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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the allowing questions, Mark
only one answer for each item by shading the how corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer the provided STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

Situation - Ethical dilemma is becoming a common scenario in the health care

delivery system brought about by the advanced technological changes on health

1. Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma?

A. A nurse providing demonstration of the possible risk if a chest tube
drainage of a patient is pulled out.
B. Family member: having ambivalent feelings whether their father will
undergo amputation of a diabetic leg.
C. A nurse is overheard by the daughter that if her mother will not take
her insulin injection she will not serve her food tray.
D. The physician signs the medical directives of a terminally-ill -patient
admitted in the hospital with his spouse.

2. A 70- year-old has been rushed to the hospital due to bradycardia and
palpitation. The physician suggested that a pacemaker be inserted to
correct the symptoms. The patient voluntarily decides not to have the
pacemaker Inserted. This is respected by the family. This is an example
of what ethical principles
A. Beneficence C. Justice
B. Autonomy D. Justice

3. The ER nurse clarifies the doctor's prescription on the dose of the pain
medication based on the pain scale assessment and patient's age. which
ethical principle is applied?
A. Fidelity C. Justice
B. Truthfulness D. Non-maleficence

4. Nurse Pat promised to a post- surgical patient, that she would come back
to assist in his order. This follows the principle of ambulation after
carrying out the physician's
A. beneficence C. autonomy
B. justice D. fidelity

5. When a nurse supports the welfare of the patient in relation to health,

safety and personal rights, the ethical principle followed is
A. responsibility C. confidentiality
B. accountability D. advocacy

Situation - The group of nurses assigned in the delivery room is interested in

conducting a study on the experiences of pregnant women in labor. They are
thinking of qualitative research.

6. In the presentation of results of qualitative research, the nurse

researcher uses as a reference in the write-up the
A. first C. fourth
B. second D. third

7. Nursing, as a human science, deals with the critical and fundamental

differences in attitude toward their respective phenomena. Which of the
following is an aim o: human sciences?
A. Construct prediction. C. Sets control
B. Seeks causal explanation D. Makes meaningful interpretation.


8. The group was observant as to the activities taking place in the delivery
room. One of the activities involved social processes, which can be
better explored. Which of the following qualitative research method
should be used?
A. Grounded theoryC. Descriptive Phenomenology
B. Historical researchD. Case study

9. After the data analysis of their study, experiences of pregnant women in

labor, they returned to the participants to determine the accuracy of the
emerged themes. Which criteria of trustworthiness is the group doing?
A. Confirmability C. Transferability
B. Credibility D. Dependability

10. The group used an audio recorder to capture what transpired during the
interview. After the transcription, which of the following action is
APPROPRIATE for the group to do with the audiotape?
A. Keep the audiotape in a vault and dispose of it a year after.
B. Submit the audiotape to their research adviser.
C. Throw it in the trash bin immediately after it was used.
D. Post the recording on their university research website for others to

Situation - Research is a vital endeavor nurses must engage into in order to

contribute to nursing science

11. When the nurse researcher collects data at more than one point over an
extended period, which design is applied?
A. Cross-sectional C. Time sequenced
B. Time-related D. Longitudinal

12. If a research study involves an intervention and "blinding" which

research design is being referred to?
A. Non-descriptive C. Experimental
B. Phenomenological D. Descriptive

13. Which of the following statements is LEAST descriptive of a qualitative

research design?
A. Researchers become involved.
B- Gather data from one collection strategy.
C. It is flexible and elastic.
D. Strives for an understanding of the whole strategy

14. Qualitative researchers should choose their participants who can best
meet the objectives of the study, who of the following best qualifies?
A. Cooperative persons in the community
B. Those readily available thus convenient for the researcher.
C. Able to articulate and reflect on the phenomenon that they experienced.
D. Persons referred by friends.

15. A "full understanding" in research should be understood by the nurse

researcher as _____.
A. ensuring that participants are not placed at risk
B. explaining the study including risks and ben
C. the right to decide voluntarily
D. not exploiting information shared by participants


Situation - it is necessary that records are well-recorded and properly kept if
they are to serve the organization and the requesting public well.

