IPC PYQs 1990 To 2024 1722435935783
IPC PYQs 1990 To 2024 1722435935783
IPC PYQs 1990 To 2024 1722435935783
Process Control
Previous Year Questions
GATE 1990 – 2024
Devendra Poonia
Q.1. Choose the most appropriate combinations of words given below:
(A) Electrical.
(B) Mechanical.
(C) Chemical.
(D) Thermal.
(E) Magnetic.
and fill in the following blanks.
(a) A thermocouple is a sensor that converts a change in ………..quantity to a change
in ………… quantity.
(b) A strain gauge pressure transducer is a sensor that converts a change in ………….
quantity to a change in ……….. quantity. GATE – 1990
Q.2. The transfer function of a reactor is given by
What is the transfer function of the system with two of these reactors if they are
connected in,
(A) Series
(B) Parallel GATE – 1990
Q.3. What is the steady state output of the transfer function
is given in fig. Using these figures determine for what range of values of a proportional
controller gain K, the closed loop system will be stable?
GATE – 1990
Q.6. A certain thermocouple has a specific time constant of 2s. If the process
temperature changes abruptly from 600°C to 800°C, the temperature reading in an
indicator attached to the thermocouple after 6s will be approximately,
(A) 860°C (B) 900°C (C) 890°C (D) 895°C GATE – 1991
Q.7. A system has the transfer function
GATE – 1992
Q.12. An integrating process [1/τis] is controlled by a proportionate controller [KC].
The measuring instrument and the final controller element respond instantaneously.
Find the offset following a unit step change in load. GATE – 1992
Q.13. State whether the following systems are stable or unstable
(1) <G (jw) = -210° when | G (jw) | =1;
(2) <G (jw) = -180° when | G (jw) | = 0.588; GATE – 1992
Q.14. A thermometer follows first-order dynamics with a time constant of 0.2
min. It is placed in a temperature bath at 100°C and is allowed to reach steady
state. It is suddenly transferred to another bath at 150°C at time t = 0 and is left
there for 0.2 min. It is immediately returned to the original bath at 100°C.
Calculate it’s reading at,
(i). t = 0.1 min. (ii). t = 0.4 min GATE – 1992
Q.15. Determine:
(i) The maximum gain for stable operation.
(ii) The corresponding frequency of oscillation.
GATE – 1992
Q.16. Match the following:
(I). Bimetallic Thermometer. (A). Electrical Resistance Sensor.
(II). Thermocouple. (B). Thermal Expansion Sensor.
(III). Thermister (C). Radiation Temperature Sensor.
(IV). Optical Pyrometer (D). Thermoelectric Sensor. GATE – 1993
Q.17. State whether the following statements are True or False:
(i). On-off controller is a special case of proportional controller with large bandwidth.
(ii). Routh test can not be used for determining stability of a controller system with
dead time.
(iii). The output response of linear system to sinusoidal input is sinusoidal at all times.
(iv). Cascade control is used for processes involving one measured variable and more
than one manipulated variable. GATE – 1993
Q.18. A closed loop feedback control system consists of a second order process,
GATE – 1994
Q.20. The transfer function of a process, a measuring element and a control valve is given
respectively by,
GATE – 1995
Q.23. The offset introduced by proportional controller with gain KC in
response of first order system can be reduced by
(A) reducing value of KC
(B) introducing integral control
(C) introducing derivative control
(D) none of the above GATE – 1995
Q.24. Bode diagrams are generated from output response of the system
subjected to which of the following input –
(A) Impulse (B) step (C) sinusoidal (D) ramp GATE – 1995
Q.25. The root locus method, a pole of a transfer function G (s) is the value
of a for which G (s) approaches :
(A) -1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) ∞ GATE – 1995
Q.26. Gas chromatography is used for measurement of
(A) temperature
(B) pressure
(C) concentration
(D) flow rate GATE – 1995
Q.27. According to Bode stability criterion. A system is unstable if the open
loop frequency response exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at
frequency for which phase lag is –
(A) 00
(B) 450
(C) 900
(D) 1800 GATE – 1995
Q.28. The response of two tanks of same size and resistance in series is –
(A) under damped
(B) critically damped
(C) over damped
(D) none of the above GATE – 1995
Q.29. The transfer function of a pure dead time system with dead me τD is –
GATE – 1995
Q.30. The time constant of a first order process with resistance R and
capacitance C is –
(A) R + C
(B) R – C
(C) R C
(D) 1/RC GATE – 1995
Q.31. Identify an unbounded input from four inputs whose functions are
given below :
(A) 1
(B) 1/s
(C) 1/s2
(D) 1/(s2 + 1) GATE – 1995
Q.32. When a thermometer at 30 0C is placed in water bath at 90 0C, the initial
rate of rise in thermometer temperature is found to be 2 0C/sec. What is the me
constant of the thermometer, assuming it is a first order device with unity steady
state gain? What will thermometer read after one minute ? GATE – 1995
Q.33. A first order system with transfer function Gp = Y(S)/X(s) = 1 /(s+1) is
subjected to input X(t) = t. Derive the expression for change in output Y(t) as
a function of time. What is the maximum and minimum difference between
input and output ? At what time does these difference occur ? GATE – 1995
Q.34. A first order reaction A B is being carried out in a stirred tank
reactor. The feed stream containing reactant A at concentration CA0 is being
fed at constant rate F to the reactor. The volume and temperature of the
reactor are constant. Derive a transfer function relating concentration of A in
the product stream to concentration of A in the feed stream. GATE – 1995
Q.35. Amplitude ratio corresponding to crossover frequency of 10 rad/sec for
a process is found to be 0.1.
(a) What is the ultimate gain ?
(b) What is the period of sustained oscillations corresponding to ultimate
gain ?
