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Patent Application Publication Jul. 10, 2008 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2008/O163421 A1
US 2008/0163421 A1 Jul. 10, 2008
TILTING FURNITURE SYSTEMAND tilting mechanism next to the wall is eliminated during con
NFINITELY VARIABLE LIFT TENSIONING nection of a conventional bed platform to the tilting mecha
0008. The invention has the further advantage that no
change is necessary to the conventional configuration of the
0001. This invention relates generally to multi-purpose means for assembling and locking the conventional bed plat
furniture and specifically to a tilting furniture system and, form to the tilting mechanism whereby redesign of the bed
individually or in combination therewith, an infinitely vari platform and the Support structure for the spring mechanism
able lift tensioning mechanism therefor. It is particularly is avoided.
suited for a tilting bed system of the type known for decades 0009. In addition, the invention has the advantage that the
as a Murphy bed, but it is also adapted for use with auxiliary lift tensioning mechanism for actuating the load, such as a
furniture elements, such as a desk in combination with a bed, may be infinitely variable using only a simple hand tool.
Murphy, or tilting, bed. 0010. The invention also contemplates, in an expanded
configuration, a bed and an associated piece of furniture. Such
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION as a desk, which includes the aforementioned spring mecha
nism so that the bed may still be tilted upwardly to an inop
0002 There has been a trend for some years in many erative position or downwardly to an operative position by
metropolitan areas to increase population density in both new application of only the modest force earlier described, the
and rehabbed buildings. In areas having building codes which desk remaining level at all times.
permit increased density, a given floor space is more and more
frequently required to serve dual purposes: daytime living BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
and/or working space followed by nighttime sleeping space.
The Murphy bed concept, which was commercially intro 0011. The invention is illustrated more or less diagram
duced over a century ago, is ideally Suited to this new trend matically in the accompanying drawing in which
since the floor space occupied by a bed at night is available as 0012 FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a bed assembly of the
working space during the daytime, the bed being tilted invention in an upright, out of use, stored position, here stored
upwardly to a vertical position in which it is in abutting in a piece of furniture having a recess which is flanked by
contact with, or received in a recess in, an adjacent wall at bookshelves;
night. 0013 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the bed assembly of
0003. In recent years auxiliary furniture has been com FIG. 1, with parts broken away for clarity, in a position part
bined with the bed, such as a desk, the desk being arranged to way downward towards its in use position on the floor;
be in an open working position during the day when the bed 0014 FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the bed assembly of
is in its out of use upright position, and then at night the desk FIGS. 1 and 2 in a use position;
being in a non-usable, out of the way position when the bed is 0015 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a common current
in its horizontal, use position. type of spring mechanism used to connect a bed platform to a
0004 Although the general concept has been known for spring tilting mechanisms;
some time, certain difficulties have persisted over the years. 0016 FIG. 5 is a side view of the spring mechanism of the
One such difficulty is associated with the spring mechanism present invention in its condition for a standard king size bed
which is employed to raise and lower the bed, and auxiliary when a bed platform has been engaged to the spring lever
furniture if present. Specifically, many of the spring mecha prior to locking;
nisms in existing systems are very difficult to operate over (0017 FIG. 6 is a side view of the bed platform locked to
portions of the operating cycle. Such as the first portion of the spring lever of the spring mechanism of the invention;
movement of the bed from its open, use position (when it is 0018 FIG. 7 is a perspective view of another embodiment
parallel to the floor) as it begins its upward movement toward of the invention showing a bed and associated desk in a
its associated wall. In some cases as much as about fifty position intermediate the stored and in use positions of the
pounds of force may be required to initiate the upward tilting bed;
movement of the bed and this degree of force is difficult to 0019 FIG. 8 is a sectional view of the bed and desk system
apply for elderly people, or people of slight stature such as a of FIG. 7 with parts broken away and others in phantom for
woman who may weigh only about 110 pounds or less. There purposes of clarity;
is therefore a need for a spring tilting mechanism which can 0020 FIG.9 is a sectional view of the bed and desk system
be activated with only a few pounds of force over its entire of FIG. 7 about midway in its travel from a position in which
range of movement including the commencement of bed the bed is in use to the position in which the bed is stored,
movement from a horizontal to a vertical position. taken substantially along the line 9-9 of FIG. 7; and
0005. A further drawback to many existing tilting mecha 0021 FIG. 10 is a sectional view of the bed and desk
nisms is that installation of a bed platform to a spring mecha system of FIG. 7 in which the bed is in its stored position and
nism requires two installers. the desk is in its use position.