16. Incident Reports (IRs) shall be collected for the day and due
investigations scheduled by the quality Department. Upon completion of the
investigation, the IRS ____.
A. must be completed and stored on the open cabinet
B. can be stored on the table top for easy retrieval
C. must be summarized monthly and stored in a secured cabinet
D. classified by cate so they can be easily accessibility

17. The patient record (charts) are collected every three nights from the
various departments. The night nurse is EXPECTED to do the following,
A. ensure the correct order of the chart.
B. see to the completeness of the chart pages.
C. bind the charts as they are
D. tape or repair torn pages

18. When patient record reach the Medical Records, the assigned staff will
A. store the charts in their respective shelves
B. separate the medico-legal charts
C. check the completeness of the charting of the doctors and nurses
D. bind the chart immediately

19. The charts are stored in the Medical Records or storage room for at least
_____ years.
A. 3-5 years C. 5-10 years
B. 1-5 years D. 1-3 years

20. How many years are medico-legal charts stored?

A. 8 years C. 5 years
B. 10 years after the case is closed D. 10 years

Situation - Ms. Nilda is a new graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree

which she acquired from a university. She is determined to pass the National
Licensure Examination (NLE) to be administered by the Board of Nursing.

21. The 1icensure examination which is administered by the Professional

Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing is given to ______.
A. apply the theory earned from classroom to practice settings
B. protect the public from incompetent practitioners
C. apply the scope of nursing practice
D. demonstrate expected competency standards

22. The PRC-Board of Nursing (PR-BON) ha5 the power to regulate

Nursing Practice in the Philippines. The regulatory functions include
the following except
A. enforce and monitor quality standards of nursing practice
in the county
B. issue, suspend revoke or reissue certification of registered nurses
C. ensure proper conduct. Or nurses 1icensure in the county
D. issue permit for the opening of nursing programs in the country


23. Ms., Sanchez is a new nursing graduate and in dire need for
the hospitalization of her ailing mother She is being offered to endorse
a detergent product on TV Commercial wearing a mini skirt and a
plunging neckline shirt. In doing this performance Ms. Sanchez is
violating the ________.
A. oath of professional for new nurses
B. nursing practice act 7164
C. code of ethics for nurses
D. core competency standards

24. Nurse Rey with the members of the team. from a tertiary hospital is
going for their annual outreach program Operation TULI". There were
3000 patients who came in the morning with only 4 doctors, 3 nurses and
1 pharmacist. Due to the volume of patients, Nurse Rey, was asked
to participate in per forming circumcision with the rest of the
doctors. Nurse Rey can be 1iable of committing
A. assault C. tort
B. invasion of privacy D. malpractice

25. Which of the following actions is likely to constitute GROSS Negligence?

A. Complied with the request of a bedridden patient not to be turned
because of pain.
B. A nasogastric feeding not given on time because patient is feeling
C. A patient suffering from bleeding due to post-operative wound and the
Nurse failed to report to the attending physician.
D. Urine output that has not been measured because of an emergency

Situation - Nursing student Myra decides to do a qualitative phenomenological

study on how the stigma of AIDS affects the patients. She has previously
identified 6 participants: 3 teenage boys and 3 teenage girls.

26. What is the best way for Myra to collect data from these participants?
A. Focus group discussion C. Individual Interview
B. Survey, questionnaire D. Observation

27. What kind of sampling method should she apply?

A. Network C. Stratified
B. Random D. Purposive

28. The statements of the findings of the study that will be formulated by
Myra should be by_
A. summarizing the sharings of the participants of both sexes
B. identifying the answers of the males and the females
C. describing answers of the males and females by percentages
D. extracting meanings and themes from significant statements

29. Informed consent in this study will be obtained by Myra from the
A. six participants only
B. parents only
C. six participants and available relative
B. six participants and their parents

30. What is NOT important for Myra to do when listening to tape recordings?
A. Do the listening as soon as possible after the interview.
B. Note for the voice tone and voice inflection.
C. Listen when she feels the motivation for a more productive time.
D. Take notice of the pauses of the participants.