(c) If a proportional controller is to be used, what is the value of proportional
gain you would recommend. GATE – 1995
Q.36. The transfer function of a process, measuring device, controller and control
valve, respectively is given by –
GATE – 1995
Q.37. In a feed-back control system G and H denote open loop and closed
loop transfer functions respectively. The output-input relationship is :
(A) G / (1 + H)
(B) H / (1 + G)
(C) G / H
(D) H / G GATE – 1996
Q.38. The open loop transfer function of a control system is KR / (1 + τs),
This represents :
(A) a first order system
(B) dead me system
(C) a first order time lag
(D) a second order system GATE – 1996
Q.39. The Laplace transform of a staircase function s (b, t) formed by
successive addition of unit step functions at 0, b, 2b, 3b, etc. is:
GATE – 1996
Q.40. The transfer function for an ideal proportional plus reset controller
(Reset time t) is :
GATE – 1996
Q.41. A thermocouple junction may be approximated as a sphere of diameter 2
mm with thermal conductivity 30 W/(m. 0C), density 8600 kg/m3 and specific
heat 0.4 kJ/(kg 0C). The heat transfer coefficient between the gas stream and
the junction is 280 W/(m2 .0C). How long will it take for the thermocouple to
record 98 percent of the applied temperature difference ? GATE – 1996
Q.42. The transfer function of a PID controller is
Where τI is the integral (reset) time and τD is the derivative time. GATE – 1997
Q.43. The transfer function for a first-order process with time delay is
GATE – 1997
Q.44. The open-loop transfer function of a process is
If a step change is introduced into the system, then the response will be
(A) underdamped
(B) critically damped
(C) overdamped
(D) none of the above GATE – 1997
Q.48. A control system is shown below (Fig.),
(a) Determine the variation of C with time for a unit step change in the set-
(b) What is the offset ? GATE – 1997
Q.49. The open loop transfer function for a process is
Using the Routh test, determine the value of KC at which the system just becomes
unstable. GATE – 1997
Q.51. The Root Locus plot of the rots of the characteristic equation of a
closed loop system having the open loop transfer function –
GATE – 1998
Q.55. The second order system with the transfer function
GATE – 1999
Q.64. Each item given in the left-hand column is closely associated with a specific
characteristic listed in the right-hand column. Match each of the items with the
corresponding characteristic.
I) Transportation lag A) Increase in gain margin
II) Control valve B) Phase lag is proportional to frequency
C) Hyperbolic
D) Unstable response
E) Increase in phase margin
F) Phase angle is - 900 GATE – 1999
Q.65. A proportional controller is used for the control of a first-order system. If the
dynamics of all the other units in the control loop are negligible and their steady-
state gains are all equal to unity, show that
-A) the response of the controlled process is faster than that of the uncontrolled
process, and
-B) the offset, both for changes in the set point and in the load variable, decreases as
the parameter of the controller is increased. GATE – 1999
Q.66. The unit step response of the transfer function
(A) 0 (B) ½ (C) 1 (D) 2 GATE – 2000
Q.71. The me constant of unity gain, first order plus me delay process is 5 min. If
the phase lag at a frequency of 0.2 rad/min is 600 , then the dead me (in minutes) is
(A) 5π / 12
(B) π / 6
(C) π / 12
(D) π / 3 GATE – 2000
Q.72. The response of a thermocouple can be modelled as a first order process to
changes in the temperature of the environment. If such a thermocouple at 250C is
immersed suddenly in a fluid at 800C and held there, it is found that the
thermocouple reading (in 0C) reaches 63.2% of the final steady state value in 40
seconds. Find the time constant of the thermocouple. GATE – 2000
Q.73. A feedback control loop with a proportional controller has an open loop
transfer function
Where time is in minutes. Obtain the crossover frequency and the ultimate
controller gain. GATE – 2000
Q.74. Given the following block diagram,
GATE – 2001
Q.77. The inherent characteristics of an equal percentage value relating flow rate q
with, valve stem movement x are described by the equation
GATE – 2001
Q.78. An ideal PID controller has the transfer function
GATE – 2001
Q.80. A second order system can be obtained by connecting two first order systems
in series. The damping ratio of the resultant second order system for the case τ1≠ τ2
will be
(A) > 1 (B) = 1 (C) < 1 (D) = τ2 / τ1 GATE – 2001
Q.81. The hot junction of a thermocouple having me constant T min. initially at
room temperature of 30 0C. At time t = 0 min., it is placed in a bath held at 100 0C.
The thermocouple is connected to a recorded which has fast dynamics. At t = 2
min., the hot junction is withdrawn from the bath and held in the air which is at 30
0C. From the recorded data, the value of dT/dt at t = 2 + min. is given to you. dT/dt
= -2.5 0C/min. at t = 2 min. Is this data sufficient to calculate the time constant of
the thermocouple? If so, suggest a procedure for calculation of the me constant τ.
GATE – 2001
Q.82. The transfer function of a system consisting of a thermal process, value and
measuring system is given by
GATE – 2002
Q.86. A mercury thermometer can be used to measure the body temperature by placing it
either in the mouth or in the armpit of a patient. The true body temperature can be taken
to be the temperature inside the mouth, which is usually higher than the temperature in
the armpit by 0.5 K. Assume that the true body temperature of a patient is 312 K and the
thermometer is initially at 300 K. Also assume that the thermometer behaves like a first
order system with a time constant of 40 seconds.
(a) Obtain a relation for the thermometer reading T(t) as a function of me in terms of its
initial temperature T(0), and body temperature TB.
(b) How long should the thermometer be placed in the patient’s mouth in order to
ensure that the error in the measurement is not greater than 0.05%.
(c) Since the body temperature in the armpit is less, the measurement made here using
the thermometer is corrected by adding 0.5 K. How long should the thermometer be
placed in the armpit in order to ensure that the error in the corrected measurement is
not greater than 0.05% of the true body temperature. GATE – 2002
Q.87. Consider a system of two tanks in series as shown below : The level h2 in Tank II
is measured and has to be controlled by manipulating the flow rate F1 . It is given that F2
= 0.005h1 and F3 = 0.0025h2 m3/s, where h is in m. The cross-sectional areas of Tank I
and II are both equals to 1 m2 .
are known with a possible error of + 20% of their values. The largest permissible gain Kc of a
proportional controller needs to be calculated by taking the value of process gain, time
constant and dead time as
(A) 8, 0.6, 0.08
(B) 12, 0.6, 0.12
(C) 8, 0.6, 0.12
(D) 12, 0.4, 0.08 GATE – 2003
Q.90. Water is flowing through a series of four tanks and getting heated as shown in Figure.
