CCJ2016Q3-50 - Ovation Users Group
CCJ2016Q3-50 - Ovation Users Group
CCJ2016Q3-50 - Ovation Users Group
ou want to believe the lifecycle KICKOFF MEETING Sofware installation
care program purchased with Evergreen projects continuous improvement
your control systems transfers
most of the risk to your OEM. System installation
After all, much like an insurance policy,
you’re paying for protection against tech- Signoff sheet
nological obsolescence and maintenance
issues. But the reality, as illustrated Project forms Site checklist
here through one utility’s experience, is Project checklist Installation plan
that successful implementation requires Hardware Hardware testing
considerable owner/operator-OEM inter- ordering Software testing
action and oversight. Kick-off agenda
Site acceptance
What follows is derived from a pre- Status report
FAT plan Action list
sentation at the 2016 Ovation Users
Group (OUG) Conference, held in Much preparation is required to successfully implement a control-system
Pittsburgh, July 25-28, plus an inter- lifecycle upgrade program
view with a utility representative
who recently concluded a program to
upgrade systems at 13 separate power n Machinery health monitor and User perspective
stations. However, it should be clear trending packages.
that the basic practices can be applied n HART and wireless HART for com- According to Alliant Energy’s Wes
to any control-system lifecycle program. munication with field devices. Whitley, also OUG president, NERC’s
Emerson Automation Systems calls n Replacing old serial link controllers Critical Infrastructure Protection
its lifecycle care program “Evergreen.” (RLC) with Ethernet link control- Standards (CIPS) were the driving
In one sense, it is analogous to an LTSA lers (ELCs), for communication force to upgrade the utility’s entire
or CSA for turbines and generators with virtually all other third-party powerplant fleet through Evergreen
because it not only addresses basic devices and changing of communi- at a cost of millions, 5% to 10% of that
maintenance issues but technology cation protocols without upgrading. for software upgrades. His experience
upgrades and new software/hardware From the OEM side alone, much was greatly assisted with checklists
releases as well. This is critical because preparation is required (figure). The and other tools developed through the
digital and control-system technology scope has to be agreed on, systems OUG executive board.
has a lifecycle of five to 10 years—far have to be walked down and inspected The scope of this program should
shorter than the physical systems. Com- in the field, the “system state” has to be not be under-estimated. “The only
ponents include (depending on what reviewed, the factory acceptance test thing that remained the same was the
is covered in each program) network (FAT) has to be planned, hardware and physical I/O,” Whitley stressed, “and
switches and media converters, control- software have to be tested, and a bill of the screen graphics and control sheets.”
lers, workstations, and power supplies. materials has to be written up. Control Across the fleet, the scope included new
On the advanced technology side, systems interface with other digital Dell computers, replacement/conver-
control systems are becoming “knowl- assets so other party licenses have to sion of older controllers with the latest
edge platforms” and so Evergreens also be reviewed. According to Emerson’s versions, new controller software, new
include the latest operator applications Mike Brown and Chris McClellan, I/O software, new firmware to interface
and algorithms, security programming, “there are at least 15 documents for with the controllers, new monitors, new
wireless capabilities, embedded pro- every Evergreen upgrade, part of the domain controller for NERC-CIPS com-
cess historians, model-based control, internal audit, which must be signed pliance, anti-virus servers, and a new
diagnostics, trending, and decision off on by customer and OEM.” process data historian.
support. Some of these identified in Control-system alarms have to be Let’s face it, it’s almost a new con-
the presentation are: carefully managed to prevent alarm trol system, and a testament to how
n Updated turbine, boiler, and excita- flood to operators. Therefore, owner/ fast the technology advances.
tion control schemes. operators need an alarm-manage- Identified below are a dozen areas
n Updated remote valve positioners ment philosophy incorporated into Whitley suggests you consider for your
(RVP). the upgrade. If the upgrade includes best practices checklist. In his experi-
n Ovation Security Center (a means replacement of the old Q-line I/O with ence, controllers, system registrations,
of constant interface between user Ovation I/O, then you need an accurate and other items were captured well, but
and OEM to attend to cybersecurity list of every Q card in every card frame power supplies were not. Seven of them
and patch management while the in the system, including the attributes were missed at one plant. Circuit break-
plant is online). location, type, and group. ers and fuses also are easy to overlook.
66 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Number 50, Third Quarter 2016
He says you can’t be thorough enough
when putting together the checklist.