☑️Externalized Configuration with application.properties or application.yml ☑️Profiles in Spring Boot ☑️Customizing Configuration Properties
✅Spring Boot Data:
☑️Spring Data JPA ☑️Spring Data JDBC ☑️Spring Data MongoDB ☑️Spring Data Redis ☑️Spring Data Elasticsearch
✅Spring Boot Security:
☑️Authentication and Authorization with Spring Security ☑️OAuth2 and JWT Authentication ☑️Securing RESTful APIs
✅Spring Boot Actuator:
☑️Monitoring and managing applications ☑️Metrics, health checks, info endpoint
✅Spring Boot Testing:
☑️Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito ☑️Integration testing with Spring Boot Test
✅Spring Boot RESTful Web Services:
☑️Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot ☑️Consuming RESTful APIs with RestTemplate and WebClient
✅Spring Boot Microservices:
☑️Principles of microservices architecture ☑️Service registration and discovery with Eureka or Consul ☑️Inter-service communication with Feign or WebClient ☑️Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
✅Spring Boot Best Practices:
☑️Error handling and exception management ☑️Logging and debugging ☑️Performance optimization ☑️Security best practices
✅Advanced Spring Boot Topics (Great to have):
☑️Reactive programming with Spring WebFlux ☑️GraphQL with Spring Boot ☑️Reactive microservices with Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring
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