It is desired to design a cascade control scheme for controlling the temperature of water
leaving the Tank 4 as thee is a disturbance in the temperature of a second stream entering the
Tank 2. Select the best place to take the secondary measurement for the secondary loop.
(A) Tank 1 (B) Tank 2 (C) Tank 3 (D) Tank 4 GATE – 2003
Q.91. Water is entering a storage tank at a temperature T0 and flow rate Q0 and leaving at
a flow rate Q and temperature T. There are negligible heat losses in the tank. L The area
of cross section of the tank is AC. The model that describes the dynamic variation of
water temperature in the tank with me is given as
GATE – 2003
Q.92. Find the ultimate gain and frequency for a proportional controller in the case of a
process having the following transfer function.
GATE – 2003
Q.93. Match the type of controller given in group 2 that is most suitable for each application
given in Group 1
Group 1 Group 2
P. Distillation column bottoms level to be controlled with 1. P control
bottom flow
Q. Distillation column pressure to be controlled by 2. P-I control
manipulating vapour flow from the top plate
R. Flow control of a liquid from a pump by positioning the 3. P-I-D control
valve in the line
S. Control of temperature of a CSTR with coolant flow in the jacket.
(A) P – 1, Q – 1, R – 2, S – 3
(B) P – 2, Q – 2, R – 3, S – 3
(C) P – 2, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 1
(D) P – 2, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 3 GATE – 2003
Q.94. In the case of a feed forward control scheme, which of the following is NOT true?
1. It is insensitive to modeling errors
2. Cannot cope with unmeasured disturbances
3. It waits until the effect of the disturbance has been felt by the system before control action
is taken
4. Requires good knowledge of the process model
5. Requires identification of all possible disturbances and their direct Measurement
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4 (C) 2 and 5 (D) 3 and 4 GATE – 2003
Q.95. Temperature control of a exothermic chemical reaction taking place in a CSTR is
done with the help of cooling water flowing in a jacket around the reactor. The types of
valve and controller action to be recommended are
(A) air to open valve with the controller direct acting
(B) air to close valve with the controller indirect acting
(C) air to open valve with the controller indirect acting
(D) air to close valve with the controller direct acting GATE – 2003
Q.96. For the time domain function f (t)= t, the Laplace transform of is given by
(A) 1/(2s3 )
(B) 2/s3
(C) 1/s3
(D) 2/s2 GATE – 2004
Q.97. Match first order system given in Group I with the appropriate me constant in
Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Thermometer 1. (mCp) / (hA)
Q. Mixing 2. q / V
3. V / q
4. (hA) / (mCp)
(A) P-4, Q-2
(B) P-4, Q-3
(C) P-1, Q-2
(D) P-1, Q-3 GATE – 2004
Q.98. The experimental response of the controlled variable y(t) for a step change of
magnitude P in the manipulated variable x(t) is shown below,
GATE – 2004
Q.99. Consider a system with open loop transfer function Match the range of ω
(frequency) in Group I with the slope of the asymptote of the log AR (amplitude ratio)
versus log ω plot in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. 0 < ω < 0.2 1–5
Q. ω > 1 2–3
5. zero
(A) P-5, Q-2 (B) P-4, Q-2 (C) P-5, Q-3 (D) P-4, Q-1 GATE – 2004
Q.100. The process and disturbance transfer functions for a system are given by
The feed forward controller transfer function that will keep the process output constant
for changes in disturbance is
GATE – 2004
Q.101. For the block diagram shown below,
GATE – 2004
Q.102. The unit step response of a first order system with me constant τ and steady state
gain Kp is given by
GATE – 2005
Q.103. An example of an open-loop second order under damped system is
(A) liquid level in a tank
(B) U-tube manometer
(C) thermocouple in a thermo-well
(D) two non-interacting first order systems in series. GATE – 2005
Q.104. The control valve characteristic is selected such that the product of process
gain and the valve gain.
(A) is a linearly increasing function of the manipulated variable
(B) is a linearly decreasing function of the manipulated variable
(C) remains constant as the value of the manipulated variable changes
(D) is an exponentially increasing function of the manipulated variable GATE – 2005
Q.105. Cascade control comes under the control configuration, which uses
(A) one measurement and one manipulated variable
(B) more than one measurement and one manipulated variable
(C) one measurement and more than one manipulated variable
(D) more than one measurement and more than one manipulated variable GATE – 2005
Q.106. Match the process variables (Group – I) given below with the measuring devices
(Group – II)
Group – I Group – II
(P) High Temperature (1) Orifice meter
(Q) Flow (2) Chromatograph
(R) Composition (3) Radiation Pyrometer
(4) Bi-metallic Thermometer
(A) P-1, Q-2, R-3
(B) P-1, Q-3, R-2
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2
(D) P-4, Q-2, R-1 GATE – 2005
Q.107. Given the characteristic equation below, select the number of roots which will be
located to the right of the imaginary axis s4 + 5s3 – s2 – 17s + 12 = 0
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Zero GATE – 2005
Q.108. Given the process transfer function Gp = 4/(τs + 1)2 and the disturbance transfer
function Gd = 2/(τs + 1), select the correct transfer function for the Feed Forward
Controller for perfect disturbance rejection.
(A) – 2 (τs + 1)
(B) – 1
(C) – 0.5 (τs + 1)
(D) – (τs + 1)2 GATE – 2005
Q.109. Given the process transfer function, Gp = 20/(s – 2), and controller transfer
function Gc = Kc, and assuming the transfer functions of all other elements in the control
loop are unity, select the range of Kc for which the closed loop response will be stable
(A) KC< 1/10
(B) KC< 1/100
(C) 1/100< KC < 1/10
(D) KC>1/10 GATE – 2005
Q.110. The value of ultimate period of oscillation Pu is 3 minutes, and that of the
ultimate controller gain Kcu is 2. Select the correct set of tuning parameters (controller
gain Kc , the derivative time constant τD in minutes, and the integral me constant τ1 in
minutes) for a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols controller settings.