0006. It has also been thought that many existing tilting
mechanisms could advantageously be made more user DESCRIPTION OF A SPECIFICEMBODIMENT
friendly and safer in operation.
0022. Like reference numerals will be used to refer to like
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION or similar parts from Figure to Figure in the drawings.
(0023 Referring first to FIG. 1, a tiltable bed assembly is
0007. The invention includes, in an initial configuration, a indicated generally at 10 in its vertical, out of use position, the
spring tilting mechanism in which the necessity of inserting bed assembly being received within a recess 11 which is
the hand or fingers of an installer into close proximity to the shown best in FIG.2. In this instance a plurality of shelves are
US 2008/0163421 A1 Jul. 10, 2008
indicated at 12 and 13 and drawers or doors at 14 and 15 assemble a bed platform to the spring mechanism and con
flanking the bed assembly 10. It will be understood that the nector system. Further, a single installer can adjust the tension
underside 16 of the bed platform, which is indicated generally in the spring mechanism by infinite gradations without regard
at 17, may be flush with a wall surface, or the unit may be a to the orientation of the spring mechanism with respect to the
standalone assemblage whose backside butts againstan asso bed platform connector, and without regard to whether a bed
ciated wall. platformis, or is not, connected to the bed platform connector.
0024. The bed assembly 10 includes, in addition to the bed 0031. The new and improved spring mechanism of the
platform 17, a mattress, indicated in phantom at 18 in FIGS. present invention is indicated generally at 60 mounted on a
2 and 3, and a support leg 19 which pivots around pivot pins vertical side support member 29. The spring mechanism 60
20 located near the outer extremity of side rails 22 and 23 of includes a backing plate 61 which is secured to the side
bed platform 17. The support leg 19 is shown in its stored, support member 29 by recessed bolts 62, 63, 64 and 65. A
mattress restraining position in FIG.2, and in its fully pivoted, plurality of conventional coil springs, here ten in number, are
in use position in FIG. 3. The bed platform includes head rail indicated at 38. Although the appropriate number of coil
24 and foot rail 25, the bed platform being pivotable about a springs for a conventional king size bed, ten, have been cho
pivot, later described, associated with a spring mechanism sen as a specific embodiment to illustrate the invention, it will
indicated generally at 27 in FIG. 2. Spring mechanism 27 is be understood that the number of springs will vary in confor
secured to right and left side support members 28, 29. mity with the size of the bed.
0025 Referring now to FIG. 4 a widely used prior art 0032. Thus, seven or eight springs per spring mechanism
spring mechanism is indicated generally at 30. It includes a for a total of 14 to 16 springs are appropriate for the standard
base plate 31 secured to, here, a right vertical side Support double bed in the United States, nine springs per spring
member 29 by bolts 32, 33, 34 and 35. The rear of spring mechanism for a total of eighteen springs are appropriate for
mechanism 30 includes a flange 36 which is perpendicular to a standard queen size bed in the United States, and only five
the plane of the base plate 31, the flange 36 having a plurality springs per spring mechanism for a total often springs are
of holes, here eight, to receive the hook 37 at the inner end of appropriate for a standard single bed in the United States. The
each of eight springs 38. A T-shaped tension bar is indicated illustrated king bed mechanism is however appropriately rep
generally at 40, the tension bar 40 having a base section 41 resentative of the single, double and queen size beds as those
which is integral with a connector bar 42. The left or inner end skilled in the art will appreciate.
of tension bar 40 has a plurality, here eight, holes, not num
bered for the sake of clarity, each of which receives a hook 43 0033. It has been discovered that the physical characteris
at the outer end of an associated spring 38. tics and configuration of the individual spring when related to
0026. A lever for connecting the spring mechanism 27 to the bed size is essential for the optimum efficiency of the
the bed platform 17 is indicated generally at 45, the lever spring mechanism, a concept not heretofore appreciated.
