child must learn the
mechanisms set forth by the
categories or statuses by which to identify or define George Peter Murdock - Family is a
himself or herself like being a daughter, friend, social group that has the following characteristics:
student, Catholic lay evangelist, teacher, officer of an 1. Share common residence
organization. Social status refers to position an
2. Presence of economic cooperation
individual occupies in society and implies an array of
3. Reproduce offspring
rights and duties. Related to status is a social role
4. Includes adults of both sexes, wherein at least two
which involves the pattern of expected behavior in a
of whom uphold a socially approved ofrm of sexual
social relationship . Social status can be classified
into two:
5. Responsible for the socialization of infants and
Ascribed Statuses children.
Ascribed Statuses
-Those which are assigned to Kingsley Davis - Family is a group of individuals
wherein the relationship is based on consanguinity
the individual from birth.
and kinship.
-It involves little personal
Talcott Parsons - Family is a factory that develops
choice like age and sex. and produces human personalities.
-A grandparent family is when one or more
of socialization
grandparent is raising their grandchild or
2. Provides emotional and practical support for
family members
Conformity and Deviance And Function of Deviance
3. Controls sexual activity and sexual
Conformity and Deviance
Social Role must be performed in connection
4. Provides family
with the members
expected with social
behavior. Erving Goffman, in
his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday
Life, tried to show how certain social processes
modify the presentation of self and the impact of
the role expectations on the behavior of the
individual. To Goffman, everyone is consciously
playing a role. When persons present themselves
to others in everyday interaction they organize
their overt behavior in such a way as to guide
and control the impressions others form of them
to elicit role-taking response.
Conflict Theory
What is Conformity Conformity?
Family is a cause of social inequality because it
is a process where individuals attempt to change
strengthens economic inequality and allows the
his/her behavior because of the desire to
continuity of patriarchy.
conform with the defined social norm.
Symbolic Interactionist Theory
Different types of conformity according to Kelman
The family member’s interaction can produce a shared (1958):
understanding of their situations.
1. Compliance
2. Internalization
1. Nuclear Family
3. Identification
4. Ingratiational conformity or compliance while negative
informal sanctions involves penalties for not
Types of Conformity
1. Compliance (Group Acceptance)- Occurs
Formal Sanction
when an individual accepts influence because he
hopes to achieve a favorable reaction from Official, institutionalized incentives to conform
another person or group. and penalties for deviance. Needed in large
complex societies.
2. Internalization (Genuine Acceptance of
Group Norms)- Occurs when an individual Human Rights & Dignity
accepts influence because the content of the
induced behavior—the ideas and actions of Human Rights are natural rights of all human
which it is composed—is intrinsically beings whatever their nationality, religion,
rewarding. ethnicity, sex, language and color. We are
equally entitled to our human rights without
3. Identification Occurs - when an individual discrimination.
accepts influence because he wants to establish
or maintain a satisfying self-defining Human Rights
relationship to another person or group. 1. Natural Rights - rights inherent to man and
4. Ingratiational- Occurs when a person given to him by God as human being. (Right
conforms to impress or gain favor/acceptance to live, love and be happy)
from other people. 2. Constitutional Rights - rights guaranteed
under the fundamental charter of the
country. (Rights against unreasonable
searches and seizure, rights safeguarding the
Non conformity & Social Deviance
Nonconformity of an individual would mean 3. Statutory Rights - rights provided by the law
deviation from the acceptable social norms making body of a country or by law, such as
which is known as social deviance. Social the right to receive a minimum wage and
Deviance refers to any behavior that differs or right to preliminary investigation.
diverges from established social norms. 4. Civil Rights - These are rights specified
under the Bill of rights. (Freedom of speech,
Functions of Deviance right to information) Rights enjoyed by an
1. Deviance serves to define the limits of individual by virtue of his citizenship in a
acceptable behavior. state or community.
2. Deviance may also promote in group solidarity 5. Economic Rights - rights to property,
3. Deviance serves as an outlet for diverse forms of whether personal, real or intellectual. (Right
expressions. to use and dispose his property, right to
4. Deviance can cause positive social change practice one’s profession, right to make a
Social Control of Deviance 6. Political Rights - rights an individual enjoys
as a consequence of being a member of body
Social control refers to the “techniques and
politic. (Right to vote and right to be voted
strategies” for regulating human behavior in any
into public office.
society. A sanction is a reaction by members of a
social group indicating approval or disapproval
of a mode of conduct and serving to enforce
Protection of
behavioral standards of the group (Britannica
different rights Human
of Human Dignity
Informal Sanctions Beings. DIGNITY IS THE MOST
Unofficial, often casual pressures to conform. IMPORTANT HUMAN RIGHT FROM WHICH
Positive informal sanctions involve reward for
ALL OTHER FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Traditionally, women have been equated with
DERIVE. religion and with the role of transmitting
religious beliefs and practices to the children
(Argyl 1958, 2006, p.51). Men are considered as
Functionalist Theory by Emile Durkheim the leaders of the religious organization.