(A) Kc = 1.1; τ1 = 2.1, τD = 1.31
(B) Kc = 1.5; τ1 = 1.8, τD = 0.51
(C) Kc = 15; τ1 = 1.8, τD = 0.51
(D) Kc = 1.2; τ1 = 1.5, τD = 0.38 GATE – 2005
Q.111. The control valve characteristics for three types of control valves (P, Q and R) are
given in the figure below. Match the control valve with its characteristics.
GATE – 2006
Q.113. A liquid level control system is configured as shown in the figure below. If the
level transmitter (LT) is direct acting and the pneumatic control valve is air-to-open,
what kind of control action should the controller (LC) have and why ?
where U1 and U2 are the inputs and Y1 and Y2 are the outputs. The gains of the transfer
functions Y1 (s) / U2 (s) and Y2 (s) / U2 (s), respectively, are
(A) K2 and K3
(B) K1 and K3 + K2 K4
(C) K2 and K3 + K1 K4
(D) K2 and K3 + K2 K4 GATE – 2006
Q.115. A process is perturbed by a sinusoidal input, u (t) = Asin ω t. The resulting
process output is
GATE – 2006
Q.116. The block diagram of a closed loop control system is shown in the figure below. Y
is the controlled variable, D is disturbance, Ysp is the set point, G1 , G2 , and G3 are transfer
functions, and Kc is the proportional controller.
(ii) Let G1 (s) = 1 and G2 (s) = G3 (s) = 1/(s + 1). A step change of magnitude M is made in
the set point. The steady state offset of the closed loop response Y is
GATE – 2006
Q.117. For the system shown below,
and t2 = 2t1
When the system is excited by the sinusoidal input X(t) = sin ωt, the intermediate
response Y is given by Y = A sin (ωt + ф).
(i) If the response of Y lags behind the input X by 450 and τ1 = 1, then the input
frequency ω is
(A) 1 (B) π / 4 (C) zero (D) – 1
(ii) For the same input, the amplitude of the output Z will be
(A) 1.00 (B) 0.62 (C) 0.42 (D) 0.32 GATE – 2006
Q.118. An operator was told to control the temperature of a reactor at 60°C. The operator
set the set-point of the temperature controller at 60. The scale actually indicated 0 to
100% of a temperature range of 0 to 200°C. This caused a runaway reaction by over-
pressurizing the vessel, which resulted in injury to the operator. The actual set-point
temperature was
(A) 200°C (B) 60°C (C) 120°C (D) 100°C GATE – 2007
Q.119. The dynamic model for a mixing tank open to atmosphere at its top as shown
below is to be written. The objective of mixing is to cool the hot water stream entering the
tank at a flow rate q2 and feed temperature of Ts with a cold water food stream entering the
tank at a flow rate q1 and feed temperature of T0 . A water stream is drawn from the tank
boom at a flow rate of q4 by a pump and the level in the tank is proposed to be controlled
by drawing another water stream at a flow rate q3 . Neglect evaporation and other heat
losses from the tank.
GATE – 2007
Q.120. Match the transfer functions with the responses to a unit step input shown in the figure.
(A) i-e, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d, v-b (B) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d, v-e
(C) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-e, v-d (D) i-e, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b, v-d GATE – 2007
Q.121. Consider the following instrumentation diagram for a chemical reactor. Csp represents
a concentration set point. Match the items in group 1 with the corresponding items given in
column B.
Column A Column B
P) control strategy 1) feed forward control
Q) primary control variable 2) cascade control
R) slowest controller 3) concentration in the reactor
S) fastest controller 4) reactor temperature
5) jacket temperature
6) concentration controller
7) reactor temperature controller
8) jacket temperature controller
9) flow controller
10) selective control
GATE – 2007
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-6, S-9 (B) P-1, Q-4, R-8, S-7 (C) P-10, Q-7, R-9, S-6 (D) P-1, Q-8, R-5, S-9
Q.122. The first two rows of Routh’s tabulation of a third order equation are
s3 2 2
s3 4 4
Select the correct answer from the following choices :
(A) The equation has one root in the right half s-plane
(B) The equation has two roots on the j axis at s = j and – j. The third root is in the le half
(C) The equation has two roots on the j axis at s = 2j and s = –2j. The third root is in the
le half plane.
(D) The equation has two roots on the j axis at s = 2j and s = –2j. The third root is in the
right half plane. GATE – 2007
Q.123. A cascade control system for pressure control is shown in the figure given below.
The pressure transmitter has a range of 0 to 6 bar(g) and the flow transmitter range is 0
to 81 nm3/hr. The normal flow rate through the valve is 32.4 nm3/hr corresponding to the
value of set point for pressure = 1 bar(g) and to give the flow, the valve must be 40%
opened. The control valve has linear characteristics and is fail–open (air to close). Error,
set point and control variable are expressed in percentage transmitter output (% TO).
Proportional gain is expressed in the units of % controller output (CO/% TO).