Situation - Communication is very important in a nurse-patient interaction

31. It is not enough for the nurse to listen, but she also has, to validate
what she has heard. The importance of validation are the following EXCEPT
A. perceptions influence the interpretation of a message
B. most patients are cognitively impaired
C. Eye contact does not necessarily send the same message
D. assists clarifying thoughts

32. To be more responsible, a nurse needs to understand the elements of the

communication process. When she initiates interpersonal communication, the
element involved is
A. referent C. message
B. sender D. channel

33. Should the nurse encounter patients who are stressed due to their health
condition, the BEST way to communicate is through which one of the
A. Sympathizing C. Sharing
B. Empathizing D. Listening

34. The reasons for the nurse wishing to enhance his/her communication skill
is to be able to establish Rapport, EXCEPT
A. brings about change to promote well-being of patients
B. decreased incidents
C. gets better evaluation rating of care and delivery of legal problems
D. generates threat between the nurse and the patient

35. When the nurse interacts with patients face-to-face such as in getting
information during the assessment phase of the nursing process, the level
of communication is which of the following?
A. Intrapersonal C. Public communication
B. Interpersonal D. Verbal

Situation- Nursing research is conducted to answer a question or resolve

problems on the relevance of the nursing profession:

36. The nurse develops the following hypothesis: Elderly women receive less
aggressive treatment for terminally-ill spine patients than younger women.
Which variable would be considered to be the independent variable?
A. Degree of treatment received
B. Age of the patient
C. Use of inpatient treatment
D. Type of complications being treated

37. The following are considered qualitative research process EXCEPT?

A. Sample C. Hypothesis
B. Literature review D. Data collection

38. Which of the following is an example of a PRIMARY) source in a research

A. A textbook of medical-surgical nursing
B. A doctoral dissertation that critiques all research in the area of
attention deficit disorder
C. A published commentary on the findings of another study
D. A journal article about a study that used large, previously unpublished
databases generated


39. What is the BEST source to use when conducting a level one (1) systematic
meta-analysis of the literature?
A. An electronic database and doctoral dissertations
B. An electronic database
C. Doctoral dissertations
D. The Cochrane Statistical Methods

40. Which type of research allows researchers to be neutral observers

A. Quantitative research C. Case studies
B. Ethnographic research D. Qualitative research

Situation - Nurses provide their patients information they need to give

informed consent only if it is within their scope of nursing practice and
nursing knowledge. Consent is the patients acknowledgement and acceptance of
medical treatment.

41. In emergency situation when a patient is unable to give consent for life
saving treatment, what type of consent allows to assume APPROPRIATE
medical treatment ?
A. Implied consent C. Express consent
B. Informed consent D. Involuntary consent

42. Which of the following are essential components of informed consent?

I. explanation of the procedure and alternatives to the procedure
II. discussion of potential risks and benefits of the procedure
III. confirmation that the patient understands the risks, benefits, and any

43. Treatment of a patient without consent can constitute which is defined as

intentional and unwanting touching.
A. battery C. negligence
B. slander D. tort

44. Whose responsibility is it to obtain informed consent?

A. Nurse Manager C. Physician
B. Anesthesiologist D. Midwife

45. Bioethical issue should be describe as _____.

A. the withholding of food and treatment at the request of the patient in a
written advance directive given before a patient acquired permanent brain
damage from an accident
B. the physician's making all decisions of client management without
getting input from the patient
C. after the patient gives permission, the physician's disclosing all
information to the family for this support in the management of the patient
D. a research project that included treating all regular employed personnel
and not treating all casual employed to compare the outcome of specific drug


Situation - Quality improvement must be embraced by every health institution if
it aims for safe and quality care. The Medical Director of Camiguin Medical
Center made random rounds for five consecutive, days to all areas of the
hospital to assess its services.

