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Pds Detail Page
1000 THF is designed with premium Group II base oils, Selected specification standards include:
a viscosity index (VI) improver, oxidation and corrosion
inhibitors, anti-wear and film strength additives, an AGCO API
antifoaming agent, and a pour point depressant, to offer
Case Corporation Case New Holland
optimum smooth operation across a wide temperature
range. Caterpillar Ford
Although it is not designed to align exactly with the
Ford New Holland International Harvester
SAE J300 viscosity classification system, it approximates
to the SAE 15W-30 viscosity grade. 1000 THF replaces John Deere Kubota
Textran TDH Premium.
Massey Ferguson Minneapolis-Moline
Customer benefits Oliver Renk Doromat
• Advanced additives help protect against scuffing and
Volvo White Farm Equipment
wear under severe operating conditions, offering
maximum equipment life ZF
• Formulated to offer suppressed brake 'chatter' and
transmission 'slip' for quiet and efficient equipment
• Designed for a wide range of multifunctional tractor
hydraulic system applications, helping reduce product
inventories and costs
• Helps keep metal components clean and free of harmful
varnish and sludge, promoting reduced maintenance
Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment operating conditions and
customer’s maintenance practices.
1000 THF ─ Continued
• 1000 THF is formulated to suppress brake 'chatter' and • Case Corporation MS 1206
excessive brake facing wear. It offers smooth
• Case Corporation MS 1207
operation of clutch packs and wet brakes, is designed
for good shifting action, offers reliable rust and • Case Corporation MS 1209
corrosion protection for vital parts, and helps minimise
• Case Corporation MS 1210 (TCH)
leakage because of good compatibility with seals,
O-rings, and packing materials • Case New Holland CNH MAT 3505
• It helps prevent sludge and varnish formation, protects • Case New Holland CNH MAT 3525
metal surfaces against scuffing and wear, and provides
• Caterpillar TO-2
lubrication for spur, helical, and spiral bevel final drive
gears • Ford ESN-M2C134-D
• 1000 THF is compatible with a range of equipment • Ford New Holland FNHA-2-C-201.00
manufacturer’s proprietary fluids and other fluids of this
• International Harvester B6
• John Deere JDM J20C
• 1000 THF is recommended for use in:
• Kubota UDT
- ABB Dodge controlled start-up transmissions
• Massey Ferguson CMS M1135
- Non-hypoid API GL-4 applications.
• Massey Ferguson CMS M1141
- Hitachi mid-sized wheel loader axle applications,
transfer case and hydraulics • Massey Ferguson CMS M1143
• Massey Ferguson CMS M1145
• 1000 THF is also a suitable hydraulic fluid for many
types of hydraulic system requiring an anti-wear • Minneapolis-Moline Q-1722
hydraulic fluid in this viscosity range. It passes the
• Minneapolis-Moline Q-1766
High Pressure Vane Pump Test, ASTM D2882, with
less than 15 mg steel weight loss • Minneapolis-Moline Q-1766B
• Some automotive axles require a special friction- • Oliver Q-1705
modified limited slip fluid. Although 1000 THF is friction
• Renk Doromat 874A
modified, it does not have the EP performance needed
in applications requiring a GL-5 limited slip fluid. 1000 • Renk Doromat 874B
THF should not be used in limited slip applications
• White Farm Equipment Q-1826
unless a fluid of this type is explicitly permitted
Under low speed-high torque conditions. Not
Approvals, performance and recommended for on-highway applications
recommendations [2]
Volvo approval number: 004
Approvals [3]
ZF approval number: ZF000100
• Volvo 97303 (WB 101) [2]
Shelf Life: 60 months from date of filling indicated on the product label.
The information given in the typical data does not constitute a specification but is an indication based on current production and can be affected by
allowable production tolerances. The right to make modifications is reserved. This supersedes all previous editions and information contained in them.
Disclaimer Chevron accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using this product for any application other than applications
specifically stated in any Product Data Sheet's.
Health, safety, storage and environmental Based on current available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when
used for the intended application and in accordance with the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). MSDS's are available
upon request through your local sales office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. When disposing
of used product, take care to protect the environment and follow local legislation.