GATE – 2007
The types of action for the two controllers are
(A) direct acting for the pressure control and direct acting for the flow control
(B) indirect acting for the pressure control and indirect acting for the flow control
(C) direct acting for the pressure control and indirect acting for the flow control
(D) indirect acting for the pressure control and direct acting for the flow control
Q.124. The bias values for the two controllers, so that no offset occurs in either
controller are
(A) Pressure controller : 40%; Flow controller : 60%
(B) Pressure controller : 33%; Flow controller : 67%
(C) Pressure controller : 67%; Flow controller : 33%
(D) Pressure controller : 60%; Flow controller : 40% GATE – 2007
Q.125. Given that the actual tank pressure is 4 bar(g) and a proportional controller
is employed for pressure control, the proportional band setting of the pressure
controller required to obtain a set point to the flow controller equal to 54 nm3/hr is
(A) 50% (B) 100% (C) 150% (D) 187% GATE – 2007
Q.126. The unit impulse response of a first order process is given by 2e -0.5t . The
gain and me constant of the process are, respectively,
(A) 4 and 2
(B) 2 and 2
(C) 2 and 0.5
(D) 1 and 0.5 GATE – 2008
Q.127. A unit step input is given to a process that is represented by the transfer
The initial value (t = 0 + ) of the response of the process to the step input is
(A) 0 (B) 2/5 (C) 1 (D) ∞ GATE – 2008
Q.128. A tank of volume 0.25 m3 and height 1 m has water flowing in at 0.05
m3/min. The outlet flow rate is governed by the relation Fout= 0.1h , where h is the
height of the water in the tank in m and Fout is the outlet flow rate in m3/min. The
inlet flow rate changes suddenly from its nominal value of 0.05 m3/min to 0.15
m3/min and remains there. The time (in minutes) at which the tan will begin to
overflow is given by
(A) 0.28 (B) 1.01 (C) 1.73 (D) ∞ GATE – 2008
Q.129. Which ONE of the following transfer functions corresponds to an inverse
response process with a positive gain ?
GATE – 2008
Q.130. Match the following:
Group 1 Group 2
(P) Temperature (1) Hot wire anemometry
(Q) Pressure (2) Strain Gauge
(R) Flow (3) Chromatographic analyzer
(4) Pyrometer.
Group 1 Group 2
(P) Ziegler Nichols (1) Process Reaction Curve
(Q) Under damped response (2) Decay ratio
(R) Feed forward control (3) Frequency response
(4) Disturbance measurement.
(units of me is minutes) is found to be 0.6 rad/min. Assume that the measurement and
valve transfer functions are unity.
85. If the control loop is to operate at a gain margin of 2.0, the gain of the
proportional controller must equal
(A) 0.85 (B) 2.87 (C) 3.39 (D) 11.50
GATE – 2008
Q.133. Which ONE of the following sensors is used for the measurement of
temperature in a combustion process (T > 1800°C) ?
(A) Type J thermocouple
(B) Thermistor
(C) Resistance temperature detector
(D) Pyrometer GATE – 2009
Q.134. The roots of the characteristic equation of an under damped second order
system are
(A) Real, negative and equal
(B) Real, negative and unequal
(C) Real, positive and unequal
(D) Complex conjugates GATE – 2009
Q.135. The inverse Laplace transform of
(A) e -t/2 – e -t
(B) 2e -t/2 – e -t
(C) e -t – 2e -t/2
(D) e -t – e -t/2 GATE – 2009
Q.136. The characteristic equation of a closed loop system using a proportional
controller with gain Kc is
12 s3 + 19 s2 + 8 s + 1 + Kc = 0
At the onset of instability, the value of Kc is
(A) 35/3 (B) 10 (C) 25/3 (D) 20/3 GATE – 2009
Q.137. The block diagram for a control system is shown below :
For a unit step change in the set point, R(s), the steady state offset in the output
Y(s) is
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.3 (C) 0.4 (D) 0.5 GATE – 2009
Q.138. For a tank of cross-sectional area 100 cm2 and inlet flow rate (Qi in cm3/s), the
outlet flow rate (Qo in cm3/s) is related to the liquid height (H in cm) as Qo = 3 √ H (see
figure below).
Then the transfer function (overbar indicates deviation variables) of the process
around the steady-state point, Qi,s = 18 cm3/s and Hs = 36 cm, is
GATE – 2009
Q.139. Match the location of the poles/zeros in the s-plane, listed in GROUP I,
with the system response characteristics in GROUP II.
P. Pole in the right half plane I. Stable response
Q. Pole at origin II. Integrating response
R. Zero in the right half plane III. Unstable response
IV. Inverse response
The steady state gain of the closed loop system, between output Y(s) and set point
R(s), is
(A) 5/9 (B) 4/9 (C) 1/3 (D) 2/9 GATE – 2010
Q.143. Consider the cascade control configuration shown in the figure below :
A constant head pump transfers a liquid from a tank maintained at 20 psi to a reactor
operating at 100 psi, through a heat exchanger and a control value. At the design
conditions, the liquid flow rate is 1000 litres/min, while the pressure drop across the
heat exchanger is 40 psi, and that across the control valve is 20 psi. Assume that the
pressure drop across the heat exchanger varies as the square of the flow rate. If the flow
is reduced to 500 litres/min, then the pressure drop across the control valve is
(A) 30 psi (B) 50 psi (C) 80 psi (D) 150 psi GATE – 2010
Q.145. Match the process parameters in Group I, with the measuring instruments in
Group II.
P. Flame temperature I. Thermocouple
Q. Composition of LPG II. Radiation pyrometer
R. Liquid air temperature III. Gas chromatograph
(A) P – III Q – I, R – II
(B) P – I, Q – III, R – II
(C) P – II, Q – III, R – I
(D) P – II, Q – I, R – III GATE – 2011
Q.146. The range of standard current signal in process instruments is 4 to 20 mA.
Which ONE of the following is the reason for choosing the minimum signal as 4
mA instead of 0 mA ?
(A) To minimize resistive heating in instruments
(B) To distinguish between signal failure and minimum signal condition
(C) To ensure a smaller difference between maximum and minimum signal
(D) To ensure compatibility with other instruments. GATE – 2011
Q.147. The following diagram shows a CSTR with two control loops. A liquid phase,
endothermic reaction is taking place in the CSTR, and the system is initially at steady
state. Assume that the changes in physical properties of the system are negligible.