being pivotally connected to right side support member 29 at 0034 Specifically, and assuming the average weight of a
46. The connector bar 42 is pivotally connected at 47 to the conventional bed board and mattress unit, it has been discov
lever 45 so that as lever 45 rotates clockwise and counter ered that each spring requires 43 coils per standard 6% inch
clockwise about a spatially fixed pivot 46, the springs 38 will relaxed length of the spring using a spring wire of 130 mm in
be extended or tensioned, and relaxed, respectively. diameter. Indeed, it has been found that what would appear to
0027. The upwardly projecting end 49 of lever 45 is be an interchangeable configuration of 45 coils of 125 mm
received within a short length of pipe 50 which provides wire in a standard 6% inch relaxed length of spring is insuf
leverage for rotating the lever 45 clockwise about pivot 46 ficient to perform satisfactorily. Conventional piano wire has
against the increasing tension of spring 38 by hand applied been found to be satisfactory.
pressure generated by a first installer indicated generally at 0035. Thus, since each spring, when extended from its
51. relaxed length of 634 inches (which is common to single beds
0028. It is necessary in this conventional prior art con to king sized beds) is extended to its full elongated length of
struction to rotate the lever 45 to the illustrated position in 10% inches (which is also common to single beds to king
order to enable the temporary locking arm 53, which is piv sized bed(s), 220 pounds of pull is developed. Thus in the
otally connected to the lever 45 at 54, to be swung in a illustrated ten springs per spring mechanism 60, a total of
generally horizontal plane by the second installer 48 until the twenty springs, or 4,400 pounds of pull are developed. By the
slotted end of the temporary locking arm 53 slips overbolt 34 same token, almost 4,000 pounds of pull are developed in a
to hold the lever 45 in the illustrated position preparatory to nine spring per spring mechanism queen size bed construc
receiving the inner end of the bed platform 17. tion.
0029 Swinging the temporary locking arm 53 in a gener 0036. It will be understood that due to the highly competi
ally horizontal plane to cause it to engage bolt 34 can only be tive nature of this industry and the consequent extensive stan
done by a second installer 48 pressing his finger 55 against the dardization of as many components as possible, such as lever
temporary locking arm 53, since the first installer 51 must 45 which is characteristic of 100%, or very nearly 100% of all
hold the lever 45 in the illustrated position. As a consequence, Murphy beds today, the distance between the left end of
in this currently used system, two installers are an absolute backing plate 61 and pivot point 81 is such that, to provide
necessity. space for tension bar 40 of the prior art or its inventive
0030 Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 6 a new and unique, replacement, tensioning yoke 68, the relaxed length of the
infinitely variable tensioning mechanism for moving a load spring must be 634 inches and the extended length 10%
about a fixed axis, here embodied in a spring mechanism and inches.
bed platform connector system for a standard king size bed is 0037. The left end of each spring terminates in a hook 37
illustrated in which all danger to a bed platform installer is which passes through an associated hole 66 in backing plate
eliminated, and, with practice, only one installer is required to 61 and curves around the left end of the backing plate 61.
US 2008/0163421 A1 Jul. 10, 2008
0038. The tensioning yoke, which is indicated generally at 0044) Referring now to the embodiment of FIGS. 7
68, has a flat left portion 69 which lies in sliding contact with through 10, a combination tiltable bed and desk assembly is
the adjacent surface of backing plate 61. Left portion 69 has illustrated generally at 92. The assembly is mounted in a rigid
a plurality of holes 70, here ten, each of which receives the support frame consisting of left side wall 93, right side wall
yoke hook 71 at the right end of each spring 38. The tension 94, top wall 95 and rear-bottom base member 96, see FIGS.
ingyoke 68 and the springs comprise a tensioning assembly. 8-10.