46. Which of the following is not a characteristic of quality improvement

that the medical director is interested in?
A. The leader is the empowerer
B. Problem-solving is by everyone
C. The employees are treated as customers
D. Reacts to correct or bad situation

47. A risk is any event that causes problems or benefits on the healthcare
institution. The Medical Director knows that potential risks must be
identified across the hospital in order to prevent the following, EXCEPT
A. financial loss C. accidents
B. incident reports D. injuries

48. Based on patient survey, a number of complaints have been tracked. Which
of the following is NOT a preventive activity in the practice of the
Medical Director's risk management?
A fostering good administration-personnel relations.
B. providing safe environment every time.
C. Tracking patient complaints at irregular intervals,
D. Satisfying patient needs and desires.

49. The Medical Director, with the Chief Nurse and other officers, of the
hospital believe that Patient Relations is important in risk management
because a dissatisfied customer is likely to sue. Which is NOT the way to
handle complaints?
A. Let the patient express himself,
B. Be sure to rebut the patient point by point.
C. Staff should not be defensive.
D. Listen to the patient’s cue carefully.

50. Nurses usually complain they have no personal life because of rotating
shifts The following are three major ways to create personal time, ЕХСЕРТ
A. delegate work to others
B. fill every moment with tasks or chores
C. eliminate tasks that add no value
D. hire someone else to do the work

Situation- Nurse Sandy is a member of the research team in a cardiovascular

health facility. One of the research priority problems in her unit is on the
Effects of Personalized Care management Strategies on Stress after an acute
myocardial infarction (MI)

51. Nurse Sandy selected a framework which focuses " that humans are in
constant relationship with stressors in the environment and that nursing
is keeping the patient's system adjust to wellness which is BEST reflected
in _______.
A. Parse's human becoming theory C. Peplau's psychodynamic theory
B. Neuman's adaptation model D. Swanson's theory of caring

52. What type of sampling wills Nurse Sandy adopts 11 when every third (3rd)
patients with MI are selected after a random start?
A. Simple random C. Stratified
B. Systematic D. Cluster


53. Nurse sandy distributed the coded questionnaires to the respondents of
the study without their names on it. What ethical safeguard is being
employed in this practice?
A. Confidentiality C.Trustworthiness
B. Truthfulness D. Anonymity

54. When the findings of the study can be applied to all patients with MI
under stress patients in the whole Philippines, it satisfies which of the
following criteria in research?
A. Reliability C. Generalizability
B. Validity D. Transferability

55. Nurse Sandy has completed the study and started to make a report to be
Research department. A written brief summary is submitted which is known
as _____.
A. narrative C. critical appraisal
B. abstract D. monograph

Situation - Management of records is very vital in any health care facility.

The nurse must ensure there is due diligence in the task.

56. Nurse Gay is assigned in the Medical Unit. She is guided that in
documentation, she should use abbreviation that is ______.
A. used automatically to save precious time.
B. reduced to the minimum in all units.
C. approved standard list by the hospital.
D. not used at all because it can be misinterpreted.

57. One error in record-keeping is illegible handwriting. What is the

APPROPRIATE action by the nurse in this situation?
A. Request the senior nurse to read the order for you.
B. Let the resident-on-duty in the nurses station interpret it.
C. Call the physician who made the order.
D. Report the lapse to the Quality Assurance Committee

58. When a nurse commits an error in the progress notes the BEST action she
should do is to
A. cross the error many times to ensure it could no longer be road and sign
B. delete the erroneous phrase Or sentence using correction fluid and
C. put a line across the sentence, make the correction over it and sign.
D. erase whatever is in error using a rubber eraser and sign

59. Which is not a correct statement regarding record-keeping?

A. Failure to do it could be evidence of professional
B. It is an optional task to be done when circumstances allow.
C. It is a tool in professional practice that helps provide quality care.
D. It is part of the professional duty of the nurse.

60. The QA nurse conducts a regular audit of the medical records the PRIMARY
purpose of conducting audit in a health facility is to _____.
A. identify errors made by health personnel.
B. identify areas for improvement
C. ensure that standards are met.
D. promote risk management.


Situation - Health Education to Bong and his family is set up prior to
surgery: A program of weight gain aims for a high protein and high calorie
diet. The nurse prepares the health education plan.