GATE – 2011
Where, e(t) is the error at me t. The transfer function of the process to be controlled is
A unit step input is introduced in the set point. The value of Kc to provide a critically
damped response for U = 0, τp = 8 and τm= 1 is
(A) 3.34 (B) 2.58 (C) 1.53 (D) 1.12 GATE – 2012
Q.154. Match the following:
Group 1 Group 2
(P) Viscosity (1) Pyrometer
(Q) Pressure (2) Hot wire anemometer
(R) Velocity (3) Rheometer
(S) Temperature (4) Piezoelectric element
GATE – 2013
Q.156. A control valve, with a turndown ratio of 50, follows equal percentage
characteristics. The flow rate of a liquid through the valve at 40% stem position is 1
m3/h. What will be the flow rate in m3/h at 50% stem position, if the pressure drop
across the valve remains unchanged? (Up to 2 digits after the decimal point.)
_________ . GATE – 2013
Q.157. Statement for Linked Answer Questions (i) and (ii).
Consider the following transfer function
(ii) For the computation of Ziegler-Nichols settings, the ultimate period (in s/cycle) and
the ultimate gain are
(A) π and 0.8, respectively (B) 4π and 0.8, respectively
(C) 4π and 1.25, respectively (D) π and 1.25, respectively GATE – 2013
Q.158. Integral of the time-weighted absolute error (ITAE) is expressed as
GATE – 2014
Q.159. A unit IMPULSE response of a first order system with me constant τ and
steady state gain Kp is given by
GATE – 2014
Q.160. Assume that an ordinary mercury-in-glass thermometer follows first order
dynamics with a me constant of 10 s. It is at a steady state temperature of 0 °C. At
time t = 0, the thermometer is suddenly immersed in a constant temperature bath at
100 °C. The time required (in s) for the thermometer to read 95 °C, approximately
(A) 60 (B) 40 (C) 30 (D)20 GATE – 2014
Q.161. A step change of magnitude is introduced into a system having the following
transfer function
The transfer function of the process is and the disturbance transfer function is
GATE – 2014
Q.163. A process with transfer function , is to be controlled by a feedback
proportional controller with a gain Kc . If the transfer functions of all other elements
in the control loop are unity, then which ONE of the following conditions produces
a stable closed loop response?
(A) Kc = 0.25
(B) 0 < Kc < 0.25
(C) 0.25 < Kc < 0.5
(D) Kc > 0.5 GATE – 2014
Q.164. Consider the following block diagram for a closed-loop feedback control system
(A) P-IV, Q-III, R-II, S-I (B) P-III, Q-I, R-II, S-IV
(C) P-IV, Q-I, R-II, S-III (D) P-II, Q-IV, R-III, S-I GATE – 2015
Q.166. The transfer function for the disturbance response in an open-loop process is
given by . The corresponding transfer function for the disturbance response in a
closed-loop feedback control system with proportional controller is given by .
Select the option that is ALWAYS correct {O[G(s)] represents order of transfer
function G(s)} :
GATE – 2015
Q.167. Which one of the following transfer functions, upon a unit step change in
disturbance at t = 0, will show a stable me domain response with a negative initial
slope (i.e., slope at t = 0):
GATE – 2015
Q.168. The block diagram for a process with feedback control for output deviation
variable h is shown in the figure below. All transfer functions are given with pre-
factor of s in minutes. A unit step change is made in the set-point at t = 0. The me
required for h to reach 50% of its ultimate value, in minutes (up to two decimal
places), is: _________ .
GATE – 2015
Q.169. Consider a control system with the open loop transfer function given by:
Group-1 Group-2
P. Conductivity meter I. Flow
Q. Turbine meter II. Pressure
R. Piezo resistivity element III. Composition
Assume the transfer functions of the measuring element and the final control
element are both unity (Gm = 1,Gf = 1). The gain (rounded off to the first decimal
place) of the controller that will constitute the critical condition for stability of the
PI feedback control system is _______. GATE – 2015
Q.175. For a unit step input, the response of a second order system is
where, Kp is the steady state gain, ζ is the damping coefficient, τ is the natural period of
oscillation and ф is the phase lag. The overshoot of the system is exp . For a unit step
input, the response of the system from an initial steady state condition at t = 0 is shown in
the figure below.
Group – 1 Group – 2
P) Temperature I) Capacitance probe
Q) Liquid level II) McLeod gauge
R) Vacuum III) Chromatograph
S) Concentration IV) Thermistor
For a unit step increase in the input, the fractional overshoot, rounded to 2 decimal
place, is_______. GATE – 2017
Q.181. The open loop transfer function of a process with a proportional controller
(gain KC) is
Based on the Bode criterion for closed-loop stability, the ultimate gain of the
controller, rounded to 2 decimal places, is __________ . GATE – 2017
Q.182. The characteristic equation of a closed-loop system is
6s3 + 11s2 + 6s + (1 + K) = 0,where K > 0
The value of K beyond which the system just becomes unstable, rounded to the
nearest integer, is __________. GATE – 2017
Q.183. A first-order process having a transfer function,
(A) 7 x10-1
(B) 8 x10-2
(C) 9 x10-3
(D) 10 x10-4 GATE – 2018
Q.185. Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B
Here, Φ denotes the phase shift, K1 and K2 the process gains, τ the time constant,
and AR the amplitude ratio.
(A) P-II, Q-III, R-IV, S-I
(C) P-I, Q-IV, R-II, S-III
(D) P-IV,Q-I, R-II, S-III GATE – 2018
Q.186. Consider the following transfer function:
where, the natural period of oscillation is in min. The amplitude ratio at a frequency
of 0.5 rad/min is________ (rounded off to second decimal place). GATE – 2018
Q.187. For a closed-loop system, consider the following transfer functions: process
GP(s), controller GC(s), measuring device Gm(s), and final control element Gf(s)
The offset in the closed loop response due to a unit step change introduced in the set
point of the output variable is ________. GATE – 2018
Q.188. A thermocouple senses temperature based on the
(A) Nernst Effect (B) Maxwell Effect
(C) Seebeck Effect (D) Peltier Effect GATE – 2019
Q.189. The liquid flow rate through an equal percentage control valve, when
fully open, is 150 gal/min and the corresponding pressure drop is 50 psi. If the
specific gravity of the liquid is 0.8, then the valve coefficient, CV , in gal/(min
psi0.5 ) is _________ (rounded off to two decimal places). GATE – 2019
Q.190. Consider two non-interacting tanks-in-series as shown in figure. Water
enters TANK 1 at q cm3 /s and drains down to TANK 2 by gravity at a rate
(cm3 /s). Similarly, water drains from TANK 2 by gravity at a rate of (cm3
/s) where h1 and h2 represent levels of TANK 1 and TANK 2, respectively (see
figure). Drain valve constant k = 4 cm2.5 /s and cross-sectional areas of the two
tanks are A1=A2=28 cm2
At steady state operation, the water inlet flow rate is qss =16 cm3/s. The transfer
function relating the deviation variables h2 (cm) to q flow rate (cm3/s ) is
GATE – 2019
Q.191. Choose the option that correctly matches the step response curves on the left with the
appropriate transfer functions on the right. The step input change occurs at time t =0.