0039. The right portion 73 of yoke 65 carries two generally 0045. The combination tiltable bed and desk assembly
aligned bosses 74, 75 which have coaxial threaded bores includes a bed assembly indicated generally at 98, and a desk
therein of identical diameter and thread size. A threaded assembly indicated generally at 99.
member, here a threaded eye-bolt is indicated at 77, the 0046. The bed assembly includes a bed platform 100 hav
threaded shank of the eye-bolt being received in the coaxial ing a base 101 and upstanding side edge walls 102, only the
threaded bores in bosses 74, 75. In FIG. 5 the eye-bolt 77 is right side edge wall appearing in the drawing. A front wall is
shown spaced arcuately away from its retracted position and indicated at 103 and rear wall at 104, see FIG. 9, said walls
in FIG. 6 the eye-bolt is shown in its retracted position. It will receiving and confining a mattress 105. The spring mecha
be understood that the FIG.5 position illustrates a convenient nism 60 of FIGS. 5 and 6 are secured to the left and right side
spacing of the parts Suitable for installing the bed platform to walls 93 and 94, each spring mechanism including a lever 45
the spring mechanism. The eye-bolt is also threaded through which is pivoted at 46, see FIG. 8, to the backing plate 61 and
a hex head nut 78 which is received in the aperture 79 in the hence to the left and right side support walls 93 and 94. The
right portion 73 of yoke 68, the shank of the eye-bolt being connector 45 is secured to the bed platform 100 as indicated
threaded through the internal thread of the nut 78. The aper in FIG. 6.
ture 79 is extended radially outwardly from the aligned axes 0047. The desk assembly 99 includes the flat working
of the bosses 74, 75 to provide easy access for an adjusting surface member 108 having upstanding left and right side
tool, such as a crescent wrench, to rotate nut 78. Linear walls 109, 110 and rear wall 112.
movement of the nut with respect to the outer end of the 0048 Left and right support members 113 and 114 extend
tensioning assembly, is thereby precluded. As a result, the downwardly from end portions of the bed platform base 101,
eye-bolt 77 may move inwardly toward the left end 69 of the the Support members in this instance being rigid box frames
tensioning assembly, or outwardly away from right portion 73 having a top 115 secured to the outer end portions of bed
of the tensioning assembly. platform 101, legs 116 and 117 which extend perpendicularly
0040. The lever 45 of this embodiment has the same con outwardly from the ends of top 115, and base member 118.
figuration as the standardized lever 45 of the prior art embodi When the bed platform base 101 is in its horizontal bed use
ment of FIG. 3. Thus no reconfiguration of the conventional position of FIG. 8 the base members 118 of the rigid box
lever is required. frames 113 and 114 are aligned with, and rest upon, the upper
0041 Lever 45 is pivotally connected as at 81 to the edges of their associated left and right side walls 109 and 110
threaded eye-bolt 77. Since the yoke 68 is not secured to the of the flat working surface member 108 as best seen in FIG.8.
backing plate 61, theyoke 68 merely slides slightly upwardly, The box frames 113 and 114 are connected to the flat surface
as shown in FIG. 5, or slightly downwardly, as shown in FIG. member 108 by a bracket 120, see FIG.8, which is pivoted to
6, as the pivotal connection 81 of the eye-bolt 77 moves a side wall, such as right side wall 110 of FIG. 8, by a pivot
upwardly and downwardly following movement of lever 45. 121.
In other words, the spring mechanism 60 and the orientation 0049. The desktop 108 moves with the bed base 101 as the
of the springs 38 in the tensioning assembly remain generally bed moves from its in use position of FIG. 8 through an arc of
horizontal in all positions of the bed to a floor; i.e.: vertical movement represented by arrow 122 of FIG. 9 and into the
and horizontal, as a comparison of FIGS. 5 and 6 will bed stored position of FIG. 10.
instantly disclose. It will be noted that pivotal connection 81 0050. The desktop 108 is maintained horizontal through
of the tensioning assembly to the lever 45 always lies above out the entire path of travel from the FIG. 8 to the FIG. 10
the spatially fixed lever pivot 46 so that pivot 81 moves along position, and in the reverse movement, by the bed-desk link
a relatively flat arc above pivot 46. age system indicated generally at 124, see FIG. 10.
