CH - Three Questions
CH - Three Questions
CH - Three Questions
Discuss these questions.
Work in pairs.
ask questions?
1. When does a person wise person, whatthree
questions would you ask him/her?
2. Ifyou were tto meet a very
these particular questions?
3. Why would vou ask
In reply to the first question, some said that to know
the right time for every action, one must draw up
in advane. a table of days, months and years,
and must live strictly according to it. Others
declared that it was impossible to decide
betorehand the right time for every
action; but that, not letting oneself
be absorbed in idle pastimes, one
should always attend to all that was
going on, and then do what was
most essential. Yet others said that it
was impossible for one man to decide
correctly the right time for every action and
that the King should instead, have a council of AUD
wise people, who would help him fix the proper
time for everything,
When the King arrived. the hermilwas
Equally varied were the answers to the second digging the ground in front of his hut.
question. Some said the people whom the King The hermit was frail and weak. and each
necded the most were his councillors; others, the
time he struck the ground with the spade
priests;others, the doctors; while some said the and turned a little earth, he breathed heavity. The
warriors were the most necessary.
King went up to him and said. "1 have come to you.
To the third questian about what was the most wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions
important occupation, some replied that the most How can llearn to do the right thing at the right
important thing in the world was science. Others time? Who are the people Imost need, and teo
said it was skill in warfare; and to others, it was whom should 1,therefore, pay most attention? And
religious worship. what aflairs are the most important and need my
The King was not convinced by any of these answers immediate attention"
nd gave the reward to none. Instead, he decided to The hemit listened to the King but answered
consultahernit, widely renowned for his wisdom. nothing. te just spat on his hand and resumed
The hermit lived in a forest, which he never left. digging. The King wutched in slence for a while.
He spoke only to common folk. So the King put on annoueent, dedarstion
simple clothes and approaching the hernits cll, fral weak; feeble
disnounted his lhorse, and left his bodyguard behind.
was flowing from underthem. Whenhe
Then, feeling sorry for the hermit, he
said, "You reached
e the ground,
the King he fainted and fellIon AU
the spade and work awhile moaning feebly. The King and the hermit
are tired, let me take
for you" unfastened the man's clothing There was
hermit silently handed over the spade and sat a large wound in his stomach. The King
ground When he haddug two beds the washedit as well as he could, and bandaged dit
a towelthatthe hernit with
down on the
questions The hermit his handkerchief andla
King stopped and repeated his out his would
but rose, stretched But the blood i not stop lowing, andthe
again gave no answer,
removed the bandage soaked
hand for he spade, and said, with warnn blood again
"Now rest awhile-and let me
him and again, and washed and
a bit" But the King did not give
bandaged the wound. When
the spade, and continued to dig, at last the blood stopped
One hour passed, and another.
lowing, the man recovered
and asked for something
to drink.
tat te Krg asked?
1 Wret wee te tIee qEStors
arsersoS OLESTUS?
2 Wa du te doto frd
te receved? Why/why not?
Ms te satste wth the asNers
Wom do te Kng fraly agach tor the
DesTÜE tte tam oggts t r took pace when the King
wES watung for the answore
(modal auniliaries)
Using Grammar
from the text. every acton
Read these sentences anyone who would teach him what the right time for
reward to the most important
He would give a great people were. and how he might know
who the most necessary
was, and
thing to do.
thing at the right time?
How can Ileam to do the ight modal auxiliaries. These are special
called modals or
in these sentences are not change their form. Thy
The highlighted words dance, sing. They do
verbs like work,
verbs and are different from follows it.
the main verb that
additional information about
verbs are used to express functions such as
Modal can, couid, may, might
1. permission can, could
2. ability must
3. obligation must not
4. prohibition need not
lack of necessity better
5. should, ought to, had
6. can, could, may, might
7 may, might
8. protbability has/have to
9. necessity complete
choose the most suitable modal verbs to
Discuss and
A. Work in pairs. check your answers with
your teacher.
these sentences. Then
(needn't/wouldn't/ couldn't) buy ary
at home. You
1. There are plenty of vegetables
from the store.
do this assignment for our own
2. The teacher said we (can/must/should)
knowledge, as it is optional.