Step Response Transfer Function
GATE – 2019
Q.192. For the closed loop system shown in figure, the phase margin (in degrees)
is ___________ (rounded off to one decimal place).
GATE – 2019
Q.194. Consider the following unit step function.
GATE – 2020
Q.194. Hot-wire anemometer is used for the measurement of
(A) composition
(B) flow
(C) pressure
(D) temperature GATE – 2020
Q.195. Consider the following closed loop system with Gp and Gc , as the
transfer functions of the process and the controller, respectively.
For a unit step change in the set point (ysp), the change in the value of the
response(y) at steady state is________ (round off to 1 decimal place).
GATE – 2020
Q.196. Flow of water through an equal percentage valve is 900 liter h-1 at 30%
opening and 1080 liter h-1 at 35% opening. Assume that the pressure drop across
the valve remains constant . The flow rate (in liter h-1) through the valve at 45%
option is _________ (rounded off to nearest integer). GATE – 2020
Q.197. Consider the following closed loop system.
GC, Gf and Gp are the transfer functions of the controller, the final control
element and the process, respectively, y and ysp are the response and its setpoint,
respectively. For a gain margin of 1.6. the design value of KC is _______(correct
up to one decimal place) GATE – 2020
Q.198. Which of the following is NOT a standard to transmit measurement and
control signals?
(A) 4 – 20 mA
(B) 3 – 15 psig
(C) 0 – 100 %
(D) 1 – 5 VDC GATE – 2021
Q.199. A feedforward controller can be used only if
(A) the disturbance variable can be measured
(B) the disturbance variable can be manipulated
(C) the disturbance variable can be ignored
(D) regulatory control is not required
GATE – 2021
Q.200. The inherent characteristics of three control valves P, Q and R are shown in
the figure.
(A) (Q) and (S) only (B) (P), (Q) and (R) only
(C) (P), (R) and (S) only (D) (P), (Q), (R) and (S) GATE – 2021
Q.202. It is required to control the volume of the contents in the jacketed reactor shown in
the figure.
Which one of the following schemes can be used for feedback control? GATE – 2021
(A) Measure L101 and manipulate valve V-2 (B) Measure T101 and manipulate valve V-1
(C) Measure L101 and manipulate valve V-3 (D) Measure F101 and manipulate valve V-1
Q.203. Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition for a process under closed-loop
control to be stable?
(A) Dead-time term(s) must be absent in the open-loop transfer function
(B) Roots of the characteristic equation must have negative real part
(C) All the elements in the left (first) column of the Routh array must have the same sign
(D) Open-loop transfer function must have an amplitude ratio less than 1 at the critical frequency
GATE – 2021
GATE – 2021
GATE – 2021
GATE – 2021
Q.207. A control system on the jacket side of a reactor is shown in the figure. Pressurized
water flows through the jacket to cool the reactor. The heated water flashes in the boiler. The
exothermic reaction heat thus generates steam. Fresh boiler feed water (BFW) is added to
make-up for the loss of water as steam. Assume that all control valves are air-to-open. The
controller action, ‘direct’ or ‘reverse’, is defined with respect to the controller. Select the
option that correctly specifies the action of the controllers.
GATE – 2022
Q.208. The appropriate feedforward compensator, 𝐺ff, in the shown block diagram is
Q.210. A process described by the transfer function
is forced by a unit step input at time 𝑡 = 0. The output value immediately after the
step input (at 𝑡 = 0+) is __________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).
GATE – 2022
Q.211. In the block diagram shown in the figure, the transfer function
with 𝐾 > 0 and 𝜏 > 0. The maximum value of 𝐾 below which the system remains stable
is __________ (rounded off to two decimal places).
GATE – 2022
Q.212. Consider the tank level control system shown in the figure, where the cross-section
area of the tank is 𝐴. Assume perfect flow controllers (FC). The level controller (LC) is
proportional-integral (PI). For an integral time, 𝜏I , the level controller gain, 𝐾C , is tuned for
critical damping.
GATE – 2022
Q.213. Consider a single-input-single-output (SISO) system with the transfer function
where the time constants are in minutes. The system is forced by a unit step input at
time 𝑡 = 0.
The time at which the output response reaches the maximum is __________ minutes
(rounded off to two decimal places). GATE – 2022
Q.214. Which one of the following quantities of a flowing fluid is measured using a
(A) Static pressure (B) Dynamic pressure
(C) Volumetric flow rate (D) Viscosity GATE – 2023
Q.215. A liquid surge tank has 𝐹𝑖𝑛 and 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 as the inlet and outlet flow rates respectively,
as shown in the figure below. 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 is proportional to the square root of the liquid level ℎ.
The cross-sectional area of the tank is 20 cm2. Density of the liquid is constant
everywhere in the system. At steady state, 𝐹𝑖𝑛 = 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 10 cm3s−1 and ℎ = 16 cm. The
variation of ℎ with 𝐹𝑖𝑛 is approximated as a first order transfer function.
Which one of the following is the CORRECT value of the time constant (in seconds) of
this system?