0042. The side of bed platform 23 carries an upper seating 0051. The bed-desk linkage system 124 includes a link
pin83 which is proportioned to be received in vertical seat 84 126. The link 126 is pivotally connected at its inner end to the
in the upper end of lever 45. A lower seating pin 85 is carried right side wall 94 at 127 and its outer end is pivotally con
by the lower end of the bed platform side rail and so spaced nected to the outside of side wall 110 at 128. From a com
from upper seating pin 84 that when the bed platform is parison of FIGS. 8, 9 and 10 it will be seen that the distance
swung from the partially engaged position of FIG. 5 to the between pivots 127 and 128 of link 126 equals the distance
fully engaged position of FIG. 6, the lower seating pin83 will between pivot 46 and pivot 121, and that the geometrical lines
seat in the notch 86 at the lower end of lever 45. Once the pins formed by said distances are parallel. By the same token, the
84 and 85 are in their seated positions of FIG. 6, a lockingpin distance between pivot 46 and pivot 127, firstly, and the
87 is passed through aligned holes 88 in lever 49 and 89 in distance between pivot 121 and pivot 128, secondly, are
side rail 22 to lock the bed platform 17 to the spring mecha equal. In other words, pivots 46, 121, 128 and 127 form a
1S. parallelogram linkage so that as the desk 108 moves from the
0043. By virtue of the infinitely variable relationship daytime in use position of FIG. 10 to the nighttime out of use
between the fixed spring backing plate 61 and the adjustably position of FIG. 8, and vice versa, the desk will remain flat so
positioned lever 45, the spring tension may be so precisely that round objects as well as flat objects may remain on the
adjusted that only a few pounds of force, less than 10, is all desk throughout the 24 hours of the day.
that is required to pull the bed platform 17 and mattress 18 0052. In the embodiments of both FIG. 1 and FIG. 7 the
down, or lift them up. force required to move the bed platforms 17 and 100 may be
US 2008/0163421 A1 Jul. 10, 2008
regulated by spring mechanisms 60 So that only a modest pivotal connection of the rigid spring anchor member of the
force. Such as just Sufficient to overcome inertia, need be spring mechanism to the lever is at a location above the
applied to move the embodiments between their extreme pivotal mounting of the lever to the base plate.
positions so that the structures can be easily operated by a 4. The lever actuated spring mechanism of claim 3 further
person of very modest strength. characterized in that
0053 Although several embodiments of the invention the means for extending the springs to their maximum
have been illustrated and described, it should be understood extension and relaxing the springs to their minimum
extension is a screw thread connector located between
that the invention should not be limited to the precise structure the rigid spring anchor member and the pivotable con
shown but rather only by the appended claims when inter nection of the rigid spring anchor member to the lever.
preted in light of the relevant prior art. 5. The lever actuated spring mechanism of claim 4 further
1. A lever actuated spring mechanism for a Murphy bed, characterized in that
said mechanism including the screw thread connector includes a threaded shaft
a stationary base plate and means for connecting the sta mounted on the end of the rigid spring anchor member
tionary base plate to a Support structure, nearest the lever which threaded shaft can be moved
a lever pivotally mounted on the base plate and Swingable toward and away from the outer end of the tensioning
from a horizontal to a vertical position about a spatially yoke assembly to thereby infinitely vary the spring ten
fixed pivot, sion of the spring mechanism, and (couldn't read 2 rows
a spring mechanism including a plurality of springs con above)
the outer end of the threaded shaft pivotally connecting the
nected at one end to the base plate and connected at the spring mechanism to the lever.
other end to a rigid spring anchor member which is 6. The lever operated spring mechanism of claim 5 further
connected to, and movable forward and away from, the characterized in that
lever, the adjustment means for infinitely varying the position of
means for changing the position of the rigid spring anchor the threaded shaft further includes a nut carried by the
member with respect to the lever, threaded shaft,
means for maintaining the spring mechanism in a generally said nut being restrained by means carried by the rigid
horizontal position when the lever is in a horizontal spring anchor member which precludes linear move
position, a vertical position, and all positions therebe ment of the nut along the axis of the threaded shaft,
tween, and whereby linear movement of the nut with respect to the
means for extending the springs to their maximum exten outer and of the rigid spring anchor member is also
sion when the lever is in a horizontal position and for precluded.
relaxing the springs So as to assume their minimum 7. The lever actuated spring mechanism for a Murphy bed
extension when the lever is in a vertical position in of claim 1 further characterized in that
infinite increments. each individual spring in the spring mechanism comprises
2. The lever actuated spring mechanism of claim 1 further 43 coils per a 6% inch relaxed length, the wire compris
characterized in that ing the coils being 130 mm in diameter,
the rigid spring anchor member is pivotally connected to said coils being extendable to a tensioned length of 10%
the lever. inches.
3. The lever actuated spring mechanism of claim 2 further
characterized in that