Fed STD 245e
Fed STD 245e
Fed STD 245e
WY 31, 1972
1.1 Application. This standard applies to the aluminum alloy and magnesium
al10Y wrought products acquired by a Federal agency, provided it is referenced
in the contract or order, or in the governing specification. Wherever a more
stringent tolerance requirement is also incorporated by reference in the
contractual document, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
(Single copies of the ANSI documents are available from the Pmerican
National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. )
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A, Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
FED-STD-245E i.
5. Tolerance details.
Review Activities:
TABLE I U.S. Customary tolerance on tho f l?.tness of ntagnesiun al 10Y sheet end plate
,. Tolerance ( I), InCh
A11OY and temper Specifted thfckness Any 12 {riches Any 36 inches Any 72 tnches
Inches or less or less or less
AZ31B-O and -H24 0.126 thru 0.250 0.020 0.030
ZEIOA-Oand -H24 0.251 thru 0.500 ,024 ,016
0.501 thru 1.000 .030 .045
1.001 thru 2.oOO .040 .060
AZ31B-H26 0.126 tnru 0.250 ,020 ,030
0.251 thru 0.500 .025 .038
0.501 thru 2.000 .050 ,075
HK31A-0, HK31A-H24,
and 0.250 thru 3.000 0.250
( 1) As maasured with the plate or sheet reSti.W on a flat surf act., concave sjde uDward, uSing
a straight edge and a fee; er gauge, dial gauge, or a scale.
.. . .. .. ..
TABLE 11 International System of units tolerance on the flatness of magnesium alloy sheet and plate.
I Tolerance (1) , mn
Alloy and temper Specified thickness Any 305 mn AnY 914,4 on’.. AnY 1829 w
m or less or less or less
AZ31B. O and -H24 3.20 thru’ 6.3S 0.50 mm 0,76 mm
0.91 mo
1.14 100
1 .s2 m
0.76 ml
0.91 m -
1.91 m
HK31A-0, HK31A-H24,
6.35 thru 76.20 I 6,3S nrn
( 11 As msasured WI th the Plate or sheet rest Inn on a flat surface. concave side upward, us~ng
a straisht edge and a feeler gaune, dtal gauge, or a scale.