(A) 20 (B) 32
(C) 64 (D) 128 GATE – 2023
Q.216. A cascade control strategy is shown in the figure below. The transfer function
between the output (𝑦) and the secondary disturbance (𝑑2) is defined as
Which one of the following is the CORRECT expression for the transfer function 𝐺𝑑2(𝑠) ?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
GATE – 2023
Q.217. Level (ℎ) in a steam boiler is controlled by manipulating the flow rate (𝐹) of
the make-up (fresh) water using a proportional (P) controller. The transfer function
between the output and the manipulated input is
The measurement and valve transfer functions are both equal to 1. A process
engineer wants to tune the controller so that the closed-loop response gives decaying
oscillations under servo mode.
Which one of the following is the CORRECT value of the controller gain to be used
by the engineer?
(A) 0.25 (B) 2
(C) 4 (D) 6 GATE – 2023
Q.218. The outlet concentration 𝐶𝐴 of a plug flow reactor (PFR) is controlled by
manipulating the inlet concentration 𝐶𝐴0. The following transfer function describes
the dynamics of this PFR.
In the above equation, 𝑉 = 1 m3, 𝐹 = 0.1 m3min−1 and 𝑘 = 0.5 min−1. The
measurement and valve transfer functions are both equal to 1. The ultimate gain,
defined as the proportional controller gain that produces sustained oscillations, for
this system is ______ (rounded off to one decimal place). GATE – 2023
Q.219. The transfer function of a measuring instrument is
(A) (0.5, 2) (B) (−0.5, 0.5) (C) (−2, 2) (D) (2, 0.5) GATE – 2024
Q.221. Consider the control structure for the overhead section of a distillation column
shown in the figure. The composition controller (CC) controls the heavy key
impurity in the distillate by adjusting the setpoint of the reflux flow controller in a
cascade arrangement. The sign of the controller gain for the pressure controller (PC)
and that for the composition controller (CC) are, respectively,
GATE – 2024
Q.223. Consider the surge drum in the figure. Initially the system is at steady-state with
a hold-up 𝑉 = 5 m3 which is 50% of full tank capacity, 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙, and volumetric flow rates
𝐹𝑖𝑛 = 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 1 m3 h−1. The high hold-up alarm limit 𝑉ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ = 0.8 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 while the low
hold-up alarm limit 𝑉𝑙𝑜𝑤 = 0.2 𝑉𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙. A proportional (P-only) controller manipulates the
outflow to regulate the hold-up 𝑉 as 𝐹out = 𝐾𝑐 𝑉 − 𝑉 + 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑡. At 𝑡 = 0, 𝐹𝑖𝑛 increases
as a step from 1 m3 h−1 to 2 m3 h−1. Assume linear control valves and instantaneous
valve dynamics. Let 𝐾c𝑚𝑖𝑛 be the minimum controller gain that ensures 𝑉 never
exceeds 𝑉ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ. The value of 𝐾c𝑚𝑖𝑛, in ℎ−1, rounded off to 2 decimal places, is .
GATE – 2024
Q.224. A PD controller with transfer function 𝐺𝑐 is used to stabilize an open-loop
unstable process with transfer function 𝐺𝑝, where
𝜏𝐷 𝑠+1 1
𝐺𝑐 = 𝐾𝑐 𝜏𝐷 , 𝐺𝑝 =
𝑠+1 𝑠−1 10𝑠+1
and time is in minutes. From the necessary conditions for closed-loop stability, the
maximum feasible value of 𝜏𝐷 , in minutes, rounded off to 1 decimal place, is
_____________ GATE – 2024
Process Control Answer Key
Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
1. Subjective 14. sub 27. D 40. A
2. Subjective 15. subjective 28. C 41. 15.64 sec
3. Subjective 16. B, D, A, C 29. C 42. B
4. 19.46 Sec 17. subjective 30. C 43. B
5. Stable 18. subjective 31. C 44. C
6. D 19. subjective 32. 81.87degr 45. D
7. C 20. subjective 33. 0 ( zero ) 46. A
8. D 21. subjective 34. Subjective 47. A
9. Subjective 22. A 35. 10, 0.62, 5 48. Subjective
10. D 23. B 36. Subjective 49. Subjective
11. Subjective 24. D 37. wrong opt 50. Subjective
12. sub 25. D 38. A 51. B
13. sub 26. C 39. D 52. A
Process Control Answer Key
Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
53. D 66. C 79. C 92. D
54. A 67. B 80. A 93. D
55. B 68. C 81. Subjective 94. A
56. C 69. B 82. Subjective 95. B
57. 48.34 70. B 83. C 96. C
58. B 71. A 84. C 97. D
59. C 72. 64 sec 85. D 98. C
60. D 73. 0.4 86. Subjective 99. C
61. A 74. Subjective 87. Subjective 100. C
62. A 75. D 88. A 101. C
63. C 76. A 89. B 102. A
64. B,A 77. A 90. C 103. B
65. Subjective 78. D 91. A 104. C
Process Control Answer Key
Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
105. B 118. C 131 A 144 B
106. C 119. D 132 D 145 C
107. B 120 A 133 D 146 B
108. C 121 A 134 D 147 D
109. D 122 B 135 D 148 C, B
110. D 123 D 136 A 149 D
111. A 124 D 137 A 150 A
112. A 125 B 138 D 151 C
113. A 126 A 139 C 152 C
114. D 127 C 140 C 153 C
115. C 128 C 141 C 154 B
116. D, A 129 C 142 B 155 A
117. A, D 130 D 143 4/3 156 1.47m3/hr
Process Control Answer Key
Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer Que. No. Answer
157. C, B 170. D 183. 10 196. 1554-1556
158. C 171. C 184. C 197. 0.49- 0.51
159. D 172. D 185. C 198. C
160. C 173. Subjective 186. D 199. A
161. B 174. Subjective 187. 0.41-0.42 200. A,D
162. C 175. Subjective 188. 0.2 201. C
163. D 176. C 189. C 202. C
164. A 177. A 190. 18.96 203. A
165. C 178. 0.49-0.51 191. A 204. 0.161 to 0.169