PM CH July Prog 2023
PM CH July Prog 2023
PM CH July Prog 2023
Chorus The sunset, and the morning,
All things bright and beautiful, That brightens up the sky:
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful, 3. The cold wind in the winter,
The Lord God made them all. The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
1. Each little flower that opens, He made them every one.
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours, 4. He gave us eyes to see them,
He made their tiny wings. And lips that we might tell,
How great is God almighty,
2. The purple headed mountain, Who has made all things well!
International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria. 1. The God who led His people through the parted sea,
And from Egyptian bondage, set His children free,
Who rained down bread from heaven all the pilgrim way,
Is the God to whom I pray.
July 2023
Power Must Change Hands Chorus
Just the same today, just the same today,
As when He led His people through the sea;
Water of Fire Service His trustful child I’ll be, For In His word I see,
The God who doeth wonders,
Is just the same today.