61. The nurse ensures, which of the following should be present and be
cooperative in the educational program?
A. Patient, student nurses and interns
B. Patient, family and significant others
C. Head nurse and family
D. New staff nurses and nursing aides of the unit

62. The nurse must include in the education plan, which of the following
components? (Select all that apply.)
I. Objectives
II. Content and time allotment
III. Teaching and learning resources
IV. Evaluation parameters
A. II, III, and IV C. I, II, III and IV
B. I, III, and IV D. I, II, and III

63. To have a simplified and more understandable implementation of the plan,

the nurse presents it with use of _____.
A. printed content in cartolina D. a co-worker
B. a lecturer D. colored pictures

64. Before the education plan of the staff nurse can be finalized and
implemented, it is best that it is reviewed by the
A. Nurse supervisor C. Head nurse
B. Medical Director D. Chief nurse

65. During the implementation process, the nurse should ensure a better
assimilation of the teachings.
A. serious lecturer C. conducive time and place
B. Lecture to start at 11:00AM D. neophyte as sharer

Situation - Resources in health care delivery system are one of the

challenging concerns of nursing leadership in the country today. Nurse Gayle is
a unit manager in a tertiary hospital and conducts meeting regularly every two
weeks to her staff to address PRIORITY affecting their services.

66. Which of the following statements indicate an effective communication

technique used by the unit manager to her staff?
A. "We need to improve our nursing services otherwise top management will
take over,
B. "Lets limit requesting supplies and equipment, our budget for our
promotion might be affected."
C. "There are a lot of redundant positions in our unit, there is a need to
retrench some staff."
D "We need to discuss strategic approaches to facilitate delivery of
nursing services with less expense on our


67. For the past 6 months, several nurses are resigning. Some have verbalized
in the exit interview that there are not happy anymore. Which of the
following descriptions manifest BEST, a nurse who has job satisfaction?
A. Competitive, self-centered, euphoric.
B. Empowered, enthusiastic, ethical.
C. Loner, egoistic, reactive.
D. Outgoing, sensitive, competitive.

68. Delegation is a critical component of leadership and governance. Which of

the following empowering activities should the unit manager applies in
A. In delegation facilitating professional growth and development of a
staff is necessary.
B. When delegating responsibility to a nursing staff, modification of
standards of care is permitted.
C. Delegation of responsibility in patient care has to start from top
management to the staff-nurse level.
D. Delegation requires responsibility with corresponding accountability of
a staff-nurse.

69. Nurse Gayle is guided that the initial step of delegation is ______.
A. demonstrate the task and let the staff continue the next activities
B. Assess the capability of the staff, change him if not performing
C. Determine the competency level of staff for the task being given
D. Explain the task to be done with accompanying job description

70. The unit manager the planning to take her regular official business leave
for the year. She has written a letter of recommendation to her Immediate
supervisor for her assistant unit manager to assume her position while she
is on leave. This is an example of delegation by _____.
A. rank C. succession
B. authority D. authority

Situation - Jen is an active member of the Quality Assurance (QA) team health
facility where the major role is setting Quality Standards.

71. Which of the following statements is TRUE of Quality Improvement?

A. Focuses on the organizational structure than patient care
B. Continually improve every process in the organization.
C. Centered on people rather than processes.
D. An approach that is externally driven by the stakeholders.

72. As a QA nurse, which of the following can Nurse Jen adopts as a

concurrent evaluation of patient's outcomes in the unit?
I Direct observation of patient's condition.
II Patient's interview in the unit.
III Face to face interview with nursing staff.
IV Nursing audit from the patient's chart.
A. III & IV C. I, II, III, & IV
B. I, II, & I D. I & II

73. Nurse Jen, distributed the patient satisfaction form to the admitted
patients in the hospital, this tool is in compliance to the quality
A. human resource C. patient care
B. organizational structure D. legal – ethical


74. The QA team was alerted by the Administration, that they have to
anticipate for a possible earthquake in the forthcoming days. As part of
Safe Practice Environment (SPE) standards, which of the following are to
be given PRIORITY attention by the team?
I Electrical wires
II Combustible materials
III Entry, Exit of the building
IV Infected waste materials

A. I, II, III & IV C. I & II

B. II and II D. I, II & III

75. The QA team has been bombarded by complaints of patients on their long
waiting period in the OPD, before the health care professionals are
examining them. In response to this concern, which type of quality
assessment should the team implement?
A. Outcome evaluation C. Ongoing evaluation
B. Process evaluation D. Structures evaluation

Situation - Collaboration and teamwork are critical to the success of health

care operations.

76. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT of collaboration in a

health care settings?
A. Trust and respect are core values of a collaborative organization. -
B. A shared vision is essential for collaboration in any health care
C. Successful conflict resolution can help collaborative teams overcome
D Inter professional collaboration & multidisciplinary collaboration can
be used interchangeably.

77. Nurse Lyn received an order from attending physician of patient Pilar who
was having a severe abdominal pain of almost a double dose of morphine
S04. The nurse consulted her unit-manager and the pharmacist regarding the
order which was also questioned. The nurse called the attention of the
physician regarding the dose of the drug and changed the order to an
acceptable level, what relevant principle of collaboration is applied in
this case?
I. Shared vision
II. Respect and trust
III. Communication
IV. Interpersonal relationship
A. I, II, III, and IV C. I and II
B. III and IV D. I II , And III

78. In a tertiary hospital where Gie works as unit manager, an

interdisciplinary team model is adapted on collaboration of care. With
this type of model, how is DECISION making made?
A. Shared responsibility of the group for the problem solving final
B. One person makes the final decision for the treatment.
C Partnership with the patient & team for the final decision.
D. All members work together for both alternative & final decision.


79. Nurse Ime, is a member of the Quality Assurance team of the hospital and
has been always rated as very assertive. Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of an assertive person?
A. Intervene with the situation calmly and confidently.
B. She stands up with what she believes & push control on others.
C. Articulate clearly the importance of nursing perspective.
D. Use "I" when stating thought and feelings & "YOU" when persuading

80. A patient is going for a coronary arterial by-pass graft (CABG) due to a
4 blocked arterial blood vessels. A surgical team has been formed with the
cardiac surgeon as the head. Who is the member of the health team that
prepares the pre-operative orders for the patient?
A. Cardiologist C. Surgeon
B. Anesthesiologist D. Medical Internist

Situation - Mo, a 22-yr old nurse graduate, passed the November 2018
Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination before her birthday which is November
16. The scheduled oath-taking ceremony was set on January 6, 2019.

81. To obtain her license to practice, she must do the following, EXCEPT:
A. Must take the path to any government official
B. Must register in the registration division of the PRC
C. Must take the oath of professionals before any member of the PRBON
D. Must be issued a certificate of Registration (COR) and profession
identification card (PIN)

82. Nurse Merle has to renew her license on or before _____.

A. January 6, 2021 C. November 16, 2021
B. November 16, 2022 D. January 6, 2022

83. For Nurse Merle to continually practice nursing, she must satisfy the
requirements set by the PRC and comply how many units of CPD upon renewal?
A. 45 units C. 25 units
B. 10 units D. 15 units

84. After 3 years being assigned in the Operating Room, Merle in interested
to actively join which appropriate professional organization?

85. What would Merle do to keep abreast with the latest trends in peri-
operative nursing?
A. Attend training and seminars C. All of these
B. Perform researches D. Pursue graduate studies

Situation - Noel, a 67 year-old, male, anxious and restless with his

condition, was admitted by Nurse Chona in the medical Ward due to chronic back
pain, general weakness and difficulty of breathing. He was attended by the
physician and was tentatively diagnosed with impending respiratory
insufficiency secondary to hypoxia.

86. It is important that Nurse Chona records accurately the restless caused
by pain and that of hypoxia. Which of the following should be recorded as
the restlessness caused by pain?
A. Difficulty of breathing.
B. Increased respiratory rate and blood pressure.
C. Increased heart rate.
D. Increased perspiration and change of position.


87. Nurse Chona read in one nurse's notes chart this documentation: "Refused
to eat and fell from bed". Which of the following is lacking in this
A. Time of complaint, for missed and reaction on fall incurred.
B. Referrals made on fall medications given and reasons of falling.
C. Contents or complaints, reasons of refusing meal and nature of fall.
D. Time of eating, medications for back pain and intense of pain.