Deviance is a normal part of every society -Mary Daly and Carol Christ advocated a woman-
identified spirituality that emphasizes the principle of the
A. Affirms cultural values & norms hidden Sacred Feminine or "the Goddess.”
B. Clarifies moral boundary
C. Promotes social unity The first woman to become a bishop in the Anglican
D. Encourages social change Communion was Barbara Harris, who was ordained on
February 11, 1989.
Control Theory by Emile Durkheim
Fr. Jaime Bulatao who provided a sociocultural analysis The proliferation of new religious movements
of the phenomena that part of folk religion is the split- may be explained partly by globalization
level Christianity or the co-existence of two
Globalization promotes syncretism or the mixing
contradictory belief within the individual believer. This
of the different religious and cultural beliefs and
may be described as the coesxistence within the same
practices. It allow religions to travel faster from one
person of 2 or more thought and behavior systems which
area to another.
are inconvenient with each other.
The concept of the primary group was introduced by Groups may be classified as in-groups and out-
Charles Cooley, a sociologist from the Chicago School groups when taking into consideration the
of sociology, in his book Social Organization: A Study individual’s sense of belongingness in a group.
of the Larger Mind (1909). He described it as FOLLOW: These two groups are not actually groups but
variety of relationships that exist in the mind as
1. “Primary Groups” are characterized by intimate a person who learns to use the pronouns “we”
face to face association and cooperation referring to thein-group and “they” referring to
2. “Primary Groups” consist of small face to face the out-group. The insiders are the “in-group”,
structures such as the family and friendship and the outsiders are the “out-group” or the
groups where personalities fuse into a common “other group.”
3. Being in close physical proximity or face-to- SELF-CATEGORIZATION THEORY
face relationship does not necessarily lead to
It proposes that people’s appreciation of their group
personal relation
membership is influenced by their perception towards
4. Primary groups are so-called because they are
people who are not members of their group. Self-
the initial groups that a person joins and they
categorization theory describes how the cognitive
provide him or her with experiences in social
process of categorization, when applied to oneself,
relations. Cooley (1957; 23-27) calls primary
creates a sense of identification with the social category
groups the “nursery of human nature.”
or group and produces the array of behaviors that we
SECONDARY GROUP associate with group membership: conformity,
stereotyping, ethnocentrism, and so forth.
Secondary groups are larger. Less intimate and more (https://sk.sagepub.com)
specialized groups where members engage in an
impersonal and objective-oriented relationship for a In-group
limited time.
Characteristics of the Members of The In-Group
- The interactions among the members are business-like, • The members are loyal to each other and one
impersonal, casual and contractual. - The composition of may accept responsibility for the others. • They
the group is heterogeneous, and membership is know each other intimately and share common
numerous and widespread. - Communication is effected norms, activities, goals, and background. • To
through phone, the mail, the press, radio, or television. - bring out the feeling of togetherness, they use
Specific purpose of the group: To attain a GOAL. expressions like: “we are engaged in these
activities,” “we are loyal to each other and help
one another,” and “we work for the welfare of norms. Therefore, under different cultural
the society.” backgrounds, people's ways of dealing with
interpersonal relationships are also very
Out-group different.
The out-group is generally viewed as the Every society is composed of many complicated
outsiders by the in-group. More often than not, a types of interpersonal relationships, which are
member of the in-group has feelings of the things that everyone is bound to live with.
strangeness, dislikes, avoidance, antagonism, And interpersonal relationships can mainly
indifference, and even hatred towards the out- divided into three categories, which are the
group. Outsiders may be labelled as interpersonal relationships existed in the family,
“headhunters” or “dirty pigs.” There may also be friends and working place.
stereotyped images of social classes,
Types of Relationship
occupational groups, and regional ethnic groups,
as when Tagalog are labelled as mayabang Romantic relationship -n romantic
(arrogant) or the Ilokanos as kuripot (tightwad). relationships, young people face the challenges
of developing a capacity for emotional intimacy
and choosing to cohabit or marry. (
Reference group & network
Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 2011)
Reference group A group to which an individual - Dating and Marriage - n the Philippines, dating
compares himself or herself. Such group often comes in stages, beginning with courtship.
strongly influence an individual’s behavior and Typically, a man will try to impress a female by
social attitude. It is considered a source of role courting her. In Asia, a wedding is an expansion
models since the individual uses it as a standard of the family, while in the West, is it about
for self-assessment. starting a whole new family.
Acquintance relationship 0 a relationship
Network- Refers to the structure of relationships between two people who have met but do not
between social actors or groups. These are know each other well.
interconnections, ties , linkages between people, Family relationship- A family constitutes
their groups, and the larger social institutions to people who are related to each other and share
which they all belong to. an emotional bond and similar values. Family
members can be related by birth, marriage, or
Human relations refers to the ability to interact Friends relationship-Friendship refers to a kind
in a healthy manner with others and build strong of relationship between different individuals
relationships. who care for one another and freely share both
positive and bad news. Friendship is usually
THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN based and maintained on honesty,
RELATIONSHIP trustworthiness, loyalty, compromise, and
unconditional favor among others.
We rely on the strength of human relationships
to survive and thrive. We are born into the world
vulnerable, weak, and in need of physical and
emotional nurturing. (Jon Talebreza-May, Ph.D.,
Interpersonal Relationship