88. Charting are important documents that are used in court proceedings a
Nurse Chona should take note that the following entry recorded would be
MOST defensible in court?
A. Large bruises on thigh upon assessment.
B. Patient fell out of bed when reaching out for medication.
C. Burn on the back area observed upon auscultation.
D. Patient drunk when seen in the Emergency Room.

89. Which of the following charting rules will keep the nurse legally safe?
I. Documenting worries and all concerns as verbalized by the patient.
II Charting at the end of the shift only.
III.Discussing of recorded cases and diagnosis of the patient.
IV. Recording all information verbalized by patient and family.

90. Nurse Chona saw Patient Noel reading his own chart and question the nurse
why (-) smoking and (-) liquor was recorded when he does not smoke and
drink alcohol? What is the INITIAL explanation of Nurse Chona on the
A. Get the chart from him and reprimand him from reading the chart
B. The sign of negative before the word means he is not drinking alcohol or
smoking cigarette.
C. Ask patient Noel to apologize for reading the chart.
D. Tell Noel that alcohol and liquor are important factors in diagnosing
his ailment.

Situation - In today's nursing practice, roles have been expanded to include

legal responsibilities and accountability in the work place.

91. Nurse Lina is on duty at the ER and has been very busy that morning
resulting to the administration of a penicillin injection which is ordered
to another patient. With this error, the nurse can be charged of _______.
A. malpractice C. assault
B. negligence D. battery

92. Transcription of doctor's order is a nurse's responsibility to put the

order into action. Which of the following principles of medication safety
is NOT considered to belong to transcription error?
A. Illegible handwriting of the physician.
B. Misinterpretation of the directions ordered.
C. Use of unapproved abbreviation in the chart.
D. Wrong route of medication administration.


93. In order for nurses not to encounter legal problems in drug
administration which of the following 7 Rights of Drug Administration,
should be implemented under the category of "Right Drug"? Read the label
of the drug ______.
I three (3) times.
II before removing from the shelf.
III before measuring actual dose.
IV before opening a unit dose-container.
A. II & III C. I, II & III
B. I & II D. I, II, III, & IV

94. Nurse Edna admits a patient from the ER to the medical unit. The patient
is very restless with IV lines and a urinary catheter. She was put to bed
and the nurse applied a body restraint without the doctor's order. Nurse
Edna's action can be liable for _____.
A. invasion of privacy C. battery
B. assault D. neglect

95. Ms. Cruz is the supervisor of a hospital on night shift. Several nurses
did not report due to Jeepney strike. When the supervisor is executing
proper allocation of nurses to the PRIORITY wards to address this concern,
she is observing what type of principle?
A. Beneficence C. Battery
B. Non-maleficence D. Fidelity

Situation-The Department of Health (DOH) is an agency that set standards

for set and quality health care together with Phil health Insurance which takes
care of accreditation and reimbursement of Cost of health care services.

96. The professional conduct. of doctors, nurses and

other health care providers in the health facilities belong to which of
the following quality standards?
A. Improving performance C. Patient care standards
B. Organizational ethics D. Leadership and management

97. The positive practice environment PPE is part of the quality standards of
every health facility in the country today. Which of the following is NOT
a component of the PPE in the work setting?
A. waste management C. electrical wires
B. peer review D. infection control

98. When a health facility formulates its Vision- Mission

to guided Management and health personnel in the work place is
what part of quality-standards?
A. Human resource management C. Leadership and management
B. Patient care standards D. Organizational ethics

99. When Nurse Sarah distributed a Patient satisfaction' survey form to

be filled by the consumer upon discharge in a hospital setting is
in compliance to what quality standards?
A. Organizational structure and professional ethics.
B. Identification of Patient right and welfare.
C. Improving performance, of health care personnel.
D. Human resource management and staffing pattern.

100. When an accurate documentation whether done manually or

by electronic by the health care professionals in their Work setting is a
component of what quality standards in a health care delivery system?
A. Patient care standards C. Leadership and management
B. Information management D. Human resource management


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